prettyboybuckley · 1 year
For the Valentine’s Day prompts, #4 “There are flowers on the doorstep.” [“Who from?” “I think that you have a secret admirer.”]?
Hi!! Thank you for the prompt! 💞 Decided that this was the perfect opportunity for some Diaz father-son feels, I hope you like it! ca. 950 words, continues under the cut
If it weren't for the incessant ads and banners and everything else that pops up in early January, Eddie could probably forget Valentine's Day was even a thing. 
Don't get him wrong, he can appreciate a bit of romance. He likes the idea of wining and dining someone—maybe the fact that there was never the urge to do that with Ana should have tipped him off much earlier on—and isn't all that opposed to things like candlelight and chocolates.
But Valentine's Day is cheesy and a way for companies to con you out of more money, so he doesn't usually pay much attention to it. Shannon never bought into it either, telling him every year that he shouldn't bother getting her anything, and Eddie gladly obliged. 
Of course, now that he's a firefighter, there is also a fair share of grand gestures or preparation thereof gone wrong in the week leading up to Valentine's Day, and it's hard to ignore that it's a thing. 
Still, he doesn't have any plans for the holiday of love, especially not considering it's a school night, and he has a shift in the morning himself. Maybe he'll let Chris stay up a little longer for a movie, make it a father-son night. 
(continues under the cut)
Christopher brings home a card on the day itself, made during arts and crafts time at school, full of glittery pink and red hearts. 
"Didn't you want to make one for a friend or something?" Eddie asks, stressing the 'friend' in a way that makes Christopher groan and hide his face.
Eddie grins as he tucks the card under a magnet on the fridge, turning back to the stove where he'd been making dinner. Secretly, he's kind of glad that even at eleven, his kid hasn't seemingly shown any interest in girls—or boys—and dating. If it can even be called dating at that age. 
"Can't you just say thank you?" Christopher grumbles, though Eddie isn't sure if he's more embarrassed about Eddie's teasing or that he made a card for his dad in the first place.
"Well, I love it very much, kiddo, and I'm happy to be your Valentine." 
He ruffles Christopher's hair as he passes behind him on his way to get something from the fridge, and his son beams brightly. God, he wishes the kid would never grow up.
Eddie's got his hands full when the doorbell rings, stirring in the pot and unable to step away. 
"I'll get it," Christopher declares right away, without Eddie even having to ask, and he's out of the kitchen before Eddie can react. 
He can hear the front door open, but there are no voices, and Eddie pauses his stirring, wondering what is up. A moment later, Christopher shuffles back into the kitchen with wide, excited eyes.
"There are flowers on the doorstep."
Eddie frowns. Flowers?
“Who from?” he asks, racking his brain trying to think of who would buy him flowers in the first place, let alone leave them on his porch. 
Chris bounces a little on his heels, clearly giddy about the whole ordeal, as he replies: “I think that you have a secret admirer.”
For a moment Eddie wonders how his son even knows about something like secret admirers—and yes, he knows that Chris is eleven, not five, he shouldn't underestimate him—before he realizes that it's definitely something out of the telenovela's the kid watches with Abuela.
Eddie pulls the pot off the stove, sighing as he follows Christopher out of the kitchen to the front door.
"Not sure what there is to admire," he mutters under his breath, putting on an innocent expression when Chris looks over his shoulder with a slightly suspicious look on his face. It wouldn't be the first time Eddie gets scolded about negative self-talk by a pre-teen. He's not sure if he's ready for what that kid will be like when he's an actual teenager. 
Sure enough, there is a flower arrangement sitting on the porch. A nice one, too, because while Eddie doesn't know much about flowers, he can see that these are expensive. 
There is a small card sticking only with one corner from the flowers, and Eddie plucks it out of there with two fingers, flipping it open. There, in red ink, is a somehow both neat and chaotic but above all familiar scribble. 
Dear Eddie, 
Forgive me for choosing to do this the easy way, but it's the only way I'll ever dare to take this chance. You've had my back ever since the day we met, and I'm hoping you'll let me have yours in every way possible in the future, because I want to have and do everything with you. 
So I guess this is me asking, Eddie Diaz, if you will be my Valentine?
Love, Buck
Eddie is pretty sure his heart rate doubles as he reads the card, and he hopes that he's not blushing, though Christopher's scrutinizing gaze suggests that something must be visible. 
Buck is asking him out. No, Buck bought an expensive arrangement of flowers and put it on Eddie's doorstep with a card asking him out because apparently he was scared that Eddie would say no. As if Eddie would ever say no. 
