qu4re · 1 year
Danganronpa Motive Ideas
Hey all! This is my first post on this blog... and on Tumblr! 
I’ve been roleplaying ever since I was a kid (About 6 or 7?), and I’ve obviously changed lots of my interests since I started. From Animal Jam to FNAF, to now Danganronpa... I’ve learned a lot! Currently, I’m into the Danganronpa and sandbox stuff, and I’m currently running a KGRP with some of my best friends on Discord! Sometimes, we have trouble finding motives, so I figured I’d share some of my favorites from the games I’ve been in and posted.
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- A random student is given a dangerous, even deadly weapon. This weapon can range from poison to knives, to even a gun. No one besides the mastermind, traitor(s), and the student who’s given the weapon knows who has it. After the kill, if the weapon is left at the crime scene, it’ll be disposed of with alongside the bodies. If the killer still has the weapon after the kill, they will keep it until their execution or until they graduate. If a student with nothing to do with the murder takes the weapon from the crime scene or its original holder, they will keep it until it is taken from them, they die, or will bring it with them when they graduate.
- Every student is assigned a certain target. The target can be anyone! Even whoever they are closest to in the game, or someone they’ve never talked to. If someone kills their assigned target and gets away with it, they can choose one person to graduate alongside them.
- This motive has been thrown around for a while, from what I know. It’s... Russian roulette but with people a character cares about! Though, my version of this motive has a slight twist to it. Every hour, students will gather in the usual spot for announcements. A monitor will display one person each student cares about, tied up and unable to speak or move. A person will randomly be selected, and they will be killed. Lets say that Hatsune Miku was in this game. I’ll say the person she was closest with is Kagamine Rin. If Kagamine Rin is selected to die out of all the other people, the next hour she will be replaced with the person Hatsune Miku is the second closest with, and the cycle will continue until she has no more people left. When that happens, Hatsune Miku will be put into the game of Russian roulette, just not tied up.
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fireflamedrago · 5 years
Roleplay Ideas
Hey! It’s Drago, been poking around tumblr and wanting to add to some group roleplay ideas cause I’m mostly seeing muse a and b, instead of group options, so I’m hoping this could help.
Long Term
1. Drama in Drama
Who doesn’t love Theatre? Well, a group of kids join the drama club. What kind of play are they putting on? None other than the classic Cinderella. But when romance blooms, sabotage ensues, and drama unfolds, will this play ever make it on time?
Genre: Slice of life, drama
Numbers: 7-15
Assistant (optional)
Lead roles
- Cinderella
- Prince
- King
- Step mother
- Step sister 1
- Step sister 2
- Lucifer the cat
- Coachman
Backstage crew (2-5)
- Lighting
- props
- scenery
Roles can change and can be edited. You can take the idea and change it to make it your own. But this can also double as a high school roleplay to get interactions amongst characters. All character types are available for this roleplay. Feel free to add what you want.
2. Voyagers
On the ocean. Nothing better than exploring the sea with your most trusted friends. But when you set off, you find yourself in a world bigger than the small place you grew up. Merpeople, pirates, monsters, and natural elements. Will you guys ever find the promise land of a new shore?
Genre: fantasy, action, adventure
Numbers: 7-25
This is also a very general idea but feel free to add your own elements into it. You can add roles and put your own flare to it. You can also make it a pirate roleplay.
3. Crossing Over
You ever hear yourself saying “Man, I wish I lived in that world.” Well, what if you could? A group of online friends suddenly get a random person thrown into their server (or group chat). When they start talking strangely, they think it’s a bot. That is until they’re all thrown into a portal that brings them to the realm of worlds. And now you and your friends have to travel through different worlds to get back to your own... or... will you choose to leave your own world behind?
Genre: Any
Numbers: 3-20
This is a creative one that can cross through multiple genres or fandoms. Teen wolf and gravity falls and Percy Jackson. Ouran High School and The Office and Marvel and Disney cartoons. This will be up to you and the group of how you want to cross dimensions. But basically the portal is placed in a specific place of the universe and you have to find it. You can basically have fun in the world you want, until everyone turns on you or you guys cause problems and then it’s off to the new world.
