unabashedqueenfury · 2 years
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Reign 2013-2017
Mary and Francis
Madonna, i bei vostr’ occhi, arme d’ Amore,
mi fèr sì dolce assalto,
ch’ io benedico ognor la piaga al core
impressa il dì ch’ io rimirai tant’ alto.
La dolce libertà, c’ ad altri piace,
non fia che mai mi piacci,
ché l’ è più dolce assai ne’ vostri lacci;
non mai tranquilla pace
trovo né trovarrò, madonna, in terra,
se non se i bei vostr’ occhi mi fan guerra.
("Madonna, i bei vostr'occhi, arme d'Amore", Jacopo Sannazaro, Rime Disperse, XXXIV , XVI Century)
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gennarocapodanno · 1 month
Napoli: riduttivo intitolare ad Aldo Giuffré "lo scalone del Sannazaro".
Bisognava intitolargli un’importante strada del capoluogo partenopeo Vomero: lo “scalone del Sannazaro”             ” Reputo estremamente riduttivo aver intitolato a un illustre artista napoletano, come Aldo Giuffré, uomo di grande cultura, noto, anche fuori dai confini della città che gli diede i natali, per la sua variegata e intensa attività di attore, regista, scrittore, drammaturgo e…
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napuleh · 4 months
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The Mothers of Naples Lament Their Sons' Death
“These children were killed in guerrilla fighting with the Germans in October, 1943. Funeral of 20 teenage partisans of the Liceo Sannazaro, in the Vomero District. Led by one of their teachers, the boys had fought against the German for 4 days before the arrival of the Allies. Naples.”
The Battlefield of Naples, Life 15, taken by Robert Capa
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lospeakerscorner · 8 months
Geopolitiks, il festival di geopolitica
Clima, migrazioni, carenza di cibo: Geopolitiks vuole essere un luogo ideale dove affrontare le sfide del terzo millennio CITTÀ METROPOLITANA DI NAPOLI – Il mondo è diventato una piccola sfera dove un avvenimento, anche nella più remota regione, può provocare ripercussioni globali.  Cosa determina quindi il nostro presente e cosa dobbiamo attenderci dal futuro?   La sfida che raccoglie…
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iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 2 months
writing this fanfic has me thinking about names in Scholomance- (general disclaimer that this isn't thoroughly researched) --
Orion is obvious - the mythical hunter
Ophelia is an interesting one. The obvious association is Hamlet's Ophelia, her tragic death in the face of cruelty of men. You could see Scholomance Ophelia as facing down the cruelty of the world, of carefully cutting away her own innocence and goodness, to become the Maleficer we know. That feels like a stretch to me. I've been doing some googling and Ophelia was used in Jacopo Sannazaro's poem "Arcadia" in the 15th century; I cannot find much info about this (without extensive research that I am simply not willing to do for this post) -- other than that apparently Ophelia comes from a Greek word meaning "help/benefit," which Scholomance Ophelia certainly justifies herself as doing. it feels like an ironic name to me?
Balthazar is the name the king who brought myrrh to the Baby Jesus -- foreseeing His death. I think this is cool in that Orion has been dead since he was a baby. ; Balthazar is also apparently a variant spelling of the king in Daniel and the name means "bel protects the king" - referring to the pagan gods of Babylon - you could argue Orion's birth as both mythical and god-like, that his birth was meant to protect the Enclave, including his parents -
They are also all some type of noble (Orion's birth varies in myth but usually has a god or noble origin; Ophelia in Hamlet is a noble, Balthazar is a king) .
anyway i don't have a point, I'm procrastinating actually writing, but I think it's neat
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amberfaber40 · 1 year
photos by Robert Capa
photos by Robert Capa
Pablo Picasso and Françoise Gilot and Picasso's nephew, Javier Vilato. Spain, Barcelona. January 1939. Watching an air raid over the city. Barcelona was being heavily bombed by fascist planes, as General Franco's troops rapidly approached (left). Nüremberg, 20th April 1945. The city after the…
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First Look: Robert Capa’s Stunning Color Photographs
Bikinis in Biarritz to skiing in the Alps.
