#resistance Ranger Rocky
flintmgr · 5 months
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more stuff for the video im making. not everything will be shaded like this!! but hai
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seltzher-bottel · 5 months
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My Rocky. Rocky Rhode I LOVE YOU YOURE SO COOL!!!
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mad-doodle-disease · 2 months
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Toontown Central
Incredibly dangerous, avoid at all cost.
Overrun with infecteds, but a few survivors remain. They are in hiding and seem to be dwindling in numbers though.
The gates couldn't hold the infected, they lasted a lot shorter than Mayor Flippy was expecting.
Note of interest: Mayor Flippy presumed deceased or infected. How will Toontown make it without it's mayor? Morale decreased.
Barnacle Boatyard
Mad Doodle Disease quickly spreading here due to close proximity to the source.
Most civilians were prepared, and are able to fend them off.
Two safehouses have opened up, one on Lighthouse Lane and the other on Anchor Avenue. Anchor Avenue safehouse only accepts Cogs, but that's quickly changing as more and more Toons beg to be let it. Lighthouse Lane safehouse only accepts Toons, and that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon.
Note of interest: Exports have stopped being sent and imports have stopped arriving due to worries of the disease spreading to areas outside Toontown.
Ye Olde Toontowne
Mad Doodle Disease quickly spreading here due to close proximity to the source.
Heavily unprepared and suffering greatly due to it.
A hub for mutations due to most infected Toons already being a little ill. Also due to the magic coursing through their veins.
Prisoners of the dungeon going to be left to die if evacuation is necessary.
Safehouse was attempted to be set up in the dungeon, however the constant glitchy chattering of one of the prisoners drove the refugees mad. Safehouse moved to a secluded alleyway on Wizard Way instead, guarded off with chainlink fence, barbed wire, and just a touch of magic.
Note of interest: Elders are attempting to push the disease back with magic.
Daffodil Gardens
Mad Doodle Disease quickly spreading here due to close proximity to the source.
Interestingly enough, the Toons here appear to have strong immune systems, possibly due to having to get used to all the pollen floating in the air.
Safehouse set up in the long abandoned Spill the Beans shop. Detective Lima still missing, after all this time.
Note of interest: Couch Zucchini safely traveled to Barnacle Boatyard to help run the Lighthouse Lane safehouse. We wish him the best of luck in coaching the refugees there on how to defend themselves.
Sellbot HQ
Disease not spread here en mass, however a few infecteds seem to wander here. Quickly discarded of, however.
A safehouse has been set up by the Senior Vice President. It only accepts Sellbots, however.
Mezzo Melodyland
Mad Doodle Disease quickly spreading here due to close proximity to the source.
Seems to be surviving well. Infecteds are dispatched quickly, and survivors are kept happy by playing music.
Safehouse set up in the theater on Tenor Terrace. Accepts both Cogs and Toons, and is attempting to create a perfect harmony between the two.
Instruments are often used as makeshift weapons against the infected.
Note of interest: High Roller mysteriously vanished after posting one last post on his blog, announcing the sudden cancelation of his gameshow, his whereabouts are currently unknown. Dave BruBot also seems unusually upset about something, and doesn't seem to preform as much as he used to, unlike the other performers.
Cashbot HQ
Disease not spread here en mass, however a few infecteds seem to wander here. Quickly discarded of, however.
Safehouses have been setup in the mints by the Chief Financial Officer. It only accepts Cashbots, though.
Note of interest: Trains have stopped arriving, most likely to contain the spread of the disease to only Toontown.
The Brrrgh
Disease finding it hard to spread here, due to Barnacle Boatyard and Mezzo Melodyland being tough as nails and killing lots of infecteds.
Still taking the disease quite seriously however, and are on high alert.
Lil Oldman came out of hiding, and set up a safehouse in his hideout. Requires a bit of work to be allowed in, however.
Note of interest: Resistance Ranger Rocky desperately desires a raise.
Lawbot HQ
Disease has not spread here yet.
Regardless, safehouses still have been setup in the lawfices by the Chief Legal Officer. They only accept Lawbots, however.
Lawbots are HIGHLY suspicious of each other.
Acorn Acres
Disease finding it hard to spread here, but some infecteds have still been found.
A safehouse has been setup behind the waterfall in the playground.
Chip Revvington and Spruce Campbell reportedly hiding out in Cut to the Chase! Logging Co.
Note of interest: Plans to evacuate into the forest if things get bad.
Bossbot HQ
Disease has not spread here yet.
Regardless, a safehouse has been setup in the clubhouse by the Chief Executive Officer. They only accept Bossbots, however.
Still regularly holding banquets and enjoying golf to raise morale amongst the hideouts.
Drowsy Dreamland
Disease has not spread here yet.
Toons are unaware, Cogs are aware.
They actually slept through literally every warning that was given to them. They think everything is still okay.
Note of interest: The only reason they haven't crumbled yet is because The Brrrgh and Mezzo Melodyland are making sure no infecteds can get to them.
Boardbot HQ
Note of interest: Status on Robert Cyger and his family are unknown.
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Toontown: Corporate Clash Recap: Barnacle Boatyard Mainline Tasks (River)
Okay so, as we’ve gotten back to River, let’s see what she wants in
The Important Stuff
The first and only step in this task is talking to River.
“I guess you really are just as good as your reputation says.”
“I’ve been holding onto important tasks that I’ve set up with Barnacle Bessie, but I figure you’re just as good to share this with.”
“We wanted to start a new initiative in the form of the Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneers.”
“This plan would have us uniting the strongest Toons we have here in Barnacle Boatyard to make a formidable team.”
“This team would go out on the streets in order to keep these Cogs down – just where they deserve to be.”
“One Toon from each street.”
“The Toons we need you to unite are…”
“Rocky Shores of Seaweed Street’s Able-Bodied Gym.”
“Cal Estenicks of Buccaneer Boulevard’s Poop Deck Gym.”
“Svetlana of Lighthouse Lane’s Mussel Beach Gymnasium.”
“And A.R. Ming of Anchor Avenue’s Swordfish Armor and Weaponry.”
“Go out, unite these Toons, and give Barnacle Boatyard the team it needs to defend itself properly.”
“I believe in you, [Toon Name]!”
And completing this task earns the player 135 experience and 5 jellybeans. It’s now time for the next step in the Taskline:
Unite the Buccaneers
Okay so, the first step in this task is to talk to Rocky Shores at the Able-Bodied Gym on Seaweed Street for 135 experience and 5 Jellybeans.
Rocky needs you to collect “Some Boxing Gloves” from the Cogs in Barnacle Boatyard, because the Cogs kind of have a habit of stealing shopkeepers’ things, and those boxing gloves are no exception.
Return them to Rocky for 135 experience and 5 Jellybeans.
Next, you need to report to Cal Estenicks at the Poop Deck Gym on Buccaneer Boulevard.
Cal needs you to defeat 4 level 3+ Cogs on Buccaneer Boulevard.
Report back to Cal after doing that for 135 experience and 5 jellybeans.
After that’s done, you need to visit Svetlana (how do you even pronounce that?) at Mussel Beach Gynasium on Lighthouse Lane for 135 experience and 5 Jellybeans.
You need to defeat 4 level 4+ Cogs in Barnacle Boatyard.
Report back once you’re done for 135 more experience and 5 more Jellybeans. I promise this is more engaging in game, they have hilarious dialogue and outrageous personalities.
Take A.R. Ming at Swordfish Armor and Weaponry on Anchor Avenue, for example. They give you 135 experience and 5 Jellybeans, then send you to fish up a swordfish they can use as a weapon!
Yes, this Toon decides to forgo gags in lieu of just STABBING the Cogs with a fish! A fish!
Bring back the swordfish for 135 more experience and 5 Jellybeans.
With that accomplished, it’s time to return to Resistance Ranger River at Toon HQ.
“I’ve heard the great news!”
“The Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneers are already teaming up and strategizing. This is perfect.”
“But now, we need to focus on the other side of the spectrum.”
“The last thing Barnacle Bessie tasked me with besides getting the stronger Toons together was getting to the bottom of this Cog swarm.”
“So you, me, and the Toons of Barnacle Boulevard are going to get to the bottom of it, right here, right now.”
“So I need you to go to Art right away.”
“He’s a master of charts, from street maps, to the little customary direction ones for new tourists. He’s the guy.”
“We need you to go to him and have him draw up a chart of the Cog’s recent activity.”
“This will allow us to move forward with a plan to find the source of these Cogs and figure out the best way to slow them down.”
“Now hurry!”
Completing this Task earns the player 1621 experience and 55 Jellybeans.
And now, for the next Task:
Charting Smart Charts
To start with, you need to talk to Art at Art’s Smart Chart Mart on Seaweed Street for 107 experience and 4 Jellybeans.
Art is a master mapmaker, but he needs some things from the Cogs to track them down.
First, he has you go and get “Some Shoes” from the Gladhanders in Barnacle Boatyard for 107 more experience and 4 more jellybeans.
Bring them back, and he’ll send you out to get to get “Some Numbers” from Bean Counters in Barnacle Boatyard for an additional 107 experience and 4 more jellybeans.
Finally, he needs a Debriefing List from Insiders in Barnacle Boatyard.
Your payment, as expected, is 107 experience and 4 Jellybeans.
Report back to River once the chart has been completed.
“You got the chart already?”
“…let me look it over real quick.”
“Wow, that’s really quite interesting…”
“I think this is something bigger than my duties.”
“I need you to take this chart to Barnacle Bessie and work with her from here on out.”
“Us here at the headquarters got this handled. We learned from the best, after all.”
“You go on to accomplish bigger and better things, [Toon Name].”
“It was a pleasure working with you, and I hope to see you around Barnacle Boatyard sometime soon!”
“Good luck!”
Completing this Toontask earns the player 107 experience and 4 jellybeans, and completes the River arc.
It’s time to report back to Barnacle Bessie, and hurry towards the climatic finale of Barnacle Boatyard’s storyline.
I know I say it a lot but the wordplay!
Also Svetlana is an odd name out. It is Russian though so idk
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lordkingsmith · 6 months
I’m doing a series where I list the canon and possible au kids of a power ranger based on their implied relationships, almost relationships and highly implied feelings towards a character. I did Kim, so onto Kat! The canon kids get placed first then the oc’s
Canon children and grandchildren:
Tommy Oliver;
JJ Oliver. He seems to be in his early to mid 20’s in comics, and is child aged in tv show. Personality wise we know he’s got a chip on his shoulder, he has a misplaced sense of danger and is perfectly happy sassing someone while they’re threatening to kill him. Seems to be messy and enjoys outdoor activities such as cross country biking and competitions and fighting and is in karate competitions. His relationship to his dad is Rocky. Unfortunately unknown how he gets on with his mom. Possibly good since she’s the one attending his competitions and Tommy is. Not. Personally I actually like JJ, but more because he’s got some interesting groundwork. Do I think he should be green? -cackles- nooooo. He’d be a more interesting Pink. We’ll see if I like his alternate reality half sister more lol. JJ is the SPD green as well as green dragon mighty Morphin ranger.
