daily-instruments · 4 months
Daily Instrument — Rebab
The rebab is a bowed string instrument played in many countries with many forms, and was spread through Islamic trade routes. The rebab has a body made out of threaded coconut skin, typically 3 strings, a long wooden fretless neck, and a wooden foot. The instrument is played with a bow made of horsehair and played in between the players legs.
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postcard-from-the-past · 11 months
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Rebab player from Sumatra, Indonesia
Dutch vintage postcard
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hajicide · 9 months
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i love cooking and eating yummy food <3
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azurrao · 1 year
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~ Rebab
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maestromediacoid · 1 year
Biografi Sunan Bonang (Makhdum Ibrahim)
Biografi Sunan Bonang (Makhdum Ibrahim)
Sunan Bonang adalah putra Sunan Ampel, dan merupakan keturunan ke-23 dari Nabi Muhammad. Ia adalah putra Sunan Ampel dengan Nyai Ageng Manila, putri adipati Tuban bernama Arya Teja. Sunan Bonang banyak berdakwah melalui kesenian untuk menarik penduduk Jawa agar memeluk agama Islam. Ia dikatakan sebagai penggubah suluk Wijil dan tembang Tombo Ati, yang masih sering dinyanyikan orang.…
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kahramanklnc · 2 years
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Ne çalayım abime.#rebab #yaylıçalgılar #enstrüman #çalgıçengi #music #singer #musiker #musician #mylife #mylifestyle #müzisyen #guitarist #vocalist #musiclover #photography #musicians #musiclife #berlin #berlinmusic (Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiE90K3KFoE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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irayne-blog · 2 years
The Origin, How to Play, and Functions of the Rebab Musical Instrument
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whiggism-blog · 2 years
Getting to Know the Parts of the Rebab Musical Instrument and Its Making
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centelhacast · 3 years
[som de isqueiro sendo aceso]
[Vinheta de abertura com música do oriente médio e narração] Pensador Louco: Centelha, o denomidador comum... Cristiane Navarro: ... que une todos os artistas... Júlia Navarro: ... das mais diversas áreas... Lica Moon: ... dos mais diversos lugares.
[som de uma porta sendo aberta fazendo soar um pequeno carrilhão]
[Trilha sonora de jazz suave]
Condessa Vanôra: Seja bem vindo ao meu ateliê! Sou a Condessa Vanôra e começa mais um Centelha. Como prometido lá no episódio 04, hoje vamos abordar mais alguns instrumentos árabes! Tá mais por fora do que umbigo de vedete e não sabe do que estou falando? Tem link nas notas do episódio para a parte um. Vamos pros recadinhos de hoje que serão rápidos.
[trecho do solo pomposo de trombone da música Bridge Over Troubled Water do Daniel Salinas]
Condessa Vanôra: Muito obrigada a você, é você mesmo, querido ouvinte que sempre está por aqui me ouvindo falar das agonias e êxtases da vida dos artistas. Esse podcast é um projeto independente feito somente por mim, esta Condessa que vos fala. Quer me ajudar a manter as cortinas abertas e o show em cartaz? Faça como meus patronos em picpay.me/centelha A partir de R$2,50, o preço de um cafezinho por mês você já me ajuda e muito a levar esse projeto adiante lidando com os eventuais obstáculos de ser uma artista com doença crônica. Também é possível fazer uma contribuição única se estiver num momento mais complicado. Você me ajuda também levando longe a palavra, compartilhando os episódios com os amiguinhos, seguindo nossas redes sociais e dando likes ou estrelinhas nos agregadores de podcasts!
[trecho do desenho animado Alice no País das Maravilhas: ”Ah sim, sim, isso, chá, tome uma xícara de chá.“]
Condessa Vanôra: Agradecimentos especiais ao patrono que têm convite para o chá das cinco: 0humanu que tem um perfil no Instagram de lista de indicações de podcasts, o @ zero de algarismo arábico humanu com u no final. Emprestei minha voz para narrar a abertura do Debacast Personalidades que conta a história da Almirante Grace Hopper, que é uma mulher que tem um papel importantíssimo pra o que temos hoje em tecnologia, e que não conhecia até ouvir este episódio. O link para ouvir o programa estará lá nas notas do episódio. Vêm comigo para mais um mergulho no universo musical árabe!
