#sara and felice as friends is so important actually
fan-a-tink · 2 months
Young Royals Finale reaction
Can’t believe the episode is 57 minutes long!!! That is such a blessing!!!! 57 MINUTES!!!
Chucking us right back in there… Simon just left that night? Like…? 
„And Simon is right. I have to take responsibility for my own problems. I can’t drag him down with me.“ Pfffuuuuuuhhhhhh that hurts… Like I know he is right.. They are both right… 
Love that jumper that Simon is wearing
Seeing Sara and Simon be friends again is so so soooooo healing for my soul. 
I love that pep talk that Sara gives Simon about their dad. And maybe the second chance will also apply to Simon’s relationship with Wille?
That poem is by Karin Boye - that’s the one Lisa posted with the trailer....!
Is this the first time Wille and Sara actually spoke to one another? Season 3, episode 6? 😅
So Hillerska is closing down. Even though it shouldn’t be, that is still a shock! But a good one! I love that as a resolution for everything
August having a breakdown in front of everyone after calling them to reason. He is like the only one who can’t stand the discord. And I love him for it
„But everything around here still reminds me of him.“ AAASDIH OIFHAIEFH ASDFV SDF
I’m sorry, but everyone calls their parents or talks to their best friends. Only Wille’s fucking parents don’t bother calling their son. He speaks to fucking Farima again! (Sorry, I love farima, I’m just sooooo over Wille’s parents being shit parents)
Wille looking at Simon through the bookshelves before going up to him… 💜💜💜💜
It breaks my heart that they can’t even say how they feel, they are so broken by this breakup.. But also weirdly, this also feels like one of the first really honest conversations they have
Henry interrupting them is soo funny…. He just has noooo radar :)))
„We could stay here and feel like crap together“ 😂 
HE CALLED SIMON THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE!!!!!!!!! I mean, we all knew that, but still - THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE!!!!!!!
Love that Felice called him ‚Party Prince‘ :))) also, it feels like Felice has her personality back :)) Nice to see the real Felice again :)))
Simon lying on the football field and playing with the fake sand…. My heeeaaaaarrrtttt!!!!!
Lol Simon did you really think you got closure? From what?
„Erik would’ve loved you no matter what“ - this is the moment where I start crying. 
This is such a good apology, August.. And Malte is giving it everything… I love this scene. This is so so so important… Also, I’m crying now, and I probably won’t stop now that I’ve started.. 
„Yes, I have feelings for August. But I have stronger and more important feelings for you. And for Simon, and for myself.“ As an aroace person, this made my heart sing. FRIENDSHIP!!!!! PREACH!!!
„That was the best day of my life.“ Oh Saraaa….. I love you… I know you and Felice will be fine.. You will be fine, I can feel it!!
Nils officially coming out to Vincent and August 🏳️‍🌈 love it :) even Vincent has a good side, hidden somewhere very deep deep down, but it is there :)
„I see you, but I don’t think you see me. You’re in love with the person you become with me.“ She is soooo right. So right. And it breaks my heart that they won’t be together, but…. She is so right about this
Malte, you are such an incredible actor - how have we all not seen this before?!?!?!?!?!
„It’ll pass“ - that is such an iconic line that I will forgive you for stealing it from fleabag :))
It’s so brave of Simon to go up to Wille. 
I cannot even begin to write down my feelings about the next few scenes. I was crying the whole time, shaking, sobbing, all over the place. They are sooo beautiful. The way they look at each other. Cherishing the moment. AND WHEN WILLE STARTED SINGING ‚IT TAKES A FOOL TO REMAIN SANE‘ ökdfn oäwiAFGBNÖOUERBGTÖAOIRBSYDÖFGOXVABN I can’t watch this be the end of them. I can’t. 
Also, the song Alice is beautiful for all of this. Poetic cinema.
Frederika & stella :) 
I love the slight change of the lyrics too.. „Cause we were a revolution“  from „I can be your revolution.“
Wille is looking at August like he has a plan. I SMELL AN ABDICATION :)))
And they sing Simon’s Song? This is toooo much!!!!! I love it!!!! But also why did no one tell Simon about that? 
The way they fade that song over the next few scenes… Have I already mentioned that I am crying my eyes out? 
So, the queen had a serious health concern. And now she is just fine? She has sought out therapy for like one day and apologizes to her son? Like, how does that work so quickly? 
But also, I love it. Wille deserves parents who are there for him. 
Wille, what are you thinking? What are you going to doooooo???? Abdication is coming, I can feel it…!!!
Why are they having a conversation about how it was in vain, or not? This is not going in the right direction. 
„I never gave up on you. I gave up on the royal family.“ - Wille, your path is clear!!!!! You HAVE to take it!!!
Goodbye? Nooo? Why???? „I hope you have a nice summer.“ What the fuck? That is not the throwback I needed? Hello? Why are you walking away? Noooo, come back!!!! Simooooooon!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHH!!
„They were friends who threw money at the problem instead of listening.“ THANK YOU!! 
Just ride off into the sunset together, you two 💜
The Queen saying she’s proud of Wille is such an empty thing. 
He is fumbling his collar. He is getting out of that car. 
„One day you will be a fantastic king.“ - Say it! Say it, Wille!! SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!! 
„What happens if I don’t want to?“ YEEEEEEESSSSS, REVOLUTION BABY!!!!!!
This is the growth that Edvin talked about. Talking about his issues calmly, productively. Putting it simply. Being heard. Understood. He is fucking abdicating here and it is working. I LOVE IT!
„The thing with Simon“ - the disrespect!!!! I am done with this woman. He is the love of his life, ok?
„I don’t want this.“ - The smile when he says this.. 🥰 The first signs of the actual Wille coming out from all that pressure
The harmony theme starting to play as he leaves the car and the monarchy behind This is so freaking good!!!!! I freaking love this show
Haha, Simon waiting a minute before having Sara stop the car… Let him run :))
The music. The sunshine. The full trees. The fucking smiles on both of their faces. Fucking finally. 
„For my own sake. … I want to be with you, Simon.“
The cheeky smile on Simon’s face just before he says, „what the hell do you think?“ nsyöljdnföojansAKENF KASJDNF LKJANSD
Also, I am in tears. Sobbing, shaking, laughing, crying. Truly, I have felt all the emotions this episode. I freaking love this show. 
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simonsfish · 1 year
I want to talk about Sara, because there's this tendency to dismiss her part in her own relationship with August, like because she's maybe new to relationships and because she's neurodivergent, she got tricked into being with him or taken advantage of or something, and I'm just not seeing it.
At the end of s1, Sara is explicitly taking her own future in her hands. I think that's actually one of the reasons that August even considered her a possible partner - instead of acting in the interest of other people (namely, Simon), she cuts a deal with August that serves her own interests. I think he really values that attitude, that sometimes you need to sacrifice things to get ahead, and the importance of self-motivation to get the things you want. So in that moment, she's embodying in that moment the things he values.
I think the moment Sara gets interested in August is after he kisses her in the stables. She didn't care about him either way but once he shows that tiny bit of interest she starts to consider him. And Sara explicitly wants what Felice has in s1--she wants the fancy clothes and the living on campus and the rich people sensibilities and yeah, maybe the boyfriend, too. And then once she starts thinking about it, it's easy to want those things so badly that she starts acting in service of actually gaining those things, even if that means sacrificing something of her own moral compass.
