#push to release
mk3947 · 1 year
Push to release mechanism, type 1. It can be used as a DIY kit. If you have a 3d printer, and want to try something, maybe it can help you. More: https://www.tanerxun.com
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title · 28 days
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You're not made for human eyes.
Josh O'Connor as Arthur La Chimera (2023), written & directed by Alice Rohrwacher
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witch--btch · 7 days
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Wind Breaker Pop Up Store Collections
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writer-room · 6 months
Honestly the funniest thing about TDP to me is that Rayla for some reason always thinks Callum isn't 100% ride-or-die with her on any given situation. Seriously, she could decide she's jumping off a cliff and he'd do it too--oh wait.
I get that half of it is 'protecting' him but like. Girl he has been ready to die and kill for you since the first snake chain incident. It has not lightened up since. In fact its gotten worse. She's his special little guy and if anything happens to her he will kill everyone in the room and then himself. She physically cannot ever sacrifice herself for anyone because Callum WILL be following her straight into the afterlife in no less than a minute. I'm fully convinced he can and would go even further than Claudia and he'd barely have to think on it for five seconds before shrugging like "damn this sucks, can't believe I have to turn evil" "you literally don't have to--" "no I'm gonna"
And honestly I think that's peak teenagers first girlfriend behavior.
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drawthething · 4 months
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You know that weird tradition that happens to me twice a year when I'm done with my stupid finals and internalize all of my pent up art energy of 3 weeks to churn out a doodle dump?
Well I was going to but then some sea monster hunting concept's popped up in my head lately so here we are. Might dive more into this AU some time soon but here're the Belchers kids ♥️
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
What's the story with the star spears in the galacta knight and starstruck drawing?
haha. well that is the question, isn't it?
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maraschino-girl · 6 months
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one of the covers for the fifth (?) issue is just too fucking good WHAT THE FUCKSJSJKDJ
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kaguyass-houraisan · 2 months
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Thoughts and Prayers 🙏 for episode 7
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rawliverandgoronspice · 10 months
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This is blood he's meant to step in. This is the road he was born to walk.
(my first actual attempt at a canon-compliant OoT Ganondorf yeee I Greatly Suffered)
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The fact that Taylor has released the same amount of albums under Universal/Republic in less than half the time when she was with Big Machine, really makes me wonder about all of the potential things she could’ve done if instead of having to fight tooth and nail for everything, they had granted her more creative freedom and trusted her.
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winnie-the-monster · 11 months
Please come back to me…..I miss you so much
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holocene-sims · 6 months
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just a guy and his snowpal ⛄❄️
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fizzymilkcan · 4 months
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Happy anniversary dialtown (and what would have been the sucker for love: date to die for release day)
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
day 7:
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magic-the-girlbossing · 2 months
I've recently been cooking up a Rowan, Scion of War deck and one of the things that struck me while I was thinking about the way I wanted to win with the deck is how perfect Crackle with Power is as a wincon for her and the way that perfectly integrates her function in gameplay with her character and motivation in the Wilds of Eldraine story.
For a primer, here are the cards that I'm talking about:
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Rowan, Scion of War taps to reduce the cost of all red or black spells you cast by X, where X is the amount of life you've lost this turn.
Crackle with Power is an X spell that deals five times X damage to each of up to X targets.
The synergy is obvious. Most of the time, a Crackle with Power that is sufficiently charged can instantly win you the game, and, provided you lose enough life to make it worth your while, Rowan can give the spell the power it needs.
Will and Rowan's conflict in Wilds of Eldraine come down to their views on power: both its meaning and the justification of its use. Will's power, at least in Rowan's perspective, is almost entirely ephemeral. He holds the crown — the position of High King — but to Rowan, this power isn't anything real. He hopes to be the figurehead: a king in name who brings together the divided world in a time of strife.
(Quotes below from Wilds of Eldraine Chapter 1 by K. Arsenault Rivera)
"The Realm needs a High King; I did what I had to do... We have to be careful about the impression we're making. People want to be united, and I want to unite them."
Rowan doesn't think he can do it. Rowan believes that the only form of power that people will respect is action; she sees Will's focus on unity as inaction.
"Let them be afraid. I doubt any of them will be raiding the countryside any time soon with the beating we gave them. I'd rather have a thousand brigands living in fear of me than a dozen farmers living in fear of brigands... "Our parents wouldn't ignore a curse that's spreading through the kingdom. Or is 'unity' going to solve the Wicked Slumber, too? And before you forget, our parents earned their titles. You just decided to call yourself High King because you thought it suited you."
She knows she has power — real power — and is frustrated that Will won't let her use it to address the problems at hand.
Rowan's intentions are good — or at least they adhere to a morality. She wants to prevent people, especially Will, from suffering, wants to end the Wicked Slumber, wants Eldraine to be at peace, but doesn't think that any of this can happen if she is unable to utilize her full power. She feels the incessant need to take action, to demonstrate power, to invoke fear and hurt to attain the good that she seeks.
Crackle with Power demonstrates the pinnacle of this philosophy in Rowan's experience. It represents an action she took on impulse, pushing herself through fear and pain, yet still fueled by her own righteousness.
(Quotes below from Strixhaven Chapter 5 by Adana Washington)
Rowan felt a cold anger rising from somewhere inside her—rage, overwhelming the fear and the pain. She couldn't win, but she could hurt the one who did this... The Snarl hung in the air, still brilliant, even in crimson. Still rippling with power. Rowan took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and reached out.
And when she reached into The Snarl, took its power with the goal of bringing punishment upon those that would cause her and her brother harm, it was incredible.
She felt the power rushing through her, power like she had never dreamed. It felt, in that moment, that she could do anything; mountains would crumble before her, cities burn, oceans boil. She hardly noticed as her feet left the ground, wind swirling as if the air itself feared her. And it should, thought Rowan. Everything should.
This moment may not be the beginning of this pattern of thought for Rowan but it is a very pronounced one. She seized power when it was available, and took action when it was most needed, and the result was that she got exactly what she wanted. It's no wonder that after that she would hope to do it again.
And so Rowan leaves Will behind to go on her own journey: an angry, impulsive journey that sees her tempted to become the thing she swore she would destroy, only for the hope that she could once again use her power. For the greater good. At any cos.
Crackle with Power sees Rowan acting impulsively, with cruelty, with anger, to do something that she feels is right. In its mechanics, Rowan, Scion of War sees this moment and says "this is what I need to do, and I will pay anything to make sure I can do it."
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cherrise-rose · 7 months
imagine a small town having an annual mechanical bull riding contest but for overdue pregnant people
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