#revising a tale of star-crossed knights
skelezomperman · 8 months
Revising A Tale of Star-Crossed Knights - Chapter 12
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/102426453
This is another key chapter. There's two key events that take place in here actually, Fee's birth and the characters learning about the Aed Massacre and Belhalla.
For this one, I remember that I was trying to take a different style than what I went for in the preceding chapters, and this is how the rest of Part 2 proceeds for the most part. The idea is to directly contrast what Erinys was doing with what Finn was doing. To an extent, this was also to show that Finn had it better than Erinys in many regards. We see, for example, that he's doing rather frivolous things like arguing with Quan or helping Glade date Selphina while Erinys has to give birth to a whole child on her own.
(I noticed that, again, I still had the problem of putting weird sentences at the end of scenes because I'm not great at creating transitions. I think I'm better with shorter scenes than with creating a grand overarching story. Sadly this time, I still prioritized finishing the thing to writing something better...but if I waited for inspiration, I would be waiting forever.)
I'll also say that in revisions, I almost cut out the scene where Erinys gets depressed and Lahna comforts her. I feel that it's a bit awkward and interrupts the rhythm of Finn's side of the story, but overall I wanted to show the developing bond with Lahna more or less adopting Erinys as a daughter and Ced/Fee as her grandchildren.
The second part is the Aed/Belhalla thing. My unique take on this was that the Aed Massacre and the Battle of Belhalla took place entirely offscreen since neither of our main characters were there. Instead, we get to see how our protagonists learn of the news and react to it. I think I got Finn's reaction down much better than Erinys', but that was because I didn't want to write an NPC saying more or less the same things that Lachesis said. Finn would obviously be very emotional to learn about Quan and Ethlyn getting killed, and the presumed death of Altena as well. I don't think I had Erinys get as emotional as she should have to learn about Lewyn, but I think it's more that she goes on autopilot to comfort Lahna who is obviously aggrieved over the reported death of her son.
(Something that just came to mind as well is that Lahna never learned that Lewyn had children of his own. I don't think I'll write a mention of that into the later chapters, but it's a bit interesting.)
Anyways there's the end of the first part of Part 2! The second part is...probably in my opinion, the most underbaked part of the work, but we'll get through it as we revise.
Original A/N:
Oh no. Oh no. Tragedy has struck. The unthinkable has happened. Finn has lost his lieges, Quan and Ethlyn. Erinys lost her liege, Lewyn. They both have to cope with it.
This is really bad for Finn. I genuinely love the entire scene where Finn learns about Aed. Since this story is through his eyes (and Erinys' eyes), we didn't get to see Aed or Belhalla, so the first indication that something is amiss is Ethlyn's disappearance. Then there's the unexpected arrival of Lachesis where she literally sobs into his arms, so we see Lachesis' anguish. And then Lachesis can barely make it through telling Finn all of the bad news, and Finn...just dies. A part of Finn dies here. The next chapter is where the transition into the stoic emotionless Finn begins.
Erinys has her share of struggles, I'd say worse struggles than Finn. She's yearning for Finn still just as he is for her, except that she also has to give birth to a baby on her own. That's a real struggle. She tries to keep up with all of her responsibilities despite Lahna's wish for her to take it easy, which overwhelms her. And then the news of Lewyn being gone hits her. She's burnt out so much that it affects her a bit less than Quan and Ethlyn's deaths affect Finn, it's not even totally unexpected since it strikes both her and Lahna as a sort of "death by misadventure," but it's still a tragedy.
Have to note here that I actually cut a scene with Erinys and Lahna that took place after Quan/Ethlyn/Altena departed. The scene was basically that Erinys is overwhelmed and depressed because she feels like she's not being a good mother and she's not being a good servant either. I cut it because I felt like it duplicated many of the interactions in an earlier scene in this chapter and I didn't want to fall into the trap of overemphasizing the angle of being a single mother, but I might work it into Chapter 13.
So Chapter 12 is basically the midway point of Part II. The next 4-5 chapters (if not more) will deal with Finn and Erinys both having to deal with the fallout, which parallels with each other. Lachesis will continue to figure in Finn's story, and a certain two mages are going to show up in Erinys' story for a little bit. Stay tuned for Lots of Angst.
Additional notes: Okay I was too lazy to write a scene where Glade asks Dryas/Dorias for permission to date Selphina. But this isn't a fic about Glade/Selphina anyways. Lewyn's father...He obviously never appears at all, but I feel like he has that Forseti-bloodline mischievious nature in him. He left the castle on a regular basis for weeks or months at a time, leaving Lahna (a minor noble) to do the real governing. Lahna's genuinely skilled but looked down upon because of her gender which is part of why Silesse fell apart after Lewyn's father died. Lewyn's father also dies at age 45 from a heart attack or something similar while doing something dumb, basically an act of God, so it gets Lahna kind of used to Lewyn. Kind of. Quan and Ethlyn's deaths happen on June Hezul 22nd because I said so. When Finn and Lachesis are alone together, I actually thought about expanding on the point that it might be seen as improper. I didn't though because I feel like Lachesis just wouldn't care. Their relationship is going to turn into friends who might get mistaken as a couple occasionally, but they're married to different people of course. The line about Leonster saying that Finn would stay there is BS, it only exists to prevent the plot hole that Erinys would think that Finn is dead. I would want her to think that Finn is alive, so by extension Ced and Fee think that he's alive too.
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erismourn · 7 months
hi hello. last november for nanowrimo I tried to write a bit every day, and the result was the beginnings of the novel formerly known as "those boughs that bend." I hated the first draft a lot so I rewrote what I had, but in my hubris, starting from scratch made me put the wip down for months on end. now it is november again, and I am trying to poke away at the revised draft.
I was initially posting it on ao3, but something about doing that with nonfandom stuff makes me deeply uncomfortable. so I'm posting what I'm working on here instead.
so behold: "an augur for the waning star" chapter 1
synopsis: Things are becoming stranger for Seona Sewynn. Every day, her powers grow more difficult to use. A knight - a human knight - washes up on the doorstep of her lonely wayhouse in the depths of the Worldsweald. She brings tales of stranger things still; the earth splitting open, strange blue light granting impossible strength to her enemies. Neither Seona nor her unexpected house guest know what to make of these bizarre occurrences, and in attempting to find out, they will learn much more than they bargained for about the world, its nature, and its end.
Late autumn rain fell in heavy sheets across the wayhouse’s clay tile roof. The damp was already working its way into the house, despite Seona’s best efforts to keep it away. Rarely was it possible for walls to hold nature completely at bay. She reached for an additional log for the fire, stooping herself low and tightening her shawl to trap some of the heat closer to her. It was to be a long, cold night.
When she lifted her head, she was surprised to hear the sound of birdsong over the chorus of tinkling rain hitting the rooftop. Something had disturbed them. Late evening like this, they should have been roosting. A predator, perhaps. Maybe even a guest. She pricked her ears; it was always good practice to listen to the birds.
A rider comes! sang the birds, all at once. A rider! A rider!
Seona frowned. Human riders never came this deep into the Worldsweald. They knew better than to trespass so far into amddaer territory. Perhaps the birds had misunderstood.
She cast her inner ears out wide and listened for the creature that bore the rider. She sensed a frantic energy, a mind driven to mania by fear. It must have been a horse. For beasts that had mostly been domesticated, horses were far more dramatic than any wild animal when they were frightened.
My equine friend, she said in her inner voice, what ails you?
She dies!
The horse’s cry burst into her mind, so loud her head throbbed. She uselessly threw up her hands to cover her ears. 
She dies! She dies!
When she recovered enough to think, she gathered that the horse must have been talking about its rider. A human rider, most likely. Amddaer didn’t ride animals – or, at least, they had no need to do so in order to cross great distances like humans did.
Your rider? She asked, trying to keep her voice level.
She’s hurt! She dies!
She would get no answers from this animal while it was so panicked. If she wanted to find out why this strange horse had gotten so deep into amddaer land with its rider on its back, she would have to call it to her.
She didn’t want to risk bringing a human into her house. Humans weren’t supposed to come here. Her people had reached an understanding with those that lived near the borders of the great forest, but that didn’t mean they were allowed to come into it. However, as a keeper of a wayhouse, it was her duty to aid all those passing through her sect of the Weald, amddaer or otherwise.
(And, she didn’t know if she could live with herself if she knowingly let someone die.)
Follow my voice, she said to the horse. I will take care of your rider. Come to me.
She received a response that was only frightened noise, but at least it was acknowledgement. All she could do now was prepare her household and hope the horse and its rider could make their way to her in this dreadful weather. She set out to dress one of the spare cots with bedding and prepare her medical supplies in the event that this horse’s rider was, in fact, dying, as the beast had claimed.
Some time later, the thundering of equine hooves reached her ears. Seona tied her shawl over her head and shoulders to keep the worst of the rain from soaking her and stepped out onto the stoop. She called to the horse again, instructing it to come to the lantern light in the distance. It appeared in the wet darkness, kicking up mud and grass in its panic. A humanoid form slumped onto its neck, barely keeping hold of the reins.
As the horse came to a halt, whickering frantically, the person on its back began to slide to the ground. Seona rushed forward, barely reaching them in time to catch the falling rider. Her efforts were thwarted by the rider’s considerable bulk. Seona’s grip wasn’t strong enough to keep them upright, and they tumbled to the ground, taking Seona with them. She gasped as cold mud soaked through her clothes. She muttered a curse so foul it would have made her elders blush and attempted to haul herself to her feet before she became one with the soil.
So sorry, she heard the horse say.
Not your fault, she replied. Even her inner voice was a little winded from the fall. You have no hands with which to steady them. What happened?
She dies, said the horse again. She was shot. We ran here.
Seona looked down at the rider, splayed on her back in the muck. Best to get her inside before trying to assess anything. She wouldn’t be able to make any observations in this dim light and rain. The rider grunted softly as Seona sat her upright. Good – she was still alive. Now to get her inside.
With nobody around to help her, and the rider incapable of standing, she would have to think of a way to bring her into her house on her own, and she would have to do so fast. The rain would be no good for either of them. She could try the rider in by herself, but she would be fighting against the weight of a waterlogged warrior much taller than her, equipped with mail and leather armour. No – it would be better to use her abilities to aid her. They had sapped her of her strength moreso than usual of late, so she had avoided using them. A literal life-or-death situation seemed an appropriate time to use them.
She closed her eyes and focused on the sound of the rain. With a deep breath, she held out her hands and bid the earth aid her. She tapped into the web beneath the soil, urging the creepers and vines of the earth to bend to the shapes she needed. Thick clematis stalks poked through the mud, seeking the form they had been asked to embody. Seona’s ears rung. The roots cradled the limp rider, lifting her above the mud.
She could feel the plants exacting their toll. They would not be able to do what Seona asked without taking some of her energy in return. But she needed them for a little longer.
Drawing from what she had left, Seona bit into her lip and furrowed her brow, nudging the plants towards her door. With the croaks and groans of fibre-on-fibre, the clematis pushed the rider along, carrying her as though a river might carry a hunk of driftwood. Gentle, lulling. The roots crawled into Seona’s home, and gently deposited the rider onto the floor.
Seona let go and doubled over, panting. She worried for herself. Her powers had been dwindling. Just last year, she would have been able to do something like this with ease. She had never heard of something like this before – an amddaer losing their ability to work with nature. She must have been sick. Or maybe, she had been away from her Wealdskine for too long. They had always warned her that bad things would happen if she left.
Enough of that, she told herself. With a deep breath, she went inside.
She took in the human rider on her floor. A handsome woman, smeared with mud, wearing armour with emblems she didn’t recognize the origins of. A falling star, a set of cupped hands. Embedded in her chest was the shaft of an arrow, its tail end missing. A wound to the heart. The fact that this human had survived long enough to get here was nothing short of a miracle.
Your rider is strong, she said to the horse. What happened to her?
We were far from other humans, said the horse. I don’t know how they hit her. So far away... and we ran, and ran, and came here.
A battle, then.
No. No fighting. They hit her from so far...
Strange for someone to shoot unprovoked like that, but was no matter to her now. She would find out the full story later, once the human was well enough to speak to her. For now, she had a life to save.
Take shelter under the pergola, my friend. I will tend to your rider.
Thank you, said the horse. He dipped his head. Thank you.
What should I call you?
Thalion, the horse replied.
Thalion it is, then. Eat as you please, but stay away from the plants beneath the window. They are poison.
Thank you...
She nodded to the horse and closed her front door. Time to go to work.
Seona had rudimentary medical knowledge, but she was no healer. This injury, though small, was above her skill level. If the circumstances had been different, she would have deferred a case like this to her mother, or another trusted healer. She had no choice now but to try her best.
Her heart beat dull in her chest. She would have to do this, or this person would die.
She had sewn wounds closed before. She could start with remembering what supplies and techniques she had to do for something like that. Figuring out the details could come later.
First, she would have to get both of them out of their horrid wet and muddy clothes. Then came moving the rider into the spare cot, for the plants could not help her within a set of walls without destroying said walls. Then she would make preparations for surgery, and pray to the gods for help.
You can do this, she told herself. When Sadare broke his arm, you stayed calm and used what you knew. You can do the same now.
She knelt and began to excavate the human from her attire. Figuring out the various buttons and belts and clasps while minding the wound was difficult work, but she managed it in a somewhat timely fashion. She set aside a sword and several knives from the rider’s kit in the process. When the human was down to her undergarments, Seona changed out of her own clothing, opting for something clean and dry to wear while she moved her patient. Once in a dry shirt and petticoat, she restrained her mane of wet hair with a scarf and bent to lift the human. She would be considerably lighter without the bulk of her clothing, but she was still much taller and broader than Seona. Lifting her was going to be an awkward affair.