Granchildren by Tommy Oliver;
While I have made an au version of her grandsons, and will animate them, I will include the canon two. Nameless kids at the end of a Christmas special for zeo. One of them is a zeo red ranger. Technically the first canon legacy ranger, but he’s nameless and seems preoccupied. Seems on good enough terms with his grandparents and baby brother so that’s good. Their parents are unknown but their dad is probably JJ. I named the older one Ethan, too bad he was never given a canon consideration. Both these two and JJ are blank slates. This is a good and bad thing. But I like thinking this canon version is in a world where Zordon is still alive and he doesn’t know his grandparents are the first zeo rangers. Yet.
Unconfirmed second parent;
Agatha Hillard. I like the idea she’s JJ pre transition, but in the interest of being thorough. Here she is. Unknown if she’s a child or grandchild of Kat, but she is a confirmed descendant. Not really sure on her personality. Kat’s canon descendants are very light on personality sadly. She’s a pink ranger it would seem. She might be Tommy’s, she might not. We do not know.
AU children and grandchildren:
Rito Revulto;
Katri Katastrophe (help with the naming conventions of the Mystics). Aged 27. Half Mystic. His parents rule the universe. Kat, during her imprisonment and servitude to Rita got close to Rito Revulto. Very very close. She embraced her evil, and Rito taught her everything she needed. Evil power couple. Katri is prince and heir apparent of the known universe, a sprawling empire Rito and Kat created after killing everyone who’d oppose them. There are scattered handful of rangers and rebellions fighting back. Katri is very much his parents’ son, but….well. Maybe they’re wrong. Crushing hard on this reality’s version of Olivia Hart. Not associated with any color-yet. Will be black when he does finally fold. His true mystic form resembles a skeletal ghost fox. Normal form resembles Rito’s human form. Glamrock. Think 80’s sci fi space opera anime, now think power rangers. Very much a mama’s boy. Vile set him on fire when he was four to attempt to see if the kid had powers; he does but this is why Rito finally got motivated to kill Vile. Astronema is Katri’s bodyguard, and gets pulled along into redemption because he keeps trying to flirt with the resistance leader’s daughter. No; Kimberly does not like Katri lol.
A couple variations;
A more somber version of Katri is one where Kat kills Rito to rule alone. Katri has been mind controlled since he was thirteen. This one won’t become a power ranger. Struggles with his sense of identity, a lot more shy and quiet around Olivia. Wants to help Kat, but is afraid of her.
One where Kat dies and Rito rules alone; absolute wild child, very difficult to control. Leader of a team of villain rangers, is a red here. Complete idiot, but competent. He later becomes black ranger to Olivia’s white ranger. Deeply in love with his leader but she hasn’t noticed yet. He’s trying like hell to help Rito; but is afraid of him, deep down.
David Trueheart;
Gabriella Trueheart, aged 24. Tommy and Kat broke up shortly after the machine empire. Tommy got back with Kim, Kat got with his older brother. This was…maybe not the best move, and it’s only recently the two families are talking again. Gabriella is trying to connect with her cousins, but it’s not her biggest concern. She’s working her way through college, and parrying any and all attempts to make her a power ranger. She’s close to her parents, and her grandfather. She doesn’t get uncle Tommy at all. Thinks Aunt Kim’s cool. Not a fan of her cousin much. Would be black Dino ranger if she’d just accept it. She does not. Yet. Also not afraid of ratting out her uncle to her parents.
A variation is Kat and David divorced and she’s having to deal with her dad also getting together with Stan Skullovitch on top of everything else.
Eugene Skullovitch;
I thought his mild attempts at flirting were cute. They got together after Turbo’s movie. Kat realized she was never going to replace Kim for Tommy, and broke up with him. She got with Skull after a few months and some very creative ways to ask her out. They have two sons. The oldest is Squire Hillard. Aged 17. He’s average height and kind of a brilliant himbo. He lets his reputation cover him like a mask, but he’s pretty devious when he’s properly motivated. A little bit of a tail chaser. He keeps striking out, but that never stopped him. While he is a power ranger (pink), he’s having fun running a podcast questioning who the power rangers are. This cover is so good not even Kat’s figured out he’s pink turbo ranger. Looks like a surfer bro. Prefers it that way. Half brother of Spike Skullovitch. Has had to save his half brother three times so far. Barely gets along with his dad, county Sheriff Eugene Skullovitch, but they’re trying. He’s closer to Kat and like her is a professional diver. He wants to get into the Olympics. His general outfit could best be described as “someone from the peppermint forest in candyland decided to become a pirate”. He actually has a rap sheet. He’s got middle child syndrome and you can usually find him with his friends, the other Turbo rangers, or with Bulk, or egging grandmas house with Devon. He’s giving Eugene a bald spot is what he’s doing. Spike does his best, but they really don’t see eye to eye. Squire likes his big brother, there’s just a bit of frustration with him.
Devon Skullovitch, aged eleven. Unlike Squire he’s not blond and looks more like Eugene and Spike. Bulk calls him the baby buddy, and it annoys him so so much. Loves video games and fixing cars. Can eat his weight in lasagna. Not associated with any color. Knows his brother is up to something, unsure what. Often getting babysit by half brother. Is known to egg his grandmothers house. A lot. It’s a problem.
Farkas Bulkmeier;
Lois “Heavy” Bulkmeier. Aged 21. Kat got with him after being saved by Tommy and Kim, bur the relationship with Kim or Tommy never went anywhere. Tommy and Kim got back together, Kat was happy being single for the most part. Lois though was an accident baby; however Kat and Bulk make it work and do like the relationship and their kid. Heavy for his part is a lot like Bulk. Rabblerousing loudmouth with a heart of gold. Heavy got his GED and currently is working on going through community college so he can buy Ernie’s old place and take it over. It was a refuge for him as a kid and he wants to keep it going for all the kids who need a refuge, from whatever’s going on. Not associated with a color. He does, however, know who the rangers are, and helps where he can. Kat’s an Olympic diver, and Bulk is the owner of a very popular chain restaurant. Bulk’s Eats.
Kimberly Hart;
Echo Hart-Hillard. Aged 20. They were not raised by Their moms, at first. Dark Spectre used magic to make a child from the dna of the two most fearsome pink rangers he could think of, and then had said child trained. Echo first met Tommy, fresh out of divorce with his second wife Kim, and almost they killed him. He managed to talk them down and it was Zack and Billy showing up in back up who realized who Echo even was. Kim and Kat were good friends, but it was the then twelve year old assassin who inadvertently got them together. Echo’s non-binary and very very good at murder. Not associated with any color. This is probably a good thing. Specter was intending them for psycho silver, but Echo’s glad they’re not a ranger, at least for now. They got to be ring bearer at their moms wedding. Specter is still pissed he’s lost control of the murder child, and moms and teenager are currently hiding out under assumed names. They move around a lot just because Echo still finds it difficult to not solve all their problems via murder. And can’t shake the habit of calling the psycho rangers their aunts and uncles. It’s been rough but they’re happy with their moms.
Jason Lee Scott;
When Jason came back, Tommy and the rest were Zeo at that point. When he began really interacting with them again he noted to his surprise Kim had left for a scholarship after graduating a year early, and Kat Hillard was the current pink. Jason was enamored, but respected she was with Tommy.
While they defeated the Machine Empire, Tommy broke up with Kat on account of the trauma. Jason accepts he was her rebound, but they’ve been together since and he’s content, and so is Kat. They have one daughter.
Dena Louisa Scott, aged 27. Dena Louisa is a cartoonist for the local newspaper, and hopes to one day have her comic strips published across America. She also posts her little strips on her own website. The “bugaboo scouts” is a tongue in cheek recounting of the stories her parents told her about their time as rangers, though focusing on the more hilarious aspects of rangerdom. A group of tiny anthropormorphic bugs with attitude are tasked with saving picnic grove! With lots of shenanigans. Smart, quiet, though more in the line of Jason’s brand of quiet. She does have explosive anger, and has been going to therapy for it. Constantly bucks against authority figures, though she’s taught herself how to work through the urge to argue, especially if it’s a fair point. Loves her parents, who are supportive, and often does her best work while at the park. Not associated with a color. She is however part of the mentor flavored comedy duo. They offer advice, though it’s flavored by the past experience of her parents, which isn’t always helpful to the situation at hand. And Dena’s general advice is either “well hit it really hard” or “have you tried the power of friendship?” And are vague enough to not be overly helpful. Is quite nice to the monsters though, and the minions love her while their bosses. Do not. She’s successfully caused two galactic unionizations.
Aisha Campbell;
Tommy wasn't the one who managed to break Kat out of the mind control; it was Aisha. Aisha and Kat both left the rangers, and Aisha chose Tina as her replacement. They got a job together at the animal shelter, and they adopted several years later as chaos reigned around them. They have one daughter, Natalie, aged fourteen. They adopted Natalie at birth. The girl is wise beyond her years, and often too serious, but she's also got wells of dry humor and likes teasing her moms. not associated with a color, probably better off for it.
Grandchildren of Kat Hillard:
Ethan Oliver, grandson of Kat and Tommy, son of JJ. While he’s based on a canon unnamed character, this is not him. He started as a red ranger and when Rito kidnapped him to make him an evil ranger he became a blue ranger. His element is still fire, however. Due to what happened, Ethan lost the ability to speak. He is in a relationship with their sixth ranger, a purple named Milo Tekkititam. Milo is a troll and a double amputee. His suit acts as his legs, and while Ethan was the last person to warm up to Milo, he really warmed up to him. Ethan’s best friend is Chloe Bulkmeier, daughter of Kim and Bulk. Ethan’s 19. His mom’s from JJ’s undercover work. Half brother to his younger sibling, loves the kid fiercely though. Was able to break his mind control when his younger brother was placed in harm’s way.
(Undecided) Oliver, grandson of Kat and Tommy, son of JJ and Anara. Young, impetuous, kind of a firecracker, is going to give the immortals their first and only grey hairs. Loves his brother, loves power rangers. Hates Rito for taking his brother away. At ten years old he tried to kill Rito for his brother. Rito’s not really offended? He thinks it’s cute and complimented Kat on her grandson’s bloodthirst. Went about as well as you’d expect.
If I think of more I’ll add more :) Kat’s a poor lamb and needs more fleshed out children to her name. As I think of them, I’ll add the other kids to their parents I’ve already done as well. Which yes means Echo’s on Kim’s now, too 😁
@skyland2703 thoughts?
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afunlessland · 2 months
All of the April toons hype is inspiring me, one of these days I will draw Full Circle!Resistance Ranger Rocky (who's basically an amalgamation of all of Clash's AT bosses except FTF) and it will be a glorious day >:)/lh.
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augment-techs · 8 months
50 Angsty Prompts Ask Game, ship of your choice, "Tell me the truth." and "Stay. Please stay."
Forgiveness, but this works as an addition to the last Coinless fic~ @madhare0512 @ranger-ribbons
For some reason the cackling repetition of the little demon's gloating song from Rumpelstiltskin kept ring around in Adam's head over and over again.
