#renee's thinkin
labradorite-skies · 10 months
I wanna kiss his forehead and feel his brows relax
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bloodycowboyclub · 1 year
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I understand the nature of wrestling, right? In our first match, he, he, - he put me to sleep, right? Uh, then he wanted to make a joke about it. so I told him to his face I would knock him out cold if I had to to beat him, and I did. And if he has something else to say about that, he can say that to my face and I’d gladly do it again.
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simonwimon · 1 year
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MORE of these guys. Head Full Thoughts Many
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butchregina · 3 months
i’m thinkin bout how if i wore regina’s jacket it’d be so cozy and oversized, because i’m 5’ and renee is 5’7 🧍
but other than that i’m thinking bout leighton murray from tslocg
shout out to leighton murray you were so badly dressed and badly styled i had to believe that entire department was determined to make people forget that renee rapp is insanely hot
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debnamwrites · 9 months
okay, gonna try to actually make a decent plotting call this time which i've been meaning to do for awhile but was mobile when i came off hiatus SO here we go here's the short version (long version is after the read more thingy): looking for long-term writing partners who will match my energy and excitement about our plots and characters (surprisingly hard to find for some reason????) and hopefully if we vibe ooc & ic then we can just be fuckin rp besties who throw plots and muses at each other w/o a second thought and luv writing together<33 rn i'm dying for more f/f plots but i'm also fine with m/f and m/m esp if we have multiple plots sooooo pls hit that like button or (preferably) slide into my dms even if we've previously talked / tried to plot / have written together before pls still hmu idc if one of us dropped off the face of the earth i get it life happens :)
OK SO. 21+ and discord only pls. i'm semi-selective now just bc i want ppl who match my energy/excitement about our plot/characters like if u give me nothing to work with in ur replies i'll probs not respond. i'm v v comfortable writing smut (even kinky, taboo kind of shit) but pls don't take that as a deal breaker i'm cool with no smut/fade to black just lemme know :) (also just a warning - i luv hurting my muses so most of them have shitty/potentially triggering backstories but they're still my babies and they r very well thought out) i'm gonna just list particular plots/pairings i've been thinkin bout lately but shit definitely isn't restricted to just these they're just ones i've been rly wanting to write
zombie apocalypse (the walking dead preferably but also tlou)
twitch streamers best friends to lovers
love island but like... make it f/f
outer banks (not the dumbass treasure hunting plot but just like the verse of obx)
best friend's older brother/sister
boyfriend's gf x boyfriend's sister
fake dating turned actually in love w each other
student x TA or professor (in college so legal age gap)
effy x cook from skins vibes
protective gf x golden retriever dumbass bf
i got a lot of traumatized af male muses so if u wanna play a female muse against any of them lmk
probs more but i don't wanna make this super long
pairings/fcs (bold is who i wanna play):
kie x sarah (obx)
madison bailey x madelyn cline
courtney eaton x any girl fc
sabrina carpenter x any girl fc
madelyn cline x anyone
danielle rose russell x kaylee bryant
danielle rose russell x any girl fc
renee rapp x sabrina carpenter/renee rapp x any girl fc
wanted opps:
renee rapp
madison bailey
courtney eaton
kaylee bryant
rudy pankow
sarah pidgeon
dylan o'brien
kaya scodelario
joe keery
tom holland
daniel sharman
hailee steinfeld
again, not limited to the above fcs/pairings/plots just ones i've been wanting lately
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merrycrisis-if · 10 months
So much (understandable) love for Qiu with song suggestions but I think its time to throw our other beloveds a bone.
