#sammantha winchester
I’m Alive
Hey there, just letting y’all know I’m still alive. I always feel sad when an account I follow goes radio silence, and I’d hate any of my followers to think something bad happened to me.
It started as just trying to avoid spn spoilers, but then my ADHD butt felt like I had to watch all the seasons again before I started the new one and...I just never watched any of it. Which is something that happens to me a lot. Still haven’t finished Sherlock and Once Upon a Time for the same reasons. I just felt like I couldn’t get on Tumblr at ALL so...That’s where I’ve been.
Also, like literally everyone, the pandemic kicked my butt and I’m still feeling the effects on my mental health. I haven’t written at all since March 2020 (except for once, doing some story notes, and then my computer immediately self-destructed.) I’d like to write more of this story, edit some of the stuff I already posted, but since i haven’t finished all SPN seasons I feel like I can’t? For some reason?
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maximumkillshot · 5 years
Disposable-Part III
Warnings: Angst, Descriptions of violence towards children, Darkness, Pain, Just really fucked up, descriptions of torture, hints of sexual assault (you really have to squint at it),
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Characters: Abbadon!Dean Winchester(Abbadon in Dean’s form), Sam Winchester, Reader, OMC Demon Lykeonel, Reader, Dean Winchester, 
A/N: Dude, this one hurts, I’m sorry... I really really am.... But also, this may lead to something good... I have no clue, enjoy!
“All I Could Do” Masterlist- CLICK HERE
Overall Masterlist- Click Here
“When You Call” Masterlist- Click Here
“The Situation” Masterlist- Click Here
Dean’s POV:
It’s been four months. Four months since I heard her laugh, seen her smile. I can’t find it in me to do much of anything these days. Everything reminds me of her. 
Rowena hasn’t left. She’s been trying to help me, making potions to help me sleep, ones that would only give me good dreams, since all I see when I close my eyes is me lowering my wife into the ground. 
I was in the kitchen when I heard someone yell from the war room.
"Crowley?" Sam exclaimed as I walked into the room to find him sitting there with a whiskey in hand....
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"Either of you boys mind telling me how exactly I'm alive? WHAT DID YOU TWO IDIOTS DO?"
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"Oh Lord not now mother!"
"Oh thank heaven's you're back" Rowena ran into the room and hugged him as his eyes rolled. 
As soon as she pulled back she smacked him, "How dare you go and grow a heart, Fergus!? I thought that you were dead!"
"To be quite honest mother, anything is better than being hugged by you..."
"Oh hush Fergus"
“Everything woke up four months ago when God decided to start another apocalypse, after he killed Jack, the nephelim Kelley was pregnant with. What the hell took you so long?” I asked as I crossed my arms….
“You wouldn’t believe where I woke up… That hellscape that I stupidly sacrificed myself to get you boys out of.” Crowley looked around, “And as you know, Feathers was here with you so it wasn’t exactly easy to open a rift.”
"Apoligies for the late arrival... And where's Little Swan? I missed her.." Crowley commented as he looked around the room.
That was his name for Y/N.. My eyes welled up with tears...
"Squirrel... Where's Y/N?" He could tell by the look on my face, on everyone's faces.
"She's gone, Crowley." Sam weakly replied.
"Gone where? Call her, I want to see her" He said, thinking nothing of it.
"No she's gone gone.”
"WHAT HAPPENED?" He exclaimed, "What killed her? Whatever it is consider it dead..."
Crowley cocked his head to the side, "I thought you boys killed him."
"You weren't the only one that woke up Crowley." I responded.
"And here I was thinking I was someone special." His eyebrows shot up sarcastically. “Where is she… her soul, Feathers find it yet?” 
“No, we’ve been looking ever since she…” I couldn’t finish the sentence.
“I may have an idea where she is…” Crowley smirked.
“Where?” I asked.
“Where can an angel never go and most hunters end up, Squirrel?” He said matter of factly ...He turned around saying, “I’ll be back boys…” “And where are you going?” I growled out. “He turned back around and said, “To get my throne…” Then he disappeared.
