#sculk sammy
sculkapologist · 7 months
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We have raids turned off on our friend realm, but pillager patrols still pop up and these guys are A THORN IN MY SIDE, so naturally I started thinking about Sammy..... Trying to hide from them, or running away to try to lose them and lead them away from his home.
The sensor seems like it would give him away, but then Mochi pointed out that pillagers are one of the few mobs that might RECOGNISE that noise and know what it usually means... what if they hear it and just RUN? .... or what if they return with reinforcements to investigate...
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
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i was just sitting down to doodle and got carried away thinking abt sculk... have a sculk sammy
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
I was asking what you think Henry's fate is. Is it a time loop? Is it just a reel playing? Is all of it just a dream on his or Joey Drew's death bed? But you pose an interesting question too, do all the games connect in some way even if BATDR is not gonna be a direct continuation?
I’ve pondered on the nature of the world of Bendy and the Ink Machine for a while now and, after a little bit of digging around, reading theories that people have had, watching theory videos and a few playthroughs, I’ve come to a few conclusions over Henry’s fate and the meaning behind the ambiguous ending we got.
This idea is, as such, a mixture of Game Theory’s Revised BATIM Ending Theory plus expectations for BATDR, SuperHorrorBro’s ideas for who BATDR’s Big Bad might actually be, as well as several other ideas that have consistently popped up through out the Fandom’s existence.
Buckle up, this might get long as heck.
     To start this off, I’m gonna need to clarify that the Cycle (which is the dimension the first game takes place in, although the origins of this particular world are still debatable as real or fiction within the canon itself) functions in a way that seems to rely heavily on ideas and impossible physics. Not only that, but those who exist within this plane will follow a mixture of Real World and Cartoon World laws, so while death exists in the Cycle it isn’t permanent and things that could usually obliterate you in one go (like massive falls, a hit with an axe, or getting bashed by an out of control fairground attraction) aren’t an instant threat to your overall health. It also appears that people within the Cycle aren’t immediatly aware that they’re following cartoon logic, as Henry (who is supposedly human) doesn’t seem to react all that much to some of the most life threatening moments he faces in the Studio. This in itself already shows something is off about the whole situation Bendy’s original creator has gotten himself mixed up with.
Another thing I need to point out is that the Toonification process doesn’t seem to be reliant of the Cycle itself, and instead happened in the Real World as the events in “Dreams Come True”, and Thomas Connor’s and Joey Drew’s Audio Log on the Ink Demon imply. This, to me, seems to point towards the Cycle having been made some point during Joey’s Toonification experiments as maybe somewhere to hide his twisted creations, so it might be the Ink Machine has the capacity to not only bring things to “life” but to also create other dimensions from templates. Where these dimensions are kept is up to debate, but I assume Joey keeps the Cycle withing the Ink Machine itself. Either way, what I mean to say with these two little notes is that, while Henry appears to be in a fake version of the Studio that doesn’t mean the story of the game is just that, a story. I think everything IS real. But more on that in a bit...
Lets get started with the actual questions you asked:
--Is it a time loop?-- 
Yes, positively. The Tool clarifies this as soon as we get it. In fact, the iteration of the loop we’re doing as Henry is the 415th, and the following we do with the Tool unlocked is the 416th, meaning Henry (and by extention the other Studio Prisoners) have been at this for quite some time even if we weren’t aware at first. To the point where Henry began trying to establish contact with himself.
--Is it just a reel playing?-- 
Also yes. The Cycle as I’ve pointed out before, operates on Cartoon Logic. As such it can be compared to an endlessly looping reel of unfinished film. This is made more apparent by the reel Henry uses to “beat” the Ink Demon. “The End” is something of a curiosity as it is a contradiction in of itself. Not so much a final dot to close off an act as an infinity mark. It’s existence within the Cyle is also curious, as it seems unlikely Joey would have physically made a reel to stop the Ink Demon, so it brings the question of whether or not Mr. Drew can alter the Cycle externally (something that’s already hinted at due to the storyboards you can find on his desk at Joey’s apartment).
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This to me indicates the Cycle can be altered (which Henry does whenever he tries to communicate, and by Allison Angel discovering the messages), but that bigger changes need to be done from the Real World.
--Is all of it just a dream on Henry’s or Joey Drew's death bed?--
No, I don’t think it’s a dream or just a story Joey is telling a child. I think the happenings of the game are actually happening, but that perhaps “The End” is a series of blank reels Joey feeds into the Ink Machine and that get filled out by Henry’s actions, and that Joey then watches them and recounts the tales to who I can only assume might likely be Henry’s and Linda’s daughter (as Joey pointed out Henry settled down while he did not, and it’s never mentioned if he has siblings).