 "Who sent it?" Christopher asks, putting his hand on Eddie's shoulder so he can lean in closer to get a peek at the card. 
"You were right, it's a secret admirer," Eddie replies, closing the card quickly before his son can see Buck's name, and he gets up, picking up the flowers and giving Christopher a subtle nudge to herd him back inside. 
It seems that he's got a very important call to make. He doesn't want to keep Buck waiting, after all. 
From the Valentine's Day prompts list
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bigfootsmom · 9 months
Wip Title Game: Serial Killer Buck. Thank you.
CW for major character death //
I actually had a small heart attack because i couldn't find the wip document for a hot second, but i found it! It's a messed up and angsty fic that I haven't worked on in a long long while. But it came to life because I was trying to figure out what would make Buck just absolutely snap and go unhinged and I decided it would be if Doug had been successful in killing Maddie in the woods when he kidnaps her. Buck goes completely numb and just a shell of a person and then it flips and becomes a burning inferno of anger and he goes after abusers to keep that anger going so he doesn't slip back into feeling numb. It's not really all that happy of a story...Ta daaaa
Having Christopher come crashing into his arms is a small solace, and Buck buries his face in the unruly curls, breathing in the scent of the kid’s shampoo. Christopher demands pizza and a movie since it’s the first time they’ve all been together in a while and they need to celebrate. Who are Eddie and Buck to ignore such a reasonable request?  Buck ignores the pang of guilt in his chest at Christopher’s statement. It has been awhile since he’s been over, and if Eddie hadn’t physically driven him over tonight, it would have been a while more before Buck came over. But Buck feels tainted, a dark spot that he doesn’t want to bring into the warm brightness of the Diaz home. He’s afraid that his constant numbness is going to infect those around him, suck them in like he’s a black hole.
send me the title of a wip and i’ll tell you about it!
here are all the other wips i’ve talked about!
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mistmarauder · 3 months
Send 🐱 for moderately intimidating
How intimidating am I? 🤔
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tethered-heartstrings · 4 months
🔮What's your favorite plot twist you've ever written?
I think the only plot twist I have really written is in my mcd fic and (spoilers under the cut)
send me fic asks pretty please <3
I think it's because I set it up in such a way you think one of them is going to be the one that dies and it ends up being the other one quite suddenly. not like a HUGE plot twist but it's something lol
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satashiiwrites · 6 months
For the WIP game Cop! Reyes Firefighter! Scott or Royalty/Fantasy AU? Thank you.
Ah yes. The Undercover Cop/Firefighter document is a very rough outline of a plot whose whole point is to get to a certain scene. Notice I haven’t gotten even a title yet? I swore to myself I would not write this fic until I got some of the other, further along, fics finished.
Anyways, for your amusement, the outline (which is as much as I ever outline). I also haven’t done any title card for it or mood board yet.
Title: Untitled
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda AU
Pairing: MReyder.
Reyes is in deep cover—like it’s very much unknown that he’s law enforcement.  He and Scott meet when Scott (firefighter!Scott👩🏻‍🚒) and his house get called to an emergency at a hotel that *ahem* charges by the hour.  Reyes is there waiting to meet his handler (keema) so he’s dressed casually in a hoodie with a leather jacket over it, just reclining against the headboard as Scott slams through the door—because this place of course doesn’t have functional alarms/they randomly go off anyway so Reyes’ has been ignoring them. 
It’s love at first sight for both of them.  Reyes hangs around as Scott and his team clear the hotel and maybe hits on him as they’re cleaning up.  Scott blushes and maybe snarks back a bit quickly but Reyes is smitten. Reyes has to melt away into the night before he gets anyone else’s attention but he makes note of Scott’s house number. 
Scott goes home and stares at the number. It takes him another two days to finally text Reyes.
Reyes replies immediately and Scott is caught—hook line and sinker.��
They don’t meet up immediately.  They banter back and forth over the course of several weeks, learning things about each other.  Family. Preferences on media consumption. Food choices. Humor. 
Scott sends the first thirst trap—a selfie taken post workout with his pants just above where you’d see if the carpet match the drapes and bunched up to show off his legs, V line prominent with briefs just peaking out, shirt off, headphones in and baseball cap on backwards.  He asks Reyes about his preferred workout.
Reyes is at work when he receives the picture and almost swallows his tongue. He takes a quick duck into the bathroom to shoot his own thirst trap, making sure Scott can see his hands are cupping himself and telling Scott, “what you do to me”. 