'~Today I brew, tomorrow I bake~' but just those words following after each other endlessly in the back of his head. Drakkon was gone. Scorpina was no longer in charge. The Ranger Slayer ascended the throne. The Coinless and the Sentries were trying to find some middle ground to work on for the possibility of peace. Aisha had saved his life from a bunch of zombies and had immediately given back the armor that had been given out to anyone that was willing to fight the Zombie Rita that was floating around. She had gone to find Rocky and a woman named Kat, other Coinless, children no older than sixteen from the Coinless. Young warriors she'd helped raise amongst many and as her own. The Sentries in highest command went to gather their injured and dead, Adam spotting familiar faces that were better than others, more human than some that if he wasn't so afraid he might venture to call friends. Johnson, Winslow, Chen, Mitchell, Myers, Ziktor. Some of the younger Sentries that were still technically not allowed outside of palace grounds had run up to hug him, check him over, give little whispers of happiness at his being alive; bright Cassidy and clever Devin, swift and strong Marah and Kapri, Betty that shouldn't have been anywhere near the action but was still holding a shovel when she'd barrelled into him like a puppy. They are a wide and varied fraternity of people trying to find ground in the world tilted on its axis again, and Adam is glad to see that he hadn't lost anyone that day. Except. -- There is a fair amount of certainty in Adam that if he wasn't so used to those clear eyes, bright as the moon and silver as starlight, they would be downright terrifying when they looked right at you without blinking. Some of the other sentries were not as kind in the truth coming out that many suspected but none had the initiative to confirm. How fortunate that Adam was so used to seeing a pretty face marred in bruises, hair soaked in blood, and armor peeled away to show the body underneath not doing much better. Just more muscle with more defined scars for the rivulets of blood to smear over. Adam slid into the dark of the storage closet nobody really noticed, a halfway off from the laundry run by staff at the palace and sentries alike; the food he'd snuck from the kitchens held aloft in his hand as a peace offering. "I can just hand this over and leave you to your own devices," Adam spoke plainly, voice so low he felt rather a lot like that young teenager that volunteered at pet shelters again; a feral animal picked up by well meaning samaritans and dropped off with people that had a vague knowing of not touching or irritating, but just letting the animal get comfortable in their presence before someone better equipped was called in, "Or you can tell me what hurts, ask me to stay, and I'll do my best to let you know you can trust me not to hurt you." Those eyes didn't look away for a good long moment, wide and wet, all thoughts and instinct--doubtless--at war within him due to the crazy day everyone had experienced. Adam was just a lowly Trunk and his head had been spinning for over an hour as a preview to the headache that was to come. He could not imagine being a Red AND a Coinless revealed for the world to see because Bulkmeier couldn't resist giving Skullovitch a hug--in front of all loyalist Sentries. When he blinked, long and slow, he looked down to the food Adam held between both hands in front of his own belly like something delicate and elusive. Steamed pork buns that had been left in the bamboo baskets in the prep rooms, three of them, still warm in the napkin he'd wrapped them in. Skull set the under-armor he'd been holding off to the side, breathing out as he wiped some blood away from his eyes, listing a little from his seat on the wooden table.
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muirneach · 2 months
as a known louis riel fan it is sort of ironic ive listened to this song as often as i have. anyways i just noticed the ‘theres rustlers on the prowl’ line in the second verse. i will say most of the lyrics in this song are more or less accurate (however biased, but whatever) but that line is not. they didnt care about cattle like at all. the métis were not rustlers…. the resistances were about indigenous sovereignty like i cannot think of a single reference to cattle in riel’s journals or in historical textbooks or records etc
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xtruss · 2 years
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A mule at the historic Nine Mile ranger station, carrying the equipment to clear trails in the Bob Marshall Wilderness. Photograph: Jessica Reed/The Guardian
Keeping It Wild: How Mules Help Preserve the Last Untamed Places in the US
If it’s got gears, it’s not allowed in Montana’s Bob Marshall Wilderness. But a humble creature helps clear the trails
— Jessica Reed | Wednesday 17 August 2022
Here’s a partial list of things you cannot, under any circumstances, take into the Bob Marshall Wilderness, in Montana: chainsaws, mountain bikes, ATVs, tractors, wheelbarrows. If it has gears, it stays home. If it’s mechanical in any way, it’s a no-go.
Those are the rules deemed necessary to protect the United States’ 803 federally designated wilderness areas. The Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex, with its 1,849 miles of trails, happens to be one of the biggest.
The Bob, as it is affectionately called by Montanans, is home to wolves, grizzlies, elk, moose and mountain lions. The pristine territory is more than 1.5m acres, roughly eight times the size of New York City.
And thanks to the 1964 Wilderness Act, it is not crossed by a single road. Drones and bush planes are also, today, strictly forbidden.
But here’s what you can take along for the ride instead: the humble mule.
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Left: Towards Lena lake. Right: The Shaw cabin, built in 1928. Photography: Aaron Agosto
The law – a visionary act of environmental legislation for its time – banned modern transportation, including bikes, but made an exception for animals with hooves.
It’s easy for the general public – weekend warriors and summer hikers alike – to forget that those wilderness areas need serious upkeep. Trails need to be kept clear of fallen trees. Bridges and ranger cabins must be built and taken care of. This is where mules’ ability to carry loads really shine.
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The backcountry is not a universe of convenience or comfort. But there’s freedom to be found there. Wanting to witness it myself, I contacted the Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation, a non-profit that coordinates volunteer groups of public land stewards. Veteran mule packers sign up to train the next generation so traditional skills can be passed on.
I called their program director, and asked if I could tag along.
“Do you know how to ride a horse?”
“Not really,” I answered, sheepishly.
“Well,” she said, “you better take lessons then.”
So I did.
Mules have a long list of superpowers – it’s no wonder their nickname is “the four-legged Jeep”.
Because they’re the progeny of a male donkey and a female horse, they benefit from what is known as hybrid vigor, which makes them hardy and disease resistant. They’re sure-footed on uneven terrain, have exceptional peripheral vision and a gait that allows them to carry loads better than other stock animals. They are steady, covering on average three miles an hour. Those attributes make them uniquely suited to long hikes – or “hitches”, in the packing parlance – in the Rockies.
They also tolerate heat exceptionally well – for decades, mules were put to work in the Borax mines of California’s Death Valley, where temperatures climb as high as 125F (51C) in the summer months. And they have a storied history of being first in line to help put forest fires down.
As I listened to their joyful clunking and stared at the line of long fuzzy ears ahead of me, I couldn’t help but think that mules are also quite endearing.
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A packer leads a string of mules to Cabin Creek station. The mules carry a week’s worth of supplies for trail volunteers. Photograph: Mackenzie Reiss
For Frank Vitale, the 70-year-old veteran packer who lets me tag along, mules are the perfect pack animals. He particularly respects their intelligence, memory, and instinct: when faced with danger, they usually stop and think, while horses tend to spook or bolt.
He’s keen to highlight the fact that, contrary to stereotype, mules are not stubborn; they just have a strong sense of self preservation. A joyfully biased book called The Natural Superiority of Mules explains it: “A horse can usually be intimidated and forced to do things that he perceives to be senseless or potentially harmful. However, a mule may become ‘stubborn’ when asked to exceed her capacity to perform.” (This is why the Oregon trail was littered with the bodies of horses who were pushed past their limits, yet the same did not apply to mules.)
Frank moved to Montana from New Hampshire 45 years ago because he wanted to see the west. While rugged and more capable than most of us – he wears leather chaps made from an elk he killed himself – there’s an undeniable hippy vibe to him. He often laments how disconnected we are from the natural world. Without a connection to something bigger than us, he believes, we will end up losing ourselves.
Preserving the west’s packing heritage, then, acts as a vaccine protecting the wilderness, with traditional skills as gatekeeper against modern forces (helicopters, heavy machinery) that knock the door open for more destruction.
Frank is keen to pass down his knowledge to the next generation – and the clock is ticking.
This is where Demi Sullivan comes in. At 29, she is one of two apprentice packers this year. A former rafting instructor, she’s used to standing her ground in a world that tends towards the masculine, navigating big muscles and bigger egos. She radiates competency and none of the backbreaking work seems to phase her.
She wakes up at 5.30am and doesn’t stop until the check list is complete. She lifts 70lb hay bales without batting an eyelid, and doesn’t expect you to be surprised at her strength either. As I watch her wrestle with a stubborn mule, I decide I wouldn’t want to take my chances against her in a bar fight.
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A mule is loaded with gear at Cabin Creek station in preparation for a 14-mile journey. Photograph: Mackenzie Reiss
She and Frank make a strong team: he’s firm but attentive, and never patronizing. He lets her take risks so she can learn, trusting her to lead the entire mule string.
If the next generation of mule-packers face one hurdle, it’s financial.
First, you need land. This might have been easier decades ago, but decent acreage is now out of reach for most young people. A single working mule costs thousands of dollars. A decent saddle goes for $1,500. A farrier needs to re-shoe the animal every eight to 10 weeks, which will set you back around $120 each time. And of course you need hay, and a lot of it. With the west being in a constant state of drought, feed prices are becoming unaffordable.
Those who keep their eyes on the prize will find a way to make it happen, with a bit of luck. They will continue to apprentice for free; trade or barter; put every single penny they have aside to provide a good life for their animals. All this, for the privilege of crossing a terrain rarely seen by most Americans. For a taste of freedom and self determination, and the comfort that comes with the belief that you are capable of handling yourself and your stock come hell or high water.
An Exercise in Trust
You do need to have a lot of grit to work in the backcountry. Packing, I learn quickly, is not a job for impostors.
When I attend a mule packing class at the historic Nine Mile Ranger station near Missoula earlier this spring, I hear plenty of intimidating stories. A person was bitten on the shoulder so hard that it tore open their muscle. Another got kicked in the face and had to be helicoptered out of the backcountry. A ranger referred to his many kicking scars and bruises as his “mule tattoos”.
A mule’s head alone weighs more than 200lb. If you’re unlucky enough to stand in its way, you can kiss your front teeth goodbye. One second is all it takes for a mule to knock someone flat; a single kick to your leg can break bones.
The only way to avoid a worst-case scenario, explains lead packer Robin Connell, is to always keep safety in mind and build a relationship with your animals. Packing is a conversation, an exercise in trust.
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Left: A volunteer holds a crosscut saw. Right: Freshly sawn fir logs. Photography: Aaron Agosto
This point is brought home to me very quickly on my first hitch. As Demi leads the string of mules and cajoles the pack into crossing a waterfall on a sharp trail turn, one of the mules trips. I hold my breath as I watch the animal struggle to find its feet, wondering if it is going to tumble down the cliffside to its death.
The mules behind do an immediate U-turn and start running towards Frank and me, who were at the back of the pack. Mayhem ensues, and the only reason no mule or human was injured isthat the animals came to their senses and trusted the team to calm down and keep going.
We eventually manage to complete our mission: to pack material and food for a group of five trail volunteers.
The trail volunteer is composed of a ragtag group of fresh-faced 19-year-olds, all of whom can talk about climate change with more passion and clarity than most politicians.
One of them, Issac Slevin, explains their week so far: they widened and evened out 525 yards of trail by carving into the mountainside with pulaskis and picks (remember, no mechanical tools allowed), starting at 6am each day. They also used handsaws and crosscut saws to clear fallen trees. On a good day, they can clear 70 small trees; on a difficult day, they stand in front of an imposing 2ft-wide one, which guarantees a very sweaty morning of hard labor.
An Escape From the Modern World
There’s another benefit to packing up your life for a few days in the backcountry on top of mules: perspective.
At 88 years old, after spending an estimated 22 years of his life sleeping outdoors, Smoke Elser, the uncontested titan of the packing world, is now begrudgingly retired. During his career, he taught Navy Seals and FBI agents how to work efficiently with mules to track fugitives in remote landscapes, or in war zones. (Mules were widely used by the Allied forces during the first and second world wars, and some were sent to Afghanistan by the US in the war against the Soviet troops in the 1970s and 1980s.)
