tanookitalez · 8 months
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loving family unit mario and vivian
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paperpeachy · 6 months
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two of them 🐈🐈
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more anon reqs tysm for sending these in !! i have one more left but i'll save that for tomoz, feel free to send more until then ^_<
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kaekolormore · 1 year
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learning how to draw the partners..
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catluniscia · 1 year
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Punio! From Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door! the Punis are so cute! I love them dearly!
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asheternal · 2 years
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paper friends
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rz-jocelyn · 2 years
wait i just read something sad but would like to confirm - is Punio still around? 🥺
Hiya! :D
Your suspicions are probably correct *sniffles*
Punio passed away in 2020, and you can read a translation of Ryuji's Tweet about it: HERE
Prior to announcing it on Twitter, Ryuji actually talked about Punio's passing during the first day of "The Brow Beat Live Tour 2020 Adam" but told the fans not to say anything outside of the hall until he was ready to tell the rest of us directly from he, himself.
The night before his passing, Punio was still playing with Mochio, and when Ryuji took Punio to have him checked out by the vet, they didn't know why he had passed away. He was still young (only 2 years old) and was healthy and well.
Fan reports from the performance also mentioned how Ryuji talked about his regrets that he didn't do more for Punio and also expressed his longing for Punio to come back to life. During that performance, he dedicated "Tourou Nagashi" to Punio.
Fans also speculated that Ryuji was likely observing the 49th day of Punio's passing when, at the end of "Suiren" during the final performance for "The Brow Beat Live Tour 2020 Adam", he softly whispered, "Good night."
NOTE: In Japanese tradition, the 49th day of someone's passing indicates the end of the mourning period.
In an interview he did after his announcement of Punio's passing on Twitter, he mentioned how, when he first lost Punio up to the point he announced it on Twitter, every time he thought of Punio, he'd cry. And, Mochio, who had just lost his big brother, would cry out loudly for Ryuji whenever Ryuji showered (which left Mochio alone in the room).
Rest in peace, Punio, and may he watch over Ryuji, Mochio and Miruta from kitty heaven ♥
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park-tokyo · 1 year
【 NEWS 】 2023年4月5日(水) PARK GALLERY ポッドキャストラジオ『耕耕』はじまります
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4月5日(水)より、PARK GALLERY ディレクターの加藤淳也がパーソナリティを勤めるポッドキャストラジオがスタートします。タイトルはラジオ『耕耕』。 根無し草のような状況からフリーランスの広告ディレクター、編集者としてクライアントワークを行うようになってちょうど10年とちょっと。そして東京の末広町で住居兼ギャラリーを構えて7年を迎えるこの時に、すこしだけ自分のことを話してみたいと思ったのと、この10年でたくさんの素晴らしいクリエイターやアーティストに出会って、この場所で交流してきて気づかせてもらったアレやコレを、共有できたらと思っています。 PARK GALLERY のスタッフで北千住で同じく住居兼ギャラリーを運営する PUNIO の星野蒼天くんをアシスタントに呼んで、だいたい毎週水曜日の夜に更新していく予定です。 以下、聞き方と、番組紹介です。 https://lit.link/radiokoukou ----- 東京・末広町『パークギャラリー』から明日のカルチャーを耕すインターネットラジオ『耕耕』。 文化を耕すことは、暮らしを耕すこと。 ラジオ『耕耕』は、毎日の暮らしに必要不可欠とも言えるカルチャーをより深く楽しんでもらうための30分のトーク番組です。 『アート』や『ものづくり』、カルチャーの発信基���とも言える『場づくり』をキーワードに、ギャラリーでの日々の営みで感じたこと、考えたことや、様々なクリエイター・アーティストと長年にわたって交流して気づいてきたこと、種を蒔くように話していきます。 すぐに役には立たないけれど、いつか必ず実がなるようなそんなラジオを目指していけたらと思います。 アートに興味があるひともないひとも、楽しんでもらえるかと思います。ぜひ聞いてみてください。 ---- パーソナリティ:加藤淳也(PARK GALLERY) アシスタント:星野蒼天(punio) スタジオ:PARK GALLERY http://park-tokyo.com 4月5日より毎週水曜日に更新予定です。 ----- キービジュアル:北野有 https://yukitano.wixsite.com/website ----- 【 SNS フォローよろしく 】 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/koukou_radio/ Twitter https://twitter.com/koukou_radio
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hoodie-prince-kid · 1 year
that little baby man vid but it's the ttyd crew with Punio sitting in the pot
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suppermariobroth · 5 months
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In Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, some characters, such as Professor Frankly, Punio or Flavio, temporarily join Mario and follow him around. During normal gameplay, each of them follows Mario for less than a chapter, and at the end of the game, he has no temporary followers.
However, if glitches are used to skip the plot points where the followers would leave Mario, he can keep them indefinitely. If this is done until the end of the game, then the follower will appear in the credits, floating in the darkness behind the screenshots.
Note how Frankly, who was kept until the end of the game in the footage, is briefly visible behind the screenshots as they fade out and back in.
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Source: youtube.com user "SolidifiedGaming"
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misschimotosuwa-blog · 6 months
@bramble-scramble @altermentality
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gildedicicle · 1 year
So, I've reached Oathbringer for my third or fourth reread, and have just finished Chapter 37, The Last Time We March. As far as I remember, it is the only chapter in the series from Lunamor's PoV. And it's just so, SO good!
Even though I'm sure that Rock is widely loved by the fandom, he isn't really a character that is often spoken of by fans, and I think that it's because he largely feels like comic relief. He's loud and boisterous, often seen delivering playful insults to the other men of Bridge Four, as well as being a non-combatant. While he is undeniably part of their core, their very soul, and often provides wisdom, he is easily sidelined by other characters im the crew.
