linonyang · 8 months
quick poll ig idk which member should i write for next atm, so........
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donnydamakkk · 7 months
also, in light of rewatching first kill, elinor is stupid as shit. if u want ur baby sister to drain someone n keep up the family's legacy so bad, why would u kidnap the girl she has a crush on for her to drain? kidnap a mf she hated n maybe u coulda manipulated her into it.
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devil-angel · 10 days
Disconnect. Indifference.
I hear them squabbling down there, my god is better, mine is stronger, mine is older, mine speaks to me directly, mine incarnated to be with me. Me me me me mine mine mine. It all flows together into a string of me and mine statements.
I put my headphones back on, lay down on the stairs and gaze up at the skies. Sighing to myself.
There's an odd shimmer up there, like sunlight through glass, I wonder how far up I am, can I even go higher? It doesn't seem like it, there's no other plateaus or ruins higher up, I've already checked.
Fabrics shuffling, I hear him lay down next to me.
It's strange, sometimes we're the same being, sometimes we're separated, sometimes we're neither.
We both watch, trying to see what's on the other side. See if it matches up with my theories and visions.
He breaks the silence, asking what's wrong.
I shrug, just not interested in those games anymore I guess. They seem.. Feeble and small minded when you know it's all.. In here and won't matter.
And those who detach will find heaven in the end. He quotes to himself. Yeah, seems kind of boring to be honest.
You should go talk with the mind, the sun, he'll cure your boredom in no time.
Homework? I snort and shake my head. No thank you, Vergil and Eve already give me enough of that. I'll figure something out, maybe explore the realm more?
But. That's for later, right now I'm busy sunbathing.
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1644s · 7 days
the thing Charles took from reader’s room in ruination was her underwear btw
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starlighthan · 1 year
got two announcements here lmao
one, i'll be moving in @linonyang (formerly @/starlighthan-new) for good! i will not post fics here anymore. i'll use this account to srb my fics from my new account in compensation for those who wouldn't be able to read this 🙏 see you all there!
two, please don't spam like 😭 ik i'm gonna move but i don't want to get shadowbanned here again bc of this now help i'd still love to see ppl read my fics here!
that is all, thanks 😁
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weva-cloud · 6 months
特定ページ上の特定クラスのリンク先URLを収集し、 フロントJSでそれらのHTMLを開いて、 それぞれのページ上でさらに特定クラスのリンク先URLを集めるためのスクリプト例:
var links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a.target-class')).map(a => a.href);
var promiseResponseTexts = await Promise.all( links.map(link => fetch(link)) ) .then(res => res.map(r => r.text()));
var responseTexts = await Promise.all(promiseResponseTexts);
var nextPageTargetLinks = responseTexts.map(text => { var parser = new DOMParser(); var doc = parser.parseFromString(text, 'text/html'); return doc.querySelector('a.next-page-target-class')?.href; });
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eazy-group · 7 months
The 8 Best Treadmills for Home of 2023
New Post has been published on https://eazyfitness.net/the-8-best-treadmills-for-home-of-2023/
The 8 Best Treadmills for Home of 2023
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[] The 8 Best Treadmills for Home of 2023 | Breaking Muscle
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codehunter · 9 months
Requests -- how to tell if you're getting a 404
I'm using the Requests library and accessing a website to gather data from it with the following code:
r = requests.get(url)
I want to add error testing for when an improper URL is entered and a 404 error is returned. If I intentionally enter an invalid URL, when I do this:
print r
I get this:
<Response [404]>
I want to know how to test for that. The object type is still the same. When I do r.content or r.text, I simply get the HTML of a custom 404 page.
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linonyang · 4 months
well,,, hello,,, finally touching my wips again after almost 4 months? :'> might write something new idk
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noisynutcrusade · 1 year
Amazon.com : italy
“),e.close(),a)){var r=e.createElement(“script”);r&&(r.type=”text/javascript”,r.text=a,e.body.appendChild(r))}}catch(q){n(q,”JS exception while injecting iframe”)}return d},n=function(a,c){t.ueLogError(a,{logLevel:”ERROR”,attribution:”A9TQForensics”, message:c})},X=function(a,c,b){a={vfrd:1===c?”8″:”4″,dbg:a};”object”===typeof b?a.info=JSON.stringify(b):”string”===typeof…
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donnydamakkk · 7 months
there are jus certain actresses i need to see play a couple. for my overall health.
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devil-angel · 8 days
Where I'm from. There is no all encompassing word for storm, the language is too nuanced for that, we have a thousand words to describe weather. But the word for storm falls flat, empty in comparison, so we use the word for thunder.
Because really, what other phenomenon foretells a storm like thunder does? You feel its rumbles before anything else, a warning to leave and take cover before lightning and rain strikes.
How fitting then, that I take on that mantle, becoming the thunder warning people to stay away from my loved ones. The son of the storm growing to become his companion, his equal, maybe even surpass him one day.
Although for now, I enjoy simply being a warning. The favorite son of the worst man alive. The calm storm and his thundering son.
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1644s · 5 days
looks like the next few fics will be mafia based, sorry y’all
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starlighthan · 1 year
just rising from the dead to tell you guys that i'm going to see skz next month 🤯
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lifeguides · 2 years
travel gadgets for airplane travel
travel gadgets for airplane travel
Buy Now “),e.close(),a)){var r=e.createElement(“script”);r&&(r.type=”text/javascript”,r.text=a,e.body.appendChild(r))}}catch(q){n(q,”JS exception while injecting iframe”)}return d},n=function(a,c){t.ueLogError(a,{logLevel:”ERROR”,attribution:”A9TQForensics”, message:c})},X=function(a,c,b){a={vfrd:1===c?”8″:”4″,dbg:a};”object”===typeof b?a.info=JSON.stringify(b):”string”===typeof…
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