#samantha boscarino
jackstanleyroberts · 5 months
The descriptions of the characters of the Extended Cut of Scream (2022) & Scream VI part 2
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Hello everybody, if you have seen part 1 that I pulled, well here is part 2 of the characters of the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise. But I haven't finished of it about an new friend group called The Fab Twelve who's being friends with The Core Four in the Extended Cut of Scream VI when they're all survived the attack in Woodsboro in Scream (2022) & attending to Blackmore University in New York & their friend groups have expanded when they have new friends like Ethan Landry, Stanley Williams, Natasha Longwood, Rory's elder sister Alivia, Quinn Bailey, her older brother Quentin Bailey & his buddy Derek Shepherd including Derek's girlfriend Lillian "Lily" Davis, Anika Kayoko & her Half-sisters Susie & Hannah Kayoko, Lincoln Jefferson, & Hayley & Holly McDaniel, the daughters of Hallie McDaniel, including Zachary & Caroline Feldman, the son & daughter of Derek Feldman, also Taylor Swanson & Maurice Thompson & new neighbors like Terry & Larry's nephew Anthony "Anton" Mercer, Lily's Niece Riley Davis, Danny Brackett & his baby sister Danielle. Here's more descriptions of the characters of the franchise.
The Characters: The Fab Twelve: Part 2
Joshua Bassett as Connor "Cash" Conway, an Kind, Tough, & Friendly young man who's being friends with Terry & Larry as part of their friend group when they're called themselves The Fab Twelve which the members are Terry, Larry, Lexi, Wendy, Will, Fred, Carrie, Rebecca, Matthew, Lori, Miranda, & Cash.
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Joey King as Yvonne Conway, an Beautiful, Funny, & Generous girl who's the older sister of Connor "Cash" Conway & the baby half-sister of the serial killer Jill Roberts. She's loves eating Dino-Shaped Chicken Nuggets & she's the friend of Tara Carpenter.
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Supporting Characters:
Julia Rehwald as Katherine "Katie" Jones, an Beautiful, Tough, & Headstrong young woman who's being the girlfriend of Terrence William "Terry" Watkins & she's the cheerleader from Woodsboro High.
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Kathryn Newton as Kathleen "Kathy" Williamson, an Funny, Charismatic, & Tough young woman who's isn't afraid to throw down. She's a part of the friend group with Terry & Larry.
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Ross Lynch as Ronald "Rory" Williams, the brother of Elanie Williams & Alivia Williams & he's also a part of Terry & Larry's friend group.
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Samantha Boscarino as Elaine Williams, the older sister of Roland "Rory" Williams, the younger sister of Alivia Williams, the girlfriend of Lawrence James "Larry" Watkins, & the best friend of Amber Freeman who's being the killer in Scream (2022). She's back in Scream VI to get revenge on Sam & Tara Carpenter who killed her.
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Jade Pettyjohn as Graceland "Grace" Prescott, an Kind, friendly, loving, & Really Tough young woman who's being friends with Terry & Larry as part of the friend group. She's the granddaughter of Sidney Prescott & Mark Kincaid & the younger sister of Sam & Jenny Kincaid.
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Emily Meade as Elena Connors, the girlfriend of Roland "Rory" Williams & she's a part of the friend group in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise.
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Sophia Lillis as Grace-Lynn "Gracie" Moore, an Smart, Intelligent & Kind young woman who's being friends with Terry & Larry Watkins when they're talking about horror movies.
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More descriptions of the characters of the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise are coming soon.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Samantha Boscarino
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lovecatnip · 1 month
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The Clique
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levexer · 1 year
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Reblog or like if saved or used
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manipheaven · 2 years
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Logan Browning x Samantha Boscarino. // For @soursimmies. 🖤
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@bradley_s_perry12: Dinner with the Duncan’s!
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philadelphia-hq · 1 year
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MILES ASHER our JACK FALAHEE is looking for his EX-GIRLFRIEND. They are 29-32 years old and people say they looks like VICTORIA PEDRETTI, MAIA MITCHELL, ALEXANDRA SHIPP, RACHEL HILSON, SAMANTHA BOSCARINO or UTP. You DO need contact TOMMY ( linked in the source ) first.
