#pt has ocs
froggiefrond · 3 months
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Oc time, my precure oc Maya and her mom!
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 05
It might be objectively funnier if no one knows Fluent Freshman’s first name (even me because there’s some funny ideas but nothing as funny as “UNKNOWN” Smith) aside from Wymack.
Even the announcers just refer to him by his last name (maybe his first name is very foreign and hard to pronounce, maybe that’s why he got into foreign languages, maybe it’s so bland that the announcers just can’t his full name without yawning, maybe it’s just that someone else on the Foxes has the same first name so there’d be confusion, who knows) This only occasionally creates confusion because the Terrapins and the Ravens both have someone with the same last name as him.
Either way after one-two hit confidence crushing combo of the CVS girl knowing he has tummy trouble and the conversation with Neil where Neil asks about his stomach ulcers FF utilizes all of his years of learned behavior to fully fade into the background. Wallflower? No man I’m Wallpaper you cannot see me.” This has unintended consequences.
1. He has become undetectable which means that he is now, once again, hearing all sorts of relationship talk but now it’s not just between Captain Neil and Andrew Minyard and their surprisingly soft private life.
He is subjected to Nicky gushing to Erik in German. He has to listen to Kevin talk to someone named Jean in French (he only finds out later that they’re NOT dating but it sounds like date talk...though most of his experience is listening to Captain Neil and Andrew Minyard loving say they hate one another so maybe he has a bad pool of knowledge.) Matt, Aaron, Jack, and some of his other freshman players all speak in English but CHRIST he wishes it was in any language he doesn’t know. (If he hears Jack say ‘Yeah sure whatever Babe.’ one more time HE’S going to slap the asshole for being so dismissive to his girlfriend.)
2. He has become objectively better at being a defensive dealer because other teams just kind of don’t notice him and pass right to him. Kevin wants to study him on what about him makes him so adept at causing unforced errors in objectively better players. Fluent Freshman, having been yelled at by Kevin more than once, takes the moment Kevin’s eyes are diverted by Captain Neil saying something and just slides out of his seat into a different seat (Middle of the bus. The least noticeable section) and puts up his hoodie and pretends to sleep. (he does not. what if he drools? It’s already hard enough getting sleep in a room with two roomies. He got to campus earliest so that he could claim a top bunk so no one could see him even if heights make him nervous.)
3. Since he has become undetectable that means that Andrew Minyard and Captain Neil have a hard time detecting him. So he has not had to endure their silent judging company. He is sure that Andrew is waiting for him to slip and he’s also sure that Captain Neil thinks he’s stupid. No other freshman gets as much homework help from the Captain as he does. Still, he doesn’t have to sit in the silent knowledge that they both dislike him enough that they want him to know it. HIs ulcers are starting to get better and the girl at the CVS (He’d have to have a whole conversation to change where his prescription is filled and he’d rather die) didn’t even recognize him when he came in for a refill on his prescription or note that he was buying pepto bismol again.
This means that Neil has come back with slumped shoulders and uneaten snacks the last five times he’s gone for his usual hangout. They are never planned hangouts it’s just that FF is always in the same 3 locations because there are only so many spots on campus where your back is completely secured and that weren’t so intimidating to go into (The library is terrifying. What if he sneezes???) and for the last two weeks Andrew has been unable to find FF outside of practice either.
(It has to be stated that FF is in the EXACT same spots as before but he is in stealth mode and therefore only visible if you are a mantis shrimp.)
Andrew Minyard does NOT like this. FF is THE singular tolerable teammate. Andrew likes the decompression time  he gets when him and FF sit in quiet and do their own things. FF never asks for his attention but occasionally offers him good german literature recommendations for every stage of literacy ever since Andrew had mentioned wanting to get better at the written language so he wouldn’t have to rely on Neil or Nicky when the Monsters vacationed there next summer. He doesn’t call people friend easily but FF is a friend.
