#scm huedhuat
acefaun · 1 year
Like a little dragon hoarding tiny shiny things
Also, in your other post with the little huedhaut image, you know he appears to be snapping with his index finger? And none of the gods snap with their ring finger like I do. I just find it to be interesting since snapping seems so simple at first
…Okay I see your point.
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So…. Maybe I should be acedragon instead of acefaun…? 😝 Nah, I’m kidding! I might horde like a dragon, but I’ve got the soft qualities of an emotionally sensitive faun. 🥹
But okay, listen, Huedhaut is weird. I think he fried some brain cells when he removed his stars. I mean, who the heck snaps with their index finger?? I can’t even do that! And… 🤯 I don’t know anyone who snaps with their ring finger like you do, love.
But. Maybe? Maybe it’s an option for them.
1) you can snap normally with your middle finger and make a snapping noise to let people know you’re snapping your fingers
2) you can snap with your middle and index fingers both at the same time(maybe it’s more powerful than snapping with one finger…)
3) you can snap with your ring finger to be unique and completely not like the other gods
4) you can be like Huedhaut and snap with your index finger (it’s like snapping but without the snap noise. He’s onto something. So, I feel that the game needs to remove the snap sound effect every time Huedhaut snaps his fingers)
Woah, that was a very interesting thought. 😆 I’m glad you brought up Huedhaut’s weirdness. No wonder he was dating such an oddball goddess.
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mrs-scm-wife · 4 years
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Star-Crossed Myth Chibis in Uniform
I decided to share these after all, but please credit me if you use them.
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voltage-vixen · 5 years
Sighs. “Guess we’re going to have to hope our kids take after me then.” Huedhaut
“Vega! Altair! Just wait, I’m going to catch you!” MC cheerfully exclaimed.
MC had finished her shift at the planetarium earlier than anticipated. She had arrived at the mansion in hopes of seeing Huedhaut, but was informed by Karno that Huedhuat was in the heavens attending to a work related errand. Vega and Altair happened to overhear their conversation, and eagerly offered their company. Vega had suggested that the three of them play a game of tag, and MC volunteered to be the tagger for the first round. The children had an abundance of energy and were making MC run everywhere throughout the giant mansion.
“Oh wow, am I out of shape,” MC panted, while taking a quick pause to catch her breath. She placed her hands on her knees and rested for a few moments before attempting to find the mischievous pair of god children. Clearing her throat, MC started to jog down the hall, but somehow managed to lose her footing, and went tumbling down the stairs. “Ahh,” MC screamed, and tried to mentally prepare her body for the brunt of the hard floor. She suddenly heard a snap of fingers and felt her body float into the air.
“Is this the new human way to descend stairs now?” Huedhaut sarcastically asked the flustered woman. He had been holding her up in the air, and slowly lowered her down until MC was safely in his arms. “You know very well it isn’t Hue,” MC scowled, “But thanks for saving me.” Huedhahut gently placed her down and continued to question his girlfriend. “Do I even want to know what is was you were doing, that caused you to go flying headfirst down the staircase?”
MC began to retell the prior events that had led her to the mishap, and Huedhaut burst into laughter. “In other words, during a child’s game, you managed to nearly injure yourself because you are an extremely clumsy individual.” She folded her arms across her chest and shot him a look of disbelief. “That’s not true! My feet sometimes just get excited for life, and they get overeager at times.” Sighs. “Guess we’re going to have to hope our kids take after me then. Although your explanation was adorable.”
“You want to have children with me Hue?” MC’s cheeks flushed a light pink color, but the prospect of having a family with Huedhaut left her feeling absolutely elated. “Unless you have other suitors you’ve failed to mention,” Huedhaut teased, “But even if you did, I would never allow anyone else other than me to have you.” Huedhaut leaned over to touch her forehead with his, and smirked when he read her thoughts. “Looks like you feel the same way then.”
Before MC could respond, Huedhaut grabbed her hand and tugged her down the corridor. “Come on,” he instructed while guiding her, “You have a game to finish, and your wise boyfriend is going to help you.” The two commenced the search for the little god and goddess, until they finally managed to corner the children. MC admired the way that Huedhaut interacted with the kids, and MC couldn’t help but daydream about the time when they would have their own.
 Feel free to check out my Masterlist!
@agustd54, @ishizusv, @mrs-scm-wife
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pixcldust · 4 years
i scrolled through the scm tag for half an hour and i feel compelled to play it 🥺 i've only done leon's and teorus' routes bc i'm planning on buying from another title but dui?? huedhuat??? ICHTHYS???? THEYRE ALL SO CUTE???? SIR!!! I AM IN PAIN!!!
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truelovevoltage · 5 years
Hi! Can i please get some jealousy headcanons for Luke(KBTBB) and Huedhault (SCM) with a fem s!o. Like how often do they get jealous and what are the things that tik them off. And how do they handle their partner if they get jealous. Thank you!
Hello pristinehaven! Thank you so much for submitting a request. I ended up just writing a Jealous fan fic for Luke because I haven’t written much about him but also cause I wrote a jealous fan fic for Huedhuat a long time ago. I’m sorry if the story felt rush… I’m running out of ideas for Jealousy requests. 
SCM: Jealous - Huedhaut
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acefaun · 2 years
Yandere Zyglavis
Synopsis: Denying a relationship with a god, MC decides to date a human man. However, Zyglavis hates that he's been replaced. Visiting the mansion once again, MC realizes that returning was a mistake. Not even the wishes gods can help them get out of Zyglavis' grasp.