(Please note I am open on the details, just message me!) In a nutshell, this woman was a classmate of Miles'. The two met on the first day at Columbia University in their Intro to Law class, and while it wasn't a 'love at first sight' type of connection, there was definitely a spark. Due to both of their competitive natures, they were immediately bickering (though not maliciously) with each other when assigned to their first group project together with four other students. They pushed each other to do better by constantly one-upping each other. It was clear that there was tension and chemistry between the two, though they both tried to deny it. Miles was doing his best to focus on his studies, knowing law school was going to be even hard and wanting to do his best. Y/C was even more driven, and even though she was incredibly nice and wickedly smart, she was propelled forward by her inner desire for excellence. The longer the two of them worked together--first in the group project and then as study buddies for the rest of the semester--they realized over those hours of studying, quizzing, and late-night Thai food that they had a lot more in common than they even realized. Y/C had written off dating, though, and Miles knew not to breach the subject of asking her out, so they became very close friends; even though it was obvious to them and everyone around them that they would be great as something more. Sometime during their first year, they ended up getting together (we can work out the details!) and it turned out to be a great decision as they worked very well romantically. They had an equal partnership and knew the sacrifices they would have to make for their career but still committed to being together, even when it got hard. Sometime after graduation, they broke up- for reasons outside of their control. (I don't have anything set in stone for this and would love to brainstorm, but it wasn't infidelity of any kind)Now, Miles is in Philadelphia and his life is hardly going as he expected it would. He missed Y/C more than he could ever admit to anyone other than himself, but some people are just meant to be in each other's stories and their book together is hardly finished.
Additional Information:
The song 'Ease My Mind' by Ben Platt is definitely an anthem of their past relationship.
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realdelvalle · 1 year
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༊* 「 SAMANTHA BOSCARINO. 21, ELLA/LA/SUYA 」 ELENA BELLO forma parte de inusual paisaje de Real del Valle, el viento silba con su voz desde hace un año. En esta dimensión puedes encontrarle en el PUESTO DE FLORES, y su temperamento es tierna & franca. Le gusta armonizar las noches tranquilas con mi reflejo de christina aguilera. Quienes le conocen cuenta que su presencia les recuerda a; un vestido floreado vintage, agua pura & frazada acogedora.
☾✶ · 𝖘𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖙𝖚𝖉 𝖆𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖇𝖆𝖉𝖆 . ¡ ARIL! Gracias por seguir los pasos & ser parte de este proyecto.  Se te conceden 48 hrs para el envío de la cuenta de ELENA, si necesitas más tiempo no dudes en pedirlo. Y recuerda pasar por tu canasta de bienvenida al ayuntamiento. 🦋
[ aril, 25, est, ninguno ]
-Nació el 24 de enero de 2002 en la Ciudad de México, es la menor de dos hermanas. Sus padres eran maestros de una preparatoria, su madre daba clases de matemáticas y su padre de música. Cuando cumplió cuatro años se mudaron a Madrid.
-Al pasar dos años en España, su madre enfermó gravemente y falleció nueve meses después de haberla diagnosticado. Para empeorar su situación, empezó a ser víctima de acoso escolar por parte de sus compañeros. Hablando con su padre lo convenció de volver a México, sin embargo, continuaron los infortunios en su vida, un año después su hermana mayor murió en un accidente automovilístico junto con sus amigos cuando regresaban de unas vacaciones en Acapulco y la de en medio se suicidó al no soportar ambas muertes.
-Después de concluir con sus estudios en Informática, Elena, junto con su padre, llegaron a Real del Valle para encontrar un poco de paz y comenzar una nueva vida, aquí él se unió a la escuela del pueblo, mientras que ella trabaja en el puesto de flores.
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kcrev · 8 days
👶🏻 + terceiro filho
name: josephine clarissa ackerman
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birthdate: vinte e um de novembro
personality headcanon: josephine é inteligente, criativa e determinada. é a filha caçula, então cresceu sendo bastante protegida pelos pais e irmãos. é espontânea, tem um espírito livre e está sempre em busca de novas inspirações. está acostumada a estar sempre na presença de pessoas, mas aprecia muito seus momentos de solitude e são neles que consegue focar em sua escrita. porém, é uma pessoa bastante extrovertida e que gosta de falar e ser ouvida. é perfeccionista e bastante inflexível em suas opiniões, então costuma odiar críticas.
what was their first word and how old were they when they said it: sua primeira palavra foi mama, aos dez meses - coisa que fez michaela muito feliz.
did they get in trouble in school: com exceção do episódio em que quase foi suspensa por humilhar um colega seu em uma competição da escola, não. joey sempre foi bem pacífica no ambiente escolar.
which parent were they more attached to: nicholas era o menino da mamãe, arabella a menininha do papai e josephine... bom, josephine era a caçula e a protegida de todos. teve um período em que ficou mais apegada à mãe, especialmente durante sua primeira infância.
