smallepics · 7 years
We don’t live in that house anymore though mother sure wishes we do, she wants to spread her skin out on the lawn chairs  and titter out someone else’s high society gossip into wine glasses and poolside conversation  
We don’t live in that house anymore we lived on the other side of a beach bride we could always leave the light on and out there sea turtles never crawled up to bury their shells in sand,  never thought the shining beam of pool light that swam a faded yellow through the pool as we sat dangling feet through the streams could be the pale white moon
We don’t live in that house anymore saving up ten dollars in quarters and pennies and cheap plastic lighters hidden coves of cash from young thief siblings with too sharp grins over giggled out lies
God forgive me but i wish we never did i can’t handle thoughts of back yard adventures snuck around neighbor’s houses whose faces we never saw  maybe our hose isn’t the same without in ground pools to pour tap water smells into maybe childhood memories prefer the backyard rainbows we made with chubbed fingers over sprouts to change the spray but i’m still recovering from memories when the mist comes the kind my mind made clinging  to those four pink faded walls in that room i never fit
Mother I know you want to go back  and spread yourself over the king sized bed, the one fourth acre lawn but listen that house never did anything for me but make me cry father, would you forgive me if i never liked my childhood the way you loved us running through the grass that house was always a memory trapped in a metaphor, we all needed to leave.
- Old Addresses | L.B  © 2017
Written for @julykings Prompts 
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sapphosangels · 7 years
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member announcement!
sappho’s angels is pleased to announce our members! your admins (ash @gloryformore & violet @saintofbees / @tubishvat) are very happy to have read all the applicants’ poetry. and if you weren’t accepted, we just couldn’t find a space for you in the net at this point in time.
adaeze @quietada 
aimi @aavillainess
aya @avolitorial
charlie @partlycharlie
charlotte @broompeople
chelsea @babymoonpoet
ellanora @rainewrights
kat @wordtamer
sabine @icelandlesbian
quinn @abstractedfocus
we’re going to be doing interactive projects in the future, so don’t worry if you weren’t chosen; you can still participate. we’ll also have weekly prompts. 
if you were chosen, don’t forget to start tracking #sapphosangels and make sure you’re following this blog!
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wlwocpoetrynet · 7 years
welcome to our new members kaye @kabalintunaan and adaeze @quietada !
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softstained · 7 years
"Later Poems" by Adrienne Rich is a really good book of poetry
thank you! im definitely putting that on my reading list
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autoenyo · 6 years
thank you @quietada  for tagging me! these are always enjoyable!
rules: bold the things that apply to you, italicize your aspirations and then tag nine people
AIR i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch small animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH i wear glasses/contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love the chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
i’m rather sure that a few of the people i want to tag have already been tagged, but i’ll do so anyway, just in case! although! anyone can feel free to participate! so i will tag @antigoneblue @flying-fucks @toasty-icarus @abstractedfocus & @rose-curves-and-cardioids
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lucianopodes · 3 years
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Desperto sempre antes que raie o dia E escrevo com o sono que perdi. Depois, neste torpor em que a alma é fria, Aguardo a aurora, que já tantas vi. Fito-a sem atenção, cinzento verde Que se azula de galos a cantar. Que mau é não dormir? A gente perde O que a morte nos dá pra começar. Oh, Primavera quietada, aurora, Ensina ao meu torpor, em que a alma é fria, O que é que na alma lívida a colora Com o que vai acontecer no dia. Fernando Pessoa (em Estrada Da Vida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNIuyLosgCunW4TRTOdHyQomw0wKzzqyckeSg80/?igshid=10gwsizl0xpez
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silvern-fey · 6 years
Tagged by darling @rose-curves-and-cardioids
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Relationship status: Taken ♡
Favorite color: Purple
Lipstick or chapstick: Uh.. I've never used chapstick but I use lipstick on special occasions, so lipstick I guess?
Three favorite foods: Seafood, sushi and pizza
Last song I listened to: Self vs. Self by Pendulum (feat. In Flames)
Last movie I watched: Jumanji
Top 3 shows: Noragami, GinTama, Zankyou No Terror
Top 3 bands: Evanescence, My Chemical Romance, In Flames
Books I'm currently reading: Blood-Kissed Sky by J.A. London, Ariel by Sylvia Plath and The Last Night Of The Earth Poems by Charles Bukowski
In return, I tag @eyes-like-rain @h0p3-t0-d13 @justanotherteenjournal @quietada @evergreen-winter @idkwhoelsetotag;-;
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obsceneic · 7 years
are there any poets on tumblr that you'd rec??