By s2, she feels this connection with August because they're the only ones who know what he did, and the only ones who know what she did to get herself ahead and live at Hillerska. I think as she spends more time with the girls and gets more of the ideas of what you're supposed to feel with a boy you love, she wants to actually try that out. Like, in a really standard teen need to experience everything kind of way. Yeah, the fact that she's autistic (as am I, the author of this post) influences the fact that she doesn't know all of the things the other girls take for granted in re: sex and love and how to navigate things with boys. But it doesn't really have anything to do with her drive to want to experience those things, and it's not about innocence as much as her not having friends at her old school and being less experienced because of that (and I think probably Simon is a little too overprotective, a thing he can't be in s2 when she's living away from home).
I also think it's maybe worth mentioning, that the girls initially accept Sara into their friend group because Felice likes her but also because she's kind of an anomaly at this school--she's not rich, she does things differently, and she looks to them in a way they don't look at each other. So like when she's questioning things they all know, they're kind of treating it like aw, honey most of the time. Until she steps on a social norm that they don't like, and then it's well, she never knew how to act, of course not. (which, honestly kudos to YR because that is a very real experience)
Anyway, back to August. Sara has agency the whole way through, she's just making bad decisions. She goes to him because she wants to sleep with him, she spends time with him because she likes it. She's not a poor little girl who thinks she's in love but she's being taken advantage of, she's a girl in love who makes some bad decisions because of it. Like, teenage love is SO STRONG because it's usually a newer emotion, and YR shows how that strength of emotion can lead to both good and bad decisions.
Plus, August genuinely likes Sara, too. Partly that's because he assumes she's more like him than she actually is. And partly because it seems like his idea of dating is usually really tied into clout chasing (ahem, Felice) and how to hold his status. Sara doesn't offer him anything status-wise, she's just actually into him, and she might line up with him in terms of goals. That's gotta be refreshing. Also, I love the part where he calls himself King and her Queen before promising not to hurt her. Like, that just hammers home the idea that he sees her as an equal not in status but in terms of like. morals, I guess? And that she sees this kindness in him that she thinks only she gets to see because they're in love, not because he usually hides it away since it doesn't benefit him personally in the world he lives in.
This is reinforced when August buys Rousseau and thinks that will stop Sara from leaving him after she finds out how he's been threatening Simon and taking everything but accountability for his own actions. Legitimately, August seems to think that she will support him, because she supported him with this secret before, and because, like him, she wants the personal status gain and can understand why he acts the way he does. The horse should prove his love, and the other things are just par for the course, baby, you get it, right?
She doesn't, though, and this isn't the point where we should be going oh no, August has been tricking this poor girl and she just finally is taking her life in her hands. It's the point where both of them are like shit, you aren't the person I thought you were, and it's because both of them make these big sweeping assumptions because that's easier than questioning really strong feelings like love and potentially losing that love right away. Sara sees that he's not the person she thought, but in a lot of ways, her whole story has been in her control.
She's just like Simon--young and in love and making choices that might blow up in her face and might make her see she's been wearing those rose-colored love glasses. But hell, at the time, those choices were the only ones to make, those choices were hers to make. Just because she chose badly doesn't mean she wasn't really choosing.
I just really love Sara, and I love how her neurodivergence is woven into the fabric of her story lines, but it's not the biggest thing. It's just like, how she sees the world, but she's still responsible for her own actions, and she's acting on love just like everyone else. And in high school, sometimes that means being in love with a boy who genuinely isn't very good for you.
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sageandred · 2 months
The "Real" Message of The Show
No matter what, people will be determined to classify someone as "bad" when a new series drops. like people can't be viewed through the lens of being "neutral" or "good people who make bad decisions"...despite that typically being how people are???
When I watched season one, I only really paid attention to Wille and Simon, but when I did a rewatch, I really saw all the moving parts and how much YR was a super cohesive story with intertwining of all of the character's experiences. At the center this show deals with different societal classes, upbringings, etc and we do actually see how that affects who these people are and what they do as the show goes on, and it's not meaningless/out of the blue.
Because no matter how much people want to act like it's not as impacting as it is: People are a product of their experiences.
Wille- If we're being real we saw him for a very small portion at the beginning of the show before everything blew up-him being super adorable, sweet, and awkward. Since being under his strict lifestyle and pressure, he's been going on this downward spiral-he has literally been becoming more and more in the image of his royal family since season 1 (and season 2 he was a lot of the same as 3, it just gets glossed over by his thoughtful decision at the end).
Since I first watched the show, it was clear to me how all of the backstory with August's character was not throwaway information. Tbh, what we know of him in season 1 was never enough to make sense of where his bad decision came from (I guess his insecurity..). But this season, they just gave so much more. And it's strange to me how strongly people react for either argument- of August being actually evil, or having to identify him as a good person [tbf I never thought he was a "bad" person per say, which is my whole point of writing this because for every character of a series (look at the reaction to Wilhelm this szn) people immediately have to sort them into good and bad columns on the judgement of morality and not just take story for what it is: story]. Again, with August his backstory has always added reason to why he is the way he is, but now knowing what we know with Erik, and being 1? 2? years older than Wille, his experience does make sense of what he did (when it's almost exactly the same thing with Wilmon). Because hurt people hurt people.
And with Sara, it's never been warranted the amount of hate she gets that insinuate she is evil. The show tells you very early on what her arc is gonna be: she places value on external things-she wants expensive clothes and to live in the fancy school and will try to impress to fit in with her new group of girl friends. And the irony is she lost it all after everything came out at the shooting range. She wanted what she never had and made decisions, because she thought that was what was important. She's a product of her experiences and it's also her experience-because she was bullied-that August's letter means even more to her and results in her kissing him.
Simon- has literally done nothing wrong (we're not talking about his decision to sell, because that's not really a choice that badly affects ppl other than mostly only himself).
Felice- has literally done nothing wrong; had the biggest positive transformation between seasons 1 and 2, because she stopped caring about external accolades (and that is also a representation of her being a product of her environment because of her mother).
And, to be clear I'm not saying people can't change how they are. Because, yeah Felice is a good example. August has surprised many people this season. Maybe August continues to change; maybe he doesn't. Wille has surprised people in his own way. Maybe we'll get more shocks in the final act. This show has always dealt with the subtext of personal experiences that lead to how people react.
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sylv14 · 2 months
Just finished the 3rd season of Young Royals and here are my thoughts and opinions:
1. I actually do feel bad for August and kind of forgive him. What he did was shitty but I feel like this scene gave him some sort of look into his past and his problems. I think the letter he read to Sara was really important and meaningful now I just wish he would have read it to Wille.
2. Sara may be annoying a lot of the time but I honestly forgive her too. August was her first love and she did something stupid. I think she needs to start being a better sister to Simon but I really liked her storyline with her dad and think it added some depth to her character.
3. Simon breaking up with Wille on his birthday after he just got into a huge fight with his parents was sooooo wrong. Like saying “I didn’t even recognize you” is so fucked up considering his circumstances. Enough said.
4. I understand Simon’s frustration with Wille and how he doesn’t use his power for good or take a stance and how Wille doesn’t understand his privilege. I think those points are all fair. But I don’t think Simon tries to understand Willie’s perspective enough either. How he has no freedom and can’t be himself. Like Simon dealt with that for a couple weeks and that was enough for him to break it off.
