#role quest spoilers
amdapor-keep · 10 months
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Big bad wolf.
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lilbittymonster · 2 months
WIP Wednesday Whenever
Tagged by @ardberts tysm!
Tagging @crackinglamb and whoever else wants a go at it, no clue who's writing and who's not lol
Bit from the current fix it for the EW caster role quest, under the cut for potential spoilers
“Artoirel.” Kitali was looking at him intensely when he turned to face her, and he held her gaze with as much poise as he could muster. “Yes?” “How bad has he been?” He was not sure whether to be ashamed or relieved at how quickly she saw through his pretenses. He felt his shoulders slump in defeat as he shed his professional mask. “He’s been bloody awful. Lucia and I have done our best to support him where we can, but he still feels as though these transformations fall at his feet, not at the blasphemy’s.” Kitali rolled her eyes and sighed through her nose in exasperation. “Of fucking course he does, we’ve talked about this-” she muttered to herself.  “I hope with your presence he will be more at ease,” Artoirel said. “Though, given his manners  just now, I am not certain just how much.” Kitali just shrugged and followed after Aymeric, Artoirel not far behind. He could see just how distracted the man was with how little he paid attention to other pedestrians, half turning into entire walls before righting himself and continuing up the winding staircase towards the Pillars. “So,” Kitali said quietly after a time, “if you needed mages to reinstate the wards, why not ask for Y’shtola? Why me?” “Because right now, Aymeric needs you more than Ishgard needs a mage,” Artoirel answered in kind. “The stone has been rebuilt a hundred times over. We will endure. But I think that, without you, he will not.”
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kootiepatra · 1 year
The Final Blasphemy
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In canon, Keimwyda did not do most of the role quests--she is a bard main through and through, with some limited skill as a paladin. But I imagine those other problems would get solved without her, and in time, the final blasphemy in Garlemald would be revealed. There is no way she would refuse to go along to help.
This would have been after she physically recovered from the end of 6.0, but before the start 6.1. She and Aymeric are fairly newly officially together, and he is one of a very, VERY few people who has heard the whole story of what happened to her in In From the Cold.
He was worried about her from the moment they were asked to take on this mission, but she assured him before heading out there that she would be fine. And to be fair, she genuinely thought she would be. But... she is not the best at actually processing difficult memories and emotions, and they all rushed back when she had to think about entering the tower again.
She did go through with the battle, and did prevail, and in doing so crossed an important early hurdle on the journey to healing.
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leviathanmirror · 1 year
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Maybe I’m misunderstanding something but every time I get to Aymeric’s dialogue about responsibility all I can think is, “babygirl, you are going to be such a beautiful disaster when you self-destruct.”
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harmonysanreads · 10 months
i'm so sorry for judging you, your honor.
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he's so??? nice??? and?? awkward??? 😭 That was NOT how I was expecting the first meeting to be but I'm not complaining at all!! In terms of manner-of-speech, he reminds me of Zhongli but unlike him, he possesses like -10000000 emotional intelligence. That scene of him constantly apologizing to Navia because he doesn't know what else to say or do is now stuck in my head. I'm convinced he'd be the most frustrating male yandere in genshin ever — yes, you can step down now Alhaitham.
Because, not only does he seem to genuinely not understand humans, but also that he's terrible at expressing his own emotions. It'll be so difficult to communicate with him in matters that involve emotions that you'd much rather go to prison (I know I'd just end up crying from sheer frustration). Yes no grandpa, making it rain actually doesn't help. Putting that aside, whew that archon quest...
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piratespencil · 29 days
Also I can’t believe we got Doriax crumbs in the first half (“KISS!” “I cast AO3!”) and Dorym reunion in the second half. All my Dorian ships tonight. <3
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its-your-mind · 18 days
a grubby long-haired unkempt dirty wizard in a long robe; running from his past crimes and hiding from a kingdom; seeking redemption for horrors he wrought upon his own; leaves Zadash with a ragtag group of adventurers off to face something beyond their abilities and seek answers beyond their comprehension about lost secrets of the arcane no one has been able to come close to for almost a thousand years.
his husband sits curled up with a book at home with their cats, hoping he’ll make it back in time to share all he learned over dinner.
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Dorian remembering the Spider Queen and the Matron of Ravens and the Wildmother and what happened to his group : and the gods are ..... 👍 ?