With these questions out of the way, here’s what I believe happened to Henry and the implications of the game’s ending where Joey’s “niece” requests another story... The fact of the matter is that Henry is dead.
Why do I believe this? It’s like Matpat pointed out in his Revised Theory video (I know, y’all gonna get on my case because “Game Theory is cringy ew”, but seriously have a look yourself instead of going off in my askbox). It all has to do with small details that seem insignificant or just asthetic choices, but that can actually have a lot more hold on the plot.
Two of these details are:
The 5 coffins at the Studio and letters in Joey’s appartment.
The newspaper clipping Joey keeps in the Ink Machine room at the appartment, which was specifically picked and curated to appear in the game despite the player never going into the room to see it up close.
There’s a number of characters you learn about in the game and (by extention) the novel, and quite a few are dead (Such as Buddy’s friends Jacob and Dot who were murdered by an insane Sammy), but surprisingly only 5 have physical coffins at the Studio ingame.
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And what do I mean by physical coffins? Well, there’s a 6th unofficial one, that’s what... And where can we find it?
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Henry’s cell in chapter 5. He drew it himself even.
This doesn’t confirm anything of course, it could just be that Henry is into dramatics, but then we get to the newspaper clipping that Joey picked out specifically and kept in a room only he likely enters:
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“Local Artist Pushed Himself Too Hard, Found Dead at Desk”
And what did Joey say about Henry pushing him to do the right thing? That he should have pushed a little harder... Like somehow Henry is at fault for Joey’s bad choices. Like Henry deserves what comes next... It almost feels like someone dishing out a speech before an execution, justifying why they’re getting killed. It’s a scene that made me inexplicably nervous until I looked into things.
Why bring up the coffins and letters to prove this, you may ask? Well, another thing Matpat points out is that the people who have coffins are people who were put through the Ink Machine, dying in the process and returning as Ink Monstrosities/Imperfect Toons, while people who got a letter from Joey and that replied to him were never lured back to him.
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Wally Franks, for example, is living in Florida so he couldn’t make it to New York to fall into Mr. Drew’s trap. Allison and Thomas Connors are also out of the way so they merely exchange formaleties through correspondance (which implies Joey “made up” with them at some point to try to lure them back and has kept the charade up for a while).
So anyway, people who have coffins in the Studio are not only confirmed dead but also became monsters.
Norman became the Projectionist
Grant likely became either the Piper, Fisher, or Striker
Bertrum became the monstrous Carnival Ride
Lacie likely became either the Piper, Fisher or Striker
Susie became the Imperfect Alice Angel
You’re likely asking about Allison Angel and Tom Boris now, to which I raise you another Matpat pointer from the video above: Allison Angel states that she and Tom would dissolve if they were in contact with pools of ink.
Why is this relevant? Well, it means their bodies are made entirely of ink unlike, for example, Norman who is the sculking Projectionist. Why Norman? Well, he wades through a pool of Ink in level 14 and doesn’t dissolve. Heck, he chases Henry through the pool of ink without any trouble whatsoever in catching up. Why is he different from Allison and Tom? Because he has a soul stabilizing his grotesquely altered body.
Creatures that were once human and were transformed don’t just dissolve into ink. Their bodies remain intact after death until they eventually return to the inky abyss (potentially from being ripped apart) or until they’re revived by a Bendy Statue (Like Sammy, as implied by a clever easter egg near the fountain with the respawning Swollen Searcher).
In fact, now that I think about it, out of all the hostile creatures you encounter, Sammy, Susie, Norman, Bertrum and the Butcher Gang are some of the more stable bodied creatures within the Cycle, requiring a lot more hits to die than Searchers and Lost Ones, although Susie does die from a single stab (though the blow itself WAS pretty devastating in itself).
After pondering on this little idea I realized that the presence of Allison Angel and Tom Boris were entirely fabricated at that point. One of many alterations created by Joey to guide Henry through the last leg of his journey towards “The End”, very likely modelled after the real Allison and Thomas who he viewed as hostile, thus portrayed them as initially aggressive towards Henry. I mean, after so many unsuccefful attempts to make creatures entirely of ink (like the Ink Demon), it’s not too farfetched to say Joey eventually got the hang of it. The Mini Ink machines do it flawlessly and even help Henry, so who’s to say Joey didn’t perfect it within the Cycle to create beings not quite as strong as the Ink Demon, but strong enough to kill corrupt humans?