5. Justice for Felice because her friends suck. When she mentioned how she’s treated differently at the school because of her race her friends literally said “Felice you are beautiful” and she was like “umm thanks but that’s not really what I was getting at”
6. I just really want August and Wille to make up because I feel like they could really support each other. The only person who could really understand the pressure Wille is under is August.
7. I think that everyone kinda glossed over Willie’s trauma about his brother dying. He has been through so much and I feel like he didn’t get enough of a grace period.
Ughhh this season was so good
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bluedalahorse · 7 months
As my identified reference about Sara and August, I have a question for you about the end of s1.
When Sara goes to August's room to confront him, they end up kissing. Before I saw S2, I thought Sara was not really consenting, giving the way she looks away. I thought August was taking avantage of her.
Do you think she was "enjoying it" at that time, but maybe was wondering what was happening ?
Thanks for your ask! I’m happy to be your sargust expert.
And now to address your question. It’s an uncomfortable question to answer, but I’ll do my best to answer it all the same. Content note that we’re about to get into discussing consent and other difficult topics related to sexuality.
Generally my read on the situation is: yes, Sara consented. At the same time, she’s conflicted about her feelings for August in that scene, so I think what we’re seeing when she looks away is her struggling with her feelings about her desires.
While we talk a lot about the more positive depictions of sexual behavior in Young Royals, one thing that’s true about the show is that it actually depicts a range of sexual behaviors. Earlier in season 1, we have Simon nervously but happily kissing Wilhelm on movie night, but we also have Felice showing up at August’s room and initiating a hookup not out of desire but out of feelings of anger and insecurity. Felice and August both consent to the latter encounter, but both of them do so while in a negative headspace. Sara’s encounter with August in 1.6 occupies a sort of middle space between these two extremes. This is even evident by how the scene is blocked and directed. Sara showing up at August’s door reminds us of the way Felice shows up, but her first tentative kisses remind us of Simon on movie night. Sara does feel genuine desire—she’s the one who initiates the kissing, at first—but she’s also struggling with that desire and what it means for her understanding of herself, her relationship with her family, etc.
Another piece of important context for the confrontation scene is that both Sara and August are in not the best headspace. August has been grappling with the fact that he betrayed his core value of discretion released the video, and a lot of the buried resentment he feels toward Wilhelm has come to the surface. This is coming on the heels of August barely avoiding being kicked out of Hillerska after not being able to pay his boarding feels. Sara encountered her father in person on Lucia night—something caused by Simon going behind her back—and her house is now being hounded by journalists and her mom is threatening to pull her out of a school where she’s finally made friends. While neither of them is in as awful or traumatic a place as Wilhelm or Simon, for obvious reasons, I don’t imagine either of them has been sleeping well or taking care of themselves. This is likely something that’s cutting down on their usual inhibitions, and their decisions are driven partially by bad mental health/a stress response.
Regardless of the fact that Sara consents, I also think we’re meant to feel uncomfortable in that scene because we know how quickly things could go in a negative direction where Sara’s consent is disregarded. We know August’s views of women are crap. He has a lot more privilege, between the two of them, and he’s physically taller and stronger than Sara. If I recall (I’m trying not to rewatch the scene right now so I don’t accidentally rewatch Young Royals when I need to get work done) we even see him lift Sara up and put her on his desk. In a more idealized/less realistic teen drama, the directors might have tried to turn this into a ~sexy move~ via camera work, lighting, and sound mixing. But here it’s merely a demonstration of physical strength, and one that Sara’s not initially expecting. I don’t think Sara’s feeling threatened or coerced, in that moment, even if she’s surprised and even if all of this physical contact is new to her—I imagine season 2 would have played out very differently if she had felt that way—but I do think that we, as audience members, are supposed to feel the possibility of that threat, and worry for her.
(Something I also have considered in season 2 is the way that Sara is initiating a lot of the physical contact at the beginning of season 2, while also knowing August’s secret. Theoretically she could have blackmailed him into hooking up with her by threatening to go to the police with information. She doesn’t attempt to blackmail him, and August consents to physical contact with her even when he’s surprised by it. But the context in which Sara kisses August in 2.2 is supposed to bring this idea into our head, I think. Maybe. I go back and forth on what the writers want us to think there.)
Another way to think about these scenes, also, is that some sex educators recognize multiple categories of consent. For instance, Angela Chen recognizes four in her book on asexuality. Chen would probably label Sara’s consent in 1.6 as willing, but not enthusiastic. Likewise with August’s consent in 2.2.
Tl;dr consent is a complex topic and different sex educators have different paradigms about consent. Young Royals wholly acknowledges the importance of consent in sexual situations, while also acknowledging that not everyone who consents does so at perfect times, or with pure, uninterrupted feelings of love and desire in their heart. And I think being aware of that makes it easier to interpret scenes like the one above.
Hope this answers your question! There really are a lot of emotional layers to this show.
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allthefoolmine · 2 months
Happy season 3 of young royals to all who celebrate!
(It’s me I’m celebrating)
On to episode 5, which I didn’t watch this weekend due to knocking my computer off my couch and cracking the screen about ten minutes in. Totally my fault, but I also want compensation from Lisa Ambjörn personally, y’know?
Anyway, on to episode 5! Hope all who have finished the season enjoyed themselves, and looking forward to getting there myself.
Reactions / commentary / flailing (please dear God let me not break my computer this time) under the cut for spoilers / avoidance purposes.
- oh god the opening of this episode. Why did August tell him that about Erik. Why?! What was the point of that? It just seems needlessly cruel.
- and Wilhelm not telling Simon. Will he ever? This fool says nah, our crown prince is not in good-decisions-mode.
- August is such a shit! Vincent is a total dick, but blowing him off in that smug and dismissive way…legos underfoot are too good for him. Thumbtacks? Marbles? PORCUPINES?
- having just said I hope August has something very painful and embarrassing happen to him, I do really want to know what’s up with his letter.
- so hard to see Wilhelm and his Dad talking about Erik. Which begs the question—why does Wilhelm believe August without question? It really seems like he just accepts this information about this brother and I’m not sure I understand it.
- Wilhelm turning down Simon’s call. BAD DECISIONS MODE activated, huh? Oh, and now we’re quitting choir??? Buddy, sunshine, pal, YOUR LOVELY BOYFRIEND IS RIGHT THERE TO TALK TO HIM. (I wasn’t expecting him to actually to do it? He talked! And Simon said something helpful! And Wilhelm just, wow, buddy, wow. That stupidity is gonna come bite you.)
- fucksSAKE August, leave Sara ALONE.
- oh we get friendship time with Felice, oh good.
- Good luck Sara! OH. NO. Very upsetting to see her father let her down like that.
- Simon looks so cute in a suit! And his Mom continues to be everything you would want a mom to be. “It shouldn’t be this hard” is such an important message.
- Simon, good, yes, hug your sister! You two need to be friends again please!
- oh seeing Wilhelm remove the purple nail polish, my friends I am in PAIN.
- oh some CUTENESS. the birthday muffin! The birthday muffin! The birthday muffin, I may yet live.
- “maybe it was stupid to tell you about Erik” YA THINK ASSHOLE?!?
- oh the sports foundation SUCKS. Give the man an LGTBQ charity PLEASE.