🩸Yandere Masterlist🩸
Gender-neutral goldfish; Warnings: stalking, violence, mentions of death
A/N: Aside from all of the yandere gods ganging up on a fem-reader, I wanted to play with the gods one by one and see what they would do with you--especially with their individual powers involved. So first, we have our shadow man vs. your human boyfriend(I flipped a coin on your partner’s gender so it would be fair game. 😅)
In other news... I want to write something fluffy. So I might post a little Soulmate AU soon. Something to offset my desire for angst.
--Word Count: 8,157--
It was forever since I had last seen the gods--a couple of months at least. Between my job and my new boyfriend, I hardly had time to even think about visiting them. I let out a breath as I finally reached their door. I briefly wondered if they were still even there. It had been a while since I heard from them. What if they weren't home? Did they even stay on Earth anymore? Sure they did, but would they want to see me?
Trying to believe that they wouldn't turn me away, I brought my hand up to knock. The door opened before I could even touch it, and I started back, having to re-collect myself. I looked up with a shy smile and greeted nervously, "Hi, Zyglavis."
"You've finally come to visit? You wouldn't mind explaining why you've been avoiding us."
Yeah, so there might have been a reason I hadn't seen any of them for months. My boyfriend was clingy when I wasn't at my job. It didn't take a genius to figure out that he would have gotten easily jealous if he'd seen me hanging out with multiple beautiful men. I mean, to specify, when we first started dating, he saw me hanging out with Teorus and asked me if I was seeing anyone else. Of course, it would have been a big issue. So, regardless, I had been avoiding the gods as I would see them.
I rubbed my arm as my face heated up. Another thing to admit was that I used to love Zyglavis. He was the most beautiful, well-put-together God, and I had deep feelings for him. Hearing him talk to me after months naturally brought those abandoned feelings back. "Yeah, well, you see, I've been swamped. Human job, human friends, a human life that’s just a little more complicated with Gods..."
"We make your life complicated?"
I clammed up at his misunderstanding of what I was telling him. "No, no, no! That's not what I'm saying at all! It's just hard for me to make a lot of time to visit, is all!" He moved aside as an invitation to enter, and I awkwardly shuffled inside the mansion; however, I realized the door led straight into his room.
I cringed as the door closed, but I was more startled when he grabbed my arm. It was so sudden as he pinned me to the wall, his hand planted by my head. "You wouldn't make time to visit me? What has your heart so distracted that you would forget?"
Okay, so maybe it was a little more complicated than I made it sound. After the Dark King incident where Zyglavis protected me, I wasn't the only one who developed feelings. Zyglavis loved me too, but things were too complicated. I refused a relationship for our own sake--for his sake, especially. It couldn't work between a God and a human. I didn't want to destroy our friendship by being greedy and asking for more. But my feelings for him could never just vanish. I was only surprised at how he was acting now. He wasn't usually so forceful.
"Zyglavis- Zyg," I said quietly, trying to appeal to his better nature, "I would have come. Things are just a little more complicated now. I was promoted a couple of months ago, and my friends are pretty demanding. It's a lot, really." I hesitated to mention that I had a boyfriend. There would be no point in bringing that up. It would only hurt the situation more if Zyglavis felt the same pain and longing that I was feeling.
I wanted him to back away, to give me some space to breathe, but his face only seemed to get closer to mine. My heart skipped at the stern look in his eyes as he searched mine. He could probably tell I was hiding something from him. He was always good at reading me, even if he didn't say anything aloud. Still, I was relieved when there was a knock on the door. Zyglavis stared at me as he straightened himself and released me to answer the door. "Yes?"
Scorpio stood at the door with a darker gaze than usual. "We found him. He's a filthy asshole, but he wants to see them."
Zyglavis shot a glance back at me, and I inwardly flinched. Who were they talking about? They must have been talking about me with that cold glance-over he gave me. After they passed a few hushed words between each other, Zyglavis turned back to me and explained, "Your boyfriend is here in the mansion."
My breath caught in my throat, and I stuttered, "What?"
His eyes grew cold as he questioned, "Did you think we wouldn't know? We're gods." He made Scorpio wait outside before he closed the door and addressed me. "You shouldn't be so surprised. You know very well what we're capable of. Did you think I could sit by and leave you to the dangers of your world without keeping an eye on you?" My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to take in what he was telling me. Had he been watching me this whole time? Was nothing a secret from him? "I know everything you think you could hide from me. That includes the way you cried during those nights when your heart longed for nothing but me."
I looked away from him, staring at the floor as I tried to hide my frustrated expression. "Why are you still doing this? You know we can't be together."
He let out a sigh, and it was quiet for a moment before he approached and stood before me. His touch was gentle as he lifted my chin enough for us to be face to face as he spoke softly to me, "We can. The King permitted us, but you're still afraid to put your heart in the hands of a god. You remarkably hurt me when you chose that human over me, but I know it's because you're afraid, and you're trying to hide your feelings. It's alright; you’re forgiven. I love you despite these human faults of yours."
He leaned closer and closer, and I instantly knew what he intended to do. I pulled away, wincing as I hit my head against the wall behind me in a desperate attempt to avoid his kiss. "We can't. I- I have a boyfriend—You said so yourself. I can't..."
His free hand reached behind me to caress the back of my head, which made contact with the wall. His gentle smile didn't leave his face. "I understand. After all, cheating can be considered a punishable offense, can't it? It's quite cruel to do that to someone. I don't blame you for wanting to break up with him before we begin things here. That's another reason I love you so dearly. You're such a caring human with so much love in your heart."
I said I couldn't date him, but the longer he spoke like that and begged me, the harder it was to resist falling back entirely in love with him. I felt just as torn apart as I did when I decided to leave him. I looked down, a shake finally wracking my body as tears of frustration trailed down my cheeks. "Damn it. I can't love a god..."
