iersei · 6 months
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no clue who any of these people are but i'll gladly do voter fraud in exchange for a sketch!
so your sketch prompt is: show me how sexy this glenn close is. how do you imagine him? what about his disembodied podcast voice makes you go to these lengths for him?
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oh i know that there are more eloquent people than me who have written so much over the course of these last few weeks that speaks to his appeal and what he means to so many of us but. to try to put it succinctly.
he's messy and imperfect and hilarious and charismatic and deeply flawed and also holy shit have you heard his voice???
he's a testament to how you can try your best and how that's not always enough and how you can fail and get worse and how you have to live with that and how you can still keep going despite it all. he's had his highs (ha), and he's also been dealt some of the worst hands there are. but he keeps going. you keep going.
and you cannot kill him in any way that doesn't make him sexier.
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ectology · 1 year
hello hi just calling to let you know that i have scrolled deep into your art tag and i am obsessed with your art and i'm not even really in the fandoms you draw for, i'm just liking and reblogging because my eyes are feasting
OMG HI, sorry idk how long this has been sitting in my inbox but THANK YOU for liking my art even tho ur not into the fandoms 🥺💕 i am honored
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nofr1lls · 1 year
following you was such a good decision, your reblogs are so unhinged
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liljakonvalj · 1 year
hi i just wanted to say that i love your queue tag
🤩🤩 thank you!
That's such a sweet message ❤
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nyamafriend · 2 years
bro your skirt killed the queen
if i did makeup it wouldve been so much more powerful
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ghoulinfuschia · 21 days
Who’s making the background music for the fan ep? If we’re allowed to know
I love what ur doing btw it’s amazing
Yeah!! So we have SuperZRussell on Twitter, guigagliardo also on Twitter, Auxcord (Twitter), A friend of mine from school who ISNT on Twitter, RSpaced on Twitter, and @pyroclastic727 RAAAAAH WHO DID THE OPENING SEQUEEENCE
She did an amazing job!! Everyone did!! and I'm so proud of everyone!!
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maritasdump · 1 year
Room For You - Amphibia AMV
Song: Room For You by Sub Radio
Show: Amphibia
I wanna say thank you to @borkthemork and @bloop-arts for introducing me to this song that they originally wated to use in their Amphibia 48 years au (if you haven't checked it out then you're missing out on aLOT)
@astro-inthestars @sashimi-buttons @mira-blue @duquesah @eeveearoace @dodelidoo @pinkyshy101 @artist-fan146 @bloop-arts @ohyoumeanher @personthatexists @honneibun @generalyunan @goodartitude @slymanner @pyroclastic727 @lostwithoutamind
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glitrahasconsumedme · 2 years
I've seen some posts on my feed recently about how we should bring back fic rec lists or just show off fics we really like, so I thought I'd comb through my offline downloads and bookmarks for some of my favorite fics to share with anyone who happens to see this!! (And if an author happens to have a Tumblr I just didn't know about just let me know and I can tag them here too lol)
So anyway, I'm gonna do my top 5 favorite Amphibia fics first, and if this gets like, 4 notes I guess, I'll do another fandom/pairing/etc
5. fireworks!! Such a cute story, every reread makes me a bit emotional in some way. Olivia and Yunan are the parents of all time in this fic, it's incredible.
Author's acc: @hereforthehurts
4. Infinity With You!! The author of this one must've plucked this right from my head because they managed to combine both of my comfort shows PERFECTLY into one fic. Legend.
Author's acc: @pyroclastic727
3. Appleseed!! Dark, exciting, and with just enough soft moments to make all the pain worth it. Definitely a more bittersweet read for me, but that might just be because it isn't my usual genre.
Author's acc: @natikoko
2. you look too much like me!! Such a great take on a really interesting "what if" for the show. Marcy is the cutest thing ever in this fic, Anne is such an easy to love version of herself right from the start, and the Sasha kin in me SCREAMS when he does anything at all in this fic. Beautiful.
Author's acc: @bugsbiann
1. And finally... Beauty and the Beasts!! God, I'm such a sucker for fairytale romances being retold, gets me every single time. Super sweet and fun from start to end, and with such an adorable ending at that.
Author's acc: @your-local-hurt-comfort-junkie-1
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scribicronus-v02 · 1 year
Amphibia: Switched AU Ficlet
Been a long while since I posted any of my writing on here (got Writer’s Block, what can you do?)