- oh the weird birthday song. Bless them they are trying! I love Simon’s little look of wtf through it all. Perfect.
- August is a complete mystery. Going to the party after being sent home like that? I for one would not. I’d be on tumblr, licking my wounds, or something. Instead he’s chugging red wine in a white suit.
- I like the “tale of two dinners” format
- Simon is doing his best but I can only imagine how hard this is for him.
- August “leave her alone” challenge. You absolute walnut.
- I would not have hugged him, I would have punched him. Sara is much nicer than me.
- Wilhelm, I get that you’re having a crisis but think about someone other than yourself, *please*. Simon does not deserve to deal with your family shit without your support! Simon, you do the right thing for you, buddy! You go home!
- Simon’s side eye when Wilhelm goes off is everything.
- Simon, gtfo, love. This is above your pay grade.
- “love shouldn’t be this hard”
For everyone who has sat with that for a week…oof.
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degreeofdisorder · 2 months
young royals s3e6 episode reaction (the last one 😭)
I'm gonna miss this I'm so emo
ok let's go
simon's shaky eyelid I'm gonna rip my foot off
"it feels like you two are never truly over" SPEAK ON IT FELICE
wille's voice breaking I'm gonna start fucking sobbing
"I have to take responsibility for my own problems, I can't drag him down with me" bro I'm gonna kill myself
fuck I can't believe that's the last title
I'm gonna start sobbing ohohoho
he's gonna skip??? when has simon ever skipped in the whole series?
oh sara baby no
oh, just the car
sure give them the car. that makes up for all the years of abuse. totally.
this conversation is so important help me
"see? she'll be fine" god I hope she will be fine
oh my they look all so nice in the sunlight. wille w the sunglasses. love the look
haha yea called it
but why tell them like that? like why not call for a full student meeting and tell everyone? so unprofessional
if vincent doesn't Shut the FUCK Up oh my god
if he talked to me like that I'd be throwing fists on fucking god
also stella and fredrika need to calm the fuck down. go to new york then assholes
this man cannot be serious. sobbing like that over a school. be so for real. go hate crime someone if you're so upset. fuck
god that's so heartbreaking
fuck them rich kids but that's so heartbreaking
that's so weird. thinking abt simon moving away. it doesn't feel nice.
also rosh and ayub in full panic mode @ simon moving away... not great
kristina's gonna croak isn't she
chorrito pa las animas aaayyyyyyyyy
oh my god that's goddamn hilarious
"you wanna be close to the royals, you don't wanna be one" "which is great for us actually" I can't stop fucking laughing jflsfjlsjflskf
oh god
"I feel empty. and scared" wonderful I love this honesty let's keep it going
sure, talk abt the booze and the drugs, that sure will make simon want to come to the party
baby worm wille is my fav wille
Tumblr media
oh also he acknowledges he's gonna send krissy to an early grave. committing regicide is so based.
anyway LOVE OF MY LIFE?????????
does this track for an endgame or no?
oh god
oh my god
that was some king shit
"and I know erik did worse things in his day" understatement of the century
king wilhelm fr
they're all so cute
seriously rosh and ayub are damn good friends
they brought rosh and ayub I'm gonna cry
do you think rosh and stella are gonna kiss
august looks like a mafia boss
oh. yeah. that was shitty. I also feel a lot of sympathy for that
oh fuck me I'm watching this in the train
"you know erik loved you more than anything else? the video with you two guys. it wouldn't have meant a thing"
I'm trying so hard not to sob but there's tears streaming down my face i
but I have stronger and more important feelings for you oh my fucking god I'm gonna start sobbing for real
im gonna cry
that was the best day of my life oh my god I'm making a scene in this train what the fuck
they're totally drunk
oh don't go after her asshole you're drunk
wille fully has no game huh. august did that immediately, wille is still all ooo im gonna be king my GOD ELOPE WITH SIMON
big fan of the random two people with wille just BOLTING when they saw simon. like oooooohoho no this is NOT something we're doing tonight
oh my god
I don't think I'm gonna take that. like I can't deal with that
no they're not doing that
they're not singing that song they're just not
I don't know why I thought it'd be a good idea to watch this in public transport
I thought it would be us
it was us and when it was us it was good
oh wow that just broke me
im shakingb
that is such a nice tradition for the graduating class. I really like that.
oh yeah congrats august
why is kristina smiling is she happy abt her son going after the love of his life?
"even though it was sad" actually lmao
I'm gonna cry lmao
oh my god
oh my GOD
oh man it took one (1) thing she didn't like for krissy to go back to a stuck up bitch
however, I just SCREAMED
there couldn't be any other way now could it
it couldn't have been any other way. truly.
I feel like I can't breathe but in a positive way
omg August's face. bro knows he's fucked
oh my gOF
OG fod
the 4th wall break
fuck me I'm sobbing
what an honor it's been to love this show
thank you thank you thank you
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Hello friends, as a celebration of its one-month here is an incomplete list of little things I noticed while watching season 2:
In episode 3, Wilhelm has to literally blink himself back to reality.
Kristina has a picture of Erik on her desk.
Wilhelm has multiple pictures of frogs/frog knickknacks in his room.
August called Vincent Brutus and Judas. He was pissed. But more importantly, it shows how important August thinks he is. (He would be Caesar and Jesus in these situations)
“We don’t know what happens after the book ends,” “She committed suicide.” TACK SARA. YOU CAN ACTUALLY SHUT UP NOW. 
The very small detail of Wilhelm’s fingers still having injuries on them from his skin-picking. It’s such a small detail, one many people wouldn’t even notice, but it’s so good. 
Walter wears ripped jeans and kicks Henry twice in season 2.
Simon was right when they argued about the Yasmine/Yasmina name thing.
The only time we see the grey hoodie instead of the purple or orange one is when Simon is upset about his relationship with Sara.
It was Ayub's idea to leave karaoke because Simon seemed uncomfortable. Simon said no because Marcus had already seen them. But Ayub gave him the opportunity to turn around.
Follow up: Simon orders Cola because Ayub ordered Cola. Safety in numbers, friends.
August turned around when Madison yelled "patriarchy" as if she had called his name 💀.
Alexander saw August at the dance and his first instinct was to rub it in August's face that he had lost Felice to Wilhelm. He was never a sweetheart.
Okay, that's all I have for now. Love you! Happy one-month of season 2. I hope the month has been kind to you. 💜
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springjjjj · 1 year
There are still plenty of things that needs to be resolved. I do really hope 3 seasons are enough to give us closure and to clear everything up. Cause there are things that needs a heavy clarification such as:
•Simon and Sara towards their dad
•Simon and Sara's broken relationship
•What will happen after Sara called the cops?
•Will Linda find out about what happened to her children?
•Will there still be a closure between Linda and Micke?
•August redemption or just his ending
•Will there be an explanation why Alexander did what he did? What will happen to him?
•Felice and her mom's obsession of keeping the family tradition
•Fredrika and Stella's relationship ending
•Will Kristina accept Simon?
•Will Kristina and Wille's relationship improve/change?
•Lastly, how will the royal court and the society will accept the relationship of the crown prince and Simon.
While there are also little things that I wanna see like:
•Is there something between Henry and Walter?
