#quest belrose
chessdaze · 2 years
@khoc-week​ : DAY ONE: APPEARANCES
Me back at it again with almost forgetting about KHOC Week, But thankfully I decided to do my heartsmiths this year so I already had some refs laying around that I just needed to finish coloring! Sorry for the repeat art, but it’s been awhile since I’ve posted these too so I thought I’d brush the dust off and repost them!
My main man Atlas, he’s gone through some changes recently! Mostly with his hair, but his entire Knave of Hearts design got a makeover that you can see in THIS COMIC I made awhile back.
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Kei!!! The main and best girl. Her design hasn’t changed much from the beginning, mostly I just changed my style of drawing her, and figured out how I wanted her hair loopys to work. Along with her body ref we have her keyblade ref! I absolutely love drawing her keyblade tbh it might be my favorite one to draw out of all my personally made ones. It fits her personality so well and shows how strong of a member of Ursus she is.
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Quest’s design is probably one of my favorites out of the group. I don’t know where in the hell I came up with this, but I did and it’s just always worked out for him. I can’t picture this outfit on anyone else, it’s just so very Quest. He’s my ‘protagonist’ as it were, my original plan was for him to be the KHUX protag but things ended up changing as I developed him. But he’s still a strong wielder and party leader for Leopardos.
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Wynter is so neglected so I decided to include him in with the kids. He’s the OG heartsmith and known as Father Time, the creator of Time Magic and best friend(?) To the Master of Masters.  I do think his design is the weakest out of the four, but I also haven’t been able to design an outfit in a way i’m 100% content with so the battle continues.
His keyblade is special because he can freeze hearts in time, which he ends up using on Atlas before the keyblade war. He has a bittersweet ending as he ends up reincarnated in the main KH storyline after dying in the age of fariytales.
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For those who don’t know what my concept of a heartsmith is, please read the below! It’s the abridged version so if you have any questions feel free to ask them!
In the age of fairytales, when the foretellers were chosen and given their roles, others rose up to their own calling. With the abundance of keyblade wielders now in Daybreak Town, a local smith decided to take it upon himself to learn how to help these young warriors. With the Master of Master’s permission, Wynter Penn started experimenting on how to repair keyblades that were damaged, and the hearts of their wielders by extension. Because of this he was known as the ‘heartsmith’.
Heartsmiths are those with the ability to repair keyblades and hearts. The former being the focus and the latter actually just a useful side effect. As keyblades are manifestations of the heart, being able to repair one means you’re able to repair the other to some extent. The ‘extent’ varies from smith to smith, it depends on how easily the smith can connect with a heart that is not their own.
It was also their job to upgrade keyblades, making them more powerful and suited to their wielders wants more often than not. Though wielders could do this themselves by other means, the smiths offered a more in depth process. They could also repair the keyblade while upgrading it, making it more durable for a time.
There is pretty much two kinds of damage a keyblade can take. Physical, such as the keyblade actually physically breaking and everyone can see that. These are actually more difficult for the smiths to work on but through their magic and their actual smithing backgrounds they are able to build a keyblade back no problem.
Then there’s what I like to call ‘Aches’ because I can’t think of anything better. Aches are the damage wielders have a harder time seeing. It’s when the wielders mental and emotional states physically start affecting their keyblades. As keyblades are manifestations of their heart, it stands to reason if there is something burdening them, something weighing down on their heart, then their keyblade is affected as well. This is the sort of damage only a heartsmith can fix - but it’s also half on the wielder. The wielder has to talk out their burdens, say why their heart is aching, before it can be 100% healed. Sometimes the smiths simply close it the best they can, because at the very least by this point the wielder is aware of their heart’s ache and can work on healing it in their own time. This can lead to multiple sessions but the smiths do their best to repair it to a point that the wielder isn’t just walking in the next day.
So visiting the smiths is akin to a therapy session. They have to talk to the wielders, gain their trust, realize what is bothering them, and talk them through on how to improve.
Upgrading a keyblade is very similar! While combining the materials to make the keyblade stronger, the smiths will talk with the wielders about their goals, why they want to get stronger - and what that even means to them. The upgrade will always succeed, but depending on the wielder’s state of mind and heart during the process and the answer to the questions the smiths ask, that will determine the new strength of the keyblade.
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gree-gon · 2 years
minor tw// blood
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day 8 - broken
"nothing else to me."
