hyperfixat · 6 months
fucking single pull got me a five star at sub20 pity (standard banner) and it was dehya and i like her just fine, more than most standard banner characters but. i’ve been wanting diluc SO BAD hes my fucked up looking little husband. i love his big eyes he looks so silly i neeed him and hoyo wont give him to me
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gofuschia · 1 year
Hi my name is Incapable Of Finishing my WIPS
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pompadorbz · 2 months
People love trans hcs until they cant ignore them i think. with that being said RAH RAAAHHHHHH GRAAAHHH TRANSFEM MONDO ROARRRRR ROARRRRRR RAHHHHHH (i have no new art of her sorry. pretend i have. really cool art and i put it here. im a busy gal ok she roams docile in my brain at all times) RAHHHHHHHHHHH
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onlyswan · 5 months
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s1 episode 19 thoughts
my evening scully and mulder time has arrived!!! i read the synopsis of the episode- that they investigate a shapeshifting Indigenous creature- and (correctly) made the guess that things would be. well. appropriation-y.
the first thing i wrote was "roarrrrr a bear", this is because we see a taxidermy bear. hope that clears up any confusion.
the old man looks like mark twain. which is a normal thing to notice about a guy.
the son of mark twain guy- who shot a creature that turned out to be a man- pulls our duo aside and mentions how he knows their story doesn't make sense. i admired this self-aware move. most of the people who give mulder and scully their evidence are less willing to admit that it's kinda unlikely they really got abducted by aliens or saw bigfoot or whatever. so he won me over in this way.
scully's annoyed because she thinks it's just a homicide and says there's NOTHING unusual about this... and at that very moment mulder rolls up with a big piece of skin like "nope. nothing weird at all". count on him to find that. seems just like the thing he'd do. spooky mulder and all.
they go to a bar on the reservation to try and find the sheriff and learn more, but are met with a chilly reception due to the fact that they are working for the US government. but we see the dead guy's sister and she is very pretty as well as an old man that mulder talks to about shapeshifting.
"i want to believe" <- HE SAID THE LINE!!!!!
when they go to check the guy's body, mulder gets on the ground and opens the deceased's mouth to reveal: he has fangs!!!!!!!! which is probably the first time mulder looking in a dead guy's mouth has found anything useful! but certainly not the last.
at this point scully is weirded tf out because like. he knew to look for the skin AND jumped straight to the dead guy's teeth and she says mulder, you had best tell me what is going on right NOW. and we get a lore reveal!!! he knows all this because a similar case was the... drumroll please...
everyone cheered and clapped and pointed at the screen.
everyone EXCEPT scully, that is. because she is pissed that he would propose people can turn into animals. she got so mad that she got out of the car and left. this reaction is likely why mulder did not tell her about his hunch in the first place, but really can you blame her? she is a doctor. that profession is too busy to deal with werewolves.
they had giant umbrellas in almost every scene of this episode. oh, to be tromping around the pacific northwest adjacent era, hunting for clues in the rain... how atmospheric!
scully says she's very sorry to the murdered man's sister. not much to note here beyond that it was a kind thing to do.
there's a scene where someone turns into a wolf creature and pummels mark twain man and it looked remarkably similar to the attack my werewolf character in skyrim performs, which made me laugh. the "lunge and rip the person apart" technique must be universal to werewolf media across the land.
scully finds mark twain guy's son hurt in a field and takes him to the hospital! that was very kind of her but: i don't like it when our duo splits up. i enjoy their codependency.
but oh no!! things are not looking good for our murdered man's sister, who has since gone missing. did she do it....? (spoilers: nah she's innocent)
i felt very bad for the scraggly guy scully found in the middle of a field, who seem to thought that he somehow triggered his father's death. scully says she knows how it feels because she just lost her dad and holds his hand as he cries. scully :(((((((((
so then mulder and the sheriff visit an elder who explains the myth of the shapeshifter to them as one who is attacked and then attacks others, and cannot remember the trance they fall into. they refer to this as an Algonquin legend, and at first i was confused because the Algonquin live on the opposite side of north america, but the term can also refer to the entire language family that stretches across the continent. the more you know!
(regardless, the appropriation of Indigenous imagery as a form of horror entertainment by white folks is always gonna be Problematic and i do not excuse them of this crime)
but this is a sad kind of monster, in the x-files universe at least- one who doesn't know they are attacking others, which is a very compelling trope imo...
and we learn the kid had his father's blood in him, which can only happen if he ate his dad... which means...
