Track me
5:00am-  Wakes up, body no longer able to sleep.
5:15am- Lets the dogs out and feeds them.
5:50- Remember to plug in laptop and phone (probably why no one can ever reach him directly.)
6:15am- Finishes his first pot of coffee.
6:30am- Goes for a run or the gym
7:00am- Showers and gets dressed for the day.
8:00am- Heads to the cafe for his normal 4 cups of coffee (and maybe the pot)
8:30am- Walks into his office at Hacks.
8:45am- Checks all security systems/cameras.
9:30am- Hacks into a few things/people.
11:00am- Leaves the office and heads downtown for  his upcoming place.
12:45pm-Picks up lunch from wherever and heads back to the office.
1:00pm-----------In office--------6:00pm
7:00pm- MIA
10:30pm: Turns up at home for the night, radio silence.
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“A place, an escape, hide and seek. If the one place that you’d actually run off to was compromised and known where would you run to.? A backup, sanctuary, last resort…”He said as he pulled out a few maps and tacks. Placing the map on the wall Santi looked for some string but with no avail he finds none. Pondering a moment he walked over to his closet and pulled out one of his sweaters Dita and Brinx had almost ripped to shreds pulling some strings of blue from it. How creative he’d become. Pinning up the map he made sure there had been no creases before carefully pinning down the strings.
The first thing anyone would try to do is escape far away, to a distant island or another country but people would have expected that everyone would have tried to escape far from Sloane. “Washington might be nice... Or… Ohio… Virginia.. Connecticut… maybe Florida. “ He stopped pondering a moment. “That’s what everyone else would be doing so they’d expect it..” Moving from the map he ran upstairs to grab his laptop and ran all the way back down with it under his arm, the dogs chased after him right under his feet.  After almost tripping over the two and banishing them to the back yard Santi made his way back to the map.
Popping it open he pulled up google maps looking around instead of crossing over water he’d backtrack right into the mountains of Utah. Santi knew out of all the places he could hide and disappear it would be there. What was in Utah? A long lost lover the one person he knew he could trust till his dying breath Stevie. If someone came looking she’d lead them astray without a bat of a lash in hesitation she too knew the games he dabbled it so what was one last go around of hiding and seek? A happy little flash back down memory lane.
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letter to nowhere
Picking up a pen Santi tapped it against his glass desk, for years one person has sat on his mind. Before Sloane, before Boston.. Before everything,  Santiago had a home a family and a life. He had a childhood with short term spurts of happiness. Leaving it all behind had been so easy for him but the hardest part was leaving behind someone special to his heart. With a gloomy day his mind ran ramped in his own head reflecting. Dropping his pen he picks it up again placing the inked tip to the paper.
Dear Mariana,
It’s been almost  twelve years and all though it seems like a short amount of time it's felt like centuries since I’ve seen you. And all I can really say is… I miss you. I miss you and I’m sorry. I don’t know why or even how our lives ended up this way or who created this crazy maze of events but for whatever reason it’s landed me here in Sloane. I don’t know what to really say except for everything but even if I was to tell you everything in detail this letter would turn into a book but what’s important to know is that I never stopped looking for you, never stopped thinking about you and where you ended up. I’m still looking for you.
What went wrong? Things seemed just fine despite dad being around more than we would have liked when he wasn’t we had a good time with mom. God she’d spoil the hell out of us..mostly you. Hopefully you remember those times. I’m sure by now you’ve figured out what happened the day we were separated we were both there, watched him kill her and the memory still haunts me. Is it haunting you too? He’s still out there.. Somewhere just like we are and I promise I’ll find him and give him whats coming to him. I’m sorry I couldn’t save mom. I froze.  I feel the guilt weighing on me still like a ton of cinderblocks forcing me to the ocean floor.
Her death isn’t the only guilt weighing me down.. I did what i could to take you with me I didn’t want us to be separated but I was too young to keep you and unstable and I was too old to follow you. When we got to say goodbye I said harsh things so you’d go but I didn’t mean a word of it. It's just what I needed to do to get you to go with them to a better place.No one wants an eighteen year old from a group home. I’m sorry I failed in keeping and finding you but I’m not giving up. I’m still looking and I wanted you to know that. Maybe one of these days we will cross paths or maybe I’ll pick up a lead on where you are. Whatever the case Mari.. I will find you and try to make up for lost time.