For Nat:
Wish You The Best by Lewis Capaldi - okay a LOT of his music can be applied to either Nat or Qiu depending on who's perspective you're looking at it from (MC's or RO's) but this song in particular makes me think of Nat, and especially with an MC who might be catching feelings for Shay/re-awakening feelings with Qiu
I'll miss knowin' what you're thinkin' And hearin' how your day has been Do you think you can tell me everything, darling? But leave out every part about him -- And when I said we could be friends, guess I lied I wanna say I wish that you never left Oh, but instead I only wish you the best
For Shay:
Tattoos by Renee Rapp - I'm not 100% about the fit of this one, but it reminds me of the conversation with Lice about Shay's uh...recent dating history and Shay's overall feelings about the 'cool Singaporeans' never sticking around (+ the extra convo if MC and Shay are the same gender)
Getting kinda tired of turnin' pages I hope you're not the type to pull the same shit 'Cause you could be like everyone I've dated They don't love me, they just want to see me naked 15 and 16, I had to be strong 22, I'm still scared of it all 'Cause I know one day I could wake up and you'll be gone
BONUS: Fuck it! by Days N' Daze - Not so deep and meaningful as some of the other suggestions but a song I could absolutely see Shay and MC (and maybe Lice and Kim Seng) jamming out to at FDB
Life's a game, life's a joke Fuck it, why not go for broke? Trade in all your chips and learn how to be free Why abstain? Why jump in line? We're all living on borrowed time So do what you like, and we'll like what you do when you do it And if they don't, that's fine, fuck 'em
Excuse me the Nat song rec absolutely decimated me (why would you do this!! 😭😭) but yes, the idea of... having someone you wanna talk to about everything, except you can't because it's that person you wanna talk about. And yeah, the vibes of trying to return to being friends but knowing you'll still have feelings... is a whole mood.
Also yeah--Shay jamming out with Lice and Kim Seng in someone's basement to badass songs like Fuck it! Is definitely something I imagine from time to time.
Thank you for this awesome ask, and for fuelling my love (or obsession?) with finding parallels between music and writing :P
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caroldantops · 4 months
Thinkin bout…Renee’s smile..AND…sucking on her tongue……
im touching my tongue against hers rn romantically
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 18 - Baby Makes Three... or Four (Set in 2021)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here Chapter 12: here Chapter 13: here Chapter 14: here Chapter 15: here Chapter 16: here Chapter 17: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Kirby's P.O.V:
"Two babies." Kirby smiles as she holds the ultrasound picture.
Eddie and Mox chuckle as Kirby gleefully giggles and spins in the backyard of their Airbnb. Renee walks out with a beer for both the boys and a bottle of water for herself.
"Do you know how many years I thought I couldn't get pregnant, but two babies, two?" She stops giggling, her eyes welling up with tears.
Eddie stops laughing, putting his beer down and rushing to wrap Kirby in a tight hug, "I got ya, Ma, ya a'ight. Breathe, Kirby, deep breaths."
She buries her face in his neck, sobbing against his skin, tears of happiness, but still sobs, clinging to Eddie like he's her entire world.
"So, I'm guessing the twins will be a miracle to you, Kirby?" Jon asks softly.
She lifts her head, from the crook of Eddie's neck, "When I was eighteen, the doctors told me, they had me fully convinced, that I couldn't have children. You know the fact I'm a giant, that's why I was thought to be barren, forever childless. To be told that I'm not just pregnant with one, but two, that's... that's somethin' beyond my wildest dreams."
"Our little miracles, God was kind enough to bless me wit' you, now he's blessin' us wit' them." Eddie whispers, holding Kirby protectively.
Kirby had gone back to New York the next week, spending April and beginning of May around Eddie's parents. She wakes up on the morning of the 14th, to the sound of barking, not dog barks but human barking, echoing through the house 'Arf, Arf' like a loud bad cough. She gets up and throws on an oversized t-shirt and maternity leggings, cautiously opening the bedroom door
"Who the fuck is out here barking? Don't you know it's six in the morn...ing... Hello, Stranger." She stops in her tracks, smiling upon seeing the figure.
Eddie pulls Kirby into a gentle hug, kissing her deeply.
"You missed the second ultrasound, I got pictures and info for ya."
"I'm sorry I missed it, but tell me everythin' Ma." He smiles and kisses her softly.
"Okay, first of all, ya mother is a saint, and second of all, do you wanna know what gender the twins are?"
"I'm sure my mother knows she's a saint, and yes please, Sweetheart."
