#s/i: Maycella
A little Gabriel Self-ship stuff, because I'm trying not to spiral. Aka: Gabriel has a small crisis related to religion.
Gabriel stood outside Maycella's altar room. They had told him that they were fine with him coming in if he needed them, but he wasn't comfortable with interrupting something like that. Faith was hard for him to come to terms with. It had hurt him many times before, allowing Marie to perish, Trevor to suffer, and him to become a monster, who was worse than Satan.
Much had changed from that though. He still didn't necessarily worship Him, but he was calmer towards Him. It was strange. He had stood in the halls of one of the churches in town, and felt nothing. No presence of anything Holy. Not even as he sat through the service. It wasn't like what he remembered as a human. It made him feel simultaneously angry and sad. Why would He assign Gabriel as His Champion and the Protector of Earth, yet He couldn't appear just to answer some of Gabriel's questions?
He looks back at Maycella's altar room door. Taking a deep breath, he knocks on the door. "Come in!" Was muffled behind the door. Gabriel steps into the room, only to be greeted with the dim lights that hang around the room, and the candles on various shelves that were lit. It smelled of frankincense and sandalwood, two of Maycella's favorite scents. It also smelled of coffee cakes, whiskey, and sugar water; the offerings sitting on three altars.
Maycella was sitting in front of one of the altars, he believed this one was for Cimeries. The black horses that decorated the desk told him he was correct. He looked over at the window, another altar standing there. Mellona was the one this altar was dedicated too, the bees figures and house plants decorating the shelves. Maycella tried to have a small window garden, with.... Oh what did they call it? It was a native plant to their country... Black-eyed Susans! They were sparse, but he found the simple flowers beautiful. They reminded him of Maycella. Speaking of which, they were letting him have a quiet moment, which he appreciated.
They made eye contact and he steps over to them. He sits behind them, and wraps his limbs around them. "May.... What are you doing?" He asks them. It was a soft question, that they were more than willing to answer.
"I'm doing some tarot readings and journaling for Cimeries." They answered, "did you want to participate?" He shakes his head, "no... Not now." There was too much on his mind. They seem to understand that, as they go back to their journaling. He closed his eyes and set his head on top of theirs. Gabriel let the scent of the incense and offerings fill his senses.
He felt it here. The peace that he used to feel in church all those centuries ago. It made Gabriel wonder, what if he was the reason He didn't speak to him? Maybe.....maybe it was time to reopen the door and try again. If he was to be God's Champion, he should make an equal effort to meet Him in the middle. With a soft sigh, he speaks softly to Maycella, "May? Could I... Could we...?" His words trail off, but they knew what he meant.
"Of course." Was all they said, as they both stood up and headed towards the quiet corner of the room. It was a corner with some blankets, books, snacks, drinks, and a... Um... Bean bag! Yes, that was it. Maycella pulled back the blankets, laying down first. Gabriel crawled in, laying his head on their chest. In the gentle glow of the room, the smell of frankincense in the air, and the sound of Maycella's heart in his ears, he closes his eyes, letting his body rest. Maycella picks up a book they'd been reading, carding their fingers through Gabriel's hair.
Two hours later, Marie peeks into the room. "May? Gabriel? You two ok?" She stepped inside the room and looked around. She always loved Maycella's altar room, but she respected that this was Maycella's space, so Marie didn't enter unless with permission. Turning her head, she sees the two sleeping in the corner of the room.
Maycella was on their back, a book slipping out of their hand. Gabriel was sleeping on top of them, drooling on their chest a little. She smiles and steps over, tucking them back in, with a kiss on the forehead for each. Marie turns back and puts out the candles. Gently, she shuts the door behind her. Marie would wake them up later. For now, her and Trevor could handle dinner.
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monochromatictoad · 24 days
If anyone has watched Jenna Marbles and Julien Solomita jiu jitsu videos, that is how Gabriel and Maycella would interact if Gabriel tried to teach them self-defense.
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monochromatictoad · 2 months
Last post for the night.
This is Maycella, my Castlevania LoS self insert. They run a bookstore in Castlevania City, and provide information to both Trevor and Gabriel. She is an Arachne like Myrrh, however he dyes the fur on his spider limbs.
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monochromatictoad · 6 days
Maycella when she sees Marie and Gabriel in modern, form fitting clothes:
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monochromatictoad · 9 days
🦷☕🦇♟️ for anyone you'd like! (those are all of the ones I remember I'm sorry)
Gonna do this for Gabriel, Marie, and Maycella!
🦷: describe their relationship in three words?
Patient, Enduring, Homey.
☕️ : what medium do you express them in, if any? (writing, art, ect.)
Mostly through writing! However, I have been digging into junk journaling and collages, so I might try something like that!
🦇 : how did they meet?
I expressed this before, however there have been some changes to Maycella's lore. So Gabriel and Maycella met through Victor. During the Fated Day, Victor had led Gabriel into her bookstore for information.
Marie and Maycella met when Trevor brought Marie to the refugee camp. They both hit it off and became fast friends.
♟️: when did you make your oc?
Technically, Maycella has been bouncing around in my mind since 2019-2020, she just wasn't as developed as he is today. This current version is only like... A couple of weeks old.
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monochromatictoad · 16 days
I really want to talk about my S/Is, so feel free to send in questions!
I have: Vivian, Ash, Kostas, Maycella, Bamboo, Saul, Pearl, and Nancy!
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