un-father · 5 months
May or may have not taken a few pictures but it looks good.
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cu-taibhseil · 6 months
it's that time of year again witches! when a scottish gaelic speaking witch tells you "happy samhain" and you hear them pronounce it as "sahv-ayn" don't correct them! we all know samhain was originally irish, and that the irish gaelic pronunciation is "sow-wen" but in scottish gaelic, the "mh" is pronounced like the english "v." there are multiple correct ways to pronounce it! multiple different cultures celebrate samhain now and have for a long time. do you correct everyone that calls All Hallow's Eve, Halloween? no? thats right you dont, because that would be pretentious and weird!
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aikoiya · 9 months
LoZ: TotK - Gerudo Language 1 (Official)
Sorry for deleting the original. It was getting pretty long, so I decided to resubmit it in 2 separate pieces.
I've been seeing a lot of additions on the part of fans & I hope people keep going with this.
Here is the Gerudo alphabet:
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I will use * to refer to things that I made up or modified based on someone else's idea, but are still relevant to the current list based on the contents.
And here's what all I've gathered so far:
For the other parts of my Gerudo Language Series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, & Part 6.
To make things easier, let's go over how certain things are sounded out first.
Pronunciation & Diacritics:
'J' either sounds like 'y' or like 'zh'/'jh' depending on the letter before it. 'Zh' or 'jh' as in 'zhuzh it up' or 'give it some jhoojh,' so sort of a buzzing or engine-revving sound. If the proceeding letter is a vowel or a vowel & an 'h,' it sounds like an 'h,' but if it is a consonant or the start of a word, it sounds like 'zh'/'jh.' In the case of being proceeded by a 'd,' the 'd' is silent, but the 'j' still behaves as if proceeded by a consonant. However, if the 'j' is proceeded by ', then it automatically makes the 'jh' sound.
When ' (called a 'Khamza) is both proceeded & followed by a consonant, the 'uh' sound is added in between when spoken, but when it's proceeded or followed by at least 1 vowel, it isn't. Unless, it's proceeded by an 'H' that, itself, is proceeded by a vowel. Then, the 'H' is also treated as a vowel. Or when the consonant on both sides are the same. In which case, the 'uh' is not pronounced. Eg. Sol'let is pronounced like 'solet.'
Rr is pronounced the same way as the rolling Spanish "rr."
X is pronounced either like "sh" or "zh" depending on the situation. Except for when it's proceeded by an "h" or ', at which point, it comes out sounding like "sk" or "shk."
A is pronounced like "uh."
Á is pronounced like "a," as in "bat." (When spelled in English phonetically, it's written "bæt" with a hard "a.")
À is pronounced like the "a" in "are."
Ā is pronounced like "ay," as in "day."
E is pronounced with the short "e" sound.
È makes the "eh" sound.
É makes the "ey" sound.
Ē makes the long "e" sound.
I makes the short "i" sound, like the "ick" in "sick."
Ï makes the long "e" sound, same as ē.
Ī makes the "eye" sound.
O sounds like the short "o" sound, as in "on," "off," or "long."
Ó sounds like "oo," but shorter.
Ō sounds like the "o" in "home."
Ô sounds like "aw."
U sounds like "uh," same as "a." Also sounds like the "i" in "third" or the "ea" in "earn"
Û sounds like "oo," but longer.
Ù sounds like the "oo" in "pool."
Ú sounds like the "oo" in "book."
Ae sounds like "hah" with a lot of breath in the "h"s.
And this is how I think these diacritics would be spelled.
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Ā, É, & Ī all have 2 ways to write them, the 1st of each listed being considered formal & proper, while the 2nd listed are considered informal & casual.
I've also made some digraphic characters.
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Official Words
Known Pleasantries:
Vàsaaq = Welcome.
Sàrqso = Thank you.
Sàv’otta (Pronounced: sah-vo-tuh) = Good morning.
Sàv’aaq = Good day.
Sàv’saaba (Pronounced: sahv-uh-saah-buh) = Good evening.
Sàv’orr = Good night.
Sàv’orq = Goodbye; farewell, "happy travels."
Known Slang:
Sàv'a = Good day.
S'votta = Morning.
Sàrq = Thanks.
Known Nouns:
Vuré = Bird.
Vàba = Grandmother.
Vai = Woman.
Voe = Man.
