#puzzlevision theory
thehazelmist · 1 month
Mr. Monitor and Mr. Puzzles seem to have suspicious oddly specific similarities...I think.
So, I have paired up Mr. Puzzles and Mr. Monitor for a while now. Simply because they are both have a screen for a head, and are from SMG4. Oh, and also because I love them both! I have drawn them together at some point. But for a while, I only paired the 2 because they have screen heads. I didn't think they were that similar. But I have taken a bit of a closer look at both of them, and I've noticed a few strange similarities.
| Design |
Well, they are both Screen Heads...Obviously. They both have a white long sleeve shirt with pockets. Mr. Monitor has a tie, while Mr. Puzzles has a bowtie. They both wear hats, and they are both quite slender and tall. Albeit, Mr. Puzzles proportions are a bit more exaggerated. And they are both cyborgs, rather than being robots. Mr. Monitor seems much more robotic, but he has human hands. Although his model Is just a generic police officer model with a monitor head, so maybe I'm overlooking that. But In "If Mario was In... Friday Night Funkin 2" He needed to use the bathroom. So It seems he still has basic human needs.
| Name |
I don't know how I haven't noticed this before, but It seems to be a bit of a suspicious similarity...Their names both start with "Mister", and their last names are words rather than names. (Monitor and Puzzles) Now why would SMG4 Give Mr. Puzzles such a similar name to Mr. Monitor...?
| Personality |
Their personalities seem quite different at first glance, But I have noticed a few weird similarities.
They get extremely worked up when you do a certain thing, but then proceed to do that thing themselves. Examples: In the PuzzleVision Movie, Mr. Puzzles got mad that SMG4 swore In his kids rated TV show, and then told the audience (which he called kids) which torture method they should use to punish SMG4 and SMG3. And Mr. Monitor getting mad when someone does something ILLEGAL, and then brutally assaults or kills the "criminal".
They both have an unhealthy obsession with something. Mr. Monitor Is obsessed with taking down anything that Is ILLEGAL, Going as far as to break the law himself. But when he did a minor crime like stepping on grass, he had a breakdown. and I mean, a LITERAL breakdown. he exploded. Mr. Puzzles Is obsessed with PERFECT ratings, so he could have creative control over everyone In his show. and I mean It, PERFECT ratings. In his perspective, a 4.9 star rating Is a 1 star rating. And he would do anything to get It back to PERFECT. ANYTHING. And as we know In The PuzzleVision Movie, he had a breakdown after he was defeated by the SMG4 crew. His last words being "I just wanted to make a good TV show..."
They are both quite lonely. Mr. Monitor treats other Monitors as people, and has a Microwave for a wife. And Mr. Puzzles has said all his life he has struggled to make friends, so he watched TV instead. Although Mr Puzzles doesn't really care, as he Is very egotistical.
They both seem to have anger issues. Mr. Monitor appears to be quite brutal and aggressive to people that break the law. and he doesn't mind hurting a child as we saw In "The Totally Legit Learning Show With SMG4". And Mr. Puzzles Is also pretty violent to the SMG4 Crew after they enraged him by decreasing his ratings.
Andddd, those are the similarities I can think of In the moment. this might all be a coincidence, because Hal Monitor hasn't had a major role In forever.
But I think It would be pretty cool If Mr. Monitor was associated with Mr. Puzzles! Because I love Mr. Monitor! and maybe they would redesign him If It were true? I might draw my own fan design for Mr. Monitor at some point...
I've got a backstory I made up for Mr. Puzzles that explains the similarities, but we'd be here all day If I started rambling about that! And you might be saying...
"There Is no way Mr. Monitor Is connected to the Mr. Puzzles lore! Mr. Monitor Is just a character around for jokes!" And to that I say...Waluigi and Francis.
But you are right In a way, I might just be speculating! Thanks for reading.
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lizaluvsthis · 5 months
True Colors... but it's...
"We'll always be... together forever... right...?"
"What a shame... and here I thought the hero Four himself hated his enemy.
WOULD YOU LIKE OUR NEW ADVERTISEMENT? IT'S CALLED- □○■●○■■○■■●■○■■○■●○■○■●■■●■●■○■■■□■□■●●■●○ ! BUY FOR ■■○■○■■□ GET ONE FOR FREE IN EXCHANGE FOR YO- ■□□□■□■ ^^
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funkii4-blog · 3 months
Something stuck out to me on the Puzzlevision show wiki page that I wanted to bring up here;
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It says PV/Mr Puzzles is presenting specifically the gang’s struggles as shows for entertainment.