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20 Of The Most Iconic Photographs And The Cameras That Captured Them
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Some pictures, however, are worth at least a million. I’m talking about the iconic pictures that nearly everyone recognizes and that will forever be etched into our shared history. Even though these historical photos might be known by all, far from everyone knows about the superstar photographers who took them. Even less know about the film photography cameras they used to capture history in the making. Buckle up, amigos, you’re about to become photography buffs!
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Pablo Picasso and Françoise Gilot and Picasso's nephew, Javier Vilato.Spain, Barcelona. January 1939. Watching an air raid over the city. Barcelona was being heavily bombed by fascist planes, as General Franco's troops rapidly approached (left). Nüremberg, 20th April 1945. The city after the Allied bombing. Spain, Madrid. Winter 1936-1937. After an Italo-German air raid. The Nationalist offensive on Madrid, which lasted from November 1936 to February 1937, was one of the fiercest of the Civil War. During this period Italy and Germany started helping the Nationalist forces, and the USSR the Popular Front government. France, Paris. August 25th, 1944. Members of the French Resistance during the liberation of the city. France, Chartres. August 18th, 1944. A mother (dark dress) and her daughter (white dress), accused of collaboration, have their hair shaved, as a sign of humiliation. The daughter is holding a baby conceived with a German soldier. August, 1945. An American soldier selling a watch to a Russian soldier. After the entry of the French 2nd Armored Division, numerous pockets of German snipers had to be rooted out in street fighting. Many French civilians and members of the Resistance helped the French troops in this fighting. This photograph shows a French civilian who was unable to contain his wrath against a German soldier who had surrendered. Paris. August 25th, 1944. Soldiers of the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division. Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte, France, June 16, 1944. Running for shelter during an air raid Bilbau, May 1937. Just after the liberation of the town, a French woman who had had a baby with a German soldier was punished by having her head shaved. Chartres, Eure-et-Loir, France, 18 August 1944. Immigrants from Europe Arriving in Haifa, Israel. Tour de France bicycle race, France, July 1939. Watching the Tour de France in front of the bicycle shop owned by Pierre Cloarec, one of the cyclists in the race, Pleyben, Brittany, France, July 1939. Watching the Tour de France in front of the bicycle shop owned by Pierre Cloarec, one of the cyclists in the race, Pleyben, Brittany, France, July 1939. Galilee. Near Gedera (south of Tel Aviv). November-December, 1950. Village for blind immigrants (victims of trachoma) and their families, founded by a Pole. Three men are led to the community dining hall. Haifa, Israel, 1950. Italy, Naples. Funeral of 20 teenage partisans of the Liceo Sannazaro, in the Vomero district. Led by one of their teachers, the boys had fought against the Germans for 4 days before the arrival of the Allies. October 2nd, 1943. Landing of the American troops on Omaha Beach. Normandy. June 6th, 1944. Nuremberg, Germany, April 20, 1945, (right). Gary Cooper, 1942. Spain, Madrid. November-December 1936. A member of the International Brigades. Pablo Picasso in his studio at the Rue des Grands-Augustins, Paris. Gary Cooper, 1942. American soldier (left) interrogating an Italian prisoner of war. Sicily, Italy, August 1943. Truman Capote, Italy, 1953. Henri Matisse, France. Israel, Tel Aviv. May, 1949. Armon Café, on Hayarkan Street. France, Eure-et-loir. Chartres. August 18th, 1944. Shortly after the liberation of the city, a French woman who had a baby with a German soldier has her head shaved, as a sign of humiliation. Her mother (left) suffered the same treatment. Spain, April 1935, (left). Spain, Barcelona. January 1939. Little girl resting during the evacuation of the city. A member of the American Medical Corps treats a German prisoner of war. Italy, July 1943. France, Eure-et-Loir. Chartres. August 18th, 1944. Shortly after the liberation of the city, a French woman who had collaborated with the Germans has her hair shaved at police headquarters as a sign of humiliation. Ernest Hemingway and his son Gregory. Sun Valley, October 