Heaving, she gripped the human under her arms and pulled her to the cot she set up earlier. The human made a wet little sound when Seona hauled her limp form into the sheets. Her brows were furrowed, her lips twisted into a pained grimace. The expression quickly faded to something horrifyingly blank and empty. Urgency rushed through her suddenly.
“Hold on,” she said quietly, desperately, and hurried off to prepare supplies.
The lavender, sage, and feverfew sputtered wildly in the fire when she threw it in. A sign the gods were listening, hopefully. She set a pot of water above the hearth to boil and collected her needles and bandages. Her past attempts at organizing her home yielded easy access to her copper cup and a handful of smooth pebbles from the closest river. She grabbed a long tapered candle and whisked outside, throwing a dry shawl over her head and shoulders.
Under the cautious observation of Thalion, she knelt on the flagstone paving just outside her door. The rain jingled a faint tune as it filled her copper cup. She laid the pebbles next to it, and placed the candle between them. She placed her palms flat against the cool stones and closed her eyes.
“You who moves the waters, I have someone here who is in need of your aid. She is mortally wounded, and I fear I cannot save her on my own.” Her ears started to ring. They were listening. “As the rain heals the earth, I ask for the help of the water to heal this... this rider. Help me save her, so that she might return to the great cycle.”
She waited, eyes closed and breathing shallow. For a long moment, there was nothing but silence, interrupted by the sounds of rain. Then, an audible click.
She opened her eyes. Flame danced along the candle’s wick, unbothered by the evening’s downpour. Relief washed over her in a great wave, drawing a smile to her face. She whispered a quick thanks and hurried inside with her supplies carefully balanced in her arms.
The rider was mercifully still breathing when she returned indoors, but that did nothing to assure her that she had much time left. Hopefully, her prayer would have already started the healing process within her charge’s body, but even that might not save her, at least not until that arrow was removed. She resumed collecting what she would need – bandages, tinctures, poultice components, boiled needles and towels. She hauled a chair up by the bedside, then another to use as a table for her supplies. She placed a sprig of mint between her own lips to grind down on when she needed to focus.
Hands shaking, she leaned over the rider and looked at the site of the injury. The wound was jagged as a thistle. All the riding on horseback must have jostled the arrow around, ripping the skin. Miraculously, though, the arrow hadn’t punctured too far into the rider’s chest. That armour must have done its work to slow it down. It appeared as though it had slotted right between a pair of ribs, dodging the bone. And judging by the sound of the rider’s breathing, though it was laboured, it hadn’t punctured a lung, either.
“The grace of the gods seems to follow you, rider,” she muttered around her mint, reaching for a damp towel to wipe some of the dried blood away. The woman’s chest and shoulders were covered in scars; signs of a life lived in combat.
She would have to remove the arrow before she could do anything else, and from there, she had to work quickly to staunch the bleeding. She got to her feet and braced one hand against the woman’s chest so that the arrow was between her thumb and forefinger. With the other hand, she gripped the arrow as tight as she could.
“Sorry for this,” she whispered.
She yanked hard on the arrow. There was a wet crunch, and the rider cried out. Seona scrambled to reach for bandages. When she turned back, the rider’s eyes were open. Her pupils were pinpricks.
Seona froze. The rider looked at her, searching her for the answer to some question she couldn’t vocalize. The candle flickered wildly in her periphery.
“It’s okay,” she blurted, for lack of anything else to say. “You’re safe here.”
That seemed to appease her. She fell unconscious again. It only occurred to Seona moments later that the woman probably hadn’t understood a word she said, and she had probably been more scared than reassured by a strange woman spouting gibberish at her.
No matter for now. She leaned over and pressed on the wound, soaking thick crimson into the bandages. The wound was still bleeding profusely, even with the aid of a god invoked to speed its healing. The rider seemed to settle, though, while she waited for the bulk of the bleeding to stop. She couldn’t tell if it was the kind of stillness that meant rest, or the kind that meant she was fading away. She could only hope it wasn’t the latter.
With the bleeding staunched, she set to work cleaning the wound with chamomile and witch hazel. She cleaned methodically, rolling the mint between her teeth. The repetition calmed her a little. Her hands trembled less as she continued to clean. After, she threaded a needle with sinew and pulled the wound shut with a few methodical stitches. A poultice of herbs that would calm and disinfect was secured to the rider’s chest with as much diligence as Seona could muster. When she finished, she leaned back into her chair, exhausted.
Everything took so much energy lately. One use of her abilities had drained her in ways she’d never felt, and a single small surgery had nearly wiped the last reserves of her energy. Was she ill? Or just... weak?
She signed loudly. She couldn’t dwell on that. There was still work to be done.
She willed herself to her feet and cleaned up the aftermath of the surgery, leaving the cup of rainwater and the still-burning candle on the table by the bedside. She piled the used bandages somewhere out of the way; she would deal with them in the morning. Now, all she wanted to do was ensure the horse had shelter, go to bed, and hope the rider survived the night.
Thalion lifted his head when Seona wandered outside. She lives?
She does, Seona replied, for now.
She stepped up to the pergola he sheltered under and placed a hand on it. She urged the vines that wound around the wood to grow a little thicker, to knit together and form a makeshift shelter. Thalion whickered gratefully as she shook off the ringing in her ears.
I apologize for having nowhere proper for you to rest, she said. Amddaer don’t ride horses.
I understand. I have been in worse. Thank you for thinking of me. Sometimes the humans don’t.
Does your rider?
She does, he said, and his inner voice was so earnest Seona felt it in her chest. She cares for me.
I am glad to hear it. Seona reached up and patted his neck. It was damp from the rain. Let me get those wet rags off you. I will dry them inside.
Thalion whuffled. With wobbly arms, Seona removed his tack and the thoroughly soaked blankets underneath and brought it indoors to dry. She returned with a dry blanket to drape over Thalion���s back.
I need to rest now, but I will keep an eye on your rider. I have prayed for her safety, and the gods answered, so there is hope for her yet.
Thank you. An appreciative rumble. You are kind, cousin.
I help when I can. Rest well.
She gave Thalion one last pat on the neck before retiring. Barely awake by then, she stumbled over to the rider, who appeared to be sleeping peacefully. She barely felt the burn of the wick when she doused the candle with her fingertips. With one great summons of energy, she wobbled over to her bed and collapsed, asleep by the time her head hit the pillow.
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dr-snake-on · 6 years
Ждем Watch Dogs 3, Earthworm Jim 4, Injustice 2 и прочее на Nintendo Switch
Код новой консоли от Nintendo содержит упоминания готовящихся к релизу игр.
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На Reddit уже с месяц есть интересный пост со списком возможных релизов на Nintendo Switch на ближайшие два года. Данные, по словам автора, взяты не с горы, а прямиком из упомянутой консоли. Информация о списке найденных игр почти не появлялась в СМИ и пабликах. Я бы и сам прошел мимо, если бы игры из списка постепенно не начали анонсировать сами издатели. После такого хочется вновь взглянуть на старый список и поразмышлять, что из упомянутого стоит ждать, а что не очень.
Откуда вообще взялся этот список? Анонимный датамайнер порылся в коде свича, видимо, после обновления системы, и обнаружил там «ячейки» для готовящемся к релизу играм. Записаны они были в качестве двоичного кода. После расшифровки и появился список игр.
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Я пишу этот материал 25-го марта. Уже вышедшие на Nintendo Switch игры из списка я рассматривать не буду и по возможности удалю их из списка. А для начала, остановлю внимание на проектах, что анонсировали недавно. В период с 25-го февраля и до 25 марта, то есть с момента публикации списка и по текущий день.
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The Bunker (анонсирована 15-го марта)
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NAIRI: Tower of Shirin (анонсирована 15-го марта)
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Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!, Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?!, Holy Potatoes! What the Hell?! (анонсированы 10-го марта)
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The LEGO Incredibles (подтверждена к релизу, но еще не анонсирована официально)
Little Nightmares (анонсирована 14-го марта)
Sonic Mania Plus (анонсирована 19-го марта)
Теперь, когда я вас заинтересовал, двигаемся дальше. Ниже вы найдете полные названия игр, о разработке которых официально заявлено:
Yoshi's Cardboard Flip Out
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Super Smash Bros. Royale
Теперь переходим в область фантазий и домыслов. Эти игры не анонсированы, но их названия вам могут быть хорошо знакомы. Новые части известных сериалов и переиздания классики Nintendo прилагаются.
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Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE: Definitive Edition
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Разобрать оставшиеся игры у меня попросту не хватило сил. Поэтому они идут сплошным текстом. Некоторые проекты из списка могут быть уже анонсированы или даже быть добавлены в библиотеку Nintendo Switch. Извиняюсь за некоторое лентяйство.
Но, перед публикацией списка хочется сделать какие-то выводы. Это тяжело, ведь вся ситуация вполне может оказаться фэйком. Но вот два несомненных факта: 
Большие издатели заинтересованы в выпуске своих игр на Switch. 
Сама Nintendo продолжит эксплуатировать свои классические игры и перевыпускать ее на все более актуальных платформах.
Вот все оставшиеся игры из списка:
*Super Hydora
*Decay Of Logos
*RAGING JUSTICE – Bats, Shotguns and Bears!
*The Seashore
*Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special (Real Bout Fatal Fury Special)
*Aperion Cyberstorm
*Those Who Remain
*My Time is Portia
*Penguin Wars
*Beach Buggy Racing 2
*Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory
*Devious Dungeon
*Planet Alpha
*The Snack World: Trejarers
*RIOT - Civil Unrest
*Gal*Gun 2
*Atari Flashback Classics
*Paradise Lost: First Contact
*Secret of Sana: Remastered
*Hello Kitty Kruisers
*Shape of the World
*Geriatric Kart Racing
*Suicide Guy
*The Adventure Pals
*Touhou Sky Arena
*6180 the moon
*Danmaku Unlimited 3
*Bendy And The Ink Machine
*JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure 2
*VA-11 Hall-A
*Hotel Transylvania
*Sling Ming
*Fantasy Strike
*Justsh Pes & Beats
*Pool Panic
*Bomb Chicken
*Reigns: Kings and Queens
*Light Fall
*West of Loathing
*The Messenger
*Bad North
*Roguelike Zombie Survival
*Warp Shift
*Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story
*TurtlePop: Journey to Freedom
*Muse Dash
*Code Of Princess EX
*Typoman Revised
*Raging Justice
*The Void Rains Upon Her Heart
*Claws Of Furry
*Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles
*Death Road to Canada
*Plus Cursed Castilla
*Swim Out
*Code of Princess EX
*Super Chariot
*Song of Memories
*Coffin Dodgers
*The Wardrobe
*Twin Robots: Ultimate Edition
*Point & Click Adventures
*Hellmut: The Badass from Hell
*Bridge Constructor Portal
*Victor Vran: Overkill Edition
*Bear With Me
*Dragon Sinker
*Pixel Noir
*The Forbidden Arts
*BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle
*Attack of the Earthling
*At Sundown
*Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dus
*Penny-Punching Princess
*Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory
*Touhou: Gensou Wanderer Reloaded
*OPUS: Rocket Of Whispers
*Shift Quantum
*De Blob
*Portal Knights
*Shining Resonance: Refrain
*Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
*LEGO Star Wars: The Last Jedi
*Mario & Sonic: Worlds Collide
*Sonic Heroes HD
*Just Dance 2019
*Just Dance Disney Party 3
*Incredibles 2: Hero Squads
*Wreck-It Ralph 2
*The Simpsons: Hit & Run HD
*FIFA ‘19
*Football Manager 2019
*Toy Story 4
*Dreamworks Dragons Legacy
*Just Dance 2020
*FIFA ‘20
*Football Manager 2020
*Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie: Hydro Atrocity
*Ultra Arms
*Mii Mania
*Mii Fit Switch
*Mii Sports Switch
*Mii Party Switch
*The LEGO Movie 2
*LEGO Descendants Trilogy
*Indie Pogo
*The Mystery of Woolley Mountain
*Nintendo 8bit Ambassador All Stars
*Art Academy Masterpiece
*Nintendogs: Canine Experiences
*Dillon’s Rolling Western 2
*Takamaru: Ninja Slayer
*Captain Rainbow HD
*Big Hero 6: Adventures of Baymax
*Amusement Park
*Dora the City Explorer
*SpongeBob SquarePants: The Story of Pearl
*Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse: Remastered
*Hanna-Barbera All Stars Party
*Teen Titan Heroes
*Skylanders: Jet Warriors
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shiningspinda · 7 years
Updated Games List
This I’m doing more or less for myself, because I: - Want to keep track of my game library - Want to keep track of which games I’ve yet to finish - Want to keep tabs on my collection. If you’re interested, you can look through this list by reading beyond the cut, and yell at me to finish your favorite game if I have it and I haven’t finished it yet! Just go right into my IM box and be like “Eli, finish those game!!” Also feel free to recommend games to me if you see I don’t own it. I will warn you, I don’t really have anything other than Nintendo consoles and PC at the moment, so I won’t be able to play games that aren’t for those. Anyway, here we go. Oh boy.