Still, Smoke worries packing will soon become a lost art – and for this reason, cannot seem to stop teaching. He helps host a wilderness and packing class led by Eva-Maria Maggi at the University of Montana.
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Call of the wild: the Mission Mountains. Photograph: Aaron Agosto
Frank says that to be able to break away from technology for days at a time is critical to his sanity. “When I get too old to put my foot in the stirrup and swing into the saddle,” he once said, “I’m going to make one request: just wheel me up to the edge of the wilderness so I can look in one more time to a place and a time where I found true freedom.”
Likewise, Smoke argues that traversing the wild country “helps us escape from the fast pace of our modern world, with its mania for efficiency”. When asked once what advice he would give young people to live a good life, his answer was simple:
“Pack up a sleep bag, and get with somebody who’s been [in the backcountry] lots of time, man or woman. Go on a trip with them with a horse, and listen to their life story,” he said.
“Then take another trip by yourself, and have a vision. Go sit by a big ol’ ponderosa pine, a stream or on top of a rocky mountain, and just think: what am I gonna do with the rest of my life? This is just the first day of the rest of my life. No better place to do with nobody around, no beep beep beep of the telephone … Just you.”
Perhaps going slow is all the medicine the world needs right now.
— The Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex is located on the ancestral lands of the Amskapi Piikani (the Blackfeet Nation of Montana), the Niitsítapi (the Blackfoot Confederacy), the Séliš (Salish), Ql̓ispé (Pend d’Oreille or Kalispel), and Ktunaxa (Kootenai) tribes.
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letterlifter · 4 years
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it just occurred to me i've never posted much about the halloween comic i made for clash! heres some textless panels & doodles from during its development... and as a bonus, here's a link to all the textless panels in their highest quality, as well as a few extra things... have a nice evening everybody...
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behindyourbarrette · 3 years
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Star Light, Star Bright
summary: The team goes camping on a long weekend. Turns out, it’s really easy to tell someone how you feel when you’re under a starry night sky. 
pairing: spencer reid/reader
category: fluff, start to finish
warnings/includes: mention of food, a mild burn
work count: 4.1k
a/n: this is my fav thing i’ve written in a HOT SECOND. enjoy! pls reblog if you feel inclined, it helps me out a ton!
check it out on ao3
You’ve never found chicken pox to be more of a miracle.
In truth, you are a little saddened that Jack’s Boy Scout troop all got sick and their camping trip had to be postponed. This does not change the fact that you’re elated at the opportunity to nab Hotch’s campsite reservation. The team jumped at the chance for a vacation, the promised long weekend only truly promised in places without cell service.
You pick Spencer up early, the first of many people you’ve offered to drive out to the mountains. After tossing a very heavy-sounding duffel bag into your trunk, he clambers into the passenger seat. He strikes you as a little nervous—he won’t quite look at you as you wind your way out of D.C and towards the countryside.
“I’ve never been camping before, actually.” He says it quietly, mid-conversation about Boy Scouts and the safety of camping with children. There’s a 5-mile radius around Quantico where work is the only thing you can really think about. As you turn onto the highway, hands flexing against the wheel, you’re glad to be free of the office.
“Really? Never?”
It makes sense, the longer his sentence sits on your tongue. Vegas isn’t the most hospitable environment to camp in. You make a mental note to thank your parents for raising you on the East Coast, where the forests are frequent and the soil is actually fertile.
“Yeah. I’m not sure, I’m, uh, really suited for it.” You look at him now, the slight sadness in his eyes, and there are a thousand things you’d like to say. Instead, you reach across the center console, squeezing his hand in yours. Before he can say anything, you’ve returned your hand to the wheel, eyes fixed on the horizon. 
You’ve lived in Virginia for a few years, but somehow you’ve never found it this breathtaking. You have no idea how you got roped into driving, given that Derek and Emily usually take the wheel, but you’re far from complaining. As you wind through the forest, the canopy of leaves casting a filter of sunshine over the ground, you’re left speechless. The trees part in favor of the dirt road, and you find yourself absorbed in the surplus of green and foliage as you drive.
“There’s over 15,000 acres of this. It’s the largest protected land preserve in the tri-state area.”
You turn your head to watch Spencer murmur, still absorbed in a book. For the first time, you notice that he’s wearing a polo shirt and a beanie that Penelope knit him for Christmas. The whole sight is so...un-Spencer like that you’re torn between finding it endearing and concerning. You gulp down everything you want to tell him, swallowing all of the unidentifiable feelings in your throat.
“I’m excited. I love camping. My dad used to take me here all the time.” He perks up at this, and closes his book. You nod, pursing your lips into a smile. You steal a quick glance at the backseat, where Penelope and Derek have fallen asleep.
“Can you keep a secret?”
You have Spencer’s attention now. He nods so vehemently you laugh, tearing your eyes away from his in favor of focusing on the road.
“I wanted to be a park ranger when I was younger.” You’re only a little embarrassed of this; the jump from environmentalist to federal agent is just laughable enough to warm your cheeks. Spencer’s eyes widen.
“Really? How did you—I mean, when did you decide to be a—actually, I take it back. Hugging trees is beneficial for your health, after all.” He smirks, and you reach out to punch him on the arm. He rubs the spot absently, a grin forming on his face as your blush deepens. You try to portray yourself to the team as someone who’s a little tougher than the little girl who cried when she found out that people litter in National Parks. With Spencer, it’s different. Still, you can’t bank on what he will or won’t tell Derek.
“If you tell anyone, I will kick your ass. Forget it.” You get the sense that you are not going to live this down. To your advantage, it’s Spencer who blushes this time, his cheeks warming a delicate pink.
“I can’t forget it, actually. I have an eidetic—ow!”
The campsite is glorious.
Or, as Penelope would put it, rustic. It’s the perfect happy medium between the forest and the lake nearby, with a trail leading to the beach just a few feet from the site. The trees filter out just enough sun so that it’s pleasantly warm out. There’s ample space for a few tents, and a bear locker. You’re seated at a picnic bench with the girls, unloading the food and cooking supplies as the boys attempt to put together tents. From what you can see and hear, it sounds like Derek is muscling his way through it, much to Spencer and Hotch’s chagrin.
“You’re glowing. What’s got you in such a good mood?” Emily nudges you in the side, a sly smile on her face as she screws the propane line into the campstove. You flush, and shrug your shoulders.
“I love camping. I’m just excited to be here with you guys.”
Penelope reaches across the table to hug you. She’s dressed perfectly for the occasion: you don’t think you’ve ever seen bedazzled hiking boots before, but there’s a first time for everything.
“You know, I’m surprised Spence came. He normally skips out on these kinds of things.” JJ looks back at you from the bear locker, where she’s stacking cans of soup and Hotch’s cooler. Her gaze lingers on you for a moment, but you look towards Spencer before she can say anything else. He’s managing to put up his tent surprisingly well; he’s only struggling with the final few posts as he stumbles around the uneven ground. You turn back to JJ, shrugging.
“I mean, I think he can appreciate the outdoors. He’s probably read Walden.”
Emily laughs, and you feel as though the conversation has finally let up. JJ has a point, but as soon as you had asked Spencer if he was coming, he had agreed. He doesn’t look particularly out of place, either. Over the course of the past hour, he’s somehow inherited a pair of sunglasses and a red flannel. You look away, pursing your lips.
“Okay, I think we’re done.” Derek calls, waving his arm to catch your attention. There are now five small tents, only a little crinkled and trampled over. Emily nods in approval, nudging one of them with the tip of her boot. It only shakes a little.
“Good job, guys. They look...structurally sound.” Hands on your hips, you bend to inspect the guys’ handiwork. Spencer winces as you tug on a tent’s zipper, and it whines in protest. You shrug, smiling as you straighten.
“We should check out the lake.” Derek gestures to the blue expanse of water in the distance, and Penelope squeals. You hear the sound of metal clinking together, and turn.
It’s Hotch, holding what you assume to be a fishing pole. While this should be very surprising, you can’t come up with anything funny to say. Emily makes a joke about the catch of the day, and Hotch doesn’t laugh.
“Are there canoes involved? I didn’t bring a suit.” JJ asks, arms crossed over her chest. You nod, pointing to the rental shack on the eastern side of the lake.
“You guys ready to get some sun?”
“You look cute in hiking boots, princess.” You should not find this as funny as you do. Maybe it’s the fact that Derek definitely had Penelope apply some sort of oil to his biceps while they were in a tent; there’s no way that he just naturally glistens like that. You squint up at him, shrugging your shoulders. While your outfit is a little unorthodox—you remembered to bring a bikini, but forgot water shoes—it’ll work just fine. Spencer enters your peripheral vision, wrinkling his nose in Derek’s direction. You resist the urge to smile at this.
You get his attention, catching up to him in just a few steps. The beach is pretty, lacking in sand but perfectly cool and sunny. He’s wearing too-big sunglasses and, surprisingly, Bermuda shorts. You trudge along the rocky path, handing him a bottle of sunscreen.
“Come on, I need your help. Sunscreen me.”
He seems shocked, fiddling with the bottle. You turn your back to him, raising your arms as you walk backwards, waiting to hit him before you stop.
“Is sunscreen a verb?” His voice is a little hoarse, and you smirk.
“Would you prefer lotion? Massage?” You tease, and you can practically feel him tense up.
“N-no, I wouldn’t. Hold your hair up.”
You oblige, and it takes everything in you not to sigh as he rubs the cool sunscreen into your back. He has really, really big hands and nimble fingers. Biting your lip, you conjure a mental image of them. You feel a little silly for imagining his hands when he’s right there, but you don’t want him to stop touching you. He coats your skin, movements deft and purposeful. You turn, reaching for the bottle.
“Take off your glasses. Your turn.” You like being a little bossy; he flushes as you reach up to spread the lotion across his cheeks, dabbing gently. He exhales slowly, relaxing into your touch.
“Let’s go. You’re my canoe buddy.”
His mouth falls open in surprise, and an evil part of your brain wonders how it would feel to kiss it. The thought is gone before you can act on it, though, and you wave him towards the shore. He stands still, lingering by the campsite.
“I was going to read on the beach, actually—”
“Nope. Come on! I need a partner.”
The lake is cool, and you make yourself busy by being a very unhelpful canoeing partner. Spencer is rowing surprisingly well, scooping water from below and propelling the boat forward. You, on the other hand, are focused on stretching out in the boat. The sun is deliciously warm on your skin, and the occasional splash of water is heaven to the touch.
“You know, there are two sets of oars. We’d get the most momentum if you rowed, too.”
“Okay, fine, I’ll row. I’m not any good at it, though. That’s why I needed a partner.” You pat him on the shoulder affectionately, reaching for the other oar. The motion tips the canoe forward a little, and panic flashes across Spencer’s face.
“Don’t do that again. I do not want to end up in this lake. Do you know how many bacteria are in most man made lakes? You don’t want to know.”
You are many things, but you are not a quitter. Testing the waters, you lean forward again as you row, a little out of sync with Spencer’s strokes.
“Please don’t capsize,”
Hotch calls out from the shore, and Spencer shoots you a look as if to say listen. You shrug, continuing to row and occasionally shifting your weight. The look on his face is worth it.