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year
Really wish that some characters got more screentime is post game.
I get that it is a big cast and that some characters needed to have their stories tied up, but it felt like characters that really needed screentime got casted aside.
Elias gets some amazing development in the celebi quest, however that's only if you go with the reshiram route, if you prefer going through zekrom route than you don't get that since Taka takes his place.
Arclight does appear in two quests but he's kinda in the bg for both of them. I wish we could've learned about his family during the zeroara quest or something because that just gets kinda thrown at us during his character ending scene.
Blake only appears in the Heatran quest where we get some sort of resolution between him and Cal and learn a bit about how he dealt with his father's abuse, but that's it. He doesn't appear in any other quests at all not to mention with how little friendship points you get with him you are most likely going to miss out on him being a mix n match partner and his character ending scene (Unless you are willing to miss out on Cal's character scene, for me that's a no since he's my favorite character) of course there is debug mode to help with that, but still.
Zero only gets a quest if Taka's dead by having him in Taka's place in the tao quest. It's such a shame because it's such a good route too with him, but not many people will get that because why would you let Taka die? He gets so little to no character development not to mention that he doesn't get a character ending at all.
Samson and Ciel get some screentime during their umbral parts which give a lot of insight on their characters and such but that's it. After that they barely appear with the exception in the deoxys quest where they leave after telling the player a few story related things. Samson does appear in the Meloetta quest but he just gets made fun of.
Characters that got a lot of attention in main game (Shelly, Heather, Cal and the Belrose sisters) also got shunned aside which I can somewhat be okay with since again, main game gave them a lot of attention but it still feels a bit like a shame.
There are also so many early tiers quests where you the player is alone to fight umbrals/legendaries where some characters could've gotten some attention.
Ace gets little screentime in main game and won't appear until late post game and it's just sucha shame! We don't even get a quest with them afterwards!
The talk with Adrienn was nice but still, no team up battle, no puzzle with xem, nothing.
What I'm saying I'd rather have characters who I can get friendship points with/fight alongside with in the nightclub to do quests with than play Simon/Daniella says.
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fangaminghell · 1 year
Also, related to the darkrai quest, don't think I didn't notice the Belrose, Titania and Amaria not present in the night club after the quest was done. Don't think I did notice that!!!
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lemonade-juley · 2 years
Hmm having more thoughts on Allyson and Saphira because I'm like, infected with brain-rot that doesn't go away.
But like I was thinking on how would Saphira react to learning about Allyson's backstory. Like she's not said a single peep about what her parents did to her or how she got any of her scars (besides the one on her right eye because that one was fully an accident and the one she got from Fern's Decidueye), so like Saphira's clueless on that front.
I do think by the time the Post-game is fully over her uh, more murderous tendencies have more-so faded (though, again haven't gotten to the Belrose's respective post game quest yet as I'm still stuck on the Tapus), but jeez hearing about her parents might get her real close to a pair of murders.
Saphira couldn't do much anyways, since Allyson's parents are in Unova, but of course if they ever caught wind of Allyson's whereabouts due to her growing fame as the Champion they might end up trying to get Allyson back before she'd potentially reveal what they did to her (as mentioned, Allyson's parents are very wealthy and very famous actors). Also, Allyson is still very much terrified of her parents and would likely freeze up if she saw them no matter how strong she's gotten. But anyways yeah Saphira learning about them probably wouldn't be a very pleasant scenario.
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rahulp678 · 10 months
Experience Opulent Living at Nisarg Belrose Wakad, Pune
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Are you in pursuit of a luxurious lifestyle nestled in the heart of Wakad, Pune? Look no further than Nisarg Belrose by Nisarg Group. Situated on a sprawling 1.75-acre land parcel, this exclusive residential haven seamlessly marries opulence and convenience.
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A Unique Living Experience:
Nisarg Belrose presents an unparalleled living experience through its distinctive features and meticulous design. From robust RCC & brickwork to carefully crafted doors and windows, every aspect of this project is thoughtfully designed to cater to your comfort and preferences.
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The allure of Nisarg Belrose extends beyond its confines, thanks to its strategic location. Just a 2-minute drive from the Pune-Mumbai Expressway and a mere 5-minute distance from Bhumkar Chouk, this project places you at the crossroads of convenience and connectivity. Prominent educational institutions like Symbiosis Skills & Open University, City Pride School, and JSPM Institutes are within your reach, making it a perfect choice for families.
