#pushes him into a puddle
crowthis · 25 days
THE BIKES. Choosing to read it as high romance in the vein of 'my love's feet shall never touch the ground'. John's risking his life for a bicycle. He's driving buck everywhere in a jeep. He's tearing off that sheepskin jacket and laying it across every mud puddle in europe for king cleven
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forlorn-crows · 4 months
𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆
just a lil something i tortured @divine-misfortune with last night after he shared this post with me and said "Now hear me out Zeph/aeth and or omega bc they won’t slow down fr a damn second "
and thus i started a doc lovingly called "zephyr/omega go to sleep ya old man"
1263 words of omega misusing quintessence in order to (lovingly i swear) force zephyr to get some rest. yes zephyr will be mad at him later. yes omega is being a lil bit of a bastard. yes i am indulging in my (our) hypnokink, just go with it.
“You’re a stubborn old thing, you know that?”
Zephyr rolls their eyes before side-eyeing the quintessence ghoul, making a face. “Care to elaborate?”
“Been spending a lot of time with those new ghoulettes. When was the last time you slept?” Omega puts a hand on the back of the leather armchair Zephyr is currently seated in, where they were, up until now, engrossed in a text about ancient languages. 
They bite their tongue against the urge to correct him on Cirrus and Cumulus’ names. “I slept last night, there’s no need for your concern.”
“Oh, last night, hm? So that wasn’t the organ I was hearing in the wee hours of the morning?”
“You are as old as this building, Omega, surely you’re aware of the noises that aged pipes make when all else is silent.” 
He tuts. “Far too melodic for old plumbing, Zeph.”
Zephyr grumbles and makes to return back to their book without replying. Omega chuckles, and suddenly his hands are resting on their shoulders, thumbs heavy over the strained tendons on the back of their neck. 
“Why don’t you let me help?”
The air ghoul grumbles again. Slots their small stack of notes along the book’s binding as a makeshift bookmark and snaps the thing shut. They place it onto the table and stare at the fire in the hearth.  
“And why should I let you?” they say to the fading embers. 
Omega hums. “Because you need your rest, you cranky ghoul.”
“I am plenty rested.”
“These knots in your shoulders say otherwise.”
Zephyr closes their eyes and sighs like an exasperated teacher. “And you claim that I am the stubborn one?”
“Come on,” Omega goads them. Telltale magick crackling to life beneath his fingertips. “Doesn’t have to be much.”
Before Zephyr can so much as think about scurrying away with their book, warm quintessence seeps into their bones, the tension held there unraveling from the inside out. Their eyelids flutter, shoulders slumping. Some undignified noise bubbles up from their throat, and they can barely catch their chin from hitting their chest as their head lolls forward. 
“You . . .” They try to protest, tongue too heavy in their mouth to form its usual elegant timbre. Their hands can’t even grip the arms of the chair anymore, cementing them into place and thwarting any chance they had of escaping Omega’s nagging. 
Said quintessence ghoul shushes him, self-satisfied and certainly not even close to genuinely comforting. “There you go. See? Knew you were tired.”
“Hn . . .’m not—”
“You are, look at that sleepy face.” Omega brushes a few strands of hair back behind their horns, their head leaning into his touch without their permission. Zephyr’s eyes are drooping, rolling with the effort of trying to keep them open. Maybe they are more tired than they thought, he didn’t give them that much magick, did he?
Omega coos at them, running his thumb along the base of their horn. “Just close your eyes,” he whispers. 
Zephyr just groans, something close to uh uh, but it doesn’t sound very disagreeing. They’re falling asleep sitting up, and his warm hand against the side of their face does nothing but drag them closer to unconsciousness. Suddenly, they don’t want to get away from him. Magick swirls all syrupy in their veins, and, really, it’s getting harder and harder to have any opinions on the situation. 
Behind them, Omega shakes his head and loops around to the front of the chair, still cradling their head as he kneels between their parted legs. The hands at their sides, having slid off the arms of the chair, twitch towards him. Zephyr watches Omega’s other hand as it comes to hold the other side of their face, eyes slow and delayed as they track its movement. 
“You’d do well to listen to me, you tired old hen,” Omega chides them. He wiggles their head a little, not unlike a chiropractor looking for sore spots. Ensuring they’re close to limp and loose. 
Zephyr just lets him. Has no choice, really. They’d call him a plethora of names later—bastard, unwelcome imp, meddling hypnotist spawn—but the thought of remembering to do so slides away like rain on glass. 
He must sense the fleeting thought behind Zephyr’s glassy eyes, because he adjusts their head again, tightening his grip almost imperceptibly. 
“None of that; you’re being so good, aren’t you? I’m only helping, aren’t I? Little bit of magick to get rid of all those pesky cobwebs between your ears. I know, you’re so tired underneath all those stubborn thoughts. Just takes a nice, kind ghoul like me to help you relax, doesn’t it?” On and on he drones, the words going in one ear and out the other, washing away their own internal monologue and replacing it with his own. They are tired, and an afternoon nap isn’t so terrible, they aren’t really busy. And Omega’s helping them. 
