#scott built a pack before he ever got the title of alpha and derek an actual alpha at the time recognized it
philtatosbuck · 2 years
a good bit of the people who say scott is too... Soft to be an alpha are basing about 90% of their characterizations about alphas from a/b/o fics on alphas who have lost their packs. there’s no set precedent about how cruel or kind an alpha has to be. the basis for that is the kind of pack they have.
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seashellrosekitty · 6 years
First Love | Isaac Lahey
Love is simple. But it ain’t easy.
Warning: Profanity, angst.
Wordcount: 2,384 (8-min read)
Author’s Note: I surely hope y’all would tell me what you think of this fic! It’s important to me! Hope you’ll like it!
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I didn’t know much about falling in love, but I knew it when it happened to me. How could I forget? He was my best friend. His name was Lahey. Isaac Lahey. We met in 9th grade. I was new in Beacon Hills, and I moved right beside his house. He was mowing their lawn when my parents and I moved in.
OK, let me tell you this now: it was not love-at-first-sight. I don't believe in that shit. Isaac became my friend simply because we were neighbors.
As soon as I got out of the car, Isaac stopped mowing so he could look at us. I shot him a glare to stop him from staring at us, then he immediately went back to mowing their lawn, occasionally glancing in our direction. I quit minding him eventually and went inside our new house with some of our stuff.
That same day, we met the Laheys. His mom knocked on our door carrying the most delectable brownies I've ever had. Mrs. Lahey was very soft-spoken. A curly redhead, bubbly, and a total opposite of my mom. His dad is tall, just like him. At one look I knew he wasn't as pleasant as his wife. He was more brusque, and a man of many quotes. And then Isaac here...he was very quiet, awkward, tall, and lanky. For someone who had good looks, he pretty much lacked confidence. We didn't speak much at the table. The adults bothered with all the “getting to know” stuff. Occasionally they’d asked us questions and we just answered them and never bothered sharing a story. Isaac and I looked at each other lots of times, judging each other for being so quiet.
Things escalated although silently when Isaac accidentally dropped his glass of water. The terror in his face formed in a split second the glass slid off his hand. When the glass broke into pieces on the floor, he glanced at his dad with that terrified look and I felt my heart pound strongly once when I gathered what happens in their house whenever Isaac made a mistake. Isaac apologized to my parents, but it felt like he was more apologetic to his dad than to us. His dad emitted a fiery vibe. Mr. Lahey was downright intimidating, to say the least.
I gently tapped on Isaac’s arm to calm him down and said it was okay, and that he could help me clean it up. We went to the kitchen to get the broom and got back to the dining room to sweep the broken glass. His mom remained in good posture and respectful, positive demeanor, making sure dinner wasn't ruined.
I was about done with my food and I excused myself from the table. I asked Isaac to come with me outside to get some air.
"You ok?" I asked him. He clenched his jaws and nodded at me.
"I'm sorry for breaking the glass. I just get all clumsy around new folks."
"Don't worry about it, Lahey." He shook his head to himself and looked away. I didn't wanna pry so I talked to him about school. That night, we agreed that he’d wait for me outside his house so we could walk to school together. It’s been like that ever since.
A year later, our friendship grew deeper when his mom died. His dad had started beating him up and locked him in a freezer in their basement. He only told me this once. He never brought it up again. But I always knew when it happened. He would always stay out in his balcony, braving the cold and savoring the open space.
One night, I caught him sitting out in his balcony.  He sat on the floor of it and just stared blankly. I think that was the first time I felt something else in my heart. His ocean eyes were blinking in the moonlight. His nose made a shadow across the other side of his face, letting me see only one side of it. And I thought he was handsome even with one side hidden in the darkness. I looked at him a little more and thought...look at him, sitting all alone, in the quiet, and tugging at my heartstrings.
I went out to my balcony to talk to him and we talked for hours that night. It was the first time he ever told me that he was a werewolf, and he was learning and training with his alpha, Derek Hale. He told me he was glad I was there with him. That he got to tell me his deepest secret. And that I was a good friend. I was falling for him every minute of that night, but the stupid me said, “Best friend.” The second I realized those words came out of my mouth, I stupidly drew the line between us. Way to go. Somebody should’ve shot me in the head right then.