@eeveearoace wrote a thing last night that had the gears in my head going. I remember I wrote this before my first account got the axe, so I figured I’ll go with the theme Kai and @arcadiii started and repost my old drabble from a potential AU I had where Anne was fatally injured in TC instead of Marcy.
Tag List:
@karamelys, @popcornbee, @borkthemork, @themissakat, @sashimi-buttons, @maritasdump, @kaseyskat, @marcy-wu-on-the-brain, @cynthiacoven, @slymanner, @space-lynn, @camomile-t, @calamity-unlocked, @weedplantar, @mira-blue, @pyroclastic727, @goodartitude, @yourpersonaltimebomb, @honneibun, @tharrb​, @sonofrose​
If anyone can point me towards Skibs’ new acct, that would be great and I can add them back onto the tag list.
Switched AU Drabble
Marcy shot to a sitting position, her pajama top soaked in sweat. She clutched at her chest and fought to control her breathing.
“Marcy? You all right?”
She looked down to see Hop Pop looking up at her with concern.
“Umm, bad dream,” Marcy said with a nervous laugh. “I'll be fine, Hop Pop. You just get back to sleep.” Even as she turned around in bed, she could still feel the old frog's stare boring into her back.
She clamped her eyes shut and tried her hardest to even her breathing but she immediately regretted it. She felt tears at the corners of her eyes as the events of hours ago unfolded before her in perfectly grim detail...
The castle around them rumbled as she took the box from its pedestal and turned the key a few times.
“Please work, please work, please work...” she pleaded. A portal of white light started to form in the air in front of her.
“No!” Andrias' voice boomed behind her.
“Me and Grime will hold him! Just go!” Sasha ordered. Marcy turned around to see Anne and the Plantars getting up and shuffling towards them, Polly dragging Frobo's head behind her while Hop Pop and Sprig were helping Anne amble towards her.
“Quick, into the portal, everyone! Hurry!”
Anne and the Plantars were partially through but turned round and waited expectantly for Marcy.
“Marcy, hurry!”
“I just need to...”
What happened next was a complete blur but also felt like an eternity, a scant few seconds that would brand itself into her brain and haunt her nightmares forever.
She felt Anne clutch at the shell pin on her cloak.
She saw Anne's glowing blue eyes, staring just past her and filled with dread.
She felt the box being wrested from her grasp.
She felt her cloak whipping around her as she was lifted off her feet.
She watched as Anne twisted around, flinging her in the direction of the portal.
She saw darkness shroud Anne as Andrias loomed over her.
She saw a blade of fire burst out of Anne's chest.
She saw Anne's eyes, fading from their glowing blue into their normal chestnut brown. She saw pain but at the same time she saw...a resigned peace in them.
She heard Andrias' voice, dripping with venom and condescension.
“Now look what you've made me do.”
She saw tears forming in Anne's eyes while a weak smile played across her lips.
“Good...” Anne managed as she locked eyes with Marcy. “You're safe...”
She didn't even recognize her own voice desperately calling Anne's name as her best friend pitched forward and fell to the floor, dropping the box.
She saw the box open, and her vision was seared by a bright white light...
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waybrights · 3 years
Amfibbya prompts! I'll give you a variety depending on your mood, pick one! (And if I said fluff you can make it angsty and vice versa)
Romantic Fluff: Anne is struggling with an assignment, so she meets Marcy and Sasha at the library.
Romantic Angst: Sasha ends up in the pickle jar alongside Marcy.
Nonromantic Fluff: Sprig makes a social media account.
Nonromantic Angst: The Boonchuys' Thai temple meetup before the most recent one.
okay i actually debated on this for a while but went for some good ol' sasharcy angst <33
marcy always had a plan, it was a fact sasha had figured out pretty early on. everything marcy did had been meticulously planned and calculated so nothing could possibly go wrong. of course, when they were together there as always something bound to go wrong, or push them off the perfectly formed schedule, but marcy had probably planned for that too. she always seemed to know what was going to happen before anyone else did. sasha used to consider it marcy's superpower.