Motivating You to Make It Your Home:
Imagine a life where every day feels like a vacation. At Nisarg Belrose, your dream home awaits, promising a blend of elegance, comfort, and community. This is your chance to indulge in green living, bask in the beauty of landscaped gardens, and find serenity in yoga and meditation zones. The project's proximity to major IT hubs like Hinjawadi IT Park and entertainment destinations like MCA Stadium and Vision One Mall further enhances its allure.
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In your quest for the epitome of luxurious living, choose Nisarg Belrose as your destination. Let this be the chapter where your dreams come to life, surrounded by elegance, comfort, and a vibrant community. Embrace the future, embrace Nisarg Belrose.
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amethystblack · 4 years
Dear Ame. I have finished the Torchic Quest today and now my hate for Sirius fuelled much more than ever. I want to give Murmina a hug after the pain she's been through. I want her to be there, when we battle Sirius and Sigmund in Labbadora City It just so unforgettable for what he did to the Belrose Family. I want him dead😡
that is very sweet of you! well, the first part at least. the second part is just correct. someday!
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thechessboard-moved · 5 years
CHECKMATE. for transparency -
Muses to be removed:
Elliot Nightray
Quest Belrose (moving to @heartsmithed)
Kei  (moving to @heartsmithed​)
Wynter Penn (moving to @heartsmithed​)
Muses activity switched
The Inquisitor (primary to request only)
Hawke (secondary to request only)
Zhai’a (primary to request only)
Taynor (secondary to request only)
Ryūnosuke Chiba (secondary to request only)
Ienzo (primary to secondary)
Characters I’m thinking about adding
The Baron (The Cat Returns - primary/secondary not sure)
Louis Amamiya (Code Vein - primary) 
Jack Rutherford (Code Vein - primary)
Coco (Code Vein - secondary)
Onyx (Code Vein protag - primary)
Roland Fortis (Vanitas no Carte - secondary/request)
Oz the third (Wizard of Oz based OC - secondary)
Foreteller Ava (KH - secondary)
Blaine/Brain (KH - secondary)
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heartsmithed-moved · 5 years
@leopardfated asked: 💟 - Any memories about Quest with Gula? o: 
Memories | selectively accepting! 💟- Wildcard!!!
“...Is it alright if I join the union?”
Gula stared, jaw slack as he looked upon the newest wielder to enter Daybreak Town and approach him. He was...a mess, for lack of any better term. Quest knew it too, oh how he knew it. He wrapped his arms around himself, but that only seemed to emphasize the fact that his clothes were too big and hanging off of him, showing fresh bruises and old scars. Dirt and grime clung to different parts of his face, body, clothes, and Quest hated that he was presenting himself like this to someone apparently important. 
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He reached up to run a hand through his uneven hair, he could feel that weird thing-- chirithy? - shift next to him. 
“Did you fight your way through heartless to get here?” The masked man asked, and Quest nodded. “By yourself?” Another nod. 
Gula is stunned. This boy looked as if he was going to fall out any second, how had he managed to even lift a keyblade? 
“...I can leave, if you don’t want me to join.” Quest mumbled, already resigning himself to leaving and turned to do just that. He winced as the pain in his ribs caused him to stumble. He’s surprised that instead of falling face forward, he’s now leaning against someone. He blinked, looking over to see Gula now pulling one of Quest’s arms around his shoulders. He was just barely taller than the other, so it wasn’t entirely uncomfortable.
“The only place you’re going is to a bed.” The foreteller tsked. “And maybe a bathtub.” was mumbled right after.
“So...I can stay?”
“Of course.” Gula said, taking the first few steps and Quest carefully following along. The foreteller kept his pace slow to make sure that Quest didn’t overwork himself. “What’s your name?”
“...Quest Belrose.”
“Well. Quest. Welcome to Leopardus. I’m sure your Chirithy already told you, but my name is Gula and I’ll be your foreteller.”
“Right...I still don’t really get what’s going on but....” Quest managed the biggest smile he had managed in awhile. For some reason, Gula found himself smiling too. It was contagious. “Thank you, sir.”
“I can explain everything again, the chirithy’s do kind of brush over the details, don’t they?” He could hear Quest’s protest, which caused both of them to laugh. Sadly, Quest’s laugh evolved into a coughing fit. So much of one infact that they stopped walking until it calmed down. “Are you sick?” A stupid question, considering the other’s condition - but just the word ‘sick’ seemed to make Quest freeze as if a spell had been cast on him. “Quest?”