4. Help Wanted
(Warning: this one is not for sensitive role players)
You think you’re a caregiver? Think you can provide all you can? Well how about being a caretaker for an orphanage? But this isn’t just any orphanage. No, there are very little workers here for a reason. Because people expected docile children and sad souls who a hug and a cookie can solve all their problems. But what if that wasn’t right? What if these orphans aren’t as innocent as they seem? What if they hate your very presence? And what if.. just what if, leaving your door unlocked could be your end?
Genre: Horror, ‘Slice of Life’
Numbers: 7-19
New Worker 1
New Worker 2 (optional)
Worker 1
Worker 2
Worker 3 (optional)
Worker 4 (optional)
Orphans (at least 4)
Outside Friends (optional)
This roleplay is darker than the others but it’s an option. The kids basically don’t trust new people and only want their workers. Some kids are sad and quiet, some are hyper and loud, some are troubled by demons, and some are the demons. And some are our to kill you. But you as the new worker have to prove yourself or die trying.
5. Under the Sea
In the ocean lie the mystical creatures we know as merpeople. But there are multiple kinds. There’s the surface class mers. Which contain the coral, open, and trench families of mers. And then there’s the deep sea class of mers which contain the twilight mers, abyssal mers, And trench dwellers. These two classes of merfolk do not get along well, at all. But when all of these merfolk are plagued by an evil sea witch, they’re gonna have to work together to defeat the witch, or they can say good bye to their homes as they know it.
Genre: Fantasy, adventure
Number: 6-18
Surface Mers
- coral mers (>1)
- open sea mers (>1)
- trench dwellers (>1)
Deep sea Mers
- Twilight mers (>1)
- Abyssal Mers/Luminescent mers (>1)
- Trench Dwellers (>1)
Sea Witch
Other Species Possible:
Angler fish
Surface Mers
- Coral mers are very colorful and usually smaller to get around all the nooks and crannies. Their tails are shorter but with bigger side fins to help with sharp turns and agile swimming. However they’re not built for long swims. They’re peaceful and friendlier since they live close by and often help each other out. Some coral mers are even able to use camoflauge.
- Open sea mers have long and very strong tails. Most open sea mers are monochromatic while still being vibrant. This is to help with currents and distance. However they’re not agile. They are powerful swimmers though. These are the active hunters of the sea. They are aggressive and territorial. Open sea mers are independent and strong willed. So meeting others isn’t always common. And most of the time, is unwanted.
- Surface trench dwellers are the lower class. These are the pack hunters. They are fast and agile. They have the fastest speed of the surface class. They are also very untrusting of other species. But are the most loyal to their kind or accepted kinds. Surface trench dwellers have faded color schemes. You can also find rogue or lone mers in this species. The dynamics work pack style. They also have the easiest transition between surface and deep sea, however can not go past the twilight zone.
Deep Sea Mers
- Twilight mers have very very sharp senses and good reflexes. They are also evasive and good at hiding. Their best tactic is ambush. They also have tougher scales to better keep in heat for survival. They are usually very peaceful and respectful. They are still aggressive but usually in an act of defense. Their tails are long and quick for swimming and hunting. They are usually dark colored merfolk. It’s likely to find solid colored mers in this species than any other species.
- Abyssal mers also known as luminescent mers are the furthest species found in the ocean. However these gentle creatures are omnivores. They feed on mostly plants and small jellyfish or squid. They also have luminescent scales that help them see in the dark. They’re more independent and will often get aggressive with each other. They have thick scales to keep in heat for survival and for defensive purposes. These mers have the longest but the weakest tails because there are no currents in the abyss.
- Deep sea Trench dwellers are the most dangerous of the species. They’ve been known to be cannibals. Often mistaken for surface trench dwellers, who are more docile to invaded territory, deep sea trench dwellers are lone mers. They are the most hostile and have the most violent tendencies. These mers are the ones notorious for sinking ships and killing humans. They are silent killers because of the way their scales and fins are built, you can’t hear them approach. These mers are deadly.
6. Surprise!
You’re moving into an apartment complex! And surprise! You’re a roommate to who even knows! And not to mention your next door neighbors! Or the other next door neighbors! Or the ones beside those. Who’s having a party on a Tuesday?! What was that crash?! Who’s baby is screaming and crying?! Pizza guy delivered to the wrong room for the 8th time! What kind of crazy place did you sign end up living in?!?