(actually i will copy my notes verbatim here, which i wrote while she drove him home, then continued writing as she tried to help him out while he was acting weird and locked himself in the bathroom)
"NOOO THE KID IS THE EVIL FELLOW AND SCULLY IS DRIVING HIM HOME this is what being a doctor gets you ohhh poor kid and poor scully she just wants to do her doctor duties and she'll pick the damn lock if she needs to that's doctorly dedication NOOOO HE'S GONNA EAT HER NOOOO NOT IN SEASON ONE WE HAVE SO MANY MORE TO GET TO"
wow, i think that says a lot. feel free to unpack that at a later time.
anyway, mulder realizes what is going on and he shows up with the sheriff guns blazing. like seriously, he SHOOTS the taxidermied bear i had earlier said "roaaaaar" to. the head is blown clean off. he was NOT going to let scully get eaten.
finally during his search of the ranch, he opens a door and she's hiding in there. they fall on top of each other and she says "it's okay, it's me, it's okay" and. man. the whispering. the need to be at each other's side in the face of imminent danger. the relief of those hushed words. it's okay. it's me. they're together again and they can face this Thing as a united front. ohhhhhhh hold me tight.
the sheriff shoots the mysterious creature and surprise! it turns into the guy who had been previously found naked in a field and accused of eating his father.
scully is deeply perplexed by all of this. she does not know what to think, for a mere 24-ish hours ago she was talking about how a human cannot become an animal! another instance of her central beliefs being shaken to the core.
before they leave, the old man yells to mulder "see you in about 8 years" referring to the cyclical nature of the attacks. and he says "i hope not"... how very ominous... i will certainly keep this in mind for future seasons
i thought the suspense in this episode was really good and i knew deep down she wasn't really going to be eaten, but i was still scared, so it certainly did its job in that regard. overall, not my fave episode though for cultural appropriation reasons- hint to those reading: Don't profit off of bastardizing Indigenous belief systems.
they did serve with those goth black umbrellas, though, i'll give them that.
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teaforthotxxx · 3 days
Im such a basic fantasy bitch. If i see mermaid vampire witches in the title i go feral. But like when i say mermaids i mean the pretty ones. Vampires and witches can be selectively ugly or require large human sacrifice to stay pretty.
Fairies should be pretty depending on what kind of fairfolk they are. Also, seelkies and sirens (the bird version).
I love dragons but I hate the humanification of them. They must roarrrrr and eat people. I don’t care how much you like cats. A dragon is a big lizard. They will go chomp chomp on your hand eragon-style.
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leones-bl0g · 6 days
wanna show me your growl? - bandaid 🪶🩹
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demon4dilfs · 9 months
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amingethia · 7 months
Problem(usually a rockslide): exists
Bunga: “Use the roar! USE THE ROARRRRR!”
Kion: “Dude chill the fuck out.”
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tuco!!!!! hi!!!!!!
-ur favorite cigarette:3
- you're not
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mysilentmemory · 2 years
There’s something about Donghae speaking in English that makes his voice sound distinctly different as in hot, sexy, roarrrrr type of different. ᴮᵒᵘᵗ_ᴱᵘⁿʰᵃᵉ
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scampiandarchie · 1 year
Tumblr media
“Hear me roarrrrr 🦁”👅💦🐱😸 catsagram# catpeople# igcats#mainecooncats# gingercats# catvideos# Welovecats# funnycats# catpics# catworld# catyawns https://www.instagram.com/p/CnP4auyt_9G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nextinline-if · 2 years
Oh my gosh! I love chicken nuggets! I had some for lunch actually. You must have delivered them. My savior 😇💕
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erwinmartinezsblog · 1 month
Once upon a time, in a little village, there was a girl named Lily, a girl that smell a Johnson baby powder ( OLFACTORY) and has a soft skin with soft heart (TACTILE). She was kind and everyone loved her. One sunny day,( THERMAL) while exploring the woods that has dancing trees (PERSONIFICATION) and plants and different animals ( VISUAL). Lily heard a roarrrrr (AUDITORY) and found a secret cave. Inside, she saw colorful crystals that glowed in the dark.
Deep in the cave, Lily found a small dragon. It was hurt and sad. Lily wasn't scared and helped the dragon. She gave it delicious food that has a bittersweet (OXYMORON) taste ( GUSTATORY) and a tank of water (HYPERBOLE) because the dragon is thirsty and took care of its wounds. She is an angel from heaven above. (METAPHOR) The dragon told Lily that it was lost and missed its family.
Lily decided to help the dragon find its family. She asked an old wise person for advice. The wise person said the dragon's family was far away, across the big ocean.
Lily was determined to help. She went on a not so big adventure.(UNDERSTATEMENT) She sailed across the ocean and met friendly sea creatures. (SYNECDOCHE) She even made friends with a playful mermaid.
Finally, Lily reached the dragon's homeland. The dragon's family was so happy to see them. They thanked Lily for her kindness.Lily returned to her village as a hero. (SIMILE) She always stayed humble and continued to be kind to others.
The End.
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kiyannakitanna · 2 months
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samama--khalid · 3 months
...who let a child on here
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