“Selfish bastard” I grumbled under my breath and Rowena glared at me. 
I smiled and said “I mean yayy your son’s back.”
“Don’t give up on Fergus so easily, Dean. You never know what my boy has up his sleeve.” Rowena smirked. ‘Would you hold your breath?” 
“Exactly… Where’s the whiskey?” I asked as I grabbed the bottle and began to walk out. “Dean? What are you doing?” Sam asked.
“Like I said, Sammy, not holding my breath.”
I slammed the door to my room shut. 
Crowley POV:
“Y/N Y/N Y/N” I repeated to myself as I walked up the stairs to my throne, “what have you gotten yourself into now?” 
I went to the low level demon, Lykeonel. He was the one in charge when no one was on the throne, which he was now sitting on. I yelled, “Aye! I never gave you permission to sit in my chair.”
“Cr-Crowley, you you’re…”
“The opposite of dead, yes. Now get the hell offa my chair.”
He scurried off of my chair and I said, “Send out the word will you… I’m back.”
He nodded furiously but before he left I asked, “Any new hunters come in?”
“Yes… A Winchester, courtesy of Azazel. Was a shame we couldn’t get the triplets since the Angel took them before we could grab them.”
“Triplets?And what angel?” I asked.
“Yes, she’s Dean’s wife, was knocked up and didn’t even know it until minutes before she was killed in front of the brothers. As for the angel, Castiel, he chose to save the children and not Y/N. I don’t know why he didn’t save her too…”
I hid my disgust well but I was aching inside for the poor Swan. She never deserved any of this. “And how many years has her hell been?” I asked.
“150 years.”
“With who?”
“Abbadon” “And she isn’t a demon yet? How?” I asked perplexed. She lasted longer than either of the boys, how?
“She keeps on saying that she’d never hurt anyone, rather being taking up the room on the rack so Abbadon won’t torture anyone else.”
“Ughh Winchesters are so noble.” I said with mock disgust. “You know I think I’ll pay the Winchester a visit.” I chuckled.
When the demon scurried away I got up off the throne and almost ran towards Abbadon’s racks, “Don’t worry little Swan… I’ll be there shortly.”
As soon as I reached Abbadons section I heard her, “What part of ‘fuck you’, do you not get?” She screamed.
“Oh you will, Y/N… you will.” I heard what sounded like Dean in response.
“You are a son of a bitch you know that.”
“Oh please, Baby. I’m your son of a bitch.”
“Get your hands off of me! No… not again, Get the fuck off of me, Dean!” I heard her scream, on the borderline of weeping. 
“There it is… who am I?” I heard him seethe.
“Dean… stop… please” I heard her breaking down.
“Well if you won’t cooperate, then someone has to pay…”
Then I heard children’s voices…. he can’t be doing this to her. 
I heard him again, “do it, Sammy”
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She responded in shreaks, “No! Dean, they’re our kids, they had nothing to do with this please!”
I heard a little girls voice crying , “Uncle Sammy… why do you have a knife? Are you gonna cut mommy down?”
I rounded the corner just in time to see a demon in Sam’s form stabbing the little girl, her eyes brimming with tears as she screamed, “Uncle Sammy stop!!! Daddy! Mommy! Tell Uncle Sammy to stop!” 
I was frozen in horror as I looked at the scene, Y/N was hung on the rack, her shoulders dislocated, meat hanging off of her like a butchered animal. Her face cut to all Hell but her mouth in tack to scream… and scream she did…
“Sammantha!!!! No!! Dean, stop Sammy why are you just standing there?! Dean!”
Then Dean turned to her and said, “you’re right….” as he grabbed a machete, “too many kids for one guy to kill.” 
He went to grab another child and I couldn’t see anymore of it… “Abbadon!” I yelled, “that’s enough! Didn’t anyone teach you not to play with your food?” I tried to cover the utter pain in my voice as I looked at the little girl,eyes like her father, but hair and face like her mother, blood running out of her mouth, along with her tears.
“Crowley get me down! My kids, Crowley, please!” Y/N begged, practically ripping her own arm off to free herself.