Game Boy (7)
- Pokemon Red (Completed) - Pokemon Blue (Completed) - Pokemon Yellow (Completed) - Pokemon Gold (Incomplete) - Pokemon Silver (Incomplete) - Pokemon Crystal (Incomplete) - Quest RPG: Brian’s Journey (Incomplete)
Game Boy Advance (17)
- Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Four Swords (Incomplete) - Yu-Yu-Hakusho: Spirit Detective (Incomplete) - Namco Museum (You can’t “complete” Namco Museum) - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team (Completed) - Kirby and the Amazing Mirror (Incomplete) - Pokemon Ruby (Incomplete) - Pokemon Sapphire (Completed) - Pokemon Emerald (Completed) - Pokemon Fire Red (Completed) - Pokemon Leaf Green (Incomplete) - Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga (Incomplete, though I’ve tried many times) - Golden Sun (Incomplete) - Golden Sun: The Lost Age (Incomplete) - Mother 1 (Incomplete) - Earthbound (Incomplete) - Mother 3 (Incomplete) - Drill Dozer (Incomplete)
Nintendo DS (43)
- Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (Incomplete) - Dogz (You can’t really complete Dogz.) - American Girl: Kit Mystery Challenge (Completed) - Drawn to Life (Completed) - Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Completed) - Lock’s Quest (Incomplete and dislike) - Nintendogs: Dachshund and Friends (It’s Nintendogs.) - Nintendogs: Dalmatian and Friends (Again, it’s Nintendogs.) - MySims Kingdom (Incomplete, I guess) - Diddy Kong Racing (Completed) - Hamsters 2 (You can’t complete Hamsters.) - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (Completed) - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time (Completed) - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness (Completed) - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (Completed) - Pokemon Pearl (Completed) - Pokemon Platinum (Completed) - Pokemon Heart Gold (Completed) - Pokemon Soul Silver (Incomplete) - Pokemon Black (Completed) - Pokemon White (Incomplete) - Pokemon Black 2 (Incomplete) - Pokemon White 2 (Incomplete) - Pokemon Ranger (Completed) - Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia (Completed) - Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs (Completed) - Pokemon Conquest (Incomplete) - Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (Incomplete) - Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes (Incomplete) - Magician’s Quest: Mysterious Times (You can’t complete this game.) - Magical Starsign (Incomplete) - The World Ends With You (Incomplete) - Kirby: Canvas Curse (Incomplete) - Kirby: Superstar Ultra (Completed) - The Legendary Starfy (Completed) - Professor Layton and the Curious Village (Incomplete) - Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (Incomplete) - Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Incomplete OTL) - Mario and Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story (Complete) - Rhythm Heaven (Incomplete) - Ghost Trick (Incomplete) - Final Fantasy III (Incomplete) - Kirby: Squeak Squad (Complete)
Nintendo DSi (1)
- Foto Showdown (Incomplete and makes me angry)
Nintendo 3DS (49)
-Tales of the Abyss (Incomplete) - Fire Emblem: Awakening (Incomplete) - Fantasy Life (Completed) - Return to Popolocrois (Completed) - Super Smash Bros 4 (SMASH) - Harvest Moon: A New Beginning (You can’t really complete this.) - Hyrule Warriors: Legends (Incomplete) - Project Mirai DX (Can you complete this? I GUESS,) - Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer x2 (You can’t complete this.) - Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. (Incomplete) - Harvest Moon: Story of Seasons (You can’t complete this) - Tomodachi Life (You can’t complete this) - Yo-Kai Watch (Incomplete, dislike it) - Monster Hunter Generations (You can’t complete this.) - Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (You can’t complete this.) - Final Fantasy Explorers (Incomplete) - Kid Icarus: Uprising x2 (Incomplete, tell me how I got 2 of these.) - Animal Crossing: New Leaf x2 (You can’t complete these really) - Kirby: Triple Deluxe (Incomplete) - Bravely Default (Incomplete) - Bravely Second (Incomplete) - Chrono Trigger (Incomplete) - Pokemon X (Complete) - Pokemon Y (Complete) - Pokemon Omega Ruby (Complete) - Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (Incomplete) - Pokemon Sun x2 (Complete, Incomplete) - Pokemon Moon (Incomplete) - Pokemon Ultra Sun (Complete) - Pokemon Ultra Moon (Incomplete) - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity (Completed) - Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon (Incomplete) - Legend of Zelda: Four Swords, Anniversary Edition (Completed) - Weapon Shop de Omasse (Complete) - Cave Story (Incomplete, I’M TRYING) - VVVVVV (Complete) - Shovel Knight (Incomplete, AGAIN I’M TRYING) - Pokemon Yellow Virtual Console (Incomplete) - Pokemon Gold Virtual Console (Incomplete) - Pokemon Silver Virtual Console (Incomplete) - Rhythm Heaven Megamix (Incomplete) - Swapdoodle (You can’t complete this.) - Gunman Clive (Incomplete) - Gunman Clive 2 (Incomplete) - Kirby Planet Robobot (Incomplete) - Miitopia (Completed)
Nintendo Wii (13)
- MySims Agents (Completed) - MySims (Almost Completed, 5 stars is hard) - MySims Kingdom (Incomplete) - MySims Racing (Incomplete, I guess?) - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Incomplete) - Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Incomplete) - Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter Wii (Incomplete, this game is BAD) - Pokepark Wii: Pikachu’s Adventure (Completed) - Pokepark 2: Wonders Beyond (Incomplete) - Pokemon Battle Revolution (You can’t complete this ripoff of Stadium) - Super Smash Brothers Brawl (SMASH) - Animal Crossing: City Folk (You can’t complete this) - Mario Kart Wii (Completed)
Nintendo WiiU (13)
-  Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival (It’s just Marioparty) - Pokken Tournament (Incomplete) - Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap Virtual Console (Incomplete) - Earthbound Beginnings/Mother 1 Virtual Console (Incomplete) - Earthbound Virtual Console (Incomplete) - Animal Crossing: Wild World Virtual Console (You can’t complete this) - Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town VC (Can’t complete this) - Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland Virtual Console (Incomplete) - Ohayou! Beginner’s Japanese (it’s literally a learning dictionary) - Lost Reavers (It’s an MMO and sucks imo) - Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (Incomplete) - Splatoon (Completed) - Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero (Incomplete)
Nintendo Switch (9)
- Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Completed) - Super Bomberman R (Incomplete, I dislike it) - Stardew Valley (You can’t complete this silly) - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Completed, now I just mess around) - Deemo (Incomplete) - Splatoon 2 (Incomplete) - Touhou Kobuto Burst Battle (Incomplete, I dislike it) - Elnea Kingdom (You can’t complete this silly) - Super Mario Odyssey (Incomplete)
Steam (92)
- 1bitHeart (Incomplete) - Alicemare (Completed) - Angels of Death (Completed) - Artifact Adventure (Incomplete) - Audiosurf (You can’t complete this) - Audiosurf 2 (You can’t complete this) - Awareness Rooms (Completed) - Bastion (Incomplete) - Battle Fantasia -Revised Edition- (Incomplete) - Battleblock Theater (Incomplete) - BIT.TRIP BEAT (Incomplete) - BIT.TRIP CORE (Incomplete) - BIT.TRIP FATE (Incomplete) - BIT.TRIP FLUX (Incomplete) - BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (Incomplete) - BIT.TRIP RUNNER (Incomplete) - BIT.TRIP VOID (Incomplete) - Cave Story+ (Incomplete) - Celestian Tales: Old North (Incomplete) - Crypt of the NecroDancer (Incomplete) - Cursed Sight (Incomplete) - Destiny Warriors (Incomplete) - Disgaea PC (Incomplete) - Don’t Starve (Incomplete) - Don’t Starve Together (This is co-op) - Downwell (Incomplete) - Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition (I haven’t touched this tbh) - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Incomplete) - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Incomplete) - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Complete, this is my raise hell copy) - The Enchanted Cave 2 (Incomplete but I’m obsessed) - Evil Hazard (Incomplete) - Eternal Senia (Completed) - Freedom Planet (Incomplete) - Girlfriend Rescue (Incomplete) - Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure (Incomplete) - Hatoful Boyfriend: Collector’s Edition (Incomplete) - Helen’s Mysterious Castle (Incomplete) - Kero Blaster (Incomplete) - King of Dragon Pass (Incomplete) - Knock-knock (Incomplete) - Labyronia RPG (Incomplete) - Labyronia RPG 2 (Incomplete) - Legend of Mysteria (Incomplete) - LiEat Trilogy (Completed) - LIMBO (Incomplete) - Long Live The Queen (Almost certain you need to sell your soul to complete this game.) - Mega Man Legacy Collection (Incomplete) - Melody’s Escape (You can’t complete this.) - Millennium: A New Hope (Incomplete) - Millennium 2: Take me Higher (Incomplete) - Millennium 3: Cry Wolf (Incomplete) - Millennium 4: Beyond Sunset (Incomplete) - Millennium 5: The Battle of the Millennium (Incomplete) - Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (Incomplete) - Monaco (Incomplete) - Neverwinter (It’s a DND MMO, so ???) - Night in the Woods (Incomplete) - One Way Heroics (Incomplete) - OneShot (Incomplete) - Ori and the Blind Forest (Incomplete) - Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (I don’t know the difference.) - Out There Somwhere (Incomplete) - Owlboy (Incomplete) - Portal (Incomplete) - Portal 2 (Incomplete) - QuestEvent (Completed as much as I can) - Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale (Incomplete) - Secret of Magia (Incomplete) - Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove (Incomplete, sigh) - Silence (Incomplete) - Sins of the Demon RPG (Incomplete) - Skullgirls (It’s a fighting game) - Skullgirls: Endless Beta (???) - Slime Rancher (Incomplete?) - Soundodger+ (I don’t think you can complete this) - Starbound (Haven’t touched it yet) - Starbound - Unstable (Sounds scary.) - Stardew Valley (You can’t complete this) - Storm of Spears (Incomplete) - Super Meat Boy (Incomplete) - Tales of Zestiria (Incomplete) - Terraria (Incomplete) - They Bleed Pixels (Incomplete) - To the Moon (Completed) - Transistor (Incomplete) - Trick & Treat (Completed) - Undefeated (Incomplete) - Undertale (Completed) - VVVVVV (Completed) - We Know the Devil (Steam Version is broke. I completed it on the website) - World’s Dawn (Haven’t touched it yet.)
On PC Alone (WIP)
- Ib (Completed) - Witch’s House (Completed)
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londontheatre · 7 years
Acclaimed rising star director Thom Southerland (Titanic, Grey Gardens, Grand Hotel) is to direct the first ever revival of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Tony and Olivier Award-nominated musical The Woman in White.
A tempestuous tale of love, betrayal and greed, adapted from Wilkie Collins’ haunting Victorian thriller, this is the premiere of Andrew Lloyd Webber and David Zippel’s revised score.
The Woman in White will preview at Charing Cross Theatre from Monday 20 November, 2017 and run 12 weeks to Saturday 10 February, 2018. Press night is Friday 4 December, 2017 at 7.30pm.
Featuring one of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s greatest and most romantic scores, The Woman in White premiered in the West End in 2004. Now, in its first major revival, Andrew Lloyd Webber and David Zippel have revisited their original work to refresh the storytelling for a new generation of theatregoers.
Thom Southerland, Artistic Director of Charing Cross Theatre, said: “I am so excited about this new production. The Woman in White is a wildly exciting romantic thriller which is frequently tender and personal. The music is grand, sweeping and instantly captivating. Having long been an admirer of The Woman in White, I know that Charing Cross Theatre is the ideal intimate space for audiences to experience it for the first time or rediscover this lush Victorian Gothic thriller.”
Walter Hartright’s life is changed forever after a chance encounter with a mysterious woman, dressed in white, desperate to reveal her chilling secret. When he takes up his position as drawing master to the beautiful Laura Fairlie and her half sister, Marian, he sees in Laura’s face an eerie reflection of the forlorn creature he met previously. Walter and Laura’s feelings for each other are thwarted by her engagement to the sinister Sir Percival Glyde. What is the connection between, Laura, Sir Percival, and the woman in white? Can true love prevail?
Casting to be announced.
Creative team: Director Thom Southerland. Movement Cressida Carré. Set Designer Morgan Large.Costume Designer Jonathan Lipman. Lighting Designer Rick Fisher. Sound Designer Andrew Johnson. Casting David Grindrod Associates. Orchestrations David Cullen.
The Woman in White is produced by Patrick Gracey, Steven M. Levy and Vaughan Williams by arrangement with The Really Useful Group Limited.
Andrew Lloyd Webber (Music) When Sunset Boulevard joined School Of Rock, Cats and The Phantom Of The Opera on Broadway in February 2017, Andrew Lloyd Webber became the only person to equal the record set in 1953 by Rodgers and Hammerstein with four Broadway shows running concurrently. Other musicals he has composed include Aspects Of Love, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Jesus Christ Superstar, Evita and Love Never Dies.
His production of School Of Rock is the first British musical to have world premiered on Broadway. He has co-produced his own showsincluding Cats and The Phantom Of The Opera and as a solo producer he presented the groundbreaking Bombay Dreams which introduced the double Oscar winning Bollywood composer AR Rahman to the Western stage.
Other productions include the Olivier Award Winning Daisy Pulls It Off and La Bete, the record breaking Palladium production of The Sound Of Music and The Wizard of Oz.
He owns seven West End Theatres including the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, the Palladium and most recently the St James which reopened this year as The Other Palace to provide a unique London home for new musicals in development.
He is passionate about the importance of music in education and the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation has become one of Britain’s leading charities supporting the arts and music.
His awards, both as composer and producer, include seven Tonys, seven Oliviers, a Golden Globe, an Oscar, the Praemium Imperiale, the Richard Rodgers Award for Excellence in Musical Theatre, a BASCA Fellowship, the Kennedy Center Honor and a Grammy for Best Contemporary Classical Composition for Requiem, his setting of the Latin Requiem mass which contains one of his best known compositions, Pie Jesu.