A frown found its way onto Zyglavis' face as he wiped my tears away. "I'm putting you through so much pain right now... You're only a human. I won't hold it against you for feeling this way. Here, Scorpio and Krioff have your boyfriend in the living room. Why don't you take care of this?"
Zyglavis didn't understand at all. It wasn't so simple to just break up with my boyfriend—even if I did that, I still couldn't date Zyglavis. It wasn't practical, with or without the King's permission. Still, under Zyglavis’ unforgiving glare, the only thing that could come out of my mouth was a small "okay.” No sooner was he leading me to the exit. But I was frozen in place; my uncertainty was eating at me. "I don't know what I'm doing."
He glanced at me again, pausing before opening the door. "I see; your heart is in chaos. You must be worried. You don't need to worry about breaking the heart of a human. It will be fleeting. The only love you will have forever is mine." I swallowed nervously, waiting for him to let me out of the room. I would break up with my boyfriend, but then what? Then Zyglavis would be my boyfriend? He loved me, and I loved him, but how could it ever work out? The door opened, and Zyglavis ushered me forward, almost on top of Scorpio. "Return here immediately after. We're not finished talking."
Zyglavis shut the door again, and I was left looking up at Scorpio. He had a confused expression before he fixed me with a glare. Only then did he start leading me to the living room. The silence was overbearing before he spoke up, "Zyglavis has been twice as hard on everyone since you decided it was a good idea to reject a God. I'm not sure who you think you are, goldfish, but that was a bold move for you. Zyg seemed happy back there with you. You better not make another mistake. The king is giving you two permission to be together, so don't be an idiot."
"What do you mean? Scorpio, you have to understand that he's a God. You're all Gods! I'm only human." I quieted down, looking away, "You have no idea how much I love him. But I did this for us—because I didn't want to be hurt by something that couldn't work. I didn’t want Zyglavis to get hurt." He didn't answer me and I glanced at him. He was making a frustrated face that told me he didn't care what I wanted, and I shouted, "Scorpio!"
"I heard you. Quit shouting, stupid." He stopped, gesturing for me to enter the living room where my boyfriend sat conversing with Ichthys and Dui while Krioff just sat there with an intense stare—he looked like a disapproving dad. I sighed. Well, it could have been worse.
I walked into the room, feeling slightly nervous. "Hey..." None of my friends had ever met the gods before; I had no idea what to expect. Would they erase his memories after this? But then there would be no point in me breaking up with him. What were they planning?
"(Name)." My boyfriend's smile was slight as he stood up and embraced me in a hug. That much was okay in front of the gods, but I flinched as he kissed my lips gently. He pulled away, obviously noticing my reaction. "Are you okay? You look like you've been crying." Truthfully, I wasn't okay, but I couldn't say that. My fingers grazed my lips as I thought about what I was doing. The kiss seemed to jerk me out of whatever spell Zyglavis had put me under. Why should I destroy my happiness all because Zyglavis was getting desperate?
"So you were telling the truth?!" Ichthys shouted, quickly interrupting us. "(Name), you never told us you had a boyfriend!" He wasn't angry, but there was something else in his tone.
I also noticed Dui's saddened, disappointed look. "He's not going to be happy. Who heard of a God losing to a human?"
"Come on, guys. This is exactly why I never told you. You're acting like I shouldn't be happy." Of course, they were. Scorpio told me they were getting hell from Zyglavis since I rejected him. I turned back and faced my boyfriend, "But you... I need to talk with you." I grabbed his arm and pulled him from the mansion. Standing out of the prying eyes of the gods, I finally felt comfortable enough to speak to him. "I'm sorry about them. I should probably explain what's going on."
"They explained enough," he responded with an irritated pitch to his voice. "Those assholes pretty much kidnapped me from work to drag me here. It was all because of you, they said. Naturally, I didn't have time to call the police. But you seem pretty friendly with them. They said you have a boyfriend here. I guess it makes sense. You were always pretty suspicious."
My heart clenched at his hurtful words. It wasn't like he knew the whole story. What right did he have to be treating me like that? "I don't have a boyfriend here; you’re my boyfriend! These are just my friends that I haven't seen in months because I've been spending all of my time with you—to get to know you and be closer to you. Coming here has really confused me, though... and... I'm sorry for making you worry like that. Maybe..." I held my breath for a moment. I had no other choice but to break my ties with the gods. I would certainly miss them—especially Zyglavis—but it had to be done. "Maybe it's time for me to let go of them. I don't want anyone to get hurt here so... I should tell them bye and we can go home."
He grabbed my wrist before I could open the door again, and I froze in confusion. "If you're telling the truth... then I don't want you to go back in there. Let's go to the police station and file a report, okay?" My eyes widened at his plans. I didn't understand why he would want to do that—not that it would work against gods. Seeing my pure confusion, he said, "These guys that live here, I always see them following you. But there's one... one with a ponytail. I'm sure he's deliberately letting me see him, though, as some sort of warning to stay away from you. By the look on your face, I can tell you know who I'm talking about. What's going on?"
So it wasn't just in the reflection pool. Zyglavis had been watching me in person, following me—no, stalking me. He even went as far as threatening my boyfriend. My heart clenched at the truths I was being attacked with. "It started months ago... I guess I just didn't realize what a mess I was making. But listen, we can't go to the police. Let's just go home." It hurt that we had been through so much, but I had to turn my back on them. It was all because Zyglavis wanted something more than friendship. I wished it didn't hurt so much to leave.
He hummed in front of me and pulled me into his arms, his hand rubbing my back gently. "I'm sorry. I've never seen you get so upset before. You must have been close to them, and they won't leave you alone. I'm here for you."
Suddenly, a nauseous feeling overwhelmed me, and I shut my eyes. As soon as the sensation left me, upon opening my eyes, I found myself in someone's arms... and they weren't my boyfriend's.