•Simon returning the sweater to Wille
•Simon catching Wille's panic attack
•Simon and Wille talking about Erik
•Simon opening up about his family problems to Wille
•Simon crying.. he's been tough all seasons, I just wanna see him weak for once all because he feels safe to be weak with the person he loves
•Simon entering the palace
•Where are Wille's friends according to S1?
•A public date or at least Hillerska student seeing the actual relationship between Simon and Wille (This is important !!)
•If the whole Hillerska was aware of Wilmon relationship apart from knowing the video and just didn't want to say a word before, will they please speak up now? Not to the outsiders, to Wilmon.
•Wille hanging out with Ayub and Rosh
•Wille talking to Linda
•Simon talking to Kristina
•Simon joining the royal family dinner
•Olle, Felle & Oski making another appearance
•Sorry but I need to see Marcus's reaction all bitter seeing how happy Wille and Simon together
•Simon finding out that Wille threatened the whole monarchy all because he went to a date with Marcus so Simon will realize that he went to detention all because his man is head over heels for him. It would be hilarious
•Wille and Simon telling each other "I love you"
Probably there's a lot more in my mind and I just can't think about it now but I hope, considering this is the last season they'll give us at least 10 episodes.. just please more than 6 episodes cause 6 is always killing me. And we need lots and lots of Wilmon smiling together scene just like what Omar and Edvin wants 🙏🏻
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wilmonsfolklore · 27 days
Hey Tina :) Top 3 favorite characters that aren't Wilmon (and why you love them)? Have a great day as well 💜
Hi Simon! Thanks for the ask!! Top three side characters are hard, because I feel like my love for this show is deeply rooted in my love for Wille and Simon lmao. But thinking about this made me appreciate other characters more.
1. Felice - I love her because she's such a good friend to Wille, but mostly because of her struggle with figuring out where she belongs and slowly realising maybe she doesn't want to be friends with her friends anymore. It's such a typical teenage character arc and I love it so much.
2. Sara - Look. I've not always been the nicest to her character and of course she has made a lot of mistakes (as did almost everyone in the show), but I really really love the way she acknowledges that she has feelings for August and consciously chooses not to be with him because she thinks her friends and family and herself are more important. I think it's a really refreshing take on a lot of teen movies and shows that show girls falling in love with a 'bad boy' and choosing him over others because they can't help who they love.
3. Maddie - I think she's a perfect example of someone just caught in the middle. She obviously doesn't exactly feel the same way about things as Fredrika and Stella do, but she doesn't disagree with them enough to stop being friends with them. Or she's too scared to be alone. I love how from the outside she doesn't really give a fuck about anyone's opinion, but from her actions we can tell she actually does because otherwise she would fight Stella and Fredrika more, I think. She's really interesting in my opinion.
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allthefakepeople · 1 year
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Alright folks I've decided to put all my writing in one place.
ao3 username: allofthestarz (all my writing will be posted there)
First off you can make requests HERE and I will be happy to fill it.
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you spin my head right round
wille is dragged into a game of spin the bottle
ft: a meddling felice, maddie, and sara, a pining wille, and an oblivious simon
Rated: T
Word count: 3k
kind of there but not quite
They weren’t back together, that was very clear. In fact they weren’t even really friends again. Their interactions plagued by memories of bare skin in white sheets and kisses that felt like home.
aka love is stored in clementines
Rated: T
Word count: 1.5k
you are the music in me
Wille stared at the door of the music room and tried to gain the courage to enter. He already knew he was late as it was and he knew the second he opened the door, there was no going back.
Aka Wille’s feelings before, during, and after he decided to join the Hillerska choir
Rated: T
Word count: 3K
“What are you doing here? How did you get in?"
“You’re my family too. I needed my mom not the fucking Queen of Sweden”
“Let’s go somewhere, just you and me”
“Keep it, it looks better on you,”
“wait, you think I’m cute?”
“I’m not afraid of you”
'Nope, puppy dog eyes aren't going to work this time!'
“You Remembered”
“I haven’t laughed like this in a long time”
“Thanks Mama”/“Don’t worry, I’m staying right here,”
“Was that your first kiss?”
“Is that my shirt?”
Kiss Prompt 11&12
The Entire Collection on AO3
Multi-Chapter Fics
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Meet Simon. Simon, who is an animal-lover. Simon who works at his local shelter with his best friends Ayub and Rosh. Simon who loves what he does and takes pride in making the shelter a safe space. Simon, who wants to take care of his family while also juggling college classes, his job at the shelter, and his tentative music career. Simon who can’t afford any distractions right now and definitely is not looking for a relationship after his last few disastrous attempts.
Enter Wille. Wille who just wants to get through college without too many problems, Wille who only really has three true friends in his life, Erik, Felice and Maddie, anyone else who says otherwise is lying. Wille who got into a minor fight, the details of why aren’t important. Wille who has a semi famous family and whose face is now plastered across magazines labeling him as “jealous” and “violent” and “attention-seeking” and all these other labels that don’t represent him at all. Wille whose mother sends him to work at an animal shelter to “clean up his image”. Wille whose life begins to change the second his eyes fall on Simon.
Read "you're the cats meow" on AO3
Status: Complete
Chapter Count: 7/7
Word Count: 42K
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When Wilhelm transfers to Hillerska, he and Simon become fast friends. There’s only one tiny problem… Wille’s fallen completely head over heels for the guy.
For the sake of their friendship, and ensuring Wilhelm’s heart doesn’t break in two, he keeps his feelings to a secret. Something Simon makes it incredibly difficult to do when he’s frequently teasing Wille in that charming way he does. Sometimes Wille would like to shut him up… with his mouth. It’s a shame they’re just friends.
Aka the 5 times Simon told Wille “Make me” and the 1 time Wille did just that.
Read "so give me your two lips, and baby i'll shut up" on AO3
betas: @ungaroyals @wispsofnebula
Chapter Count: 6/6
Status: Complete
Word Count (so far): 18K
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Put Your Lips Close to Mine (as long as they don't touch)
betas: @aro-of-artemis @ungaroyals
Over the years, Jade has just gotten used to the overwhelming feeling of being in love with her best friend. Never in a million years did she ever think all of her feelings would come spewing out of her in the middle of the Wildwood, after finding out she was a Bonereaver.
AKA Jade and Kit actually get to kiss in episode 5
Rating: T
Word Count: 9K>
What if I told you I'm a Mastermind? (and now you're mine)
Cowriter: @theanarik
“Hey, come dance with me. That guy’s been staring at you for like 20 minutes, and it seems like he’s gonna approach.”
The voice comes from her left, closer than she would have liked, and Jade is brought out of her thoughts. She turns her head to see Kit Tanthalos standing there, looking impatient.
Rating: T
Word Count: 10K
'cause i'll kill myself trying (and i'm not scared of dying)
beta: @aro-of-artemis Description:
On their journey home, the group encounters a creature that threatens their lives. Kit puts herself in danger to keep everyone else safe, But now, when the danger has passed, Jade is acting weird.
Rating: T
Word Count: 3.5k
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those rumors they have big teeth
co-writers: @isabrella @sorshatanthalos (aka kitstanthalos on twitter) @resurrecho
For as long as they’ve shared a dream of making great music, Kit always figured it would just be Jade-and-Kit, best friends for life, a package deal. When their manager Thraxus “Relaxus” Boorman politely suggests (demands) that they add some new talent to their band, suddenly that dream includes Graydon Hastur and Muffin Girl Elora Danan.