what was their favorite toy: não é um brinquedo, mas por um tempo josephine foi extremamente obcecada por uma caixinha de música que ganhou da avó. por alguns meses, passava horas dando corda na bailarina que girava enquanto uma música clássica tocava.
did they cry a lot as a baby: mais do que os irmãos, mas nunca foi algo extremo. de um modo geral, jo era um bebê risonho e engraçadinho.
movie they watched over and over:
what was their favorite subject in school: literatura sempre foi sua matéria preferida e foi por causa dela que descobriu que queria se tornar escritora.
were they social growing up or quiet: um meio termo. apesar de ser bastante sociável, sempre gostou de ter seus momentos sozinha.
which parent do they take after: depois de ter dois filhos absolutamente iguais a jack, michaela não tinha dúvida alguma de que josephine seria uma terceira cópia do marido. assim, foi uma surpresa para todos quando joey começou a apresentar traços bastante parecidos com os de michaela.
what do they grow up to be: josephine começou a escrever pequenas histórias e poemas aos dez anos, mas foi só aos quinze que descobriu que poderia fazer isso como profissão. fez faculdade apenas para dizer que tinha um diploma, porque aos vinte e quatro publicou seu primeiro livro. tornou-se uma escritora de romances de bastante sucesso.
random headcanons: tem o hábito de roer as unhas quando está nervosa ou concentrada em um problema | coleciona canetas coloridas e costuma combinar a cor da caneta que usa para escrever com seu humor e/ou com o tom do que está escrevendo | escreve à mão todas as suas histórias e seus poemas para depois digitalizar | sua cor favorita é verde | na infância, sentia-se intimidada para ser tão boa quanto seus irmãos mais velhos e costumava copiá-los em tudo | praticou ginástica artística dos 4 aos 15 anos | ama cantar, mas tem vergonha de fazer isso na frente das pessoas | tem uma cicatriz no joelho de um machucado que fez após cair de uma árvore aos oito anos | ama ler e seus livros favoritos são os romances de época | odeia jogar qualquer tipo de esporte coletivo | é extremamente competitiva e quase foi suspensa na escola por isso | foi líder de torcida durante seu ensino médio
do they get along with their parents: sim, joey se dá muito bem com os pais. por ser quase tão teimosa quanto jack, de vez em quando acabam em impasses, mas mick acaba sendo uma boa mediadora e encontra soluções que agradem a ambos.
faceclaim: samantha boscarino
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spicywhenspeaking · 2 months
For the game <3 I’d love to hear about these :3
❤️, 🎬, 🎨
thank you for asking <3 (this ask game)
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
dang this is a hard one....okay this is from my baby "If I'm There"
“You’re always on my mind and” he pauses and takes a deep breath “Natalie, I’m in love with you, since I saw you sitting all yourself in study hall, the beautiful lonely girl, the smartest girl I know, the most talented” he kisses me “my Natalie.”
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
hmmmm I would like to see Star-Crossed Connection as a romcom lol. I'd cast Samantha Boscarino as Seraphina
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as for who would play Folio im stumped lol.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
hm...I wouldn't mind seeing how someone drew Natalie & Erin, I have so much love for those girls.
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jackstanleyroberts · 7 months
The Extended Cut of Scream (2022) & Scream VI (2023) Part 1
What if there is an Extended Cut of both Scream (2022) & Scream VI (2023) with more & new additional characters & more content that can't be seen in theaters?
Here's the additional cast list for the Extended Cut of Scream (2022) & Scream VI (2023) who's playing the additional characters & the characters that related to the legacy characters & the new characters:
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Jack Roberts (me) as Terrence William "Terry" Watkins
Chosen Jacobs as Lawrence James "Larry" Watkins
Meg Donnelly as Lexi Hicks
Olivia Scott Welch as Wendy Hicks
Jacob Bertrand as William "Will" Hicks
Jackson Brundage as Frederick "Fred" Hicks
Emily Rudd as Carrie Tatum Riley-Weathers
Isabelle Fuhrman as Rebecca "Becca" Bishop
Braeden Lemasters as Matthew Bishop
Deja Monique Cruz as Laura "Lori" Sanchez
Ysa Penarejo as Miranda Rodriguez
Joshua Bassett as Connor "Cash" Conway
Joey King as Yvonne Conway
Julia Rehwald as Katherine "Katie" Jones
Kathryn Newton as Kathleen "Kathy" Williamson
Ross Lynch as Ronald "Rory" Williams
Samantha Boscarino as Elaine Williams
India Eisley as Alivia Williams
Jade Pettyjohn as Graceland "Grace" Prescott
Emily Meade as Elena Connors
Sophia Lillis as Grace-Lynn "Gracie" Moore
Bailee Madison as Riley Johnson
Yvette Monreal as Lorraine "Lynn" Sanchez
Joe Kerry as Johnny Landry
Logan Lerman as Quentin Bailey
Judah Lewis as Derek Shepherd
Brec Bassinger as Lillian "Lily" Davis
Michael Rainey Jr. as Anthony "Anton" Mercer
Jessica Stroup as Riley Davis
Peyton Elizabeth Lee as Susie Kayoko
Havana Rose Liu as Hannah Kayoko
Paige Hurd as Hayley McDaniel
Taylor Russell as Holly McDaniel
Kiernan Shipka as Danielle "Dani" Brackett
More new additional characters coming soon.