So it’s incredibly irritating that for the last two weeks he’s been completely unable to grab that friend and ask what the hell is going on. The Foxes have histories and it wouldn’t be the first time a Freshman’s past caught up with them or that one of them had something set them back into old survival habits. It’d happened with Matt, it’d happened with Aaron and Andrew, it for SURE happened with Neil, Sheena’s coping mechanisms had been the bane of Andrew’s existence the year before, some of the other freshman had setbacks this year and a few players over the years have had to leave due to the very circumstances that gave them a home with the Foxes. Andrew had never really cared as long as his people were fine.
It’s just that Andrew actually kind of cares about this Freshman, he considers him as someone who could be one of his people.
Which is why Andrew will keep stalking the campus around FF’s preferred haunts until he grabs him.
Andrew catches him outside of stealth mode (He had been using a urinal that is NOT where you don’t want people to notice you) and grabs him by the scruff. “We’re taking a drive.” he says and FF just sort of goes limp and lets himself be dragged off.
He hopes that he can write his grandma a letter telling her how much her love and care over the years meant to him before Andrew kills him. He’d even take if Andrew would only let him write it in his own blood.
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Per your requests:
@i-have-three-feelings, @blep-23
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sporeservant · 5 months
Get to know your Dark Urge!
It's time to get to know your Durge! Below are some "get to know you" questions about the current or favorite Dark Urge of anyone who would like to participate. As always, feel free to skip any questions that don’t strike your fancy or apply to your character by marking them with an “X”.
I cant wait to get to know your characters!
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General Questions:
What is their preferred combat style? 
What is their favorite weapon?
What (or who) would they do anything to save? 
What (or who) would they do anything to destroy? 
What keeps them up at night? 
What brings them peace? 
What is their greatest asset? 
What is their achilles heel?
What does their voice sound like? 
What do they smell like?
What do they take pride in? 
How would they spend the last night of their life? 
How does someone get on their good side? 
How does someone get on their bad side? 
What is the best and worst memory they’ve formed since they escaped the Illithid ship? 
If they could change their ancestry and choose to live another life, would they? What path would they take? 
If they had the option to restore their lost memories, would they? 
Which companion was the first to learn of their dark urges? How did this individual find out? 
Are they secretive, or open about their dark urges? Why? 
In the words of our resident bag o' bones (Withers), there are two paths the Dark Urge must choose from: "the heart of a savior," or "the mind of a murderer." Which path does your character take?
The Heart of a Savior: 
What is the cost of resisting their dark urges? How does resistance impact them over time? 
How do they find the strength to resist their dark urge? 
What are their motivations for resistance?
To their memory, have they ever succumbed to their urges? 
To their memory, have they always taken the path of resistance, or did something change their mind? 
The Mind of a Murderer: 
Do they succumb to the urge of free will? 
What do they gain from taking a life? 
To their memory, which kill did they most savor? 
To their memory, have they ever resisted the urge? 
To their memory, have they ever regretted taking a life?
Is there anything else you'd like to share? Feel free to include art or a screenshot of your Dark Urge if available!
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@baldursgrave69 , @feraelancunin , @coolseabird , @sleepymrshmllow , @sardoniqueen101 , @xxjester420xx , @taversgate3 , @lilly-frost , @tavsboots , @coolseabird , @yesistolethisurl , @jerirose , @mymilkprince , @haeluin , @whenwindwhispers , @kissupandshutme
And anyone who would like to participate!
Text divider credit @saradika
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smalltimidbean · 5 months
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I finally finished Bugsnax
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filurig · 8 months
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amasdoodles · 5 months
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theres a lot of fun imagining of like, a regency au in the pwotr server, and @spyridonya said her oc kadee would dance with layla and i. was in a mood to draw dancing. so here we are
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funky-dealer · 1 year
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hi chat Have this little animation i made in ibis last night of my oc bc i couldnt sleep
rbs > likes
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gingerbravecookie · 1 year
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hhhell yeah baby we arw fucking COOKING TONIGHT
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house-of-mirrors · 4 months
me wondering why I'm feeling so grumbly tonight then remembering ah, the chronic pain disorder and physical therapy was rough
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
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[NC_RES]-31102049-EUR-GER scharfenberg_g_portraits_025_LC_ULST.file ///core:_ryder_von_scharfenberg.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
This set has also been sitting in my drafts for quite a while. Why am I like this? Wish I had used rt/pt option during the shoot — I do not like that lighting here that much anymore, but it is what it is: my third attempt for Blade Runner vibez with Ryder.