After their lesbian cover of “You Belong With Me” goes viral, it feels like the whole world is invested in Kit and Jade’s personal lives, identities, and the definitely-fictional romance between them (and between the rest of the band, too). And despite the near-constant scrutiny and endless fan theorizing, it feels like no one sees what’s really going on with Kit anymore. 
Not even Jade.
Or: the band AU that turned into a multimedia behemoth inspired by 2014 band mega-fandoms, Kristen Stewart groupies, the notion of Kit in leather pants, and the question, “How can we make this whole situation even worse for Kit Tanthalos?”
Or: what happened after someone jokingly said “Kit and the Situations would be an iconic band name”.
Chapters: 6/10
Word Count: 191K
Status: On-going
i will continue to update this post as i write more
thank you for all the support and love on my work thus-far!
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I don’t think Sara would throw August under the bus for things she did. I think she built an August in her head and majorly failed to realize that he wasn’t like that. Going to him in the first place was very shitty but I don’t think they can be put on the same level of shittiness when she wasn’t the only one who didn’t tell Simon. "She used him to get to Hillerska by hiding her knowledge about the video, and both Felice and Simon should know about it imo." I think the same can be said about Felice tbh. She never cared to tell Sara or Simon about August when it concerned them more or as much as it did her. She was friendly with Simon and never told him she watched the video of his face so much that she figured out who it was, and that she only figured it out to keep Sara at Hillerska and because Wille was sad. I love Felice but she doesn’t care about Simon that much, she cares because people she loves care about him. Wille didn’t want to tell Simon at first and Simon called him out on it. Sara isn’t the only problematic one with keeping secrets.
The fact that Sara tells August that he’s delusional with the horse and that she reports the crime tells us that this is truly what she wanted from the start. Again, it doesn’t excuse starting a relationship with him in the first place but Sara saw all the sweet parts of August. She thought he was changing and tbh many of us thought that too until we saw more of him. I don’t agree with most of her actions this season but from her pov? He was regretting it and wanted to change. Her pov shifted to reality like a much needed slap in the face with the gun scene when she told him that he had failed her like he had failed every single person around him. (Sorry that’s long)
I mean, Felice was made to sign an NDA (Frederika talks about it in the café scene in S2 E1) and although what the NDA was about was never explicitly revealed, it must be about her knowing that August leaked the video. I mean, Wilhelm must have told the Queen from whom he found out who leaked the video and he would have told her that it was Felice(or if Wilhelm would have refused to tell them then the Royal Court must have figured it out themselves). A NDA is a legally-bounding document, its breach can lead to serious legal consequences, and Felice must have been made to sign one to not tell anyone and frolic it around like gossip. I don't think she never cared to tell anyone, I think she must have kept it to herself on Wilhelm's request and after the Christmas holidays, the NDA.
Also about Felice not caring about Simon enough, I mean, is she supposed to? Yes, Simon is a very important person to the people Felice loves(Wilhelm and Sara), but Simon and Felice are just on cordial terms, they are not "besties", to put it more bluntly. And as much as I would LOVE to see them become besties, right now they aren't. It's just that we as the audience know and follow all the five characters closely that we often fail to see things from their perspectives. Even in real life, there are many instances where we know SO MUCH about our friend's good friends but we barely interact with that actual person. It's just very normal. Plus the same can be said for Wilhelm and Sara.
I agree so much with the last para though! It really seemed like August was changing for the better, but then.....yelp. Rest is history. It makes perfect sense for other people to think that August manipulated her, because they have seen August like that. Felice was worried for Sara because her own experience with August was shit and she didn't wanted to see Sara go through the same things. But Sara was the only one who saw the tender sides of August, his vulnerability. I wonder how she looks back upon everything in hindsight.
(also never apologize to send me long asks they literally give me serotonin boosts like no other)
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cinnamonbunpuff · 1 year
just finished watching young royals s2
times i said “what the fuck”: a lot
times i said “what the actual fuck just happened” in e6: too many
no cause literally like what the fuck was that
at least we got wilmon tho :DD was rooting for them 100% (nah jan-olaf standing there like 🧍‍♂️ when wille and simon are literally about to kiss)
also can we talk abt sara?? LIKE WOAH i thought her character would be important but NOT LIKE THIS when she revealed she told august abt simon reporting him to the police AND THEN SHE DID AND SHE DIDNT EVEN TELL FELICE ABT THEM like i loved how felice and sara became friends and bonded over rosseau and when she sold rosseau i almost cried
ALSO can we talk about simon’s small smiles like when he first kissed wille again this season that small smile OHHhhh
they closed the curtains finally
kinda scared for s3 cause when i was watching s1 i was like “woah this is intense holy shit” but the ending for s2,, my god. when wille confessed it was him there was literally like 3 min left and im getting goosebumps like “wtf is gonna happen???” but then that turn to simon 🥰
so much unresolved shit and plot points wow that was a rollercoaster
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2 x 04 commentary
- dammit Henry I thought you were a good friend!!!!
- ugh not people judging felice:/ she doesn’t deserve this:(
- okay there are a lot of characters shooting things this season. this isn’t looking good
- when will sara and august STOP getting shit they want
- hahah I love this friend group of girls
- okay this valentines thing sounds like it’ll get real messy real fast ahaha
- not a repeat of the table scene but about felice😭
- they all just watched Simon walk out and didn’t even comment on it? it’s like they all forgot or disregard that relationship
- awe simon:( stop using Marcus thooo
- yeah felice has a lot going on
- okay wille and Simon being in the same PE class is Not. A good idea😂
- wille’s right that is hypocritical. honestly this is not scenes I expected to be watching but it’s great aha
- “at least he’s open about liking me” :(
- WILHELM. “You’re the one who can’t accept my role” that’s DIFFERENT. DIFFERENT SITUATION.
- “no, maybe I can’t” yeah:/ I love how much this show is delving into not only the class divide but the two different worlds and the reality they’re facing Bc of it
- oh my fucking god. thank god felice is calling him out here , he is actually being so fucking selfish it’s hard to watch
- YAY. DEVELOPMENT!!!! thank you wille that was really nice🥹 now we can go back to scheduled programming with their friendship, hopefully.
- “I have to let him go.” honestly, for now, yeah:(
- also felice looks so beautiful someone please fall in love with her for real:(
- omg nils!! legend. this is someone wille needed to talk to
- okay that was interesting. from that perspective you can see why they find it easier to stick to their circle . but you wonder where it stops
- hmmm the way she’s looking at her reading those letters makes me think it wasn’t just making out with your friend at a party 👀
- how dare august stand butt naked at the open window like that. he deserves someone to capture him in revenge
- august and Sara going to the ball together?? goodbye felice and Sara friendship
- okay Stella and frederika was not a ship I expected but I did need it😭
- omg FINALLY sara choosing her friends over august. I kinda wish she did go with him tho bc I want felice to know about them
- awe come ON how did Marcus pull through like that😭 man’s too perfect for him surely something’s gonna happen between them like come on💀
- THEY DONT HAVE NAMES. bc he doesn’t want to repeat last time with wille or bc Marcus isn’t important for that??
- YESSS it was stellaaaa
- “I’d rather be secretly in love than be her ex that she hates” valid. I think wille would’ve rathered that too😭
- Simon purposely making wille jealous huh?
