#santi roxy
julio-viernes · 11 months
Otra de parte de Santi Roxy, "Sha-La-la (Make Me Happy)" del lover Al Green, absoluta maravilla de tempo con cuerdas y vientos inmejorablemente metidos, voz fantástica y chisposa carraquilla.
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horrorknife · 9 months
a june or a roxy for that doodle req?
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santi my darling you may have both. <3
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
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Santi Tattoos - art by Roxi Santi
- 8 tattoos - 10 swatches (individual, and full set at 100% or 75% opacity) - upper chest category - enabled for random - download
Roxi Satni is a Mestiza tattoo artist working out of Mexico City and Los Angeles. If you want some truly beautiful and unique artwork from a lovely person, check her out :)
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maura-cortes · 4 months
for: @roxdelrosario
where: four leaf.
"Did you try those little burger parcel things on New Years Eve?" Maura asks as she absentmindedly swings her legs back and forth on the stool that was propped between the edge of the bar and in the walkway to the kitchen, thumb tapping at her iPhone screen.
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"I tried to google them." She adds, phone screen tilting to Roxy as she dismisses that attempt. "Do you think we could convince Santi to add an adult size of them to the menu? I don't think I can go forward without them in my life."
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chromosome23hq · 2 years
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New York City is the city that never sleeps and that never dies, no matter what you throw its way. After what happened in June, the energy was low the first two weeks. The citizens needed time to grieve and heal-- and of course, wait for parts of the city to be fixed. It's a slow and necessary process. There at their sides are the Omegas, the city's heroes help with clean up, fixing buildings, getting cats out of trees, making sure everyone is fine: they're doing their jobs but also just being decent human beings. It warms the hearts of the citizens, all grateful for their team of heroes who have done nothing but protect all of them.
The city's mayor doesn't care much for the Omegas but he does care about making his citizens happy. And what would make them happy? A celebration for their favorite group of heroes of course! It's an Omega Festival held in Central Park, the festival is to celebrate the one year anniversary of the Omegas being formed and to welcome a new member of the team, an individual personally recommended to him by his new acquaintance Linda McCall. There's drinks from local bars, food stands of some fan favorite restaurants, gaming booths such as basketball, darts, duck shoot, and even musical performances from local musicians. It's a day of fun for everyone, so come and enjoy yourself!
And this is the start of our first event of Arc Two! Go ahead and start posting any closed and open starters that you have. If you are posting an open starter, please tag it with c23event. 
IC the festival happens on Friday, July 31st, 1998 @ 6 PM EST and ends at 10 PM. 
OOC, the event starts now ( duh ) and ends on Sunday, July 31st @ 11:59 PM PHT. 
The admins will post another plot drop at the end of the event. 
During the event, Yaren will be announced as an Omega! While it won’t be stated by the mayor or other Omegas, she’s Theodora’s replacement. 
You don’t have to end your current threads nor do you have to put them on hold ( unless you want to ). 
Muses that are attending the event: Milo and Santi ( Alex ), August and Mori ( Cola ), Tiff and Yaren ( Maddie ), Hale and Narcissa ( Marcy ), Roxi, Daichi, and Anamika ( Kashia ), Emilio, River, and Margot ( Tin ), Will, Victor, and Jackie ( Kael ), Zia and Leon ( Casey ), Riley ( Mady ), Jaewon ( Syno ), Atticus ( Anya ), Laurel and Cyra ( Bry ), Chris ( Eddie ), Louis and Lai ( May ), and Sora, Joey, and Ezra ( Gray ). If you haven’t done so yet, please put in the #muse-updates channel in the server which one of your muses will be attending the event. 
Have fun and make sure to stream Cheers by Seventeen <3
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elefant-records · 4 years
*ESTRENO*PREMIERE “No Tag Backs” RUSH WEEK Video-Clip Directed by Santi Capuz
Dos años después de aquel fantástico disco de debut que fue “Feels”, Rachel K. Haines y el productor James Benjamin Thomas vuelven con nuevas canciones, adelantando lo que será su inminente nuevo álbum, “Past Lives”. En ellas siguen actualizando el sonido Nu-disco y R&B a través de armonías elegantes, con cierto poso melancólico, pero llenas de vitalidad. Y como muestra, esta exquisita “No Tag Backs” (expresión que hace referencia a los “favores sexuales” no devueltos), con un estribillo portentoso, una producción abierta, que apunta en múltiples direcciones (podemos estar hablando de Sia, Lorde o una Dua Lipa sofisticada, o recordar las armonías de ROXY MUSIC). Bajos profundos, pero sin saturar, una mirada nada disimulada a la pista de baile y esas melodías que van subiendo y penetran por todo tu cuerpo.