Vehvï = Child, infant.
Gibdo = Mummified undead Gerudo. - We don't know the literal translation as of yet, but it is speculated that Gib might mean "death" or "dead" or "undead."
Known Exclamation:
Sà’oten = Good heavens; Oh my!
Other Known Words:
Sirwàl = A type of pants that the Gerudo wear. Whether they are specifically vai pants or not is up in the air.
Stela = A sort of ancient wall tablet covered in Gerudo script.
- Stelae = Possibly the plural of Stela. - It's possible that putting an 'e' at the end of words makes them plural. Or perhaps only in specific cases, such as using 'i' for words that already end in 's' in English.
Bàzaar = Market place. Commerce area.
Sàv' (Pronounced: sahv) = Good or happy.
Otta = Morning.
Aaq = Day.
Saaba = Evening.
Orr = Night.
Orq = Bye or travel.
Oten = Sky; heaven.
Sà'vai = Good girl.
Other's Ideas
Và- = Prefix referring to a female.
Vō- = Prefix referring to a male.
-en or -n = An indication of a word being plural. This is considered proper grammer, but you can also just tag an "n" at the end & it'll still be considered correct.
Vàma = Mother.
Vōdo = Father.
Vàba = Grandmother.
Vōbo = Grandfather.
Vàra = Daughter.
- Vàta = Daughter.
Vōro = Son.
- Vōto = Son.
*Shïcha'vàla = Spirit-daughter. Daughter of one's spirit. When a non-Gerudo girl is platonically loved dearly by an adult Gerudo vai, who wishes to forge a maternal connection to her without replacing her mother. Or a Gerudo vaivï platonically loves an adult non-Gerudo woman. Something like a god-daughter, though in this situation the bond is one chosen by the individuals rather than having been appointed by the younger's parents. A spirit-daughter is considered as much of a Gerudo as one by blood.
- *Shïcha'vàma = Spirit-mother. Mother of one's spirit. When a non-Gerudo girl is platonically loved dearly by an adult Gerudo vai, who wishes to forge a maternal connection to her without replacing her mother. Or a Gerudo vaivï platonically loves an adult non-Gerudo woman. Something like a god-mother, though in this situation the bond is one chosen by the individuals rather than having been appointed by the younger's parents. A spirit-mother is considered as much of a Gerudo as one by blood.
Vérï = Offspring. Multiple.
Vàla = Sister.
Vōlo = Brother.
Vélï = Siblings.
Vànïka = Female cousin.
Vōnïko = Male cousin.
Kàtevoe = Fiancé. A man intended to be married.
Kàtavai = Fiancée. A woman intended to be married.
*Ehxà = Aunt.
*Ehxō = Uncle.
- *Vàmola'ehxà = Aunt. Father's sister. Used specifically when referring to her.
- *Vàmalo'ehxàvay = Aunt. Mother's brother's wife. Used specifically when referring to her.
- *Vàmolo'ehxàvay = Aunt. Father's brother's wife. Used specifically when referring to her.
- Ehxàdï = Auntie. An unrelated female who is like a favorite aunt.
The use of aunt & uncle changes depending on whether you're addressing them or referring to them. When referring to them, you specify their exact relation to you. However, when speaking to them, you simply say Ehxà or Ehxō.
Sà'veela = "Here here!" Akin to a toast or vehement approval.
Vulgar or Insulting Words:
Kiharè = Idiot or moron.
Gata'ra = Murderer.
Vanozī = Banished one.
Carjoch (Pronounced: CAR-zhosh) = A fool; derogatory term for a male.
Amalaq = Asshole; while vulgar, this one can also be used as playful banter between close friends.
Vehsun = Fool.
*Gáro'kāvt = Heathen. Literally, "hellbound."
*Muzyaf = Fake, false, untrue, lie. When muz is used as a suffix or "honorific," indicates that something is fake or that someone is a liar, pretender, or deceiver.
- *Voemuz = Transman. Literally means "fake man." A very bigoted term, but unfortunately, the Gerudo do not possess a less derogatory word for them. Considered liars & wicked temptors. Or in the case of Gerudo Vai becoming one, traitors. Though, this sort of thing is extremely rare as only about 0.1% of Gerudo legitimately feel this way in truth & it's generally a fluke only taking place every few generations. It's actually far more likely that if a Vai wishes to be a voe that it's because she is actually gay & has her heart set on a fellow Gerudo, but has convinced herself that becoming a Voe will make the other Vai fall for her. Which never works out & never in the Vai's favor as homosexuality is treated with similar harshness here as in the Middle East.