"Both are boys, ya bloodline continues." She smirks.
Eddie grins, "I know what my motha's like, what have you, and her, been thinkin' of namin' my sons?"
"I was thinkin' Emyr and Ethan, or Eirian and Elisedd."
"I know you, what do the ones other than Ethan mean?"
"Emyr, is Welsh, it means 'King' or 'Lord'. Eirian is-"
"One of your middle names." Eddie teases.
"I know that, but it's gender neutral, and means 'bright' and 'beautiful' in Welsh. And Elisedd is also Welsh, and means 'kind' and 'benevolent', and was the name of two Welsh kings."
"I think we name one Ethan and one Emyr, and give them both Irish and Welsh middle names that only you can pronounce. That way, when our boys are naughty, when they show how much their Pá has influenced them, you're the one who knows exactly how to yell their full names, and get them back in line." Eddie chuckles as he sways them from side to side.
"I like that idea, Kingy. You gotta fly out tomorrow, don't ya."
"Yea, but I wanted to have a day with my Wifey, so I chose today. Just you, and me, and a very comfortable bed. I wanna talk to my boys, and relax with my Doll." He smiles softly, throwing his phone on the couch next to his bags
"How're ya gonna do that when you... oh, you mean the twins."
"Pregnancy brain?"
"Yep, that's why ya mother's a saint."
Eddie chuckles as he picks Kirby up, holding her, bridal style, in his arms and taking her to the bed. He talks to the bump for the rest of the day, only leaving to grab food, or drinks, for himself and Kirby.
He leaves an 'I love you' note for her the following day, before he flies back to Jacksonville. Kirby gets to August before having to call Eddie with an emergency, his phone doesn't pick up, but luckily for him it's a false alarm.
Kirby's halfway through her breakfast, on the morning of the 26th of August, when the door swings open and Eddie, Mox and Homicide walk in, all three men looking panicked, Renee however looks calm as ever when she sits next to Kirby.
"How's the babies treating you?" She asks, softly touching the bump.
"They're evil, nah I'm kiddin', they're fine. Yesterday though, oh jeez, nearly had a heart attack when Doughboy didn't pick his phone up. Luckily for him, it was a false alarm, Braxton Hicks, thought I was in labour when I wasn't." Kirby explains, shovelling spoonful after spoonful of cereal into her mouth.
"See, I told you three it wasn't happening for real."
"Still could've picked ya damn phone up, Edward. Wifey thought she was givin' birth, Edward. Ya mother's currently annoyed with you, as am I."
"Where is he? Eric texted me to say he picked him up from the airport." A very annoyed Ruth emerges from the spare bedroom.
Eddie tries to use Homicide as a shield when his mother starts yelling at him in Spanish, very angry Spanish, before she hits him in the arm a couple times, finishing her tirade by hitting Eddie around the ear.
"Thank you, Ruthie, I'm sure ya would've killed him for me if he actually missed their birth." Kirby smirks, sticking her tongue out at Eddie when she walks past him.
"I'm not gonna miss their birth, I'll take as much time off as I need to," Eddie explains, wrapping his arms around Kirby's waist, "You wanna sit outside in the sun together, beautiful?"
"As long as you help me up, handsome."
Eddie leads Kirby to the back patio, sitting on the steps with her between his legs, relaxing with his wife for around an hour before Kirby's breathing spikes.
"Oh shit, oh fuck." She mutters, feeling her water break.
Ruth and Renee look at each other before helping Kirby up.
"Jon, call an ambulance" Renee whispers, Jon nods and does so immediately.
"Eddie, go put on something presentable, you're going to meet your boys sooner than expected." Ruthie orders her son, giving him a stern look when he grumbles.
"Oh fuck, holy shit," Kirby whispers breathlessly, "Ruth, how did you manage to do this twice?"
"Neither time was twins, and they were easy babies," Ruth shrugs, "Nelson, you hold her steady, I'm going to get the hospital bag." Ruth instructs, leaving Renee and Nelson (Homicide) to hold up the, very pregnant, giantess.
