rilayafever · 6 years
mistletoe (rilaya fanfic)
A/N: Here's a fluffy Christmas one shot for everyone! Featuring a clueless Maya and a lovesick Riley.
It was Christmas Eve at the Matthews residence and Riley and Maya were cuddling in bed, having their annual Christmas movie binge watching night.
The blonde haired girl nestled into Riley's neck and hummed in content when her friend stroked her hair. Maya has had feelings for Riley for as long as she can remember but she's never been brave enough to act on it.
"Hey Maya?" Riley asked softly, drifting her attention away from the flashy Christmas movie.
Maya looked up at her fondly. "Yeah?" She smiled. She could feel Riley's legs slowly untangle themselves from her own. Maya frowned to herself at the action and missed the warmth that Riley's body emitted.
The brunette pushed herself up on her elbows and sat up properly. "Have you ever kissed someone?"
Maya shook her head quickly. This question definitely came out of nowhere, she thought. "I haven't. If I ever kissed somebody, you would've the first person I told Riley."
Her best friend nodded in acknowledgment in silence. Riley's gaze was focused on the blank wall in front of her.
Reaching out to grab Riley's hand under the sheets, Maya intertwined their fingers and squeezed her hand tightly. "Who's got you thinking about kissing? Does somebody miss their cowboy? We can always FaceTime Lucas!" Maya offered in a fake tone. It killed her inside when she had to pretend to support whatever was going on between Lucas and Riley.
The taller girl chuckled softly but shook her head. "No, I don't like Lucas anymore, Maya."
"Oh." She replied, not knowing what to do with this new information.
"Yeah," Riley repeated. "It's just, um-" Maya slowly rubbed her thumb across Riley's palm to calm her down. "-my parents decided to put mistletoe up this year and I don't know what I'm going to do if I end up under the mistletoe with someone and I'm horrible at kissing."
The blonde held back a laugh at her friend's innocence. "You're being silly, Riles. You've kissed Lucas before, haven't you?"
"I guess-" Riley shrugged. "But I never told you how I really felt about it."
"Well, how did you feel about it then?" Maya pressed.
Her best friend shook her head in disapproval. "I hated it, Maya." She admitted. Maya jumped back a little, shocked by what she was hearing.
"What?!" Maya asked. "You told me it was perfect?"
"That's what I tried to convince myself. But I know now that I can't lie to myself about something that I don't feel. It was all wrong Maya, I didn't like how rough and thin his lips were or how his hair was too short for me to run my fingers through, or how hard her biceps were when I rested my hands on them. I didn't like any of it. It repulsed me."
Maya was shocked, to say the least. "Wow."
Riley nodded, slightly out of breath and tried to avoid any eye contact with Maya in case she made her feelings any more obvious.
"So what you're saying is that you want to be under the mistletoe with a boy who has soft, plump lips, long hair, and noodles for arms?" Maya asked, stroking her chin slightly. She was so oblivious sometimes.
Riley wanted to hit her arm so bad but her best friend looked too adorable with her thinking face that she couldn't even manage to look away from Maya's beautiful face.
"No." Riley breathed out. It's now or never. She told herself. "I want to be under the mistletoe who has all of those features and I know they would never judge me if I was a bad kisser or not."
Riley could almost see the imaginary gears turning in her best friend's mind as she tried to think of who best fit the description. "Oh! I know!" Maya said excitedly, like she had a eureka moment.
The brunette winced slightly and prepared for rejection. "You want to be under the mistletoe with coconut hair Farkle! He always used chapstick, had long hair and his arms couldn't not be more noodle like." Maya shuddered, thinking back to the time Farkle posed in her bathing suit in front of the grade 7 art class.
"All we need to do now is find a time machine I guess..." Maya trailed off. "I'll text Smackle!" The blonde reached for her phone in her back pocket, only to have it slapped out of her hand by Riley.
"It's not Farkle! How clueless can you be?!" Riley exclaimed.
Maya sighed heavily. "You're really killing me, Riles. I've exhausted just about all of my resources." She complained, pointing to her brain and knocking it. A hollow sound rang throughout Riley's room. "It's empty now! Look what you did."
Growing tired of this guessing game, Riley jumped up from her bed and pulled Maya with her by their still intertwined hands. "Where are we going?" The blonde questioned.
