wildskissed · 8 months
@santo-sussurratore liked this for a starter
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A shiver goes down her spine as she starts to cast the spell, taking care to pay attention to every little detail around her. She can hear each breath that Lanthe takes, and the air around them sparks a little with a magic that few can feel, but it's absolutely something that Eve wants to drink in. Managing a spell with no side effects is definitely something she has managed plenty of times, but it's nice to not feel an IMMEDIATE sense of danger or delight at the moment.
"We're near a shrine," she begins, glancing up to make eye contact with him. "Can you feel it? The air is almost saturated with prayers of those that came before us. Do you pray to any gods?" she finds herself inquiring.
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taleswrittena · 11 months
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@santo-sussurratore sent ∗ 53 (For Geralt)
∗ 53﹕ sender  buys  receiver  a  drink  at  a  bar .
100 nonverbal prompts||accepting
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If one expects refusal, they will not find it here. Geralt is all too willing to let the other buy him a drink. It means more coin in his pocket and perhaps, if he's lucky, a decent bed and a bath tonight. He's already ate, so he's not worried about a hot meal,. but he'll never turn down a drink.
The mug of ale is soon set down in front of him and he picks it up, lifting it in a small 'cheers' motion in the other's direction before he's taking a sip of it.
"Is this just a general act of kindness or do you need me for something?"
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gyllentanne · 1 year
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ᴀᴛʟᴀs ᴇɴɴᴇᴀɢʀᴀᴍ ► accepting
@santo-sussurratore said: who am i to say what any of this means?
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That's what he was afraid of hearing. Two fools standing over a massive crater found in Asgard and neither had any idea how or why it was there. The fact it had arrived without the watchman's notice was worrisome and sent a tingle of anxiety under his skin. The urge to get closer and find out what had caused this massive hole was strong, but Heimdall knew he couldn't put his charge in any danger lest he earn the ire of both peoples.
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"I have a favor I need you to do, so listen close. I need you to run back and find the All-Father, tell him what we have found and tell him I'm requesting a few bodies for backup. I'm going to investigate."
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manigfeald · 1 year
@santo-sussurratore​ liked for a starter!
           “You’re late.” Comes a sigh. “You know how seriously we take these things, right? Would it kill you to show up on time for once?” The answer was an obvious no, it wouldn’t. Regardless of the situations that may have transpired on their side, he thought it at least respectful to show up on time if not earlier. The All-Father was a very busy man, after all, and he didn’t have time to wait about for the silly little fae to fulfill their obligations!
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           “Come on now, we’ve got places to be.” He waves the prince and his guards through the gateway, taking the lead once they were through. They’d have to take the lift which was, as he now had a better headcount of those that had arrived, much too small for this party... Sure, they could all fit, but it’d be a tight squeeze and Heimdall wasn’t much for having his space invaded by people he hardly knew. Despite this, he also understood that he was charged with getting these people to Odin and as such, must endure the uncomfortable scenario. “Gather around, everyone, we are all friends here..! Keep all hands and feet inside the ride at all times and we’ll make it there in no time...”
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blccdsucker · 2 years
@santo-sussurratore​ slapped a like on this
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Don’t mind him he’s just shaking an eight ball and staring too intently at its random answers, rather than saying what he had been thinking; he blurted out, “I wonder what the stuff inside this tastes like?” The words had left his mouth by the time he realised that they were odd. Fuck. 
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of-thieves · 1 year
[ SEE ]  for sender to look towards receiver after a battle and realize they’re bleeding. 
"My lord! My patron, please! I beg of you! Offer this traveller your shield from danger on my path, and I plead to you my life in return!"
... . . . . . .
With a mighty catapult leap, Hermes fired himself across one end of the gorge to the other. When he landed, the ground beneath his feet rumbled and cracked making the disturbed earth crumble down. Ragged stones fell from the top of the chasm downward.