My boyfriend was held by Partheno and Krioff, who had slightly guilty expressions. They gagged, thoroughly restrained, and rendered my boyfriend unconscious. "Hey... what are you doing to him?"
"Stop focusing your attention on him. He's such a bother."
I looked up with wide eyes. I should have known it was him holding me. "Zyglavis... why are you doing all of this?"
"If you'll not have me, you will not be allowed the pleasure of another. You were about to leave again—without saying anything." His face was blank as he held my cheeks between his fingers so he wouldn't lose my attention. "How do you think that makes me feel?"
"Not worse than me," I snapped back, though my words came out strange with how he held my face, "You've been stalking me this whole time! You're watching me every second I'm not around you; you’re so stupidly obvious about it—as if you're proud of being a creep! Now, what are you doing, threatening my boyfriend? You're gods, not monsters. You already know I don't love him. But... I don't love you either, so let me go. You’re not just and fair to humans like a God should be." My voice was quiet at that point, but I had no doubt they could hear me perfectly fine.
"Am I a monster to you now?"
Though he released my face, I stayed stuck at his question. Would he be angry if I was truthful? Would he be angry if I were to lie? I had to give him some kind of in-between answer to at least keep him calm. "Right now... you are. It's hard to appraise a God who would be so unfair to humans."
His thumb caressed my cheek softly. My heart was thumping unsteadily at the soft contact and the sad look in his eyes. "You've called me unfair to humans since the day I was your guardian. I wonder... why you might be doing this again. I can see I'm chasing you around in circles."
"You're the God of the scales! The God of justice, with all your divine righteousness! Zyglavis, I thought you might understand why I rejected our love..." I looked down, but his fingers curled under my chin, lifting my head to see his eyes. He wasn't letting me look away.
Zyglavis' eyes were dark again, and it made me shiver. "You want to be with that human. To me, that is unfair. You cannot choose a simple goldfish over a God." So Scorpio was right; choosing a human over Zyglavis did make him angry. "Now, little goldfish, with my divine justice, I'll set things right."
"You think doing anything to him would make me love you at all?!" What exactly was he going to do? How could I stop him? I needed help, but the other gods were obedient to Zyglavis. Well... everyone but the Wishes gods. But Leon would only serve to make him angrier. The one person who could change Zyglavis’ mind was the King! "Zyglavis, you need to see the King. He can help you see what's right. You know we couldn't make it work. Gods are not supposed to favor one human over another. You told me that yourself! You're going to-"
He covered my mouth with his fingers. He hushed me. "The Earth and Heavens were once one and the same. They are now separate. Your sense of divine rule is amusing. I don't think you understand that Gods have the ability to take what they please from humans."
I shoved his hand away, completely flustered with a mix of confusion and disappointment. "I- I didn't think a God would go so far... You're extremely selfish and don't deserve your power." I forcefully pulled out of his arms as I kept attacking, "I loved you... some time ago, Zy. But this isn't the Zyglavis I fell in love with." I glanced at the other gods in the room. "This isn't the Department of Punishments that I stood by." They looked ashamedly away at my words. These gods weren't the same as they used to be. When I first met them, they would have never done this to a human—it was against their rules.
"I am selfish," he admitted, casually stepping closer to me, much to my surprise. None of my words seemed to have reached him the way I wanted. "I don't think you quite understand the extent I will go to for you." I stared at him but stopped backing away as I noticed Scorpio blocking my only exit. Zyglavis then continued explaining quietly, his breath uncomfortably brushing against my ear, "I will kill everyone you claim to love. I'm the only one you can give your love to. When you're ready, I'll be here to accept you. But I'm not opposed to giving you more... encouragement."
Kill everyone...? He was threatening me? My eyes narrowed, first I felt confusion, then a wave of anger took over. A quiet thud echoed through the room. "You- You piece of garbage!" Zyglavis was staring with wide eyes. Tears trailed down my cheeks—both from the fact that I just hit the man I love and what I, a human, had just done to a God. The others were staring, wondering what might happen now. "Why are you so cruel? You’re heartless! How could you even..."
"I see..." He said slowly, a shadow almost covering his face as his head tilted down. My heart thumped unsteadily in anxiety and fear at the darkness I felt seeping from Zyglavis. I should have already started running, but I was angry. I wanted him to apologize; I wanted him to fix this, to let us go.
“Damn it!” I cried, trying to wipe away my fallen tears as he failed to respond to me. “Why are you being like this? Say something!” My fist landed on his chest again and again and again. My punches weren’t full-force; I just wanted him to respond to me. “Zyglavis!”
I froze as pain shot up my arm. Zyglavis suddenly had my wrist clenched in his hand. "I suppose I'll have to discipline you to make you understand your place. As the Chief Minister of the Department of Punishments, I shall have to punish you fittingly for raising a hand to me. You have yet to see what a cruel god is like."
I tried to escape his blatant Godly wrath, but he pulled me to him despite my shouting and fighting to pull away. "Let me go! Ah-" His grip on my wrist tightened to a painful degree. It only triggered more tears to build up and fall. "Zyglavis! Stop! A- aah! That hurts!"
Thanks to my shouting, my boyfriend finally woke up; I spared a glance at his movement. He was fighting them fiercely to get to me, but they were gods. His fighting was useless, and I knew that—especially as I knew I couldn't escape Zyglavis' hold. I could tell the other gods were highly uncomfortable with Zyglavis’ actions now that I got a good look at them. Ichthys was affected even more so from hearing my cries. It was apparent none of them were expecting him to harm me. How unfortunate they had to follow their Minister's orders. It didn't stop my boyfriend's eyes from meeting mine.