When I think about it, he led quite a rough life growing up. Shortly after being bitten by the alpha werewolf, Derek, his dad got killed by some creature called a Kanima. I worried about him a lot. He could get killed anytime. Who knows what other creatures were there? But he always survived. And staying with his pack proved helpful for Isaac. He became a better werewolf. He became a better person too and became more concerned with people than he used to. He became much easier to fall in love with. He got taller, built more muscle since he joined the lacrosse team. He became my weakness and my strength.
I spent each day admiring him secretly, pulling off the best-best friend he could ever have. I always waited for him to come home late at night, and sometimes I’d stay up with him and just talk to him over the balcony. I was scared to lose him. He had werewolf friends in the pack, Boyd, and Erica. My insecurities surfaced when I met Erica. But knowing that she wasn’t Isaac’s type, I thought I’d keep my hope.
Then came Allison. THE Allison Argent. She was always so pretty, charming, and smiling. I still don’t understand why she and Scott broke up. Scott was no average jock. He was kind. Even kinder than Isaac. I never really knew them. I was always just looking from a distance. But I knew all about them. Isaac told me everything.
I had other friends besides Isaac and that’s why I was never part of their pack. Not Scott’s, not Derek’s. I’m a mere human. Allison’s human too. But she was a hunter. She had her ways with her bows and arrows and knives. She’s no ordinary girl. My insecurity against Allison was different from the ones I had with Erica because I had a hunch. Isaac had a good chance with Allison. And I could see the way he looked at her. He never looked at me like that.
But don’t you dare call me a martyr. I didn’t give up on Isaac. I started to stop worrying if we’d ever stay friends or not. Not letting him know how much I loved him caused my agony to grow. Rapidly.
Every day we would walk to school, sometimes ride the bus together, we’d have lunch, and sometimes we just talked on the bleachers when no one’s at school. We loved being alone together. But I could never tell how long Isaac would want that with me.
I thought I started losing him when he joined Scott’s pack and moved in with him and his mom. He was always away and they were always out doing something. Solving crimes and all the weird things that happened in Beacon Hills. And of course. He probably had more time to spend with Allison. And that made me change perspectives. That’s when I had finally gathered all my courage to tell him. He was walking me home and it was already dark. We laughed a lot on the way, cracking jokes and talking about spy movies.
“I think I’m never gonna forget your laugh,” Isaac said to me as he glanced at me, smiling on the corner of his mouth. My heart started pounding on my chest. This must be my chance.
“Yeah, ‘cause I laugh like a complete loon.”
“No, you don’t. But I know it’s you when I hear it.”
“Hey, Lahey, I bought the most underrated spy film yet,” I said, changing the subject because I was starting to get nervous.
“That’s my girl.” I wish he never said that. I knew he waited for me to say the title of the film. But for some reason, I just stopped walking.
“What’s the matter?” He asked, turning around to face me. His height towered over me when he faced me. I looked down because my tears started welling up in my eyes. I didn’t want him to see it. He called my name in his low voice, making my knees tremble. I tried mustering all my voice to say it. But I only managed to whisper.
”I’m in love with you, Isaac.” I couldn’t dare look at him again. I knew he heard me. I rarely ever called him by his first name. He heard my whisper with his werewolf hearing. But he remained silent for a while and I couldn’t hold my tears anymore. I looked up at his face and I saw it.
His icy blue eyes stared at mine intensely, and he held my face softly. I held the back of his hands, lingering in his touch. The expression on his face is painted in my memory forever. I knew he was gathering his words too, just like I did. He whispered my name softly and each second after that made my heart beat faster, anticipating the next words he would utter.
“I’m sorry...”
My breath stopped. I think my heart skipped a beat. Like I died for a second. I knew the next thing he was going to say.
“I’m in love with Allison.” His voice broke when he said her name.