He was knighted by Her Majesty The Queen in 1992 and created an honorary member of the House of Lords in 1997.
David Zippel (Lyrics) David Zippel’s lyrics have won him the Tony award, the Olivier award, the Evening Standard award, two Oscar nominations, two Grammy award nominations, and three Golden Globe award nominations. His songs appear on over 25 million CDs around the world, and have been recorded by many great singers including Stevie Wonder, Christine Aguilera, Mel Torme, Ricky Martin, Cleo Laine, Elaine Paige, Barbara Cook, Sarah Brightman and Nancy LaMott. David Zippel made his Broadway debut with City of Angels (music by Cy Coleman, book by Larry Gelbart), he also wrote the lyrics for the Broadway musical The Goodbye Girl (music by Marvin Hamlisch, book by Neil Simon). He has contributed lyrics to the revues A…My Name Is Alice, Diamonds and, with composer Doug Katsaros, wrote the musical comedy Just So. With Wally Harper he has written numerous songs for Barbara Cook including It’s Better With A Band and the original songs for her Broadway and West End show Barbara Cook, A Concert For the Theatre. Her acclaimed revue showcasing David Zippel’s lyrics, entitled It’s Better With A Band, played Off-Broadway and at the Donmar Warehouse. On film, in collaboration with Alan Menken, the songs for Disney’s feature film Hercules; with Matthew Wilder, the songs for Disney’s animated feature Mulan; with Marvin Hamlisch, the theme song for Frankie and Johnny; with Mervyn Warren the end title for the Jennifer Lopez movie The Wedding Planner; lyrics for The Swan Princess, an animated feature with music by Lex De Azevedo. Awards: Olivier award, Evening Standard award, Tony award, New York Drama Critics’ Circle award and Drama Desk award for City of Angels; Outer Critics’ Circle award nomination for lyrics for The Goodbye Girl; Oscar nominations for lyrics on Disney’s Hercules and Mulan; Golden Globe award nominations for lyrics for Hercules, Mulan and The Swan Princess.
Charlotte Jones (Book) Charlotte Jones is an award-winning writer of theatre, film, television, and radio. She won the Critics’ Circle Most Promising Playwright award in 1999 for In Flame and Martha, Josie and the Chinese Elvis. Her fourth stage play, Humble Boy, premiered at the National Theatre in 2001, and was awarded the Critics’ Circle Best New Play Award, the People’s Choice Best New Play Award, and was nominated for an Olivier Award. It transferred to the West End and ran for nine months before opening at the Manhattan Theatre Club in New York and being nominated for a Drama Desk Award. In 2015, Charlotte was made an Honourary Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford, for her service to the arts. She currently has a number of films in development, and was the creator and writer of the television series, The Halcyon.
Thom Southerland (Director) Thom is the Artistic Director at Charing Cross Theatre. His opening season of major musicals included the return of his acclaimed multi award-winning Titanic and Ragtime (nominated for a record 14 Off West End awards) and Death Takes A Holiday. His production of Titanic has also been produced at the Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto, and in Tokyo. He was longlisted Best Newcomer in the 2011 Evening Standard Awards for Parade. He was named Best Director at the 2011 The Offies for Me And Juliet at the Finborough. He directed Allegro, Grey Gardens, Grand Hotel, Titanic, Victor/Victoria, Mack & Mabel and Parade (Southwark Playhouse); The Smallest Show on Earth (Mercury Theatre, Colchester & tour) Jerry Herman’s The Grand Tour (Finborough); The Mikado (Charing Cross Theatre); Daisy Pulls It Off, Irving Berlin’s Call Me Madam! (Upstairs At The Gatehouse); the European première of I Sing!, Divorce Me, Darling!, Annie Get Your Gun, The Pajama Game and sold-out all-male adaptations of Gilbert and Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore and The Mikado (Union); Noël and Gertie (Cockpit); the European première of The Unsinkable Molly Brown (Landor); the European première of State Fair (Finborough & transfer to Trafalgar Studios).
Cressida Carré (Musical Staging) Cressida has previously worked with Thom Southerland on staging the award-winning production of Titanic in London, Toronto and Japan. Other selected theatre credits include the all-female version of POSH (Pleasance, Off West End Award nomination, Best Director), the UK tour of Avenue Q (director & choreographer); Laila The Musical, Britain’s Got Bhangra, Great Expectations (Watford Palace & UK tour); The Jungle Book (Glasgow Citizens); CATS (Dubai); Spring Awakening (UK tour).
Morgan Large (Scenic Design) Morgan has previously worked with Thom Southerland on Death Takes A Holiday at Charing Cross Theatre. He is currently designing a brand new production of Top Hat directed by Stephen Mear, and the UK tours of Son of a Preacher Man directed by Craig Revel Horwood, Tango Moderno directed by Karen Bruce, and Deathtrap directed by Adam Penford. Selected theatre credits include: Dance Til Dawn (West End & UK Tour); Forbidden Broadway (Menier Chocolate Factory & West End); Flashdance (West End); Xanadu (Southwark Playhouse); Othello (Sheffield Crucible); and the UK tours of Love Me Tender, The Rise and Fall of Little Voice, and Equus.
Jonathan Lipman (Costume Design) Jonathan Lipman has previously worked with Thom Southerland on Grey Gardens, Allegro (Southwark Playhouse), Ragtime, Death Takes A Holiday (Charing Cross Theatre), and a U.S. tour of Peter Pan. Selected theatre credits include: The Country Girl directed by Rufus Norris (West End & UK Tour), and the UK tours of Larkrise to Candleford and Jekyll & Hyde – The Musical.
Rick Fisher (Lighting Design) Rick Fisher is a multiple Tony and Olivier Award-winner. He is known for his collaborations with director Stephen Daldry on Billy Elliot the Musical and An Inspector Calls (for both of which he received the Tony Award). He has done the lighting design for many opera companies, including the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, the New York City Opera, and Santa Fe Opera. Other selected West End credits include: Sunny Afternoon, Jerry Springer the Opera, Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake, The Threepenny Opera, and Lady in the Dark, Chips with Everything, Hysteria and Machinal at the National Theatre (for which he received Olivier Awards).
Andrew Johnson (Sound Design) Andrew’s recent credits including the Olivier Award-winning smash hit The Play That Goes Wrong. Other selected theatre credits includes: Titanic, Ragtime, Death Takes a Holiday (Charing Cross); Grey Gardens, The Toxic Avenger – The Musical, Grand Hotel, Dogfight, Victor/Victoria (Southwark Playhouse); Calamity Jane (UK Tour); Let It Be (UK Tour, Moscow, Japan); The Rise and Fall of Little Voice (UK Tour); Midnight Tango (West End & UK Tour); Top Hat (UK Tour); A Clockwork Orange (Theatre Royal, Stratford East).
Patrick Gracey Patrick Gracey is an international producer and general manager based in London’s West End. Patrick has produced and general managed plays and musicals in London’s West End, on Broadway, in Australia, and on tour in the UK. Most recently, Patrick produced Pedro Almodovar’s Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown in the West End starring Tamsin Greig, and Constellations starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Ruth Wilson on Broadway for Ambassador Theatre Group. On Broadway, Patrick was the general manager of the Tony Award®-winning production of Death of a Salesman starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof starring Scarlett Johansson. As general manager of the Donmar, Patrick supervised over a dozen productions in the UK, U.S. and Australia, including the Donmar’s West End season at Wyndham’s Theatre. Productions included Ivanov starring Kenneth Branagh, Twelfth Night starring Derek Jacobi, Madame de Sade starring Judi Dench, and Hamlet starring Jude Law. In Australia, Patrick was the general manager of Disney & Cameron Mackintosh’s award-winning production of Mary Poppins.
Steven M. Levy Steven has spent the past 30 years as a theatrical producer, general manager and theatre owner in both New York and London. Broadway includes: Whoopi – The 20th Anniversary Show; Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All starring Ellen Burstyn; Our Town starring Paul Newman; I’m Not Rappaport starring Judd Hirsch and Ben Vereen; Dame Edna: The Royal Tour; The Beauty Queen Of Leenane; The Lonesome West; Waiting In The Wings starring Lauren Bacall. West End includes: Titanic, Ragtime, Death Takes a Holiday, In The Bar Of A Tokyo Hotel, Piaf, The Mikado, Jacques Brel Is Alive And Well And Living In Paris, Long Story Short, Finian’s Rainbow, Ushers: The Front Of House Musical, Jerry Herman’s Dear World, the Olivier Award-winning La Bohème, 6 Actors In Search Of A Director (written and directed by Steven Berkoff), Fascinating Aïda – Cheap Flights, The Man On Her Mind, John Leguizamo – Ghetto Klown, Patricia Routledge – Facing The Music, Thrill Me (Charing Cross); Singular Sensations, Tom Stoppard’s The Invention Of Love (Theatre Royal, Haymarket); Nixon’s Nixon (Comedy); Gross Indecency (Gielgud); The Boys In The Band (Aldwych). Film includes: Our Town starring Paul Newman; Whoopi (HBO, starring Whoopi Goldberg); The Man On Her Mind (The Talking Pictures Company). Steven’s productions have been the recipient of 14 Tony Award nominations, 5 Tony Awards, as well as the recipient of the Drama Desk, Lucille Lortel, Outer Critics Circle and OBIE Awards.
Vaughan Williams Vaughan was a founder shareholder in and is Chairman of the Charing Cross Theatre, where he has been a regular producer. Following an English Literature degree at London University, Vaughan enjoyed a long career in the City of London. Initially qualifying as a Chartered Accountant with Deloitte, he then joined merchant bankers Morgan Grenfell & Co., where he was appointed to the main Board in 1993. Following the merger with Deutsche Bank, he was appointed a Managing Director in Deutsche’s Investment Bank. Since retiring from banking in 2012, Vaughan divides his time between the theatre and property industries. His theatre productions include: Death Takes A Holiday, Christina Bianco: O Come All Ye Divas!, Ragtime (Offie Award for Best Musical), Titanic, 6 Actors In Search of A Director; the UK premiere of Jerry Herman’s Dear World, the Olivier Award-winning production of La Bohème, In the Bar of A Tokyo Hotel, by Tennessee Williams, and a number of shows currently in development. Vaughan has also recently fulfilled a long-held ambition to appear as lead guitarist in a rock and roll band.
LISTINGS INFORMATION Patrick Gracey, Steven M. Levy and Vaughan Williams by arrangement with The Really Useful Group Limited present The Woman in White Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber Lyrics by David Zippel Book by Charlotte Jones
Monday 20 November, 2017 – Saturday 10 February, 2018 Press night: Monday 4 December at 7.30pm
Charing Cross Theatre The Arches Villiers Street London WC2N 6NL http://ift.tt/HQ6NWc
http://ift.tt/2tPZTgw LondonTheatre1.com
0 notes
skelezomperman · 6 months
Revising A Tale of Star-Crossed Knights - Chapters 15 and 16
Chapter 15: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/103649820 Chapter 16: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/104060157
I've grouped these chapters into one post because they are both filler chapters during Part 2.
I think when I was planning out Part 2, I initially wanted it to have 8 chapters just like Part 1. The midpoint would be when the Aed Massacre and Battle of Belhalla happen offscreen and then the climax at the end would be Erinys' death. But there was just so much fluff scenes that I wanted to show of the daily life of the two families before that last point where Part 2 leaves off right before FE5 and FE4 Part 2 begin.
I did cut one scene in the revising, that being a scene at the beginning of Chapter 15 where Ced accidentally injures Hawke while playing with each other. (It's still mentioned in a later section of the chapter). I also significantly cut down on a partially finished scene where Finn was teaching Leif how to read in Tarrah/Tahra. Part of me wanted to cut more scenes, but it was just so hard to choose one. Finn's arrival to Fiana, Erinys finding Arthur, and Lachesis leaving for Diarmuid were essential ones. I couldn't see myself cutting the scene at the beginning of Chapter 16 where Erinys has the vivid dream of Finn either - that one's a gutpunch. Same with the scene in Chapter 15 where Lex's half-brother tries to romance Erinys. I probably could have done it, but I just wasn't feeling for cutting up that large of a piece of the work, especially when it was Part 3 that suffers the most from bloat.
(Oh hey also a scene from Chapter 15 made it into another fanfic. Feel free to read if you like OCs.)
One thing I almost did was cut out the part in Chapter 16 where Finn is feeling hints of attraction towards Lachesis. That part was included because I wanted to show some kind of idea like "hey, this isn't how Jugdral usually turns out." It's similar to the scene in Chapter 10 where Lewyn confesses that he had a crush on Erinys and was jealous when Finn got to her first. In the end I ended up keeping that part. It's smaller than what it could have been, i.e. I thought about having it so that it nearly becomes an actual affair rather than it being a hint of an attraction.
I guess the other big thing in this chapter is that this (specifically Chapter 16) is when Ced and Fee start being introduced as characters of their own in the story. They're old enough to where their perspective can be seen. Their promotions at the end of the chapter is what signifies that are "adults" as far as the story is concerned.
Original Author's Notes below for Chapter 15:
This chapter is fluffy-angsty pieces. On the surface they're fluff, but they overlay angsty undercurrents. I didn't really have a big theme for this chapter, but the last scene is the second scene from the "Pining" fic. It got edited though, of course.