Definitely not using his magick in some smug, actually selfish way, rendering the normally uptight ghoul completely powerless in less than a second. No, it’s completely selfless—a show of his care and concern for Zephyr’s wellbeing. Absolutely not a vehicle to win any kind of argument, not at all. 
Their breathing is slowing now, neck nearly limp in Omega’s hands. Sinking deeper into the fuzzy embrace of sleep. 
“That’s it,” he lilts. “You’re gonna feel so much better, and I won’t even say ‘I told you so.’ How does that sound?” 
Zephyr responds with a long exhale through parted lips, left thigh twitching randomly as the pleasant numbness settles in. 
Omega smirks. “Good.” With one last push of quintessence, he tilts their head just so and watches as their eyes unfocus and fall shut, jaw dropping open with the softest noise as they drift asleep in his hands. The quiet snores follow just seconds later, Omega’s hands the only thing keeping them upright. 
He waits until he’s sure they’re asleep, warming his back against the dying flames while Zephyr slumps in their chair. Only then does he pull back the tendrils of his magick, letting it seep down towards the floorboards as slow as molasses so as not to accidentally rouse them. Thankfully, the library is empty this time of day. Nothing to interrupt the air ghoul’s much needed sleep. 
They’re lax and peaceful now, but Omega’s sure he’ll hear about it when they wake. He laughs to himself at the plethora of elegant insults that come to mind. For now, he takes satisfaction in the way Zephyr’s head lolls back against the chair with the gentlest press of his pointer finger, drool making its way out of the corner of their mouth already. 
“Cute,” the quintessence ghoul comments, smoothing out the wrinkles in his button-down. And then, as a wicked afterthought, he presses the pad of his finger to the middle of their forehead again, sneaking in a cheeky suggestion of a dream wrapped in plumes of balsam and petrichor. Snickering to himself when Zephyr whines quietly and their tail kinks up at the end. “Enjoy,” he whispers, making his exit. 
Omega knows he won’t get any thanks for that—a pity, really, considering it was quite a nice little fantasy—nor will he get any thanks for helping (forcing) Zephyr to get some rest. At the very least, he’ll get a very disgruntled and haughty air ghoul glaring at him for the remainder of the day. 
Omega’s fine with being berated for misuse of magick if it means the poor thing won’t be sleep deprived. Until then, he files away Zephyr’s reaction to it for later.
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pippuns · 1 year
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xuanwu's dumb paper mask is so funny. i want to shove him into a locker
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cryptids · 2 years
thinking abt constructiprowl so much recently they’re so funny honestly...... its like if the most uptight guy ever who snaps at people so much everyone is scared to even approach him was suddenly out of nowhere dating 5 massive sweaty construction workers with dubious criminal backgrounds all at the same time, and everyone who knows him is just like 😧
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paintingraves · 1 year
House's head/Wilson's heart are the most devastating episodes I've ever watched on any TV show. I'm gonna sue David Shore for emotional damage
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timegears-moved · 1 year
no way i just saw someone say that revali barely has any canon substance you just don't get him like i do i know him personally
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creamecream · 10 months
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"You either behave, or I tort you out, naked, on a leash, in front of your dads."
"...oh my gosh, you're into that."
"Shut! Up!"
Levi belongs to @abyssnighthawk
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bardnuts · 8 months
you have to understand my attraction to astarion is not because he's some kind of ethereal beauty. he's microwavable to me. he's dishwasher-safe.
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ziwi-miwi · 1 year
Vanellope: *gets pushed in the mud*
Ralph: OH I'm a dad now
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pinkkittysaw · 9 months
maybe i want clive to bully me a bit 😔
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sansloii · 10 months
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Meta + fashion (Andris)
the nicest way i can refer to Andris' fashion sense is that he's probably very stressed and sleeps with one eye open but his “fuck you” + “i work for the mafia” money makes sure he looks flawless while doing so nsfkjdfsdlfd– outwardly, he tries to walk a line that says “i make money but like…. not a crazy amount” but andris is the type of person that cares a little too much about his appearance… like immensely so. And that tends to translate into the unconscious decisions he makes in terms of dressing.
going to work, he doesn't really dress up more than he needs to ( i.e: a button up or a polo/t-shirt with MAYBE a blazer with slacks or jeans that are very comfortable ) but like. trust and believe that the accessories and shoes this man pairs with his clothes are very purposeful and not just thrown on. he likes to curate his appearance to match the type of personality he exudes.
of course, that isn’t to say that andris doesn’t own like those stupid $50 shirts and $100 pants. he does; he just… doesn’t wear them in his day-to-day because people would notice and they would talk more so than they already do and he knows his personality is… enough. it's 3/4ths stuff that probably doesn’t cost more than 20 dollars that he swears by ( and much of his dress down stuff is around that ) and the other half is the 1/4th is the really expensive, tailor-made stuff he only wears when he's meeting his bosses or if he's attending an event that requires him to look a little more… spiffy, I guess.
andris' favorite accessories to pair with his clothes would have to be his watches. for work, they tend to be subtle to match his outfit but… are still probably disgustingly expensive. They'll look very basic and probably won't have much in terms of precious jewels and the like… but they'll be sleek and that's the most important thing — that they complement whatever he's wearing. He'll occasionally wear simple bracelets and the like in addition or in place of watches ( and throw in a necklace too if he's feeling like it ) but it's not very common. The man likes his watches and it's very obvious.