- “I have to be okay” gooddd im proud!! now have fun with your friendsss
- watching this with the costumes but modern party is so jarring hahah
- Simon stop using this damn man
- omg august told Alexander. tbh I was waiting for the consequences of that to fall through
- wille that was so random but I’m glad he was so nice
- THANK YOU WILLE. that was what we needed you to say!! except Simon clearly does still have feelings AHH
- honestly did not expect august to care that Sara stood him up but that’s an interesting turn. Comparing to wille and Simon tho?? I’m a bit confused how their situation is similar unless she means that they couldn’t stay together after felice knows but it’s not the same thing bc it’s bc she and august have done shit things
- Simon going to find willeee. I feel bad for Marcus tho ngl💀
- SIMON don’t miss your big performance!! no!!! not for wille not for anyone!!
- “I’m just trying to move on” so you chase your ex outside after he acknowledged that. right🤨
- OH MY GOD. And I’m so glad Simon was the one to initiate it😭😭
- I want them together but this is the wrong time😭😭
- okay he’s not missing the choir thank god. YOURE NOT SINGLE RN THO SIMON
- WILLE I would be smiling too that was a perfect kiss😭
- smiling while singing to him😭 especially when the song is about him too😭
- the song from the trailer😭
Okay this is making me emotional. I’m glad this didn’t happen until wille started to view the situation maturely though as I’d be lying if I said he deserved it in previous episodes, but I think they’re able to work it out surely their connection is unmatched, especially if he’s gonna kiss wille even when he’s in that wig💀😭
I’m not a fan of cheating storyline’s so I hope Simon does actually break up with Marcus after that.
But omg what a game changer episode!!
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bluedalahorse · 1 year
17 and 18 from the Fanfic Writer Asks!
Before I start, the ask box game is linked here in case anyone else wants to ask me something.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
Two learnings! Food and fashion!
A food-related piece of information to start: somehow I ended up reading about kåldolmar (cabbage rolls) and how they are allegedly linked to time in the 18th century when Carl XII was staying in the Ottoman Empire. Apparently (according to what I read at least) they’re a Swedish adaptation of dolmas. Which is kinda cool to learn, especially since I’m someone who likes food from the eastern Mediterranean.
And now, fashion: Because I’m writing something set in 1809, I did end up reading about clothes closures, and the different ways that clothes were closed with pins and drawstrings and the like. I think spicy scenes in fanfic tend to fall back on buttons a lot, whether those fics are historical or contemporary. But strings! Laces! Pins! Imagine the ways they can be used to amplify the spiciness content, whether that’s through humor or through sensory surprises or whatever else. I’m just saying.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
Oh gosh. I have a few lines I really like, but I like them so much I want readers to discover them in context. So instead I’m going to grandstandingly share a few passages from Heart and Homeland, one for each of the primary viewpoint characters I write, and say what I like about them.
So anyway, to preview… queer-and-questioning Felice! Poetry-influenced Sara! Unreliable August! Protestant Kristina!
“My father is not easy to discuss while dancing,” Simon was quiet for a moment, as if letting the air swallow the entire topic of fathers. Then a boyish smile, almost shy, came to his face. “But I heard you and Wilhelm have met before?” Ah, so the smile was for Wilhelm. “Tell me about that.”
“We were six years old,” said Felice. “Mamma has been eyeing us all night. I swear she wants me to marry him now.”
“Would you? Would you consider it a love match if your parents arranged it?”
What a strange question, Felice thought. “I’m not a foreign princess and Sweden needs an alliance. So I couldn’t.”
“I couldn’t marry Wilhelm either,” Simon said.
Although Simon and Felice both laughed at the latter comment, Felice felt Simon’s hand twitch suddenly in her own, as if he were startled. What did that mean? The music in the background did not change key or tempo, as if the orchestra itself was pressuring her not to ask. 
So instead Felice only said, “Such a droll remark, Mr. Eriksson.”
It left her heart feeling sad and a little rain-soaked, after she said it. She needed more of their secret language to say Wilhelm has a hold on you and I would like to understand it more, if you judged us friends enough to tell me about him. But she was still only a baby babbling syllables in a tongue where Simon was more fluent, and now the progression of the dance was forcing them apart from one another again. Felice’s feet grew heavy, even as her steps remained perfect.
Okay, something I like about this passage is that Felice and Simon are bonding, which is something canon should give us more of. I like being able to play with the politeness demanded of Felice by society at large, versus what Felice actually wants to say in a conversation, and how she negotiates that.
Felice is also on the verge of discovering her queerness here—something that Simon already understands about himself and has language for—but that Felice doesn’t quite have words for yet. She senses a kinship between herself and Simon, but she doesn’t quite know how to articulate it. In the passages and chapters that follow, Felice discovers more about herself and begins to embrace it. I was very conscious to make platonic friendships an important part of her queer self-acceptance journey. Felice’s choice to elevate friendships to the same level as the romantic relationship she eventually becomes part of… that’s important to me!
Queer friendship hits different and sometimes it makes me sad when queer texts over-emphasize the romantic aspects of being queer while downplaying the platonic stuff. So I decided to write what I wanted to see in the world.
When Sara and Simon were children, their Pappa told them about the whales he’d seen on his voyages. Pappa narrated grand bedtime stories about the creatures, moving his hands and changing the volume of his voice so that Sara could imagine the suddenness of a splash, the massive arc of a tail breaking through the waves. If you were patient, he said, you could see a whale coming up for air. Sara used to cling to Simon as she listened, half scared and half exhilarated. For Sara to be able to sleep at all, Simon had to remind her that the whales couldn’t get them on land.
Secrets, Sara later came to understand, swam under her skin like whales swam under the water. They moved with just as much magnitude. Sometimes, for a moment, she could forget about a secret and it wouldn’t bother her. Given enough time, however, a secret needed air. It too would force itself to the surface so that Sara could keep breathing.
Sara is probably the POV character I write who is the most influenced by the work I’ve done in poetry. My MFA advisor last fall really worked with me on images, and we spent a lot of time studying image systems in novels-in-verse. I’m pretty sure these two paragraphs were influenced by that study. Like, whales = secrets. Okay, Blue.
Sara’s memories play an important role for me in shaping her motivations and core emotions. I like including lots of glimpses of what her and Simon were like as little kids. I know we’re all hoping to get more Eriksson family backstory in season 3, and I hope for that too, so it’s something I try to include in my writing. As difficult and horrifying as things probably got with Micke at times, I think it’s also important to show moments where he’s taking care of Simon and Sara and being their father. These memories are now sad and bittersweet for Sara because of Micke’s abuse, and  they’re also an important part of understanding her and how she views herself.
He cast his gaze in another direction, where Sara Eriksson was curtseying to Prince Wilhelm and taking her leave. Thank goodness those two would not be dancing another set together. Now why was His Highness going off on his own again? Didn’t he understand that you could win over influential families by flirting with their daughters? And if Wilhelm was going to be king someday, August thought, he ought to have at least one mistress, for the sake of convention. Though August would never say such a thing to his cousin the queen, he could not understand why Wilhelm so insisted on cultivating a chaste appearance. It made no sense, given his position.