This first one had SMG4 as the main character, and it seemed to show two things; 1) his impatience with Mario continuing to grow thinner to the point of him even trying to kill his own avatar and 2) his overall anger issues that have been a frequent notable thing since this whole saga started.
This got me wondering what each next crew member’s specific struggle(s) will be shown off or addressed in PV’s future shows. I don’t know enough in-depth about Meggy or Bob’s characters to make any guesses for them (we don’t even know if Bob will get one based around him at all, the fifth slot could go to Mario for all we know), and my best guess for Tari is it’ll show how she wants to stop cowering and find more of a purpose.
I’m of course most curious about how and what they’ll bring up about SMG3 in the case this line from the wiki means what I think it does. The wiki also says 3 is PV’s primary nemesis, so I wouldn’t be very surprised if his struggles were exploited by him the most out of everyone.
Theres two obvious guesses as to what could be addressed for him; his insecurities and fears of being forgotten/seen as less-than (as mentioned in Trash Friends), and him wanting to be closer to and likely even having a crush on SMG4 (which, just like 4’s anger issues, has debatably been a reoccurring thing this whole storyline.) The former is the more likely to be the case or at least moreso but I can’t help but wonder if the latter will also be acknowledged to a degree. It may even be both, we’ll just have to see what happens.
One last note; since each show of PV’s (including past movies/wotfi) has been each of a different genre, I wonder if the romance genre will be touched upon at any point in this 0_0
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shygirl4991 · 3 months
Mario's Mysteries (Cause im weak)
So it begins ready everyone its show time and i think we are the main characters. Spoilers Theory (at end) and thought of episode
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The first show is here and our stars is SMG4 and Mario while i love the idea of tarot cards movie/TV posters work.
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seems that whatever the Adware is doing is increasing negative traits of our heroes, I mean we know how scary SMG4 can be when mad but what gets me is the font color i could be over thinking it but usually when Four is feeling intense emotions his text isn't so dark
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another show on how this program is increasing SMG4 aggression mostly at Mario, we know that they are best friends but even so Mario can be a bit much making the crew feel irritated at him. This episode seems to really make Four want Mario dead even tho we know if Mario dies the world ends.
Hell yeah its TV time lets dance as puzzle vision isnt brainwashing us at all! You can see at the end of the song Meggy, Tari, clench, and SMG3 are in the void screaming with Bob missing. Given we dont see bob in the weird TV break maybe bob is the next actor for our line up?
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THIS BITCH LOOKED AT US HE KNOWS WE ARE TRYING TO FIGURE HIS SHIT OUT!! Guys i have many emotions from this the adware knows we are watching it makes me wonder if the movie will have to do with us, since he is doing it for the entertainment and he was the one that gave us control of wotfi 2023 from the looks of the room we were in at the end. Im just screaming
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we are still in the basement we never left we are still there arent we? Is Puzzle vision making the crew see themself in a show but in fact they are being puppets to put on a show for our entertainment?
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so we get a link and are able to rate the episode every go check it out and rate this might be important like wotfi lets just hope its not a trap from the adware. I put the link on the photo if you guys haven't left a rating! Alright everyone i now take my break im thinking of taking a week off so i might be back for next episode idk but i will see you guys next time later!!!
Theory The adware knows we are watching it makes me wonder if the movie will have to do with us, since he is doing it for the entertainment and he was the one that gave us control of wotfi 2023 from the looks of the room we were in at the end. So it makes me wonder if he is using us to power up with the rating system and shit since he is TV and his power is all about entertainment what if us giving the love makes Four loose his channel at the end and Four learns that losing his channel he still has his friends and together can beat the adware that be good growth for four and helps three see that the two of them are equals and are friends since he has doubts given how famous four is. Another thought also what if the only way to beat puzzle vision is THE PERFECT VIDEO!!! it has three and four meme powers in it and it wasn't touched by the adware and it's still there in the hole with peach castle. What if the final fight takes them there and three finds it or four. what if the channel then becomes SMG3 and 4 channel and they together run it! another thought im thinking smg3 has to be the one to break free he has been main focus and not to mention three doesn't belong here, he is the king of the graveyard he was never meant to be a character here but we the viewers broke that rule by getting the good ending maybe by getting that good ending we gave the crew a better fighting chance given Three is a stronger guardian since its shown how three uses his powers so causal without a second thought
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alianarepasa · 3 months
Now, before the episode is uploaded, I wanna talk about a theory that I only shared in the Discord server to my friends because I fear I will get it wrong, but it is still a theory that I wanna talk about.
So, based on the teaser posts, we know that the episode is gonna be Blues Clue parody, and they are possibly trapped in a TV Show they are in.