“S-Sorry, uh- I don’t think so? I’m just....” He looked down at himself, a hand over his chest as he breathed heavily. 
Gula frowned. What had this kid been through? “C’mon. The sooner we get you cleaned up and resting, the better. There’s always time for explanations later.”  He said, putting the other at ease. There was no need to dive deep into what was clearly a very, very long story. He was patient, he could wait. First thing first, he had to take care of his new union member. 
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secondaristh · 6 years
So, the first session of Quest for the Keystone went pretty well.  I hope people had fun.
The party had no trouble taking down the group of ogres and goblins that attacked the caravan.  I think only our cleric even took damage.  As they made their way to town, they got to meet a few interesting people and play a few carnival games I had to improvise.  They got really into the chicken racing one.  Zaxby, McDonald, Wendy, and Carl Jr couldn’t tell them which one of them won the races more often unfortunately.  Also, they had funnel cake with sugar and fruit piled into the sky, because that’s what you do at an imaginary festival.
After that, they played a couple more games and did a little shopping.  @blackestglass wound up buying a magical mask from one vendor.
When we start next time, the party will get to meet the Wizard Belrose and see if they can defeat his puzzles.  I can’t wait.
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bakugouoffiguess · 6 years
been thinking more about belrose—
he can be a warlock/gunslinger if i really want but i have to come up with some reason for him to have had dealings with gnomes. i may just give him a crossbow and say fuck it, he’s a spellcaster with a love for non magic projectiles
last night tony introduced “the dragonfire challenge,” wherein if you can handle a pint of the black cherry ale (a home brew made by none other than chimataro himself, that comes in a bigass bottle two feet tall and a foot and a half in diameter at its widest point) then you get it for free— if you can’t, it’s 1gp per pint. if you pass, you also get a tshirt OR your name on the wall. belrose has both. he’s done it twice
tony has a colony of drow in the desert who have adapted to the day world, led by the reknown sashanera. belrose being adopted, i think i want to play on that specific group as an explanation for why he was abandoned above ground and has never made his way to the underdark
i believe the reason he’d join the quest is because he’s genuinely terrified of what will happen if he and raleigh are separated again. how exactly does the spell (curse?) work? will raleigh forget him again over time? he thinks its a safer bet id they stay together. also, raleighs on the fucking dragon quest. that shit’s dangerous; he needs to be there
he’s a lot more bitchy around people other than raleigh or cassie (ie he treats everyone the same as he did when he first met raleigh, insults and all) and has a tendency to lead. i don’t, by any means, think that he’d try to wrestle leadership from realta (the fucking princess) but he’d try to become her right hand man. he’s a flatterer, and he would HATE bale for the simple reason that bale would be looking down on him and he would be having that. he and dinga, on the other hand, would probably bond quickly. over vodka. dragonfire ale is NOT as good as vodka.
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chessdaze · 2 years
@khoc-week​​ Day 4: Determination
I wanted to use this chance to draw fighting poses for the heartsmiths, while technically three of them are wielders, Wynter and Atlas don’t see much combat - but I wanted to talk about their fighting styles anyways. I know this doesn’t entirely fit the prompt but I thought it was close enough, how they fight is determined by their goals, strengths, and of course - determination to better one’s self.
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I’ll talk about them individually below the cut! (Didn’t color this sketch cause I knew it would take more than a few hours to finish and I don’t want to be late again)
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Quest is actually a fencer! He uses his keyblade much like a fencing sword, one handed quick but powerful attacks. He learned fencing from his father at a young age, and it has stuck with him throughout his life. It’s the reason his party is called the Chevaliers, cause his father used to be one who used a similar fighting style.
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Kei is the heaviest hitter out of the four. Her style is all strength based, she’s the tank of the group. Though she suffers in movement speed because of this, she has enough health to back her up as well as enough strength to block or parry most physical attacks. Magic is her weakness (and her savior, as a healer always ends up helping her out).
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Atlas’s fighting style is entirely magic based. While he does inherit the hand of time keyblade from Wynter later on in his story, before that he was simply a magic user. His magic is off the charts and wacky due to his wonderland origins. For example the gravity spell changes his gravity, not that of his opponents. His healing spell has roses and a red glow instead of lilies and a green glow, etc.  He’s mostly the one healing Kei and Quest up after missions.