Genre: Slice of life, humor
Numbers: 4-18
- New Comer
- Roomate 1
- Roomate 2
- Roomate 3
- Next door neighbor
- Next door neighbor 2
- Next door neighbor 3
- Next door neighbor 4
This is a fun silly one where you can basically go crazy. There doesn’t have to be 1 new comer. There can be 5 new people or all of them can be new! Whatever you choose to do! Go crazy and have a blast or learn to take painkillers like a pro, because you’ll probably need them!
Hope you liked them and feel free to use these as an inspiration! I’ll be posting more eventually!
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blackserpentine · 3 years
You know what I would like to do? To meet a goblin in a story that makes me a alexandrian blade. I think that would be so cool!
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fan-clan-fun · 6 years
Thoughts on a Human Warriors AU?
This is mostly me just having no life and no ability to channel my ideas into art sooo now Im thinking of random AU and RP possibilities.
At one point I roleplayed on a site and they did an AU which ended up getting its own site, where each clan became a gang in a postapocalyptic city.
My favorite possibility, is rival Noble houses, or clans of the same family, with outsiders who are married, adopted, or brought in. They basically fight for power in a city state where there is a monarch who has just enough power to play them off each other.
So if we go with the canon clans you have the Clan of the River (or the Sea if I made it the way I want to), the Clan of Thunder, the Clan of Shadows, and the Clan of the Wind. Or I could go with giving them names like Clan Umbra (shadow), Clan Fulmen (Lightning, light, flash), Clan Mare (Sea), and Clan Ventus. Potentially the monarch could be the head of Clan Caelum (Sky).
I spent way too long thinking about this so umm, maybe have a read more? So people who only want warrior cats wont hate me XD But hey if you’re interested keep reading!
Anyway, each clan is known for their “thing.” 
Mare controls the docks and sea around the city state, and are the masters of the navy (and also pirates to any ship which doesnt have a shipping agreement with them, which drives other clans nuts when they dont want to pay tariffs for shipments and try to get around them). Mare is known for shrewd and clever dealing with others, but also underhanded methods. Their youth are encouraged to run wild and get rid of their energy and resentment to better serve the family as adults. They specialize in the navy and ships.
Umbra supposedly controls the information flow for the city, but ultimately Umbra basically is the criminal underground, and you cant really be a criminal without Umbra’s approval, or without working directly with them. Umbra has its fingers in every pie, but very few overt resources to make power plays. Their youth is spent hidden in plain sight, as spies for their elders. After all who pays attention to a child or a teenager. They specialize in assassinations, covert operations.
Clan Fulmen is the science area, and are known for messing around with things they REALLY SHOULDNT. They are the only Clan that uses gunpowder weaponry, and their youth are known for being arrogant and daredevil, because they believe that they are superior to the other clans intellectually. They specialize in big flashy powerful displays of weaponry.
Clan Ventus is known for their carefree nature, and their defense of the outer areas of the city. They have hot air balloons which watch over the city, and much of the borders of the city are manned by their people. Their young people are encouraged to go on journeys of self discovery, to learn through personal experience. They specialize in adapting to new situations, and pick up new skills well, and among their skill sets include survival in the wild, and interaction with animals such as horses, dogs, and other animals used in farming and husbandry.
Clan Caelum protects the Monarch. They are made up of original clan members, usually those closely related to the monarch, and any people from other clans who have married into the clan. This clan is the most likely to recruit from outside its ranks through merit and trust to build and protect the city in a form of police force and secret service for the Monarch. Their youth spend their apprentice years working hard to prove themselves worthy of the respect of their elders and become officers in the corp of troops. They specialize in martial arts and weapons and are formidable fighters.
Why the heck am I still doing this I need to get a life.
They have their own form of a warrior code, and there are still parts of it that remain, particularly the rule about children. A lot of it is adapted of course but its still a code of honor.
Another thing which unites them is their religious beliefs. There is a temple which has a groups of priests? Oracles? Some form of religious people. And they teach that the clans were chosen from the beginning of time, and that those who live extraordinary lives, or something I dont know, will one day move on to the Starry Halls. Yeah this section is still sketchy.
Anyway, I dont know, I love working with fun possibilities and I love human warrior Aus.
Anyone want to plot with me? Maybe an rp? 
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jjwriter101 · 7 years
Roleplay Idea’s
I’d like to be female though I’m open for doubles. 18+ Literate Rp’s. I’ve had 4 years of roleplay experience from Goodreads and I hope to roleplay here too. 
