is it gay to be dating a cis gay man, and a agender trans masc non-binary? (dont worry they know about eachother this time)
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corvids-core-sys · 6 months
screw it, we have some tags we might as well list them will be updated over time [ayor] = proceed at your own risk shiri(shi:) - #shiriken (may appear on other blogs we interact with) #shirikry (my quarantine for my mental illnesses, im traumatized) [ayor] bdubs(none) - #cryingmoss (traumatized last life bdubs who probably has OLD) [ayor] cat train/wilbur(ct:) - #cat on da train (this is a wilbur dreamtive factive who mostly talks to his friends and shitposts) [safe] maindave(d:) #davedakin (uhhhhhh i know he has vague nsfw'd on insta before but idk about here, really old frequent fronter from around when we thought we where kingenic still hence the being a kin, he isnt tho) [safe????] our core w/ too many das(and signoffs) - #ingramwings (base tag for ingram no matter the state) (they might add da tags) [safeeee???] roxy(ro:) - #roxytonic (i think she just vibes tbh) [probably safe] mono(mn:) - #your monogisty (traumatized child who led a gang of homeless kids, he is p fun to talk to) [safe] ash(ash:) - #ashallyart (she is traumatized and bisexual idk what to tell you) [safe iirc] ttango(ttt:) #mistewteknight (they are so so violently gay they literally married one of their partners thought their ask box iirc) [safe adjacent i think] redd(rd:) - #rdhandedafullhouse (depressed gay rich kid, he is literally what it says on the box. mildly prone to impulsively trauma dumping while wanting to build up walls so thick he could survive the apocalypse along with all his nearly lined up bottles of feelings [safe?????] matilda(mati:) #matihoney (she is matilda, like from the movie adaptation of the kids book about terrible parents, she is chill) [safe] gir(gir:) - #gir notzim (again, what the box says, so many of our older introjs are very compliant) [safe] Vriska(unknown) - #vriskabite (careful, she is a vriska<3jhon/lh) [safe adjacent i think] ds dirk(dsd:) - #doushdirk (from a long abandoned and deleted and revamped as non hs, and then abandoned again au from insta, trauma go brr) [safe] dell(de:) - #delldagirl (trans fem beta strider kid, trauma™, gets onto fights with maindave like a petulant little sister) [safe????] rose(tt:) - (i cant find her tag T-T, in a subsystem with another rose(roseA) [ayor, verbally dismantles fakeclaimers in our ask box] scarlett(pg:) - #scarlett.text.ca (textposts) [ayor. some of them have discourse but i tag those thourally] #scarlett.reblog.ca (reblogs) sols/solsy(sy:) - #solsisposting (general tag for factive sols) [ayor tw alcoholic] doly(dl:) - #dolythedisgrace (mentally ill quarantine and vent tag) [ayor] MISC #the deformit system - our old system name but mostly been replaced or removed only on rb convos we dont have the energy to go through. #ask the deformit system - our old askbox tag we aslo havent gone tough and fixed/removed
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i guess i should do an intro post, huh?
hi im scott scarlett pilgrim, aka thatoneguyfromtoronto (!! SOON TO BE thatonenerdfromtoronto !!) (though im actually from peterborough lol), and i use she/they/it pronouns. im a 24 year old schizophrenic who is also autistic and adhd, and i live in my delusions and psychosis quite happily, because its not harmful for me at all./g in my version of source im dating both wallace (he/him) and ramona (they/he) there is also npc wallace (he/him) who is my imaginary friend of wallace, and has been around since collage, he isnt like a tulpa or anything just an extension of my delusions and he is chill with that (he has actually decided he wants to exist in the main system sometimes and can phase between being a delusion and a headmate. you might see the occasional "npc wallace wanted me to put [this tag]" or "npc wallace wanted me to tell you he said [this]", he like getting to communicate with people who cant see or hear him. because i live in my delusions and psychosis i understand my blog will not be safe for people who are harmed by non-typical or differing perceptions of reality, but my space will always be open to those who are like me and safe around others like me (thats why you see psychosis safe and delusion safe on all my posts regardless the post type)
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # my tags
#scarlett.text.ca (text posts and reblogs with replies outside of the tags) #scarlett.reblog.ca (reblogs, make sure to check the tags for the funnies) #scarlett.asked.ca (for when i reblog something i asked or requested, probably also be paired with scarlett.text.ca) #scarlett.askbox.ca (for answering my own askbox or askbox related posts, will also likely have scarlett.text.ca) #scarlett.image.ca (posts that have images i added, nothing here yet, will also have scarlett.text.ca if there is text, i try and add an id to my images) i will usually always have a tag or two with the post tone usually after the above tags, and as i said before i always have #psychosis safe and #delusion safe on my posts (edit 1) as some of you saw i got in some discourse, i have 0 impulse control and always want to protect my friends so it will probably happen again. if this is a part of my blog you dont want to see i heavily suggest blocking #tw: discourse, #unsafe post, and #not safe post. i will try my best to put these tags on discourse and the last two that isnt my usual goofy /lh memes and sillyness./g
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i am so sorry for the discource im in right now guys, i will delete or correctly tag it later, this person has been pretending to be our friend for months now and the psa post was the last straw.
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uhhh, so does it mean anything when your imaginary friend/brain npc of one of your partners wont stop calling you an egg?
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thatoneguyfromtoronto -> thatonenerdfromtoronto
i changed my username/url!!!
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danmit! i got tranzed now i have to rebrand my account!!!!!!!!!!! also its scarlett for now, she/they/it. this is going to be so much effort -_-'
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guys! i did a bait! and the antis didnt even realize, they took it hook line and sinker!
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The literal coining post for radqueers includes pro-c paras, for one. For two, the BITE model has been applied to radqueers several times and every time Radqueers have fit it to a *t*, meaning they ARE A CULT. Finally, if you're in the radqueer community you support everything they stand for. That includes shit like xenosatanists, awooqueer, etc. that are PRO-C pedo and zoo terms, meaning radqueers are child and animal abusers and rapists bc kids and animals can't fucking consent!
ok, yeah. you got this one right no ands, ifs or buts - The literal coining post for radqueers includes pro-c paras, for one. and yes in regrards to - if you're in the radqueer community you support everything they stand for. That includes shit like xenosatanists, awooqueer, etc. that are PRO-C pedo and zoo terms, if any community actually had unanimous opinions on anything lgb w/o the t wouldnt be a thing. while more of the community does agree with that there is a sizable minority that dont acttually agree with or accept pro-c harmful para stances. that is where i sit as my system is on some level recovering pro-c for a couple harmful paras - meaning radqueers are child and animal abusers and rapists bc kids and animals can't fucking consent! that doesnt mean radqueers are automatically those things... the cult stuff and "if you are [insert minority] you are immediately a [insert types of terrible person]" are like the most recyled homophobic talking points, good on you for being eco-friendly, but with antis its more like families reusing genetic material to be eco-friendly also funfact: "radqueers support everything" is always the funniest argument we hear from antis, that means i support you too, and honestly, you sound like you need the extra support buddy.
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gods these lyrics feel so raw today
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id: a screen-shotted section of the spotify lyrics for threshold by sex bob-omb with a burnt orange background and light text reading "and i'm reaching my threshold, staring at the truth till i'm blind. my body is stupid, stereo putrid. spilling out music into raw sewage. i'm reaching my threshold, staring at the truth till i'm blind." [end id]
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the urge to engage is discourse on my safe space blog would not be very safe space of me
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so cuz i dont have wallace's credit card information anymore im broke now but you can be my credit card! (if you want) cuz i turned on tipping!!
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