thehonourablepirate · 3 years
WHO    :    open WHERE    :   the tavern WHEN    :    late afternoon Quiet in his seat, Jacob continued to watch the scene between the two in front of him unfold as he nursed his drink. He’d had a busy day and wanted nothing more than to just enjoy a tankard of ale and his own company but it would seem that the two arguing in front of him had another idea in mind. Looking down at what was left in his tankard, he chucked his neck back chugging what was left, leaving a pleasant burning of alcohol in his throat. Taking a stand as he noticed them getting more aggressive with each other, he let out a sigh and began to walk over. “Enough.” He stated, his voice calm yet with a sharpness to it. Jacob looked at them both straight in the eye as he put an arm between them. “If you’re going to behave like children, then I will be your daddy. Now, you go that way and you come sit with me.” The male instructed with a warning look that told them it would be safer not to argue with him. 
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oh1-fane · 3 years
Status: Open Location: Streets of Nassau
Fane liked busking. He got to see a collection of new faces as he played for spare change. He was doing well this month, having just gotten back from a stint on a ship. Fane didn't need the money. He just liked playing.
With the violin tucked under his chin, Fane played a lively melody, attracting people interested in hearing the piece. He smiled at them, moving with the beat to encourage some of the younger audience to dance. Children dancing was always a great draw for patrons.
After a few lively numbers, the crowd was starting to wane, so Fane took a moment to rest for the next wave of patrons. He sat down to empty the cup of coins and glanced up. "I'll be back to it in a bit, just resting the chin," he said, noticing the shadow blocking out some of the light.
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acataegis · 3 years
where: tavern who: moira + open
she’d been singing nearly the entire night, keeping spirits high and the alcohol flowing as people shrugged their worries off at the door. but even she needed to take a break, and luckily she was not wanting for something to drink. if her mum could see her now, she’d be shaking her head as moira downed glasses of beer and ale in quick succession. her face screwed up at the strong taste of something that definitely wasn’t beer.
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“yeergh- that taste like shit! you owe me somethin’ tasty now ‘r i’ll make song ‘bout how your cock doesn’t get up for anyone but a goat.”
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crazyclementine · 3 years
WHO: Open WHERE: The Tavern WHEN: Afternoon
Clem gave a sigh, shrugging as she looked down at the person she’d just knocked unconscious slumped on the floor. “I guess I made a bad call, but I have no idea what I could have done differently.”
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ivan-da-costa · 3 years
WHO: Open WHERE: The Docks WHEN: Late Morning
Ivan hated hauling things to and from the ship, but well, someone had to do it. Plus, it was an excuse to *not to deal with some of the recruitment proceedings. Ivan wasn't a fan of recruiting in a pirate port. But they were desperate, he knew.
So instead, Ivan would haul crates and supplies. It was better that way. He stopped after getting back to the supplies and wiped at his brow when he felt like he was being watched. Looking around, Ivan found the source and narrowed his eyes slightly. "Like what you see? Or do you want a handout?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
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thehiddenjewel · 3 years
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“I’m sorry--” Niamh glanced down at the parchement unsure of what she was supposed to be looking at. “Are you sure this is meant for me? I-- I don’t know what this is.” Having been self taught, she would never admit that when it came to reading her knowledge was only that of which she appeared familiar with. Yes, she could read words but that didn’t always mean she had a clear understanding of what things meant.
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shroudedobrien · 3 years
Status: Open
Location:  Nassau, Tavern
"I’d think twice about releasing me. That is if you had any intention of keeping your hand” Kennedy hissed her threat to the stranger as she attempted to loosen his grip on her whilst trying not to draw attention to them. Her hand drifted to her hip where her small blade was usually hidden, only to find it missing and her heart to lurch. She had only wanted to have a quiet drink, hoping to over hear any information on the new arrivals, though this time it appeared that she had made the mistake of listening in on the wrong people and they hadn’t been as drunk and unobservant as she had originally thought.