Estrofa, pre-estribillo y estribillo. Simple, contundente, mágico. Esas tres amigas que viven un día estival inolvidable, irrepetible, filmadas por Santi Capuz para el video-clip de esta canción representan perfectamente esa mezcla de euforia, vitalidad y melancolía de la que hablábamos.
Y como regalo, en la cara B de este Single Digital nos hacen entrega de una versión absolutamente sorprendente de un clásico tan enorme como es el “Just Like Heaven” de THE CURE. Muy alejada de los parámetros de la original, revisitan aquella portentosa melodía con actitud pizpireta y absolutamente encantadora.
Un sonido exquisito y un savoir-faire incontestable hacen de RUSH WEEK una de esas bandas que son una garantía en sí misma. Pronto, llega “Past Lives” y lo comprobaréis.
TRACKLIST: 01 No Tag Backs  02 Just Like Heaven
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pvlz17-blog · 3 years
La Zona by Roxie Santi
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rockinnews · 4 years
BUNBURY publica mañana "Pequeño XX", una caja para la historia.
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Con motivo de su 20 aniversario, Bunbury publica mañana  una reedición de "Pequeño", su segundo disco en solitario. Esta nueva edición, titulada genéricamente "Pequeño XX", se publica en dos formatos físicos con abundante material extra. Una caja de 5 CDs y una espectacular caja de edición limitada de 4 kg de peso y diseño similar al box "Canciones 1987-2017" publicado el año pasado, que contiene 9 LPs coloreados y su versión en CD. Ambos formatos muestran una panorámica total de un disco clave en la carrera de Bunbury. La edición digital contendrá las canciones de los 4 primeros CDs.
A este contenido de audio se suma un libro de tapa dura de 48 páginas (libreto de 60 en el caso de la edición CD). Contiene fotos inéditas, letras, créditos y ensayos de Santi Balmés (Love Of Lesbian) y del periodista Juanjo Ordás.
El artista aragonés se ha involucrado personalmente en la producción del boxset, un trabajo hercúleo destinado a ofrecer la mejor experiencia posible a su numerosa legión de fans. El contenido y su empaquetado ofrecen un producto de gama alta a la altura del prestigio y el legado de uno de los artistas vivos más importantes del rock español. Pincha en la imagen para ver el "unboxing" de la caja de vinilos
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Pequeño XX contiene más de seis horas de música para rememorar y redescubrir una era fundamental para el desarrollo artístico de una estrella internacional como Bunbury y para el enriquecimiento del rock cantado en castellano. Todo se ha cuidado al máximo, desde el sonido de las canciones hasta el diseño del atractivo paquete que también incluye un libreto conmemorativo de tan dichosa etapa, con textos explicativos y fotografías ilustrativas.      
El 27 de septiembre de 1999, Bunbury publicaba su segundo álbum en solitario. Tras la experimentación electrónica fin de siglo de su disco de debut "Radical sonora" (1997), Bunbury inicia en "Pequeño" un camino de auto descubrimiento y reafirmación artística. Este disco comienza a cimentar las bases de un sonido propio que ha llevado al músico zaragozano a conquistar el mundo. Recibido inicialmente con cierta timidez, al año de su puesta a la venta nadie tenía ya dudas de que Pequeño era un nuevo clásico del rock español a la altura de las grandes obras de Radio Futura, Gabinete Caligari o El Último de la Fila.
Bunbury reivindica la cultura latina y la mezcla sabiamente con las influencias anglo de los comienzos de su carrera. Y hace propia una amalgama de referencias que van de la música de los Balcanes y del norte de África al cabaret pasando por las rancheras y los aromas de un Mediterráneo muy mestizo. El disco fue autoproducido por el propio Bunbury e incluye colaboraciones de Eva Amaral, Morti, Shuarma, Justo Bagüeste y Phil Manzanera (Roxy Music). "Pequeño" contiene canciones que con el tiempo se convertirían en clásicos de su repertorio como "El extranjero", "El viento a favor", "Infinito", "De mayor" o "Algo en común".