- *Sûlaaq Voemuz = Transman. Literally translates to "false-man demon." A sort of fairytale creature based upon actual Voemuzen (plural). Often portrayed as female demons who take on the appearance of men to try to lead young Gerudo astray by making them fall in love with them & if they do, it is said that the vai will become infertile, thus being unable to have daughters even if they do later find men to love them. They are a central figure in many a bedtime tragedy. Obviously, this is an exaggerated falsehood based on the traumatic experiences of real Gerudo women who have run home in tears upon discovering that their future husbands were actually female. What isn't told, or even known, is that the Voemuzen are often left crushed by the Gerudo's reactions themselves, having hoped that someone from a race of all women would be more open minded due to having minimal exposure to men, having thought that it was simply a result of what amounts to 'male engineered bigotry.' They end up having to face the reality that it's just not that simple. Unfortunately, due to the Gerudo's curse & a lot of very negative interactions with such individuals over many centuries, it has fostered some very terrible, very bigoted ideas about them. At a young age, mothers will tell their daughters horror stories about Sûlaaq Voemuzen & later in Voe & You, are taught how to positively identify real Voemuzen & avoid them at all costs.
- *Vaimuz = Transwoman. Literally translates to "false woman." A very bigoted term, but unfortunately, the Gerudo do not possess a less derogatory word for them. While not as deeply hated as Voemuzen are, they are still looked upon with a degree of contempt as many consider it to be a form of mockery or woman face. They are also not allowed into Gerudo Town.
Sa = Red, crimson.
Kemm or Qàr = Black; qar can also mean darkness or shadow.
Kohl = Blue.
Sefeed = White.
Aed = Half.
Maf = 0
Zī = 1
Zay = 2
Za = 3
Zè = 4
Zuh = 5
Zù = 6
Zaf = 7
Uàf = 8
Saf = 9
Mafzī = 10
Mafzey = 20
Mafza = 30
Mafzè = 40
Mafzuh = 50
Zīzuh = 51
Mafzù = 60
Mafzaf = 70
Mafuàf = 80
Mafsaf = 90
Zīnà = 100
Zīnà'mafzuh = 150
*Zīàlf = 1,000
*Mafzī'àlf = 10,000
*Zīhāh = 1,000,000
*Zībôh = 1,000,000,000
And this is what I think the Gerudo's numerical system would look like based on the official alphabet.
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Possessive Suffixes:
-nï = My or me.
-so = You or your.
-fu = His.
-va = Her.
-ween = Our & your.
-neen = Our, not your.
-soen = Ya'll's.
-foon = Masculine their. This term has been lost.
-vaan = Feminine their.
A'nï = I.
A'so = You.
A'fu = He.
A'va = She.
A'ween = (Inclusive) We.
A'neen = (Exclusive) We.
A'soen = Ya'll.
A'foon = They (male). This term has been lost.
A'vaan = They (female).
Hehvijï = Ankle.
*Terda = Back.
Àb = Arm.
Other Words:
Senrso = Hello.
Egra = A lot.
Kriuh = Art.
Sōl = Sun.
Màh or *Amàh = Moon. Amah being considered the most beautiful word in the Gerudàn language.
- Vàmàh = Another word for moon. Specifically used in reference to the Gerudo Moon Goddess or a Gerudo Queen.
- *Tàrr = Crescent.
- *Màhtàrr or *Amàhtàrr = Crescent moon.
- *Amáhrta = A name for the Gerudo Goddess of the Moon. Said to be the most beautiful of the Gerudo goddesses with silvery-white hair like silk-spun moonbeams & eyes that twinkle like ruby stars. She is often depicted with a Mirror Shield in 1 hand & a Moonlight Scimitar in the other.
Estàr = Star.
- Estàren = Stars.
- Jumestàr = Constellation.
Gàl/Gel = Sand.
- Geru = Sand, but can also refer to a people as a collective. The cultural context is that it takes each grain of sand to make a desert. Can also be used as a prefix with a ' at the end to specifically refer to the Gerudo race.