I shook my head in disbelief, even when I knew it was 100% fucking true. I removed his hands from my face, which was already wet with tears and burning from embarrassment. We were alone but I felt the world watch me as I sank each second he looked at me with guilt.
“Please let me take you home now.” I continued being stupid.
“Is she in love with you too?”
Isaac simply looked down before he looked into my eyes and nodded. I cried. And I smiled. I smiled while I cried like a fucking loon. Should I be happy that they’re in love with each other? Sad that he’s not in love with me? That I’m alone with my dumbass feelings? I didn’t know what to do. He said my name again like I wasn’t listening.
“Come on, let me take you home. It’s getting late,” he said, taking a step towards me and attempted to wrap his arm around me. I shoved him away, not wanting him to touch me. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Isaac?? Do you think I’m just gonna walk home with you after being fucking rejected by you??” I tried catching my breath. Should I just run away? Should I slap him really hard? Kiss him? I felt like I was dying as long as I remained standing in front of him.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know what else to say. I-I hate to see you like this. It hurts to see you cry.”
“Then STOP HURTING ME!” I cried. All he could say was my name. My stupid fucking name. I hate the sound of it coming from his mouth. It’s full of pity and guilt. Full of apologies. “I can walk home alone. Go. Go home.” My throat started feeling painful from half the tears I tried holding.
“No. I’m walking you home,” he said sternly, but I could see the guilt in his eyes. It was strong in his eyes, but for the first time, his baby blue eyes looked hollow to me.
“Stop it, Isaac. Stop being nice to me.”
“Come on...I care for you. I love you,” His tone was certain. But it didn’t feel the same way. He didn’t mean the same way. “You know that I do...Look, there’s a creature out there on the loose and I can’t just let you go home alone.” He held my face to tell me how serious he was.
I kept my head down and thought of what he said. And then I let him walk me home. The next few moments were quiet. I kept my arms crossed against my ribs and walked whilst keeping a good distance from Isaac. Without frightening me, he broke the silence.
“Are you gonna ignore me forever?” I didn’t answer him. “Are you gonna be mad at me forever?”
“I’m not mad at you, Lahey.” I noticed his mood got lighter when I called him that again. “You don’t know what it feels like to be rejected by the person you love.”
“Maybe you’re right. Maybe I don’t.”
“Damn right, you don’t. You’re a werewolf but you never figured it out on your own.“
We got home soon and my heart didn’t stop breaking. He apologized again when he embraced me before leaving.
“I don’t know when I could forgive you, Lahey. It’s too much. It hurts too much.” He squeezed my shoulders.
“You don’t need to forgive me now. I just need you to know that I’m not happy how this turned out. That I hurt you.”
“That’s enough, Lahey. Stop being nice to me. You’ve brought me home. Now, go home. I’ll be fine.” He knew I lied. But he looked at me with those guilty and sad eyes before turning around. He put his hands in his jacket’s pockets and kept his head down as he walked back his path. I watched him grow small in my sight before turning towards the front door. Only one thought entered my mind as I turned my head to look at his direction one last time:
Love is simple. But it ain’t fucking easy.
Part Two
@spxderbarnes  @bojabee  @jurrasicpork  @chiamilia  @thejourneyofabrokenheart  @sav625
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hotsexydorks · 5 years
A/b/o. Liam/scott/theo. Like all alphas scott was terrified of being turned into an omega. He saw what derek did to stiles. Omegas were basically sextoys, unable to even talk after the hormones fried their intelligence. He never expected liam and theo to team up and turn him into their omega. But now instead of college he spends his days following his alphas around for their senior year, naked and fucked whenever they want.
Show and Tell : Scott/Theo/Liam
One month, it was just one month before he could leave and but his worries behind him. One month until it was summer and then he could disappear to try and normalise his life. Ever since they had learned that omegas could be created it had been a dangerous time. What made things even more dangerous was what being turned into an omega meant. Alpha,Beta,Omega. Omegas were the bottom end of the rug. Even worse than that they weren’t given a choice. Scott had only heard of some people being turned but it wasn’t until it happened to his best friend did it actually click for him, did it really loom over him.
