#re1999 spoilers
sleepyminty · 4 months
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journey to mor pankh spoiler
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kane-turu · 29 days
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nanfrost · 5 months
An idea I have for a what-if Schneider survived, but with a slight twist. Might expand on this more with the right incentive.
It starts with Vertin in her own personal office in her suitcase, writing a new report for the Foundation. It has been months since the events of chapter 4 and Vertin is starting to get used to the new responsibilities and workload she has been given with her new position.
Today however, she was left all alone in the suitcase, a rarity these days after she had found a new family for herself. On this rare occasion, everyone seemed to be busy with something, leaving her all to her own devices. Even her trusted assistant who clings to her tightly like a puppy is nowhere to be seen either, for once having a matter she has to attend by herself.
So now, Vertin sits by herself, her report long since finished and finding herself immersing into the silence and quietness of her office.
It felt strange to her.
Just not too long ago, Vertin never paid attention to how silent her suitcase was. But now that she has a family, she realized just how empty things felt, and yet, it didn't necessarily bring her discomfort.
Instead, Vertin slightly smiles, partly out of appreciation of having some peace and quiet for herself after intense months of constantly working herself to the bone to accommodate for her new position, but also because she knows this silence is not permanent. That sooner than later, this place will be filled with noises and music again, and Vertin can talk to those she has grown far closer than anyone else in a very long time. That thought comforted Vertin.
And yet, she can't help but think to herself how it could be just a little nicer if a certain citrus scented girl was still around.
Her smile wanes, a tinge of sadness flash over her eyes.
It's silly isn't it? Vertin barely knew the girl, and yet she can't help but ponder about her every so often. Pondering about how things could have been, how things should have been.
Vertin knew nothing about Schneider, and at the same time she knew everything that mattered. That she was far too kind, too selfless, too loving to those around her to ever think about her own life.
Schneider was like her, and Vertin had really believed that she could save that girl. That she could give her a chance to live on and preserve her memories, and to find a way to move forward again after the Storm.
And yet, she failed, now left with nothing but memories she promises to preserve for as long as she lives. The memories of a girl so different to her, yet so similar all the same. The memories of a girl whose visage was that of a fluttering dove, one who imprints their impression onto you, only to vanish soon afterwards without another word. Stayed just enough to be remembered, gone far too quickly to truly be understood.
Vertin finds herself gazing at the distinctly folded clothes next to her desk, its crimson feathers still fluttering as if the one who once wore it still existed. The girl stood up and went towards the desk, her soft fingers gliding across the leather fabric of a coat far too big for the small woman.
She held it up to her chest, pressing the soft feathers gently onto herself as she closed her eyes briefly.
This wasn't anything strange to Vertin anymore, she had long made a habit to keep the belongings of her companions that were no longer present; a way to remember them.
But Scheneider had wished precisely for her to never forget her, and so she kept it close by instead of storing it carefully away with the others. Even if she knew she won't ever forget, Vertin wanted to make sure to herself, to be sure of herself that the girl whose memories still shine so brightly in her mind can continue to remain clear for however long possible. For a wish to stay fulfilled until Vertin can't remember no more.
Footsteps began to echo from far away, alerting Vertin as she opened her eyes once more. Her eyes misty, making it just a bit harder to see than usual. She wipes them away with her finger, before folding the clothes neatly again as she places them on the same position.
She hears a door creaked open, their footsteps now clearly audible inside her office. Vertin breathes out a short sigh, before turning to whoever was there, like someone from her crew or perhaps Sonetto, with the same stoic expression she always carries with her.
Except, the person that stood by the door was none of them, Vertin's neutral expression drops completely as her silver irises widen.
Standing beside the door frame was a small woman, her frame barely half the size of the wooden frame. Her frail yet still elegant body swayed ever so subtly, enough to communicate the fact that the girl was in fact there. That she was in fact present.
Schneider, the person Vertin has not forgotten, stood in front of her, their soft crimson eyes gazing back at Vertin.
This was an illusion right?