- Gáro = Burning sand. Refers to when the desert is at its hottest, when the sand reflects the light back into your eyes & burns the bottoms of your feet. This word is often associated with the worst, harshest, & most unforgiving parts of desert life. Particularly, the hardships involved in living there. - The Gerudo generally believe that if there truly is an afterlife where one is punished for their misdeeds, it is likely that the sand there is always hot to the point that it burns one's feet even through their shoes. Which is why it's used in the Gerudo word for hell & is often used as an expletive.
- Gàl'gáron (Pronounced: gal-uh-ga-ron) = Gerudo Hells.
- Gerudo = People of the (sand) spear.
Baanï = Ancestors, "my forbearers."
*Sàv'vï (Pronounced: sahv-vee) = Got it. Literally "good knowledge." Based on the word "savvy" & is used in a similar way.
- *Nàv'vï (Pronounced: nahv-vee) = 1. Guiding knowledge. 2. Literally "bad/annoying knowledge." - Which is meant depends on the context.
Kàra = Empty or nothing.
Mihtyàm = Canyon or ravine.
Kàst = Valley.
Forf = Fortress.
Dásï = Caravan.
Vai'àtta or Va'àtta or Vàtta = Queen.
Shim = Shimmering.
- Shim'tàrr (Pronounced: shim-uh-tarr) = From the words "shimmering" & "crescent." Heavily associated with Amàhrta, the Gerudo goddess of the moon.
Vura = Lizard.
Rï = Friend, companion.
- Jú = Seal.
- Gerujú = Sand seal.
Gánō = Black magic.
- Dōrfè = Sorcerer.
- Gánōndōrfè = A Warlock-Sorcerer. Specifically, a man who was born with magical capabilities in his blood, but who's made an evil pact with a demon for power & become a practitioner of black magic. Distinctly different from a regular warlock in that a Warlock Sorcerer already had the capability to use magic, while a regular one only gains access to magic upon making a pact. - This is Ganondorf's traditional Gerudàn name, whereas "Ganondorf" is more of a Hyrulean transliteration of his name.
Hailïya or Hīlïya = Hylia.
- Sai'rua = Hylia. Archaic.
- Sai'ruba = Hyrule. Archaic.
- Sai'ruqo = Hylian. Archaic.
Do = Spear.
- Yaido = Spearwoman.
Wàrt = Write.
*Nehlïx = Author.
Kàtv = Bind.
Shô or Shôn or Shônï (Pronounced: shaw or shawn or shaw-nee) = Holy, sacred, or sanctified. In reference to earthly things or people with sacred or holy purposes or positions, such as priestesses or altars or temples. Not used in reference to gods or goddesses themselves unless referring to demi-gods or demi-goddesses specifically. It is sometimes also used to elevate mortals to an almost holy position.
Àlafir = Newcomer.
- Dáha'ra = Outsider.
Sûl- = Evil or bad in a malicious way.
- Sûlir = Monster.
- Sûlaaq = Demon.
Chàrnon (Pronounced: SHAR-non) = A peace, mostly temporary. A cease fire.
Bensïree = Spoils from war or thievary.
Mànī (Pronounced: man-EYE) = A disaster or failure.
Kàmmor = Beauty.
- Kàmmoriso = You're beautiful.
Nārôn (Pronounced: NAY-rown) = Mountain.
- Nārān (Pronounced: NAY-rain) = Mountains, plural, as in a range of mountains.
Àmi = Birth.
Gerudàn = The Gerudo language or something of the Gerudo culture.
Viinī = Parent.
Seqnī = Adult.
*Vaivï = Girl.
*Voevï = Boy.
Vï'sàba = Elder.
Vuétto = Town.
Va'roq = Cheiftain.
Ve'sa = But.
Vataa = Or.
Vomoq = How.
Àyk = Across.
Kōl = All.
Àrp = At.
Dulï = Any.
- Dulï'- = Any-. Used as aprefix in words such as anywhere, anything, anyone, ect.
- Dulï'vomoq = Anyhow.
Qernsu = Ghost.
- Benohïm = A lost spirit, ghost woman, a banshee creature.
Sàroré = Courage.
Sōrea = Graceful.
Agàzni = Festival.
Hàx = Why.
Ingràsa = Kindness.
Atàyx = Axe.
*Zeqù = To be.
- *Zù = To be. Shorthand.
Qasù = To become.
Sāqsù = To live.