It had all happened so suddenly, one day Stiles was his normal self then the next day he was turned. His body changed forever and left nothing but life filled sex toys. Because Stiles had been a human before it hadn’t affected him mentally as much. He could still think somewhat but those moments were few and far between.
Omega’s bodies were built for sex. To satiate the needs of the other members of the pack or their mate. They were there for nothing but to be used by other wolves. If that was how it was like for others being turned into an omega Scott feared what it would do to him. The break from Alpha to Omega would be worse, but not only that he would be even more affected because of his True Alpha status.
Being an Alpha wasn’t just a title for Scott, an acquired status, no it was a part of him. Intertwined with his own sense of being, his actual person. That’s what made him Alpha in the first place. He only dreaded what it would do to him. Taking him to the depths and turning him into something that he wasn’t.
Scott had been careful to keep eyes out for anyone that he thought would try to humiliate him, god knew that he had a lot of enemies. But what Scott hadn’t been wary of was those closer to him. Especially Liam and Theo. Which made it all the easier for the pair to carry out their plan.
Liam had been anxious of Scott leaving, he didn’t want the male to leave. Theo wanted some revenge. This was the perfect plan. It took weeks of planning for them to learn how to do it. Claws. It was so simple but they never thought of it. A claw, carefully placed and then pushed into the back of the neck. Aim it just right, above the nape of the neck and you’d have your very own omega.
After that it took no time at all before they were carrying out their plan. Plan a dude day with Scott, to slob around and eat pizza and play games. They knew he’d say yes, he wanted the company. Ever since losing Stiles he had been on edge but also left without someone to rely on. So they took the chance and soon it wouldn’t even cross his mind what had happened to Stiles.
Scott was turned the other way and taking off his jacket, excited and happy that he had someone to hang out with again. Something to try take his mind off the fear of being broken and the thoughts of his lost friend. Stiles wasn’t physically lost but he might as well have been. He was barely visible behind all the bodies that used him day to day. Forced to see his best friend used like a rag doll in public like that.
“I’ve got pizza ordered and moved the stuff downstairs so we can play on the big screen. It’s gonna be great”
If the two hadn’t been set on this plan already they would have felt bad but they were, and they didn’t. Instead of worried looks or guilty faces they had smirks. They knew exactly what they were doing. Two claws raised up and then plunged deep into Scott’s neck.
His words were cut short and replaced with a yell. Everything around him went black and he could feel his body falling to the ground. Fading away, his eyes growing heavy. One weak glance backwards and he saw what had happened.
When Scott woke up he was in the laying on his bed, his body gently placed. He could hear voices from around him, his body waking up before he had opened his eyes.
“Dude he’s waking up.” Liam called out to Theo who had been laying back in the chair Scott had in his room. Both of them stood up and glanced over the other watching Scott move and wake up, anxious to see what happened to the Alpha. How their Omega had turned out, did it work or were they screwed.
It was slow but as Scott opened his eyes his body heated up. Omega urges going through him, but his mind was gone. He could feel the blanket beneath him and the clothes on his body that felt scratchy and uncomfortable.
“Do you know who we are?” Theo asked him holding Liam back from touching the other before they were sure.
Master. Owner. Alpha.
“Alphas?” Scott’s voiced his question, his body feeling the other’s hold and connection to him. His body and inner Omega calling out and feeling their claim calling back.
“Yes.” Theo nodded, they were in the clear. “Strip, I bet those clothes are too warm and not nice.”
The Omega smiled up at the two and moved off the bed. Scott pulled at his clothes dropping them one by one until he was naked in front of them his body exposed to the air. Even just the breeze that flowed through the room was enough to stimulate Scott’s body. His nipples growing hard and sticking out waiting to be touched.
Liam and Theo glanced a look at each other and smirked. Both of them groping their cocks through their pants watching Scott strip for them.