Again why is any of this relevant to how I think Henry’s dead? Simple. People who replied to Joey lived. Henry didn’t reply, instead he was lured in.
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      I believe that the Ink Machine’s disastrous results in the Real World made Joey realize that making a person into a Toon through passing them through the machine with a template wasn’t gonna cut it to fix the grand mess he’d made out of the Ink Demon. But, I also think he realized passing them through the Ink Machine while living was also the issue. The ink corrupted their souls, left them vulnerable to becoming Imperfect beings like Susie. Having them ingest the ink prior to going through was also not gonna cut it, as it’s connection to the Ink Demon gradually destroyed Sammy’s already frail sanity and changed him into an abomination (that had a pretty strong will for possibly three deaths before he finally lost himself completely and became a soulless Searcher). This left one final method to experiment with on the one person he thought responsible to clean his fuck-ups: Joey had to kill Henry prior to putting him through the machine.
     In “Dreams Come True”, Buddy reveals that upon becoming Boris, his body was discarded. A byproduct of his soul enfusing with the ink and rejecting his human flesh. It might be possible that Joey was quick enough in killing Henry in an inconspicuous manner and then putting his body through the machine that Henry’s soul was pulled into the Cycle flawlessly while his body was spat back out for Joey to later deal with (Putting him behind his work desk as if he’d simply died of exhaustion, neatly hiding his crime behind the “suffering of a tortured artist”). This would explain why Henry lacks a shadow or reflection. He’s a ghost. A ghost that’s slowly realizing how hopeless his situation is. What a great pal Joey Drew turned out to be...
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     Moving on to the ending of the game itself, there’s some very dark implications that come with Henry being dead. For one, Joey Drew doesn’t have a family, yet he’s recounting Henry’s plight to a little girl who affectionately calls him “Uncle Joey”. We know Henry pursued a family over a busy career, so it’s heavily implied that during the 414 attempts of trying to find a way out of the Studio, Henry’s wife has been grieving him, going so far as to leave their daughter with Joey as she tries to provide for the both of them.
Joey being the pathological liar that he is, would likely graciously look afer his old friend’s daughter and maybe offer “emotional support” to a distraught Linda, cementing his innocense, all the while bragging to the child about what really happened to her father without her knowing. That is a pretty twisted theory and I honestly like the idea due to how horrific it is.
But where does BATDR come into play here?
Well, it’s been confirmed to not be a prequel nor a sequel. Matpat suggested it might either be an Alternate Universe or a Side Story. I believe the latter is more likely, thanks to SuperHorrorBro theorizing that the people behind Gent might be the Big Bad/cause of that particular game’s misfortunes. A Side Story about the Ink Machine being recreated and templates re-used to create a familiar yet brand new nightmare.
I believe BATIM and BATDR are a vicious cycle of madness happening at the same time. The same task repeated by people who expect different results. Only with Joey Drew it was an animation studio, with GENT it might be on a larger scale...But who knows?
There will be returning characters, so maybe BATDR will shed new light upon the Ink Machine and the Cycle’s true nature.
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sculkapologist · 7 months
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Was suddenly possessed with the desire for a lil set of profiles for everyone in the Corrupted World minecraft AU!! you can probably tell by their names that these guys started life in the Bendy fandom, but then we got really carried away with MINECRAFT LORE...
the Basic Premise of Corrupted World AU is that when a bit of code gets corrupted, or degrades over time, the world replaces that code with something similar -- a corrupted bit of grassland will be overwritten by the code of nearby grassland. This works fine for most things, but there's nothing else like a Player in the world of Minecraft.................... these little bits of encroaching mob data have been mostly benign, until Joey's curiosity stretches the world to its limits, and the world's corruption becomes more aggressive.
Some basic notes on everyone under the cut!
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Jack is an old player whose code changed so slowly that he honestly can't remember a time when he wasn't a little sheepy. A peaceful, friendly guy who loves to explore and makes contacts wherever he goes -- moving from village to village, build to build, to bring items he's found in his travels to trade and sell, sounding his own broken goat horn to announce his wares. Thanks to Jack, the world's far-flung players might be able to start to connect again...