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Well, what if I told you that I believe that SMG4, who is playing as Steve in this "Blues Clue" Parody is NOT the REAL SMG4, rather, it's a faker! ...Let me explain it, and yes, it has "It's Gotta Be Perfect" relation to it, specifically a certain part that would be interesting.
So, the best way I can explain this theory is like this: we know for a fact that in the "It's Gotta Be Perfect" movie, when SMG3 helps and save SMG4 of being trapped in his own desk by trying to finish a perfect video, in which they did before SMG4 sacrifice that perfect video to save SMG3 from a giant demon pit. Well, if you remember the episode "SMG4... are you ok?", SMG3 helps SMG4 to get uncancelled by creating a quality content, and well it worked! Which have me thinking...
If SMG4 and SMG3 work together on making a video, which can result creating a perfect video and gain a lot of views, what if Puzzlevision is using them both, so the TV can create a "perfect show"? I mean think about it. Beside the Western Spaghetti which focus on Meggy and Tari, it seems that most of the time, the TV has the most interest on SMG4 and SMG3 in general, like what kind of TV that is interested on those two alone? Well, I now imagine that not only the TV goes after those people who have the highest of ambition, but I believe the TV is going after people who can create the most entertainment, and it picked SMG4 and SMG3 because...
They're meme guardians (duh), so they're probably have more creativity juices in their mind than any ordinary people or heck, any content creators in general! And...
To the Puzzlevision's eyes, Perfect video = perfect show. A show = entertainment. A Perfect show = a full-on entertainment that everyone will not forget!
This means that the TV probably has the hand on SMG4 and SMG3 in general, and it is now using them to "generate a perfect show" for the audiences to see, while also have SMG4 and possibly SMG3 as the actor as well, but since they are being used to create a perfect show (by trapping them both in the same TV Show world without knowing what's going on or whatever twisted mind that TV has), Puzzlevision creates a fake version of them as like a way to make sure the unsuspected crew who are now trapped in their own TV Show world that nothing is wrong, and it is just SMG4 and/or SMG3's own thing of "creating a content of theirs" in a sense.
So TL; DR: SMG4 and SMG3 are possibly with Puzzlevision, and it is now being used to create a perfect show due to them can create a perfect video, while "SMG4" in the Blues Clue parody with Mario as Blue is a fake version of SMG4.
But hey! That's just a theory, A GA- oh wait, am I still allowed to say this joke? Probably not-
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mushrooming3 · 3 months
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This post is mainly bumping up @shygirl4991 s idea and I hope it's the case, I honestly would like to see these two- or three if clench counts- together.
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minerpore · 2 months
hold the fuck up-
this is a crazy thought
but hear me out
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confettiswirling · 20 days
Hear me out: Brothers
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yagirlyubnub · 21 days
Look as much as I wanna believe Mr. Puzzles CAN be redeemed it oughta be a long ass process
He’s got a lot of people he’s mind controlled and forced into shows, not to mention a certain woomy turned human who was tortured for months, and whatever the FUCK happened in Its gotta be perfect
he should probably see a therapist (cutting off your own head like what) and
(goddammit I want him to talk to waluigi I don’t know why villain to former villain our Wah man can help puzzles PLEASE)
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meg-girumi · 30 days
Mr. Puzzles and Black Hat relation Theory
So, hear me out...
If described in two word: "Mr. Puzzles one of the Black Hats students"
Now let me explain.
1) He wears a black hat. A bowler hat with gray stripe to be exact.
2) He's a villain (obviously)
3) "I cut off my face and put a tv in it's place"
He was a regular human without any special abilities, but after he put TV instead of a head he became almost god-like in digital world (hypnosis, creating stuff, time rewind, muting, ect.) and real one (with 5-stars and temporary). Something tells me it wasnt regular TV...
4) Remote
Mr. Puzzles has the TV remote which affects really and in one of the series of "The Villainous" Dr. Flug shows that he created remote which can literally "control the real life" (It's also appears in the amazing world of Gumball)
I know that it's sounds kinda far-fetched and I don't think that theory is legit, but I decided to point out the similarities. (Do whatever you want with this information)
Don't take this theory seriously... Or do. I don't care
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craftedrabbit · 2 months
Puzzlevison Theory!
So the first image of the next episode was revealed, and it appears that Tari will finally appear as a character in a show. Her Velma design surprised me, but I felt like something else wasn't right.
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It's the eye color.
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It doesn't match.
The hair color, I can see why it would change. But for the eye color, it seems unnecessary to change.
Unless that isn't Tari...
(I might just be looking too far into this though)
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smg-69 · 2 months
I really don’t think Mr Puzzles is dead or gone for good.