Things escalate.  They’re texting often and sending each other short videos—some more innocent than others. Scott’s friends/coworkers are very curious who he’s seeing when he hasn’t actually seen Reyes in person since the  glimpse he got of him at the diner. Reyes is closing in on the evidence he needs to shut down the Outcasts but Sloane has smelled a leak and things are getting dangerous. Texting with Scott has become his stress relief—the little bit of himself that is actually normal and not fake. 
Because he only tells Scott things that are true. It’s also becoming harder and harder to avoid Scott’s questions about his job since Scott is very open about the rescues he gets called to and what it’s like being a firefighter.
Reyes can’t wait for this case to be over.  To return to normal life.  He wants to tell Scott everything but he can’t. He tells Scott he’s working all the time and it’s true because things are escalating.  Sloane is cleaning house—the slightest suspicion and you’re dead and if they find your body it’s obvious that you were tortured first.  She’s getting frustrated and has let Kaetus off his leash which is making Reyes nervous. 
Scott is beginning to get frustrated about why they can’t meet.  When Reyes tells him to give him two weeks he asks why he should. Reyes honestly tells him that he has a work thing that is almost done.  After it he should have more time. 
He asks for Scott to wait but understands if he wont. 
Scott takes an hour to reply.  I’ll wait for you. 
Reyes is questioned for hours by the DA and his statement is taken, Keema and Alec are in the room the entire time.  A warrant is issued for Sloane’s arrest but they need to grab her when she’s unsuspecting. Plan is made for a raid tonight at Sloane’s club—appropriately called Outcast Headquarters because she’s classy like that.
The club is busy.  Reyes is keeping an eye on the door and he has a mini panic attack when Scott and Gil walk in.  Gil wanted to try this club, to “slum it” as he called it and pressed Scott into accompanying him as he’s much better in a fight than Gil. Scott came because he couldn’t get out of it and his heart seizes in his chest when he sees Reyes across the room sitting in the corner by the bar with his back to the wall. 
Scott makes a beeline for Reyes and makes it to him just in time for Reyes to pull him close and whisper in his ear “play along” before Sloane Kelly swoops down to interrogate Reyes.
“Reyes—who’s your friend?” She asks, her perfectly manicured nails digging into his arm.
Reyes plays coy, hitching Scott closer and purposefully letting her see his hand sliding down to cup Scott’s ass and squeeze enough to make Scott yelp just a bit. This has the effect of letting him transfer Scott to be on his far side from Sloane and put himself between them and push her back just a bit. They trade snarky barbs and eventually she’s amused enough that her curiosity has waned and then there’s something that needs her attention on the other side of the club.
Scott tries to ask wtf but Reyes pushes his finger against his mouth and hisses, “not here” and pulls him towards the bar storage room
As soon as they are alone in the storage room, Reyes double checks to make sure they’re alone, pulling out his gun and checking it before reholstering it. Scott is staring at him wide eyed. “Who are you?”
Checking the door again, Reyes inclines his head towards the back and Scott lets himself be led deeper into the storage area. “I’m a cop—Organized Crime Unit. You need to leave Scott.”
Scott goggles at him. Reyes works with his Dad? Scott knows how scary Sloane Kelly is—his dad has been practically tearing his hair out over the string of unsolved homicides. Scott’s seen the files (that he maybe wasn’t supposed to know his Dad kept locked in a safe at home) and knows his Dad had someone in deep cover code name Shena who reports to a woman named Navoa. He’s seen Reyes’ reports and suddenly he’s terrified for Reyes.
“You’re Shena!”
Reyes is spooked and shushes Scott. There is noise from outside the room. “You need to leave—now.”
Scott refuses. “No—I’m not leaving you here. You need to—“
“You need to leave. Now mi vida!” Reyes is on the verge of panicking and more noise is coming from outside.
Now, for the only scene I’ve first drafted—going beneath a cut because it’s porny.
There was noise out in the hall and Reyes began swearing a blue streak under his breath saying some not nice things about how shitty Scott’s timing had been. He’d discarded the suit jacket and the crisp white shirtsleeves had been rolled up to reveal a large expensive watch encircling the left wrist which Scott recognized as one of Kandros’ spy devices. Reyes had been working and Scott had disrupted him.
Why had he decided to follow Reyes now into the back office of the absolute worst place for someone to discover just whose son Scott was? It wasn’t like the Outcasts wouldn’t know who he was on sight. Scott was the son of one of the most decorated police officers in the history of the city and he definitely should not be found in what was probably Outcast headquarters. You know the same organized crime gang that his father had spent many years trying to dismantle?