(design by Mochi and Shazz, character by Mochi)
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Sammy is a grumpy and strangely cautious player who keeps to himself ever since he escaped from an Ancient City..... changed. He was once an adventurous builder with an exacting sense of aesthetics, but now he's just trying to survive quietly with his sheep. Afflicted with painfully sensitive hearing and infected with sculk, he hides in an underground, wool-insulated home out in the hills and lives the most pacifist life he can manage, avoiding any death that could spread the sculk in his body.
(design and character by Shazz (me!))
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Henry was always driven to look out for others, and when he died defending a village from attack, the grateful villagers helped to revive him the only way they knew how. He kind of wishes they'd just let him respawn... not realising some glitching armour had scrambled his health too badly to come back normally. In any case, Henry's gotten attached to the village... becoming more protective of the people there... almost unwilling to leave.
(design by Maf and Shazz, character by Maf)
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A bit of a loner with a strange sense of humour, Norman often lingered near the ocean and didn't notice the little changes like not needing air when his water-breathing potions should've run out... until the corruption of his code made it sort of impossible for him to return to land. That's alright; he's perfectly happy to hassle the others when they wander into his territory.
(design by Shazz and Boo, character by Thren)
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Wickedly clever with a knack for experimentation, Susie was left stranded in the Nether a long time ago and was determined to thrive even in that hellish domain -- and thrive she did. Now she's gotten a bit of reputation even on the Overworld, both for a mastery of potions and magic, and a cruel willingness to take what she wants.
(design by Boo and Thren, character by Thren)
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Ever since Joey defeated the Ender Dragon and heard that conversation between two mysterious voices, he hasn't been able to let go of the idea that there is something more beyond this world of blocks and code -- but this charismatic dreamer has been prying at the world's secrets well before that. He convinced Susie to join him as the first to explore the Nether, talked Sammy into delving into an Ancient City with him, and tried to get Henry to join him in his quest for the End, gifting him code-modified armour that was better than anything his old friend could get. For some reason, though, they all lost contact, and Joey found himself alone in the End, where more code experiments in a land where only one mob is really prevalent had... an effect on him....
(design and character by Boo)
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Pete isn't a player at all, he's a villager... but one day he found himself outside of his village, suddenly realised how big the world is, and couldn't resist the urge to explore. He's close with Jack, and has joined up with him on some expeditions to aid his own work as a cartographer. Without the ability to respawn, though, it's significantly more dangerous for him, and the two of them MAY have poked into some evoker magic looking for an alternative...
(design and character by Thren and Mochi)
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Linda is deeply interested in the world's history, curious what sort of people or ancient players must've once populated the ruins, and she's also an experienced crafter with a penchant for metalworking. While the world of Minecraft has no real concept of monogamous relationships, she's settled with Henry as her one-and-only... which works out now that he's partially made of metal. Linda hadn't experienced any code corruption until data replacement became more aggressive, and it's still subtle for now. But it's handy to be able to touch things that are burning hot without taking damage!
(design by Shazz, character by Thren and Maf)
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Fixing Sammy should be easy enough, Joey thought. Some of his data was corrupted by sculk -- if they can find that lost data in the code somewhere, it just needs to be reintegrated with Sammy. Attach it to an eye of ender, replace one of Sammy's eyes with the eye of ender -- simple! A complete Sammy! ...the lost data itself had other ideas. This strange construct that collected around the eye Joey provided is a mix of Sammy's lost data, garbled junk data, and -- he claims -- the remnants of an Ancient Player from the days when end cities were populated, before everything went so wrong and Minecraft's world became so lonely. His speech is glitchy and garbled, struggling to describe a Game and Code and a True Player that he believes must reset a world that has been "running too long." In lieu of a username, this apocalyptic anomaly goes by "the Prophet".
(design and character by Shazz)
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
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So... if Sammy's gonna get his sculk sensors calibrated by installing amethyst in his head......... someone needs to do the ill-advised surgery.............
Boo mentioned that it might honestly just look like Joey'd opened Sammy's head up to alter his code and uh wHAT A COOL CONCEPT so that had to be included here too
[joey designed by @inkyvendingmachine ]
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
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[vibrating uncontrollably in my seat] sO!!!! HOW ABOUT THOSE NEW!!!!!!!! CALIBRATED SCULK SENSORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The newest update in minecraft is going to be introducing a new crafting recipe where, by jamming amethyst crystals into a sculk sensor, you can calibrate it with a redstone signal, so the sensor only reacts to certain sounds instead of A L L S O U N D ..... so... maybe with some weird inadvisable surgery, Sammy can finally get a bit of relief...?