"Shut up." Riley replied in a deadpan tone and dragged her to the doorway in the kitchen where the mistletoe hung.
"Damn, okay." Maya muttered to herself.
When the duo were standing together under the mistletoe Maya only got more confused (if that was even possible).
"Peaches?" Riley whispered.
Maya nodded in response, maintaining her eye contact with Riley.
"Do you understand now?" Riley asked, speaking very slowly.
"Yes. You want me to role-play as Charlie so that you can prepare for your actual kiss with him." Maya answered. "Here I'll start, I've inherited a lot of my Mother's acting talent if I do say so myself." She gleamed proudly, puffing up her chest.
"Are you kidding me?!" Riley yelled, not believing who she was dealing with.
Maya was in the middle of practicing her lines when something unsuspected happened. "Hey Riley, my name's Charlie Gardener, cheese soufflé!" She acted out poorly with a squeaky voice to mimic Charlie's eagerness.
"Did you know that mistletoe is the perfect Christmas decoration?" Maya continued acting, trying her very best Charlie impression. "In fact, mmph-!"
The blonde was cut off by a very soft pair of lips attaching to hers, kissing her slowly, as if to test the waters. Maya immediately melted into the kiss, because how could she not? She sighed contently and wrapped her arms around Riley's waist to pull her closer.
When one of Riley's hand started to thread itself through Maya's long blonde locks, while the other trailed down to rest on her shoulder, Maya finally understood.
Long hair, soft lips, small biceps and someone who would never judge Riley for being a bad kisser.
Maya smiled slightly into the kiss, because Riley was the perfect kisser, how could she even be worried about such a thing? Granted, this was Maya's first kiss but at that moment she knew that there was no one else in the world she would rather be kissing than the pretty girl in front of her.
Little did they know, as the two girls kissed passionately in the doorway of the kitchen, they unknowingly gathered an audience. Topanga, Corey and Auggie walked into the kitchen to prepare dinner and were heart-warmed to see what was happening in the doorway.
The three Matthews clutched both of their hands to their chests and pouted at the adorable display of affection. "Aww!" They collectively whined together.
Immediately, Riley pulled away from the kiss and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. It was completely useless since her lips were already kiss swollen nonetheless. How long had they been kissing for? Riley doesn't know, and quite frankly, she doesn't care either.
"Uhh hi!" Maya smiled and waved innocently at Riley's parents and her little brother as if she wasn't just making out with their daughter and big sister right in front of their faces.
Topanga recognized their embarrassment and decided it would be best to let the girls figure out their feelings on their own. "Oh, carry on! We were just uh, making dinner, that's all." She laughed nervously. The two boys nodded in agreement, being useless as always.
The couple blushed a dark shade of red and nodded. Riley grabbed Maya's hand in silence and led them back to her bedroom and shut her door.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Maya interrupted excitedly, before the brunette could even debrief what just happened.
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Help Me Get to 1000 Followers!!!!!!
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GUYS GUYS GUYS !!!!!!!!!!!
@nuclear-gay @onceuponawar @once-upon-a-freaking-december @emmathedoodlebug @trashsuey @ne0n-crvsh @girlmeetsrileyhart @mimi1239 @julzthebrave @arkardomeetsworld @payton727 @ruffled-phoenix-downs @sweet-cyrus @shes-cured @rilayawave @rilayatheories @sassynuggetnguyen @jonasalmostfamous @writingrilaya @rileymaya @rilayafever @rilaya-land
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dacutiehart · 7 years
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gmw textposts + riley matthews
happy birthday Em ( @rilayafever )
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girlmeetsworld · 7 years
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It’s the following members’ birthdays in October – we’re posting this early because some of them have birthdays quite early on, and we want to give people enough time to make gifts! Make sure to wish them a happy birthday on their day, and feel free to make them a present.
Liz (@hug-a-mermaid): October 1st // fan of lucaya and rilaya, and favourite characters are Maya Hart and Isadora Smackle
Meryem (@thunderbjrd): October 2nd // fan of rilaya, and favourite characters are all of the clique six
Em (@rilayafever): October 5th // fan of rilaya, and favourite character is Riley Matthews
Destiny (@rileystown): October 17th // fan of rilaya and rucas, and favourite character is Riley Matthews
Happy birthday to all of you, we hope you have an amazing day!!