But then comes this chapter, and just... Everything about it.
It's about the way he understands people. The way he sees the needs of his fellows, and readily adapts to meet them. It's about the way he is willing to accept the greatness of something unknown, even if it defies long held traditions he holds dear, as is shown with Punio and the shiki(?). It is about how he knows and accepts Renarin's need not to be pushed into talking, but accepted and guided into understanding himself better. It is about how he helps Skar reach his potential. It's about his care for Hobber, whom he considers a subpar cook, but still wants as an assistant, and how he desires for him to suck in the Stormlight, and his pride in the man when he manages to do just that. It's about his respect for the spren. About his way of speech. About his deep love for his family, both the ones of his blood, and the ones of his burdens.
It's about how he knows that the most important tenet of war is understanding your enemy. Even if the enemy is his friends, and the battle is about how to best serve them cold drinks and warm stew, after a long day spent claiming the skies.
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realness-remade · 6 months
No character designed will ever go as hard as punio
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evajellion · 2 months
Paper Mario TTYD roleswap AU
hypothetical drivel I'm putting here for funnies- pretty cut and dry, basically an alternate universe similar to the ones I've seen for Super Paper Mario, except all the party members swapped their roles while retaining their personalities
the AU is gonna include Hudson due to the uneven amount of party members, so I'm sorry, ppl cannot escape the 🐝
Peach <--> Mario
Actually no real changes to their character here, other than Mario being the kidnapped one that gets used as a vessel by the X-Nauts. Allows for more interaction since Peach isn't stuck with the "silent protagonist" curse.
Koops <--> Goombella
Koops is a meek explorer following in the foot steps of Kolorado. His father lives in Rogueport and often tells tales about the Crystal Stars, which encouraged him to go ask around.
Goombella is a spunky heroine who wants to save her old teacher, Professor Frankly, who went missing after touring a class near the castle in Petal Meadows. (the dragons all switched places in this)
Mini-Yoshi <--> Flurrie
Mini was an egg found by Jabbis, hatched and raised in Boggly Woods. He's very aggressive toward anyone who wants to harm his adoptive family, so he's pretty pissed off when he learns the X-Nauts allied themselves with the Punies. (Jabbies and Punies switched places here too, but Punio and Jabble are still friends)
Flurrie is a former wrestler from the Glitz Pit who retired, but had the spark reignited in her when she learned about the "identity thefts" happening. After which, she reenters the spotlight and travels with Peach, inspired by how tough she is under her ladylike demeanor.
Bobbery <--> Vivian
Bobbery is a grave keeper living in Twilight Town. There is a curse that drains the life energy of just about everyone in the village, thanks to a monster living in the Creepy Steeple. He hasn't left his hut ever since his wife's passing, but after seeing Peach's plight, comes out of his shell to aid the Princess who lost all her allies to the curse.
Vivian is a Shadow Siren with a heavy emphasis on the "siren" part. She uses water magic to crash the ship that Peach and the others are traveling on, in order to guard Keelhaul Key. She changes her mind later on, unable to tolerate her sisters cruelty toward others.
Ms. Mowz <--> Hudson
Ms. Mowz is an actress who starred in films adapting romance novels. She was waiting for her next big hit playing in Poshley Heights when she saw shenanigans happening on the Excess Express, and noted that Zip Toad was acting strangely.
Hudson is the infamous "Honey Syrup Thief", a bumbling burglar who is wanted throughout Rogueport. She has her own shop when she's not playing the role of thief, where she supplies ingredients to others… the X-Nauts are usually her most frequent target.
Grodus <--> Crump
Lord Grodus is the second in command of the X-Nauts, his body mostly consisting of cybernetics, which he can use to attach himself to robotic creations. Compared to his leader and the other minions, he's overly serious and ambitious. He doesn't stand for his own failures.
Sir Crump is the leader of the X-Nauts, but is strangely laid back. He makes it pretty clear to Mario that he wants to use him as a vessel to take over the world, rather than hiding it from him.
Beldam <--> Marilyn
Largely the same, but their abilities have swapped (ice and lightning) and Marilyn uses her large stature to push Beldam around, who is nothing more than a sniveling snitch and a coward instead of a scheming manipulator.
They also have no ties to the X-Nauts, unlike the original game.
Doopliss <--> Grubba
Doopliss is a Duplighost who thinks identity theft is so cool that he's going to steal the abilities of the strongest wrestlers in the Glitz Pit after imprisoning them.
Grubba meanwhile, is a Spike who drains the essence of everyone living in Twilight Town for the sake of keeping his youth.
Neither Doopliss nor Grubba join forces with the Shadow Sirens after they are defeated and Vivian abandons, due to their parts in the story. Instead, Sir Crump willingly hires the two of them to work with Grodus after learning what happened in their encounters with Princess Peach.
Luigi <--> Bowser
Luigi is now the one with random intermissions, trying to locate his brother.
Bowser goes on his own adventure with party member partners and rather than kidnapping Peach, tells her everything that has been going on… well, his twisted version of events, at least…
idk what to do with Flavio and Rawk Hawk, maybe we'll make them switch places /j
or they can stay as they are since they are fan favorites
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janichroma · 1 year
hi, big fan of references here. friends call me big joe reference. anyway, in the sheridan help center quest where you steal from kecleon, a dialog option you can get is labeled "Guess again, nerd!". is this a reference to the hit game Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door where you can tell Punio "Guess again, nerd!" when he asks if you're really not bullies at the start of chapter 2
yes lmao
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silverjirachi · 6 months
Hello, trick or treat!!!
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Punio from Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door
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*places him in your hand so gently*
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