He’d just wanted to talk to Reyes and Gil had said he’d been seen going into the club.
Scott should maybe have asked what Gil was doing there as well in retrospect but that was a problem for later.
“You cannot be here—you will blow my cover,” Reyes hissed at Scott, eyes narrowed as he pulled a gun from the small of his back and slid the safety off. He made a motion for Scott to get behind him, eyes darting towards the door where the approaching noise was coming from.
“Do they know that you’re…” Scott gestured, pointing at Reyes.
“That I’m undercover? No! But finding me with you is going to—“
Scott had a terrible, terrible idea. “Do you trust me?” He interrupted.
Reyes mouth open and closed, whiskey brown eyes boring into Scott for a moment looking for something in him and there was a slight softening of the muscles around the eyes before he spoke. “I do,” he whispered. “God help me but I do.”
Scott shoved him backwards towards the leather armchair that Reyes hesitantly sat back into, hands grabbing at the armrests. “Trust me then,” he muttered as he dropped to his knees, his own hands spreading Reyes’ knees apart to allow him space to get closer. The fine weave of the fabric under his suddenly sweaty palms pulled taught emphasizing the powerful thighs underneath. “Hide the gun.”
“Scott, what are you—“ Reyes’ eyes were wide and fastened on him as Scott fumbled for his zipper.
“Try to look like you’re enjoying this,” Scott whispered as he pulled Reyes’ pants open and tugged at the navy silk boxer briefs. Reyes’ body was already reacting even as there was a strangled noise that escaped Reyes’ throat as Scott began confidently massaging the cock that was already showing interest.
Spitting in his hand to gain a bit of moisture, he encircled his index finger and thumb around the generous girth and gave a good tug, encouraging Reyes’ body to react. The idle thought that they hadn’t even kissed crossed Scott’s mind as he focused on getting Reyes hard, trying not to listen as voices contributed to get louder, It would only be a matter of time before someone came in here.
The cock in his hands was thickening and lengthening. He’d imagined what Reyes’ cock might be like before this but now he had it in front of him and had confirmation that Reyes was well hung and a grower.
Whenever they finally got around to having that date Scott was going to make sure they ended up at either his place or Reyes afterwards. He wanted to feel just how good it felt to be full of Reyes.
He shouldn’t be salivating over this given their current situation but he was.
Bending over, he blew out a deep breath onto the skin of the head before taking a delicate lick at the slit that made Reyes’ hips jerk as his tongue found the opening and he pressed on it before sealing his lips over the crown, hands trying to hold Reyes still. A hand threaded into his hair and Scott pressed into it.
“Scott, Scott, Scott,” Reyes was babbling his name under his breath and Scott had hardy started. If he was going to die he was going to suck Reyes cock first like he’d wanted to since he’d first laid eyes on the man during that call at the hotel during the sting operation.
Smirking, Scott began working his was down the shaft adding suction and spit as he went. The hand in his hair shifted to cradle his neck as Reyes’ fingers stroked down the side of his throat to feel how open it was as he swallowed Reyes cock down, the slight chill of the metal of the watchband a contrast to the warm skin of the inner wrist.
Up and down Scott bobbed, enjoying the stretch and weight of Reyes along with the taste of his precome that he lapped up when he pulled back to breathe.
When they were interrupted just a minute or so later, Scott was almost bursting in his own pants, underwear wet. He knew what they looked like and whoever it was they were getting an eye-full. Reyes sprawled out in the leather of the chair, white dress shirt with a few buttons popped with his knees spread and Scott’s head buried between his legs sucking like his life depended on it with one of Reyes’ hands buried in his hair urging him to take his cock as deep as possible.
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wolfnprey · 9 months
For the get to know your fic writer ask game #2, 7, 18, and 19? Thank you.
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go? I already answered with more ramblings, but I'll still answer! :) Most fics are a Write As You Go, much like when I put together my crocheted granny blankets. Some require a lot of parsing out, though, so I'll give myself a small outline of what I want. It's very much whatever my process needs for that specific fic at the time! 7. How do you choose which POV to write from? Typically, I choose the character I relate to the most and can hear the clearest in my head. For Buddie, that'd be Eddie, for Merthur it's Merlin, for Stranger Things it's Billy. But I'm always willing to try a different POV if it fits better with the fic idea or how I want it executed.