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rilayafever · 6 years
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oh my! my! my! living for your every move
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rilayafever · 6 years
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some rowbrina doodles ❤️
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rilayafever · 7 years
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rowbrina + dressing up as juliet capulet
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rilayafever · 6 years
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here is a rowbrina manip to get us through the drought
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rilayafever · 7 years
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Happy Halloween from Riley and Maya!! 👻
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rilayafever · 7 years
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gold on your fingertips, fingertips against my cheek
hostage; billie eilish
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rilayafever · 7 years
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Maya is me in every situation
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rilayafever · 7 years
Sabrina deadass said she had a girlfriend in an interview I’m-
(this video is taken out of context but like… still)
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rilayafever · 7 years
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rilaya moodboard || prom night
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rilayafever · 7 years
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queens of side profiles and cool jackets
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rilayafever · 7 years
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my finger slipped
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rilayafever · 7 years
Could you do one where if Maya never crawled through rileys window as a child and what she would be like/what her life was like and is like ? ❤️
Sorry this took me so long to write, but I’ve been working on it for a little over a month and it’s the longest one shot I’ve ever written. Thanks for the prompt, here it is!
title: girl next door 
word count: 5153
ship: rilaya (riley matthews x maya hart)
The bay window was never perfect. For years, I tried everything to get rid of that incomplete feeling it produced. I replaced the curtains, put in softer cushions, and decorated it with different coloured pillows. No matter what I did, it was always clear that something was missing.
During my childhood, I used to keep the window unlocked and open at all times. My innocence had me convinced that one day, someone would come through my window and into my life. It was foolish to me to believe in such a thing.
As I grew into my adolescence, I started to accept the reality of my life, and locked up the window. It surprised me how I never once thought that the open window was basically an invitation to be robbed in the city of New York.
Lately, my favourite pastime was to sit alone in the bay window, deep in my own thoughts and itching for something to happen in my bland life.
My little brother Auggie came running into my room, as energetic as he always was, maybe even more. When he was 6, he fell in love with the girl in the apartment across from ours. Her name was Ava and they’ve been together ever since.
I always longed for what he had. Auggie and my parents were lucky enough to have met their soulmates at a young age. Maybe I would have met my soulmate too if I never lost hope that someone would come though my window.
Now I’m 16, and my biggest fear is that no one will ever love me back.
“Hey buddy.” I greeted him warmly and ruffled his curly hair.
Auggie laughed and pushed me away from him. “Riley! I’m in the third grade now, I’m not a baby anymore.” He whined.
“Alright, August.” I replied, being sure to avoid his nickname.
The little boy took a step back and frowned, crossing his arms across his chest. “Okay, I’m not that old! It’s still Auggie.”
I stood up and ushered him towards the door of my room. “What’s so important that you came barging in here so excitedly?”
My little brother looked up at me with his big brown eyes and smiled with whatever teeth he had that didn’t fall out yet. “You know that apartment beside ours that’s been empty for years?”
I nodded in response.
“A family moved into it! I mean- it’s just a mother and a daughter but still! I saw it with my own two eyes, the daughter is blonde just like Ava and she’s your age.”
“Really?” It was shocking, to say the least. That apartment hadn’t been occupied in years.
Auggie nodded and grabbed my hand, tugging me into our kitchen.
Without turning around, my mom kept her attention on the dinner she was cooking for us.
“Riley! I’m glad to see you’re not sitting in that window anymore.” She laughed. “I’m guessing Auggie told you the good news already?”
“Yeah.” I shrugged, pretending like it was no big deal. Although deep down, I was shaking with excitement at the thought of making a new friend.
“You should bake them one of your famous peach pies! It’ll be a great way to welcome our new neighbours.” My mom suggested, her gaze still focused on stirring a pot of soup.
I nodded. “Sure.”
I dusted my hands off and wiped them on my apron. Backing up, I placed my hands on my hips as I proudly admired my work. A peach pie sat smugly on top of the cooling rack, steam rising off the top.
“Perfect.” I grinned.
Picking it up carefully, I headed next door to the newly occupied apartment. My hand shook slightly as I knocked twice on the door.