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star-led-blog · 5 years
The sea was quiet… inasmuch as it could be. She was always moving, always roiling, as if some creature deep below was thrashing, thrashing, and all its foam came up through the blue and to the surface. It beat against the hull like a drum, breaking upon it in sheets of spray. At the forecastle Jahandar stood, nose turned to the wind, salt filling his nostrils and peppering his lips. Another wave hit upon them, just large enough for a fleck of silver water to hit at his cheek, and he silently dapped it away with his sleeve. This time of the day the decks were always busy. Riggers cast cool shadows where they climbed about like monkeys. Parts of the crew took up in song and then quietened again. A game was played on the sunken gun deck. Yet for all its business, Jahandar – or Hands, as he was better known to the crew – stood alone.
It was not something he much minded. After all, when alone Jahandar had time to think, to plan, to reminisce. He could pass time quite easily when left to his own thoughts, though he could also grow bitter when left to memories. Home – so far away - clung to him like barnacles to the keel. Thus, when a presence arrived at his side he did not wish it away, but welcomed it closer.
“Are you enjoying the sea air?” he asked the other, casting them a long glance from the corner of his eye. “I find it soothing, if salty.”
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aghostoftheodosia · 3 years
WHO    :    open WHERE    :  the streets of Nassau WHEN    :    Mid Afternoon
Theodosia shook her head at the other’s request, “I cannot help you, nor do I wish to.”  She shot them a look which told them their effort to change her mind would be futile. 
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lovelesslottie · 3 years
WHO    :    open
WHERE    :  streets of Nassau
WHEN    :    around 11pm
It had long passed dark, she could feel the chill upon her skin yet she was resigned to staying out a little longer seeking a little solitude that the brothel couldn’t give her. The brunette looked up at the stars in the blanket of the night sky, a contented sigh fell from her lips as she briefly closed her eyes enjoying the peace. That was until is was disturbed by someone lurking in the shadows. Charlotte felt herself shudder but it was no longer from the chill. Looking around nervously she squinted trying to spot the person shielded by the dark night. “Hello. Who is out there?”
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sailshqs · 3 years
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Today, we are most pleased to announce that we set up a starter blog to reblog starters into an easy to find place! And if you want to find a starter, you can check there to find the most recent ones and some older ones too! As such, please follow the starter blog and then, when you post new starters, just @ the starter blog, and we'll reblog your starters for you.
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casey-callaghan1 · 3 years
Status: Open Location: Nassau, Tavern
Casey was two drinks in already. He felt numb, needed to feel something. The anniversary of losing Carter always weighed on his mind. He forgot how hard it was. Every year, Casey forget just how much the hole where Carter used to be would ache. He had half a mind to figure out where The Kraken was and figure out the best way to get his ass there.
He'd regret it. He always did. But it made him feel better for all of an hour, maybe two. He needed to feel better. Casey sighed and ordered another drink. "What?" he asked, casting a baleful glanced to his left. He felt the eyes on him, and he didn't like it.
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star-led-blog · 5 years
C L O S E D: @esthercraine
When Esther had gently probed Jahandar about his books, he had understood immediately. It hadn’t taken him long once he was away from home to understand that most places didn’t offer the sort of education he had received. He would thank Emperor Aurangzeb for the rest of his life for the teaching he had as a child. He would curse the English Monarchs for the opposite. Too many of the men and women he was surrounded by here in the Caribbean were illiterate, unlearned. They led easily like sheep, not used to thinking for themselves, unable to express their thoughts in a clear and understandable way. Logic was not inherent – Jahandar knew that well – and without teaching, the mind floundered. Esther though… Esther could think. And it was for that that Jahandar had offered his services.
He’d never taught before. He’d never found a reason to. Yet he could remember his own teachings clearly – the cramps he got in his stubby child’s hands after copying for hours and hours. He could remember the smell of ink, the calming yet firm voice of his tutor. He could remember his classmates laughing at the worst of the class, whose handwriting was so messy it became unreadable. For Brandy’s sake, he was happy that there were no other students who might cruelly mock her attempts. But Brandy was adult, was good with her hands, and she seemed to have a sharp enough mind. She would do well, he thought. He hoped.
The room was set. Jahandar had spent a rather silly amount of time copying out the alphabet in capital and lower, and arranging the quills and pens and ink. The steady sway of the ship made them roll over the paper, this way and that, as it sat upon the end of a barrel. Hunkered away in a hidden section of the crew’s quarters, Jahandar pressed the front of his shirt down and looked upon the scene of his makeshift classroom with a small inkling of pride, and then at the sound of a footstep, turned.
“Ah, Brandy. Come then, let’s begin.”
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