#realistically. i do not post owl house anymore and haven’t really for months. and am unlikely to post about it again
mossflower · 7 months
stares at my bio
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piepeloe · 6 years
OMG! I’ve never been tagged in one of these before. Thank you @mrbarbacarisi
1) Name/Nickname: rather not say my real name online, guess I grew up when people were far more paranoid about the internet
2) Gender: Female
3) Star Sign: Cancer
4) Height: 1.61m or about 5′3
5) Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
6) Favorite Animal: cats, particularly my own cat
7) Hours of Sleep: as many as I can get, but I’m a night owl (and an idiot) so I usually get too few before I have to get up for work. Fortunately naps are a thing.
8) Dogs or Cats: cats
9) Number of Blankets: usually just a comforter, except when it gets really cold, then I might throw on another blanket.
10) Dream Trip: I know this sounds weird, but I don’t really like to travel. I do love London. Also really liked New York. One place I haven’t been and would love to visit is Washington DC, I’d fully embrace the tourist experience and get guides for everything though. (And I refuse to visit until Trump is gone)
11) Dream Job: true dream job would be (screen)writer, but more realistically...I have no idea :(
12) Time: 4:06 PM
13) Birthday: July 15
14) Favorite Bands: I don’t really have one?
15) Favorite Solo Artist: Adele
16) Song Stuck In My Head: an old Mariah Carey song (I recently got nostalgic and put a bunch of music from my teenage years on my iPhone)
17) Last Movie I Watched: Thor Ragnarok
18) Last Show I Watched: SVU, but I also watch a lot of late night shows, so The Daily Show, Last Week Tonight, Full Frontal
19) When I Created My Blog: hmm...summer of...2011? 2012?
20) What I Post/Reblog: I’m a fandom hopper, so whatever my latest obsession is. Right now that’s SVU and Barisi. Occasionally some of my older fandoms will pop up like Sherlock, Star Trek, MCU,...I’m sure if the new Star Wars film is any good I’ll reblog stuff about that. I also sometimes reblog stuff about politics, current events. Btw, this might seem obvious but if I stop posting stuff you’re interested in because I (or you) have changed fandoms, feel free to unfollow. I don’t keep track, it won’t hurt my feelings, and fandom should be fun.
21) Last Thing I Googled: think it was something about/for work, so meh
22) Other Blogs: I don’t have any sideblogs, but I am on twitter, instagram, dreamwidth, AO3 and LJ, all with this username. But tbh, the only place I occasionally post something is twitter, and even then not as often as here.
23) Getting Asks: I’m pretty sure I can count the number of asks I’ve ever gotten on one hand and have fingers left over. So yes, it’s exciting, feel free to ask stuff.
24) Why I Chose My URL: it had already been my nickname on LJ for years, so why not? It’s sort of a cutesy endearment in my language, but kind of made up? It’s not in any dictionary, but anyone would know it’s meant to be sweet.
25) Following: 103, but lots haven’t posted in months (or don’t post stuff I’m interested in anymore) so I might need to check them
26) Followers: 78, which is baffling
27) Lucky Number: don’t really have one but I tend to gravitate towards 6
28) Favorite Instrument: don’t play anything myself, but I like the piano
29) What I’m Wearing: pajamas and a soft fluffy robe
30) 90 (idk what the question was so keeping this answer)
31) Nationality: Belgian
32) Favorite Song: I genuinely cannot pick just one, but probably something from a musical
33) Last Book I Read: was waaaay too long ago, I blame fanfic, but probably The Hobbit
34) Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like to Join: none tbh. Most fictional universes sound awful and/or similar to ours unless you’re one of the heroes yourself. If I had to choose, maybe Star Trek? Most of the horrible stuff there happens to the starships or the outposts/colonies. So if you stick to one of the main worlds, you’d still get to have replicators, transporters, medical advances and other cool things, but rarely any trouble.
I tag: anyone who has never been tagged in one of these.
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