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Samantha Boscarino
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svvy2003 · 2 months
Updated oc/ canon next gen characters fcs (some help from @andreabaideas thank you so much)
Evie Munson- Maisie Peters
Susana Dunne - Tini
Rachel Rojas - Samantha Boscarino
Marina Rojas- Sofia Carson
Maria Dunne- Maia Reficco
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dear-indies · 1 year
Hi Cat & Mouse! Could I possibly suggest some alt fcs for Jenna Ortega? After her recent actions, I no longer want to support her or use her for my characters. Thank you so much
Mishel Prada (1989) Dominican, Mexican, Puerto Rican, French.
Ariana DeBose (1991) Puerto Rican, African-American, possibly Italian / English, Scottish, French - is bisexual.
Moriah Brown (1991) Mexican / African-American.
Paige Hurd (1992) African-American / Puerto Rican.
Ash Santos (1993) Dominican, 1/4 Puerto Rican.
Cierra Ramirez (1995) Mexican / Colombian.
Jamila Velazquez (1995) Puerto Rican, Dominican, and Ecuadorian.
Georgie Flores (1996) Mexican.
Eva Noblezada (1996) Mexican / Bisaya and Ilonggo Filipino.
Jaylen Barron (1997) African-American / Mexican.
Cheyenne Isabel Wells (1997) Puerto Rican.
Ariela Barer (1998) Mexican [75% Ashkenazi Jewish 25% Unspecified]- uses she/they - has since deleted their Instagram post stating they’re non-binary so I’m unsure if they still identify as such!
Kayla Maisonet (1999) Afro Puerto Rican / Ashkenazi Jewish.
LaRhonza Lee Rodriguez (1999) African-American / Mexican.
Lala Baptiste (1999) Trinidadian, Puerto Rican, and European.
Auli'I Cravalho (2000) Puerto Rican, Kānaka Maoli, Portuguese, Chinese, ‭Irish - is bisexual.
Isabela Merced (2001) Peruvian / Slovak, Polish, possibly other.
Sara Echeagaray (2001) Mexican.
Andrea Chaparro (2002) Mexican.
Shakira Barrera (1990) Nicaraguan
Carmela Zumbado (1991) Cuban.
Sohvi Rodriguez (1992) Nicaraguan.
Samantha Boscarino (1994) Italian, Ecuadorian, Scottish.
María Isabel (1996) Afro-Dominican.
Wendy Sulca (1996) Aymara.
Daniela Nieves (1997) Venezuelan.
Emily Tosta (1998) Dominican / Venezuelan.
Sasha Calle (1998) Colombian.
Alycia Pascual-Pena (1999) Afro Dominican.
Maia Reficco (2000) Argentinian.
Amanda Diaz (2000) Cuban.
Friendly reminder that I don't offer suggestions under the age of 21 so these are all older than her!
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youngfcs · 11 months
Hello! Do you have suggestions for female fcs in the age range 25-30 that can portray an ice skater? 🫶
Hello there! Of course <3
Kaya Scodelario (23-31) [Spin Out]
Margot Robbie (24-32) [I, Tonya]
Julie Berman (30-38) [Love on Ice]
Olga Korsak (26-34) [The Petrichor]
Aglaya Tarasova (21-29) [Ice]
Maddison Bullock (22-28) [Ice the movie]
Other options:
Naomi Scott (22-30)
Penelope Mitchell (23-31)
Samantha Boscarino (20-28)
Virginia Gardner (19-28)
Zoé de Grand Maison (18-28)
Anna Shaffer (24-31)
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rememberingnoah · 1 year
Marcus genderswap?
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i like samantha boscarino for marcus genderswap but she doesn't have the freckles </33
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