Forever searching,
Your brother
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Highest point
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Things had been extremely rough the last few weeks sure Santi’s business was booming and his gang was thriving but every time something good happened something bad happened canceling it all out. Between playing a game of who loved who Santi gave into his feelings for his ex kissing her and ultimately losing his current. He hadn’t done it to cheat even though it was cheating but deep down he needed that closure in order to move on and he got it and coming clean instead of hiding it cost him his current. Santi wasn’t broken over it like he had been with Roxie the relationship hadn’t been consistent like the one him and his ex had nor did it last long enough. Instead it inspired him to work harder and keeping.
Things seemed off days turned into nights and soon he could no longer keep track of time, when Maddox picked him up for a lunch date Santi couldn’t remember what day it was. Things seemed so muddled and it made things harder for him. Taking the day off for a much needed mental day he knew exactly where to go.. The Old Clock tower. Nothing seemed more alluring than that tower at night when the moon’s light hit it just right.  Walking out of his home he locked up and pushed his hands into his pockets waiting for his Uber to arrive. Ten minutes later it pulled up and he got in “Old clock tower please.” He said feeling the car move and pull off.
An hour later the car pulled in front of the tower the moon’s light hadn’t hit it yet which he didn't mind. Picking the lock on the door he broke in and climbed the old winding staircase leading to the top but it only stopped at the clock. Santi opened a window and climbed out it only to climb higher until he reached the highest point. Up here people below looked like ants, the air was clean and fresh. Perching there for a few house the moon’s light shines down and Santi close his eyes, it was peaceful here. One wrong move and he could have been tumbling to his death but here he didn’t mind walking the thin line. Inhaling deeply he relaxed his body and allowed his thoughts to roam free until he felt the weight lift.
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The move
Picking up and moving from place to place was never hard for Santi he was a chameleon able to adapt to all and any place so when they were moved back to Sloane he willingly moved with the changes. His business was doing better than expected his relationship with Alex began to flourish with some kind of promise behind it. By the following monday  he’d manage to fill his book with customers old and new. Since leaving the Island a lot had changed he’d broken up with Roxie and moved on with another his new home was bigger than the one in Boston thanks to Elsie and Indi. He’d lost his paperwork due to their charides but had been grateful his pup and computer turned up okay. The money went to good use he had invested in a large inground pool in his basement with the illusion of stars above it. He also was able to afford a bigger building for bus business.
 Sitting at his desk glancing up so often from his computer to eye his employees  Santi relaxed back. Since this move he’d made both friends and foes and once he learned about another gang in the area he knew he had to look into some information on them. It appeared to have been ran by another resident in Sloane. A few nights after they came back he’d set a trap on  his computer leaving an open live stream  in his basement while his men staged a fight gone wrong waiting for the other team to take the bait and as expected they did. One of their hackers took the opportunity to leak in. It seemed as if they never heard the expression “Curiosity killed the cat.” before.
 With Trent not only hitting close to him but now throwing them into their old homes it seemed the game had changed but why? Why all of a sudden?  Santi knew he had to step his game up with his staff and security people would need it more than ever but first he’d pretend to comply with this nosy hacker and then take it from there. Santi felt a swooning fool but had come back as a force to reckon with.  Grabbing his jacket and  a copy of a flashdrive he walked out of his building, fixed his collar and headed out to his destination he’d show this person just who he was messing with and get the information he needed.
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What if...
The day had been long, so much had happened between returning to Boston to meeting a girl who drove him straight into crazy town his head was spinning. It hadn’t been hard for Santi to get back into the swing of things, he’d made friends rather quickly but who wouldn’t want to be his friend? His business sparked interest in a lot of people mostly the people he knew from Sloane and although it made for quick and easy money it made him wonder. What did the old residents of Sloane actually have to hide besides the few things Trent had had him look into way back when? Once Santiago had made it through his front door Dita his new puppy greeted him with excitement, bags under his eyes and his hair a bit disheveled. Sauntering up to his room with the idea of heading right for bed he changed his mind making a U turn for his office. Picking up his journal his therapist had suggested he began to write.
 “The first day back and already people are being picked off like fleas on an old dog. A few were badly hurt while one was murdered and not even my the hands of the big man himself but by one of our lovely residents, Elsie. The queen turned killer in the blink of an eye now that would be an interesting article in a paper. I should have expected this. Expected that nothing ever went right when the lot of us got together and while I would wish for a life without Trent Foster I couldn’t imagine my life would be any better.  What would change? Money would change.. Finding the girl I’d been chasing down for sometime now would change.. And my ass would probably locked up or dead. Who really knows? Who’s really to say?”