[som de uma xícara de chá sendo colocada em cima de um pires]
Condessa Vanôra: Recapitulando, os instrumentos árabes se dividem em duas categorias: naqr que são os sons dedilhados ou martelados e o sahb que são os instrumentos puxados e esticados. Me conta lá nos comentários em quais famílias vocês acham que os instrumentos de hoje estão inseridos. Vamos começar pelo Arghul:
[som de arghul sendo tocado]
Condessa Vanôra: O arghul é uma flauta dupla, utilizada desde o Egito antigo, sendo muito tradicional tanto na Palestina quanto no Egito. Ela possui dois tubos, como o mijwiz, só que um deles é mais longo que o outro. Tem entre cinco a sete furos no tubo menor. O tubo maior permite encaixar e desencaixar segmentos para alterar a altura do tom do zumbido grave do mesmo. Mizmar
[som de mizmar sendo tocado]
Condessa Vanôra: O mizmar parece uma cornetinha. Me perdoem músicos renascentistas, mas não encontrei o nome desse instrumento em português. Em inglês ele se chama shawm. Imagina que é uma flauta, só que a ponta é cônica, como a parte aberta do chapéuzinho de aniversário. Esse exemplo que toquei pra vocês é o mizmar egípcio. A versão armênia se chama zurna, e é bem mais aguda que o mizmar. Ela é muito tocada no Egito em casamentos ou como acompanhamento para as dançarinas, mas também pode aparecer no dabke. O som dela é muito alto, por isso costuma ser usada em ambientes externos, e assim como a nay, tem tamanhos diferentes para cada tonalidade e variação de embocadura pra variação tonal. Inclusive, ouvi uma história muito gracinha do dançarino Anthar Lacerda quando trabalhei na entrada de um casamento árabe com ele. O Anthar dizia que quando ele era criança a mãe dele fazia o som do mizmar com um pente e um tecido para ensinar a cultura e brincar com eles. A propósito, vou derramar um pouco de chá pra vocês.
[som de ululação típico do oriente médio]
Condessa Vanôra: Pra mim, ele é o melhor dançarino de folclore que já tive o prazer de ver aqui no Brasil, além de ser uma pessoa extremamente agradável e humilde. Porém, e isso daqui é na minha visão de ver, observando o que acontece no mercado, beleza?
[voz masculina dizendo "I got you, fam!"]
Condessa Vanôra: Nos eventos de dança do ventre vejo com muito mais frequência o destaque dado à outros dançarinos que tem tecnicamente menos bagagem e carisma, porém socialmente são lidos mais como brancos ou europeus. O Anthar é descendente de egípcio e tem a pele e características fenotípicas de mouros. Socialmente no Brasil, ele é lido como pardo. Meu parênteses termina aqui, mas estamos de olho nessa malandragem produção… Kamanja
[som de violino sendo tocado]
Condessa Vanôra: Kamanja. Essa é pra você que se perguntou porque isso é um som de violino. Os árabes também tem uma versão pra eles. E aqui entra uma dúvida minha que encontrei enqaunto pesquisava, se tiver algum músico ou musicista que possa me informar sou toda ouvidos. Nas fontes que encontrei, disseram que o violino europeu possui trastes, que são aquelas barrinhas de metal que subdividem no braço do instrumento os espaços das notas. Daí não sei se os modelos iniciais do violino, como foi baseado em outros instrumentos, chegou em algum momento inicial ter a presença dos trastes, mas hoje em dia nenhum violino, ocidental ou oriental tem trastes, até onde pude checar. Ele vai ser tocado de uma forma diferente da do ocidente, porque na música árabe, é usado um tipo de modo melódico diferente da música ocidental. A execução dele é muito mais ornamentada que o estilo europeu de tocar. Passou a fazer parte da música árabe no século XIX. Rebab ou Rababa
[som de violino sendo tocado]
Condessa Vanôra: É um instrumento bastante comum no Oriente Médio e na Ásia, o design dele vai mudando conforme o país. Mas aqui vou falar da versão egípcia, que surgiu por volta do século VIII e conquistou o mundo através das rotas de comércio islâmicas. Ele tem um corpo pequeno, muitas vezes arredondado e um braço bem longo, é coberto na frente por membranas feitas da pele do intestino ou bexiga de búfalo, pergaminho ou pele de carneiro. Costuma ter uma, duas ou três cordas de cobre duplas, sem trastes e é tocado apoiado em pé, no colo ou no chão, e é utilizado um arco mais curvo que o do violino para obtermos algum som dele. Ele é muito presente nos folclores egípcios, e foi substituído na orquestra árabe pelo kamanja, por ter poucas variações de oitavas. Produz um som muito alto, indicado para ambientes externos. Acompanha festas e rituais. Ele é parecido com o erhu, lembrando que meu mandarim não é muito bom, o que a gente chama de violino chinês. Perceba que algumas coisas na arte dão a volta só pra chegarem no mesmo lugar de novo, como nesse exemplo do violino. Chegamos na metade da nossa série, que voltará no episódio doze com mais informações técnicas e curiosidades a respeito dos instrumentos que compõem o que conhecemos como música árabe tradicional. Pintou alguma dúvida? Lembrou de algo que esqueci, ou tem algo que gostaria que falasse? Deixe nos comentários que trago aqui no futuro!