"Crying, in pain, still you bring your gaze to him. Does he bring you comfort?" Zyglavis hissed as he glared at the human, his grip tightening to the point where I was terrified he was going to snap the bones. "Or perhaps you're trying to distract me from your punishment, yes? I have a clever human. I won't accept such disobedience from you."
His grip tightened further on my wrist, and I was sure that it was at least sprained by now with how he was twisting it. He certainly cut off the circulation but my pushing on his chest did nothing to get him to release me. My wrist was aching too horribly for me to try and pry it out of his hand. My biggest fear was that any wrong move would lead to him breaking the bone entirely—it wasn’t an impossible action. I pleaded pathetically, “Let me go…”
He was watching me impassively, not increasing or reducing the pressure he had around my wrist. "I cannot do that, (Name) (Last Name) You've struck the Punishments Minister, and I need to teach you that punishment is expected with such an act." His smile was sickly sweet as he leaned over me. "Please, tell me when you've learned your lesson."
A cold fear struck me--no. No, this wasn't fear. This was pure horror. He claimed to love me so much, going as far as getting rid of who I loved and harming me. What kind of love…
I was screaming; my struggling was useless. It was too painful, and he hadn't even begun yet. But... his grip tightened, barely beginning to add pressure, and my arm appeared to be nothing but a twig in his hands. I cried out so loud it was similar to that of a horrified scream, "No! No! Stop! Please! Zygla-ah!" I could have been mistaken for a wailing child throwing a tantrum of sorts. But no. I was not. I was an adult, pleading to a merciless God, screaming in agony with tears streaming down my face. But it didn't truly start until I felt something painful shoot through my arm. My heart dropped. Was he going to break my wrist? I couldn't let him—I couldn't handle that. What did he want? I wasn’t pleading the way he wanted. My vision was getting so hazy I thought I might lose consciousness from the pain. I desperately buried my face into the front of his shirt, surprising him as I screamed, "I'm sorry!" His grip loosened just slightly, and I felt like I was on the right track. I desperately searched for the right words. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please! I won't do it again! I learned my lesson! Please, please, stop!"
I felt such an intense wave of relief as he let go of my wrist, leaving me to cry into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me; something meant to be comforting after what he had just done. My wrist was starting to swell uncomfortably, but his hands rubbed against my back delicately. He was being so soft, and it made me sick to think that he was on the verge of breaking my arm just a moment before.
"Now, to take care of the distraction."
I looked up, panicked once again. I felt too many emotions at once, too much pain to think straight. My boyfriend looked angry—mostly pissed—but I could see a tinge of fear in his eyes. And it was the last thing I saw too. "Zyglavis…” My soft cry didn’t phase him. Zyglavis snapped his fingers, and my boyfriend was gone. I knew I would never see him again. Why couldn't they have just let him go? He was human. He was no threat to them. Was that another example for me? Another warning to make me compliant with his wishes? The man I loved was a monster. He caused me so much pain in so little time. I couldn't move from where I was, afraid to draw his attention back to me. I hated him—but my fear of him was more significant than that. Couldn't any of the gods help me?
"Take them to get their wrist bandaged properly by Huedhaut. But please, keep an eye on them. I'd like for them to be returned to my room once you're finished." He then turned and faced the others who were standing there awkwardly. "As for the rest of you, get back to work."
Scorpio gently took my arm as Zyglavis left. His nose scrunched up. "I'm sorry. So are the others. But we can't do much." I realized he must have been feeling everything I was feeling. It was the only reason for his words of comfort. But it made sense. He was careful with my injured wrist and made sure to stay on the opposite side of me.
"Oh-ho. What happened to the goldfish this time?"
I looked up and spotted Leon standing outside of Huedhaut's door. Immediately I had an urge to rush forward and latch onto him for safety. But I wouldn't dare—not with Scorpio's tight hold on my arm. I knew very well that he knew my intentions immediately. I settled with answering meekly, "It was-"
"Stupid goldfish fell coming up the stairs. Zyglavis said it would be better to have that smart guy wrap it." My eyes narrowed, and I looked at Scorpio. In return, he gave me a pointed look and drew me to silence. They didn't want me to tell the truth to the Wishes gods. Of course, it would cause issues, but I wished the Department of Wishes could know I needed help. Leon was a Minister himself, after all. But then again... would they betray me just like the Department of Punishments? I still wasn't about to attempt anything with Scorpio right there. Would he punish me just as harshly? Or maybe he would tell Zyglavis, and I would get another punishment. Would he entirely break my wrist? Or possibly one of my legs to ensure I couldn't walk?
"They’re really out of it." Leon was frowning when I realized they were still talking and that he was talking to me. But before I could respond, he sighed and said, "Alright. We'll let Hue see them." He turned back and knocked on the door. My eyes widened. Had we been outside Huedhaut's door this whole time? "The goldfish needs help."
I stared at the open door, and Huedhaut was standing there with his eyes on me. He tilted his head at the sight of my wrist. "Now, how did that happen? Such a reckless goldfish." But then he caught the tears in my eyes and glanced at Scorpio. "Why didn't you just get her healed?"
"Minister ponytail said it would be better to wrap it," Leon answered with a straight-up frown. He looked very displeased, but how could he argue?
Huedhaut also frowned at this assessment. But he let me into his room and sat me up on his desk, where I let out the occasional sniffle. "And how did this happen, (Name)?" He snapped some bandages onto the table though he also had to painfully straighten out my wrist before wrapping it, only causing me to whimper way more than I wanted to.
I went to answer him, but Scorpio quickly interrupted, "They fell."
I was going to explain Scorpio's story but it then occurred that they might just be able to tell a lie from my mouth—Zyglavis could read me so easily, after all. It made sense the other gods would be able to as well. I simply nodded in agreement. "It hurts, Hue..."