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
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someone brought up the idea of the sculk growing over Sammy's mouth so uh obviously I thought about that a Normal Amount
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inkdemonapologist · 2 years
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Mochi idly brought up Minecraft AU but with BatIMs as players and I immediately proposed infecting Sammy with sculk... as one does.......... (art style super inspired by these!)
Minecraft Sammy thoughts:
So, in minecraft, there’s a terrifying area called “the Deep Dark” where this mold-like substance called “sculk” travels in veins over other blocks and converts the whole block to sculk, sprouting sensors that detect the slightest sound and “shriekers” that scream when sound is detected to summon a powerful monster called The Warden. The only block that’s safe in this area..... is wool, which absorbs sound. Wool can be used to block the sensors and keep the sculk from hearing you. THIS IS PERFECT FOR SHEEP REASONS???
So current thinking is, Sammy was lost/trapped in an ancient city in the Deep Dark for a long time and came back... different. Everything on the surface seems so much louder now, but he’s still happy to be free.  He keeps to himself, living just underground, his home surrounded with the sheep he raises and insulated with their wool to give him some relief from the noise. He also lives a largely pacifist life, since any death might spread the sculk further over his body.
But if he ever ends up in the Deep Dark again, the Warden’s heartbeat calls to him, and he can’t help sending out the signals that summon it. He’d sacrifice others to appease Warden without a second thought. He doesn’t want to go back.
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inkdemonapologist · 2 years
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“maybe now i will draw something other than minecraft au” WELL.... ABOUT THAT.....
Anyway, uh, Henry and Sammy have a bit of a history!!! It’s not... it’s not a GOOD history... 
When he got lost in the Deep Dark, Sammy ended up setting a respawn point deep in the Ancient City -- but after his first few deaths, he no longer had enough supplies to make it out of the place where no mobs spawn before dying of starvation, and ended up spawning back in the heart of the ruins over, and over, and over. Essentially trapped, he began trying to decipher the old rituals in earnest, learned to revere the Warden, and... acclimated.
Henry stumbled into the Deep Dark on a routine mining trip when he ran into this strange desperate man with sculk growing on (in???) his body, who begged him for help. Henry, naturally, was eager to assist, and followed him into the city -- where Sammy called for the Warden, then fell silent and trusted Henry’s confused and frightened yelling and running to keep the Warden’s attention on him. An offered sacrifice.
The supplies Henry dropped on his death were enough for Sammy to loot his things and escape. In the Ancient City, surrounded by sculk with the Warden’s heartbeat in his ear, his actions had made perfect sense... but once on the surface...... Sammy just reassures himself that he did what he had to. He had to get out.
Anyway when they meet again on the surface one day SUFFICE TO SAY THINGS MIGHT BE A LITTLE TENSE
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inkdemonapologist · 9 months
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a WHOLE BUNCH of minecraft au doodles I keep forgetting to post,, please enjoy this weird smorgasboard:
Sammy can use trapdoors in builds but, with his sculk sensor's redstone signal clicking them out of place whenever it goes off, tHEY'RE A LOT MORE TROUBLE TO WORK WITH
JACK IS VERY GOOD AT JUMPY... AND HES PROBABLY STRONG... mochi mentioned the concept of Jack scooping Sammy up in his arms to whisk him away and that was TOO GOOD TO NOT DOODLE
We've been thinking Norman might be turning into an elder guardian......
as demonstrated by Jack, you can build up more than one type of corrupted data, so.... What If Henry.... Sniffer......
wanted to draw Jack, Joey, Henry in a non-blocky style
also bonus susie
I realised I hadn't drawn Pete in VEX KILL MODE yet so obviously i had to do something about that
initial doodle of trying to ponder what snow golem prophet would even look like
i dont have any context for this i just think its funny that you can shear snow golems LMAO
flower crown........
maybe it's easier to enjoy music once Sammy gets the calibration device.....
[Sammy and Prophet are mine, Jack is @whatyouwantedmetosee's, Joey is @inkyvendingmachine's, Pete and Susie and Norman are @haunted-hijinxer's, Henry is @inkcryptid's.]
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inkdemonapologist · 8 months
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OH ALSO, finally sat down to get a decent drawing of Sammy's calibration device in the corrupted world au!
How it works: the backpack holds a book bent open to a specific page, the comparator built into the top converts that to the specified strength of redstone signal, and the pauldron just helps keep that redstone in contact with the line of amethyst running through his head.