but then the king turned out to be a power crazy lunatic, and sasha knew that marcy hadn't planned for that. it hurt, in all honesty, watching her shoulders tense and tears pool in the corners of her eyes as the king spoke about his plan, how he'd lied from the start and used her blind trust to get what he wanted. (if they ever got out o this, sasha was certain marcy wouldn't be able to trust again, not to the extent she had before).
when sasha got smacked into a wall, only one voice had been able to cut through the haze that had settled over her mind. marcy's cry had echoed through her mind as the world spun above her. the golds and blues of the throne room's ceiling seemed to twist and melt together as sasha slowly blinked, unable to push herself up. wow, he must've hit me hard, she thought to herself, a small huff leaving her body.
she wasn't sure if she dreamed marcy's face above her, a worried expression cutting through the blur. "it's okay, sash, i have a plan. you're going to be okay." her touch was almost none existent, nothing more than a flutter of warmth on sasha's cheek, but she was certain she felt it. "you don't have to cry, we'll be okay. promise," she whispered, her smile wobbling as she looked across the throne room to where the box was. "i just have to go do something real quick, i'll be right back for you, kay?"
sasha didn't even know she was crying until marcy mentioned it. she opened her mouth to say something (whether it was to giggle or tell marcy to be safe she hadn't yet decided), but her friend was already gone, sprinting out of sight like she'd never been there at all.
it felt like hours before anything else happened. it might've only been seconds, but time seemed to stretch on forever as sasha lay there, trying her hardest to keep her eyes open so she could see marcy.
but it wasn't marcy that appeared over her. a large blue head swum into her vision. his mouth was moving, but sasha couldn't hear anything over the blood rushing through her ears. something had gone wrong. marcy's plan had gone wrong, she's not coming back for me.
she definitely started crying then, not even bothering to fight as the king's giant hand wrapped around her waist and hefted her up, hardly bothering to support her swaying head as he carried her out of the throne room. sasha didn't even care that she was probably quite quickly nearing the end of her life. marcy didn't come back for me. her plan failed. but marcy's plans had never failed before, sure there were anomalies she didn't expect, but nothing had ever failed...
"-your marcy thought she was being smart," the kings voice was muffled, but it was certainly him, no other voice made sasha feel both so scared and so angry at the same time. "but you were too far for her to reach, and now you're both to be of use to him," he laughed loudly, and a rough hand came down on sasha's head, ruffling her hair for a moment as something was placed over her face.
she tried to force her eyes to focus, but the room they were in was so dark and the only source of light was coming from behind her. a bright blue light was reflecting against the king's skin, but it was hardly enough for sasha to see anything.
by the time the feeling of being dunked into a vat of freezing cold water had registered, sasha found her hand already taken hold of something warm. it was a hand, she quickly realized, a wet hand, but a familiar one all the same. marcy.
as her grip on reality finally started to slip, sasha tightened her hold on marcy. maybe if she held on as tightly as she could, marcy's hand would squeeze back and she would know, that even in their current predicament, marcy had the beginnings of a plan. marcy always has a plan.
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eerna · 2 years
this might stray a bit from what you're looking for, but the book Into The Drowning Deep essentially has the premise of 'what if that mockumentary about mermaids had actually found mermaids, but the mermaids killed everyone on the ship and the network tried to cover it up'. it juggles an ensemble cast really well while also critiquing the way reality television is willing to throw people into situations that present very real danger to increase viewers at home
emilise284 asked:
An SAO-like death game and media book I'd like to recommend is Dungeon Crawler Carl: everything in a covered space (building, car, etc) is consumed, and the rest of the population can choose to survive on the surface or enter a dungeon (death game) where they have to survive 18 "floors" (basically levels) to win, a popular planetary competition that has happened countless times before on other planets and nobody has won. DCC follows Carl and his ex-girlfriend's cat, some of the first to enter the dungeon.