"That's what happens when a goldfish fractures a bone. You should have known better than to land on your wrist," he added jokingly. "I can't heal you, but getting rid of your pain is the least I could do."
"No," Scorpio interrupted, taking my arm. "Zyglavis can handle the rest."
Huedhaut was regarding me with suspicion in his eyes. "I can handle them. I understand Zyglavis has a crush on our little human, but they’re in pain. I'm sure they wouldn't mind staying. Right, (Name)?"
I unconsciously tensed up, drawing a look from Scorpio. I quickly turned my head away and admitted quietly, "I... I don't mind."
"Zyglavis wants to see you in his room." Scorpio's grip tightened just enough to tell me that I should start moving.
But he was suddenly shaken off when Leon came to my rescue, pulling me between him and Huedhaut. He stood in front of Scorpio and challenged, "We'll take them when they’re ready. That anal-retentive kitchen scale can last a few minutes without them."
The air was tense... Scorpio finally responded with a seeming threat in his tone, "I'll let him know." He hesitantly stormed out of Huedhaut's room with both Wishes gods staring him down.
We were alone, just me and the Wishes gods. I was finally alone and as safe as I could be. I shook, and finally, I started crying.
"(Name)?" The minute Huedhaut laid his hand on my shoulder, I threw myself into his arms, sobbing my heart out. He started caressing my hair softly. "Tell me what happened."
"I... I'm scared..." The two gods glanced at each other as I admitted everything to them, "I'm terrified of Punishments... Zyglavis is making them do horrible things. I- I-" I tightened my grip on Huedhaut. "I don't want to go back! Zyglavis hurt my wrist because he got mad! He killed my boyfriend!" I buried my face into his jacket, frustrated at how completely helpless I was. "Don't let them take me back. Please!"
"That explains why Scorpio kept interrupting you every time you tried to explain what happened to your wrist. We would have known you were lying with those faces you kept making." Huedhaut explained, connecting the dots. "But I figured it was something like that. Your wrist wasn't fractured upon impact. It was done by something compressing around your wrist. Nothing could fit better than the hand of a God. You're lucky he didn't snap the bone. We would have needed Ichthys' help."
"Another thing," Leon added as soon as Hudhaut was done speaking, "He didn't kill your boyfriend. He put that goldfish into a shadow world; it’s something like the place I have behind that door, only it’s there for different purposes. Regardless, he's sure to die there. It was a place he used to put humans and gods alike back when we were at war."
"Bring him back," I shakily begged. "He doesn't deserve this. He shouldn't have gotten dragged into this."
But Leon's expression didn't change. "I can't even look to see if that human is still alive. We can't let Zyglavis know what happened until we see the King about this. In the meantime, we have to send you back to him."
I froze up at his words, and my hands began to shake. “Don’t do that.” They would send me back even after everything that happened? "Please! You can't! He’ll never let me go."
"We need you to do this for us," Huedhaut affectionately rubbed my head. "Appease him for the time being. Leon and I are going to talk with the King." I helplessly looked up at him, and he offered me a smile. "We won't take long, (Name). We'll make sure you're safe. You're the only thing that can distract Zyglavis for us."
I slowly nodded in acceptance and begged, "Please, don't let him keep me... I hate the Department of Punishments..."
Leon had a stern face as he opened the door. "We won't. Now get going, or he'll get suspicious."
My legs were shaking, and it took a lot of effort to walk past Leon. They were both regarding me with pity, but I had to do this so they could get the help I needed. But it took even more of an effort to leave the room and walk down the hall. It felt like the longest journey ever. There were a few instances where the temptation to turn and run swarmed my mind. But no matter where I would go, I knew he would find me. I had to trust Leon and Huedhaut. I had to put my life in their hands.
Thudding, steady footsteps made me freeze in fear. The figure that turned the corner made my heart drop to my feet. "You are a disobedient little human. How many punishments-"
I flinched and instantly started shouting in defense, "I'm sorry! I didn't- I didn't mean to! It probably sounded bad, but they wanted me to stay longer. Leon and Huedhaut- I was afraid and they didn't want me to leave. I couldn't say no. I couldn't ask Scorpio, not in front of them." Yes! Good going, (Name). A perfect half-truth that anyone should buy!
Zyglavis paused a few feet away. He was staring at me with his dark eyes. "And? What did they want?"
Yes, just feed him more. Bide your time until help arrives. "They... um..." Damn it. I couldn't think of anything convincing enough that would throw him off. I looked down, fiddling with my fingers. He was staring at me harshly, waiting for an answer. Being careful, I spoke around his question, "I know you love me... the Wishes Gods know that too. They were just... worried about my wrist. Huedhaut, sort of, knew what happened. But- But it's okay! I told them I'm okay!"
His eyes narrowed, and I held my breath, waiting for his answer, whether it was an answer of acceptance or one of anger. Rather than either one, he pointed out dryly, "You're lying to me."
I tensed up. I didn't lie! Not a word I said was a lie! Or did he mean it as in I was hiding something? I couldn't let him find out what Leon and Huedhaut were doing. "I'm not lying..." But wait... maybe I was lying. I never told Leon or Huedhaut I was okay. I begged them for help; I told them how much pain I was in and how afraid I was. I looked down and sighed in partial relief, with the realization hitting me. "Oh... Sorry. I... It must have just slipped out. I was just startled that you came looking for me like this. I didn't tell them I was okay at the time. All I could think about was how much pain I was in. Huedhaut had to fix it to ensure the bones and joints healed up right. But it still hurts a bit..." I gnawed on my lip, my arms and legs still shaking as I nervously rubbed the bandages along my wrist. Hoping for his kindness, I tried, "I'm sorry for lying. It just slipped out."