The redstone basically attunes the sensor to a specific category of sound, so he just has to pick a category that he doesn’t hear often and he’ll click a lot less. If he takes the backpack off, he functions like a normal sculk sensor again. Probably would want to take breaks anyway since like.... IT IS RUNNING A REDSTONE SIGNAL THRU HIS HEAD... but still a big relief to be able to dull the sensor's reactions.
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inkdemonapologist · 11 months
So in the Minecraft AU, the Prophet and Sammy are two separate entities? Are they still related in some way or perhaps share some of that missing data?
Yeah, that’s exactly right! If you look at drawings of Prophet where he’s not turning into a snowman, you might notice…
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… the most vibrant parts of his model are the same pieces that Sammy lost to the sculk.
Prophet was created in an attempt by Joey to recover Sammy’s missing data and fix him; instead of JUST getting Sammy’s missing pieces, he got an entire person, bits of Sammy tangled in with junk data and the garbled echos of some ancient player who claims that he and Sammy are both connected to the same player data, that Sammy is just a modern incarnation of who he once was in an older version of the world. That might be true, since Prophet seems to understand a lot about the code that runs behind the scenes, but he’s also pretty incapable of explaining what he sees in a way that makes sense to most other players, and some of his ideas seem more deluded than insightful.
That said, whether they truly share an origin, or Prophet is just imagining it since he’s literally made out of Sammy’s data, either way, their connection ends there. They’re physically and mentally separate, damage or corruption that happens to one of them doesn’t affect the other one, etc. Sammy’s infection and Joey’s tampering with it was just what enabled the code that became Prophet to get pulled out into the open.
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
oh man Boo's Fav Joey poll looks fun i wanna do this too
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(minecraft corrupted world au, escape au, cthulhu au sammy, my canon-based art and musings tag, cthulhu au prophet, aquarium AU mers)
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
hey there! Just wanted to say that i've been having THOGUHTS on your minecraft au. sammy specifically. mostly on how,, like, skulk /coverts/ stuff. so like, even if he had silktouch, it probably wouldn't do much and maybe just injure him more?? cause like, i'm not sure how deep the skulk is, but it'd at least have turned his skin into skulk. sorry if this didn't make sense, i'm very tired.
the Minecraft AU is a collaborative thing between all the Cthulhu gang, not just me! But SAMMY IS DEFINITELY WITHIN MY PURVIEW haha
This is partially true! That's why Sammy can't just take a silktouch tool and scrape all the sculk off his body and be fine -- a lot of his body has been fully converted to sculk. But sculk actually does both things:
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Just steals this screenshot off google images because it's a good demonstration -- you can see both the dark blocks that have been fully converted, and the "veins" along the edge that have started to spread over other blocks. With a silktouch tool, you can simply remove the veins, and the stone underneath is fine.
That little implied "mouth" shape in the sculk that's much closer to the colour of his skin was also meant to suggest an idea similar to those veins, how they show a bit of the normal block underneath -- to suggest that (for now) it's only grown over top, not converted:
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but that's a real strong incentive to be very careful to nOT DIE AND EXPAND IT ANY FURTHER...
You could still quibble about the mechanics (technically u can just mine veins with anything to break them, you only need silktouch to collect them) but since players aren't typically mine-able and Sammy's circumstances are mechanically unique, I think there's room for some creative interpretation, lmao, and I liked the idea that Sammy would need silktouch to be actually mining the sculk rather than just attacking himself with a hoe.
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
So how does it feel for MC Sammy when his sculk sensor goes off? Is there a reaction he can feel, or does he just hear them make the sound and feel them wiggle about
Ohhhh that’s a great question. I feel like the most notable feeling isn’t the sensor actually going off, but the way sounds are detected now – that picking up vibrations through the sensor is a much more intense sensation than just hearing sound used to be.
But my instinct is that the sensor actually going off would have an associated feeling since there is a bit of a redstone signal that gets released – I don’t think it would be as strong as a shock, but maybe some kind of slight staticky or energised feeling when the sensor triggers.
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
What do you think will happen is CoC Sammy meats Minecraft Sammy.
Golly. This one is such a wild question to consider because like… Sculk Sammy doesn’t fit in the real world. Even if you ignore him being shaped like a block man, he still operates by Minecraft Rules, where placing blocks and respawning and mining things and crafting are all just how the world works. Either of them meeting the other or ending up in the other's universe would involve a sort of weird horror just from how completely different their baseline understandings of the world are! I genuinely think the minecraft thing would be way more significant than the sculk thing.
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