achromic-red-dreams-doze-angrily asked:
"modern entertainment media and real life" The Circle by Dave Eggers. More of a commentary on social media/privacy but whatevs. As an example of what happens: the main character has sex with someone and then is forced to rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 on a rating app and even though it was shit sex she rates it a 10 bc public perception. This book is one of the main reasons I don't use other social media lmao
leehajoon asked:
this is probably not what you're looking for but i really recommend 1/2 prince (1/2 王子) !!! it's a taiwanese manhua about a girl who plays as a male character in a vr game ,,, she later starts to run into other players she met in the game irl but no one knows it's her 🤧 honestly a pretty chill and good story (at least up until ch 50 or so lol) tbh what sao could've been
Anonymous asked:
a book to look at might be Warcross by Marie Lu? it’s been a while since i read it so i dunno if it’s what your looking for but it is interesting
pyroclastic727 asked:
I don't have a book recommendation but the song Distorted Light Beam by Bastille kinda fits the idea of media and life being inextricable
Woooo thank you all for the recs!! I'll check em out~
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enduracarrotchips · 3 years
Hi I just found your blog and your colors are so unbelievably beautiful
thank you :0000 colours are indeed my favourite part
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lumity-rights · 3 years
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Got this screenshot from a cartoon called Twelve Forever.
Look at the subtitle.
lmaooo ppl have asked if that’s where swimple came from before actually👀
and omg twelve forever!! man i wish it got renewed, i would’ve liked to see where they took it
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nofr1lls · 10 months
9 People You’d Like to Get to Know Better
TAGGING @revieries @pyroclastic727 @tdsierra @rlydsntmttr @eyesopod @groundbreakingdot872 @harriet-chambers @dacergirl369 @lightyaoigami-archive SOME OF U GUYS R NEW MUTUALS IF YOU HATE TAG GAMES IM VERY SORRY you can cope and ignore for this one lmk if u dont wanna b tagged peacenlove. also please do if u want to do this and i didnt tag u well just say i did nobody is checking. and i love everyone
i was almost tagged by @pyjamacryptid thanku ren <4
last song I listened to: rinbu revolution thank you to utena for changing my life
currently reading: well at the moment i am digging thru reddit facebook and other forums/websites/maps/documents for supermarket info for a project. um in terms of books i started reading the new hunger games book a few months ago 4 the purpose of bonding with my little brother and i also stopped 3/4 ofthe way thru a few months ago but its still on my desk. so
currently watching: ummm so i was TRYING. to get a hold of Joy Ride (2023) but i think its too new to be available for free online easily yet :(
current obsession: julian casablancas its complicated i DONT want to talk abt it. and yet.......
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jinxedcatra · 3 years
Fandom ask game: she ra or adventure time
how about she-ra AND adventure time???
this got long so it’ll go under a read more
the first character i ever fell in love with: catra my beloved
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i honestly can’t think of one
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: i had a short-lived glitra phase until i realised i preferred them as a brotp
my ultimate favorite character™: again catra my beloved
prettiest character: and here she comes again catra my beloved
my most hated character: horde prime that bitch ass hoe
my OTP: catradora
my NOTP: anything that ships catra/adora with a man
favorite episode: corridors or save the cat
saddest death: i don’t think anyone dies except shadow weaver and we were poppin bottles for that so i guess nobody?? or maybe the death of catra’s happiness in seasons 1-4
favorite season: 5 because soft catra
least favorite season: probably season 1 even though i still appreciate it, mostly just because the only episode i ever rewatch is promise
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: hmmm i find sea hawk incredibly annoying but i dont hate him and idk what the fandom feels about him
my ��you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: i’m gonna say catra again because seasons 1-4 catra is truly just a trash gremlin going through it
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: BOW!!!! my king
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: the only one i can think of for this is entrapdak but i don’t consider it wrong and nasty it’s just the weirdest ship i’ve ever been down with
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: scorfuma!! my girl scorpia deserves a soft flower gf
adventure time
the first character i ever fell in love with: marceline
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i still like her but sometimes when lsp is going on i’m like girl stfu
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: the only thing i’ve properly shipped from adventure time is bubbline so i guess no answer?
my ultimate favorite character™: it took me a while to think of who it is but at the end of the day probably simon/ice king just for the character arc
prettiest character: marceline duh
my most hated character: gumbald that bitch
my OTP: bubbline
my NOTP: finnceline/fubblegum
favorite episode: varmints!!
saddest death: fern
favorite season: 7
least favorite season: 1
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: jake kinda gets on my nerves sometimes but again i don’t hate him
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: lemongrab
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: finn!!! my dude goes through so much and he deserves his happy ending w huntress wizard
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: probably lumpygrab
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: finn/huntress wizard, jake/lady, simon/betty and fionna/marshall lee
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AYY YOU WERE BORN a few years ago! happy birthday!!
Yes, just a few! 🤣
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