I forced myself to stand still as he approached me slowly. It was hard to judge whether he accepted my words or was angry about them. Why did his face have to be so stoic at a time like this? "I understand your fears," he started slowly, standing within grabbing distance from me, "You are just a goldfish in a world of gods, after all. That being said, I should be responsible for taking care of you. I should have been careful not to let you go near that beastly lion."
"It's fine, Zyg. I'm okay..." I looked down, trying to explain how I felt, "I guess I'm just really sad. I didn't understand how this could all work. I wouldn't have gone looking for someone else to distract myself with. But Zyglavis, I'm afraid of all of this! You're trying to force this on me, but I just don't understand how a God and a human can work! You're saying you love me, but you're not even taking the time to understand how I feel! I just..." I paused, wiping away the few tears that fell from my eyes, "I wanted you to help me past that. You could have helped me... made me feel safe—not just add on to my fear!"
"I told you," he grabbed me, causing me to flinch as he pulled me flush against him, "that you would be safe with me. I told you that you would be mine and nothing else in the universe would matter. If I have to strike fear into you to make you submit, then I shall do so. If those idiots in Wishes try to undo my hard work, you will never learn your lesson. For now, I’ll have you confined to my room. I expect your cooperation. Is that understood?"
I shivered at his tone. Was another punishment coming? I wouldn't put it past him. But I nodded, regardless. He seemed pleased at that much and wrapped an arm around my shoulders to lead me to his room. It was all too foreboding. Upon entering, it was dark, and despite how dark it was, there were still shadows moving all over. "Zyglavis?" I took a deep breath. As long as Leon and Huedhaut had enough time to do what they needed to do, I would be okay. I could handle this for now.
He hummed as he seated me on his bed. "Stay here." It was a simple command, and he moved to leave me alone in the room.
"Zyglavis," I called his name to stop him. Would the Department of Wishes still be able to help if he left? I needed to stall him; wasn’t that my job? I was worried, and I was scared. I didn't like this room at all. With his attention back on me, I fidgeted nervously. "Um... Where are you going?"
He directed his gaze back to the door. "I have punishments to take care of. Ichthys will be here if you need anything—you need only call for him. I expect you to stay exactly where you are until I return. You should get some sleep while I'm gone."
"But I'm scared." He paused, listening to my quiet, frightened voice. "I don't like the dark." I honestly didn't have a problem with the dark, but I was terrified of Zyglavis' shadows which made the room even darker and scarier than usual.
However, he didn't seem too concerned with my fears. I knew he was probably okay with how scared I was. He settled with leaving me with a few encouraging words, "I'll return shortly for you." Without elaborating on what he was doing, I silently watched as he left.
I reclined on the bed and shut my eyes, resisting the urge to curl up in fright under his blankets. I didn't see why I couldn't go with Leon and Huedhaut to the heavens, where it would have been much safer. But where was Zyglavis going that he had to leave me in a dark room full of shadows? Did he know I was lying? Was he going to kill all of the Wishes Gods too? He usually did his punishments work in his room. I hoped he didn't think I was stupid enough to believe his lie. The gods easily read my feelings, but sometimes they weren't very discreet themselves.
But that wasn't the most oppressive thought on my mind. Zyglavis was not the man I used to know. It was fair enough to assume he wouldn't be letting me out of his grasp on his own free will with how he was acting. The only way I was getting out of this was with help from the Department of Wishes.
There was a rapping at the window, and I sat up in the bed. Speak of the devil—a blond-haired prince was there to save me. But the minute the window opened and Teorus entered, the door flew open and Ichthys stepped in from the opposite side. Unfortunately, this left me in the middle of them and the center of their attention.
I knew they were both friends, but Ichthys wasn't going to disappoint Zyglavis. Part of me wondered if Zyglavis threatened him. Ichthys wouldn't do something like this otherwise—especially after seeing how Zyglavis hurt me. His shakey exclamation almost verified that. "They belong to Zyglavis!" Ichthys was trying to convince himself of that fact—something he didn't look like he was succeeding in doing.
I looked at Ichthys, and instead of allowing some sort of fight to break loose, I said quietly, "Zyglavis doesn't love me like that anymore, Ichthys. Belonging to someone... that isn't what love is. You watched him hurt me." He couldn't seem to accept my words, probably having been told something else by the older members of the Department of Punishments. He simply wouldn't be swayed, so I tried a different tactic, "I'm not saying you have to do anything... You have your obligations. But please, Ichthys, try to understand."
Something seemed to spark in him at those words and before Teorus could get to me, Ichthys snapped his fingers, throwing Teorus across the room. "I do have an obligation! I have to serve Zyglavis!"
I quickly stood from the bed but found myself stuck in place with the shadows crawling up my legs and nipping at my clothes as they crawled higher. "Teo!"
Teorus seemed to be struggling with the shadows as well, considering he was thrown directly into them. He looked up at me. "These are connected directly to his shadow world that Leo told you about. We can't break free."
"But... won't we die there?" My gaze desperately flicked to Ichthys, who was watching with worry. "You're going to let your best friend die for this?! He's going to die, Ichthys!"
"No..." Ichthys shook his head. "Zyglavis wouldn't kill anyone. He's just going to make sure they can't ruin anything else. He really loves you, (Name)."
"Good job, Ichthys." I looked up at the voice, noting how Zyglavis didn't look or sound happy. His eyes then landed on me as the shadows in the room thickened. "I told you not to move from the bed."