That's what Vertin immediately thought. It wouldn't be the first or last strange phenomenon to occur to her in this suitcase. She has seen many things before, albeit not something quite like this.
Yet, the figure moved forward, casting doubts onto Vertin's assumption as she stepped forward towards the gray-haired girl; her fingers grasping onto her chair ever so tightly.
"My lord?" The illusion spoke, their voice so awfully familiar. Can illusions really talk?
Vertin's hands began to tremble slightly, her eyes never once breaking away from nor blinked at her. She was frozen in the spot, staring at a perfect replica of the girl that shouldn't exist anymore. And yet, her voice felt so close, so palpable, she felt like she could reach for it right now and actually touch it.
Vertin wants to touch it, but this was still just an illusion. It has to be.
"My lord..." The illusion of Schneider broke her eyes away from Vertin for a moment, seemingly spotting something at the corner of her eyes. Was it the clothes? Can an illusion really pick up their surroundings like that, or is it just a trick? But a trick on what? What does it have to gain by tricking her?
Every question piles more and more confusion onto Vertin's mind, with no answer in sight. All she could do was watch the illusionary girl sway back and forth, before turning to look at her once more.
"Did...something happened?" Schneider spoke once more, the distance between them now shrunk exponentially, to the point that Vertin can make out the details on her face. The smoothness of her skin, the light paleness of her cheeks, her confused eyes, gazing at Vertin, an edge ever present to them that only helps to amplify how softly she looked at her; one so gentle and so fragile, like a single touch could shatter it in a single moment.
This was too real.
This "illusion" felt too real.
It reminded her of a spell once casted onto her a long yet still not long enough time ago, one that had also allowed her to see the same expression she was seeing now on this girl's face. That same fragility, that same softness, that same glint in her eyes.
Vertin couldn't help but purse her lips, trembling as they were.
"....Are you...real?"
Her voice was barely audible, her throat so utterly dried that it felt physically painful to even speak. And yet, she had to, for Vertin's hands was trembling from gripping onto the chair far too tight and far too long now.
Schneider's expression swayed slightly, as she seemingly took her time to process the question. Then, an agonizingly long second passes by as the girl's look at her once more with those same crimson eyes.
"Do you want to find out?"
And without another word spoken, Vertin dashes towards her, arms wrapped around the girl as she slumps onto the floor.
Vertin's hands gripped onto the girl tightly, feeling the fabric of the familiar jacket she had held in her arms time and time again now filled with genuine life once more. The crease of the fabric stretches and pulls with each subtle movement from its wearer, so lively with each one.
But most of all, Vertin could sense her heartbeat, a rhythmic, slightly faster than how it usually should be, pounding ever so gently on the same side of where Vertin's heart laid. A right heartbeat.
Vertin gasps, yet no air left her lungs. Her arms closed around the girl's soft body ever so more, as her shoulders began to tremble.
Schneider stayed still, her face flashing through many different emotions as she struggles to find one to stay on, but as she feels Vertin's trembling shoulders, her tight fingers clasping onto her coat so firmly as if for just a moment of careless could cause her to slip away from the girl's hands once more; Schneider stayed quiet, as she wrap her arms gently around Vertin.
The Timekeeper doesn't express emotions. It's what the girl had come to learn for herself. She had learned to process them, understand them and then bury them under her mind, to keep all her emotions firmly set in place. It's what was expected of her, what was needed of her. She had not abandoned her emotions regardless, no matter what anyone tells her she should do, but she had learned to keep them in check, to not let others worry about her.
Yet now, her arms wrapped tightly around the citrus scented girl once more, feeling her soft breath against her neck once again, and that very same girl could only let streams of tears run down her cheeks as her eyes remained still like glass.
After all, even a Timekeeper would cry when witnessed a miracle.
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windblume-violet · 7 months
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Melania CG from the event
will upload Diggers and Pickles later on once more of the event unlocks
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solns · 7 months
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i dunno half of the stuff diggers keeps talkin about
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player-1 · 5 months
Just saw something interesting in the Hong Kong version of Re:99, though I'm not sure if they'll change the title later on.