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HM WYNTER’S STANCE LOOKS FAMILIAR DOESN’T IT? But yes Wynter’s style of fighting is a lot like Riku’s, you could say Wynter was the one to ‘invent’ the fighting style since he came first. Wynter is a rounded fighter but definitely not the strongest. He’s stronger than the average union wielder mostly due to his age and experience, but I wouldn’t say he’s as strong as the foretellers either as he hasn’t had alot of training. His keyblade is mostly used for magic, like Atlas, Wynter is a heavy magic user. His keyblade is also used for it’s special gift of stopping someone’s heart in time. This he uses on Atlas to bestow the Hand of Time onto him and to freeze him in time so he could survive the keyblade war.
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gree-gon · 2 years
Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well!! I hope things get better for you soon..
My question is, what was your favourite (and/or least favourite?) postgame quest?? You can talk about more than one if you’d like!!
hi hi!! thank you, i hope so too :)
i have multiple favs so i will talk abt them
(post game spoilers)
First up, its the most obvious one- the Celebi quest. it just stands out from the others and it gives more info and backstory on some characters like Elena LMAOO her jumping from that tall height and be like "...oh i made it" god i loved her the second she said that. 10/10
Second it's the Hoopa quest !! i just thought it was funny and very entertaining lmaoo especially when you get terra back at the end (i missed her sm)
The third is a little biased but only bcuz of the characters- The Lugia and Ho-oh quest
I just like the Belrose sisters in general (if you couldn't tell) and i liked seeing them interact more, plus i really like the sun/moon symbolism of Charlotte and Saphira.
the puzzles made me squint at the screen tho i had to follow a tutorial cuz what. even. (Charlotte made it better with her funny dialog tho, but Saphira. honey you could've helped me out instead of mOPING-)
Least favorites hmmm probably the Groudon and Kyogre one bcuz i struggled. so much to beat them. And also the Tapus because getting pokemon with those field changing moves was a pain
Honorable mentions of some other ones i like are the victini one (its cute) the mew one (very funny playing hide and seek with fern lmao) and the genesect one bcuz aya slayed!!! in that one
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year
How the Reborn Comic chapters are going to be split!
Note: Some side quests and stuff will be thrown into certain chapters but most of them will be shown quickly or as a little montage so they won't take up time/pages and I can work on the main story or possible extra content I have planned to add.
Of course some quests that involve the main plot a little (Like meeting characters in quests and stuff that's optional) will have proper pages dedicated to them.
Also any type of tw will be shows at the top of the pages!!
Now the chapters:
Chapter 1: Welcome to Reborn City.
Up to defeating Julia.
Chapter 2: Frenzy Plants
Up to defeating Florinia
Chapter 3: Broken friends, broken families Part 1: Plant Frenzy
Up to the scene with Corey on the bridge.
Chapter 3: Broken friends, broken families Part 2: Strings of destiny
Up to Sigmund taking Heather away.
Chapter 4: Prison break
Up Sirius kidnapping the kids and Miles leaving Shade's gym.
Chapter 5: Fate is kind to no one Part 1: Do you trust me?
Up to Amaria and Miles leaving Black Steam Factory
Chapter 5: Fate is kind to no one Part 2: Extinguish Flames
Up to Miles and Cain leaving Aphophyl Academy after the events on top of Pyrous Mountain
Chapter 5: Fate is kind to no one Part 3: Our family is more toxic than the wasteland.
Up to defeating Cain.
Chapter 6: Finally, free... Right? Part 1: Prison Break. Again.
Up to everyone escaping Yureyu HQ and getting out of the railnet/
Chapter 6: Finally, free... Right? Part 2: Mirror mirror on the wall...
Up to defeating Serra.
Chapter 7: The dragon that guards it's treasure, her family.
Up to Saphira taking the kids and Laura and leaving the Belrose Mansion.
Chapter 8: God's light, God's might.
Up to Luna getting captured and Radomus telling Miles to get to 7th Street.
Chapter 9: Safe and quiet moments in the dark.
Up to defeating Luna.
Chapter 9.5: Intermission
Do all sidequests/optional interactions left in reborn city + some more character development for Miles, ect.
Chapter 10: Welcome welcome to Agate Circus!
Up to Amaria and Titania jumping off the waterfall
Chapter 11: No time for breaks Part 1: You remind me of her.