It takes five minutes for the ambulance to reach the house, enough time for Eddie to realise that it's not a false alarm and start panicking and praying.
"Edward." Kirby growls.
"Yes, Doll?" Eddie looks at her from, where he's sitting in the ambulance, between Ruth and a paramedic, halfway between the house and the hospital.
"Prayers will not help right now." She glares at him.
Eddie goes silent and protect his crotch.
By the time they reach the hospital, Eddie's holding Kirby's hand and trying to hide his emotions, failing at the latter miserably, and looking more of a mess than Kirby.
Eddie nearly faints when the doctors show him how far through pushing Kirby is, the forehead of their first son visible.
He has a nurse check on his hand, after Kirby's done pushing out the first baby, she just tells him that nothing's broken and to focus on his wife.
By 5:30 pm on the 26th of August, both of the twins are resting in cots, next to Kirby's hospital bed.
"How long have they been sleeping, Eddie?" Kirby asks softly.
"Emyr's been asleep for two and a half hours, Ethan's been asleep for half an hour, and you, Ma, have been so strong and brave, ever since you came into my life."
"And you, my handsome man, nearly fainted." She chuckles softly.
"The beauty of childbirth," Eddie chuckles, "Guaranteed to make men either faint or puke."
"But it's worth it. Our sons, our beautiful baby boys. Emyr Faolán Peredur Ariel Moore, born two-twenty pm and Ethan Lorcán Gwyn Joel Moore, born four-fifteen pm, both on the twenty-sixth of August twenty-twenty-one."
"Our boys. My sons. The sons of a beautiful, Celtic giantess and an idiot from New York."
"You're not an idiot, you're handsome and charismatic, and you make me laugh."
Eddie climbs into the hospital bed next to Kirby, holding her close and kissing her deeply.
"You can tell my Da, he wasn't here for the birth of his first grandchild, or the second."
"I'll take that on, they can yell at me and not you, after that I can deal with ya father's anger. I've dealt with an angry, sweaty, violent, in labour, you."
"Did you see Emyr's eyes when he opened them, green, like yours." Kirby sighs happily.
"Ethan's got your deep blue eyes, but they both, for sure, have my nose." Eddie grins proudly.
"I heard the nurses say something about them breaking a hospital record, so I think they might have my gigantism."
"If they do, I don't mind, it'll just mean two more amazing giants in the world, like their mother and her beautiful stretch marks."
"Don't mention the stretch marks, I don't like 'em."
"But they add to your beauty in strength, you look more badass and that's the real miracle, somehow adding stretch marks to an already badass babe, made an even more badass baby mama."
Kirby's about to kiss Eddie when Emyr yawns, both Eddie and Kirby look over at the cots. Eddie gets up and picks him up, passing him to Kirby. She holds him close to her chest and smiles softly.
"Hey, little one. Eddie, he's opening his eyes. Aww, my little king."
Eddie grabs his phone, taking a photo of Kirby with Emyr, picking up Ethan and taking a selfie with both his kids and his wife. Kirby watches as he posts it to Twitter and Instagram, not mentioning their names.
"This is gonna sound so wrong, but ya gonna have a kid on both tit for a while, if ya breastfeed." Eddie chuckles, smirking at Kirby.
"Edward." Kirby raises an eyebrow in response.
"What," he shrugs, "it's true."
"It may be, but I saw the look in ya eyes."
"Okay, maybe I was thinkin' of putin' ya tits in my mouth."
"Don't hold Ethan like that." Kirby scolds as Eddie balances the younger twin in one hand.
"He's safe, I got him." Eddie whispers, placing Ethan back in his cot.
"I gotta call Mike, and Ash, and Yoshi, and Jack... God, I must call Jack... he'd lose his mind." She murmurs, cradling Emyr in her arms.
"Jack? One of your cousins?"
"Nope, better, Jack Marciano."
Eddie's eyes light up at the idea, "Holy fuck, he'll go crazy... shit, I shouldn't swear around the babies."