“You know how to swim, right?”
You ask, voice low and as inconspicuous as you can manage. This backfires—Spencer turns around to shake his head, unbalancing the boat. He lets go of his oar, tightening the strap on his life vest. You cling to the sides, laughing as you try to steady the canoe.
“Not funny. You know, boating related accidents are incredibly common.”
His voice drifts off as Derek and Emily’s boat passes by. Their sportsmanship is admirable; they’re working as a perfect unit, quickly propelling their canoe forward with quick rowing and a lot of effort.
Spencer is scolding you half-heartedly when you get caught in their wake. You couldn’t have steadied the boat if you tried; and before you can react the canoe is upside down and you’re cast into the cool blue.
“I’m going to contract a brain-eating amoeba.”
Spencer coughs, bobbing to the surface. You emerge a few moments later, laughing, and reach for him.
“Worth it. You have plenty of brains to be eaten, genius.”
You watch him try to contain his smile the entire way to the shore.
You’re drying off as the sun sets, splashes of pink and purple coating the sky. It’s incredible; over the lake you can see the entire expanse of fields and forest, laid out like a painting.
“You guys brought food, right?”
Emily calls out from the picnic bench. She’s toweling off, sunglasses in her hair as she jokes with Morgan. You nod, turning back to Spencer.
He’s thoroughly drenched. You feel a little guilty for tipping the boat over; he’s spent a decent amount of time wringing out his clothes, and as night falls a chill builds in the air. After pulling a jacket on, you toss him a towel.
“That was fun.”
Your eyes widen a little, genuine surprise lodging itself in your throat. He takes in the look on your face, smiling lightly.
“Better than reading on the beach?” You offer, but this is too good to be true.
You frown, suppressing a smirk as you catch the scent of propane drifting through the air. You both head in the direction of the camp stove, where Hotch is fiddling with the gas tank.
“That looks...unsafe.” Spencer mutters, brow furrowed.
Hotch shoots him a look, and you both back off in favor of finding Morgan and Garcia, who are attempting to start a bonfire.
You don’t expect this to happen.
Spencer is arguably your best friend. He’s been there for you through thick and thin. For better or for worse, you’ve had each other. This trip was supposed to be unifying, and a small part of you had even hoped that maybe, just maybe, it’d give you the bravery to say what you’ve been thinking for a while.
“I cannot believe you intentionally burn your marshmallows.”
Spencer is looking at you like you’ve committed a crime; you are very familiar with this expression, but being on the receiving end of it is new. Thankfully, you’re ready to defend your stance to near-death. A somewhat maniacal grin on your face, you stab another marshmallow onto a skewer and shove it directly into the fire.
“I’m with Pretty Boy on this one. That’s just cruel. It doesn’t even heat it all the way through.” You scowl in Derek’s direction, turning back to your now on-fire marshmallow. You pull it out of the flame, watching it sear as the group murmurs in distaste. It only took three hours to start a fire, and by that time Emily had managed to heat a can of soup on the campstove. Spirits were relatively high, all things considered.
You watch in wonder as the marshmallow curves, melting just how you like it. Before you can stop it, it falls straight down onto your leg.
“Shit. That’s like, on fire.”
You say, your voice rising in pitch and volume as it becomes increasingly clear that not only is the marshmallow very, very hot but it is not coming off. The group springs into unsure action, voices loud and panicked as you push away from both your chair and the fire. The physics of melting sugar be damned, Derek manages to scrape it off with his skewer, and you’re left with a very attractive hole in your pants and a patch of tender skin.
“How do you love camping?” JJ asks, eyes wide as she watches you brush yourself off. Stabbing another marshmallow onto your skewer, you shrug.
“It’s all part of the fun.”
This time, you don’t set your marshmallow on fire. You mimic Spencer, who is carefully rotating his marshmallow. There has to be a system for what he’s doing; he’s laser-focused on the fire, his entire face lit up by the flickering red and orange light. You lean in, and before long you fall into a rhythm of roasting a marshmallow to golden-brown perfection, then pressing it into a graham cracker. Emily is incredible at assembling s’mores, and by time the fire is just a few crackling embers everyone has a little chocolate smeared over their faces.
“I’m really glad we did this.” JJ’s voice is just above a whisper. She’s leaning against Emily, the two of them sharing a blanket as the fire slowly fades. Hotch nods sagely, a rare smile on his face.
“It’s nice. A break. Some fresh air. Trees.” You gesture to the forest around you, unable to contain a sheepish grin. When you look to your right, Spencer’s smiling too. Penelope squeezes your hand. As you watch the last log burn into ash, you wonder how you got so lucky.
Later, everyone is too tired to stargaze.
This fact wounds you deeply. Stargazing is your favorite part of camping; there is absolutely nothing that parallels the experience of driving away from the city and looking up into the constellations. To your dismay, everyone is in their tents by the time it’s dark enough to see the winks of light overhead.
You begrudgingly get ready for bed; stepping around the campsite, it’s clear to see that everyone has mostly turned in for the night. Derek and Penelope’s tent is dark. Emily, Hotch, and JJ are all snoring at varying volumes. Spencer’s light is on; you can see his shadow, leaning over to peer at a book. You brush your teeth, swatting bugs away as you stumble towards your tent.
You manage to spend thirty minutes in your tent before you lose your patience. This entire camping trip has been a dream; no work, no cell service, and the people you care about. You’ll be damned if you let it pass you by without checking absolutely everything off your list. You step, a little wobbly, towards the front of your tent. You tug the zipper open, trying to stay as quiet as possible.
On shaking legs, you tug your hiking boots on, the evening cold nipping at your ankles. Despite your attempts to lessen the noise, you watch Spencer’s shadow waver.
“Spence!” You stage-whisper, praying to every deity you can think of that he’s awake and the rest of the team isn’t. To your immediate relief, you watch him tug the zipper of his tent down and emerge, swatting at a few lingering mosquitoes. He looks a little cold; his cheeks are pink and he’s rubbing at his arms. The sight of him in a hoodie and flannel pajama pants is more endearing than you’d expect, and you exhale to clear your head.
“What’s going on?”
He rubs the sleep out of his eyes, and you point to the sky. He takes a cursory glance up, and you watch his jaw fall slack as he takes in the starry skies.
“Come on. We can see better from over there.”
You wave him towards the beach. You know exactly where you’re headed; while you’ve never camped in this specific spot, you know how to reach your favorite place to stargaze. Spencer looks at you with something between curiosity and admiration as you lead the way with a flashlight. The forest is still awake and responsive at this hour, crickets chirping and leaves rustling as you step through the greenery.
You find it quickly; the boardwalk is unmistakable. It’s a field, like the ones you’ve been surrounded by all day. Spencer identifies the leaves as rhubarb plants as you step onto the wooden pathway. While any field would work, this one is ideal; the sky opens up as far as the eye can see, the trees parting to admire the world above.
“Here.” You turn off your flashlight, allowing your eyes to adjust to the low, blue moonlight. Spencer follows you as you crouch, laying with your back to the boardwalk. This is what you came for.
“Oh my God.” Your face splits into a grin once you hear Spencer’s voice, low and gravelly against your ear. The sky above is endless; all you can see is the expanse of the stratosphere, stars bright and darkness vast over your heads. You tear up a little; you always do. It feels like the universe is leaning down to meet you in the middle, pressing its face to yours.
“Tell me what you see. I know that you know what we’re looking at.”
You scoot a little closer, trying to absorb a little of his warmth. Eyes still fixed on the sky, Spencer begins.
“There’s so little light pollution. I...I’ve never seen this many stars at once.” His eyes narrow a little, and you watch as he absorbs the world above him.
“That’s Orion.” He points to a collection of stars to your left, a few brighter than the others.
“Those three in a row, that’s his belt. You might be able to see his bow, too, to the right.
The brightest one is six hundred and forty light years away. Betelgeuse.” His voice has dropped to a whisper, and you follow his every word. You can see the warrior above you, the stars winking at you as Spencer describes them.
You fall quiet after a few minutes, and the only sound is that of your slow, synced breaths. You feel as though Spencer has peeled the sky open and revealed it to you; with him, you can see another world entirely.
“We’re looking into the past right now.”
You turn to look at him, a laugh ready to bubble past your lips. You look back up at the sky, where he’s pointed to the Big Dipper.
“That’s Dubhe. We’re seeing light from before we were born.”
You nod, a tear sliding down your cheek and cooling before it reaches your nose. There is so much you would like to tell him before you are both light, visible in this moment from somewhere far away.
As you stare up into the starscape, you gasp. There’s a shooting star, dragging across the Pleiades and heading towards the western skies.
“Make a wish,” You breathe. Before you lose your nerve, you reach out to Spencer, lacing your fingers together. Turning your head, you watch as he grins up at the sky. His features are softer when drenched in moonlight; the slope of his nose, the arch of his cheekbones, the line of his jaw all bathed in a dreamy quality.
After the shooting star winks out, trailing across the dark and blinking into nothing, the silence feels heavier.
“What did you wish for?”
You’re sure that he can hear your heartbeat. The steady thrum of your heart against your ribcage is a drum, urging you forward. You watch his brow knit in consideration, before his gaze finally meets yours. His eyes are more hazel than you’ve ever noticed, each fleck of gold striking you as a star.
“If I tell you, it won’t come true.”
His voice is soft, laced with something solemn beneath the surface. You nod, stealing a glance at the sky before you swallow your fear.
"I wished for you." You say quietly.
You don’t know who moves first, only that there’s a brief shuffle before you’re holding each other. He reaches to cradle your face in his hands, pressing a kiss to your forehead, then your nose, before finally reaching your lips. Your hands ghost over his jaw, trailing down his neck as he laces his fingers into your hair. You can’t quite breathe, nor think, only repeat a simple refrain over and over, a prayer passing over your lips and into the dark.
The sun rises lazily, pink and orange brushstrokes against a blue sky. You’re awake early—to put it lightly, Spencer’s tent is cramped—and it feels good to breathe in the morning air. The team is still asleep, a few yards away as you stretch and take in the cool dawn.
You think maybe, this is all a dream. You’re not sure how else this would exist, so perfectly and wholly true. The universe is a benevolent thing, after all. There is no other explanation for Spencer Reid, the man the world got right.
“You have pancake batter in your hair,” You say, a little mournfully but still laughing. Still layered in jackets and hats, you feel as though you’re being warmed from the inside out. Spencer’s eyes widen, and he reaches up with a batter-covered hand to feel his hair. You laugh again, a little too loudly this time, and he shushes you between chuckles.
The campstove is quiet, the gas running blue as Spencer flips a pancake over. You neglected to tell him that folding the pancake mix in slowly would prevent...explosions. If you had warned him, you wouldn’t have the chance to kiss the flour off of his face, smiling against his cheeks. With a mittened hand, you brush the powder off of his eyelashes.
“Chocolate chips, right?”
You smile, nodding. He remembers how you like your pancakes. Turning away from him, you rifle through a storage bin for something you packed.
“Are you looking for syrup? It’s over here.” He calls, his voice soft against the hushed sounds of morning. The birds have begun to chirp, calling to each other in alternating duets. You shake your head, and present him with a contraption.
His eyes light up, and he looks at you with something a little wild and entirely resembling devotion. You reveal with your other hand a bag of coffee grounds from the coffee shop near your house, grinning up at him.