We see him pop up out of SMG4’s tv, and we see his head again on the train heading towards Western Spaghetti, so chances are he can pop up out of any television. Therefore, even if Four destroyed the head, Mr Puzzles can probably just possess something else.
We ALSO see him not just as a tv program, but also a computer ad/virus, so he likely has more than one form he can take.
This guy knows how to play his cards right. He knows how to stir up trouble to keep the show going. And he is incredibly good at manipulating people behind the scenes, even to the point of turning Mario and Four into antagonists. There’s no way in hell he didn’t have some sort of back up plan just in case things went wrong.
When Mr Puzzles first appears in the WOTFI, he has already failed three times. The first with possessing Four, the second with Wren’s simulation, and the third with Marty and Mario. Although, these three movies were one hell of a performance, which I’m sure Puzzles enjoyed, it does beg the question as to the motive behind each adventure.
What was end goal behind the possessed keyboard? He had to have known it would cause the creep and possess anyone using it, but what exactly was the creep meant for? How did he create that keyboard in the first place? What would be the point in creating something that could take over and possibly kill himself? So either he expected that the crew would eventually destroy the creep and the castle, or he had something else planned for it.
If Puzzles had already planned to kidnap the SMG4 crew and brainwash them, then what was the point of allowing Wren to stick them in his simulation? If the characters are stuck in there, Puzzles can’t exactly use them for anything. Eventually he’d have to remove some of the crew from Wren in order to puppet them, but doing so would just cause the simulation to crash like it did with Tari. Not to mention, I highly doubt Wren would just let him take his perfect rivalry away from him.
Why did Puzzles go after Three’s notebook? He sent a fax to Marty that was meant specifically to goad him into stealing the notebook, when he could have instead caused a fight over Eggdog or even Beeg. There was a build up of the mystery of Three’s notebook even before Marty got the letter, and if Puzzles didn’t get involved until the fax, why would Three suddenly start showing it around? Is there something in that book that Puzzles wants, and if so, has he been manipulating Three into writing in it for the purposes of narrative buildup or to get the book out in the open?
And finally, what was the point of drawing Four to the Showgrounds? Puzzles can appear out of any tv, so why would he need Four to be in that one specific place to begin with? Why not go after him at Peach’s Castle?
Something that’s also bugging me is that there is no way in hell Puzzles would not have known about the incident with Zero, and subsequently the power of the Meme Guardians. SMG1 and SMG2 are completely absent from the tv shows, despite a lot of the other side characters (Swag, Shroomy, Bowser, the Toads, etc.) being there, likely to keep them from connecting and using their powers to break free. And yet, Three and Four are kept together. Is Puzzles aware that they aren’t as well trained in using memes, or is he just relying on the weirdass tension between the two to keep them from holding hands?
All of this stinks of an ulterior motive other than making the highest rated tv show. Mr. Puzzles is way too smart to have gone down so easily, and I would not be surprised if he came back.
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lizaluvsthis · 2 months
You'll never understand... you'll never understand-
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Context: The more Three went self aware, the more PV manipulated his mind and made him kill...
But he told himself not to kill again... he promised to change...
Now he's right back to where he started.
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funkii4-blog · 18 days
It may be a bit of a stretch but
I think my theory from a few months ago about PV targeting SMG3 could be possible again
So in the newest episode we saw that somehow PV/Mr Puzzles has miraculously already bounced back from the events of the last movie after just a month (no thanks to Mario but that’s beside the point). I’ve already mentioned how I’m fully convinced that he still has evil intentions, and I’m guessing this act of false niceties will continue for a while as he tries to get the gang to let their guard down for him (assuming he’ll keep reappearing for now).
This made me realize, what if this is when he’ll see 3’s struggles close up & take that as a chance to manipulate him as he’s done with past targets.
There was a multi-episode plot just before PV took the gang over where we saw that not only is business with 3’s cafe struggling, but he’s dealing with a list of insecurities about himself; Mario even said in Trash Friends that he could tell 3 actively has fears of being forgotten and seen as less-than. And neither of those subplots got properly resolved before PV’s plot overtook everything.
I know a lot of people thought this was when 3 would get a turn under PV’s control as 4 did back in IGBP, but that wound up not being the case. Even including PV’s simulations we haven’t seen very much of 3 since Trash Friends, and this leads me to believe this could be because they’re saving more major use of him for when his recent unfinished character plot resumes (which is hopefully soon?).
that’s all for now, this has been another one of my insane ridiculous theory ramblings <3
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shygirl4991 · 2 months
a while back i said that puzzle vision went after people with high desire or desperation but what if im wrong ima add another what if that theory i did.