Miscellaneous notes: I didn't say this but Blaise gets to tutor both Ced and Hawke in magic. I like to think that Arvis tries to sue for peace against Silesse the same way that he did against Travant, except Erinys says no. Erinys telling Fee bedtime stories about Sigurd is actually something that is referenced in-game. Jeanne is probably older than Nanna, I assume? Yves probably dies during Chapter 3 so if that's the case, Jeanne *has* to be older than Nanna (and even Diarmuid in this timeline). I have thoughts on climate but I'll probably get into them in a future chapter's A/N. I do think Tofa is far enough north to see the midnight sun (and in turn the polar night). Hildebrand in my thoughts is a younger sibling of Lex, but I don't think it really matters that much. Maria gets to be a Heavenly Knight because why not...I don't really have anything about this in the future.
Original Author's Notes for Chapter 16:
Honestly after the first scene this chapter felt like I was just phoning it in. It's very Erinys centric because I couldn't really think of scenes for Finn. I don't want to go through the motions with him and Leif/Nanna and I don't want to repeat the same angsting stuff with him either that I've already had him go through. I wanted to have the scene of Fee's pegasus being named and I also wanted the scene of Arthur joining them. I still haven't decided whether Arthur and Fee will be a pair or not.
But that first scene though. Sometimes dreams can really taunt you.
Next chapter is going to be the end of Part II. Be prepared because it's going to be the emotional nadir of this story.
Miscellaneous notes: Would Finn actually call Erinys "queen?" Maybe if he actually knew that she was a queen now. But this is a dream so he's not behaving exactly like how he would actually behave. Fee is still a bit younger than I would think a first-time pegasus rider would be, but 10 years old is a good place to set it. I only had Misha be the one to discover Arthur because I was too lazy to make another OC. I think she'll show up in a scene in the next chapter to explain her leaving Silesse. The merchant by the way is Lewyn because it was said in a developer's notes once that Lewyn taught Arthur how to use magic. They don't know it's Lewyn though and he never shows himself to them during Part II. I actually thought about making a scene where Finn feels some sort of physical attraction to Lachesis. It wouldn't be dissimilar from the scene where Lewyn admitted that he used to crush on Erinys, just a way to lampshade on this fic pulling me away from my "natural" pairings. I cut it because I felt it was a distraction. Scene towards the end is foreshadowing on Ced leaving to find Finn.
Take care over the next week.
0 notes
skelezomperman · 6 months
Revising A Tale of Star-Crossed Knights - Chapter 13
Link to chapter: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/102833481
Publishing this post a few days after publishing the revision, because I was lazy. So, this chapter covers the aftermath of FE4 Chapter 5. But in reality, it's more of a lull and covers personal struggles more than any actual action. So on Erinys' side, we see the arrival of Azelle and Tailtiu along with Arthur and their settling into life in Silesse. Meanwhile, Finn has to help Lachesis settle into life in Leonster (where she gives birth to Nanna). Both of them are missing each other, Erinys especially since she's forced to raise her children by herself.
This chapter was probably pretty bad with the cut off conversation stuff, when I put in short conversations but it didn't flow well. Most of Part II was like that. I probably could have revised this chapter by inserting some more meat into it, but all-in-all, it's fine as filler. It establishes both Finn and Erinys' personal struggles as they still try to grapple with life without the other.
Original Author's Notes below:
Shorter chapter because I didn't want to force the Fall of Leonster into the end. The Fall of Leonster will definitely be covered in the next chapter, hopefully I don't stretch it out to the point where the Fall of Silesse has to go into another chapter.
Finn and Lachesis is my favorite pairing in the entire game, so showing it as a friendship instead is a unique change of pace for me. The scene where Lachesis gets Finn to step in as a father figure for Nanna is an idea originally from my other story "Yearning" set in a universe where Finn didn't marry anyone but he still had a one-sided love towards Lachesis. I think one of the things about this work is that the hand of the Author (me) has messed up a bunch of different pairings, yet you can still see this tendency towards "the default" in some ways. That shows in Lewyn admitting that he crushed on Erinys until she got with Finn, it shows in Finn and Lachesis becoming parents to Nanna and Leif without being married to each other.
Azelle and Tailtiu were two characters which I did not think were going to show up beyond just a cameo. In fact, as I mentioned in a previous A/N I originally wanted Tailtiu to be with Lewyn. But I realize that Arthur still has to get fit into the story somehow, and he will reappear later in Part II for sure after the retreat to Tófa. Tine's birth will get mentioned in the next chapter but it won't be a major arc, it will be less prominent than Nanna's birth was in this chapter.
Miscellaneous notes: Why does Fee sleep in a box? Boxes historically were (and sometimes still are) used as a poor man's cradle. I'm sure a royal cradle exists somewhere in the castle but Fee doesn't need to sleep there. Arthur being two months younger than Fee is weird because I've always envisioned him as being close in age to Ced, but that's just how this story worked out. Still haven't decided whether to pair Arthur with Fee or Nanna. Erinys not knowing how to heal previously is an oversight actually! She should have known how to heal already but I just mentioned it anyways. Fee and Arthur's gifts of course are references to their future classes in the actual game. I know it's awkward to give a random OC a name that is the same as another FE character, but I'm ok with Maria being reused. The game itself reused Linda, after all. I thought that Fee tripping over Arthur is funny as a little bit of foreshadowing.
Hope you guys liked this chapter!
0 notes
skelezomperman · 9 months
Revising A Tale of Star-Crossed Knights - Chapter 9
Link to Chapter 9: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/101133303
This chapter is probably one of the lowest ones in terms of substance in the entire work, but I decided that it could get a post on its own. It's the first chapter in Part II which covers the time period in between Finn and Erinys separating for the last time all the way until Erinys' death and the beginnings of FE4 Gen 2/FE5. When I was approaching Part II, I initially wanted to write it in such a fashion to where it would swap between Finn's perspective and Erinys' perspective. I still did that for the second half, but for the first three chapters I segregated the perspectives. This was mostly because I didn't want to interrupt the Silesse Civil War arc which turned out to be one of my favorite parts of the entire work.
Chapter 9 is another filler chapter. The original version had some highlights of me rushing chapters again, that being abrupt endings in transitioning between scenes. That's definitely going to be a big thing to fix during the rest of the work. The other big thing, of course, is excising non-important worldbuilding stuff. (e.g., In the original version, Finn's bully is named Aillan, but I took that name out (as well as any Italy references) because I don't want to put something in that gets forgotten later on.) I also have worked at reducing the amount of interruptions between scenes and making them flow into each other. What would really be best is adding more content which is what I'm too lazy to do, but I still think it's worked well.
That said, while it's filler I do think it's good for Finn's character. He left Leonster as a young squire (maybe not 15 years old in this story, but young) and he comes back as an adult. So he has a sort of difficulty integrating back into Leonster, not only because of his longing for Erinys and Ced but also because he's matured more than his peers. Besides Quan, Glade is really the only close friend that Finn has. Even he doesn't truly understand Finn, but he at least helps through the culture shock of Finn coming back to other people suddenly changing their opinion on him and making crude jokes about his wife.
I think that's all I have to say, so the original author's notes are below for your perusal.
Welcome to Part II, the part where Erinys and Finn are completely separated. At first I was intending for the point of view to swap from scene to scene, but I realized when planning this out that it would interrupt story arcs if I did that - imagine if, say, the story flipped directly from Altena and Leif being little shits to Erinys learning about Annand dying. That would be whiplash. So the plan for now is that Chapters 9 and 12 will be in Finn's POV, while Chapters 10 and 11 will be Erinys' POV. That may change though.
Shorter chapter because lol taking a break for a week meant that I need to get back in my rhythm of writing. Nothing heavy happens in this chapter, it's just Finn returning home to Leonster. Which I initially wanted to base off Italy but I realize now that it's more fun to think of some kind of English influence too...not that it really shows in this fic. Next chapter will definitely include heavy stuff though...everyone knows what happens in Chapter 4 of the game so break out the tissues in a week.
Leif's born too and by necessity he's going to play a role in later chapters. I don't intend on this to be a complete retelling of the entire events of FE4/FE5 because that would be boring and I want to keep the focus on this relationship between Finn and Erinys, and later between Finn and his biological children. But obviously Leif is going to show up in some capacity, and Altena too beyond just being a little girl.
Miscellaneous notes: Altena's a weird thing. It feels weird that Quan and Ethlyn would be away from their daughter for three and a half years, especially when she was only a few months old when they left Leonster. It kind of makes sense if they expected to return to Leonster after two months and not get dragged into in a wild goose chase, but I feel like Altena shouldn't be able to recognize her parents *at all.* She'd recognize her grandparents though for sure. Credit to @PEve862 on Twitter for bringing up that according to Leonster's Fall, Finn really only had Glade as a friend (at least before he turned into a war hero.) I already felt like Finn was awkward and not really liked by others when he was a squire but that piece of info solidified the deal for the scene with the other nights. It's kind of like if someone who was bullied in middle school comes to a high school reunion and turns out to be more successful than their bullies. But I still felt like Finn would find it awkward - even though they're all about 20-ish years old, Finn's still more mature than his peers, and it really comes across when the others wanted to hear about what it's like to do The Thing with an "exotic" woman than actually listen to Finn who is truly in love with her beyond just in the bed. But Glade is there to save the day because he actually understands Finn and is friends with Finn beyond just wanting to suck up to their new commander. Aillen is the name of a fire breathing monster whom Fionn mac Cumhaill slays in mythology. I thought the name looked natural enough to be thrown in. Yudu is mentioned in supplementary material as an earth god worshipped prior to the arrival of Gair/Loptous. I wanted to call the tavern something other than "the tavern" and the name flows well. I almost had Glade call Finn "fra" as a reference to Italian but decided to change it to "bro" because I want readers to understand the connotation immediately. I know that it breaks the immersion of this being medieval times but we're ultimately still in modern times so sometimes it's okay to use modern words. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Feel free to kudos/comment as always if you liked it, and see you guys next week.
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skelezomperman · 11 months
Revising A Tale of Star-Crossed Knights - Chapters 5-7
Chapter 5: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/99147840 Chapter 6: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/99588483 Chapter 7: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/99588483
These three chapters cover the space in between Ced's birth and Finn leaving. All three of them are filler to various degrees, and in my opinion they are the most filler chapters in the entire work. My regret is that I couldn't make them longer, but any extra scenes would have probably just been fluff to flesh out the actual relationship between Finn and Erinys. Actually, I do think that I portrayed the relationship to be a bit too rosy - there isn't much conflict before Finn's departure when we're talking about two people that probably weren't prepared to marry and raise a child. But I don't think it's that important that this aspect was missed - the relationship magically working out does increase the tragedy factor.
Despite being relatively short, these chapters had more aspects cut than added. I think the biggest thing that was cut was some worldbuilding aspects. The original version of this work had an OC named Hedwig who volunteered to host Erinys and her family for the duration of Sigurd's stay in Silesse. The problem I found was that Hedwig basically disappeared after Chapter 10. I find this to be rather unsatisfying; I think that there should be a payoff to having OCs actually get fleshed out. So I decided to drastically cut down on her role; she still has a couple scenes, but she will no longer be mentioned by name nor take a major part in any scenes. This will happen to the other OCs in this story too with one or two exceptions, for the same reasons.
Secondly, language. In Part 1, I made an effort to do a thing with different languages because it does bother me that the characters in the game seem to never have language barriers. I took a little bit of a pointer from the famous Kaga interview - Agustria speaks French, Grannvale speaks German, Silesse speaks Polish, etc. But as with the OCs, I find that this aspect just dropped out of the story after Part 1. Thus, I decided to cut the languages aspect entirely instead of trying to rewrite the rest of the story around it. In scenes where language barrier is necessary like the one where Finn can't understand the Silessians, it's been reduced to stuff like different accents. Language barrier is fun and my next fanfic probably will feature it in some form, but I don't want to keep it in when it doesn't add to the story.
I did cut out a couple more scenes; in particular, the scene at the end of Chapter 7 where Erinys gets promoted is being moved to Chapter 8 because it's an awkward way to end that chapter. I feel that the ones that remain are good enough to stand on their own. In particular, I do like the scenes illustrating the tension between Finn and the Silessians in Chapter 6, the Erinys/Silvia scenes in Chapter 7, and the date that Erinys and Finn had in Chapter 7 (the one that inspired the cover art).
Going back to (lack of) realism, I do realize that it's unrealistic for Erinys to be able to fight mere weeks postpartum. I don't think it particularly matters though, maybe it could be written off as "she's just that awesome!" It'd probably also be more realistic for Annand to be far harsher on Finn than she actually is. I didn't mention in the original A/N that when I was originally writing, the thought came to my mind of Annand insinuating that Finn had coerced Erinys into marriage somehow. I don't regret leaving that out, though; probably for the better if I stay in my lane with writing and not get into dark topics for the sake of realism.
Original Author's Notes for each chapter
Chapter 5:
Right, so we're finally at the part where things go downhill. Deirdre gets kidnapped, and Finn and Erinys are involved because they happen to be in Agusti when it happens. There's also some foreshadowing of some of the conflicts that will happen later on, including the one that will result in Finn and Erinys' eventual separation - Finn's struggles with being *obsessed* with his duty.
Annand shows up for the first time. I have to strike a balance with her. Initially I wanted her to get mad at Finn because she suspected that he forced Erinys into marriage, but I decided that would probably be OOC. I still want her to be suspicious of the pairing - not in the sense that she thinks something bad happened that caused it, but that she's afraid that Erinys is stuck in a situation that she can't easily leave. So she can't be openly mean to Erinys over it because she loves her sister, and she can't be mean to Finn either, but I think we'll see later on that she tries to grill Finn a little bit.