The fine rain was added via photoshop since I'm still too dumb to get good rain in this game on pictures. You'll spot a few bigger raindrops here and there that are from the game. Idk, what he's seen or heard but it certainly got his attention, so that he stopped smoking now ready for looking into it.
I lso do like you can see a bit more happening in the background — there's actually citizens around and the atmosphere I made look quite foggy (thanks to black smoke), adds something to it.
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froggiefrond · 1 year
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Sone recent art of my precure oc cure ribbon and her civilian form + fairies ✨💖 🎀
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 13
“I can’t believe you would go out on Black Friday to grocery shop but I guess thanks for going out on Black Friday to grocery shop.” Aaron greets him with as FF moves over to the table.
Andrew and Captain Neil had apparently went out shopping.
Andrew and Captain Neil had apparently come back and have been in Andrew’s room for the past couple hours.
“Josten probably wanted to go to Excites for some gear. I don’t know what my brother sees in that Exy-obsessed jerk.” Aaron says as he eats his own smiley eggs and bacon. FF hears the sound of a hammer and a drill from Andrew’s room.
Heart in his throat he forces himself not to think about what Andrew and Captain Neil COULD be building.
(A guillotine, an iron maiden, that weird wedge thing that splits people in half at the groin, He should NOT have taken that Spanish history class. Oh god it’s probably a fence so he can’t escape whatever hunting ground Andrew is going to drag him to if he can’t buy his continued existence via baked good.)
“Shut up, they’re actually really sweet to one another.” Nicky chastises before turning to FF, “Because of that your final serving goes to Smithy. He deserves it more than you.” Nicky says and slides the final plate of eggs and bacon.
“He’s just as bothered by it as I am!” Aaron scowls.
“By what?” FF asks because there are a lot of things that bother him so Aaron is going to have to be more specific.
“By those two being all close. I’ve seen the way you turn and walk away.” Aaron reaches across the table for his bacon but FF just pushes the plate closer to him. The two plates he had already eaten were more than enough, especially after the full dinner that they’d had the night before. “You’re grossed out by it too right?” He asks as he goes to stab the bacon.
FF slides the plate away and Aaron stabs the table.
His gran raised him better than that.
“I don’t agree with you.” He says because he doesn’t but can’t bring himself to say anymore. He’s in Aaron’s house, he stole Aaron’s keys that morning to lock up the house.
(it was so rude but what if someone broke in because he left the house unlocked? What if someone got hurt just because he wanted to ensure his own survival? Isn’t it better that he just borrowed Aaron’s keys to make sure that no one in the house got hurt? Does FF still believe with every fiber of his being that Andrew Minyard is trying to murder him in this exact house? Yes. Can these concerns coexist peacefully? Also yes.)
If anything he finds Captain Neil and Andrew to be an incredibly nice couple. They talk about things together, they make plans about their future, their PDA was actually pretty minimal (especially in comparison to Aaron), and he had figured out the weird code Andrew talked in so he was pretty sure that Andrew and Neil loved one another.
The only issue he has with the couple is that they are out at a store probably buying supplies to torture and then kill FF.
Otherwise they were perfectly fine.
Aaron scowls, “You can’t be serious. You walk away faster than you run on the court when you see the two of them getting all gross.” He points with his fork and tries to grab the bacon again.
FF frowns deeper.
“I walk away even faster from you and your girlfriend.” He returns because Aaron and Katelyn are the couple who have been the MOST guilty of initiating something in front of him when he was in ‘Visible only when the sunlight strikes him at the exact right angle on the summer solstice’ mode.