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by not getting a perfect score the episode was considered a flop what if he grants the wishes of those that have a need for perfection? Its gotta be perfect explains itself but Wren wanting to be the best the top having his PERFECT world where he is the splatfest winner and have a good rival to go up against aka Meggy Marty could have wanted to have the PERFECT recipe that would bring him money, something that would keep people coming and not get board of his food. Hell SMG4 getting the showgrounds could have to do with Four wanting to find the PERFECT home for everyone to make up for the mistake he made back in peaches castle. What if what attracts him to our crew is the need to be perfect? To bring the perfect entertainment to the world with a crew that wants nothing more then to be perfect versions of themself
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pony-central · 2 months
The PuzzleVision Theory
Hey, my fellow SMG4 fans and Theorists. I'm here today to talk about something that all of the fandom are trying to work out. The mystery of this PuzzleVision stuff that's been happening. So, let's talk about it. Keep in mind, we're gonna get to the analysis of the SMG34/SMG43 ship, don't worry.
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So, in the trailer for the IGBP movie, we can see that the characters have been upgraded again. TBH, the designs are more nicer. Then we get to the ending of the trailer. We can see just how intense it's gotten. SMG4 looked like he was on the brink of insanity.
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"It's gotta be perfect. It's gotta be perfect! IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT!!!" was the Wham Line of the trailer, as it made him look more terrifying. Speaking of that, we get to the movie itself.
We know that SMG4 was corrupted by the keyboard. And we also see the tiny TV icon asking him to rate their experience after he's free from the grasp of the keyboard. This is our first hint of Mr Puzzles, and his scheme, which makes him the main storyline's villain.
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In the WOTFI 2023 Mission Prep stream, we can see the boys planning the heist to get SMG3's Notebook back from Mario and Marty. What if Mr Puzzles was corrupting Mario to taking the Notebook, too? Well, you'd be wrong.
During the course of the entire WOTFI 2023 special, we find out that Marty was told that there was a secret pizza recipe in the notebook.
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We get a glimpse of Marty's office in the TF2 video, and it doesn't look that menacing, right? Ha ha ha. WRONG! In WOTFI 2023, the place is overloaded with traps and heavy weaponry that can kill anyone who dares to trespass.
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It is at the end of WOTFI 2023 that we get our first real look at Mr Puzzles. We can see that he looks pretty menacing. We'll get more into his depth RN.
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So, during the whole of "No TV Make Mario Not Okie Dokie", the power goes out, and everyone freaks out. The crew all try to find a source of energy, until the end when the power comes back on. Happy ending, right? Ha ha ha. Nope. Turns out that the TV appears downstairs for some reason. But this is important, as it shows us that the next chapter of The Showgrounds Saga has begun.
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The first of five shows is a Blue's Clues parody, which shows us that the crew are being forced against their will to put on a good show. "Mario's Mysteries" is about SMG4 and Dog Mario attempting to "solve" the mystery on where the spaghetti is.
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So we get our first shot of Mr Puzzles in this Five-Episode Mini-series called PuzzleVision. He appears with a red outline, as he plans to make the show as perfect as he can. Huh. Sound familiar? (insert Insane SMG4 here)
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It is here that we get our first clue that everything isn't normal. We see Meggy, Tari and SMG3 all stuck in the basement, shown on the TV screaming, hinting at their release. They want freedom. They demand freedom, to no longer be forced to act as little playthings in Mr Puzzles' shows.
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Next is "Once Upon an SMG4", which has one of the deepest messages ever. The premise of this episode is that SMG3 is the princess, no surprise there, he IS a Tsundere after all. He wants a "Sugar Daddy" to be rich. The songs are great. Near the end, SMG3 says "I wish we could all escape from here", which means he's self-aware of the brainwashing.
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Yeah, Mr Puzzles. A "programming malfunction". It's like he's trying to keep the SMG4 Crew from spilling the televised beans. Which he is, no surprise there.
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The third episode is entitled "Scooby-Mario, Where'd You Go?", which is a Scooby-Doo parody, and not just any Scooby-Doo parody. But a funny parody, and the best one so far. The episode is about Chef Bob going "missing", and the gang have to find him.
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At one part of the episode, we get a glimpse of some type of surveillance room. Here, we see snippets of the episodes playing on about 27 TVs, if you count the TVs hidden in the shadows. Another hint of characters being self-aware.
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Overall, my theory is that Mr Puzzles wants to make sure that at least one episode gets a five star rating. Perfect episodes mean never ending entertainment. I've been wanting to make a post about Mr Puzzles and his antics since WOTFI 2023. But I needed more evidence to support my theory.
But, hey. That's just a theory. An SMG4 Theory!
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