Este álbum es una obra fundamental en la discografía de Bunbury y su influencia ha quedado recogida en libros (Javier Losilla, Juanjo Ordás y Josu Lapresa) y artículos en profundidad. Pincha en la imagen para conocer todos los detalles de la edición 5CD
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julio-viernes · 11 months
Adriano Pappalardo mega épico en "Ricominciamo" (1979), que es algo así como Lucio Battisti (el que empezó esta movida del sufrido "heartland" italiano) o Claudio Baglioni pero en versión "heavy-metal". Adriano se muestra histriónico, pero cómo cojones se supone que tenía que interpretar semejante tema de aúpa, de tanto amor y pasión, ¿oliéndose los calcetines? Vía Santi Roxy de los casi mitológicos mods madrileños Chaquetas Bonitas, muchas gracias. Estupendo volver a un sitio con tanta personalidad y clase como el Rowland. Sigue igual, el tiempo no pasa por éste local. Abrazotes a Strangler y Mario.
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randrvstheworld · 7 years
Man oh man where do I even start.
My last post followed our second surf lesson - that evening involved going out to see some live music (which we only caught the last five minutes of because Collin takes forever getting ready) & drinking wine & watermelon mojitos & beers & getting into some raucous shithead. I LOVE that everyone in the world knows shithead - their rules are slightly different but the fundamentals are identical. Shithead is the great unifier, a language that everyone understands. This game involved two Brits (us, obviously), two north Americans, one half-Aussie, two Argentinians, a ruthlessly efficient German & a Norwegian. It was literally the Benetton advert of card games.
Friday saw us take in our final surf lesson with Elias, where he let us surf way more independently BUT man they were some tough waves. Relentless, one after another, big waves that fully swept you away so we were super glad to have him there! Managed to still catch some rad surf, which felt like an even greater achievement because of the tricky sea conditions & the fact that we didn’t have as much of his help - I could tell that he genuinely really wanted to help us get better at surfing, & said that he’s managed to teach us in 3 days what he normally teaches people in 5 because we took to it so well! Wooo!!
I was so sad to have our last lesson - not least because Elias is a super fun & nice dude who it’s really nice to hang with & learn from, but these have been some of my best days so far; I really love learning new things & I really took to surfing both physically & emotionally. Such great feelings, mind body & soul. We MUST - & will - keep practising. It’s hard work though! My upper back, shoulders & arms are wrecked from paddling. My abs are sore, my thighs & butt are sore, the back of my legs are a bit sunburnt & I’ve scraped most of the skin off my knees & the tops of my feet & toes. BUT I DON’T CARE. It was totally f***ing worth it.
Friday night saw us out on the town with the hostel gang because they are all super awesome people who I hope to stay friends with forever. We went to a club called Crazy Monkey & danced & smoked & drank cervesas & then piggy-backed back to the hostel; the funniest thing was that we all left the club at different times but then all re-grouped, wordlessly, at the hostel & carried on drinking & playing cards & hanging out. I massively bonded with Felipe, MI AMOR, who has spent the week being super lovely & helping me learn Spanish by just chatting together en Espanol - he speaks very slowly to me & enunciates very well, explaining things very clearly & giving me lots of compliments. It’s crazy how much better my conversational Spanish has got in a short time, not to mention the fact that I now have a friend for life because Felipe & I are best buddies now of course. We both love Game of Thrones & dogs & I’ve come to realise I need little else to get along with someone; helped by the fact that Felipe is literally the sweetest dude of all time.
Past Ruth & Roxy had really kitted out future Ruth & Roxy on Friday afternoon with lots of hangover snacks & fluids so we spent a glorious day chilling in hammocks, dipping into the pool & lying in the sun with the guys until we felt ready to go out & watch our final sunset in Tamarindo. We trespassed (oops!) up a tower purpose-built for ziplining where we had an awesome view of the beach, the trees, the town & the mountains in the distance. I truly can’t get enough sunsets; plus Tamarindo is so beautiful. We also met the hostel owner (Elias’ wife Anne) who invited us back whenever if we wanted to volunteer at the hostel for free accommodation; if we hadn’t already had to have had a passage out of Costa Rica before we entered (& weren’t meeting people in Colombia) I would’ve jumped at it - that’s not to say it won’t happen at some point though. Tama is wicked, the hostel is so chill & nice & the work is so easy & very few hours, all the people there are so great it would be amazing to stay there a couple of months & get sick at surfing & live there for a while. I have truly fallen in love with this country.