 He had tried to clear his throat to get them to quit quite a few times but…well…he has heard Katelyn mention that one of her and Aaron’s favorite ‘hang out’ spots might be haunted….so he hadn’t been overly successful.
“PDA makes me uncomfortable in general. Captain Neil and Andrew are a very nice couple who you shouldn’t talk bad about.” He defends as one of the only people who would know exactly how thoughtful the two were to one another.
He hopes his Gran is proud of him for saying something.
Aaron looks at him with a twisted mouth for a while before relenting, “Fine they’re not that bad. It’s just a big brother thing.” Aaron rolls his eyes.
FF swallows down some acid in his throat and pushes the smiling eggs and bacon over to Aaron who smiles back at the breakfast and proceeds to eat it.
A big brother thing.
FF gets up and heads over to the final bag that Andrew had left out on the counter. FF had bought some additional offerings for his mortal soul to tide Andrew over while he made the brownies. It’s also where the incense and his latest two five hour energies should still be.
He finds the incense, wonders if he hallucinated the five hour energies (very possible), and hands Nicky a box of sour patch kids to distract him when he comes over.
“Smithy, why the hell are you lighting incense?” Nicky asks because the sour patch kids were NEVER going to be enough to distract Nicky. That would take something on the level of Swedish Fish but he’d been more focused on avoiding the candy thrown by an irate woman towards a member of Target staff because the grocery department couldn’t get her the redemption coupon for one of the flat screens in the Electronic department so he had FAILED to procure them. He’d even seen a box sail through the air is bullet time because his brain was too hopped up on Five Hour Energy but he’d let it go believing he could just grab a box at check out. THEN HE ZONED OUT IN THE CHECK OUT LINE AS HE STARED AT BOTH THE FUTURE AND THE PAST AND FORGOT HE WAS IN THE PRESENT WHERE HE HADN’T GOTTEN THE DAMN SWEDISH FISH.
“I’m going to make my Great Grandma’s brownies.” He says in response, “I’m hoping to channel her so I don’t mess up.” He says.
“Oh! More grandma baking goodies?! I can be your assistant baker! What do you need?” Nicky says visibly vibrating with excitement at the prospect. “We can listen to Mariah and I can lick the spoon!”
There is a noise of revulsion from the kitchen table.
“Don’t let him lick the spoon Smiths! He gets WEIRD about it.”
“That sounds like what someone who wants to lick the spoon would say.”
“Oh shut up!”
“That’s not a NO!”
The cousins continue to argue about spoon licking rights as FF gets started checking to make sure that the kitchen has all the necessary equipment to even make his brownies. He’d been so tired (last night? This morning?) that he hadn’t thought about even checking that the cousins would have things like a glass bowl, an baking dish, pie tin, etc.
Thankfully FOR ONCE luck is on his side and FF does not have to walk back to the Target.
So he finishes pulling out everything he’ll need, getting the oven pre-heated, and pulling out the ingredients for the brownies from the fridge.
He lights some incense with the stove top burners sends a quick prayer up and wonders if maybe a ouija board would have been better but if the Home Goods section had been a dangerous spot then the toy section would have been like walking into an active war zone. There are no laws as far as parents are concerned when it comes to getting the ‘it’ toy for their kids. FF has watched the highs and lows of humanity in the Barbie aisle more than once.
So he melts chocolate, he sifts flour and sugar, he separates eggs, and he uses every muscle that Kevin’s insane work out regiment had given his arms to whip those egg whites into stiff peaks. He knows his great gran is with him when Nicky and Aaron continue to argue (they are now talking about the ethics of licking the spoon vs. licking the bowl? He doesn’t quite get how they got there but alright) so Nicky doesn’t hear him say “Stiff Peaks Acquired” to himself because he knows Nicky well enough to know that he would have NEVER heard the end of it.
He uses all of the delicacy his gran had ever tried to teach him to fold those egg whites into the chocolate and then to fold in the flour and sugar. There are more steps, more ingredients, but unless you are family then those are CLASSIFIED.
Great Gran had always been the suspicious sort.
