a-small-startup ยท 3 years
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Hot summer days are the worst time to go on a drive, but I still decided to go on one. I thought maybe the AC in my car and the sunny sky would be a better change in comparison to my cramped room with humidity hitting the roof.
It was one of those days where I was eagerly waiting for the summer rains to drench the soil and let out a cool breeze.
As I keep driving, without a destination, nor a map to guide me through, taking turns as my brain tells me to and my heart wants me to.
I stop at an empty road, waiting for the 30 seconds on the signal to pass so I could head to the place I didn't know of.
That's when it came, the thunder, the lightening, the wind the breeze the dark afternoon and the darker clouds.
The radio tells me it's some cyclone, my heart tells me it's the first of summer rains.
I pause, I don't move an inch. The clouds starts pouring, the heavy water droplets on my car roof hits my ears, I scroll the window pane, and let the rain drops fall in.
My face now wet, my head filled with a hundred thoughts, I make a U-turn and head home.
I play loud music to shun the voices in my head. I stop at a tea shop, ask for a strong filter coffee and lit a cigarette, the radio yet again tells me of casualities due to the cyclone and my head tells me it's just the summer rains.
Image from @a-small-startup
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