[som de uma xícara de chá sendo colocada em cima de um pires]
Condessa Vanôra: Estaremos de volta com um novo episódio mês que vem. Você encontra mais episódios do Centelha de graça no Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, e nos demais agregadores de podcasts. Sua avaliação nessas plataformas é muito importante e compartilhar os episódios nas redes sociais possibilita que mais ouvintes conheçam meu trabalho. Nos siga no Instagram @centelhacast e no Twitter @centelha_cast. Sou @marastoniarts no Twitter e Instagram mais próximos de você. Participe do nosso grupo no Telegram no t.me/mejulguempodcast. Centelha é uma criação de Condessa Vanôra e faz parte da rede de Podcasts do Me Julguem Podcast. Você pode colaborar com a existência e continuidade desse projeto em reais no PicPay @centelha ou me pagar um café em dólares no ko-fi.com/marastoniarts. Eu fico por aqui, sou Condessa Vanôra obrigada por sua audiência, até a próxima.
[trilha sonora jazz suave aumenta de volume]
[vírgula sonora de encerramento]
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eyeoftheheart · 8 months
O my Beauty, your love, like amber, attracts the heart. The heart has run to you, and we, like lovers, run after it. My soul eats so much sugar in the Egypt of Love, that sugar pours from the reed of my wailing. O stately bird of good fortune, you who've landed by the throne of God, from the shadow of your love, every moment, like falcons souls fly to that throne. What a happy garden and meadow, where roses and iris grow watered by love, and gazelles graze nearby. The eye doesn’t see itself. But, because of your mirror, all eyes are beholding themselves in the mirror now. O God’s Sun of Shams of Tabriz, with your noble, piercing ney, tune the rebab of my soul. For through that rebab of the soul God’s voice can be heard.
― Rumi, The Rumi Collection: An Anthology of Translations of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi
(translated by Nevit Ergin with Camille Helminski)
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lottieurl · 1 year
i need to spend less time on this site [starts scrolling]
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Doorway, rebab building
Madrid, Spain -- 12/8/22
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ask-elland-n-will · 4 months
Elland de Strontium
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[A slightly modified profile from here and here for when he is an OC and not an MC. Image: created by Talkie AI, edited by me.]
🌙 Name: Elland de Strontium
🌙 Birthday: September 30
🌙 Year: 7th
🌙 House: Hufflepuff
🌙 Personality: Loyal, attentive, courageous. Straightforward. Never lies for himself but sometimes tells white lies for the sake of other people. Accepts the blame if gets caught and protects his friends with his life (or in our case ends up in detention instead of them if deems it necessary). Stresses a lot (the reputation of his family, the safety of his loved ones, family business responsibilities, NEWTs he needs to pass to become an Auror) but only close to him people can tell. For the same reason doesn't sleep well. He is too focused on other people and is unsure of himself in personal affairs because he pushes his own needs to the very bottom.
Can make difficult decisions on behalf of other people, be a leader. If he believes that the current leader is doing a bad job or nobody wants to step in and take the role, he'll make his opinion knows, take over/volunteer. If the leadership is strong, he is loyal.
If somebody rubs him the wrong way (maybe they are arrogant, or mean to other students, or are annoying him on purpose, or teasing him too much) he gets frustrated and can blow up in cold rage.
🌙 Classes he picked for year 7: DADA, Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, and History of Magic. He needs Potions, DADA and Transfiguration out of those for his NEWTs to become an Auror. Transfiguration is his weaker class while Charms is the one he likes the most even if it is nowhere near Outstanding. He is a mid student.
🌙 Interests: Plays a rebab (because of his ancestors' roots) and a lute. Sometimes feels inspired to write songs and poetry. Plays Quidditch only when there are not enough people to take up Keeper or Chaser positions, is in general indifferent to sports. But he loves going on flights.