A couple seconds later, a blonde haired lady who looked to be in her late thirties opened the door. She smiled warmly, looking up at me before glancing down to the pie in my arms.
I cleared my throat when I realized I was staring. “Hi- um- my name is Riley-”
An angelic voice interrupted me in the middle of my sentence. It rang out from behind the lady who opened the door. “Mom! Is that the pizza I ordered?”
The owner of the voice stepped out into my vision. It was difficult to get a complete view of her from where I was standing in the door but she was gorgeous. She had long dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes just like her mother. She was short, but pranced around the apartment like she owned it, nonetheless.
The girl stopped dead in her tracks when we made eye contact. “Oh… that’s not the pizza guy.” She trailed off.
I laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck and looking down in an effort to hide my blush.
The pretty girl gently shoved her mom aside to stand in front of me. “Shawn’s waiting for you on the phone, I can talk to her.” She told her mother.
The older lady nodded and walked off, heading down a corridor and disappearing out of my sight.
“Who are you?” The blonde asked.
“R-Riley.” I stuttered, hating that she made me so nervous. “My family and I are going to be your neighbours. I made you pie?” The last part of my sentence came out as more of a question than a statement.
“Oh, okay thanks.” She replied with a monotone voice and took the pie from my hands, beginning to close the door with her foot.
I saw my window of opportunity closing. “Wait, it’s-”
I guess she didn’t hear me because she shut the door in my face, leaving me in disbelief.
“Peaches.” I finished my sentence with a sigh, turning on my heel to head back to my apartment.
To my surprise, the door swung open just as quickly as it shut. “What did you just call me?”
“Nothing?” I replied, confused.
“No, no.” She shook her head. “You said something after I shut the door.”
“I said peaches. The pie- I mean. It has peaches in it.” I answered her.
“Oh.” She almost looked disappointed, like she had wanted the word to mean something else.
“Well.” She grabbed the door and began to shut it again, only to be interrupted when I shoved my foot in to stop it.
“Wait! What’s your name?” I asked.
During my desperate action, I moved in a couple inches closer to her. It allowed me to see her breathtaking beauty. She had light freckles sprinkled across her nose, and soft plump lips that were perfectly shaped.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She teased.
“Um, yeah? That’s why I asked.” I deadpanned, growing tired of her cockiness. The girl didn’t respond, she just raised and eyebrow and smirked, signalling for me to continue.
I lost my train of though when I stared into those ocean eyes. “Never mind, I shouldn’t have asked in the first place.” I said shyly and walked off, not hearing her door shut until I reached the front steps of my own apartment.
The girl next door was a mystery waiting to be unravelled, and I couldn’t get enough.
It was the first day of freshman year. The school was filled with far too many aromas of different perfumes and colognes from teens trying to make good first impressions. I stayed low on the radar, only ever hanging out with Farkle, Smackle and Zay. Every once in a while, Lucas would take a break from sitting with his newer, more popular friends to sit with us. He loved to pretend like things were the same as they were in middle school.
They never were, and I’m not sure if I even wanted them to be anymore.
I wish that I could say everything in my life stayed the same since the day she walked into my classroom. I wish I could say that my world didn’t get any brighter, that my heartbeat stayed true to its original pace, or that I didn’t smile anymore than I usually did.
Except that would be a lie.
The constant beating of my heart from my chest stopped the second the blonde stepped into the class. (3 minutes late, of course, because who shows up to high school early?)
Our teacher was in the middle of reading aloud attendance when she walked in. He pushed his glasses up to his nose and glanced at her. “I suppose you’re Maya Hart?” Mr.William asked dryly.
She nodded in response and sat down in the only open seat left that was reserved for her in the seating plan he created. It was the desk behind me.
I played with my pencil nervously, feeling as if there was a pair of eyes watching my every move. I knew that I was just being paranoid, that Maya could probably care less about me or anything that I did.
She leaned forward and tapped me on the shoulder. “Hey neighbour.” The blonde greeted with a smirk. Before I could respond, she leaned back in her chair and put her arms behind her head comfortably. Maya stayed like that for the rest of class, not saying a word to anybody else, including me.
The bell rang, causing each student to scramble out of Mr. William’s English class in record time.
Maya was the first one out. Quickly, I shoved all of my books into my bag and jogged to catch up with her.
