#rs event
rumors-suavium · 10 months
Midnight Mischief
Prologue Event Pt.2
The group is forced to take great care scaling the steps that were now more perilous than before. Even with a Magus's enhanced abilities, most of you are impeded trying to climb up the spiral staircase. Hopefully you’re not afraid of heights as some stairs crumble into ash and fall stories below as your weight shifts off of them.
But eventually, some of you will reach the top. And in the sickly pall of moonlight, you see it…
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The scene up here is quiet but tense. From the face of the clocktower a long, lifeless shadow is cast over your faces as each of you arrive at the summit. At first, the only sound to fill this deafening silence is the drip, drip, drip of the fresh crimson oozing from painfully fresh wounds.
Before you hangs a body. A corpse of one of your own.
For as much as you all were strangers, you all seemed to have the benefit of maintaining your memories. A privilege that was ill-afforded to the nameless boy you had rescued from The Faceless Demon. Perhaps there was some irony in that? The Faceless capturing the one without an identity of their own?
“Alice” was the name you all had commonly settled on for this individual, though many of you had your own nicknames for them. Whatever the case, the cowering boy now hangs limp over your group; stapled to the face of the clock tower by the hour hand.
Whoever Alice must have once been, it seems neither you or them will ever find those answers now.
. . .
As everyone takes in the sight of Alice’s body on the clocktower, a jingling noise rapidly approaches from the north part of the currently accessible area. Chuubey pads towards your group, followed by a very upset looking Haselmaus.
“Strange. This wasn’t planned for….”
Chuubey comments, staring as Shun and Quang work to gingerly bring Alice's corpse to the ground.
“It’s not on the schedule at all!!!” the barista squeaks, staring up at the clocktower. “I’m really working my hardest to make sure your dorms are all spick-n’-span, but now….!”
Haselmaus shakes her head disapprovingly, looking down at Chuubey. The Incubator hops onto her hat to get more height, staring at the group of Magi gathered by that explosion earlier.
“To get to the bottom of what exactly happened here, you all will investigate this body and search for clues. Once you have gathered all important information, you will reconvene at this clocktower.”
Chuubey’s tail swishes. Despite their palpable annoyance at this unforeseen circumstance, their expression (or lack thereof) is as calm as ever.
Haselmaus clears her throat, trying to keep her hat (and Chuubey) balanced.
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“Um….. that was a lot, soooo… any questions?”
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demonkinguwu · 7 months
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An old art piece from a few months lol only with Hattie added on
Legendary - Rose Thorn Cookie (Magic)
Alt Costume - Sweet Custard Rose Cookie
Killed by a broken heart and a monstrous love, Rose Thorn Cookie's magic and the magic of a small piece of ice from the Frost Queen, allowed her to continue to roam breadearth but corrupted her. No longer was she kind and sweet, but a deadly ghost with thorns that painfully ensnares any victim that intrudes into her territory, Sweet Subcon.
Epic - Sweet Sparkle Time Traveler (Ranged)
A sweet little girl with a hat who travels through space, collecting time hourglasses so no one would be able to use them for selfish reasons! Even if the depths of spaces could get lonely, she does her duty with all her best!
Unfortunately after a battle with the evil Dr. Evilglaze, her spaceship crashed on a strange planet called 'BreadEarth', landing near the snowy lands of Sweet Subcon. With her trusty umbrella and her cuteness, she's excited for her next big adventure!
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tls123 · 2 years
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thirty days of zewu-jun(e)  —  day twenty-five  + with bonus mingjue-xiong !
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necromancy-savant · 2 months
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Happy TDOV to the Makeover Mage, "the first canonically transgender character to be added to Runescape" all the way back in 2002
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darcyolsson · 1 year
I miss I was born for this or actually I miss that moment on tumblr a few years ago when it inexplicably got a massive fan art boom and everything felt good and right for just a second there
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yume-fanfare · 4 months
i miss you tennis club...........
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itcars · 2 years
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Inside Look at “Spirit of Carrera RS” Special Exhibition
The Porsche 911 Carrera RS 2.7 is an undisputed icon of automotive history, unique and unforgettable. Fifty years after its world premiere, the Porsche Museum is honouring it with a special exhibition, “Spirit of Carrera RS”. Starting on 20 September 2022, the Porscheplatz in Zuffenhausen will be all about the “ducktail”, “RS” or “2.7”, as the sports car is known among Porsche enthusiasts.