Sorqù = To die.
Qabù = To want.
Màtù = To love.
- Vamàtù = To make love.
*So'vamù = To hate.
Sahqàz'nù = To wish.
Vaaqontù = To say/tell.
Sabottù = To speak/talk.
Vaq'ribù = To laugh.
Vur'nù = To see.
Saadï'qù = To dance.
Vuqu'àmbù = To walk.
Sa'tenù = To have.
Vuqaanù = To know.
Sàreqù = To praise; be thankful.
Zeq'hehferù = To be afraid.
Zeq'jajànù = To be angry.
Saktàrù = To abandon.
Yusabù = To abuse.
Otdanù = To accuse.
Vemehnù = To adhere.
Bràntù = To advise.
Lōmatù = To answer.
Ehstejàmù = To anticipate.
*Xipù = To argue.
*Kalranù = To arrest.
Qorù = To ask.
Jkarù = To assist.
Sulpinù = To attack.
If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.
A good way to figure more out would likely be by translating Gerudo names like how Aaqlet's helped to figure out a word for light. I might post a list of all the Gerudo names that I've found & anyone who wants can comment or tag what they think each one means.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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yalnzardc · 7 months
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Şevk, bu sevinci tamamlamaya dönük olan harekettir. Her şevk sahibi, bir şeyi elde eder ve bir şeyi kaybeder. Yani, bütünüyle şevk duyduğu şeye ulaşınca şevk ve talep ortadan kalkar.
Veed, nefse vârit olan şeylerin tümü olup, nefis onu zatında erdemlerle ilgili şeyler olarak bulur. Tevâcüd, zorlanmaksızın vecdi elde etmeye çalışmaktır.
Bast, nefsin bir şeyden dolayı etkinlik ve bir çeşit sevinç üzere olmasıdır.
Kabz, nefsin içinde bulunduğu haldeyken neredeyse tüm motivasyonlanı kaybedecek ölçüde hüzün duymasıdır. Bu bazen cismâni kuvvelerin yorulmasından, umutsuzluktan veya ilhamdan ve hüzün veren uykudan dolayı olur ki hafızasında aynısı değil fakat eseri kalır. Sebebi konusunda kişi şaşkınlık içindedir. O bazen nefsin bir musibet vb. bir sebeple rahmet ve nefchätin ilkelerine şahit olmasından kaynaklanır.
Levaih, çakan şimşekler gibi aniden açığa çıkıp hızlıca kaybolan nurlu ve lezzetli hallerdir.
Cem, cismâni çokluga iltifat etmeksizin nefsin yüce tarafa yönelmesidir.
Tefrika, nefsin, farklı bedeni kuvvelerde tasarruf sahibi olmasıdır.
Gaybet, nefsin, duyulardan gâip olması/uzaklaşması itibariyle kendi alemine dönükken sahip olduğu bir hâlidir. Duyulardan gâip olmak, gâipte hazır bulunmaktır. Duyuların hâzır bulunması kuds âleminden gayberte olmaktır.
Sekr, hareketlerdeki düzeni iptale götüren nefse ait kutsi bir hâldir.
Sahv, sekr hâlinden dönüştür.
Heybet, ilkelerin mertebelerini düşündüğü sırada nâtık nefiste ortaya çıkan bir hâldir. Dolayısıyla bu kişinin nefsi yakınlığa chil olmadığı gibi, uzak bir şekilde de olsa zorunlu varliğa nispeti yoktur.
Üns, nefsin kendine ait sevincini içeren bir hâlidir. Bu nefis, ilkelere ve lezzet veren nurdan kendisine gelen şeye nispetle mutmain olur.
Mükâşefe fikirle, sezgiyle veyahut geçmişte ve gelecekte ortaya çıkan cüzi bir duruma ilişkin gaybi bir içe doğuşla nefiste ilmin meydana gelmesidir.
Müşâhede, vehmin akılla didişmesinin kesildiği sırada nurların nefse doğuşudur. Bazı kimseler ve doğru sözlüler ortak duyuda beliren ve duyulur olarak açıkça görülen şeye "müşâhedeyi" tahsis etmişlerdir.