“This is an illusion, Little Swan, it's all an illusion meant to hurt you.” I stated simply.
This Dean frowned, “You had to ruin the fun, didn’t you, Crowley?” 
The gruesome scene faded away and Y/N was confused, who could blame her.
“Oh c’mon, killing her children in front of her, that’s a little overplayed isn’t it?” I questioned.
“Not when she screams like that…”
He took a break and walked towards her, “ you should’ve seen when I used her… took what I wanted… still fighting for no reason, I could smell the fear on her...that's some good torture.”
He turned to me, “ It’s good to see you up and awake.” Abbadon then said absent mindedly, “now if you don’t mind I have a Winchester to torture for eternity.”
“Fun’s over Abbadon.” I retorted.
“What?” He questioned…
“She is mine now.” I responded harshly.
“You are back for 5 seconds and you're already claiming souls…no way crossroads boy, you’ve got work for this cutie,” he said as he forced Y/N’s lips to his.
“Abbadon…” I snickered, “I came back from another universe to rule… and believe me...the journey wasn’t pleasant… so give me the girl… before I lose my temper.”
 “You think I give a shit about your temper?” Abbadon laughed, “This is my soul, Azazel sent her to me to do whatever I please, Crowley. I don’t care how pissy you are… she’s mine.”
“Not anymore,” I interrupted, “I’ve always wanted a Winchester as a pet.” I said as I walked up to her and touched what was left of her face, “and this one, is actually pretty, even when she’s ripped apart.”
“Well see, that sounds like a ‘you’ problem and less of a ‘me’ problem.” 
“There is no problem, because she’s mine now, Abbadon. You had her for 150 years. I’d call that more than enough time to have your fun.” I said as I snapped my fingers, immediately she was healed, and I unhooked her from the rack.
“Crowley, you can’t take her!” Abbadon screamed.
“Watch me! And if you try to stop me… let’s just say I have a rack with your name on it. And you know how cruel I can be, don’t you, Abbadon?” I seethed. With that Abbadon backed off and I hooked Y/N up to a chain, leading her out of the racks and into the throne of Hell.
I took her behind the throne, through a labyrinth of halls and I finally stopped at my sleeping quarters. As soon as the doors closed I ripped the chains off of her and tilted her head up, “Little Swan? You alright? Talk to me darling,” I stared into her eyes, analyzing her soul, well, what was left of it. 
She just  looked at me and said, “don’t let Dean near me.” She started trembling.
“Swan, that wasn’t Dean, all of that wasn’t him, that was Abbadon taking his form. He knew it’d hurt you. You remember the real Dean don’t you?” I questioned as I sat her down, draping my jacket over her bare chest.
“My husband, he slept with women...only way he could deal with the pain… then he came down here with Sammy , they both… they did things to me… beyond torture, Crowley… I told them to get off of me…. but they wouldn’t, then they killed my kids… over and over again.” She started to cry half way through.
“Swan all of it…. everything that’s happened over these years… they are lies. And they feel real, I know better than anyone that they do. It feels so real that it tears you apart, I know. I also know that you have no reason to believe me right now. Not even one, but you need to understand that you are in Hell… these last 150 years have really been 4 months. Abbadon accelerated your Hell, to do more to you… to break you, Swan. He wants you to hate Dean, despise him, his brother too. I talked to Dean, he looks worse than you feel, darling. I can tell by the full on lumberjack beard and putrid smell of booze offa him… he has never touched another woman, he has never dealt with the pain because he isn’t him without you. He most definitely never EVER came down here and the same goes for Moose.”
“How are you here? I saw you die.” She questioned defiantly…
“There’s the Y/N I know.” I said as I got her a drink and brought it back to her.
“I wondered the same thing when I woke up in the apocalypse world. It took me months in that hellscape to find a way to get back. When I did I knew I needed to find the loveable idiots that probably caused my awakening,” I looked to her cautiously as she listened intently, not touching the drink I made.