[Title ID: A video from the box: [Velutin 3D frame display 一段來自箱中的影像:【*肖像定格*維爾汀立體相框手辦展示錄影】 Uploaded Dec. 29th 2023, 10a EST] (Video Link Here)
The first thing that caught me off-guard was the channel somehow misspelling Vertin's name like this. So I went the obvious route and looked up what velutin might mean as a word, and here's what I found.
Wikipedia & PubChem: Velutin is a chemical compound isolated from Xylosma velutina and açaí fruit. It is classified as a flavone. It is a compound used for anti-melanogenic/skin whitening, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial (kill or slow down the spread of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, protozoans, and fungi) purposes.
Of course, Vertin's is the only Arcanist that's immune to the Storm and has the mysterious antibody 'Asymmetric Protein G' from the Foundation's preliminary experiments to become Timekeeper, so the fact that a mistranslation links her to another real-life antibody seems like something they would do on purpose. After all, Vertin's mother had that same immunity and Vertin's name is a alias as well, so who's to say that it might hint to what her real name is? Just some food for thought before the New Year, that's all. 🙃
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aomi-82 · 6 months
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myea vertin, schneider, and voyager posting hours
also 1.4 patch spoilers (kinda????) drawing under the cut :)c (idk the re1999 fanbase seems to like the vertin and schneider + 1.4 patch scene drawing i posted on twitter hahaha-)
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enihk-writes · 9 days
ey so sorry for coming back out of the blue on this account, quick life update: i have an office job now, and since im working overtime alot the frequency of updates would be suuuuper slow,, right now im working on a tang gunak x reader and hopefully it'll be done and uploaded tgt with his debut. im also working on new chapters for thunderbolts (i have like 2 filler/side story chapters and im halfway through chapter 03 and chapter 03.5).
speaking abt thunderbolts, i saw the spoilers for the latest novel chapters.... chat im so.... anyways what are yalls opinions on making baek cheon the 2nd male lead or should i just make a new storyline with him.... ive been winging through the plot of thunderbolts and im scared that ill fuck it up somewhere yall...
so to recap the inspiration behind thunderbolts is (s-class heroine + hsr + re1999) and the baek cheon plot i have in mind is (my derelict favourite) so uh poll???
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re1999confessions · 6 months
>〝 Welcome to: RE1999 Confessions! 〞
Hello everyone !! This TTT themed blog is run by one person (@the-real-dev)
Submit asks, anything goes. Even your most insane confessions. No restrictions. Go wild. Things will be properly tagged with trigger warnings though. Format is: tw (thing)
Only posts tagged with #broadcast intermission are mine, everything else is asks. Please don't cancel me for someone else's confession, don't shoot the messenger !!
Most of the time I'll run this on a queue, but I don't really have a schedule for posting.
Layout by @enigmaticplaywright (Thank you sm! :3)
#broadcast intermission - Mod Dev's original posts
#shared secret - Confessions
#urgent news - updates & other important things
#exclusive content - spoilers for CN events
Ships & Characters mentioned will be tagged
Trigger Warnings will be tagged // Format is tw (thing)
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✉️〝Ohh! Finally made up your mind to share some secrets with me? Grab those onion rings and popcorn and come closer. Yes ... tell it to my ear.〞
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gachagen · 7 months
Genshin preload is out and yes I've seen the spoilers, no I don't have any real thoughts or opinions on them yet, I'm gonna wait till the quest actually releases. I was also thinking of doing both Wrio and Neuvi's character quests because I have not done either yet (too lazy and obsessed with Re1999 lol)
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sleepyminty · 6 months
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After chapter 2 Vs After chapter 3
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sleepyminty · 7 months
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Good doggo dont even wanna go in the first place. He must be thinking how the hell did he come to this
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kane-turu · 3 months
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Fractured desire
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kane-turu · 3 months
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"E lucevan le stelle"
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kane-turu · 3 months
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May I offer you real quick Isolde x Kakania silly doodles
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