The first time they used Scott was exhilarating for all of them. First they had Scott on his knees, licking at their cocks and balls for almost an hour. Doing nothing else but rubbing his face in their musk and getting the mix of precum and spit from their cocks all over his face. Liam and Theo had occupied Scott’s room and they sat back watching him go between them at their beck and call.
Scott who had been straight before up until that moment a mere hour ago had no clue what he was doing. Liam and Theo give him directions and his body responded. It was better than everything they had heard. More tongue, less suction, slower. Scott’s body reacted and took action without a word. Each other their commands shaped his mind to do exactly what they wanted.
Being an omega now meant Scott had lost his mind to the change. Burnt away through the shift and hormones settling in his body. Being a True Alpha before Scott was affected more than others had been. Most Omegas could form some sort of semblance of a human but Scott, he was changed beyond any other.
His skin was more sensitive, his nipples more sensitive more than they had been before the change. His body also shifted so that he produced slick from his hole, his body able to expand naturally more , like rubber being stretched. All of it meant that Scott would be a living fleshlight that they could use and abuse for themselves.
Liam moved to Scott’s ass while he was worshiping Theo’s cock inspecting the ass that he had lusted after for so long. The wolf’s bubble butt had grown and fattened up, jiggling more and having to be spread with his hands just to see his hole. The hairy hole shining with slick and inviting him in. The younger wolf teased Scott’s body using his finger, dragging it against the rim. Even though the other’s ass was virgin tight before Liam found that his finger suck into the other’s hole with ease. Liam hadn’t even pushed his finger in, Scott’s ass was opening for him on its own.
“Such a good slut, knew you’d be great from the moment I heard about it.” Theo fisted the back of Scott’s hair, pushing down further on his cock, working to train Scott’s throat. “That big ass has gotten bigger and you’re just a slut now, you belong to your masters Scott. An Omega. Nothing but a sex toy for us to us.” Scott mind was a sponge to whatever the two said or wanted. Gagging on the other’s cock reminded Theo that his body would still respond even if Scott couldn’t. “Breath through your nose and open your throat Scott.” The choking around Theo’s cock stopped and it became smoother. Theo wasn’t fucking the other’s face but lazily and slowly dragging his cock in and out of his mouth.
“That’s it…”
“Fuck , Theo look at this!” Liam said excitedly to the Chimera as he could feel his virgin cock sliding into Scott’s hole watching as the hole pushed out as the cock slide in with ease. Moaning at the new sensation of the tight wet ass pulling surrounding his cock.
Theo’s cock twitched watching the other, their eyes both moving up at the same time meeting for a glance as they shared a chuckle of their new toy.
It wasn’t long before they paraded their new toy, in face it was only the next day school day. They had had all weekend to play and mould their new pet how they wanted, teaching him commands like recognising which master was calling him. How to have different levels of cock worshiping like lazily and slow, just holding it in his mouth, or proper deepthroating massage.
They even changed how he looked. Now instead of clothes Scott was naked, his cock caged and a collar around his neck. The wolf had a great body, he was only a month away from being able to be a College jock bro but instead he was a slutty omega. His head was shaved, while the two masters liked having something to pull at they found Scott’s ears did the same thing if his hair was short. His body flaunted by the two males and his body branded with writing marking his status and ownership to Liam and Theo. By now Scott’s body had been made to leak slick constantly, the liquid dripping from his hole and a trail behind him.
No one in the school saw this happening to Scott but to say none of them thought it was hot would be a lie. Theo was in before Liam and had Scott with him, the omega on his knees and sucking the other off while he stood at his locker. This time holding Theo’s cock deep in his throat and waiting for the other to give him more instructions.
As more and more students filed in the news travelled and soon Liam and Theo would always have a crowd following them if they had Scott.
Passing Scott around was easy, and most people wanted a taste of the action with the omega. So much so that instead of practise the first day all the team and even coach gawked in awe as they watched Scott bounce up and down on Liam’s beer can thick cock, with ease and pure pleasure. All of them stroking their cocks waiting, smirks on Liam’s and Theo’s face as they drove the show of the new Scott McCall Show and Tell.
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