Stalker/Kidnapper (You)x Victim/Kidnapped (Me) 
Fuckboy(You) x Innocent girl (Me)
Bully(You) x Victim (Me) 
Teen Pregnancy
Twilight Saga
Harry Potter
 The Hunger Games
Percy Jackson 
13 Reasons Why
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laxyhippo · 4 years
The sin Sloth is tired of getting called lazy. Everyone who commits it, is just shitty lazy. It turns out, Sloth is probably the most fit person in the world. What happens when Sloth becomes a normal human, to stop people from commiting their sin?
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octaviaxrin · 7 years
Post #1
1. Bucket list.
2. (person a) leaves (person b) and their life falls apart afterwards. (person a) and (person b) are reunited on the streets where (person b) has been living ever since their life fell apart. Their relationship soon begins to grow strong again.
3. AU where there’s a species of anthropomorphic animals treated as slaves.
4. (person a) and (person b) are partnered to do a project for school and start to fall for each other.
5. (person a) and (person b) are leads in a school play and/or musical.
6. Character begins to develop an eating disorder.
7. (Person a) and (person b) are put in the same foster home.
8. Standing up to the school bully.
9. Opposites attract.
10. Twins/siblings separated are reuinited.
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messymummying-blog · 7 years
Here she is loading her new washing machine! Now my turn to get some washing done. #mummyjobs #doingthewashing #roleplayideas #smallworldplayideas #learnthroughplay #learningthroughplay #parenting #mummy #earlyyearsideas #playideas #mumblog #mumsofinstagram #toddlergroup #toddlersofig #toddler #parenting mummyblog #mumblog #newblogpost
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laxyhippo · 4 years
Person A has always idolized a higher class person, Person B. They’ve always followed them around, asking to hang out. They’ve been nothing but generous, but Person B seems to hate them. What happens, when suddenly one day, Person B shows up at their front door, trying to seduce them and even touch them?
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messymummying-blog · 7 years
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What a rock and roll Saturday night I had! Was I out on the proseco? Dancing the night away? Nope. I can't remember the last time I did that, probably someone's hen party. I don't mind, i actually can't stand nightclubs these days. I've left that back in my uni days. This Saturday night was happily spent on the living room floor painting a cardboard box!! Waaahooo!! We have recently decorated our bedroom and had quite a lot of paint left. Plus we had new bedside cabinets delivered in a perfect sized cardboard box. So, I painted the box, sealed up the top and bottom, cut a hole and drew on all the buttons, knobs and the drawer. I'm really not the greatest artist but I'm pretty proud of my efforts! I showed E her new washing machine this morning and she was over the moon. It must look alright because she instantly knew what it was and we had to find some washing to put in. Now I need to work out how to fashion a dishwasher!! Trickier! Any ideas anyone?? #cardboardartskills #howdoimakeadishwasher #messymummying #roleplayideas #smallworldplay #smallworldplayideas #parenting #mummy #earlyyearsideas #playideas #mummy #mummying #mummyblog #mummyblogger #blogger #mumblog #newblog #newblogpost
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areodus · 10 years
I think it would be cool to do a cop/police roleplay...like, between two roleplayers and their characters are partners. You can always throw in a third character/roleplayer to play the bad guy.
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wolves-willow · 10 years
Looking up new roleplay ideas on google and all that comes up is sexual things. Like NO. I don't want that! Thank you gOODBYE.
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laxyhippo · 4 years
“Hey, so can we like talk..?”
“What is it, Jacob?”
“What would you like do if...”
“If what?”
“If you were trying to hide a large and friendly yeti from the cops?”
“I’m coming over right now.”
“No wait -”
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laxyhippo · 4 years
He tilted his head, confused. You didn’t want to do it. It was an accident, you kept telling yourself. He hugged you, sobbing uncontrollably. You looked down, realizing, none of it was an accident, you smiled anyways, not caring at all. You were glad you killed him.
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laxyhippo · 4 years
The seven deadly sins have always been imagined as terrifying and monstrous. Turns out, they all live in seven towers in the underworld, struggling to find out life’s purpose. What happens when a sex addict, literal cannibal, moneyholic, lazyass, sin version of Bakugou, needy bitch, and John Cena spend a week together crammed up?
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