Um all of them lol
I think the best way to find poets on tumblr is to find poems that make you feel hmm dizzy or like longing almost and then check out their tumblrs
You can find poems I like tagged here
I also recommend looking at poems from @inkflowsnetwork who are like… all my faves and also amazing people you’re gonna want to support, with an extra shout out to @moltengoldichor because Kavi is like my writing soulmate so if you like my writing uh go there 
Personally when I look for people to follow it’s from a writing perspective so people whose writing style i respect anyway:
@metvmorqhoses and the dead anon poet society is the reason i started writing here so adljdjlkahda ya i would rec them, their poetry is like the dark side of the catholic church and if you look you’ll understand exactly what I mean
@ibuzoo Is a great writer all around but I also think their poems are special in that they really tell a story so - great storyteller ya know
@caliphascheherazade has a really unique writing style and is really beautiful to read 
@arckhaic has wonderful poetry and but I especially love their flower poetry 
@julykings has a summery quality + their art and wattpad stories are 10/10 as well
@childes has a very summery denim and running through streets feel, although she doesn’t write all the time when they do I am Living
I’m also going to one more time say @inkflowsnetwork is amazing so scroll through the blog and pick out poems you love:
we’ve got @humaintain who is being published and has some amazing personal poetry, @avolitorial who has wonderful fragments like their writing is like sitting in a museum of art + runs @wlwocpoetrynet, I hope you’re following @aavillainess (who has a new novel wow) and @wordtamer who write usually short pieces but you feel like your on the edge of something really great, @calculating–stars–stars @abstractedfocus @quietada all have a quiet way and really beautiful words like your stretched out in the backseat of a car and listening to a soft hum of music, @bluewire13 doesnt post often but its a treat when he does his writing is like a well of emotion and just every poem he gets better i’m amazed i love the rhythm hes got wow, @discardedtwigs and @softrott have beautiful words like imagine butterfly gardens, @chrysoulis just made a new writing blog so special shoutout to them and @slcrowe has powerful snippets, think of kings with too much jewlry + really cool playlist and novel ideas wow and @zzzoinks just published an amazing chapbook, their writing is like neon lights
Ahhh so as you can see i rec everyone umm
Special shoutout to @small-epics wow. um an amazing writer who would have thought, just accepted into another zine this bitch is actually going places amazing and has two chapbooks their working on can yall be leaf amazing. 
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smallepics · 7 years
i’ll take what i think i deserve, as you throw yourself violently against me as knife, as a blunt instrument, as a weapon i’ll take it and take it. if you dare curl your hand around my hip in the beginnings of intimacy i’ll look you in the eye - no, not in the eye, not so equal but at you, watch you, see you in your glory - and ask is this what i deserve, is this what we deserve? it’s not just me i put at risk when i try to reach for you. do you know it’s not just you you hold on the edge when you promise to swear every time, in every time zone at two-three-four a.m.? or do you just mindlessly try to exist in the air around me, slowly entering my lungs, my left rib cage as i convert you from perfect-you to touched-by-me-you. you could bounce against my walls, i wouldn’t mind the feel of your whole thrown body but when you start to softly press, placing your open palms against me- that’s when we become a mess. me, I don’t mind the bloody red pour of opened injury but you, i swear you must pump royal purple so think twice before you get too close. take what you think you deserve, what you do deserve, and i’ll be content like this- alone and a little scarred but with the taste of almost you, of perfect-you. next time you try to find quiet comforts in me i’ll press a kiss to you and forgive me for asking you to press back, just in a last/first kiss so sweet i can taste your absence. it will make sense, and we’ll make sense, and it will be what i know you deserve. 
- For You // N.A
Based off of @wlwocpoetrynet prompts 7.31.17
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walksoftlytay · 7 years
Cool, I was tagged by @quietada
Songs I’m currently listening to 
1. half by PVRIS 
2. What’s Wrong by PVRIS
3. Home by Daughter 
4. Extraodinary Dinner Party by La Dispute 
5. A Thousand Years by Christina perri 
6. Can’t Afford the Color by Moving Mountains (Cover) 
7. Waves by Dean Lewis 
8. All I Want is You by Miguel and J Cole
9. Mask Off remix by Future and Kendrick Lamar 
10. Party Monster by the Weekend 
I now tag @killmycuriosity @picassobrows @alexthefusion @theoriginalmysteryincorporated @theomnipotentslimshady @ whoever else wants to do the thing 
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desc0isando · 6 years
10:30 Ce falou muita coisa kkkkkkk Vou copiar no proximo, relaxxx!! Cara, apenas isso. Estaremos sempre aqui. Hoje e amanhã serão dias que ficarei mais calado, pq acho que terminarei com a amanda amanha. Te aviso o que for acontecer. Sexta se pa so vou dar um pulo na Ju. Pq talvez tenha acabado de terminar e preciso de mim nessa hora. Enfim, sobre a maquina: ela deu uma quietada agora? Ou nada kkkkkkkkk vai revezar so na hr do almoço?
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