"The earth! She rattles!" The barbarian archers shouted to one another, "Hold your fire! Retreat!"
... . . . . . .
When the god approached close and looked down, he saw the traveller wheezing out his last dying breaths. The poor mortal man looked young. The arrows in his back and side had surely punctured his innards. There was no chance at saving his life now. He was draped in nothing but a travellers cloak and armed with nothing but a xiphos which was partially unsheathed, no doubt that the traveller attempted to grab it in a desperate attempt to defend himself.
"My lord.." blood dribbled from the mortal's mouth as they spoke. They were too weak to even open their eyes.
Hermes shushed him, "Don't talk. Rest. Your journey here has ended, you don't need to go on further. You will be safe now and the gods will protect you."
When he had taken his throne on Olympus, Hermes had made a vow. Travellers were his people. To let them fall lost in life or death when blessing his name would be to break that vow. In death at least he knew the mortal would find peace, and they could be at last guided by the god one last time to their final destination.
But as the god prepared to extend a navigating hand to the journeyman's soul, he heard a grunt from behind- and promptly grabbed the sword from the cadaver. He pointed it towards where he had heard the sound emit. Were barbarians savage enough to return here and disrespect the innocent deceased?
However there was no barbarian. In fact, it didn't look to be a mortal at all...
Hermes stepped back in shock, noticing fresh blood coating the stranger's fingers, as well as dripping from his nostrils. His shock was less of reaction from seeing the stranger's injury, but because he looked.. familiar. Very familiar.
"Wait a moment," Hermes let go of the xiphos in his nervous clutch. It landed on the dirt path below with a clunk, "You. You- I... know you...."
Was this an illusion? Was someone attempting to make a fool out of the Olympian? He stepped forward to the stranger carefully. He could not sense a lick of foul play nor a reason for it. Then.. it must be..
"...You're alive?"
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nazorneku · 1 year
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LANTHE ( @santo-sussurratore ) INQUIRED OF AIS: ❝ a little danger is worth the risk, don’t you think? ❞
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Puffs of smoke at leisure escaped through slightly parted lips along his extended exhalation, the demon remained standing at a moderate distance from Lanthe; occasionally crimson optics would trail its gaze over the form of the sitting man, evaluating the damage and registering no permanent injuries. The other's words provoked a bitter chuckle to emerge, own response deeply saturated with condemnation found its way out of his mouth almost instantly, clubs of smoke anew enveloped his image. "Not when you act stupid 'bout it." Albeit Ais was infamous for toeing lines on purpose and poking at borders of permissible, he artfully eluded the probability to piss off every cleric of Senobium, what the dude in front of him accomplished with flying colors in one evening.
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Hand was lifted to permit self the last drag from the cigarette prior to him dropping it on the ground and grinding its remains with a boot, amidst the desolate expanse the two remained in relative safety from the pursuit, as scarcely any of the pompous mages would dare to venture further outside their secure and obnoxious walls. Nevertheless the two did not possess the luxury of idleness and eventually would be compelled to relocate, once the other regained capability to do so. Whilst contemplating how to proceed with the current predicament he found self in, the demon shifted own glance at the person nearby and elected to delve into the core of their complicated situation. "Was that artifact worth it? What does it do exactly?" Mayhap after gaining understanding 'bout specifics of that item, he would comprehend the reason for such absurd brazenness to storm the halls of the Tower.
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&. arcane prompts
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honorisen · 2 years
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◈ ᴀᴄᴛɪᴠᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴄᴏᴍʙᴀᴛ ᴍᴏᴅᴇ — ▮ first impressions!