1941. Ernest Hemingway. Spain, Madrid. November-December 1936. After the Italo-German air raids. The Nationalist offensive on Madrid, which lasted from November 1936 to February 1937, was one of the fiercest of the Civil War. During this period Italy and Germany started helping the Nationalist forces, and the USSR the Popular Front government. The civilians were severely affected by the bombings. Members of the International Brigades, engaged in a house to house fight around the slaughterhouse, near the university campus, in the western outskirts of the capital. Madrid. November-December 1936. Death of a loyalist militiaman. Spain, Cordoba front. September, 1936. Near Nicosia, July 28th, 1943. An Italian soldier straggling behind a column of his captured comrades , marching towards a Prisoner Of War camp. Ernest Hemingway. France, near Chartres. August, 1944. Resistance fighters take a German paratroop officer prisoner. Republican Soldier and Gerda Taro, near Cordoba, Spain 1936. Haifa, May/June, 1950. Immigrants from Europe arriving to settle in Israel. Berlin. Jewish New Year. Paris, Les Champs ELysées. August 26th, 1944. Members of the French Resistance and soldiers of the French Army celebrating the liberation of the city. Italy, Cefalu. Two days after the liberation of the city. July 26th, 1943. France, Paris. August 26th, 1944. General Charles de Gaulle leading the parade down the Avenue des Champs-Elysées to celebrate the liberation of the city. France Paris. June 1936. Employees of the department store "Galeries Lafayette" on the rooftop terrace during a sit-in strike, (right). Spain, Barcelona. January 13, 1939. Man with two women and a baby preparing for mobilization as General Franco's troops approached the city. Spain, Barcelona. August 1936. Republican militiamembers.
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ANPI Fuorigrotta: in memoria di Claudio Miccoli
La sede dell'ANPI Fuorigrotta, presieduta da Osvaldo Barba e che ha come segretaria Alessia Caso, ha fatto una scelta chiara di Pace e di Antifascismo dedicando la sede a Claudio Miccoli, vittima di un barbaro omicidio nel 1978 in piazza Sannazaro a Napoli. I fratelli in visita a Fuorigrotta Il fratello Livio e la sorella Rosanna, che da anni in memoria di Claudio Miccoli hanno costituito un'associazione, sono stati ospiti presso la Cgil di Fuorigrotta e si sono iscritti alla sede intestata al fratello che porterà avanti le idee di Pace e di Antifascismo di Claudio. Claudio Miccoli Chi era Claudio Miccoli? Claudio Miccoli era un attivista per la pace e l'ambiente fin dalla giovane età. Era membro del WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) e ricopriva il ruolo di consigliere regionale per l'organizzazione in Campania. La sera del 30 settembre 1978, Miccoli si trovava in Piazza Sannazaro a Napoli quando fu testimone di un'aggressione da parte di un gruppo di neofascisti ai danni di un giovane militante comunista. Intervenne nel tentativo di fermare l'attacco, ma fu selvaggiamente picchiato dai neofascisti. Venne trasportato in ospedale, ma morì per le ferite riportate sei giorni dopo, il 6 ottobre 1978. Foto concesse da Osvaldo Barba Read the full article
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lamilanomagazine · 1 month
Napoli: incidente mortale all'interno della Galleria Laziale
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Napoli: incidente mortale all'interno della Galleria Laziale Nel corso della mattinata del 18 aprile, verso le ore 11.15, si è verificato un tragico incidente all'interno della Galleria Laziale a Napoli. Un motociclista, identificato come A. M., 37 anni, alla guida di una Honda SH 300, stava percorrendo il tunnel in direzione da Fuorigrotta verso Sannazaro. Per cause ancora in fase di accertamento, ha perso il controllo del veicolo, rovinando al suolo, probabilmente durante un tentativo di sorpasso di altri veicoli. Purtroppo, l'impatto è stato fatale e il motociclista è stato dichiarato deceduto dal personale medico del 118 intervenuto sul posto. Nell'incidente è coinvolta anche un'auto, una Peugeot 208, il cui conducente, un uomo nato nel 1956, è stato trasportato in ospedale per accertamenti sui liquidi biologici al fine di verificare l'eventuale presenza di sostanze tossicologiche o alcolemiche. Entrambi i veicoli coinvolti sono stati sequestrati per le dovute indagini, mentre la salma di A. M. è stata messa a disposizione dell'Autorità Giudiziaria per le procedure di legge. La Polizia Locale di Napoli sta conducendo un'indagine approfondita sull'incidente al fine di determinare le cause esatte e garantire giustizia per tutte le parti coinvolte.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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de Magistris a teatro, racconta intreccio tra mafie e politica