Up to Aya getting abducted
Chapter 11: No time for breaks Part 2: Destruction is beauty.
Up to defeating Charlotte
Chapter 12: Can I trust you? Part 1: No more running from the past.
Up to Cal giving Miles a lift down Ametrine Mountain and saying goodbye.
Chapter 12: Can I trust you? Part 2: Oh, I played this game when I was younger!
Chapter 13: The choices you make will impact the world's fate. Part 1: What is right what is wrong?
Up to Miles leaving the water treatment center.
Chapter 13: The choices you make will impact the world's fate. Part 2: Showdown at Fiore Mansion!
Chapter 13: The choices you make will impact the world's fate. Part 3: Aerial Ace!
Up to Ace's disappearance.
Chapter 14: When one thing goes right, two things go wrong Part 1: Home once again
Up to Arc's MegaZ ring quest.
Chapter 14: When one thing goes right, two things go wrong Part 2:
Up to defeating Zel and leaving Devon Corp(?)
Chapter 14: When one thing goes right, two things go wrong Part 3:
It's up to you!
Up to the defeating Adrienn.
Chapter 15: The consequences Part 1: The view from up here.
Up to getting to the train town and leaving to fight Titania.
Chapter 15: The consequences Part 2: A knight, a beast and the unending battle.
Up to Titania leaving her gym to take care of Taka's body and sending Miles of to Amaria.
Chapter 15: The consequences Part 3: The last few breaths I took felt so soothing and calm.
Up to Miles leaving Fiore Mansion.
Chapter 16: Void kissed Part 1: The glass isn't the only thing that shattered.
Up to Miles getting send to the void by Gardevoir.
Chapter 16: Void kissed Part 2: When two shooting stars meet.
Up to Miles being saved from the void and everyone leaving the glass factory.
Chapter 16: Void kissed Part 3: The battle for Agate City!
Up to defeating Hardy.
Chapter 17: The Siege for Labradorra part 1: Time to fight back!
Up to Miles getting into the tournament building.
Chapter 17: The Siege for Labradorra part 2: Labradorra tournament.
Up to defeating Terra and leaving the building.
Chapter 18: Reborn Part 1: To the road of victory!
Chapter 18: Reborn part 2: The champion of the New World
Chapter 19: Reborn is reborn
(Note, all intermissions won't be focusing on the main story but more on all the characters getting a breather and interacting)
Act 0:
Events after the start of the new world and Miles's disappearance up to Miles returning
Act 1:
Up to Cresselia
Act 2:
Up to the end of tier 1
Act 2.5:
Act: 3:
Up to the end of tier 2 and the events at Vanhanen castle.
Act 4:
Up to the end of tier 3.
Act 4.5:
Act 5:
Up to the end of tier 4
Act 6:
Up to the end of tier 5
Act 6.5:
Act 7:
Up to the end of tier 6.
Act 8:
Up to catching Giratina
Act 8.5:
Act 9:
Up to the end of tier 7
Act 10:
Up to the (personal and not the in another time) epilogue.
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maragretmajorga5a4e · 4 years
Idee per l’installazione su soluzioni di condizionamento canalizzato
Semplicemente come installare in modo appropriato le apparecchiature di condizionamento dell’aria
Stabilire sistemi di climatizzazione in casa o sul posto di lavoro non è così semplice come si potrebbe immaginare. Ci sono molti elementi a cui devi pensare prima di montare un sistema di aria condizionata nella tua casa. Un paio di domande che devi porre da solo consistono ma non si limitano a:
– Quale strumento dimensionale devo acquisire per fornire in modo adeguato facilità nella mia casa o azienda? – Dove si trova uno dei posti più efficienti nel mio ufficio o casa per installare il mio Aria condizionata canalizzata Sydney unità per raffreddare la mia intera abitazione? -Solo quanta energia consuma il sistema di condizionamento dell’aria e anche quanto di un aumento delle mie spese elettriche dovrei aspettarmi di vedere? – Un dispositivo solitario davvero incredibile tutta la mia casa? – Qual è lo stile più efficace nei sistemi?
Numerose persone escludono l’effettiva misurazione del proprio sistema di climatizzazione, nonché l’area in cui dovrebbero posizionare il proprio sistema di climatizzazione per raffreddare l’intera abitazione. Dovresti avere la capacità di risolvere efficacemente queste domande prima ancora di iniziare a installare i tuoi sistemi di climatizzazione. Queste domande ti aiuteranno sicuramente a rispondere ad altre domande che ti aiuteranno a installare adeguatamente il tuo sistema di aria condizionata.