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles? My titles come after the writing process. I struggle with them the most, so it's very rare that I can figure it out at the beginning or middle. For the last couple of years, I've tended to lean into song lyrics and poetry for my titles, which has made the process feel just a little bit easier for me.
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3? It appears that my most-used tag is "Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence" which absolutely makes sense. What also makes sense is that "Happy Ending" is my second most-used used.
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justhannigramfics · 1 year
9 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @scoobybuddie Thank you <3
1. Three ships: Hannigram(obv), Doctor/Rose(any regeneration, tbh), Erik/Christine(PotO)
2. First ever ship: Doctor/Rose
3. Last song: The Mist from the Dracula musical
4. Last movie: Deadline
5. Currently reading: Skeleton Crew by Stephen King (collection of short stories)
6. Currently watching: Dr G Medical Examiner
7. Currently consuming: Chicken fingers
8. Currently craving: a really good Hannigram Fic that I haven’t already read lol
Tagging: @clear-what-i-was-seeing, @c4an3, @just1audience, @emptinesstomelodyao3, @libran53, @vampyre-lesbian, @ofcrowsandcannibals, @evil-spider-psychiatrist, @bozda-dom
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fuddlewuddle · 1 year
Instead of a favorite story how about top three?
This wasn't in the calendar (The Darkling x Andrew! Peter Parker)
Two Peters together in one universe Series (Andrew! Peter x Tobey! Peter)
Spiderdevil fun Series (Andrew! Peter Parker x Matt Murdock)
Aww thank you @scoobybuddie
I had a lot of fun writing all those, especially the spiderdevil ones, so I’m glad you enjoyed reading them. 🥰
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mistikfir · 5 months
hi @scoobybuddie Thank you.
You can always find my posts by tags and sections in my blog :)
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For the FanFic Writer Emoji Ask: 🥺, ❌, & 🤭? & For the FanFic Ask Game: H, O, & V? Thank you.
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? - I am a sincere sucker for platonic bathing scenes or wound tending scenes. Especially when the character tending the wounds think about how easily they could just kill the other, but are choosing to heal instead of harm.
❌ What's a trope you will never write? - There are plenty of nsfw tropes/themes I will never touch with a 100 foot pole, including noncon/underage/incest. But plot wise, I don't see myself writing a story where the characters have children, and with Hannigram I don't see myself doing any ocs as I am pretty heavily focused on just Will and Hannibal. Or a fic where hannibal was never a cannibal because it is pretty core to his character.
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works? - I write a lot of angst, so maybe that? idk, I hate tagging because I am worried I will miss something, and I don't typically add silly ones. They are usually pretty cut/dry on what can be seen in the fic.
H: How would you describe your style? - I honestly have no idea. I like scene setting and descriptors a lot, and also including anatomy in the feelings of a character. Like anytime I can talk about anatomy I will.
O: How do you begin a story—with the plot, or the characters? - Plot. I always write the same characters and everyone knows who they are and I like to set the scene/story
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose? - I basically don't read fics anymore so I have none that come to mind that need a story continuation.
send me fanfic asks!
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mistmarauder · 4 months
Funky Orange, Cookie, & Green Screen.
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You're so kind, darling. We will bake ALL the cookies. 🥺💚💚💚
What color am I? 🎨
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mistmarauder · 9 months
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Send me a 🖊 and I'll handwrite your url!
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mistmarauder · 9 months
Horsey, Sacred Forest, and Blond.
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We can for sure be friends. You can never have too many! 🥺💘
MWAH, BABE!!! All my love! 🥰🥰🥰
What color am I? 🎨
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mistmarauder · 10 months
Yellow and Ruby.
Yellow - every time i see you on my dash you're always so happy and it's so lovely! Ruby - you are such a gem, you deserve so much better <3
You're so sweet, Alisha! Thank youuu! 😭💝💝💝💝
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Color Ask Game! 🎨
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mistmarauder · 1 year
🧡 🤍 🎭 👑 👋
🧡 - I love seeing you on the dash 🤍 - I just think you’re neat 🎭 - I just think you’re super talented 👑 - You’re like fandom royalty 😳 👋 - Just dropping in to say hi!
You're so sweet though. Like, hello!?!? 😭💘💘💘
There's nothing royal about me though. That I can promise! 😂
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Emoji Ask Meme 😎
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wolfnprey · 1 year
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
I have so many of these, it’s not even funny. But the one that pops out at the moment for movies would be Hellraiser (both the original and the newest one).
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