“I can’t believe you brought me a French press.”
You grin, turning your face as your cheeks burn. Maybe you had hoped this would happen, in slightly different words. After you both tuck into your pancakes, leaning over a plate on the same side of a picnic bench, you watch the sunrise. A bundle of puffy jackets and intertwined hands, you press your back into Spencer’s embrace.
As you watch the moon recede into the horizon, you hope that your past is standing hand and hand, gazing at you fondly.
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
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Image © Marvel Comics, by John Buscema. Accessed at Zip Comics here
[The gargorian is another take on the four armed gargoyle concept, made infamous by being the first (and for some parties, the last) fight in the Tomb of Horrors. When trying to find art for this entry (because the gargorian art is very small and cramped, and I don’t like it much), I found this issue of the Marvel Conan comic, “Night of the Gargoyle”, which appears to be the origin of the trope. ]
Gargorian CR 11 CE Monstrous Humanoid This creature resembles a muscular gargoyle, with four arms and a long, bladed tail.
Gargorians, or greater gargoyles, are as cruel as their lesser kin but more intelligent and organized. They are excellent metal workers, and frequently wear armor and carry weapons. They have four arms, and typically prefer to mix manufactured weapons with their natural attacks. Gargorians favor a philosophy of overwhelming strength, trying to do as much damage as possible with little nuance in combat. A gargorian may abduct an enemy in order to drop them from a great height, or drag back to its lair to eat later. Most gargorians have a particular dislike of humans, and seek to kill humans above other prey.
Gargorians have been made to act as guardians, much as regular gargoyles are, but doing so typically requires magical compulsion. Gargorian society is far-flung, with individuals living alone for the most part but occasionally coming together to trade, socialize or battle strong opponents. Physical might is respected above all other qualities, with leadership positions being claimed by gargorians with class levels, typically in fighter, barbarian or ranger. Occasionally a gargorian will be found leading a clan of gargoyles, but the two species are usually found separately. There is little physical distinction between sexes.  
Gargorian      CR 11 XP 12,800 CE Medium monstrous humanoid (earth) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +18 Defense AC 28, touch 14, flat-footed 24 (+4 Dex, +8 natural, +6 armor) hp 126 (12d10+60); fast healing 5 Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +11 DR 15/magic; Resist cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10 Offense Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (40 ft., fly 60 ft. unarmored) Melee 4 claws +17 (1d6+5 plus grab), bite +17 (1d8+5), tail blade +15 (1d6+2 plus bleed) or masterwork short sword +16/+11/+6 (1d6+5/17-20), masterwork short sword +16 (1d6+5/17-20), 2 claws +15 (1d6+2 plus grab), bite +15 (1d8+2), tail blade +15 (1d6+2 plus bleed) Special Attacks bleed (1d6), mobile grappler, rend (4 claws, 1d6+7) Statistics Str 21, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 11 Base Atk +12; CMB +17 (+21 grappling); CMD 31 Feats Double Slice, Great Fortitude, Hover, Improved Critical (short sword), Improved Initiative, Multiattack (B), Two-Weapon Fighting Skills Craft (weaponsmith) +15, Fly +16, Perception +18, Stealth +18 (+22 in rocky environments); Racial Modifiers +2 Stealth (+6 in rocky terrain) Languages Common, Terran SQ freeze (statue), martial training Ecology Environment any mountains Organization solitary, pair or patrol (3-6) Treasure standard (masterwork breastplate, two masterwork short swords, other treasure) Special Abilities Martial Training (Ex) A gargorian is proficient with simple and martial weapons, light and medium armor, and shields. Mobile Grappler (Ex) A gargorian can move full speed when using a combat maneuver to move an opponent while grappling. Tail Blade (Ex) A gargorian’s tail blade is a secondary natural weapon that deals slashing damage.
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iturbide · 3 years
AU Masterlist
For ease of reference, all AUs will be linked to their respective tag on the blog; for fics marked as ‘In Progress’ or ‘Complete,’ status will link to AO3 if the work has an entry there; for fics marked as ‘One-Shot,’ status will link to either AO3 or Tumblr; for fics marked as ‘In Development,’ status will link to a Tumblr summary or outline of the complete work; all ‘In Planning’ works will be left unlinked. 
Fire Emblem: Awakening
The Future Built Upon the Past (In Progress) - My Awakening magnum opus; a look at the events of the doomed timeline and how it led to the course of events that eventually sent Lucina back in time to alter the course of fate.
Affectionately Yours (Complete) - Accepting Plegia’s invitation to visit in his sister’s stead, Chrom rapidly comes to realize that everything he thought he knew about the halidom’s neighbor is at best a wild exaggeration thanks to the guidance of Plegia’s sovereign, Robin.
Cursed Fate (Complete) - A Shadow of the Colossus AU; following Robin’s death, Chrom takes his body back to Plegia for burial; when a disembodied whisper confirms that there may be a chance to restore Robin’s life, Chrom goes on a quest through the Grimleal nation to bring together Grima’s remains.
Crown of Shadows (Complete) / The Shrouded Throne (Complete) - A split-path narrative where, to stop the civil war raging in Plegia, Robin comes to Ylisse to beg aid from Exalt Emmeryn.    After getting drafted by accident into the Shepherds, the Plegian and the Ylissean prince become fast friends – and very soon, something more. 
Accursed Divine (In Progress) - Robin is trapped in a curse that transforms her by day into a fell beast.  Once the curse is broken, the ensuing political drama follows Robin and Chrom uniting their countries after Robin’s ascension to the Plegian throne.
Sigh No More (In Progress) - An arranged marriage AU where following a crushing defeat at Plegian hands, Chrom’s father is forced to wed his son to Robin, who due to Validar’s ritual in her early life now bears more than just Grima’s mark as a sign of her fellblood; despite a rocky beginning, the two become friends and even find love in the union that had only ever been part of politics and power.
Beyond Twilight’s Veil (In Planning) - When Risen begin appearing in Ylisse, Chrom ventures into Plegia on Emmeryn’s behalf to try to find a joint solution, meeting and readily befriending Robin along the way.  When things go wrong, leaving Robin half-transformed and Validar dead, the Shepherds are forced to flee Gangrel’s pursuit; two years later, Robin claims the Plegian throne and reaches out to Ylisse in an attempt to rebuild lost friendships.
War Crimes (In Planning) - A collab with anankos; the Exalt of Ylisse becomes a willing host to Naga’s power in a bid to wipe Plegia off the map, but the Fell Dragon’s return puts the war in a deadlock.  Chrom is kidnapped and brought to Plegia in a desperate bid to open diplomatic channels, but when that fails he ends up as as a guest and becomes unlikely friends with Robin, the son of a Plegian tactician (who has more than a few secrets).
Manwearer (In Planning) - After becoming separated from his mother, Robin is raised by the taguel of Panne’s warren.  On hearing about a threat to the Exalt’s life, the warren mobilizes to her aid, and Robin and Panne ally with the Shepherds to uncover the deeper mystery behind the attack. 
Assassin’s Creed: Awakening (In Planning) - An Assassin’s Creed AU; when Emmeryn is kidnapped and slated to become a Grimleal sacrifice, Chrom and the Shepherds rush to save her – only her rescue comes at Plegian hands, instead.  Defying his crusading father, Chrom chooses to stand by Robin and ends up embroiled in a millennia-old conflict between secret forces.
Smoke and Mirrors (In Planning) - A Pokemon crossover AU; Robin and her Zoroark Reflet (who prefers a human guise that passes for her brother) join with Chrom, a Pokemon Ranger branching out into competitive training; and his sister Lissa, an aspiring pokemon medic.   This brings them into conflict with the Grimleal who are hunting for the Legendary Pokemon Giratina – a pokemon that Robin and Reflet have a very curious connection to.
Sibling AU (In Planning) - Grima is Robin’s older brother and unwilling puppet ruler of Plegia; when Emmeryn invites the recently-crowned king to Ylisse for diplomatic discussions, Grima sneaks his younger brother along to show him the world he’s never had a chance to see, and both unexpectedly find new friends in what they long believed were enemy lands.
Cardcaptor Lissa (In Planning) - A Cardcaptor Sakura crossover AU where Lissa accidentally unseals the Book of Naga and releases magical cards into the world; with the help of a tiny dragon named Tiki, she has to recapture them all before Grima reawakens to usher in the end of days. 
Promare AU (In Planning) - A Promare AU; after Chrom thwarts a group of Grimleal dark mages from kidnapping an Ylissean family, his world is turned upside down by a series of shocking revelations, and he chooses to side with Robin to save the Ylissean Grimleal imprisoned by his father’s orders.
As You Are (In Planning) - Robin comes to Ylisse on a diplomatic mission, hoping to warn the Exalt of a potential threat; when an attack leaves the Plegian blind, Chrom confesses his feelings – only to be rebuffed as Robin believes that the feelings are born of guilt, leaving Chrom to grapple with what he fears are unrequited feelings.
Pride and Joy (In Planning) - Raised in Plegia under Mustafa’s care, Robin is drafted into Validar’s assassination attempt on Emmeryn – but decides that the orders should not be fulfilled and defects, saving the Exalt’s life.  In the trials to follow, Robin tries to keep the Ylisseans safe from Gangrel’s forces without exposing her own wavering loyalties.
Prisoner of War (In Planning) - The Exalt’s war has left Plegia in ruins, its citizens scattered and the remnants of the army using guerrilla tactics to oppose the crusade.   When his father calls him to the front, Chrom is captured by the Plegian resistance, and rapidly discovers that everything he thought he knew about Plegia (and the Heart of Grima who took him captive) is wrong.
Speaker for the Dead (In Planning) - Raised under Validar’s cruel abuse, Robin exists as little more than a hollow shell, surviving each day on the battlefield.  When Chrom reaches out to him and offers a glimpse of something better than the threat of death, Robin cautiously accepts and gradually begins to recover from the traumas of Validar’s upbringing.
Design Defect (One-Shot) - A modern AU where Robin is the son of the head of the Grimleal mafia who enters Ylisstol University and meets Chrom, son of Exalt Corp’s CEO and the heir to the family company.  While Robin might have some ulterior motives for getting close to Chrom at first, he quickly gets in over his head.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Kintsugi (In Planning) - A Golden Deer-based golden route, where Claude decides from the moment he reunites with Byleth that they’re going to save as many lives as possible.
Pre-Timeskip Fix-It (In Planning) - A Black Eagles-based fix-it AU where Byleth gets to shut down Edelgard’s alarming rhetoric every time she opens her mouth, and the Imperial princess stumbles her way through the process of becoming a better person.
Spite Project (In Planning) - A canon-divergent AU where the question of “what would have happened if Edelgard had hired Miklan to kill Claude and Dimitri at the start of the year?” leads to Claude and Dimitri saving each other in more ways than one. 
Bad End AU (In Development) - A Crimson Flower AU exploring the logical consequences and fall-out associated with Edelgard’s conquest of Fodlan, her deceptions regarding the Agarthan menace, and her choice to kill Claude at Derdriu.
Proof of Life (One-Shot) - After establishing an uneasy alliance at Gronder, the joint Kingdom and Alliance forces proceed north to free Faerghus from Imperial control.  On the way, Dimitri and Claude are ambushed by an Imperial assassin, leaving Claude seriously injured; on the way to safety, though, Dimitri is shaken by the Alliance leader’s words, and begins to question his purpose and his ultimate goals.
