ivorys-back · 5 months
Howdy! ;P
If you got that reference, good for you! I'm starting an Undertale comic based on my initial interpretation of the story and characters, and it also ties into my TWOF AU. Obviously, being part of an AU, it has some deviations from the canon, which I'll list here along with the characters:
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First, there's Frisk and Chara. The reason I made both of them girls is because way back when I was first starting to roam the Internet and came across Undertale, I watched a dub of the Deeper Down comic, and in that comic, Frisk was addressed as female, and that's been my headcanon ever since. As for Chara, her name just sounded female to me. Also, Frisk is the reincarnation of Chara, which is why they share a Soul trait. Chara was about 15 when she died and Frisk is 12 when she travels through the Underground, so Chara is three inches taller than Frisk.
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Flowey, in this AU, is actually a good guy (but still retains some of his sass and snarkiness from the original) and accompanies Frisk through her journey. Despite carrying some of Asriel's essence, he doesn't remember anything from Asriel's life or why he was born as a flower. This is because when Asriel collapsed and turned into dust, it was his chest portion that fell onto the flower that would become Flowey instead of his head, which is what carried his memories and would've resulted in the Flowey we all know and love. That being said, Flowey and Asriel are completely separate entities in this AU. Flowey was about 20 years old by the time Frisk fell.
(Also, just to save my sanity, I'll be using a different Omega Flowey design. Maybe the one from @scaletale-au, since it's pretty much the only pretty Omega Flowey out there, and also the design is just so badass, I couldn't resist.
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Speaking of Asriel, here's the Dreemurr boy himself! When he died, he wandered the Underground in his adult form (the form he traveled to Chara's village with when their Souls were fused) as a shadow more than anything, which I'll post here in a minute. As he watched over his family and the monsters and saw Toriel taking care of the fallen humans, he became jealous and resentful, thinking that his mother was just replacing him as if she had forgotten him completely. This is how he became evil and corrupted, but all that is solved when Frisk reaches out to him and helps him remember his sister Chara, and the Hate is expelled from him, but he's still in his adult form (except his robe is purple instead of black and his eyes are green like normal and he has no face stripes).
I'm also thinking that when Asriel regains his physical form, he imprisons Asgore and claims the throne as King of the Underground, having his Hyper Goners hunt down Frisk and her friends while the other monsters hide in Home, the old city.
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Here's the goat parents, Toriel and Asgore! When she first met Frisk, Toriel felt as if she was looking at an old friend (Deja-Vu), and when Asgore met Frisk, he commented on how much she reminded him of Chara (remember the "same hope in your eyes" line?). The morning after Frisk and Asgore stopped fighting, Toriel at last made it to Frisk, and she and Asgore made up and got back together.
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Sans and Papyrus are relatively the same, only they have tongues and Sans wears sneakers instead of slippers, and Papyrus becomes a little more mature near the end (but not enough to spoil his excitable personality) as Asriel makes himself known to the Underground and asserts himself as a threat. Undyne also appoints Papyrus as a Royal Guard to help them rise up against Asriel. They're the sons of Gaster, and their mom Bree is alive and well (I have yet to make a design for her) and she lives in New Home.
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Undyne doesn't change very much, except she has a tail and arm fins because yes. She also turns into her Undying form to protect Frisk from Asriel. As for backstory, her parents were named Jainil and Adella, and they ran the Royal Guard before they died and she took their place (she was born after the Human-Monster War, not before).
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Alphys doesn't change much either, except I gave her pants. She assisted Gaster in conducting the Determination experiments, so the Amalgamates were not entirely her fault, although she was still the one who injected the flower with Determination and unintentionally brought Flowey to life.
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Mettaton doesn't change at all, he's still the same, except he changes into his NEO form to fight Asriel. Of course, he was a ghost like Napstablook, but then he became friends with Alphys and she gave him a robot body, and that's how he became a TV star.
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Finally, there's Gaster and Shadow!Asriel. Gaster doesn't change much, except that he appears a bit more often and guides Frisk and Flowey through the True Lab. As for Shadow!Asriel, it's just Asriel's corrupted ghost form and he haunts Frisk throughout her entire journey, and is the one to taunt her at the end of the Ruins instead of Flowey.