“Hey! Maya!” I called out, grabbing her attention.
“What do you want?”
“I know you’re new here and you don’t know anybody yet, do you want to come over sometime? It’ll be a quick walk.” I joked, in an attempt to break the ice.
Maya rolled her eyes in disbelief. “What makes you think I would want to be your friend, out of all people?” She snapped.
I took a step back in shock. “Nothing- I just-” My brain searched for the right words to say. “I thought you wanted us to be friends, when you said hi to me thing morning.”
“We’re neighbours, not friends, sunshine.” She answered and walked away, leaving me alone in the centre of an empty hallway.
I would never admit it, but I was obsessed with the idea of Maya Hart. The girl that never had any friends yet seemed to magically attract any person who encountered her. All of the boys wanted to date her and all of the girls wanted to be friends with her.
She never accepted anybody’s offer. Lucas’ ego took a huge hit when she shut him down. It shocked everyone, that the new girl didn’t even bat an eye at the school’s most popular boy.
I didn’t understand why she preferred silence and isolation. Every explanation I tried to come up with just didn’t make any sense.
After the fifth time of me trying to break down her walls, I decided that the task was just impossible. Every offer to hang out and get lunch was shut down within seconds with a simple “no”.
Maya never showed any bit of remorse for rejecting others. She lacked emotion. I only ever saw genuinely smiling once when she was painting in the art room. I gave up on trying to crack the code behind the mystery girl because she was a puzzle that was impossible to solve.
Tonight was different. My parents had invited Maya and her mom over for dinner. I told myself that tonight was going to be the night I discovered who she really was.
After dinner, I invited her up to my room while her mom continued to mingle with my parents. It was obvious that she didn’t want to accept the invitation, but anything was better than listening to adults talk about carpet samples.
I shut my bedroom door when we were both inside. Turning to her immediately, I asked the question that has been on my mind since day 1. “Why don’t you like me Maya?”
The blonde rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “I don’t like anybody, you’ll get over it.”
“But I didn’t do anything wrong! Just let me know what I’m doing and I’ll fix it.” I pleaded.
Maya shook her head. “That’s your problem, honey.”
I tried to hide the blush that rose when she referred to me by the sweet nickname.
“W-What do you mean?” I stammered, suddenly feeling very nervous.
She looked me up and down, obviously enjoying the fact that my initial confidence had diminished.
“You worry too much about what other people think. The fact that you would be willing to change yourself to make a stranger happy just shows that we can’t be friends. We’re too different.”
“Don’t they usually say that opposites attract?” I asked, putting up a fight. I knew that Maya and I would be great friends if she just gave me a chance.
The blonde raised an eyebrow. “They only say that about romantic couples.” She corrected. “They may attract, but they never last.”
I stood up, reaching to grab her hand. Only to be rejected when she tugged it away, frowning. I ignored the hurt I felt from the action and continued arguing. “Who says we can’t beat the odds and be the best friends that the world has ever seen?”
“Is that all you want from me? Friendship?” She sounded disappointed, like she thought we were talking about something completely different this whole time, and she just caught up to me.
“Yes?” I replied, slightly confused.
She didn’t answer.
“Pretty please?” I pouted.
“You know what you remind me of?“  Maya asked. She looked down at her fingernails, analyzing them while biting her lip.
“A puppy.”
“Awww, really?” I gushed.
“-with rabies.” She finished.
The smile on my face fell. Maya was impossible to get through to, no matter how hard I tried.
Reaching for the doorknob, she avoided eye contact with me. “You’re weird Matthews, I don’t like it. Don’t take it personally. See you around.”
Then she left.
Farkle, Smackle, Zay and I went to Topanga’s after school to catch up with each other for the first time in weeks. Lucas even came for 15 minutes or so before he had to leave for plans he made with his other friends.
His presence was gloomy the entire time, making us all feel like we were at some kind of funeral and not a coffee shop. It wasn’t until Zay snapped at him that he was willing to admit what was wrong.
“Okay I wasn’t going to say anything but come on man, this is embarrassing! You look like a lost puppy, tell Zay what’s wrong.” He demanded, referring to himself in the third person.
I smiled to myself when Zay compared Lucas to a puppy. It reminded me of when Maya did the same a few days ago. Granted, it was a puppy with rabies, but still a puppy.