Torna a Napoli “Istigazione a sognare” l’opera di teatro civile dell’ex sindaco Luigi de Magistris che sarà in scena lunedì 19 febbraio alle ore 20:45 al Teatro Sannazaro in via Chiaia.     Dopo l’esordio all’Istituto per gli studi filosofici, de Magistris approda in teatro e racconterà dell’intreccio tra mafie e politica e della funzione civilizzatrice della Costituzione italiana, attraverso la…
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gennarocapodanno · 2 months
Vomero, liceo Sannazaro: buca recintata dinanzi a un'uscita di sicurezza
Bisogna subito procedere al monitoraggio del “quartiere colabrodo” Via Puccini Piazza Vanvitelli Via Solimena     Al Vomero, quartiere collinare partenopeo, tiene banco, da un paio di mesi a questa parte, segnatamente da quando, il 21 febbraio scorso, una grossa voragine si apri in  via Morghen  inghiottendo due autoveicoli, la situazione disastrosa delle strade e dei marciapiedi. Danni…
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napoli-turistica · 4 months
La Fontana delle Sirena in piazza Sannazaro
Napoli è una città ricca di fontane monumentali, una di queste è la Fontana della Sirena al centro della piazza dedicata al poeta Jacopo Sannazaro. Un opera scultorea ed idraulica legata alla leggenda della nascita della città di Neapolis. Un mito di ispirazione greca narra che la sirena Partenope, innamorata perdutamente di Ulisse, cercò di ammaliarlo con l’aiuto delle sorelle. L’eroe, però,…
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campaniateatro · 5 months
IL VIOLINISTA JAVIER COMESAÑA IN CONCERTO A NAPOLI Con Matteo Giuliani Diez al piano, il “viaggio” nella musica europea del
Con Matteo Giuliani Diez al piano, il “viaggio” nella musica europea del 900. Al Sannazaro, giovedì 14 dicembre (ore 20.30) per la stagione dell’Associazione Scarlatti Napoli. Javier Comesaña è il protagonista del prossimo concerto della stagione musicale ideata e diretta da Tommaso Rossi per l’Associazione Alessandro Scarlatti presieduta da Oreste de Divitiis. Acclamato dalla critica, il…
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airasilver · 8 months
Her family inherited a 900-year-old Italian castle. Here’s what it’s like living there
By Francesca Street, CNN
Published 5:46 AM EDT, Wed September 27, 2023
When Ludovica Sannazzaro Natta introduces herself to new people, she always leads with the key facts:
She’s 21, about to turn 22. She’s Italian. She’s a “very proud Scorpio.” She studied musical theater in Los Angeles and New York.
Then, she’ll add an unexpected extra detail into the mix:
“I live in a castle full time.”
Growing up in a castle
Sannazzaro Natta moved into the 45-roomed, turreted, fairytale Castle Sannazzaro when she was four years old.
Sannazzaro Natta is descended from Italian nobility and her father is a count. This medieval fortress, located in picturesque countryside near Giarole, northern Italy, has been in her family for 28 generations.
The previous generation used Castle Sannazzaro primarily as a summer home, but in 2006, Sannazzaro Natta’s parents decided to move from Milan and make the castle their full time residence, taking their young daughter with them.
“When I moved here, it was just so normal for me,” she tells CNN Travel today. “It was just my home and where I was going to live for the rest of my life.”
While the castle was “normal” for young Sannazzaro Natta, she still recalls the thrill of discovering the abundance of rooms in the castle – there are 18 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, as well as sitting rooms, a library, a balloom and a dining room, not to mention the moat, a chapel and secret passageways. Her parents soon realized that in a castle, games of hide and seek can last a long time.
“I would just run around the castle,” Sannazzaro Natta recalls. “My parents couldn’t find me sometimes because I thought it was so funny to hide inside closets.”
Sannazzaro Natta has an older brother, but he’s 14 years her senior, so Sannazzaro Natta spent her childhood exploring the castle with her gang of friends. The kids would spend long days inventing tales of princesses, witches and wizards amid extremely appropriate surroundings. The castle, says Sannazzaro Natta, was a “very creative” place to spend her formative years.