When the RS was unveiled at the Paris Motor Show on 5 October 1972, it was the first series-production car in the world with front and rear spoilers. The requirements for the 911 base vehicle for racing and rallying were clearly defined: light and fast were the watchwords. To achieve the objectives, Hans Mezger and Valentin Schäffer developed the 2.7-litre six-cylinder boxer engine with direct fuel injection from the ground up new. In the Sport version, the 210-PS, 960-kg Coupé went from 0 to 100 km/h in 5.8 seconds and topped out at almost 245 km/h. The precise aerodynamics designed back then with racing cars in mind still make the RS unique today. 
The Porsche Museum tells the story of the RS and its racing cousin, the RSR, not only through the cars and anecdotes, but also with films, photos, racing posters and interactive features. Visitors can, for example, put together their own custom RS by turning the model-detail and colour wheel of the kaleidoscope. To fulfil as many personal wishes as possible, Porsche held fast to the customisation principle with the Carrera RS 2.7. Buyers could choose from a wide array of colours and equipment options. The strong demand took the sports car manufacturer by surprise, which initially had planned a mere 500 series-produced cars for homologation. At the centre of the special exhibition is a bright yellow 911 Carrera RS 2.7 in Touring spec, as well as a rare prototype in green metallic. The vehicles, development documents, advertising brochures, price lists, the Carrera logo and an article from the customer magazine Christophorus describe the path from the development vehicle to the production-ready Porsche.
Visitors can also look forward to seeing other extraordinary cars from the family lineage of the ducktail spanning five decades of Porsche history. With the duo of the 911 (964) RS and 911 (993) RS, Porsche expanded the RS family to include air-cooled sports cars. The water-cooled era is represented by the 911 (996) GT3 RS, 911 (997) GT3 RS, 911 (991) GT3 RS and 911 (992) Sport Classic models, the last of which is a collector’s edition from the Heritage Design Series from Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur and features a fixed rear spoiler. The car’s moniker from the realm of avian anatomy was inspired by the shape of the rear spoiler. At high speeds, the ducktail presses the 911 to the ground and thus reduces lift to achieve the ideal balance and enable higher top speeds. With the RS half a century ago, the sports car manufacturer achieved the perfect synthesis between weight, power, aerodynamics and driving dynamics. Light, fast, race-ready and road-approved.
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taruruchi · 7 months
Vil's last SR = this event ; Vil's last SSR = Scalding Sands
Ortho's last SR = Bunny ; Ortho's last SSR = this event
Jack's last SR = Halloween 2 ; Jack's last SSR = Port
Azul's last SR = Halloween ; Azul's last SSR = Masquerade
And if Vil has 4 SRs, Ortho has 3 SRs, Jack has 2 SRs, and Azul has 1 SR, that means the next people to be in the masterchef event are Azul and Jack.
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zarinaz · 10 months
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♡⠀⠀⠀ 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐚̀ 𝐮́𝐫𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐚 – zarina as 𝑠𝑒𝑎 𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑙𝑙
zarina conhece pouco da praia, apenas o que ouvia enquanto era criança. a verdade é que ela tem muito medo das ondas, medo do desconhecido. apesar de gostar de sobrevoar a imensidão azul, ela nunca se sentiu confortável em chegar perto o suficiente da água. sua coisa é terra firme e árvores... escolheu o uso de tecidos leves. apenas o corset sendo feito com algo mais delicado, junto de pérolas.
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fromobllvion · 1 year
✶ open starter. @nesfantpontos.
Se fosse sincera, Elizabeth não tinha ideia do porquê de ter sido chamada para aquela festa. Os Sims podiam ser originários de Eden, mas sua influência na cidade era quase mínima — quando eram lembrados, a memória vinha permeada de tristeza, choque e melancolia, os pobres coitados que morreram na floresta. O convite também não devia ser mérito seu, já que estava de volta à cidade há menos de um ano e não fizera nada neste meio tempo para chamar a atenção da Amaranth Company ou de Carmilla Sevilla. Bom, esperava que não. Ele ainda chegara a sua porta, no entanto, e Elizabeth não queria dizer que recusara um convite para uma festa da mulher mais influente da cidade, então compareceu. Usava um de seus ternos de trabalho, o mais sofisticado que possuía (o que não era muita coisa), mas, em vez de usar uma blusa por baixo do paletó branco, abotoou-o sobre o sutiã e deixou-o aberto o suficiente para ainda expor um pouquinho de pele. Em nada enganaria os podres de rico de Eden, porém, se encontrasse outros perdidos como ela, talvez causasse uma boa impressão.