"Nope, but they're young enough not to remember, or repeat it, in a couple years though, ya won't be so lucky."
Eddie kisses Kirby gently, a beaming smile on his face. He places Emyr back in his cot, and climbs into the bed next to his wife.
The following morning Kirby's allowed out of the hospital, she's still dressed in maternity clothes, Eddie takes her out, to a nearby café, so he can smoke, and so she can have a cup of coffee with him.
"I went through ya phone, called everyone ya Da told me to." Eddie murmurs, watching Kirby take her first post-pregnancy taste of coffee.
"And...? Ya can't just leave me at that."
"And, beautiful wifey, ya friends are gonna try to fly out to see the boys. Oh, and Jack's real fuckin' mad that we didn't tell him, about us, sooner." Eddie takes a drag of his cigarette, breathing out the smoke away from Kirby.
"If I hadn't spent, nearly all of, yesterday giving birth to twins, I'd spend all day today in bed with you."
"Keep it in ya pants," Eddie chuckles, smirking and winking at her, "Sexy baby mama."
"Sexy? Baby weight on me still, and I'm sexy?"
"Ya always sexy to me, Ma." He whispers.
"Emyr and Ethan are gonna have a weird childhood." Kirby sighs softly.
"Yeah, but they have us as parents, and we are very capable of beating up bullies."
Kirby's phone buzzes in her back pocket, she reads the message before looking at her husband, "You finish ya cigarette, we can take the boys home in a little while."
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bellafragolina · 2 years
mm. im thinkin each person is separated into clans that correspond to their preferred pokemon type but because theres SO MANY types ill just condense em down to 4 types per clan. so maybe dragon+dark+poison+ghost (purple themes??) normal+water+fire+grass (elemental themes) steel+ice+fairy+bug (??? theme) and electric+fighting+ground+rock+psychic. thats 5 types but theres too many types to evenly divide them by 4 so </3 -fangan anon
okay, here's my idea. you don't have to take it, but maybe it'll help with the clan stuff??
so, dragon+dark+poison+ghost (mystical) then, normal+water+fire+electric (elements) then, steel+ground+rock+grass+fighting (earthly) and, fairy+ice+bug+psychic (not sure on this one either chief)
ice could maybe go into elements, and psychic into mystical. or you could pull dragon from mystical and replace it with bug to make a more poisonous/possession group, then throwing in flying types for all the types that can (possibly) fly!
yay? nay?
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nymphdiariesdotcom · 24 days
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals ♥️
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manic-andrew · 5 years
hc that, after the news, Renee doesn't wear color for a week
she knew Andrew wouldn't appreciate it, or care much in the least
she knew he would call her foolish if mentioned at all.
he couldn't see her though
she wouldn't see him again for weeks. and she took his attack very seriously.
the rest of her side of the team, surprisingly, did too. as far as they knew how when it came to Andrew
Allison held back the worst of her infamous blunt comments
"well. that explains...some things."
matt and dan sat in horror; full of regret while remembering every bet set against a "monster" that wasn't so much born as created
wymack stayed quiet for longer periods of time, hand affixing pressure to his face as if he had a headache that would not end
abby was... abby. deeply concerned. exhausted smile. trying to point everyone into the right direction, but her eyes and cheeks were red for days.
renee saw Bee three days post-...the assault. the striking absence. she would be lying if she said she wasn't checking for cracks.
she doesn't lie by saying she's there for herself (not fully, anyway)
Bee commented on the lack of color in her composure, too
Renee still wears her cross, but she stares at it a bit longer in the morning before putting it on
she doesn't have as much black as andrew, not anymore, but the yellows and pink and lightness seem... false. the blues too calm
she chooses white-devoid. grey-blurry neutral. black.
she wears black because it's a source of power for Andrew. she does not mourn for him.
but she understands the pain and prays and asks for this to be the last time
renee knows life comes with highs and lows and the foxes are unfairly unlucky
she prays that when Andrew returns he finally gets some of the luck he's beyond due.