Then it dawned on me that maybe that’s why Lucas and I never worked out. We were too similar. We were both puppies. Lucas and I needed cats. Someone who would butt heads with us yet still be there to laugh about it at the end of the day. I couldn’t be that person for him, and he couldn’t be that person for me.
Lucas’ frown grew even more as he leaned back into the chair. “Why won’t Maya date me?”
“Are you kidding?” I asked, accidentally raising my voice a lot louder than I had originally intended.
His eyes widened and he sat up straight, putting his hands up in defence. “Woah, Riley. I didn’t take you for the jealous type. You were the one that broke up with me, remember?”
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms in a sarcastic manner. “I remember. What I meant was that you’ve been acting like this for days just because of a girl?”
The dirty blonde boy nodded like a child. “I don’t understand what’s wrong with her. She doesn’t seem to want any friends, and she doesn’t even want to date me!” He exclaimed.
“I don’t understand why either.” I admitted, being completely honest with my friend.
“But you know,” I started. “Maya doesn’t owe you anything. She especially doesn’t owe you an explanation as to why she wouldn’t date you.” I explained simply, not sure why I was getting so worked up about the topic.
Before I could go off on a rant about feminism, Smackle cut me off.
“You two seem to be forgetting one thing about her.” She stated, glancing to Farkle to finish the explanation.
The science loving boy nodded in agreement. “Not everyone is heterosexual, you ignorant pigs. In fact, considering from the extensive amount of flannel in her wardrobe and other determining factors, it is very likely that Maya is homosexual.”
Zay sat there with his mouth wide open, his brain trying to process what the dynamic duo had just told us. “Maya is homo-what-ual?” He asked.
“Homosexual, Zay. Like a lesbian.” I gulped.
I wasn’t sure why the topic made me so nervous. In a matter of seconds, my palms were sweaty and my chest was beating unnaturally fast. “Listen, I uh- have to go feed my dog.” I gestured to the door, getting up to leave.
Smackle raised an eyebrow at me. “You don’t have a dog?”
“Right, ha.” I laughed awkwardly, backing up. “I meant I had to go feed Auggie. But have you seen his hair? Dog isn’t a stretch.”
All four of them remained seated, staring up at me in silence like I was insane.
“Well- I got to go!” I exclaimed, running out of the coffee shop as quick as I could.
My shoulders slumped in defeat after a long day of school and the awkward conversation at Topanga’s.
Farkle’s words replayed in my head my entire walk home. “Not everyone is heterosexual, you ignorant pigs.”
I tried to ignore the part where he called me and Lucas ignorant pigs, but I didn’t do a very good job.
While reaching through my backpack to search for my apartment keys, I spotted Maya in front of her own door. She was clearly struggling with opening the doorknob for some reason.
At first glance, it seemed like nothing was wrong. I kept my gaze on her for a few more seconds, and gasped at what I saw.
Maya quit struggling with the doorknob to look back at me. Her left eye was undeniably black, and she had a few minor scars around her nose and on the corner of her lips.
My eyes travelled down to her hands that were previously battling the doorknob and I understood why she could open them. The knuckles on both of her hands were swollen beyond belief and a couple of them were even split open.
“Oh my god.” I whispered, pulling out my phone to the dial an ambulance.
Right before I hit the call button, my phone was knocked out of my hands.
“No!” Maya yelled, as if I was doing her a disservice by asking for help. “My mom can’t know about this. She’d be furious that I’ve gotten back into trouble.”
“Back?” I repeated.
Even in her horrible state, Maya still managed to crack a joke. “Well, I haven’t always been this amazing, well behaved student that you see everyday!”
I chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “Right…”
Maya just stood still and smiled at me. It was definitely a change in personality from the girl who was in my room a few days ago.
“Well I can’t leave you like this. Come on.” I said, breaking the silence and grabbing her hand to lead her into my apartment.
She winced in pain when I touched her bruises. “Sorry.” I muttered, readjusting my grip so that it was around her wrist instead.
I tugged gently, Maya was hesitant at first but quickly eased up when I told her my parents weren’t home.
Since she was so short, I sat her on top of the washroom counter so that we were at an even height.