 Santi pulled back sitting back in his office chair as he glanced at the clock and then the floor at the snoring puppy. A sigh escaped him as his glassy hues glanced back at the clock “tick, tick, tick..” The ticking of the clock was evenly paced, it never ticked beyond its own metronome. Something about the sound the clock made put him at ease placing him in a trance of sorts until he’d fallen asleep right at his desk. Slumping forward his face hit the keyboard of one of the many computers that had been set up on his desk but he didn’t wake. Pure exhaustion had finally set in and there was no way to fight it off.
 “Wake up!” The sound of a familiar but annoying voice rang through his ears. ��“Get up or.. Or…” Her voice trails off. When Santi sat up something felt off he felt lighter than he had before falling asleep and although the voice sounded familiar he had a hard time placing it with a face until he stood and turned meeting the blond face to face. With a roll of her blue eyes and her arms folded over her chest she glared at Santi just the way she had only hours before the party when they’d gotten into an argument. “Wait.. How the fuck..? You died.” He says out loud both shocked and freaked out. “Yeah well… I’m kinda here but not here?” she says pointing for him to look behind him.Turning he noticed his slumped over body on the desk causing a wave of panic to rush over him.
  “Am I? No.. wait no! I can’t be!” He says  only to feel a smack in the back of his head
  “No… you’re just sleeping calm the heck down.” She said with a huff. “I’ve come to show you what life could have been without Trent Foster.”
 “Wait what?” He asked slightly confused.
 “I don’t think I stuttered, I know talking to a dead girl could be… weird but keep up Santi I don’t have all night.”  She answered coaxing him to follow.
 “Like the ghost of girlfriends past? Or that christmas movie? “ He teased covering his head as they disappeared through a door.
 Time seemed to grow dark, time dragged but the slower ticking of a clock. Time shifted and the sun came and gone quickly in this dream place he’d been trapped in. Finding himself standing on a street corner he could see another version of himself walking right into  a building a code typed into the door  to allow himself inside. “Come on let’s go.” Libby said tugging him to follow into the building. His eyes glance around following the other version of himself. Computers and other software technology lined the walls several people typing away and fiddling with their own diligently working. “Hey boss” he’d hear occasionally as his other self walked by.
 “Wait.. this place looks familiar..” He says turning in a circle to look around the place.
 “Its should it’s--” She began to say until he cut her off.
 “It’s Trent’s casino.” He lets it fly.
“It would have been… had he existed but I’m just showing you what life would have been without and without him you would have built an empire of your own had he not weighed you down with a bullshit job.” She explained.
 Something about her was far more calmer than the living version of her. Once he’s other form disappeared time lapsed and they stood inside his own private office where he held a meeting, the men inside dressed in black with black jackets, large patches on the back with a snake and word “Serpents”  It seemed the original plans would have come through for him and the gang making him the leader of the Boston division.  Santi glanced over at Libby eyeing her for some kind of reaction but she had little.
 “Well isn’t that interesting? I knew something was strange about you.” She says  meeting his eyes.
 “I.. Don’t know what this is.” He lied
 “You can’t fool a dead girl, being dead almost gives you the privilege of knowing pretty much everything.. Every little secret down to the bar minimum.” She answered stepping forward.
 This time once time shifted the ended up on the outside looking in.. looking in on a home, his home. It looked as if they had been going back to his body where he’d finally wake up but instead they were the outsiders looking in. Through the window he could see a woman and two children one boy and one girl sitting in the kitchen baking cookies. His other self appeared walking through the front door only to be greeted by the children and one large dalmation. Santi smirked this seemed like the dream he’d never get but the perfect replica of what he had longed for years before all of this.
 “Who knew you’d get married and have kids if you never met Trent but who’s really the dangerous one.. Trent?.. Or you?..” She asked as she faded.