Fire Emblem: Heroes
Hard Reset (In Planning) - A bad-end Heroes AU where Muspell invades Askr and wipes out the Order of Heroes – but before Surtr can kill Kiran, they fire Breidablik, which somehow transports them to another Zenith.  Taken in by the Emblians, Kiran sets about trying to prevent the ruin that befell the world they were first summoned to.
Controlled Chaos (One-Shot) - In the midst of battle against Muspell, Kiran is taken prisoner by Laegjarn and whisked away from the field; when the leaders of the Order elect to wait, the Heroes take matters into their own hands -- led by the last Hero anyone would have expected.
To The Last (One-Shot) - Though peace has finally established between Askr and Embla, Kiran is unexpectedly struck down by an old illness from their life before they were summoned; the Heroes band together in hopes of finding a cure...but in the end, it all comes down to a prayer.
Life Goes On (In Planning) - My Promare magnum opus and a direct sequel to Send the Scourge, Send the Swarm exploring the Parnassus aftermath, the Promeopolis Burnish and their recovery and reintroduction to society, and the gradual evolution of the city through the combined influence of the wider Federation and the growing Burnish activism movement. 
The Enemy of My Enemy (In Planning) - A canon-divergent AU where Lio and the Mad Burnish managed to save those captured by Freeze Force before they were taken to the Lake Friege detention center; after awkwardly helping the Mad Burnish slip through Kray’s trap, Galo inadvertently becomes entangled with the affairs of the terrorist organization.
Project: Elements (In Planning) - My Pokemon magnum opus following a scientist in Team Rocket who discovers that her genetic theory has been put into practice without her knowledge or consent; taking charge of the project herself, she finds herself warring with the ethics and morality of her work when young lives hang in the balance.
Pokekids (In Planning) - Based on an FYCD prompt meshed with an original story in development; the story revolves around an original region and original characters setting out on their journey, the challenges they meet along the way, and the friends they make in the process.
The Rising Wind (Complete) - An AU fic based on loveyou-x3000′s Wind Prompt, exploring the aftermath of Kagura’s death, her revival in a borrowed human form, her developing bond with Sesshomaru, and their eventual family.
Maelstrom (In Planning) - A canon-divergent AU where Sesshomaru diverts Kagura after she betrays Naraku, preventing her death at his hands; as she becomes ingrained within the group, though, Naraku sees an opportunity to make use of her even when she is not within his direct control.
Ace Attorney
Crime of Passion (In Development) - My Ace Attorney magum opus; Miles Edgeworth is once again accused of murder and taken in by police, but this time Phoenix Wright won’t be able to take his case -- because the victim of the crime is none other than the defense attorney.  It’s up to Maya to defend the prosecutor this time, while Miles is forced to confront the hard truths about his relationship with the missing lawyer.
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drops-of-moonlights · 4 years
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The Winx’s parents, retouched! A few updated info bits below:
Oritel Silvanus Ferreaum-Drazul, Marion Celosia Drazul, and the late Linus Xavier Lissen-Drazul: Linus’s Daphne’s dad and Marion’s original husband, who were an arranged marriage. They got along incredibly well and they were best friends, but it was never a full-blown love. Linus died during an avalanche when Daphne was 11, and 5 years later Marion married Oritel, who she met as a member of the Company of Light. After 4 years of marriage they had Nina (Bloom), and were shortly after imprisoned in Obsidia as statues. Marion is the Queen Regent, Oritel and Linus were/are consorts. Bloom is still awkward around them, and sticks to calling them Mother and Father. Oritel ends up kind of a mess at seeing his daughter being a young adult when they properly meet and Marion has to somewhat reign him in sometimes. Marion is an Altheix Sorceress, her title being the Sorceress of the Dragon’s Roar (Source of Sound), while Oritel acts as the head of the military and wears a modified version of his old Red Fountain armor.
Michael “Mike” Peters and Vanessa María Peters née Florinda: Vanessa’s Mexican-American and works as a florist, managing her shop and making arrangements for events and parties. Mike has worked as a firefighter since he was 20 and has always made sure Bloom knew the dangers of fire, which ended up helping when it turns out she has fire magic. After the whole Princess deal gets discovered Bloom resorts to spending her winters with Mike and Vanessa (who she always considers her “parents parents”), and the springs at the Domino Castle. She and Daphne tend to live in Daphne’s apartment in Magix during summer and autumn.
Anthonius Lixtro-Smith and Audra Smith: Original names were Electronio and Magnethia. They both work as freelance industrial designers and engineers, usually working for the bigger companies and are very well off as a result. Tecna takes most of her looks from her dad but her natural hair color - her original dye attempt was green, but her spell failed and got pink instead, and liked it enough that she kept it. She keeps her undercut brown as if she was the “perfect fusion” of both her parents.
Alyssa Benedetta-Robledos and Rodolfo Ernesto Robledos: Rodolfo’s original name was Rhodos. They work at the Lynphean Magiwolf Sanctuary, with Alyssa acting as the ranger and Rodolfo the veterinarian. Rodolfo is the Fairy of Wolves, and uses his Silvestrix magic to enhance his medical training when tending their patients. They homeschooled both Flora and Miele until they were 11 and 8 respectively, and teached them both ways to defend and heal themselves if they ever got in trouble. Amarok acts as both pet and help, acting as “ambassador” for any wolf that enters the sanctuary to help them acclimate to the place.
Teredor Bahari van Amstel and Niobe Saran van Amstel (née Citrone): Aisha’s parents, they’re very strict and stick to the Androsian traditions, which ends up as an accidental source of strife for their daughter. Niobe is more lenient with her, but does want her to be married to Nabu as fast as possible and has a hard time when both Aisha and Nabu reject the arrangement. Teredor is far more strict, but mellows out after Aisha comes back from the Siege of Alfea, and starts trying to understand her daughter better. Teredor is Ligea’s twin brother, and is a Caster, more specifically the Druid of the Coast, with powers over sand and wind.
Huan Lu (née Xun) and Marina Lu: Ho-Boe and Matlin/Wa-Nin were terrible racist puns I am disposing of them they fucking suck okay? okay. Marina worked as a singer for private and public events and Huan helped her with instruments, as well as running an instrument shop on the side. They met by accident during one of Marina’s events and started dating shortly after. They had two kids, a boy named Jian and five years later, Musa. They never were rich but they had enough to live happily with some frivolities sprinkled in once in a while, and they always got to play music together. Marina died when Musa was 14 of a magic-resistant virus, who ate away her Aura and made her inmune system fully collapse, her own magic unable to sustain her. Her death threw the family in dissaray, and while Jian got a job shortly after to make ends meet, they went through some rocky years. They managed to stay afloat, and started to stabilize shortly before Musa left for Alfea. Huan and Marina loved each other very much, and while he knows she would encourage him to seek out love again, he doesn’t feel ready. Marina was an Enchantress, the Enchantress of Music, and Musa carries her title as a Fairy in her honor.
Radius Solaris Oriol and Luna Azura Argentis: Their marriage was arranged by their parents, and while they were in a similar situation to Marion and Linus, their friendship turned into spite as the years went by. They divorced when Stella’s 14, and remained single for a few years. Luna still acts as the Queen of Solaria, per their arrangements, and even if Radius remarries they will only act as supportive consort. Luna starts dating Allan Damarte around the time Stella starts her original first year at Alfea, and they have been a stable couple since. Count Alessandro Vespero, in contrast, had been secretly courting Radius a few months after the divorce, originally just Radius’s rebound before it developed into love. When Stella’s Princess Ball arrives, they announce their engagement, and will end up marrying in a few years. Alessandro has a daughter from a previous marriage, a somewhat spoiled girl called Carmilla, nicknamed Chimera. Luna is the Cosmix Witch of the Winter Moon with power over ice, while Radius is the Cosmix Fairy of the Summer Sun with power over fire.
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kaiju-z · 3 years
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Seon Adventures Episode 38: Bathhouses and Bonds
After a month of travel, successfully retrieving the King’s Blade, Ena, learning who their client is, i. e. Akar’Niel and choosing to learn more about the circumstances of the mass elimination of dwarves and dragonborn on Seon, the party have reached Guan.
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And straight off the bat, no pun intended, the group discover they are followed by an imp. After a quick discussion on whether to take it down or not, Malak stils his hand from sending the denizen of Hell back home, as it approaches the group.
Through a quick inspection of the party, the shape changing critter flies over to Mournimar and delivers the Tiefling Ranger a Sending Stone, of a blue diamond make. After which it does a JoJo pose and poofs.
As stated previously, this was a Sending Stone, allowing someone to cast 2 sending messages a day. But only to the person that has the other one. Rocky Talkies, as Malak puts it. (Or Hayden, I’m not sure. They’re both wholesome and we love them).
Mournimar gets that explained to him and calls the person that gifted it to him. And he hears a familiar voice from the other end say " Well you are alive, then!”. Much to the tiefling’s frustration, he recognizes the voice as that of his ex-boyfriend, Lazarus, follower of Potencia.
Mourni tries to ask what he wants, but instead Lazarus does the “kh-kh” noise (you know the one, where someone does a double pistols and a wink???) and that’s about all the messaging that goes on for that day.
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Again. Much to Mournimar’s frustration.
Malak suggests getting rid of the stone. But Mournimar wants to keep it.
Luck suggests flipping a coin and he even brings one out from his journal bag. But Jun suggests Mournimar hold onto it and in the end, they agree on that.
(Also Mournimar gets a praise from Jun, which makes him feel validated).
The rest of the day passes uneventfully and they carry on, as the ground beneath their feet becomes more and more rocky. WIth the most perceptive in the party taking note that there’s a slight silhouette in the near distance of a town.
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During the night, Belli receives a dream, like everyone else, but Mournimar, before her. As everyone had kept their dreams to themselves, for the following day, the group find themselves walking into a small and cozy town, which Arryn guesses would be Sodinvorg, most likely.
Very different from what the group had been used to so far. In a wasteland such as this (which funny enough is the right temperature for Luctan to feel at straight up at home?!) Sodinvorg’s constructed of tall buildings made out of clay, all painted red, white or red and white. Most split in multiple flats as they can tell from the windows. A variety of people in the windows, mostly Yuan-Ti, Kobolds, Tabaxi and Lizardfolk.
People here know each other and are close, mingling with each other.
Notable locations are the bathhouse, the tavern and the marketplace.
Luctan makes a b-line for the bathhouse, all excited and swept under the positive nostalgia of the enviroment he find himself in, with Jun joining him, all the while Belli would go and buy certain supplies. Cement included for some reason?! And then go to the apothecary.
A pair of young lizardfolk women run the bathhouse, which the pair of Jun and Luck can discern is constructed very intricately and with a style to it. (The place is essentially a roman bathhouse.)
Mournimar woud go to the Rolls and Scrolls place, where one could buy spell scrolls and delicious breads, as advertised, while Malak would check with the antique shop.
Inside the bath house, Jun takes on her mask of a beautiful Drow woman, named Valencia, having noted that there aren’t really any humans in the area.  Valencia is a bit posh. Long white hair in a bun.
As they score themselves a place in the bath, The Disguise Duo enjoy a relaxing bath, unbothered by the cramped and crowded enviroment, as they are  confident about themselves and their bodies.
No juicy gossip in the area and even if there was, a loud comment about Mommy Milkers from another of the patrons would distract the duo.