Another thing Andris will do is wear clothes what his person of interest likes. For example, let's take Ezra ( @soulsxng ). Ezra's preferred colors are deep reds, orange-y fall colors, and the occasional pale blue and so, Andris will try to wear those colors and focus on the colors that complement them really well, like so:
for the darker reds: pair it with navy and golds. maybe a neutral color like black or brown too.
fall oranges: Browns and purples.
Pale Blue: white and greens.
the point is to get Ezra's eyes to stay on him and if they do for any amount of time, Andris considers that good enough for him. Ezra tends to dress kinda casually ( though aya's told me that he may dress up or down a bit with Andris ), and so, Andris' outfits when he's with Ezra (unless he's coming straight from work or taking Ezra out on a date) will tend to match the vibes Ezra has. they'll never be too similar--Andris will just… take it as permission to dress a little more loosely--less sports jacket and more hooded sweatshirts. or button-ups with his sleeves rolled back.
his goal is to keep Ezra's eyes on him. likewise, one surefire way to keep andris' attention is to do the same
@royaletiquette | send META + a word, name, or phrase for a headcanon
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some more ranpos for you
thank u i love him.....
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slicedmangoh · 2 years
John Marston is not a blorbo, that stupid son of a bitch is family
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mayonakano-archive · 2 years
👀omg milgram too.. omg👀
who's your favorite /and favorite song ?
i'm gonna be totally transparent i've only heard a few songs and have only watched Muu's first MV so uh. most of what i know of characters is secondhand and i don't even know about most of em </3
Haruka was my favorite!! then the whole. second mv thing happened and like. boy ily but stop. get some help. now its fuuta. he's my pathetic meow meow <3 (i still love haruka tho)
my favorite song is Muu's first one!!! After Pain my beloved <3 I also rlly like Umbilical and Haruka's first one that I can never remember the name of for some reason
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I hate this character but if you hurt him I will END YOU
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poptartmochi · 3 months
OH. I got so caught up in the nero spiral I didn't even mention the redraw ideas 🌋🚶🏻‍♀️
#it struck me that it would be so easy to translate the mv to leetle mees gioia#in the beginning it would be baby gioia playing the organ and one of the cuts would be the empty audience. she messes up and trashes the#stage in anger. she throws the door open and steps through it slightly older now + in novice order gear. the claws have sunk in now yk!#and when she runs away from the camera‚ the scene switches to the forest where the abandoned church is#and she's older still‚ in disheveled uniform - knees soiled with dirt. the bust is of her father + she pushes it off the column‚ breaking it#she stays the same when the camera flips - running from the broken bust of her father (thinking she is to blame for his death) but Also from#cella off-screen! i imagine this set could be ripped from the one in 4 +she just throws herself down one of the sets of stairs from that map#the neon part of the mv i think would instead be in blacks and whites‚ and i think the exit signs would be those horror style eyes instead#anyways this part would feature the gioia right before she meets vergil‚ donned in her mourning reds yk. (although it being BW‚ you wouldn't#be able to tell 🤪) and the library here is ofc where the one where she begins stalking him 😭😭#when she runs through the doors‚ she'd be in her proper presequel fit and I think things would quickly flash by in the background#as she ran further and further across the steps. which would be the energy swords 🤪 because vergil brought her to the end! ���#anyways i think her feet are bleeding as she does this since her story Is supposed to end with blood loss.#but then the energy swords give away and she starts falling 🚶🏻‍♀️#i think when she flips over so she's falling face-first to the end‚ that she does it with the crumbling labyrinth flying past her + maybe#even the snakelike form of haagenti framing it all? anyways as she falls‚ blood flies past her like rain.. but in reverse.. she's getting#closer to the clouds ykwim.. and as the end approaches and she gets closer to the camera‚ the downpour gets stronger until she's basically#covered in it + closes her eyes. then BAM blackout with the tf2 cracking noise 🫀 slow fade-in to her blood puddle on the ground‚ credits#roll‚ footsteps quietly approach until a pair of boots enter the frame.. drawn out and uncomfortable silence‚ contrasting the hectic action#from earlier. finally‚ with an agitated click of the heel‚ the boots leave the frame. BAM!! 🌋#this is my vision 📚#sriracha.txt#nero prime#fortuna presequel
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