“They filled me in… about Kelley’s child… Jack was his name they told me.” I saw a tear roll down her eyes…
 Her voice shook, “Jack? He… he called me Mom… my son… my boy…” she looked to me, “Jack, is he alive?!” Her head perked up, hoping for any news, anything good.
I shook my head ‘no’ and she deflated, I continued, “I’m sorry for your loss…” I continued recalling the memory of how I found out about her, “ then I asked for you… I missed you most, my Little Swan.” I said as I petted her matted hair back, “Squirrel couldn’t even say it… what happened to you… the minute I heard I came back to get you.”
She looked at me, tears filled her eyes, “ had I known sooner, Y/N… had I known anything,  I would’ve been here sooner, but you’re safe now.” I wiped the tears as they fell, the blood mixing with them, “I’ll find a way to get you outta here. But first, let’s get you cleaned up, that sound alright?” 
“This is real? You’re really helping me?” She asked, looking like a child.
“Yeah… yeah I am, love.” I assured her, “can you stand? How many times have you been off the rack?” I asked.
“Three times, only for a few minutes, then I was hung back up again.” 
I winced at that. That was a trademark of Abbadon, he’d hang the souls up… just leave them there, dangling until they are almost unconscious, then he’d torture them to wake them up. He’d repeat that over and over again.
Her soul is mangled. Chunks permanently missing, if she does go topside, she won’t survive. This is worse than Moose when he didn’t have a soul… Hers is diseased, but I can’t tell her that. 
I looked at her again, “I’ll have someone bring you clothing.”
She froze in fear as she said, “Don’t leave me, Crowley, what if Abbadon comes back?”
“He knows that if he were to touch you again, he will be on my hooks. And he knows better than anyone, I am not forgiving when it comes to torture.”
“What happens after that?” She asked me.
“We’ll find a way to get you topside.”
Her voice quaked as she muttered, “Okay.”
While she got cleaned up I got her new clothing arranged and made sure she was comfortable when she got out. 
“Ok, Swan. I’m going to go up top, see how we can get you home, okay?” I said as I petted her hair back. She nodded and when I came back up I was full of anger…
She didn’t deserve this and Castiel had a choice in saving her and the children or just  the children. He chose the children…
I appeared in the bunker and I yelled, “Castiel!”
Dean stumbled into the room, empty whiskey bottle in hand. 
“What are you doing here, Crowley…” he growled.
“There’s something you need to know.” I said as Castiel poofed in.
Castiel uttered,“Crowley.”
I turned to him, anger boiling over,“You had a choice to make… Save Y/N and the triplets would live with her, or just save the triplets…” I began to seethe.
Deans eyebrows turned down, “Cass, what’s he talking about?”
“You had the power to save them all, but you only chose the triplets… why?” I asked.
“It wasn’t as simple as you think Crowley.” Castiel said.
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“Oh come on!” I yelled, “Seems pretty simple to me… You let her die! You watched her, buried her! When you could’ve saved her...WHY?!” I screamed.
“Cass…” I heard Dean’s voice crack, “Cass… tell me it’s not true.”
Cass turned his head down, “I… I had no other choice.”
I shoved Castiel, “The only right choice was to save her! It’s simple, Castiel… If you would’ve seen her! The fear, the pain! You could’ve stopped it, saved her!” 
I was filled with rage as I said, “She was tortured by Abbadon for 150 years in the form of her husband and brother-in-law! She was ripped apart by the people she loved most because of you!”
Dean looked like he was going to pass out, completely glassy eyed and confused… “Castiel, what did you do?”
Castiel looked to Dean and said, “I did it to save you, to protect you, all of you.”
“Cass, what did you do?!” Dean screamed.
“Chuck… he… he gave me a choice, he resurrected Azazel and Abbadon. He told me what was going to happen, and that I had to make a choice, let Y/N die and close Hell’s gates, or… save them all and doom the world…”
I looked disgusted at Castiel, “And you call yourself an Angel of the lord.”
Sam ran into the room, hearing his brother yell. 
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Castiel looked hurt as he said, “Dean we were drowning in tortured souls! What else was I supposed to do?”