“I grew up with Harry Potter and Narnia and all those things,” she recalls. “Of course, the castle was absolutely great to recreate those kinds of atmospheres and fantasy worlds – so it would be our own Harry Potter in my castle.”
As a teenager, Sannazzaro Natta attended boarding school elsewhere in Italy. With that distance, and her growing maturity, Sannazzaro Natta developed more conflicted feelings about her palatial childhood home.
“I didn’t really know how to tell people about living in a castle,” she says.
She became aware that “this particular thing about myself can change their view about me, their opinion on me” and found herself holding back the information until she felt she’d developed a good rapport with a potential friend.
“I live in a castle. That’s so not normal,” she realized. “That’s very unique and special.”
While Sannazzaro Natta began reckoning with that privilege and what it meant, she also became fascinated by Castle Sannazaro’s history and how it intertwines with her own family legacy.
“It’s almost 900 years of history, between this place and between my family,” she says.
She helped her father sift through old family letters. She shadowed paranormal investigators who came to investigate potential ghostly goings on. She researched her family tree to understand how the castle came to be built in the first place.
The 23-year-old who spent three years living in the Tower of London
Seeing the castle through a new lens
After graduating high school, Sannazzaro Natta moved to the US to study musical theater. Her new American friends were even more dumbfounded than her Italian schoolmates when she lifted the curtain on her family home. But, by then, Sannazzaro Natta was more comfortable in herself and felt able to own her story.
“I’m not going to hide a part of me just because I’m scared of what they’re going to think,” she decided. “If they really want to know me, they’re going to know me with this specific thing, because it is part of me.”
Then, midway through Sannazzaro Natta’s US studies, Covid hit. Like many pandemic-era college students, she found herself decamping to her parents’ house – only, of course, her parents’ house was a castle.
Sannazzaro Natta saw the fortress through fresh eyes after her time away.
I live in a castle. That’s so not normal. That’s very unique and special.
“I was like, ‘Oh, I just love this place. Sometimes I don’t appreciate it as much as I should. Probably because it’s my home. And it’s so normal for me. But I truly, truly love this place.’”
With this newfound appreciation of the castle came the birth of Sannazzaro Natta’s social media account, The Castle Diary. In between her studies, Sannazzaro Natta passed the time posting videos on TikTok and Instagram summing up what life’s really like in a medieval castle. Yes, it’s beautiful, she explained, but there’s also poor Wi-Fi, a lot of rooms to clean and drafts aplenty.
It was March 2021 and her videos provided some well-timed pandemic escapism. Plus, everyone was talking about the Netflix series “Bridgerton,” and Sannazzaro Natta seemed to be living some real life version of that. Her TikTok account quickly gained traction.
As her following grew, Sannazzaro Natta leaned into the period drama of it all, enlisting her mother to sew her gowns that would look more at place in the 1800s than the 2020s.
Today, Sannazzaro Natta rarely appears in modern clothing in her videos and fully embraces the “princess aesthetic” on social media.
At the same time, she’s still committed to showcasing the reality of castle life. She still makes videos about the castle’s unexpected quirks from its multiple old toilets to the frustration of forgetting your keys and ascending several flights of spiral staircases to track them down.
And to be clear, Sannazzaro Natta isn’t actually a princess– although she does stand to inherit her father’s title and become a countess one day, which is pretty Bridgerton-esque, although the title has no real meaning in republican Italy.
They bought a huge rundown Italian castle and transformed it into a luxury retreat
Sannazzaro Natta’s social media presence has become a family affair – her mother helps with her outfits, while her father often pops up in front of the camera and her brother helps with the administrative and financial side of Sannazzaro Natta’s social media fame.
The Sannazzaro Natta family have been pleasantly surprised by the widespread interest in the videos – not least because it’s provided a boost to the on-site bed and breakfast they run at the castle.
That’s right – if you want to live like Sannazzaro Natta for the day, you can – six of the eighteen bedrooms in the castle are available for vacationers to rent. More rooms are available to rent for weddings or other large events.