Here's the draft for the cover of The Final Fall!
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Here's the synopsis: 
The Angel, the Fallen One, the One Who Has Seen the Surface...She will return...and the Underground will go empty.
This is the prophecy of Frisk, a human girl who many would call "too determined for her own good". After climbing Mount Ebott and falling into a world of monsters, Frisk makes several friends and even gains a talking flower as a little brother. Every time she falls asleep in this new world, she has odd dreams of people from the past; they're familiar, but not recognizable. They feel like family, but Frisk never knew them. But nothing can prepare her for the end of her journey...or the secret that will change her life forever. 
Anyway, that's all for now, and I hope you guys like it! Let me know what you think about it!
@demonangelgirl134 @loki104-uwu @hey-imma-fangirl
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remverse · 10 days
Meet Calla! She is from ScaleTale. She is a lusty busty lamia on land, but a siren when she hits the water.
What will you ask her first?
Art by my wife @lusty-degenerate
Art by @Jasper2450 on Twitter
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angrytreemarten · 1 year
Tier list for AI generated AUs
I’ll put this in notes, forget about it for two years and find it again while freeing up space on my phone, fall in love with the idea, and spend most of my daydreaming about it, and eventually get the idea fleshed out and post it where I’m most popular and start getting more ideas from my awesome followers and eventually turn it into a A03 story
Interesting idea!
Why did I laugh
Someone should make this! Not me, but someone should
Um, chile.. Anyway, so-
Nah to the ah to the no no no~
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libartz · 6 years
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I tried to do an action pose with the Undyne from Naga’s universe. I decided to post it as a small intro to her. She’s more easygoing than regular Undyne, but gets grumpy at things she doesn’t understand and tends to jump to conclusions. She’s sansish for a lack of a better description? She’s sarcastic and stuff but doesn’t make puns.
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scaletale-au · 7 years
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Found this really old sketch. I think it was for a request of Reaper Sans from like forever ago. I didn’t like it at the time so that’s why it’s unfinished. ~Abyss
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dumpstergarden · 7 years
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concept art for an undertale au i thought of called Scaletale!
Scaletale is an au where frisk/chara have a form of avatism that make them look reptillian (basically they have Killer Croc’s condition) and so everyone in the underground mistake them for monsters (except sans and flowey) before noticing that they have quite a bit more determination than the other monsters!
feel free to draw what you want for the au, just tag me in it or tag it as “scaletale” so I can see it!!!
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anorha-nono · 7 years
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Lineart commission for @endlesshunter 
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irascaletale · 4 years
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Ira: Orange eyes, female, brother of Skye
Skye: Blue eyes, male, sister of Ira
AU: ScaleTale (ish?)
Permission to dub: Yes for Sans Comic TV
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silverskye13 · 7 years
Sooo did you find some one ho has the dragon au?
Oh yeah actually!Someone tagged me and said one was called DragonTale @dragontale the one that I remembered seeing (specifically for a grillby dragon they designed once) was called Scaletale? @scaletale-auThere's a couple other like... just sketches and things of the like for an AU like that just floating around. Not sure if there's any official ones besides that!Neither of my dragon designs pulled from those either. :'D sorry. Though if you're ever interested in more of my scaly dweebs you're welcome to throw me a prompt or something.But yeah!! No idea if those blogs are still active or not. And tread at your own risk, I haven't scoped out their content for ya. Otherwise, go enjoy some scaley Aus!
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spacejacket · 7 years
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uncropped version for BUTTON SET #3!!!! Just need to add background then done! Been working on these for almost 2 weeks so I’m exhausted.
I also decided to make stickers out of these. But since my budget is low, I won’t be selling stickers till the next next con.
Undertale © Toby Fox
Serif and Asterisk/Gaster from Paraversetale belongs to @spacejacket and @bluerose099
Underswap belong to @popcornpr1ce
Underfell belongs to ???
SwapFell belongs to ???