Post-sunset we took ourselves out for pad thai & wine & then schlepped back to the hostel with loads of sharing-beers & played shithead with the gang for literally hours & hours. It was SO FUN. Leaving this morning was really tough; I couldn’t stop hugging everyone & I got super emotional because everyone there has treated us like old friends & now I feel fully part of the Tama Backpackers squad - essentially everyone there is doing what we’re doing, trying to travel on the cheap; they are all such lovely, inclusive, friendly & laid-back, fun, interesting people, I miss them all already! 
Savannah, Collin, Steven, Tyler, Santi & Felipe - I LOVE Y’ALL. Until we meet again, who knows where in the world <3
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Highest point
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Things had been extremely rough the last few weeks sure Santi’s business was booming and his gang was thriving but every time something good happened something bad happened canceling it all out. Between playing a game of who loved who Santi gave into his feelings for his ex kissing her and ultimately losing his current. He hadn’t done it to cheat even though it was cheating but deep down he needed that closure in order to move on and he got it and coming clean instead of hiding it cost him his current. Santi wasn’t broken over it like he had been with Roxie the relationship hadn’t been consistent like the one him and his ex had nor did it last long enough. Instead it inspired him to work harder and keeping.
Things seemed off days turned into nights and soon he could no longer keep track of time, when Maddox picked him up for a lunch date Santi couldn’t remember what day it was. Things seemed so muddled and it made things harder for him. Taking the day off for a much needed mental day he knew exactly where to go.. The Old Clock tower. Nothing seemed more alluring than that tower at night when the moon’s light hit it just right.  Walking out of his home he locked up and pushed his hands into his pockets waiting for his Uber to arrive. Ten minutes later it pulled up and he got in “Old clock tower please.” He said feeling the car move and pull off.
An hour later the car pulled in front of the tower the moon’s light hadn’t hit it yet which he didn't mind. Picking the lock on the door he broke in and climbed the old winding staircase leading to the top but it only stopped at the clock. Santi opened a window and climbed out it only to climb higher until he reached the highest point. Up here people below looked like ants, the air was clean and fresh. Perching there for a few house the moon’s light shines down and Santi close his eyes, it was peaceful here. One wrong move and he could have been tumbling to his death but here he didn’t mind walking the thin line. Inhaling deeply he relaxed his body and allowed his thoughts to roam free until he felt the weight lift.
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The move
Picking up and moving from place to place was never hard for Santi he was a chameleon able to adapt to all and any place so when they were moved back to Sloane he willingly moved with the changes. His business was doing better than expected his relationship with Alex began to flourish with some kind of promise behind it. By the following monday  he’d manage to fill his book with customers old and new. Since leaving the Island a lot had changed he’d broken up with Roxie and moved on with another his new home was bigger than the one in Boston thanks to Elsie and Indi. He’d lost his paperwork due to their charides but had been grateful his pup and computer turned up okay. The money went to good use he had invested in a large inground pool in his basement with the illusion of stars above it. He also was able to afford a bigger building for bus business.
 Sitting at his desk glancing up so often from his computer to eye his employees  Santi relaxed back. Since this move he’d made both friends and foes and once he learned about another gang in the area he knew he had to look into some information on them. It appeared to have been ran by another resident in Sloane. A few nights after they came back he’d set a trap on  his computer leaving an open live stream  in his basement while his men staged a fight gone wrong waiting for the other team to take the bait and as expected they did. One of their hackers took the opportunity to leak in. It seemed as if they never heard the expression “Curiosity killed the cat.” before.
 With Trent not only hitting close to him but now throwing them into their old homes it seemed the game had changed but why? Why all of a sudden?  Santi knew he had to step his game up with his staff and security people would need it more than ever but first he’d pretend to comply with this nosy hacker and then take it from there. Santi felt a swooning fool but had come back as a force to reckon with.  Grabbing his jacket and  a copy of a flashdrive he walked out of his building, fixed his collar and headed out to his destination he’d show this person just who he was messing with and get the information he needed.
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