 Gunshot could be heard and the skies turned grey lightening strikes a crossed the sky. His body was pulled almost sucked into the home only to find himself watching himself stand in front of a mirror with a loaded gun in his hand, blood painting the walls but who was dead? Santi glanced around but saw nothing, saw no one and he didn’t know what this meant. He watched at the gun lifted and pointed right to his head the trigger pulled in slow motion and suddenly Santi lost control, he couldn’t stop him or save himself. Jerking up out of his sleep he looked at the clock Dita jumped and began to bark from being startled. “Sh.. I’m sorry.” He apologized to the pup before standing up looking around his office “Libby?” He called out as he searched him entire home but to no avail she was gone. A sigh escaped him as he rubbed the back of his neck “It was only a dream..” He whispered as he sauntered back to his room the for night.
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0 to 10
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Out of all the shit I’ve been through I haven’t exactly had the chance to move around or travel unless you consider jumping house from house as traveling. I was confined to only a few places, the rest was spent behind bars.
California- This is and will always be my home. Most of my memories some happy and some sad were spent here. The one good thing that come out of dark place was my daughter Maya.
Mexico- Being involved with one of the most dangerous gangs on the west coast we made several visits to Mexico somehow slipping past the boarder without being stopped. Guess it was a good thing Trump hadn’t been president at the time or we might have not been able to make it back.
Columbia- Is where I met Maya’s mother, who could resist a beauty with long dark hair and a fat ass? Not me. What I didn’t know was that she was the bosses daughter and ‘kidnapping’ her had been a low-key search and rescue. Once we made it back to Cali what seemed like a promising relationship had being a relationship nightmare.
Amsterdam- The last stop on my none exciting journey. After coughing up intel to protect my new born daughter I found myself with a one way ticket to Amsterdam with my newly turned two year old asleep in the seat beside me. We’ve settles into out second apartment and while work is slow I’m seeing progress.
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Stolen Goods
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Stolen wallet, long night of drinking and an even longer morning. I couldn’t tell you what happened or what I did but what I can tell you is what happened before I started drinking. I remember playing a game, I remember sitting down and I remember my turn.. I picked my lucky number thirteen and was told to perform my favorite scene from a porno. How on earth would I do that? And embarrass Cam in front of the lot of them? I think not.. That was for private eyes only not the crew, I wasn’t back in the gang anymore. I took a different route and decided to trust my bartender who told me to drink a huge glass of… of.. Who the fuck knows. After that shit went god knows where.
My vision blurred but I could hear them and then nothing. Word is is that I jumped up on the bar and stripped off my shirt throwing it to Leo… I guess that would explain why I woke up in bed with no shirt. By morning I woke up with a nasty hangover, thankful Maya was with the sitter she’d never have to see me like this. When I pulled my shit together I tried looking for my wallet and at first it seemed silly, I probably left it in the jeep or Cam put it up but after checking both I came to realize that it was actually missing, stolen and I wasn’t the only one to have something robbed. I told myself over and over again that it was in the bar somewhere but after checking it over and over again I found nothing. I returned home and there it was on my front step but empty…
Inside my wallet:
Money: 15,000 in cash, the down payment from a client to begin recording in his studio. How careless could I have actually been? Why didn’t I just drop in the safe before going to the bar? How was I going to eat this one? Just tell them it went missing and ruin the chance of bringing on a promising singer? I think not..
Lola:  After unpacking the last of my boxes I found her my fixed brand of weed, my own strand I had created and named Lola. One blunt of her and it could turn the most unhappiest person happy with hallucinations.
Identification/ Photos:  No matter where I go I carry my /New/ Id as well as the photos I received of Maya the day she was born when I was locked up. Why would someone want to steal photos of a child? Those photos not so replaceable as my Id was.
Things in the hidden slit:
Prison Id: Why keep this.. Why hold on to one of the darkest parts of my life? To remember the past I had or maybe this Id would be my out one day.. Who actually knew but I kept it and I left it hidden where only I’d see it but apparently the thief has seen it too.
A credit card: I never dealt with many banks and still don’t the world is corrupted and working with money is enough to make even the most innocent greedy. Banks can be robbed and they can be hacked so why throw all my mostly hard earned cash in a place that would be easily drainable? I found a place, someone I could trust who build a safe in my home to hold my money and what nots, that card wasn’t an actual credit car but an access card indisguise.
The letters: Once week from my arrival to my new home I started finding random letters and packages. What seemed like a harmless prank quickly turned into something more serious those  letters contained some dark things and I need to get them back before things get worse!
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When you can just sit around and still have a good time.
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Mein God…
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Pan & Wendy 
Lets fly away to Neverland.
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Sometimes you gotta play rough.
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