Valutazione del percorso di installazione
Valutare l’area della rata è probabilmente il tuo lavoro iniziale. Devi trovare una posizione nella tua casa per installare Sistema di climatizzazione Sydney dove fa sentire bene. Allo stesso modo, devi concentrarti sulla dimensione standard dell’utensile pneumatico centrale che hai effettivamente scelto. La dimensione è dovuta alla realtà che alcuni sistemi sono stati appena creati per raffreddare le case di una misura specifica. Per questo motivo, se hai una casa grande avrai sicuramente bisogno di un sistema più grande per raffreddare ogni area della casa.
Quando si tratta della posizione, dovrai assolutamente scegliere una posizione principale della tua casa; tieni presente che anche tu dovrai sicuramente conservare l’attuale sistema di aria centrale. La maggior parte degli individui certamente monterà i loro sistemi lungo il lato delle loro case e li nasconderà assolutamente con la vegetazione. Se stai salvando il tuo impianto di climatizzazione in un’area di alto profilo del tuo cortile, rivelerai sicuramente che il suono che emette mentre è frustrante. Di conseguenza, seleziona accuratamente la tua area.
In terzo luogo, chiedi di chiedere del tempo per pensare alla marca e anche alla versione che hai scelto per il tuo Sistema di climatizzazione canalizzato a Sydney . Numerosi design sono realizzati per durare più a lungo, così come numerosi modelli possono raffreddare un clip video molto più quadrato. Questo è il motivo per cui devi prendere in considerazione la gestione di un esperto per aiutarti con l’installazione del tuo strumento aereo centrale, a meno che tu non sia completamente istruito e non abbia scoperto queste posizioni. Non fraintendere te stesso nel pensare che uno o più strumenti per il condizionamento della finestra di casa siano probabilmente adeguati per raffreddare l’intera casa. Quando provi a sfruttare i sistemi delle finestre di residenza per farlo, perderai semplicemente i tuoi soldi e inoltre non raggiungerai mai il livello di freschezza che desideri.
Considerazioni sull’installazione professionale
È sempre meglio rivolgersi a specialisti esperti che comprendano e apprezzino la ricerca clinica che consisteva dietro la tua rata. Anche se molte persone intendono certamente farlo da soli per risparmiare denaro, è necessario identificare che non si raggiungerà mai oltre a mantenere lo stesso livello di comodità che si farebbe se si trattasse effettivamente di esperti esperti per eseguire l’installazione.
Per maggiori informazioni visita https://www.teknicoolairconditioning.com.au/
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from https://ift.tt/2SY8rPE from Blogger https://ift.tt/2Fp2LpN https://ift.tt/35qX3hQ January 06, 2020 at 11:39PM
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Idee per l’installazione su soluzioni di condizionamento canalizzato
Semplicemente come installare in modo appropriato le apparecchiature di condizionamento dell’aria
Stabilire sistemi di climatizzazione in casa o sul posto di lavoro non è così semplice come si potrebbe immaginare. Ci sono molti elementi a cui devi pensare prima di montare un sistema di aria condizionata nella tua casa. Un paio di domande che devi porre da solo consistono ma non si limitano a:
– Quale strumento dimensionale devo acquisire per fornire in modo adeguato facilità nella mia casa o azienda? – Dove si trova uno dei posti più efficienti nel mio ufficio o casa per installare il mio Aria condizionata canalizzata Sydney unità per raffreddare la mia intera abitazione? -Solo quanta energia consuma il sistema di condizionamento dell’aria e anche quanto di un aumento delle mie spese elettriche dovrei aspettarmi di vedere? – Un dispositivo solitario davvero incredibile tutta la mia casa? – Qual è lo stile più efficace nei sistemi?
Numerose persone escludono l’effettiva misurazione del proprio sistema di climatizzazione, nonché l’area in cui dovrebbero posizionare il proprio sistema di climatizzazione per raffreddare l’intera abitazione. Dovresti avere la capacità di risolvere efficacemente queste domande prima ancora di iniziare a installare i tuoi sistemi di climatizzazione. Queste domande ti aiuteranno sicuramente a rispondere ad altre domande che ti aiuteranno a installare adeguatamente il tuo sistema di aria condizionata.