((Andrew returns))
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max-stash · 5 years
Could you imagine if zadr had a quodo situation where the creators/cast had official reel of them making out and just didnt show it for years and just somehow everyone involved didnt say anything until years later they release the footage
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8bit-mau5 · 7 years
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working on adopts at the speed of fucking light
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heartscfvalor · 3 years
Thinkin’ of trans!Beau
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Born as Bella and taken to California with Renee, he starts telling her as young as five that he’s not a girl. His hair should be shorter, his clothes not so frilly. And while Renee is a failure of a mother in many aspects, she does listen; she gets Beau a haircut, she takes him shopping for new clothes. There’s a few stumbles, as she adjusts, but overall she’s good with introducing her child as her son.
Renee telling Charlie about it as soon as possible. “It might be a phase, it might not be. All I know is that he’s really happy being this way Charlie. We gotta roll with the punches.” And Charlie being a little confused, but he got the spirit; he starts taking Beau fishing every time Beau comes to Forks, despite the fact that Beau finds it to be the most boring thing in the world.
Beau choosing his grandfather’s name, not because he’s a fan of “Beaufort”, but that the nickname makes him feel nice. Renee only ever calls him Beaufort when he’s in trouble. 
Beau going on puberty blockers as young as ten, because Renee was an early bloomer, and she wants to make sure that Beau doesn’t have to worry about anything. And then by the time he’s sixteen, he’s already started on testosterone, so that by the time he’s seventeen, no one sees him as a “tomboy trying too hard”, they genuinely see Beau as he is.
Beau being easily accepted by most of Forks. People respect him, even those who remember when Beau was Bella. He’s clearly not that strange, quiet little girl anymore, so it’d be weird to associate him as such.
Beau with the Cullens, and he’s more than okay with waiting to be turned for another few years, because he wants bottom surgery. After he gets it and he’s fully healed, then he gets turned, and he’s at least nineteen when this happens. The venom just perfect him, and he’s satisfied, because now he doesn’t have to worry about taking his hormones or being seen as anything but Beau Swan for all of eternity.
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miniyrds · 3 years
thinkin about her: renee walker
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abrushwithdeath · 2 years
💖 to confess attraction to my muse (Hestia)
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Maybe this should have been awkward. Hestia seemed to be nervous, a little shy. But the confession was sweet and, honestly? She'd been harboring her own crush on Hes for a while now. Hell, she and Remy had even talked about it, considered their options, considered her. And now there was clear confirmation that Hestia liked her, too. Clear enough that Rogue was left smilin'.
"I thought that might'a been the case." She finally said, "Which is pretty convenient 'cause I've been thinkin' the same about you." The admittance came with no hesitation. Which probably seemed weird to the other woman considering Rogue was in a relationship already, "Ya wanna know the truth, Hes?" She asked, reaching out to gently brush a bit of the other woman's hair back behind her ear, her smile softening from amusement to something more genuine, "Remy and I have kinda... talked about it a little, already. I know Renee's not my flesh and blood like she is yours and Remy's but I'd do anything for that kid. And hearin' her call me "mama" is the nicest feelin' in the whole world." Seriously. Before Renee, she and Remy had talked about kids, about the possibility of it... and Rogue had always thought there was no way she was ready to be a parent. A part of her thought she never would be. But one look at that little girl and she'd realized there was nothin' she wanted more than to love and protect her from that moment until the end'a forever. And though it wasn't always easy, it was rewardin'. It was fun. And she wouldn't change it for the world, "Kinda feels like the four of us are a family, don't ya think?" They were. They were definitely a family- at least in Rogue's eyes (and Remy's, too- another thing they'd talked their fair share about), "I guess what I'm sayin' is... we gotta talk to Remy, of course, but... he and I have already talked about... maybe askin' if you wanna... I dunno how t'word this... join our relationship?" Was that the way to say it? She'd never thought she'd fall in love with even one person, much less two. But here she was, picturing herself and Remy and Hestia all together. It was somethin' she'd been picturin' for a while. It'd be nice to be able to stop just thinkin' about it and to actually do it. And this seemed like the perfect opportunity to bring it up.
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