“Uma baita de uma festa, não é?” Perguntou para a pessoa ao seu lado, apenas para puxar assunto, pois sequer sabia o que fazer naquele lugar. “Não sei se o timing foi dos melhores, mas… quem sou eu para falar de um morto que nem conhecia.” A percepção de que sua fala podia ser mal interpretada veio um segundo mais tarde, logo após as palavras saírem de sua boca. “Meu Deus, que escrota. Desculpa. Você… conhecia Antonio D’Avila? Ou conhece Carmilla?”
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rumors-suavium · 10 months
As Dusk Falls...
Prologue Event Pt.1
As the hours come and go, you all make as much use of the available facilities as you can. While not all of the doors here seem to open, the ones that do host some interesting surprises at least. Though, as the morning turns to the afternoon and crawls to the evening: none of you have heard much word from Chuubey or the whereabouts of The Mayor. While Haselmaus would arrive to serve you when called, she also was noticeably absent from other areas.
Alone with each other, or simply with your thoughts, you wonder when things will change…
That is until you hear a deafening explosion that rocks the ground and ricochets through your ribcage coming from the ⁠Clocktower Plaza.
As the arrives, they're met with a disaster starting back in the area where they all first awoke.
Currently, parts of the plaza appear to be on fire. Soot and scorch marks mar the pink and purple bricks of the ground and Clocktower itself. Despite the rampant destruction, both Chuubey and Haselmaus are noticeably absent.
What on earth happened here!?
It doesn't take long for the group to start giving theories and throwing around accusations as to who could be responsible for the explosion. But, the discussion is inevitably cut short by yet another scream.
This time, the source seems to ring out from the looming, central Clocktower of the city. Despite parts of the stairs being melted or set ablaze, the group of Magi waste little time in scaling the fire escape towards the newest burst of chaos.
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justanotherfanfolks · 1 month
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angered-box · 3 months
there are characters in this game i can't be normal about god fucking hell..... THEIR DESIGNS ARE SO GOOD IVE MISSED SO MANY OF THEM
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vrnicky · 1 year
I got 21, my dude
Heyo gonny! This boy could have been also a good match to you due to his energy! But it's hard to actually catching him in one place!
You got...
Angelus! My reaperswap sans!
You and your skeleton boyfriend were dynamite together, people fear your energy mixed together! Your sassy and his no-filter attitude could make a Karen even regret treating both of you that way.
Because well, a Karen was in a bad mood while you two were ordering some food to take home. You were just chilling, flirting and the normal stuff until a woman without caring bumped into you, pushing against Angelus chest, not that you mind but she got in front of you! When it wasn't her turn! Oh you two were getting mad.
"Uh, excuse me? Lady, we were first." You try to control your anger mixed with hunger and she just gave you the side eye!! That-
–Excuse Me! My Girlfriend Is Talking To You!–Angelus step between both her and you and she just scoffs, turning to see both of you.
'well I don't care about either your girlfriend or your place on the line. Monsters shouldn't be mixed with.. humans..' just hearing that from that lady made your blood boil, how dare she!
"No no, listen here you lady, who are you to tell us what to do? You're a nobody who just wants to ruin our day and believe me, you don't want to see that happening!!" While you were talking, you pushed outside of the line and the lady turned red from how angry she got.
'dont you dare touch me!' before she could get any closer, Angelus step in between and hold her still with his magic.
–Now, Don't You Dare Talk That Way To My Girlfriend, Old Woman.–oh you were so happy when he refers to you as his girlfriend! Even if he says it several times.
Due to the incident with that Karen, you and Angelus had to eat there, in the restaurant and it wasn't as fancy or comfy like your house but you were laughing at that crazy lady.
"You must have seen her face! She was red!" You keep laughing, not noticing how Angelus was watching you with heart eyes until he kisses you softly.
He then pulls away blushing.
–Sorry! I-i Didn't- –you then took the collar of his shirt and kissed him, even though your kisses were more intense than his.
He didn't pulled away though ;)
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suchscary · 1 year
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Got my hands on my KZ Postcard package today... I'm so emotional over this
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andromedako · 1 year
ill put it here but if we're muts please Please tag shit abt the new event
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