Coming up is the one year where they'll stay in Silesse. Initially I was planning to write it so that Chapter 5 of FE4 happens in 760, but I made an executive decision to make Sigurd's army stay in Silesse for a year before Quan/Ethlyn/Finn leave. This is going to give more room for fluff as Ced grows up, but it will also allow time for Erinys to develop her relationships with the other Silessians, especially Annand. (As a side note I am actually planning on writing Annand as lesbian although that doesn't change much about the plot. I feel like she could be a "cool aunt with lots of gifts" to Ced if she got more time to live.)
Oh, the final big thing from this chapter is kind of hidden: It's that Lachesis' eventual partner is going to be Lex. This isn't important right now but Lachesis will have more appearances at a later point in this fanfic for obvious reasons. Initially I planned on pairing her with Azelle or Naoise, but then I realized that Lex as the father means that Nanna could have some kind of blue highlights in her hair or blue eyes - something which could make Finn as an adopted father ironic.
Miscellaneous notes: Edain is meant to be guarded by the deaconess on her way north to Madino/Orgahil. I would assume that the deaconess is Edain's main assistant in terms of her religious duties. Ceddy is *a* pet name for Ced but Cedsy is going to get mentioned at some point. Katie is short for Katherine, another name that I just made up for one of Erinys' knights. The end of the chapter takes place around late August/early September. Silesse's summer is short and mild so cooler temperatures are going to come up...I wonder what kind of fluff that will entail.
Thank you for reading! Hopefully you enjoyed this one, feel free to comment because I like comments :) Next chapter should include some more fluff but also hopefully some kind of development too for Erinys.
Chapter 6:
Alternative title: Finn feels left out because he's not Silessian.
Have you ever been involved with someone whose family all spoke a different language than you? Or maybe you grew up in a family where one of your parents spoke a language that the other didn't? Yeah, family gatherings can get kind of awkward if the spouse doesn't learn the language quickly. So Finn just feels that way. I might have repeated that theme too much in this part but oh well. The nations of Jugdral being different ethnicities isn't something that is really explored much, so I might as well.
Annand warms up to Finn! She's still not 100% on him (she's only known him for a month or so) but she tries to warm up. Poor Finn still feels spooked by it but she tries her best to make things better.
Also yay OCs to add a little bit of worldbuilding flavor. I'll try to invent them for Leonster too. Don't worry, they won't take away the spotlight from the characters you actually came here to see.
Miscellaneous notes: Agusti's castle was able to house Sigurd's entire army (in different rooms) because it was exceptionally large due to Agustria's wealth. Only a handful of castles in Jugdral are larger. Sailane only has a small fortress so only Sigurd and a couple others get to stay in an actual room there. Lizabet is in Annand's unit that guards Silesse Town. Yes, that means that something will happen to her later on... Lahna gets referred to as the Queen Mother because she's only acting as a regent since Lewyn disappeared. I also goofed and had her referred to as Majesty when in-game (at least in Project Naga) she's referred to as Highness, but I'll keep it as Majesty since she was a consort before Lewyn's father died. Erinys will eventually be a Highness, not a Majesty. The conversation between Lahna and Lewyn is adapted from the one at the beginning of Chapter 4 of the actual game. Annand isn't meant to be unique in being unmarried at an "older" age, but she's certainly not an exception. Thankfully for her, Lahna does shoot down discussion of trying to find a husband for her. The parents of Erinys and Annand both died when Erinys was 8 and Annand was 16. I'm leaving it intentionally unclear as to what happened to Finn's parents because I don't want to think about it. All he knows is that he was sent to the orphanage when he was a toddler. Arden/Ayra won't figure prominently in this fic, it's just in the background...Lex/Lachesis on the other hand will since Lachesis has to show up. We're also gearing up to set up Silvia/Lewyn...wait until the next chapter to see. Silessian language is Polish because I said so. Longest Night is basically Christmas, I mean Nagamas. 25th day of the month of Nál. What do other countries do for it? Don't ask me because I don't know.
Anyway hope you guys enjoyed! Comments appreciated as always, see you guys next week hopefully :)
Chapter 7:
Shorter chapter! Yeah, I decided to drag their time together in Silesse out to three chapters. So I now envision this work being three parts although I don't plan to literally divide it into three fics. Part I which covers Finn and Erinys' actual time together will end with Chapter 8. After that is Part II which lasts from Finn and Erinys separating to the beginnings of the second part of FE4, and Part III covers the second part of FE4 and the epilogue.
The real focus of this chapter is supposed to be Erinys' relationship with Silvia. As we saw in previous chapters, Erinys resents Silvia not because she is *jealous* of her but because she thinks she would be a bad partner for Lewyn. But then she crosses the line and Lewyn points out that it's kind of hypocritical to question her relationship with Lewyn, especially in light of how quickly Erinys got wedded to Finn for...reasons. So then Erinys and Silvia reconcile and they become friends kinda.
The other parts are just gravy to fill the chapter and get it to 3k words. Finn watching Ced crawl for the first time was referenced in a previous fic although I don't remember which one. The Festival of the Shortest Night is a ripoff of Midsummer which is pretty popular across Europe. Just a funny excuse for a date.
Miscellaneous notes: The title of this chapter - I originally wanted to name each chapter of this work after a different word for love but ended up abandoning that. Limerence is kind of like infatuation or lust but for romance, not sex. So this reflects that these two still want to romance each other beyond just...you know, bed, but it's still kind of a young relationship. Yeah Naoise and Alec are dating. I wanted to slip that in somewhere. Finn is Lachesis' teacher for lances...she's going to promote to Master Knight offscreen after she gives birth to Diarmuid. Alec is Erinys' sparring partner because I didn't want to reuse Naoise. Bonfires and jumping into rivers are real things that happen during Midsummer/St. John's Eve. Fernflower is a flower that is associated with superstitions in the Slavic world during this time of year. Kind of shoehorned in the thing with Erinys' pegasus turning into a falicorn just because. Might as well create an explanation as to where they come from.
See you guys next week for the conclusion of Part I!
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skelezomperman · 1 year
Revising A Tale of Star-Crossed Knights: Chapters 2-4
Link to Chapter 2: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/98040516/ Link to Chapter 3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/98349852/ Link to Chapter 4: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/98694090/
I've decided that I won't write revising notes for every chapter so I'll probably be grouping arcs together. In this case, I'm grouping together Chapters 2-4 which is the marriage/pregnancy arc. These were the chapters when I was starting to get a handle on how to pace the story but I still see that there were issues with it.
Chapter 2 was definitely the worst of the three. In retrospect, shoving in fluff where they start properly dating into a chapter where the main event was Erinys finding out she was pregnant was probably not the wisest decision. I did like the scene where they are awkwardly lovey-dovey with each other and Finn comes up with the "angel" nickname. (As I said in the original A/N, that was based on an older fanslation calling Erinys/Annand/Pamela/Dithorba the "Angelic Knights of Silesse.") The scene at the end where Erinys delivers the news to Finn had a very abrupt ending which I blame on feeling awkward about writing this topic. I had to rewrite that so it wouldn't just end with them hugging - there is at least a semblance of a resolution now.
(Sadly, I also cut a scene from Chapter 2 where Ethlyn teaches Finn and Erinys how to date. I love the idea of Ethlyn being a wingwoman but I couldn't think of a way to rewrite the scene. Since I'm not a full-time writer, I decided to just cut instead of leaving a poorly-integrated scene.)
Chapter 3 was the most bloated chapter in Part I. I did not expect for it to be that long when I was originally writing it. Surprisingly most of it was fine and I mostly cut down on the actual wedding scene as well as a scene where Finn is in church. The pivotal part of this chapter, in my opinion, was Finn getting the bronze rings with their names.
Then there was Chapter 4 which is surprisingly short. Originally I wanted to include the scene where Deirdre disappears but that was reduced to a cliffhanger at the end of the chapter. IMO, that was for the better. The chapter mostly resolves around them picking names for the child and later the actual birth of Ced. The birth scene is something that I wanted to cut down on after I released the chapter because the focus should be more on the fluff of the new parents bonding with their son. This chapter overall didn't require too much revision either. I thought about adding some more meat to the scene in the middle where Lewyn and Erinys argue before he leaves, but again, I don't want to spend too much time on this project.
Here are the original author's notes for each chapter.
Chapter 2:
Yup, this is the scene that above all I dreaded writing. I realized when I charted out this saga a year ago that Erinys and Finn would only work if it were a shotgun marriage because Ced is conceived out of wedlock. Now certainly it's likely that at least one of the relationships in Sigurd's army had a child or two conceived out of wedlock, and in fact the Silvia/Alec conversation within the game itself goes down that route. Despite this, I still did not look forward to trying to write a scene where Erinys finds out that she got pregnant because she and Finn messed around and the scenes that follow like her having to reveal this to Finn. I've tried to write this part as delicately as possible. I want to show that these two would be, for lack of a better term, scared shitless that this is happening while not turning the ordeal into a joke. Hopefully I've struck a good balance so far, but if not then please tell me in the comments. Miscellaneous stuff: Ethlyn is the one who helps them get together because of course, I can't think of anyone better I'd like to use. I made up the name Agatha for one of Erinys' knights just for fun (the ones that show up with her in Chapter 2), I can't remember if any of the manga gave any of the knights a name. My idea with the date is that there is a Silessian bar next to Silesse's embassy in Agusti that is popular among Silessians who are in Agustria for whatever reason. The scene of Finn wrapping his cape around Erinys was actually one that I was intending to make a standalone fic at one point, but it never materialized; I decided to incorporate it here instead. Months are named after the crusaders in-universe, so the month of Dáinn is November, the month of Nál is December, and the month of Njörun is January. The chapter starts in 758 with the new year being 759 of course; Seliph is to be born during May in 759. Midir is the one whom Finn goes on a sortie with at the end because they somewhat know each other since they joined Sigurd's army at around the same time and serve similar roles. Chapter 3:
We've gotten to the wedding scene which I stretched out way longer than I thought I would. And more fluffy and trope-y than I though it would be. Oh well...you need some fluff to make the tragic parts hit harder. I swear that the next chapter will actually have serious stuff...provided that it goes farther than Ced's birth. To me, the key scene in this chapter is the wedding rings scene. If you've seen my other sketches on this pairing, you'd know that the wedding rings are a key device that will be used later on in this work. They're cheap and bronze yet they still have their names written on them as a touch, so they symbolize how their love came together in a cheap way yet they still somehow are attached to each other, surprisingly. The other scene that I like is the stargazing scene. It was the last scene I inserted into this chapter. I thought something was missing in that spot until I realized while reading my existing sketches that Finn said that he and Erinys liked doing that for fun, so I inserted it here because I didn't know if I'd have a good place to after Ced was born. It's also just more opportunity for fluff to show off their dynamic a bit more. Miscellaneous notes: I integrated Eldigan into the scene at the beginning because I want to situate this work within what happens in the actual game. Still Yes, Lewyn makes a couple suggestive jokes because I feel like he would do that. I feel like in a modern AU Lewyn would be atheist or at least non-religious, but it's hard for him to be outright that way in a universe where the gods exist in some fashion. Finn gets the flowers off-screen from Lachesis. I like to think Lachesis would like cultivating flowers as a hobby, maybe. Erinys' pegasus is named after Palla but I used the Japanese form of her name, kind of as a nod to other flying animals sharing their names with fliers in other games. Banns of marriage is an actual tradition with marriages in the West. I think I made the wedding a bit too Western-centric, but it's what I know best. Plus it's a convenient explanation as to how they waited long enough for the wedding rings to come back. Constellations take their names from real life ones but I didn't really care much for accuracy in placement. The Silessian Cross is an allusion to the Southern Cross (Crux) which was used in real life to guide navigators towards the south, as a counterpart to the Big Dipper (Ursa Major). I'm not really good at fashion so I just tried to make up what I think would be good outfits for the pair to wear to their wedding. It's supposed to symbolize how rushed it was and how they aren't really rich enough to do something lavish, but I probably failed at that. Oh well. That's all on the misc notes so hopefully you had fun reading this :)
Chapter 4:
I need to stop promising myself that the next chapter will feature actual drama because I keep breaking it. This one's a shorter one. So I have a scene where Finn and Erinys come up with the names for their child(ren), and made up stuff about where the names come from. I was reminded the other day on Twitter that in one of the Forging Bonds in FEH, Erinys was shocked that she named her son after the crusader as if it was some kind of taboo. Kind of ignored that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. The next two conversations both hint at some conflicts that will come up more in later parts of the story, I won't spoil what my plans are but you can guess. Finally the birth scene was designed to focus on the fluffy moments of Ced meeting his parents for the first time, not on the actual nitty-gritty. Of course in real life it's tough, ugly, and dangerous, but nobody wants to hear about that. We all want to see a wholesome family moment. And then at the end is a cliffhanger, although everyone knows what happened with Deirdre. Miscellaneous notes: The month of Baldr is May (I always put Seliph's birthday on May 14th), the month of Od is July. The month in between, June, is the month of Höðr/Hezul. Ayra is meant to get with Arden. Originally I wanted to do Alec for laughs, but I've decided that instead I kind of want to see if I can slip in a mention of Naoise/Alec at some point. The knights that accompanied Erinys' to Agustria are meant to still be there, just that they are protecting Lewyn now and taking her duties since you know...she's heavily pregnant at this point in the story. Agusti's summers are meant to be hot and sticky. Agusti is too far inland to get moderated by the ocean, so it sucks. Somewhere close to the coast like Orgahil would get a more mild summer. But at least it's not like Isaach where there is almost never any rain during the summer. In real life medieval Europe, men were supposed to completely separate from the mother before childbirth because it was feared that the mere presence of a male was dangerous to the mother and her child. Here, in the background Sigurd was such an airhead that he refused to separate from Deirdre when Seliph was born. Seliph being born perfectly fine "proved" that males wouldn't inherently mess up the process, so Finn uses it as justification for him to force his way into the room. Edain is meant to be there as a sort of overseer, but she also reads prayers because she's a cleric still. I headcanon that it's practice for a child to be christened by a cleric on the eighth day of their life so they can receive some sort of blessing from the gods. That's what happened with Ced as he is christened by Edain. Thanks for reading, feel free to comment, and hopefully we can come back here for Chapter 5 soon.