My hand rested on the side of Maya’s cheek as I disinfected her cuts. We were so close that I could hear each breath she took. “This might sting a bit.” I whispered before dabbing her lips with rubbing alcohol.
Maya shut her eyes tight in pain and reached out to squeeze the hand that was previously holding her face. I blushed at the action, trying to keep my cool as I moved down to her hands.
“Uh, Maya?” I asked.
“I’m going to need both of my hands to fix up your knuckles.” I chuckled.
Immediately, Maya’s face turned bright red and she pulled away from the hand that she was holding. “Right. Sorry.” She apologized, so softly that I almost missed it.
I gulped, keeping my eyes focused on her hands as I decided to acknowledge what has been scaring me this entire time. “Nothing, uh-” pause. “-bad happened to you. Did it?”
The sun set extremely early in the fall and I was well aware of what could happen to a teenage girl walking home alone in New York during this time.
Maya shook her head rapidly when she understood what I was asking. No, no, nothing like that.“ She assured. I was relieved that she didn’t take the opportunity to make fun of me like she normally would have.
“Good.” I answered, finishing up wrapping the gauze on her other hand.
When I was done, Maya hopped off the counter like everything was fine and headed for the door. I followed her into my living room, expecting her to leave. Instead, she threw herself onto the couch and looked up at me expectingly.
“Are you going to do it?”
My head titled in confusion. “Do what?”
Maya scoffed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I know you want to ask me how I got so roughed up.” She chuckled. “So ask me.”
“You won’t be upset?” I made sure. The Maya I knew a week ago would have slammed the door in my face if I asked her about her she got beat up.
“No?” She pursed her lips, acting like she hadn’t been horribly rude to me since she’s moved in.
I opened my mouth to ask her, choosing my words carefully. However, I was cut off when she stood up and put a finger to my lips.
“You were taking too long. I’ll just tell you myself. I got in a fight with James from English class.” She said nonchalantly.
James had at least a 2 foot advantage on her and was definitely the more built of the two. He was known for beating up random students just for fun. I guess Maya the new kid was his latest victim.
My teeth gritted together in anger. “That asshole.” I clenched my fists together and started to head for the door, not sure where I would find him or what I would do if I did.
A hand pushed back against my shoulder when I tried to walk past her. “I started it Riley. Not him.”
I couldn’t believe her.
“What the hell were you thinking, Maya? Why would you pick a fight with the toughest kid in school? You are so stupid.” I scolded her.
“Riley, I know-” she started.
I cut her off again, not knowing what I would have done if she got seriously hurt. “I can not believe you Maya. He has sent kids to the hospital before, Jesus Christ, you’re insane. What could have possibly been so important that you needed to fight him for?”
Maya looked down at her feet guiltily. “Just drop it, okay?”
“How are you going to hide this from your mom?” I asked, obeying her when she told me to drop the topic.
“You can get away with a lot of things when your mom is never around.” She replied.
I stepped forward, reaching for her hand. “I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant.” My voice cracked, feeling bad for what I said to her.
The blonde pulled her hand away before I could reach it. “It’s fine. Thanks for- this.” She laughed, gesturing to her face and hands.
“I’ll see you around. I mean it this time.” Maya smiled warmly and left my apartment, shutting the door with a click.
I grinned proudly when I realized that I had finally tore down Maya Hart’s walls and got her to soften.
James wasn’t at school the next day. Which was a surprise because he usually never missed school since that meant missing opportunities to beat people up.
Maya ignored me at school, which was normal because so did everyone else. But today, I received continuous glances from everyone who walked past me in the hallways.
Lucas even greeted me today, which was completely out of the blue since he only ever acknowledged me when I was with the rest of the crew. It was a simple “Hey.” But somehow it came across as jealous and loathing.
At lunch, I sat with my usual group of friends. I was glad to finally have a beak from all of the unwanted attention I received this morning.
However, my three friends gave me the same awe-struck state as everyone else. “Okay. What is it?” I asked, frustrated.
Farkle’s eyes widened in surprise. “You don’t know?”
“For goodness sakes, just tell me already!”
Smackle shoved her boyfriend out of the way to talk. “Maya got in a fight with James yesterday.”
“Okay, I know that. But that has nothing to do with everyone staring at me!”