Valutazione del percorso di installazione
Valutare l’area della rata è probabilmente il tuo lavoro iniziale. Devi trovare una posizione nella tua casa per installare Sistema di climatizzazione Sydney dove fa sentire bene. Allo stesso modo, devi concentrarti sulla dimensione standard dell’utensile pneumatico centrale che hai effettivamente scelto. La dimensione è dovuta alla realtà che alcuni sistemi sono stati appena creati per raffreddare le case di una misura specifica. Per questo motivo, se hai una casa grande avrai sicuramente bisogno di un sistema più grande per raffreddare ogni area della casa.
Quando si tratta della posizione, dovrai assolutamente scegliere una posizione principale della tua casa; tieni presente che anche tu dovrai sicuramente conservare l’attuale sistema di aria centrale. La maggior parte degli individui certamente monterà i loro sistemi lungo il lato delle loro case e li nasconderà assolutamente con la vegetazione. Se stai salvando il tuo impianto di climatizzazione in un’area di alto profilo del tuo cortile, rivelerai sicuramente che il suono che emette mentre è frustrante. Di conseguenza, seleziona accuratamente la tua area.
In terzo luogo, chiedi di chiedere del tempo per pensare alla marca e anche alla versione che hai scelto per il tuo Sistema di climatizzazione canalizzato a Sydney . Numerosi design sono realizzati per durare più a lungo, così come numerosi modelli possono raffreddare un clip video molto più quadrato. Questo è il motivo per cui devi prendere in considerazione la gestione di un esperto per aiutarti con l’installazione del tuo strumento aereo centrale, a meno che tu non sia completamente istruito e non abbia scoperto queste posizioni. Non fraintendere te stesso nel pensare che uno o più strumenti per il condizionamento della finestra di casa siano probabilmente adeguati per raffreddare l’intera casa. Quando provi a sfruttare i sistemi delle finestre di residenza per farlo, perderai semplicemente i tuoi soldi e inoltre non raggiungerai mai il livello di freschezza che desideri.
Considerazioni sull’installazione professionale
È sempre meglio rivolgersi a specialisti esperti che comprendano e apprezzino la ricerca clinica che consisteva dietro la tua rata. Anche se molte persone intendono certamente farlo da soli per risparmiare denaro, è necessario identificare che non si raggiungerà mai oltre a mantenere lo stesso livello di comodità che si farebbe se si trattasse effettivamente di esperti esperti per eseguire l’installazione.
Per maggiori informazioni visita https://www.teknicoolairconditioning.com.au/
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Related Tags:aria condizionata canalizzata Sydney, aria condizionata Sydney, aria condizionata canalizzata prezzo Sydney, aria condizionata canalizzata recensioni Sydney, aria condizionata canalizzata Sydney senza interessi, aria condizionata canalizzata daikin, aria condizionata canalizzata domestica, aria condizionata zona colline, installazione di aria condizionata canalizzata, migliore condizionatori d’aria canalizzata 2017, aria condizionata split Sydney, recensioni di condotta aria condizionata, aria condizionata canalizzata campbelltown, condizionatore canalizzato speciale, aria condizionata Sydney, aria condizionata commerciale Sydney, calcolatrice dei costi aria condizionata canalizzata, aria condizionata canalizzata vs sistema split, aria condizionata canalizzata fujitsu recensioni, recensioni condizionatore d’aria a ciclo inverso, aria condizionata canalizzata mitsubishi, cos’è aria condizionata a ciclo inverso canalizzato, installazioni geminair, condizionatori sydney, gemin3, teknicool aria condizionata sydney, installazione aria condizionata sydney, offerte aria condizionata, recensioni controllo clima alleanza, aria condizionata riparazione sydney, cl imate control condizionatore d’aria, aria condizionata interna ovest, oz aria condizionata, aria condizionata canalizzato penrith, daikin us7 prezzo sydney, recensioni aria condizionata sydney, soluzioni gemmair, daikin prezzi aria condizionata canalizzato sydney, costo installazione impianto sydney, sistema split multi testa sydney, come costa aircon servizio, frozone air pty ltd belrose nsw, servizio di aria condizionata costa nord, recensioni di frozone aria condizionata, aria condizionata canalizzata vasca idromassaggio
Video Of air conditioning sydney By Teknicool
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