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skelezomperman · 1 year
Revising A Tale of Star-Crossed Knights: Chapter 1
Link to Chapter 1: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/97592907/
This is going to be a series of posts which is part Author's Notes, part retrospective. I've been wanting to revise my novel-length story for a while now, both to make it read better and to eventually reformat it into a good eBook format (AO3's ebook downloads unfortunately are not what I want). The first part of that was actually commissioning a lovely cover art by @racecarart; the second part is going through each chapter, revising it, and uploading the new parts to AO3.
Chapter 1 was the very first part of the story that I wrote. The first scene with the armory meeting was actually written in May 2021, over a year before the actual work on this fic began. I think my motivation for it came back in April 2022 which meant that it took about a month to produce 3000 words. This was back in a time when I had no idea what the finalized product was going to look like; I thought that I would only have eight chapters and it would be 15k-20k words (not too much longer than Divine Wind, Earth Lance). I did not have a handle on pacing and it shows.
I would estimate that the new Chapter 1 is about 35% original writing. The original plotline where Finn and Erinys go from 0 to 100 in the span of a chapter is meant to be contrived, firstly because the pairing is contrived in of itself (it's very hard to get in-game) and secondly because the plot relies on a sort of Kent/Fiora moment. But the original piece was contrived in a bad way. I especially didn't feel that there was much chemistry between the two prior to the dance. The solution to that was simple: expand on the first two scenes so they would actually show chemistry! They meet for the first time, they get to know each other and realize they're similar, and then they start becoming attracted to each other. On the other hand, I cut a short scene where Finn saves Erinys from an arrow because it didn't add much other than clichés.
The dance scene was my favorite part of the chapter so it was unchanged. I do like writing ballroom dances, perhaps to the point of leaning on it as a crutch, so I kept that. The very last scene at the end, however, did go some revision. The idea that Erinys tripped over a pebble and accidentally kissed Finn comes across as too contrived to the point of being immature. I changed it so that it's just that passion gets the better of them. I think this version of the scene also makes it more obvious that they did The Funny with each other outdoors - of course, I don't want to write anything explicit or even something that would make it rated M.
One last thing is that I'm cutting out a worldbuilding thing where real-world European languages like French filtered into the fic. That got dropped after around Chapter 9 and I don't want to leave a vestige of something that gets dropped out. A couple OCs will probably face a similar fate...Ah well, editing does mean you have to cut things you like.
For posterity's sake, here are the original author's notes:
Welcome to my Finn/Erinys longform fic. I'm finally getting around to doing this journey, charting the relationship from when they first meet to the end of the game when Finn is with his kids. I don't intend to novelize the entire thing but I want to try to get as much as I can think of on paper, from start to finish. I'm going to incorporate the four previous fics I've made so far as well. At the moment my outline has eight chapters, but I might add more if I feel a need to split up chapters or add more content. Targeting for one chapter a week but I'm not completely sure, depends on my motivation ebbing and flowing.
This chapter is basically an introduction; a fluff if you will. There's not really that much development because it's just Finn and Erinys falling in love. Probably rushed but that's okay because the idea is that they let their emotions take over eventually - they have a Kent/Fiora moment, if you will. At first they deny they're in love even though Lewyn and to a lesser extent Quan are egging them on, but later on they go from 0 to 100 because they're young. I refuse to write them doing the actual act but yes, they do the thing at the end of the chapter. We'll see that it has consequences in the next couple chapters, and it's not going to be completely clean. But I can promise that there will be a bit more fluff in the next chapter with a proper date or two.
Also if you're curious, the currencies are real life references. *Denier* is French for denarius and it was the currency used by the Franks in the early Middle Ages. *Marka* was an obscure currency used by Poland during the first years of the II Rzeczpospolita before it was replaced by the złoty. I didn't want to be too on the nose with those.
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skelezomperman · 6 months
Revising A Tale of Star-Crossed Knights - Chapters 18 and 19
Link to Chapter 18: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/105269472
Link to Chapter 19: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/105690093
These chapters are grouped together because they both cover the time period from Erinys' death up until the beginning of Thracia 776. And not so coincidentially, these are the most filler chapters of Part 3. The rest of Part 3 is nonstop because it covers basically the entirety of the second half of Genealogy in the span of 7 chapters. There wasn't really much I changed with these chapters, though I considered cutting the scene where Asbel gets Grafcalibur at the beginning of Chapter 19. I believe I did cut a scene in Chapter 18 with Finn and Nanna because I thought it served no real purpose other than to just give Finn an appearance...it flows better to have that chapter focus only on the Silessean kids.
Honestly I do find that I don't really like that C19 tries to have the three main characters (Finn/Ced/Fee) all have their plots develop at the same time, but I didn't feel like trying to rewrite the chapters so that they would all be segregated. It's a bit messy that they get split up between each other, but at least it doesn't last too long until Ced and Finn reunite.
Original A/N for Chapter 18:
Welcome to the beginning of Part III! The long night of Jugdral is beginning to end as the seeds of rebellion are sowed across the continent.
I decided that this chapter would mostly focus on Ced. Ced has the journey to go to Northern Thracia for the first time in search of his father. Fee tries to dissuade him but Arthur (!) convinces her to let Ced go. I like the Arthur-Fee friendship and it's something I really want to develop over the rest of Part III.
The rest of the journey is just...a journey. Ced rediscovers his ancestral homeland and that's great, but the big point here is Lewyn's encounter with Ced. It's the big reveal to the audience that Lewyn is still alive. Lewyn points out to Ced how foolish the plan is and he redirects him to go join the Magi. Ced is so awed that he follows Lewyn's requests even though he had previously been stubbornly locked onto finding Finn and he *should* have a lot of questions for Lewyn.
The last part is mostly about tying up some ends as to integrating with the broader plot of Jugdral - re-introducing Asbel and introducing Karin especially. And giving Finn a little scene too because I don't think he needed to be completely excluded from this chapter.
Chapter 19 will correspond to the beginning of FE5 and FE4, so see you then.
Miscellaneous notes: Paola's death is a scene I had conceived of before starting this chapter. There's no deeper meaning other than the pegasus being broken-hearted now that her owner is dead. "Lady Regent" - just made up stuff, although if you recall in an earlier chapter Lewyn did not become "King" until his coronation. Needed to explain away Ced being allowed to leave Silesse. Project Naga calls the C-rank light tome just "Light" like in the Tellius games. I personally dislike that so I stuck to the "Lightning" name used in every other FE game. For a moment I thought about having an encounter between Lene and Ced in Dahna but I didn't wish to bloat the chapter. I was having difficulties getting started on this chapter anyway. I don't plan on Julia and Ced becoming close friends, though she'll probably be friends with Fee. The "because you just told me" line is ripped off from Sonic Adventure 2. That's kind of cringe but that's alright. Lewyn not sleeping is actually inspired by a comic by Jadesnapart which you can find here: https://jadesnapart.tumblr.com/post/157387711668/boy-do-i-love-julia-and-her-weird-dad-is-he-ok
Original A/N for Chapter 19:
Originally I was going to condense the entirety of the first half of Thracia 776 into one chapter. But I realized that there's just so much content that I can't really do that.
There's three different plotlines here, all of which have are tangentially linked in some way. The first, the one that is front and center, is Ced's journey with the Magi. Ced still has the goal of wanting to find his father in the back of his head but working with the Magi has become his top goal. We see a bit of his new friendship with Asbel, then we have the conversation with Asbel when he sends off Asbel to find Leif, and we also see some insight into his thinking. He deliberately puts off trying to meet Finn.
Then there's Finn's journey. Finn covers the first events of Thracia 776 that we see in the game. He's worried about Leif taking charge and being insistent on fighting the Empire head-on, but he has to acquiesce to Leif since Leif is the lord and Finn is the servant. Finn faces feelings of regret to leave Leif (and Nanna/Mareeta) in Munster but he comes to terms with the fact that he couldn't have done more.
Finally we have Fee. Fee, worried for Ced, decides to go set out to look for him. She's initially hesitant to do that when a full year hasn't passed but then the news of Seliph's rebellion reaches her. In the original game Fee goes by herself with Arthur, but in this story I have Hermina, Hawke, and Karin accompany her. Originally in the planning stages for the story I envisioned Hawke going with Ced but I realized that the story would flow better if Ced was on his own. For this chapter I also initially wanted Karin to travel and meet Ced like she does in Thracia 776 but I decided mid-chapter to not do that - it wouldn't make much sense for a squire to travel all the way to Leonster on her own and I honestly forgot to integrate her into the scene that corresponds to FE5 Chapter 4.
About the length of the chapter, I wanted the chapter to actually end with Finn reuniting with Leif and Nanna (i.e., FE5 Chapter 7) and Seliph meeting Fee and friends (i.e., FE4 Chapter 6). But I target chapters being in the 3k-5k words ballpark and this one was well over that length so that's going to get pushed to Chapter 20. Instead, I indulged myself by making a scene introducing Altena. That interaction (as well as a couple in the next chapter) is borrowed from a previous story I wrote, Divine Wind, Earth Lance - but the plotlines in that one will have to get changed since that is based on Ced being Lewyn's son.
Miscellaneous notes: Clonfert - I literally just pulled up Ireland in Google Maps and picked a name that I thought was nice. I was lazy. The villa to the south of Munster that Finn wants to visit is Dryas'. Am I foreshadowing a relationship between Arthur and Fee? Find out later... I initially wrote the name of the fort as Fort Kelves like in an earlier translation of FE5. I honestly do not care for calling it Fort Kerberos but I generally try to stick to what the newest fanslations say, so I stuck with Project Exile's name. Tina mention...I might try to sneak her into a later chapter, not sure. "His Thracian Majesty" is Travant's style to emphasize that Travant claims the entirety of Thracia, not just the South.
Feel free to kudos/comment as always and see you next week :)
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skelezomperman · 6 months
Revising A Tale of Star-Crossed Knights - Chapter 17
Link to chapter: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/104448972
This is the climax of the piece.
I actually did not change very much about this chapter. The only significant thing was that the OC priestess Lucy had her name removed. It is probably the most emotional thing that I've written. As much as I shouldn't say this about my own work, I still get chills every time I re-read this chapter. It's just so horrifying to see Erinys' deterioration from being the heroine of Silesse to dropping dead. I really tried my best to give a good farewell to Erinys. It's sad that the plot dictates that she has to die at that point, that she'll never see Finn again, but in a sense it's realistic that not everyone gets a happy ending.
My original A/N is actually relatively short which I like because it showed that I was confident the chapter could stand on its own. One thing I alluded to is something that happened during drafting. When I was writing, my schedule was usually to write Monday-Thursday, edit on Friday and Saturday, and publish over the weekend so each chapter came out weekly. Well, the Thursday for this chapter was September 8th, 2022, and that was the date when Queen Elizabeth II died. That was a hilarious coincidence.
Original Author's Notes:
Oh god we've finished Part II.
This is probably the most emotional thing I've ever written. I think that I've done well at making you, the reader, really feel the pain of losing a loved one that Ced and Fee feel. I tried to not make it *too* painful, but even I'm feeling sorrow reading through it.
And really, what makes this special is not just that this is pain for the sake of feeling pain but that it's painful that Finn is absent. I purposefully did not have Finn show up until the end to put an exclamation point to the idea that he's not there for his family. What he's doing right now is important, of course, but it doesn't change the pain that his absence brings and the fact that he's completely oblivious to what's happening right now. I thought about writing a scene where Finn randomly thought about her at the exact moment she died, but I decided that it's more powerful for him to be unaware.
Canon dictates that Ced left to find his father before his mother died, but I think in this case it's more powerful to reverse the order of those events. He goes after Finn *because* of his mother's passing. His feelings are complicated - he's curious to meet the man that his mother was still in love with but he also wants some sort of vengeance against him because he wonders if she would have lived longer if he were there. So the roles will reverse with Ced stubbornly wanting to visit Finn even though Fee doesn't want him to.
I can clarify that this chapter had nothing to do with certain recent events and I wrote the first draft before that happened, but it was a funny coincidence.
See you in two weeks for the beginning of Part III.
0 notes
skelezomperman · 6 months
Revising A Tale of Star-Crossed Knights - Chapter 14
Link to chapter: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/103248081
Chapter 14 was written to continue the paralleling plot structure of the previous two chapters. Specifically, the parallels are between Finn's escape from Leonster and Erinys' escape from Silesse Town. The existence of Leonster's Fall made writing that scene with Finn much easier since many of the details were provided. On the other hand with Erinys, I had to make up details. Admittedly, when I was planning this fanfic I had two major misconceptions about Silesse during the interwar period. One of them was that Erinys always became queen even if she weren't married to Lewyn. That said, I decided to have her become the ruler of Silesse anyway. I admit that it's contrived that Lahna has the power to make a random knight the leader of an entire nation, but I think it's cool and it's not like Silesse had any better options.