“Sugar, it has everything to do with the stares you’ve been receiving.” Zay answered, obviously enjoying the fact that I was absolutely clueless.
“You see, after school, James was talking about his newest target. An annoyingly optimistic brunette named Riley Matthews.” He said.
“What?!” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I’ve never done anything to James and now he has set himself on bullying me?
Zay put his pointer finger to his lips to signal me to be silent. “Oh it’s gets better.” He cackles evilly.
“Maya just so happened to be walking past when he said that and let me tell you, that girl was furious! I don’t think I’ve ever seen that much anger bundled into 5ft. Before I knew it, she was throwing punches at him, it was so cool. James definitely has it much worse.” Zay noted. “He probably didn’t want to embarrass himself by showing up to school and displaying what a tiny girl did to him.”
“I don’t get why she would do that.” I admitted.
“Me neither.” Smackle replied. “Perhaps she has gained some sort of emotional attachment to you as a neighbour.”
Farkle nodded. “Yeah, it’s human instinct to want to protect the people you love.” He said.
I shook my head, laughing. “No, you guys have it all wrong. Maya doesn’t love me.”
“She doesn’t?” Zay questioned. “What was yesterday all about then…” He trailed off, stroking his chin to think.
“Okay, that’s enough.” I said, getting up. “I’ll talk to you three again once you regain your sanity.”
I sat alone in the bay window, reevaluating today’s events. A series of taps on my window interrupted my concentration.
Maya was standing on the ladder outside my fire escape, asking for permission to come in. Swiftly, I opened the window and pulled her through, trying not to let any of the cold Autumn air in.
The first thing she tried to do was apologize. “Listen I’m sorry that everybody was staring at you today, I didn’t know that would happen I wasn’t thinking. Also I would’ve came through your front door but I didn’t want your parents thinking we were-”
“It’s okay.” I cut her off, smiling at the girl. Slowly, I inched my hand towards hers to intertwine our fingers. To my surprise, she didn’t pull away this time. Instead, she happily connected our fingers and looked down into her lap, blushing.
“Thank you for protecting me, Maya.”
“Protect?” She scoffed. “I was just, uh- trying to put James back in his place.” I loved seeing how nervous Maya was for a change.
“You know, there’s nobody else here. You don’t need to act tough to protect your reputation all the time.” I said softly, raising our intertwined hands so that she could see.
Maya gulped, staring at me with wide, vulnerable eyes.
“You like me, don’t you?” I teased, a smile growing on my face.
The blonde’s eyes glanced briefly down at my lips before she turned her head away. “No…” she mumbled.
My eyes widened in victory. “You tease me,” I started slowly. “and stand up for me, and turn down everyone else that asked you out because you like me!” I exclaimed, enjoying every second of this.
Maya’s face was as red as a tomato by now. “Oh my gosh, I’m totally right! You have a big, fat crush on me but won’t admit it because-”
Before I could finish my sentence, Maya’s soft lips were pressing against my own. She kissed me tentatively, like she was deciding whether or not she liked it. Slowly, she raised her free hand up to my face to cup it, her lips never separating from my own in the process.
I squeezed our intertwined hands, and kissed her back. It only took 1 and a half seconds for me to decide that Maya was a much better kisser than any of the boys I had ever kissed in my life.
Farkle was right, not everybody is heterosexual, you ignorant pig. I told myself.
Maya pulled away, swiftly wiping her mouth. Her face still hadn’t returned to its natural pale colours.
“Why’d you do that?” I questioned, even though I definitely enjoyed it.
She raised her hands in defeat, gesturing wildly. “You wouldn’t stop talking!”
I raised an eyebrow at her. “You’re saying if I keep talking you’ll do it again?”
“Yes- I mean no- ugh, I don’t know! Do you want me too?” Maya was clearly too frustrated with her own emotions, to think straight.
“Of course I do, I want you to kiss me again more than anything in the world for you too. This is so great. We’ll be perfect influences in each other lives.I’m glad you got beat up, wait that’s not what I meant-”
Maya giggled adorably and placed a hand over my mouth. “Ready Matthews?” I nodded eagerly, watching her remove her hand from my mouth before she kissed me tenderly.
It occurred to me, that in that moment, I had finally found the missing piece of the puzzle. The bay window was complete.
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