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meg-noel-art · 1 year
Okay I have to get a single vent off my chest and then I promise I'll be quiet.
I need ya'll to please realize now (before backlash at Guerrilla gets hurled in three years) DLC characters/content do not become mainstay installments in the way you imagine.
DLC characters do not become main characters.
DLC plots can be removed from the main story and recited as exposition in a main entry.
It HAS to be removable, because not every consumer buys DLC. Whether for lack of resources, access, or principal.
I just really don't wanna see people griping that Guerrilla "dropped"... ahem, anything... in three years from now. Or that some kind of endgame was promised and then taken away.
We been knew, or we SHOULD know bc this is how DLCs have worked always forever.
Not to mention BS was even MORE exclusive by proxy of being literally exclusive to a console people STILL don't have easy access to.
Please everyone just be reasonable when the time comes, that's all I'm worried about.
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birues · 20 days
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wol is dropping banger quotes as always
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vividblaze · 10 months
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A quick doodle of my druid and a certain barbarian bae.
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starrysnowdrop · 5 months
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Aymeric de Borel in “Ever March Heavensward” ~ Endwalker Magical Ranged DPS Role Quests
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alchemania · 7 months
Finally got enough energy to talk about Furina's SQ and while I loved her and the troupe, MC and Paimon were .... Not Great. I talked about this with friends but in Paimon's case especially, the way they interact with Furina feels like people who just don't understand trauma and depression and then engage with someone suffering from both in all the wrong ways.
Talking about how much of a downgrade her house is from the opera house, making fun of how she can't cook, pushing her to act when she's set a very clear boundary and then guilt tripping her after she's stuck to her guns, shaming her for not being able to fight well (Paimon literally talks about how second hand embarrassment is overwhelming and I'm just like ?????), telling her she's "not acting like herself" when she attempts to open up and be vulnerable....it's just really rough. That and the MC asking "is something wrong" when Furina gets sad over Poission ..like bro people died and she couldn't save them and she's tearing herself apart over it. Those people are never coming back and you know it and you have the gall to ask her is something wrong??? Of COURSE there is!!
It just feels especially odd because we literally get to see all of Furina's suffering and Paimon in particular is. SO mean? Like she was more understanding with Wanderer and Ei and THEY'VE tried to kill us multiple times!! I don't get it, and honestly I'm very proud of Furina for refusing to waver. Let her rest!! She's tired and depressed and she needs time to heal; and honestly fuck Paimon for trying to make her feel bad. Furina's worked harder than she EVER will.
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leviathanmirror · 1 year
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No fishy but I did finish the physical ranged role quests with Narangerel.
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bikananjarrus · 5 months
i can’t stop thinking about my kids
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musicinherhead · 7 months
M9 Reunion thoughts:
- I was woefully unprepared for Beau finding Imogen attractive. I am deceased.
- Fearne and Laudna would love the Blooming Grove so much
- Beauyasha in an open relationship discussion feeds fanwriters for moons to come
- I miss Veth but LUC
- I need a convergence of all three parties bc: Beau, Yasha, Imogen, Fearne. Jester and Fearne. Fearne and Caduceus. Fjord and Chet meeting. Scanlan and Jester meeting. Vex being endlessly amused. Percy being endlessly annoyed. Keyleth and Caduceus and Pike meeting. Yasha and Grog arm wrestling.
- Just imagine how worried all the regular Sending receivers are rn at the sudden peace and quiet in their minds :(
- Aggy was hilarious. Does anyone know if he lasted long than Spurt??
- Beauyasha moments for the win!
- okay, but Caleb having to relive that trauma made me so upset. If someone did that with my mother I’d burn the world around them to ash
- is Essek okay?
- Cad’s Divine Intervention was AMAZING
- Luc was amazing! The Enlarge on the T-Rex was epic. Great dnd choice.
- Laura’s dice mostly love Imogen but hate Jester when it matters 😭 but Marisha’s dice hate Laudna and love Beau lol
Final thoughts: now that the M9 knows of the threat ruidis poses, I hope we get more cameos in campaign 3 with them. Imogen deserves the chance to meet Beauyasha. And so does Fearne. I hope we get a wedding oneshot sooon! I’d also love to see more of Luc. I was hoping we’d see the Wildmother send both Fjord and Caduceus the same warning the Changebringer and Dawnfather sent FCG and Deanna, hopefully that’s expanded soon.
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