🌙 Likes: Pumpkin pasties, his pet owl Penguin, his family.
🌙 Dislikes: Pumpkin juice, written home assignments, mornings.
🌙 Special ability instead of ancient magic: wandless magic. He is an intuitive magic user (in opposition to William's book smarts) but it does backfire often.
🌙 Family background
Elland was born in a muggle family and received his Hogwarts letter just like any other kid. His younger brother Cyrus got the same invitation a year later. They grew up happy, had everything they needed because their family is part of English nobility. The only negative thing Elland could've encountered that made him pay more attention in DADA and think of becoming an Auror were unpleasant run-ins with Ashwinders. But he's been steering clear of those, especially because of his companions.
The more time passes, the more stressed he gets since he is expected to take over the family business back in London after he graduates. He cannot push his family duties onto his carefree brother and his loyalty to his family outweighs anything he himself might want. But he still pushes for the NEWTs he needs.
De Strontiums moved to London from the Middle East back in 17th century (Egypt? Turkey? Elland does not remember). They were known for their firework production but later on they branched out into weaponry and explosives, supplying the Crown. They assimilated by mixing with local nobility and most of the traditions they used to have are no longer a part of their family. But every de Strontium has something to remind them of their roots, and for Elland it's a musical instrument.
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do you think leonardo or comte is older? i can’t remember it being specified but i’m not sure. i mean we have leonardo’s age but how old is comte??? i haven’t played comte’s route so idk if cybird mentioned it or made one up but his real historical birthday/place was pretty much unknown i think??? thoughts?
I always thought Comte was the older of the two? But to be honest I was never sure if that was just my bias talking or it was actually the case. So naturally, because I am So Normal, I did a little digging through all the stories I've read up to this point to see if there were any concrete indicators. The most promising lead I was able to find was from the "Tell Me Your Story" collection event.
Meta under the cut, since I was left unsupervised and it got long:
The contents that are most pertinent to what I have to say are as follows:
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In this story, Comte speaks a little bit about his childhood because MC found him playing the violin. He talks about how he originally trained as a young boy on an instrument called "a rebec." Mind you, Comte says that he still has the first one he ever bought--he remembers because he acquired it the day he was told he would stop aging forever. In due course he takes it out to show her--and later plays for her, at her request.
Now, looking at all the facts. The violin was said to be introduced between 1540 and 1560, roughly speaking (I'm not a historian, this is all based on rudimentary research). This doesn't tell us too much though, as Comte does say the instrument he trained on and first purchased was much older. Many sources show the rebec dating back as early as the 10th century (meaning anywhere from 900-1000) in Spanish courts, a supposed mashup of the Arabic rebab and the Eastern European lira. The clearest written records (the few that exist) begin from the early 12th century and on, though it was at the height of its popularity towards the 15th/16th century.
Aside from the fact that that's fuckin crazy, that would place Comte as being born anywhere from 900-1100 (1200-1500 at the very latest). Now I know what you may be thinking. How the hell does that narrow anything down, Minnie?
Given the cultural implications surrounding the rebec's emergence, the context actually does allow certain tentative conclusions to be drawn. I've seen indications that musical talent with a rebec was considered a big deal as an indicator of wealth/higher status in the earlier years of that time frame. Taking Comte's childhood into account--that he was raised to effuse aristocratic breeding and poise--I think that makes it highly unlikely he was learning when it was most associated with street performers (during the latter portion of my posited time frame). Everything about Comte's family pretty much screams old money (aka wealth they were born into, not curated during the rise of the mercantile class trying to be posers), so I really can't see them raising their son to play commoner music.
Another very telling bit lies in the phrasing of how he found the instrument: "he discovered the old rebec among other goods from a foreign trader." Remember that in the latter end of the time frame, it was so commonplace it could probably be found among local vendors/craftsmen--there would be no need for them to be imported from foreigners. I imagine his family only had access to the instruments in accordance with their social standing; naturally the rich would have their connections, but not just anybody would have the money or means to get their hands on one.
If my beginner's dive isn't too far off the mark, that would make Comte anywhere between approximately 400-1000 years old. I get this hunch that he's probably somewhere in the middle, I just don't know where exactly. I wish I had a better estimation since that's a pretty huge range, but considering the lifespan of the rebec it's hard to tell.