The castle is around an hour away from Milan, Turin and Genoa, and 650 meters from Giarole Train Station.
“This area is very famous for its landscapes,” Sannazzaro Natta says. “It’s full of these little towns. There’s beautiful hills,” she says. “Of course, the food is amazing. And the area is very well known also for wine. So there are tons of different wineries.”
Sannazzaro Natta says she loves nothing better than when the castle is full of guests and pulsating with energy – whether that’s thanks to visits from her disbelieving, delighted American friends (whose reactions to the castle she often documents on social media) or via tourists.
That, for Sannazzaro Natta, is when her home comes alive, so if her social media boosts visitors, all the better.
“The reason why my dad opened the bed and breakfast was because he wanted the castle to be lived in. He wanted people to see and breathe this reality.” she says. “And I want the exact same thing.”
Inspired by the success of her social media aesthetic, Sannazzaro Natta is planning upcoming public events that embrace what she calls the “fantasy” of the castle. First up, she hopes to organize a historical-themed ball in 2025.
I have something so unique and special that I want to share with people.
Ludovica Sannazzaro Natta
Now that she’s an adult, Sannazzaro Natta is increasingly aware of the costs and upkeep associated with castle living. Expanding into hosting balls and historical events could also be a way to ensure the longevity of the castle – something she has a vested interest in, as she, alongside her brother, will inherit the property one day.
Sannazzaro Natta says she is also still pursuing musical theater and is currently fantasizing about playing one of the six wives of Henry VIII featured in the musical comedy “Six,” all of whom knew a thing or two about castles. She’d love to host a performance at Castle Sannazzaro.
Sannazzaro Natta says ultimate goal is to “share the atmosphere of this beautiful place” with everyone she can – whether via social media or in person.
“I have something so unique and special that I want to share with people,” she says. “Because I don’t think that a lot of people know about this reality. They don’t even think that it exists unless it’s in movies.”
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tifatait · 2 years
Napoli, un'altra vittima della strada: muore 62enne travolto in piazza Sannazaro | napoli.repubblica.it
Napoli, un’altra vittima della strada: muore 62enne travolto in piazza Sannazaro | napoli.repubblica.it
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sinapsimagazine · 2 years
Controlli a Chiaia ed ai Quartieri Spagnoli
Stamattina i Nibbio dell’Ufficio Prevenzione Generale e personale della Polizia Locale hanno effettuato controlli nei Quartieri Spagnoli e a Chiaia, in particolare in vico Tofa, vico Lungo San Matteo, vico Giardinetto, nelle vie de Deo, Cucca e Piedigrotta e nelle piazze Eritrea e Sannazaro. Nel corso dell’attività sono stati rimossi 20 motoveicoli e 5 autovetture.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Caserta, sorpreso con 186 dosi tra eroina e cocaina: nigeriano arrestato dai Carabinieri
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Caserta, sorpreso con 186 dosi tra eroina e cocaina: nigeriano arrestato dai Carabinieri. Camminava in via poliziano con una busta piena di dosi di sostanza stupefacente il 25enne nigeriano che, nella serata di ieri, è stato tratto in arresto dai carabinieri del Reparto Territoriale di Mondragone (CE). L’uomo, che a piedi stava dirigendosi verso via sannazaro, alla vista dei carabinieri si è dato alla fuga. Durante la corsa ha tentato di disfarsi della busta contenente stupefacente lanciandola verso il ciglio della strada. Dopo un breve inseguimento, a piedi, il fuggitivo è stato raggiunto e bloccato. La busta, di cui l’uomo aveva tentato di disfarsi, è stata recuperata dagli stessi militari dell’Arma. All’interno della stessa vi erano nr. 93 involucri in cellophane termosigillati contenenti sostanza stupefacente di tipo "eroina" per un peso complessivo di gr. 46,00; nr. 93 involucri in cellophane termosigillati, contenenti sostanza stupefacente di tipo "cocaina" per un peso complessivo di gr. 30,00; 2 flaconi contenenti liquido accertato essere stupefacente per un peso complessivo di gr. 231. Lo stupefacente, il cui valore di mercato si aggira sui 3000 euro, è stato sottoposto a sequestro.  Sequestrati anche due telefoni cellulari con relative sim.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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