I did cut out another OC name, that being of Caroline who is a former knight turned advisor to Erinys. Similarly with Hedwig, I don't want to name OCs that don't get serious screentime. Maria, on the other hand, will stay especially since she got an entire fanfic. Looking at my original A/N, Caroilne wasn't even supposed to have a name so I think it's for the better if that gets undone.
Original Author's Notes:
Parallelism, the chapter.
Finn's retreat from Leonster with Leif is well known in the lore of Jugdral. I drew from the short story "Leonster's Fall" written by the FE5 developers as inspiration, but I didn't want to copy it. Raydrik betraying Calf is an actual thing that happens there, as well as Alfiona dressing as a knight to go fight in the defense of Leonster. But I changed a couple points to suit the story more. Dryas/Dorias goes with Calf while in "Leonster's Fall" he stayed behind in Leonster. Glade does not accompany Finn in the story and Selphina doesn't even appear. They did not immediately go to Tahra in the story. Finally, in the story Grannvale intervenes because Ulster wanted their assistance; in this fanfic Grannvale intervenes because Thracia tries to attack Melgen.
Erinys' flight to Tofa/Thove is something that is not illustrated in any official works, as a contrast. In this fanfic it happens in 764, a year after Leonster's fall and not too long after Tine's birth. Erinys, like Finn, is forced to "abandon" her city for a greater cause since her queen ordered her to do so. But she at least is in a less precarious spot than Finn because Grannvale is going to be totally unable to take Tofa. She also gets to keep Ced and Fee away. Azelle and Tailtiu on the other hand fall to Grannvale offscreen Friegian forces kill Azelle and take Tailtiu/Tine with them. Arthur on the other hand was playing on his own but he flees and ends up hopping from orphanage to orphanage. Arthur will reappear in the future.
Finally, there's the point of Erinys being crowned as queen. In the past I thought that this happened irregardless of who she or Lewyn married, but I recently discovered that Erinys is only referred to queen in Thracia - i.e., where she is already married to Lewyn and is a queen consort. In this fanfic, Erinys becomes queen simply because Lahna trusts her more than anyone else. Lewyn and Silvia poofed away and they have no way of knowing that Silvia had children offscreen. So she's shouldered with this responsibility of being queen and single mother at the same time...
Chapters 15 and 16 will probably be focused on fluff to develop the two sides. Part II will probably conclude at Chapter 17 which will have been the saddest thing I ever wrote.
Miscellaneous notes: Carl and Lurvin are names from "Leonster's Fall" although I slightly changed what Lurvin's role was. Perhaps Alfiona was a troubadour when she was younger? I can imagine that Leonster employs troubadours in their forces. It's probably the only female-dominated part of the army although there are female knights like Selphina. Gunna is Asbel's grandfather. The scene where Erinys agonizes from Finn was originally from the sketch "Pining" that I wrote last year. However, in that version Erinys was already crowned queen. I had to change it to make more sense with my timeline. I can imagine young Ced being...inquisitive. The next chapters will also have to introduce Ced and Fee as independent characters that the story will focus on too - characters whose POV we will end up seeing just like how we saw their parents' POV. Caroline was originally unnamed but I want to keep her as an OC in the next couple chapters.
0 notes
skelezomperman · 8 months
Revising a Tale of Star-Crossed Knights - Chapters 10-11
Link to Chapter 10: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/101569836 Link to Chapter 11: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/101992011
Chapters 10 and 11 are the response to Chapter 9. They cover the arc of the Silessian Civil War and the aftermath.
Chapter 10 is personally one of my favorite chapters of the work. It has some well-written scenes with battles in it and the motif of the Heavenly Knights being eliminated one-by-one is something that I liked. I also think I integrated well the personal drama of Erinys, especially involving her discovery that she is expecting another child with Finn far off in another country. Overall, fairly well written.
Chapter 11 is basically just filler, though it's not bad. I recall that the big thing I did for this one was write the letter and set up a scene farther in the future.
I don't really have much more to say but I wanted to document it at least. There weren't any major changes besides OCs getting excised again, aside from Hawke and Hermina's parents.
Original A/N for chapter 10:
This chapter is one that I've really looked forward to! It's such a combination of emotions, one after the other that will hit you *hard*. I was really looking forward to showcasing Erinys' battles with Dithorba and Pamela. I found that I wanted to show a sort of contrast between them. Pamela I feel is someone who actively lusted for power at any cost, someone who was outright envious of Annand - so she's a foil to Annand primarily, and Erinys wanted revenge. Dithorba on the other hand I feel is a foil to Erinys. She, like Erinys, has a child and she wants to make Silesse get a better future - she just thinks Lewyn would be a terrible king. So I made the battle between Erinys and Dithorba something to showcase that. One detail that I had is that Erinys only kills Dithorba because she was about to play dirty and assassinate Lewyn from behind - I didn't want to see Erinys actively want to kill Dithorba since she wasn't seeking revenge like with Pamela. And of course Dithorba leaves behind a daughter who I hope to incorporate at some point in the future.
This is also the chapter where Erinys finds out that she's expecting another child, which is something that shouldn't be a surprise to the reader at all. But this brings grief to Erinys still because Finn isn't going to be there when the child (spoilers: the child will be named Fee) is born. And that's something that will get showcased more in Chapter 11...although I'm still trying to plan out Chapter 11 so it doesn't exclusively focus on Fee being born.
Miscellaneous notes: Ced and Seliph having a playdate is nice. I think they should get to be friends. They will be in the future. Yes I created OC parents for Hawke and Hermina. They will definitely show up in the future for sure as background characters. Queen Erinys is going to need a court after all. Cabbage soup sounds reasonably simple enough to be something enjoyed by the peasantry, so it gets to show up as a sort of comfort food for Erinys. I headcanon that some of the kingdoms/duchies where the ruler wields the holy weapon, the coronation normally accompanies the passing down of the weapon. But this has to be selective given the examples of children taking the holy weapons from their living parent like Quan or Ishtar. Some quotes from the battles are inspired or taken from Fire Emblem Heroes.
Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and looking forward to publishing Chapter 11 next week. Feel free to kudos or comment as always. :)
Original (very cringe!) A/N for Chapter 11:
(RANT) Okay, to be a bit upfront I genuinely do not want to write this much about pregnancy ever again. I'm not disgusted by it personally but I'm aware that some people are squicked out by it even when it's not turned into a kink like it is in some fanfics. So I can't help but feel really awkward about it because I'm anxious that other people will get turned off by it. I'd like to thank someone else who I've been talking to for helping me to not feel super weird about it and even giving a couple ideas for this. And I think I did an okay job of balancing it out so Erinys' character isn't revolving solely about the fact that she's having another kid. That said, I still don't want to drag out a pregnancy ever again in any fanfic, and hopefully I stick to that.
(RANT OVER) So this chapter was actually supposed to go all the way to the point where Erinys learns about what happened at Belhalla. Bellhalla is going to happen in not-July which is a couple months after Fee is born. But I dragged out a lot of the fluffy scenes so I decided to end the chapter with a scene of Erinys going to sleep thinking about the future which ties into the ending of Chapter 9. Chapter 12 is probably going to flip-flop POVs between Finn and Erinys which will at least help with keeping things in chronological order.
I added a couple more scenes involving Silvia because I wanted to develop the relationship between Erinys and Silvia more beyond that line in Chapter 7 that said "they were friends after that." Silvia is probably not going to appear in this fanfic ever again after this since she and Lewyn will disappear at Belhalla, so if I wanted Erinys to get close to her (other) queen then this was the time and place.
I also developed the relationship with Lewyn more as well. In the scene where Lewyn reveals that he wants to propose to Silvia, I wanted to make Lewyn look a bit nervous although I don't think I did that too well...he drank a lot on Not-Christmas Eve so he'd have the strength to propose to her. He'd kind of be the person who can try to make advances on people all the time but gets tripped up when he's seriously interested in someone. Towards the end is the scene where Lewyn tells Erinys to stay home. My intent with this scene was to make Lewyn sound patronizing towards her, something like "oh you're pregnant so you can't help" and it quietly makes Erinys feel mad that she's being looked down upon. She still does stuff in Silesse Town but she still wishes she could have gone with Lewyn, even if she would have ended up flying back to the capital anyways.
Miscellaneous notes: The song that Lewyn plays - made up. But just think of your favorite Christmas carol and maybe that will fit the mood. Erinys is uncertain about the second child being born because, let's face it, even in modern times a non-negligible amount of pregnancies end in the mother dying and/or the child being lost. Of course we as readers know that Fee is going to be born healthy but the characters don't know. Also that letter is going to return at some point but not in time to really help Finn. Annand having a marked grave is unrealistic and I don't really care because it made for a good scene. I considered titling the name of the top cleric in Silesse as the Metropolitan of Silesse but people recognize what an archbishop is and they probably won't recognize what a metropolitan is. But in terms of headcanons with the Church of Edda, the "archbishop" title is reserved for bishops who are associated with a holy weapon wielder (e.g., Leonster) while "metropolitan" is for bishops that aren't associated with holy weapons (e.g., Agusti or Miletos). Silvia is now Her Majesty the Queen of Silesse. Lahna is going to stay Her Majesty the Queen Mother though...Lewyn and Silvia never truly get a chance to rule anyways.
Feel free to kudos and comment as always :)
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skelezomperman · 11 months
Revising A Tale of Star-Crossed Knights - Chapter 8
Link to Chapter 8: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/100327227
This chapter is the end of Part I, and it marks the point where Erinys and Finn separate forever. When I first thinking of this piece, this was the first scene I thought of: a tearful goodbye where Finn gives his Brave Lance to Erinys as something to remember him by. In fact, it was the first scene I wrote, and it was published under the title So this is goodbye in October 2021.
This chapter is the best-written one in Part I, in my opinion. There wasn't too much that had to be changed in this one. The only thing was that I did end up changing Finn's mannerisms a little bit over Part I to make him sound less awkward and more natural sounding. In the original A/N, I said that I was concerned that I made Erinys too emotional, but I think looking back it does make sense - Erinys has a right to be emotional because she's getting pushed around by Finn, in a way.
One thing I do want to note is that I'm cutting out most of the "and then it turned out bad" things that I ended chapters on. I feel most of these are cringy and don't really add much when the reader is expecting tragedy. However, I left this cliffhanger in at the end of Chapter 8 because it's the end of an entire part - it's supposed to signal that the fleeting hope at the end of this chapter was, in fact, fleeting.
Oh, and of course I cut out language stuff. So Ced's childhood nickname for Finn is Dada, not Tata. It's for the better to not get cringy with that.
--- Original Author's Notes
We've made it to the end of Part I. This is the last time that Finn and Erinys will ever actually be together. Their married life arc is over. The last scene by the way is adapted from "So this is goodbye," which is the first sketch of the couple that I wrote back in October 2021. I think it's the most pivotal scene that these two have together. It's powerful especially since we as the reader have knowledge that the characters don't - that they're going to go on to never see each other again (barring an afterlife).
Looking over this chapter after I finished it, I think my main concern is that it may have portrayed Erinys as a bit too emotional compared to Finn - that Finn doesn't really show his anxieties while Erinys becomes outright violent at one point. But I think it fits the characters. Finn (unfortunately) keeps his emotions bottled up for the most part, and he will keep his anxiety about his wife within himself in Part II. And Finn is really the one who made the "bad" choice here, not Erinys, because he *chose* to go to Leonster despite Quan offering to allow him to stay in Silesse. That will become more self-evident over Part II.
I might take the next week off from this fic before starting on Chapter 9, which is the first part of Part II. I'm impressed because this entire story was supposed to only have eight chapters. Part I alone has lasted longer than I imagined this story going. Feel free to give kudos and comment what you think of the story - I really do appreciate comments.
Miscellaneous notes: Amore is Italian, I mean Leonstrian for love (which I would assume that most readers would know), kohanie/kochanie is Polish, I mean Silessian for beloved. I realized upon proofreading that the scene where Erinys screams at Finn has a lot more...conjugal tension than I thought. I did not intend it at all, but I kept it because it's dramatic. Tata is Silessian for Dad and Mama is obviously Silessian for Mom. Erinys will probably try to teach Ced what little she knows of Leonstrian in the future. Yes the fade to black when Finn comes home to Erinys for the last time is meant to be an indication that those two did The Funny that night. You can probably guess who got conceived as a result of that. Erinys gives Finn a few strands of her hair - I haven't decided what to do with that in the future. Finn will probably keep the lock of hair but he might get it sewn onto his sleeve so he "wears his heart on his sleeve" so to speak. Maybe, as unrealistic as that sounds. In the original sketch "So this is goodbye," Finn was already promoted when he left. Here, Finn will promote after he arrives in Silesse. Ced was also completely not present in that sketch, but I also originally envisioned the timespan from Sigurd's arrival in Silesse to Quan and Co.'s departure to be around two months, not a full year. So I saw Ced as a very young infant still, not a one year old who is old enough to stand. Ced has heterochromia because I said so. Some people say his FE4 sprite has that. I don't personally see it but I'm writing it in anyways. The Brave Lance of course will figure as a symbol later in the story. It lampshades that a common strategy in-game is for Finn to give his Brave Lance to Erinys so she and Fee can use it during the three-ish chapters that Finn is gone, especially since Finn does fine enough without it when he joins in Chapter 7. We'll see how it goes because I haven't decided how I'm going to reconcile the FE5 timeline with this.
Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys in a couple week with Chapter 9 :)
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