Dean yelled, “You damn well weren’t supposed to let my wife and children die!”
Dean started tearing up, his face broken into fragments of who he was, “I…. I chose YOUR SON… over EVERYTHING! And you LET MY WIFE and MY CHILDREN DIE!” 
“Dean…” Cass tried to speak but Dean interrupted.
Dean yelled,“NO! The choice should’ve been clear. We can deal with everything else, this wasn’t our first apocalypse! You should’ve saved them all, Castiel! My wife included!”
“Get out…”
“What?” Castiel looked confused,
“Get out! You are dead to me… you hear me?! I will never see my children’s faces because of you… and my wife will never be the same…. I will never be the same so get the Hell out!” he screamed.
As soon as Castiel vanished Dean turned to me and asked the question I was hoping he could answer, “How do we get Y/N back?”
@mamaredd123 , @impala-dreamer , @impalaimagining , @jotink78 , @nichelle-my-belle , , @scorpiongirl1 , @ilostmyshoe-79 , @teamfreewillimagines , @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid , @chelsea072498 , @brickwall035 , @maui137 , @mogaruke , @jayankles , @butiaintgonnaloveem , @kawaiilivkitty , @naviwhite , @emoryhemsworth ,              
@cole-winchester , @nanie5 , @emoryhemsworth , @carribear31 , @death-unbecomes-you, @clarinette07, @curlyhairedblueeyedangel, @deansbabygirl01, @anathewierdo , @atc74 , @kickasscas67, @mannls, @adoptdontshoppets, @meganywinchester, @xalgaliareptx , @healojane, @wolfiebucky, @rayvenrider, @screechingartisancashbailiff , @goodgodimaweirdperson, @beltzboys2015-blog, @animegirlgeeky, @paintballkid711, @dolphincliffs, @hawaiianohana15
 Wanna join the tag army? Shoot me an ask and consider it done!
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winchesterkins · 7 years
A SPN Canoncall
Hi, im a dean winchester and i rlly miss my sammy, benny, and uncle bobby. Id also like to talk to charlie, meg, ruby, garth, chuck, kevin, crowley, rowena, and castiel. I really miss everyone (even the ones that wanted to kill me). i also might be okay with talking to a john but please ask first. Im doubles friendly for myself and im okay with talking to minors and adults, so please feel free to send me a message. Here are some memories to see if our canons match: • i rarely ever called sam "sam" it was usually sammy, or samuel/sammantha if i was teasing • i never threw away the samulet. I always kept it around my neck, and whenever i came back to life, it would either be in my pocket or still around my neck. • i was openly bisexual and im pretty sure i was dating benny, not castiel. Im also pretty sure benny never died since i remember spending a lot more time with him. • charlie had a rlly nice girlfriend that i cant remember the name of but she would occasionally help us on getting info for hunts. after charlie died, she cut contact with us and i dont blame her. • i have canon memories up to about the first couple episodes of season 11, but the majority of my memories are in seasons 1 - 4. • when i had the mark of cain i would get rlly bad migranes and would sleep for days if we didnt have something really important to do. Sammy would bring me pain medicine and water, and wouldnt let me drink untill the migrane was over. These are only a couple, and i have a lot more specific ones, so if these sound familiar, please message me!!! Thank you
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*Crickets chirping*
Okay, so...obviously I haven't posted much on this. Great news for my handful of followers! Good news: I am still planning on posting this gender bent series. Not exactly bad news: the series shifted. Originally, I planned on making this an episode by episode of spn with lady Sam and Dean. Which I still want to do. Eventually. What ended up happening, which is the major reason I haven't posted in forever, is that this fanfic grew like kudzu. I started asking myself questions about the Winchester childhood years and...like I said, fan fiction kudzu. The real news in this post: I'm planning on posting the fanfic starting in January. Hopefully I'll post on a regular schedule after that. Phase one is called Salt and Ashes. I feel like I should have a mock movie poster: COMING IN 2016: SALT AND ASHES! PHASE ONE OF PARANORMAL, THE GENDER BENT SAGA OF THE HIT SERIES SUPERNATURAL
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