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bitegore · 1 year
alphabet transliteration rules etc etc
VOWELS (no dipthongs, say every vowel)
a - ah like in odd e - eh like enter i - aye like in eye (or, like, I) o - oh like in open u - u like in ooh y - yu like in you (yuh sound included, unlike in u)
c - a click. sort of a k-h sound. like. if actor is a word pronounced like this, it goes ahkk-(eh)tor. like saying doctor in a stereotyped german accent cc - hebrew ch sound, like in chai d - d g - voiced g h - voiced h j - regular j like in "joy" jj - ch like in "chapter" k - hard stop/pause, sort of a quiet (g)/(k) sound kk - spoken K sound, normal k l - l m - m n - n b - b - like a soft p p - p - regular p/hard b r - trilled r rr - longer/harder trilled r (like rrrrrrr rather than rr) s - s t - t v - v or f, depending on which is "flows" easier to say. not distinguished. older transcription systems use fs instead sometimes. z - zh like "je" in "je ne sais quoi" or the s in "asia" ' - unvoiced h, like the secret h in "everest" before the vowel or the h in "white" after the w. rare, largely appears in words with long strings of consonants (syetkk'vri, pronounced syoo-et-k(uh)-vri, would be unpronounceable without it)
moving/on a locational vector - sole (suu-leh) still/anchored/not vectoring anywhere - byake (byuu-ah-(g)eh)
toward self - dyk- sole dykka (dyuu-kah) out from self - tak - sole takkes (tahk-ess) parallel to self - [empty] - sikke (sigh-keh)
vertical (z) - pye - sole pyete (pyuu-eht-eh) horizontal (x / east-west) - 'vros - sole evrus ( ev-roos) horizontal (y / north-south) - kkiste - sole kkistakke (kice-tak-eh)
vertical (z) up/to surface - pyelite (pyuu-ehl-ite-eh) vertical (z) down/to ground - pyalu (pyuu-ahl-ooh)
to open - sev - sole sevrekk (sehf-rek) to wall - kkyk - sole kkykkot (kyuu-kote)
west-of-self (translated often as "right" when used metaphorically) - kkye - sole kkyes (kyuu-ehs) east-of-self (translated often as "left" when used metaphorically) - set - sole setke (set-keh) south-of-self (translated often as "forward" when used metaphorically) - teki - sole tekeit (teh-(g)eh-eyet) north-of-self (translated often as "backward" when used metaphorically) - aru - sole aryok (ahr-yuu-oh(g))
horizontal (x) west-of-self to open- vroskkysev (vross-kyuu-sehv) horizontal (x) east-of-self to open- vroset'tev (vross-ehttev) horizontal (x) west-of-self to wall- vroskkykkuk (vross-kyuu-koo(g)) horizontal (x) east-of-self to wall- vrosesekkyk (vross-ehs-ehk-yuu(g)) horizontal (x) west-of-self - vroskkye (vross-kyuu-eh) horizontal (x) east-of-self - vroset (vross-set)
horizontal (y) south-of-self - kkisteki (kice-te(g)-eye) horizontal (y) north-of-self - kkistaru (kice-tar-roo) horizontal (y) south-of-self to open - kkistekisev (kice-te(g)-eye-sehv) horizontal (y) north-of-self to open - kkistarusav (kice-tar-roo-sahv) horizontal (y) south-of-self to wall - kkisteikkyk (kice-teh-eye-kyuu(g)) horizontal (y) north-of-self to wall - kkistarkkyuuk (kice-tar-roo-kyuu(g))
still/this moment (RARE word) - byesti (byuu-ah-steye) "on a temporal vector"/at any other point in time or experiencing time in motion - siste (sigh-steh)
south-temporal/forward in the future - teki - siste tekearr (teh-(g)eh-ahrrrrr) north-temporal/backward in the past - aru - siste aryorr (ahr-yuu-orrrr) in parallel/at the same time - siku - siste sikyuarr (si(g)-yuu-ahrr)
zero point - point of calibration, compass-location - byaksikketkka (byuu-ah-si-ket-ka)
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aohendo · 1 year
Prince for Hire Pronunciation Guide
Some of the names and whatnot in Prince for Hire kinda look intimidating (...Nelovskevouk...), so after ages, I figured I’d put together a loose pronunciation guide!
The general rule of thumb is that everything is pronounced exactly as it looks. Whatever floats your boat works for me. But here’s generally how I’ve been doing it, below the cut.