"Wait, I- I was trying to help him. You can't do this." My fighting was also getting me nowhere. I was already brought down to my knees by the shadows and was beginning to have trouble breathing as they wrapped around my ribs and crawled higher. Teorus was already like a bug wrapped up in a spider's web. I knew I would soon be like that if Zyglavis didn't do anything. "Please, Zyglavis. I'm sorry!" He wasn't going to help me as the shadows wrapped none-too-gently around my throat. My body slowly lost the effort I needed to stay upright, and I collapsed. He only tortured me like that when he wanted something.
This time, Ichthys uncertainly spoke up, “Zyg…?”
“You can leave.” He worded it as an option, but we knew there was no choice here. Ichthys had to abandon me again.
My teeth clenched together in frustration. I couldn’t claw my way out of this one, and Zyglavis wouldn't save me. His dispassionate eyes were knowing as he watched me struggle. I had to confess; he knew I was guilty of defying him again. "I'm sorry! I told Leon! I told them what you were doing! I was so scared! I don't want to die!" My continued apologies didn't sway him, and my panic and anxiety grew as the darkness fully surrounded me. I hated the dark. I hated how Zyglavis’ shadows trapped me and suffocated me. Was this his shadow world? It was so cold, and all I could do was silently whimper my apologies to the only cruel god who could end this nightmare.
"Are you prepared to obey me?"
I looked and looked, but I couldn't find my savior anywhere. "Zyglavis!" I hated him, I loathed him, but I needed him.
"You're such a difficult goldfish to train." After a horrifying moment of silence, a bright light blinded me, and I closed my eyes in shock.
"Zyglavis..." I peeked my eyes open, my eyes adjusting to the brightness as I sat up. My eyes watered as I found Zyglavis kneeling in front of me, waiting for my first reaction. However, he was surprised when I grabbed his shirt, collapsing on his chest with tears. "Don't do that! Don't do that again! I- I thought I was going to die! I thought you were going to kill me! I don't wan- want to die!"
His arms wrapped around me, tender and caring as when we first met. In fact, after my near-death experience, Zyglavis was nothing but soft with me. He kept me in his room, never letting me out, keeping his shadow with me at all times when he wasn't around—even though there was nowhere for me to go outside that door, as Zyglavis told me many times. It was lonely for the most part. Did my tormentor count as a company? The only glimpse I would see of another person would be those that he showed me from the reflection pool. He thought of making me forget about the other gods completely but decided against it for his wicked sense of fun—or perhaps it was some sort of cruel punishment for refusing to love him. I would never really know with him.
Through his reflecting pool, he would occasionally show me how the other gods were doing; it was just a little mercy—or something to keep me under his thumb, in reality. He never let me see anyone else, but he would get anything and everything I asked for. When he would decide to take me out, it was never around other people, and it was never for very long. He considered it a gift for my good behavior. In reality, my good behavior was not fighting him and following his occasional instructions.
He also said that if I complied with him, he would let my friends in the Department of Wishes go free. It was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. If they were free, then perhaps one day they could save me. Of course, I knew it was unlikely, but at least I knew they would be safe. So, I accepted his deal.
Zyglavis stopped at nothing to try and get me to love him as much as he loved me. It was a one-sided relationship. But he didn't mind that... as long as I was his and his alone.
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voltage-vixen · 5 years
“We just weren’t meant to be.” & “Please don’t cry.”  Huedhaut
Why did fate have to be so cruel? This was the question running through Huedhaut’s mind, as he watched MC through the reflecting pool as she worked. He smiled faintly, as she happily went about her day at the planetarium. There was nothing he loved more than the way her face lit up, whenever a customer asked her a question about the stars. His face contorted with pain when he realized that in just a few moments, he was going to be the destruction of that said happiness.
Huedhaut sighed as he remembered the tragic vision, he witnessed the other day. He had seen MC die right before his very eyes. She had no idea what had happened, but he made an excuse to end their date early, and she hadn’t seen him since then. The truth was that wasn’t the first time Huedhuat had seen a similar ending for MC in the other visions he experienced. It had seemed that no matter what, MC was destined to die, as long as she stood by Huedhaut’s side. Desperate to find some way around this, he searched the archives looking for an answer, but had yet to find anything that could be helpful.
He vowed to never give up trying to find a resolution, but until then, he needed to do everything in his power to protect MC-even if it meant breaking both of their hearts. Huedhaut stood outside the planetarium waiting for MC to finish her shift, and silently scolded himself for not being able to think of any other alternatives to this situation. “Hue?” MC’s questioning voice broke Huedhaut out of his internal dialogue. She smiled as she realized it was him and trotted over. Please don’t look at me like that, he silently begged. This was going to be even more difficult than he imagined.
MC started to say something, but Huedhaut quickly cut her off. “MC, I’ve been doing some thinking, and I have something I need to say to you,” he whispered before he lost his resolve. “We just weren’t meant to be,” he stated as he watched MC begin to cry, “Please don’t cry. I can’t stand to see you in pain. Just know that this if for your own good.” She tried to grab his face so she could talk to him, but he turned away and started to fly into the air. “If I did anything wrong, I’m sorry,” MC sobbed, “Let’s talk this over. We belong together Hue.”
“There’s nothing to discuss, because it’s over MC,” he responded rather harshly. Huedhaut continued to fly up towards the heavens and refused to glance back at the crying MC he left behind. He knew if he looked back, he would never be able to leave her.
“One day I will return to you my love,” Huedhaut promised as he looked up to the sky, “I won’t let fate tear us apart again. I will come back for you.”
Poor MC still had no idea what was going on, as she had started to walk home miserably. Even though she was sad, she knew that deep down in her heart, Huedhaut would return for her. They were destined for each other. Her head sunk when she realized she would just have to wait until that day.
“Come back for me Hue,” she whispered one final time into the sky, before returning to the loneliness of her apartment.
@agustd54 & @mrs-scm-wife
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