@santo-sussurratore​ sent:  “ You have a lot of experience with this. ”
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“ I don’t know if I’d say I have ‘a lot’ experience with this, but...yeah! A country boy knows a few tricks! ” Zack would pause at that only to point a confident thumb back at himself at the praise. ” I’ll admit it though, I never thought I would’ve been doing something like this down here. ”
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Wooden swords seemed to be all the rage in the slums, especially when it’d come to the kids Zack had seen running the streets every time he’d ventured below the plate to meet up with Aerith. She’d always tempted him to carry one around just for the fun, but never had Zack imagined he’d be showing off his ‘swordsmanship skills’ in front of Ianthe with a wooden stick instead of his regular, SOLDIER issued longsword -- and against wooden ‘monsters’ some of the slum’s youngest had left up, too.
“ Here, give it a shot! It’s actually a lot more fun than it looks! ”  
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lordlittlefool · 1 year
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ᴅᴇxᴛᴇʀ sᴇᴀsᴏɴ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ► accepting
@santo-sussurratore said: ❛ I can’t go home. There’s too much silence. ❜
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"Too much silence?" To Freyr, that meant that there was no one back home. Perhaps the land in which the stranger came from was ravaged by war and they, the sole survivor? He couldn't imagine how that must feel, knowing that there was nothing back home. It was heartbreaking.
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"You don't have to tell me anything, I don't mean to pry at all." He raises a hand to further drive home his point. "Your business is your business and you choose who to share it with. But, it sounds like something bad happened for a sentence like that to be said. I apologize. Whatever you experienced couldn't have been fun. But, uh, you've always got a place at my fire if you'd like..! We may not be like your home but we'll try to make it a welcoming place!" He smiles and, from the fire, hands the stranger one of the fish that had been cooking.
"Just... mind the plants."
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fathachuasal · 2 years
@santo-sussurratore liked for a starter
The forest is his home; his family. When there is trouble stirring, be it a territorial dispute between two species, travelers antagonizing or hunting the forest life, or a variety of much smaller issues, Basit was always the one to answer the call. This time, it seemed there was trouble brewing. The forest whispered him awake and slowly, as not to wake his adoptive family that lived below the surface, he makes his way out of the cavern. Upon reaching the surface, he hears nothing. This bad. The forest was only ever quiet when there was something scaring the critters inside- and if there was something scaring the critters inside, it meant there was something big hunting. He opens his mouth to let the multitude of scents coat his tongue. They are all familiar, all except five. There were strangers in his forest and he was willing to bet one of them was causing some trouble, if not all.
He creeps his way through the forest as quietly as a 25 foot being could before he stumbles upon a camp of which had one person resting by the fire. Though he couldn’t see the others anywhere in sight, the forest told them they were about. Hunting and foraging, it spoke; an activity that was allowed in this forest so long as it remained solely for survival and within reason. To make sure this was the case, Basit decided it best to approach. He touches the medallion that hung from his neck and within seconds he shrinks to a much more friendlier size of 6 feet. Then he steps from his place in the brush, looking at the stranger sat by the fire.
           “I have not seen you nor any of your friends around here before. Tell me, are you friend or foe?”
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storiesungmoved · 3 years
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@santo-sussurratore​ sent “you have broken ribs, take it easy.” (For Geralt)
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“I’m fine.” Each step is a peircing pain that shoots up his spine and spreads throughout his body, each breath he takes makes his chest feel like its on fire but still, he steps forward, ignoring the gasping breath he gives out. The other tells him to take it easy but Geralt has never been known to take it easy, he’s not about to start now.
“I’ll take it easy when these people are safe.” The Slyzard he’s been hunting did this to him and has now taken off somewhere within the woods. He has to find it before it creates more chaos and carnage. He’s lucky it didn’t sink it’s claws into him but instead headbutted him to throw him across the forest floor and straight into a tree.
“You shouldn’t be here.” Geralt tells the other, casting him a glance out of slitted cat-eyes. He understands the other only wants to help but he does not need help, despite the slow way he’s walking. All he needs is herbs for a swallow potion and then he can keep going and kill this Slyzard.