OuterTale belongs to @2mi127
Gaster Sans and Gaster Papyrus from Underpatch belongs to @borurou
MonoFell belongs to @pc-doodle
Sora and Percy from AshTale belongs to @ashleyfluttershy
UnderDarkness belongs to @zheyzhey04
GreyFell belongs to @ilonablack
Xander belongs to Senyin (Just letting everyone know, Xander is NOT GreyFell’s Papyrus their AU. They’re just pair together.)
Scale from ScaleTale belongs to @endlesshunter
PaperJam belongs to @7goodangel
DustTale belongs to @teyla95
UnderDeepSea belong to @theralia-underdeepsea
DimensionTale belongs to @catgir-doodles
DemiTale belongs to @crossoverdude
Cross from XTale/Underverse belongs to @jakei95
DreamTale belongs to @jokublog
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abyssinalphantom · 7 years
Tagged by @draconic-hydra
Nickname: Niki is my nickname, since my full first name is Nicole.
Star sign: Leo Height: 5′10 Time right now: 4:14am MST Favorite music artist: T.a.t.u Song stuck in your head:  Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy Last movie watched: Assassin’s Creed (Dont go see it. Its shit) Last T.V. show watched: Natsume Yuujinchou When did you create your blog: 4 years ago now i think? What kind of stuff do you post: Anything i want really. Mostly fandom related or funny stuff Do you have any other blogs: Lots of dead rp blogs, a shared blog with @lostlegacyuniverse ( @scaletale-au) and my semi new art blog ( @calloftheabyss) Why did you choose your URL:  Abyssinal is from when i liked the character Cheshire from Pandora hearts and it was orignally abyssinalcheshire, then i mashed it with my new fav username of shadowphantom.  Gender: Female Hogwarts house: idk, not too into harry potter Pokémon team: Uhh if you’re talking pokemon go its Valor. Favorite color: Black and Blueee Average hours of sleep: Usually around 5-6 Lucky number: 7 How many blankets do you sleep with: 1 plus the comforter Dream job: Zoologist Following: 193 Followers: 439 (most of em are spam porn bots tho heh)
I tag @lostlegacyuniverse, @alyss-kelly, @artistic-ape, @dang-sammit, @zxsharpxshooter or anyone else who wants to do it. :3
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dodokalypse · 7 years
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Asriel~  My Lion-Goat-Dragon Asriel ~  
I Think I Name this Scaletale....Is this a Name i can take? xD Or is it taken? 
I don´t think so.....
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libartz · 4 years
Old drawings I forget if I posted 1- the Alphys and Undyne from Naga’s universe
Undyne is pale green, Alphys is lime green with the dark parts being purple. Might do a coloured one of them later
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scaletale-au · 7 years
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I started this in december... Scrapped it, then sudden inspiration to try and finish it... Its so bad and clearly idk how to animate.... Its 6am and i have no fucks to give.. take it. plz ignore his magic shifting scarf...
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moltenraider · 8 years
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Dragon sans from @scaletale-au Congrat for the +300 followers
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spacejacket · 7 years
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Button Set #3 DONE!
Will be selling this Weekend at Wondercon!
Check these out at my booth and Meet me in person! My booth is E-48!
I will also be selling Set #1(Limited Edition) and Set #2, along with other buttons, prints, and postcard!
Undertale © Toby Fox
Serif and Asterisk/Gaster from Paraversetale belongs to @spacejacket and @bluerose099
Underswap belong to @popcornpr1ce
Underfell belongs to ???
SwapFell belongs to ???
OuterTale belongs to @2mi127
Gaster Sans and Gaster Papyrus from Underpatch belongs to @borurou
MonoFell belongs to @pc-doodle
Sora and Percy from AshTale belongs to @ashleyfluttershy
UnderDarkness belongs to @zheyzhey04
GreyFell belongs to @ilonablack
Xander belongs to Senyin (Just letting everyone know, Xander is NOT GreyFell’s Papyrus their AU. They’re just pair together.)
Scale from ScaleTale belongs to @endlesshunter
PaperJam belongs to @7goodangel
DustTale belongs to @teyla95
UnderDeepSea belong to @theralia-underdeepsea
DimensionTale belongs to @catgir-doodles
DemiTale belongs to @crossoverdude
Cross from XTale/Underverse belongs to @jakei95
DreamTale belongs to @jokublog
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