The only great anachronism in all this is the existence of Comte's pocket watch which was gifted to him by his tutor (I believe that's what she was, I know it was one of the human people in his house when he was young). The first pocket watch is said to have been created in Germany in 1510 (and shortly after distributed in Italy), but honestly it feels a bit out of place compared to all of the other evidence available to us. If that's the case, then Comte could have been born in the 1490s (since he received it when he was like 12, somewhere around there). Honestly I do feel the game suggests that he's older than that, so there's some dissonance there. But I leave that up to personal interpretation, since I'm not 100% sure about it either.
Lowkey, I feel like they might have gone so hard with the timepiece imagery for Comte that they forgot the historical practicalities attached to them, so that's half the reason I don't know what to do with this information. I get that vibe of like something something rich people cop out, unless purebloods have weirdly long childhoods--
Leonardo I don't have as many receipts because I'm just a poor Comte stan trying to live (his collection stories are pain), but if we go by the indication that his in-game life loosely follows the historical figure and simply continues on with his faked death, that means he was likely born somewhere around 1452. I can't remember super clearly, but for whatever reason my only memory of age indicators for Leonardo was around 400 or so (which tracks with that interpretation). That would actually make him potentially younger than Comte, younger than I initially anticipated. Or, if Comte was born on the latter end of my estimations, they are at the very least close in age.
Also please don't hesitate to let me know if I'm missing any receipts on Leonardo, I have only one brain cell and she is trying so hard, my friends
As to the place of Comte's birth I haven't the slightest clue about that. It's pretty obvious he's of European ancestry, but as to where he was born/raised exactly, it's difficult to tell. Given all the talk of the rebec there's a decent likelihood he originates from the Mediterranean area/Southern Europe, as it is an Arabic instrument by origin that was adapted into something new by Spain. (This could mean he was born anywhere between France, Spain, Italy, or even the countries a little further up or closer to the Middle East.)
I considered Northern Europe/England, but honestly the evidence doesn't really seem to lean in that direction. Comte mentioned that he once lived in England and made friends there, but the way he talks about makes it sound like he was a visitor/traveler, not a native. And frankly, Comte isn't insufferable enough to be English lmao, he has a conscience. There is actually some tentative evidence for Irish descent, as the vampy mind persuasion/compulsion is termed "geas" in the game, which is a word that stems from Irish gaelic/folklore. The only reason I don't think there's a real connection is that there's no further evidence tying Comte to Ireland; and I don't think the etymology necessarily guarantees ancestry (though there is something to be said about the Irish gothic and vampiric origins).
Admittedly it feels like the game makes his nationality vague on purpose, and I think this has a two-part intention. The first is that historically he was shrouded in a great deal of mystery, so it only makes sense they would be reluctant to name a singular place. The second is that--and I don't remember where the screenshot is, I saw it a while ago--the game describes him as belonging to no one place (that he belonged to all and none). Keeping his character construction in mind, I feel like this aligns with his general theme of contradiction. He's a greater vampire who prefers to keep company among humans, he's a powerful being with a fragile/sensitive heart, he has strong convictions but hesitates constantly, he's able to blend in almost everywhere he goes but never truly feels like he belongs. It would only make sense, narratively speaking, to keep with that motif/trend.
Also quick aside, because I can't help the music nerd in me. Rebecs are bitchin?????? Holy shit slay. Fun fact: they appear to have been primarily used for festivities, played for dancing. That gives a whole new impression to the fact that he bought one the moment he found out he would never age any further. I guess I just think about how that's a pretty joyous purpose for the music (beyond the pedigree aspect). That he clung to this specific artifact as a way to remind himself of his connection to humanity, that it was about people gathering and enjoying each other's company (and yet at the same time, all the political games that come with such leisure)...what a reflection of who he is today. I think it's fascinating how much people are at the heart of his personal motivations and feelings, considering how easy it is for purebloods to become lone wolves (power and secrecy would lend itself to that.) Instead, Comte chooses to hide in plain sight and actively works to stay engaged in the times and among the population. Then again, if I were hundreds of years old I would probably also beg for a distraction from the encroaching madness so like ajkhslgfkjhfslakjh it's very sweet but also mood...
In short:
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Thank you for the ask, lovely!! 💛💛💛💛 I hope this answers your question? I love any excuse to talk about my one and only 👀💍
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brazilian-whalien52 · 3 months
What you mean the same episode that we have House im rebab we also get Hamilton, Captain Holt and Metatron?
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