Tagging the taglist because worldbuilding stuff: @cactusmotif​, @houndsofcorduff​, @whimsyqueen​, @on-noon​, @paradisiacalshroud​. Also, some of the previous language development/alphabet stuff is over here.
First off, the alphabet. The only tricky letters here are the ‘C,’ the ‘J,’ and the ‘Y.’ The ‘C’ sound (2nd column, 2nd row) only appears at the front of words, and is basically an ‘S,’ like in ‘silo.’ The ‘J’ sound (2nd column, 3rd row) is more of a ‘y’ sound, like in ‘yarn’ (or ‘bjorn’). Lastly, the ‘Y’ sound (2nd column, 4th row) is pronounced as ‘aye’ (aye aye, captain!) except when at the front of words, where it is pronounced as ‘ee’ (like eek).
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[image id: a conlang alphabet organized by row and column with spiky, m-looking letters written in pen on graph paper /end id]
Some exceptions to the call it as you see it thing: a word/name ending in a ‘k’ that is not doubled will drop that ‘k’ sound (as in: kulok = koo-low, not kulok = koo-lock). Doubled letters (as in iiriok, thaav, vuun, etc.) give extra stress.
Although there’s some other non-standard pronunciations (and sounds not touched upon by anything in Prince), for the purposes of Prince for Hire, that’s all you need to know to pronounce things just fine--at least, for things originating in the Novgor Plateau. Obviously the Turre, Aghran, and Musmiel pronunciation conventions are going to be a smidge different.
Below are some of the more frequent names and places in Prince for Hire.
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Kiris Avkonin = Kear-ihs Ahv-kohn-in
Yphant na Suem = Ee-phant na Sew-em
Iiriok Nelovskevouk = Eerie-ohk Neh-loave-skeh-vouk
Batar ni Musyr = B’tar nee Moo-sear
Kaar Kulok = Kar Koo-low
Orjiar Thaav = Or-jyar Thawv
Duvutriok Vuun = Dew-voo-tree-ohk Voon
Kysminov Evina = Kayes-min-ohv Eh-veen-a
Martarez Nazvili = Mar-tar-ez Nat-zvee-lee
Aris of Krigover (Krigovervk) = Air-ihs Krih-goh-vorvk
Eskarez = Es-kah-rez
Trusov = True-sahv
(some Turre names)
Bascia = Bah-schya
‘L Tuola Turre = Luh To-oh-la To-ray
Ta Ritasa = Tah Ree-tah-sah
Sciombattor’ Ougle = Shohm-bah-tor’ We-gleh
(some place names)
Dargoulvga = Dar-gohlv-ga
Msvoulga = Mis-vohl-ga
Strauv = Strauv (rhymes with ‘ow’)
Cym = Saim (like ‘sign’)
Toor = To-or
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khaligova-16 · 1 year
Səndə sahv olub,
İndi rədd olub get...
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bigmoneyshave · 1 year
Sexy Sahve
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the-plate-of-fate · 9 months
me, typing away with my grimy little hands and almost done with my assignment:
google doc: “oh! you reached the end of that page :) time to start another”
me, internally: no dont I hagve to sahve the paper and treeys
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Have some fantasy linguistic nonsense, because I love making my life harder for no reason.
a couple notes: pronunciation guide contained under the cut, this is very much a work in progress conlang where i'm doing experimental stuff for no good reason, and I have no conjugation stuff set in stone yet.