Anyhow! If everyone wanted to dismantle the social hierarchy this evening, why couldn’t August ask Sara Eriksson to dance and make Felice feel as slighted as he did? He wouldn’t of course, since Miss Eriksson had started the trouble between him and Felice in the first place, and August wanted to prove he could avoid such trouble. Flexing his fingers, he made his way through the crowd, toward the doors that opened onto the garden terrace. If he was going to let himself pine and rage, he might as well do it in the darkness. The English Lord Byron, with all his poetry of ill repute, could only approve of such a pose.
OH AUGUST. I wrote this passage as an homage to Susanna Clarke, whose descriptions of Lord Byron in Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell had me in stitches. Clarke is divinely talented at writing self-important men and their warped perspectives of the world, so I find myself inspired by her a lot when I’m writing from August’s point of view.
August is not a reliable narrator, obviously, and I like playing with how his perceptions of events change with time. Like, no, Sara did not start the trouble between him and Felice; he started it and flirted with Sara. But of course, August is the most wounded ever, you guys. He is so brooding he could just write (bad) poetry about it. In the next few paragraphs (not shared here) August’s thoughts start to drift toward more in the direction of Freudian death drive ideations (maybe with some Freudian sex drive thrown in, I mean why the hell not.) I found it an interesting writing challenge in terms of transitioning over-the-top ridiculousness toward the more more serious stuff that sort of hints at the traumatized core of the character.
I highly encourage that every Young Royals fan (who can do so from a place of emotional safety) try writing from August’s perspective at least once. It is a solid exercise and you will learn a lot from it!
As a devout monarch, Kristina knew that the world to come offered far more than the world she’d been placed in charge of. The Lord had brought so many of her dear family members home to heaven—her father, her husband Ludwig, her cousin Karl Johan, one unnamed daughter who only lived three days, and most recently Erik. Especially during the Easter season, Kristina could push through the hollowness of her grief and tell herself that at the end of life, salvation waited for those dear to her. If anything had happened to her Wilhelm last night, however, it would have shaken her faith the way cannonfire might shake the windows of a building.
Wilhelm was Kristina’s miracle; she had thought of him that way since he was very little, fighting through his sick spells. At that age, when he felt well enough, he would sit at her knee in the evenings and listen to her stories of what she’d done as queen during the day. He would often repeat back the details of a particular state visit or conflict between nobles, and would do so in such a way that Kristina felt more equipped to solve the problem at hand. Then at night, Wilhelm would sleep with his arms tucked around a pillow, looking so angelic that Kristina couldn’t help reaching out stroking her son’s silk-soft hair in a way she didn’t when he was awake. No, she did not want Wilhelm among the angels just yet. So she thanked God, and then thanked Him again, and then asked Him to guide Wilhelm as he got closer to taking the throne.
Sigh. Kristina. You do love your son, you are just… so bad at showing it. And in this universe you are so, so very Protestant. I like how I managed to tie all that together here, and give this little flashback into who Kristina has lost and how she thinks back on her life. I often access a core emotion when writing each of my POV characters, and Kristina’s emotion is grief. I also think you can tell Kristina sees the similarities between Wilhelm and herself. Sometimes that means she sees him as an extension of herself, which is I think where the conflicts between them start.
Similarly to August, I highly encourage every Young Royals fan (who can do so from a place of emotional safety) to write from Kristina’s perspective at least once. She’s worth the investment of your writing time!
Anyway I hope that was all a fun behind the scenes…
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hanna-kin · 2 years
If you dislike Sara this post is not for you
I'm just going to say it, Sara is one of my favourite characters and I feel some people are way too hard on her as a character.
Almost everyday I come across posts about her on different social medias and some are pretty ruthless.
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I've heard people call her horrible, irredeemable and disgusting and probably everything in between. While everyone is entitle to their own opinion my heart does break when I hear those words.
I have so much sympathy for Sara and I think she's an amazing character. Lisa and the other writers did an incredible job creating her and Frida's portrayal just adds another layer.
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I'm not on the autism spectrum myself so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but it does feel like they have done a good job with the representation because it feels like her character and story doesn't revolve around her being autistic. At the same time it's an important part of her character and explains how she reacts in certain situations. For instance when she bluntly tells Felice’s parents about the situation with Roussaux and then realises she messed up and you can almost sense her feeling disappointed in herself for it especially since she really want to be Felices friend.
Another example that comes to mind is her first interactions with Felice where Felice is not that nice to her and Simon gets protective of her. Back then it does seem like she doesn't care at all about Sara's approval but then we get to know her more and learn that she actually longs for friendships.
I'd like to have a friend, she says to Felice and she's so vulnerable saying it but yet so brave.
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She's trying so damn hard to fit in in order to find friends and not be lonely or even worse get bullied again. I can't even imagine how traumatic it must have been for her at her old school. Of course she's going to do anything she can to change that.
And she's so nice to Felice in the beginning even when Felice is treating her poorly. Her directness really helps Felice I think. At the same time Felice is very understanding with her once she gets to know Sara better. I love their friendship so much. It's truly a highlight of the show.
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It feels like they both give eachother confidence.
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But as much as Sara enjoys her new friends and finally feeling like she belongs somewhere it's also clear that she's still lost and she's losing herself in other ways. She's trying so hard to be liked and fit in that she's changing herself and I think that's very common when you are young. I'm sure her arch in season 2 will be her finding true self.
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The comments she makes to Linda are mean and terrible but I also feel sympathetic towards her. Even in that situation. She clearly feels left out. Simon and Linda are teasing her about her clothes and how she acts. I'd be upset too if my family did that. I'd feel like my family made fun of me and didn't like me. Even if it's not true I get why she gets upset about it.
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She doesn't have to change for Felice to like her but she hasn't come to that realisation yet. At the same time her family makes fun of her for changing. And when she was her old self she was bullied.
I also think we need to acknowledge how manipulative August is. He's vile pure and simple and he's using her so much. He shows interest in her but essentially he wants something else. And she wants to be liked and approved so of course she's going to be receptive to him.
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And she's still honest about what August did and she tells Felice. She's trying to so the right thing.
Only towards the end does the take Felice words to heart. She doesn't always have to say everything.
And yes what she does to Simon with not telling him about August is wrong. Especially since it feels like she's doing it because she wants August to help her move to Hillerska. It's messed up but she's only 17 years old and I'm sure she'll regret it in season 2. I would also love to see more of her relationship with Micke. He's clearly traumatised her and she wants nothing to do with him.
While i understand why Simon went to see him and don't see it as a betrayal I get why she does. And that also plays in to why she's acting the way she does.
With everything she's been through both before and during the series I can't help but feel anything but sympathy for her. She's such an amazing character struggling to find herself, wanting to fit in, have friends and belong. And as she tries to get one it seems like she's losing another.
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By trying to gain friends, she's losing a part of herself. By trying to find her new self she's also losing part of her old self. By trying to fit in she's losing part of her relationship with Simon and she even end up betraying him.
It breaks my heart when she says No one likes me when I'm myself
It probably feels like that because at that point she's gained friends at Hillerska but her mother and brother doesn't seem to like her anymore. And when they liked her no one else did and she was bullied relentlessly until she was forced to leave because she was scared to even go to school.
It feels like it's rarely talked about even if it explains so much of her character and her wish to belong somewhere at all cost.
She's so complex and so well written and I'll stand by that I think she gets too much hate.
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