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wildskissed · 8 months
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Hocus Pocus Starters - @santo-sussurratore mused: “Hey, it may take me a couple of tries, but I don’t think there’s gonna be a problem.“
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"Practice makes perfect--or so I've been told," Eve responds, waving her hands a little to wave it off. "I'm not trying to rush you, I promise, I just know it's not something that I can do."
Or perhaps she could do it, but magic was bubbling up inside of her just under the surface and that feeling usually led to a wild magic surge. Most of the time it happened sporadically and Eve didn't know what was coming next, but sometimes...sometimes there was a magical itch and she knew it was just kindling for what was coming next.
"I know you can do it."
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taleswrittena · 10 months
3, 13, 17 :D
3. which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?
this might sound so cocky but like i don't struggle with any of them. i can get into character with all of them pretty easily. if i had to pick one, it might be Louis only because he has a very specific way of detailing things and talking.
13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
I have over 200 muses omg this is gonna have to be an ENTIRELY different post.
17 do your muses get along with each other?
some of them. others are at each other's throats. for example de.an win.chester would 100 percent be at kl.aus mikaels.ons throat
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gyllentanne · 1 year
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ᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɪɴᴊᴜʀʏ ► accepting
@santo-sussurratore said: [ FOLLOW ]  for sender to find receiver at the end of a trail of blood.
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It was not the first time Heimdall had seen battle. While not as strong as some of his brothers, he had his own methods of fighting. Foresight did wonders against his opponents, telling him what they were going to do before they even did it made it amazingly easy to maneuver around and disarm them before going in for the kill, and so far he had done the same trick with several of his assailants who he couldn't recognize. They weren't Aesir, that was certain, but they weren't Vanir either, nor anything he's seen across the realms before. These were an entirely new enemy, not that it really mattered to him.
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Behind him, Heimdall left a trail of carnage. He was swift and he was merciless and cut through the forces like a hot knife through butter. He didn't care if the blood had stained his bright white clothing nor if it splattered onto his face- the sheer audacity to attack him of all people, especially when he offered peace first? Any shred of sympathy he may have had for them was quickly dashed with the first strike. If they wanted a fight, they would have one, and he would continue to cut them down until none remained.
Easier said than done, it seemed, as exhaustion was not far behind. He chased his attackers into a dense forest where he quickly lost track of them. In his wild pursuit, he didn't notice the string of a trap before it was too little too late. The world spun as his feet were yanked out from underneath him. He drops his sword in the confusion and had very little time to comprehend what was going on before his head collides with a nearby boulder that knocks him out cold.
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manigfeald · 1 year
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ᴀʟʏ & ᴀᴊ ʟʏʀɪᴄs ► accepting
@santo-sussurratore said: ❛ can you feel the heat? ❜ (For Freyr)
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He could. It was a bittersweet sensation. A comforting and warm; haunting yet cold reminder that Freyr was alive. It reminded him of the Aesir- what they had done to him, the war they currently fought, and it reminded him of home. It reminded him of his youth and of his sister and of his people. It reminded him that, despite the suffering he endured, he survived. He could still see the sun. He could still fight. And while he could still stand and walk and run, Freyr would continue to fight until he no longer could. For his home. For his people. For the good of all the realms. It was that heat that, especially after a day like today, he was lucky to feel each and every day he could breathe. What a gift it was to be alive.
"I can," He hums with a soft smile. "I can already feel the exhaustion in my bones." He was tired. He worked hard today. He and everyone else, including his company. They all deserved a good meal (of which he had a few ideas about what to make) and good rest. Well, as good as one could get, hiding from the enemy.
"I can't wait to get some sleep. With a full belly, of course. You hungry?"
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blccdsucker · 1 year
‘ you can relax. we’re safe here.’
「   RP MEME :  RANDOM DIALOGUE 2.0   」  
open || accepting
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"I don't agree..." Alastor's chest felt like it was going to implode with how fast it should have been beating. And he couldn't help but attempt a joke, "I'm here." @santo-sussurratore
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