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Arryn eventually joins the two, but after an unfortunate bomb dive goes wrong, he leaves, as the pool was too shallow for any acrobatics. Luctan’s Healing Word aids him in recovering from at least the physical pain, at least.
The duo have another talk, where Luck learns of Jun’s origins. Though she began her careers in Sa Doma, she was originally from  Elmeria. Which, to say the least, was a neat coincidence, as the party had gotten their initial name there, when asked by Morticia.
Jun would share that, given her race as a Changeling, few doors were truly open for her, as a Shapeshifter in a world that had a bias against them, and so, the bounty hunting life and that of an escort were ones that she could slip into easily. Luck would bemoan her fate, how opportunities were taken from her due to things she couldn’t help. But was glad for her being able to make the best of it.
“When one door closes, another opens”, the two would agree.
Luck would tell her his story, in turn, being candid about the facts, though, naturally, given they were speaking around others, he’d of course avoid using the “H” word as to where he had come from. Besides, the yalready knew about that from the fight at the barn.
Luck would come to a point, admitting that he was unsure what to do with himself now. He was content helping people, but he had no plan on what to do with himself now, when he didn’t take on the rest of his revenge quest.
Jun encourages him to take the time and consider. And she’d admit that conversations weren’t generally something people would approach her for, given her non-violent work ethic.
But Luck would compliment her for her talk, appreciating being able to talk openly with her on matters. Jun would note that he was about the 3rd person to praise her for that.
Meanwhile, at the Rolls and Scrolls, Mournimar spends big money on several rolls and scrolls, making Matiro, the Yuan-Ti’s day with all the cash that comes his way.
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Feather Fall, Aid, Calm Emotions and Find Steed are all bought and paid for by the Ranger, with the latter three being bought for a collective 500 gold.
Furthemore, the tiefling buys 7 loafs of bread, for the party and Arryn.
And then. Before he leaves, Mournimar leaves the man a tip of 5 platinum. And upon leaving, he can distinctly hear the Yuan-Ti scurry off, screaming to a friend: “PHILLIP! I’M IN LOVE!”
At a convergence point, Mournimar gets a gold piece from Jun and a pat on the head. Getting validated by an older female figure boosts his morale. Quite evident from his tail wagging like crazy.
From the calico Tabaxi, Jolly Sunrise, proprietor of “ Happy Belly Rubs “, Belli gets a healing herb, a root that healing potions are made from. 
(It is at this point that we spend 10 minutes on Tabaxi bathroom name jokes. It’s just-you had to be there.)
Jolly makes a “Jolly Secret Rub”, which gives the party 1d8 Temp Hp. Gives special smelling salts, which are used as Spare The Dying as a bonus action. 165 worth. And lastly, upon Belli’s request, she delivers onto the Half-Orc Bard a pair of extra spicy peppers, referred to as “Dragon’s Breath”.
“Don’t give it to halflings. It could genuinely kill them.” she would note.
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Also Belli learns that Jolly has a tiefling brother. Due to his fire resistance, she had learned that these could kill anoyone, without fire resistance. (Though that could’ve been a joke0
After the bread, the party go to the Cozy Leaf. An older tabaxi man, orange and graying around the nose, heads the place. He has a menu. There’s coffee, milk, honey milk. Maple Milk! The man’s name is Leaf On The Water. He has a strange clockwork device playing relaxing music nearby, giving the place a wholesome atmosphere.
His Grandson, an Artificer, built this contraption. Travels and sends new stuff to the old cat.  There’s a stick figure drawing at the counter, drawn by the youngest in the family, his granddaughter. The grandson is taller than him. Grandson is 30. Grand Daughter is 3.
There’s even a portrait that gets showcased of the family. One big orange family. Himself, his three kids and his two grandkids.
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Most of the group, but the bearded ones, get themselves a warm beverage. Honey Milk and Maple Milk.
While the patrty slowly unwind for the day, Belli asks Jun if she has any expertise with chemicals. Interesting enough, the Bloodhunter does have skills with alchemy supplies. And the two work on making  pepper spray. Super. Spicy. Pepper Spray.
Malak find himself buying several items from the antique shop, run by the kobolds Zett and Nix, Red and Bronze respectively.
From the items presented to him, he takes what he could consider lucky charms.
Among them a coin of a strange material, a stone figurine of a snake, as well as a small silver rod with no decoration. It makes a harp noise. Notably,  the rod gives off faint evocation magic.
Before purchasing these, he asks the Kobolds, just to be sure, that they hadn’t pilfered these from any gravesights and the like. They specify that any item they have in their shop has been brought in from families, who found no use for them.
They are established businessmen here. And the price for the collection of items bought is 25 silver. Enough to cover rent for the month.
Malak thanks them in Draconic and leaves after the monetary exchange.
At the end of the day, as everyone prepares for the night’s rest in the tavern, Jun keeps an ear and eye out for gossip, while Mournimar takes a single room for himself (and Morgan).
One, where he has himself his own little dream.
End of Episode.
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Reboot - Part 1: Memories of Exhausting Enhancement
Synergy yawned and scratched his butt.
“Thanks dude!” His duplicate said with a thumbs up before fading away in a halo of light. He checked the time, seeing it was about noon, his preferred wake-up time when school wasn’t in session. As he walked into the living room, he noticed Aura Palm on the couch, papers strewn over the coffee table and some sort of video on the TV. He looked down at Aura Palm, curious.”
“Hey man, what’s going on.”
“Going over notes from quirk enhancement training,” he said, shuffling some more papers and marking something off. Synergy strained his eyes and couldn’t read it.
“Quirk enhanchment training?”
“Yeah, you know, we take a bunch of students, expose them to training and stimuli that’ll help improve their quirk use in some bodily way…or so I’m told, was mainly a lot of kids yelling and trying not to vomit.”
“That sounds amazing, move over!” Synergy leapt onto the couch with a flash, splitting into about three duplicates of himself and filling the couch.
He turned up the volume.
Minato in an open field, surrounded by books, and his third eye darting around and glaring at all of them. His entire face contorted in concentration.
Denshō Minato – Quirk: History Lesson.
Using his third eye on over a dozen history encyclopedias simultaneously to improve his history catalogue speed and max information absorption.
Hachi clutching his head, illuminated by dim light followed by bright light followed by dim light followed by bright followed by-
Nikkō Hachirou - Quirk: Solar Glare
Placed in a reflective box to a strengthen his eyelid muscles by widening and squinting repeatedly.
Water parts as shockwaves ripple through, kicking up massive waves. Nariko is in the center of them, throwing quick jabs through across the lake, shouting “RUMBLULULULULUL-“
Shōgekiha Nariko – Quirk: Concussive Strikes
Throwing concussive strikes underwater to strengthen her body against recoil when punching and applying shockwaves in open air.
Umeko shivering and sneezing as her nose runs while doing jumping jacks.
Haiga Umeko - Quirk: Sickness
Maintaining her sickness field at max strength to better cope with the effects on her body.
A blue and black-haired blur yelling “SPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNN-“ and kicking up dust.
Tatsumaki Hideo - Quirk: Spin
Constantly under the effect of Umeko’s quirk to improve inner ear balance and resist nausea while from spinning at top speed
Takuya standing near Umeko, doing jumping jacks that end with his rocky body splitting at four different points before reassembling with a loud CLUNK! CLINK CLINK CLINK!
Miyamoto Takuya - Quirk: Scattering
Separating in multiple directions at once to increase his time apart and control of his separate components.
Kotsuke with a water pouch tube running to his mouth, taking massive bites of a porch chop and shouting in-between each bite as he rockets, swoop, and dive bombs across the sky.
Bāsuto Kosuke - Quirk: Rear Rockets
Flying at top speed while eating to enhance his rocket’s speed and power
“HIT ME! HIT! ME!” Daitan yells just barely dodging another pass from Kosuke
Tanaka Daitan - Quirk: Fearless
Constantly dodging Kosuke to improve his reaction time and push his adrenal levels.
Chāpu repeatedly leaping and kicking Eito as Eito switches between his human body and his golden body.
Hayashi Chāpu – Quirk: Cricket
Engaging in combat with Eito’s golden body to increase his leg strength and kicking power.
Kane Eito – Quirk: Golden Body
Engaging in combat with Chāpu’s kicks to strengthen his gold and decrease its malleability.
Yoko pressing her hands against a cliff face, straining as it flickers translucently.
Hōshasen Yoko– Quirk: X-Ray Touch
Constantly applying her x-ray touch to a dense, large object to increase her max depth.
Rei growing to regular size on a tree branch and looking around before leaping off and shrinking in midair.
Koizumi Rei- Quirk: Figurine
Shrinking and growing repeatedly accelerate the rate of her size changing
A tentacle coiling around the air where Rei had been as Ryouta and his parasite host themselves sup.
Rīchi Ryouta – Quirk: Parasite
Improving coordination with their parasite by trying to catch Rei all day.
Various sounds construction noises, famous movie lines, and music play while Isao sweats up a storm on a Dance machine.
Rizumikaruna Isao– Quirk: Flow
DDR in a room full of separate disorganized sounds and sensations to strengthen focus
Shiro riding a massive wave across the lake Nariko was practicing her punches in, leaping off the peak of a waves before dropping into another and taking off.
Shimizu Shirogane – Quirk: Wave Ride
Constantly riding his waves around to increase control and the speed at which he pulls water from the air.
The sound of metal flying inward and then being blasted outward echoes around Rinko, pompous maniacal laughter filling the air.
Jiba Rinko– Quirk: Magnetic Tide
Constantly pulling and repelling increasing sizes of junk to herself and vice versa to increase the ranger of her quirk as well as its weight limit.
Samara stumbling through several other students’ training exercises before appearing on a clever near the edge of a forest, ducking under Ago’s legs and disappearing again.
Gyaku Samara– Quirk: Dimensional Tear
Wearing disorienting goggles while repeatedly passing through dimensional tears to improve coordination and direction.
Ago biting through a log and grabbing a new one in rapid succession next to a pile.
Ikeda Ago - Giant Tiger Shark
Biting through increasingly tougher objects repeatedly to increase jaw strength and bite force.
Yuzuki spraying plasma over a cliff and sweating profusely.
Watanabe Yuzuki – Quirk: Frictionless Plasma
Constantly spraying plasma to increase the range rate, and amount of plasma produced.
Hiro's grimacing face in a clear tank, gritting his teeth like he’s trying to hold something in.
Moyasu Hiromitsu – Quirk: White Phosphorus
Controlling reaction levels while exposed to oxidizing agents to improve overall control.
Junji slapping her palms together repeatedly, an electric hum filling their as Akira’s eyes flicker across from her.
Junji Jaehee – Quirk: Disrupt
Raising and dropping her jamming field to increase the rate and range of jamming.
Wasureru Akira – Quirk: Immediate Memory Wipe
Repeatedly using her quirk on Jaehee to increase the period of effect.
Synergy let out a whistle as the footage finished and looped around again. “Whoof, well, that was some wild shit,” He reclined in the chair, light shinning in from their balcony door. Synergy blinked a few times and got up to close the blinds. “I mean, let’s hope it helped them in the long run.”
“Yeah,” Aura Palm said getting up from the couch. “They’re going to need it.
Synergy stopped and turned.
“What do you mean-“
Aura Palm was gone.
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