the language is called du-a-kkyreityr (subject to change because it doesn't fit what i got) and you say it really far in the back of your throat. i don't have a lot of other words because i'm working on this first. it's slow going because i literally don't need this for anything, i'm just doing it anyway because the idea of groups of people not having their own languages is like mildly upsetting to me for no good reason LMAO
moving/on a locational vector - sole (suu-leh) still/anchored/not vectoring anywhere - byake (byuu-ah-(g)eh) toward self - dyk- sole dykka (dyuu-kah) out from self - tak - sole takkes (tahk-ess) parallel to self - sikke - sole sikke (sigh-keh) vertical (z) - pye - sole pyete (pyuu-eht-eh) horizontal (x / east-west) - 'vros - sole evrus ( ev-roos) horizontal (y / north-south) - kkiste - sole kkistakke (kice-tak-eh) vertical (z) up/to surface - pyelite (pyuu-ehl-ite-eh) vertical (z) down/to ground - pyalu (pyuu-ahl-ooh) toward open/wider space (denoted open elsewhere) - sev - sole sevrekk (sehf-rek) toward wall/ground/enclosed (denoted wall elsewhere) - kkyk - sole kkykkot (kyuu-kote) west-of-self (translated often as "right" when used metaphorically) - kkye - sole kkyes (kyuu-ehs) east-of-self (translated often as "left" when used metaphorically) - set - sole setke (set-keh) south-of-self (translated often as "forward" when used metaphorically) - teki - sole tekeit (teh-(g)eh-eyet) north-of-self (translated often as "backward" when used metaphorically) - aru - sole aryok (ahr-yuu-oh(g)) horizontal (x) west-of-self - vroskkye (vross-kyuu-eh) horizontal (x) west-of-self to open- vroskkysev (vross-kyuu-sehv) horizontal (x) west-of-self to wall- vroskkykkuk (vross-kyuu-koo(g)) horizontal (x) east-of-self - vroset (vross-set) horizontal (x) east-of-self to open- vroset'tev (vross-ehttev) horizontal (x) east-of-self to wall- vrosesekkyk (vross-ehs-ehk-yuu(g)) horizontal (y) south-of-self - kkisteki (kice-te(g)-eye) horizontal (y) south-of-self to open - kkistekisev (kice-te(g)-eye-sehv) horizontal (y) south-of-self to wall- kkisteikkyk (kice-teh-eye-kyuu(g)) horizontal (y) north-of-self - kkistaru (kice-tar-roo) horizontal (y) north-of-self to open - kkistarusav (kice-tar-roo-sahv) horizontal (y) north-of-self to wall - kkistarkkyuuk (kice-tar-roo-kyuu(g))
still/this exact moment without any temporal changes whatsoever/ "the blink of an eye" - byesti (byuu-ah-steye) "on a temporal vector"/at any other point in time or experiencing time in motion - siste (sigh-steh) south-temporal/forward in the future - teki - siste tekearr (teh-(g)eh-ahrrrrr) north-temporal/backward in the past - aru - siste aryorr (ahr-yuu-orrrr) in parallel/at the same time - siku - siste sikyuarr (si(g)-yuu-ahrr)
VOWELS (no dipthongs, say every vowel) a - ah like in odd e - eh like enter i - aye like in eye (or, like, I) o - oh like in open u - u like in ooh y - yu like in you (yuh sound included, unlike in u) CONSONANTS c - a click. sort of a k-h sound. like. if actor is a word pronounced like this, it goes ahkk-(eh)tor. like saying doctor in a stereotyped german accent cc - hebrew ch sound, like in (hebrew) chai or english ugh sound d - d g - voiced g h - voiced h j - regular j like in "joy" jj - ch like in "chapter" k - hard stop/pause, sort of a quiet (g)/(k) sound kk - spoken K sound, normal k l - l m - m n - n b - b - like a soft p p - p - regular p/hard b r - trilled r rr - longer/harder trilled r (like rrrrrrr rather than rr) s - s t - t v - v or f, depending on which is "flows" easier to say. not distinguished. older transcription systems use fs instead sometimes. z - zh like "je" in "je ne sais quoi" or the s in "asia" ' - unvoiced h, like the secret h in "everest" before the vowel or the h in "white" after the w. rare, largely appears in words with long strings of consonants (syetkk'vri, pronounced syoo-et-k(uh)-vri, would be unpronounceable without it)
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dromaeo-sauridae · 1 year
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dalaz3456 · 1 year
2018 yılında yazdığı kitaptan dolayı 4 yıl hapis cezası alan Sahve Ulemasında Şeyh Sefer El Hevali'nin cezası 10 yıl daha uzatıldı
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lyrics2world · 1 year
Peo Da Khazana Lyrics - Hardeep Grewal
Peo Da Khazana Lyrics – Hardeep Grewal
Peo Da Khazana Lyrics by Hardeep Grewal is the latest Punjabi song with music also given by Gurmohh.Peo Da Khazana song lyrics written by Harmanjeet Singh. Peo Da Khazana Song Details Song: Peo Da Khazana Singer: Hardeep Grewal Lyrics: Harmanjeet Singh Music: Gurmohh Peo Da Khazana Lyrics Tu poore kar le khwab channa Main peeda jar loon tere layi Bas akhiyan sahve hasda reh Main enna hi…
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