The oven beeps to let him know it’s done pre-heating as he’s carefully transferring his great gran’s life’s work into the baking dish.
He was so focused that he hadn’t even realized that Andrew was back until he turned to do the dishes and found Andrew holding the bowl and running his fingers through the scant remaining mix and shoving it into his mouth.
He is surprise that the scream remains in his head. He’s even more surprised that he stays upright. Maybe the nap did him some good even if it let Andrew and Captain Neil build whatever torture device they were intending to use on him.
He really needs to drink some pepto. He doesn’t think that Andrew will pause their ‘The Most Dangerous Game’ recreation to let FF manage his ulcers. Andrew is staring straight at him.
Andrew offers him the spoon.
FF declines. Raw eggs, sugar, and chocolate? With THIS stomach? He’d almost prefer to be chased through whatever enclosure Andrew is going to drag him to.
“When did you wake up?” Andrew asks.
“Hour ago.” He answers.
“I’ll make the pie tomorrow.” he ventures trying to extend his life by another day.
Andrew shoves the spoon into his own mouth after that and walks out into the dining room. FF hears both Aaron and Nicky’s cries of anguish.
FF looks at the brownies in the oven at the incense burning on the counter and wonders if that was Andrew’s way of confirming his stay of execution.
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Per your requests:
@i-have-three-feelings @blep-23 @dreamerking27 @andreilsmyreligion @belodensetdust @rainbowpineapplebottle @yarn-ace @iwouldlikesometea @lily-s-world @obscureshipsandchips @booklover242 @whataboutmyfries @sahturnos @pluto-pepsi @dreamerthinker @passinhosdetartaruga @leftunknownheart @aro-manita-muscaria @hologramsaredead @Chaoticgremlinswishtheycouldbeme @tntwme @tayspots @nick-scar @crazy-fangirl2524​ @blue-jos10​ @stabbyfoxandrew​ @splishsplashyouropinionistrash​ @sammichly​ @the-broken-pen​ @bitchesdoweknowu​ @very-small-flower​ @ghostlyboiii​ @its-a-paxycab​ @bisexual-genderfluid-fan​ @cheesecookie​ @theoneandonlylostsock​ @foxsoulcourt​ @blueleys @adverbialstarlight​ @elia-nna​ @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner​ @nikodiangel​ @foxandcrow-inatrenchcoat​ @hallucinatedjosten​ @satanic-foxhole-court​ @vexingcosmos​ @chalilodimun​ @insectsgetcooked​ @angry-kid-with-no-money​ @queer-crows​ @lilyndra @themugglemudperson​ @readertodeath​ @apileofpillows​ @mortalsbowbeforeme​ @hellomynameismoo​ @next-level-mess @youreonlylow​ @interstellarfig​
As stated before if you’re up here and I spelled it right but you didn’t  get a notification there might be something switched around in your  settings that won’t let me tag you properly?
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nickywhoisi · 1 year
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I scoured the pizza tower oc tag and found a whole pile of precious babies that I love to bits! They are all so good. I've gotta give props to all y'all. I was very inspired to make a fighting game style scroll of characters, like they're all bosses, and I was going to leave them without pupils...but then they looked better with pupils and I went with a whole collage. There were still others i wanted to add, but I don't think I had enough page space? Sad, but true. I hope to find the time to draw them all one day...
It's a big list rn so here we gooooooooooooo
L t R - Onion Toppin by @calpalsworld, "The Twins (unnamed)" by me, Paz by @salsasolutions, Kamille by @pybytes, The Cutter and Olivea by @mikemakesart, Grabriella by @purplefox14, Non-Specific Soda Brand by @molabuddy, Lycheecheechee by @rainbow-neko-artblog, Adlin also by me, Dill by @s0ckh3adstudios, KWEESO by @leshawnyprism, Pepper-razzy by @hypligdrika, Roni by @squeak-axolotl, Gorgonzola by @clownpepperoni, Lorenzo by @scribbles-2004, Eggashell by @hydroticsquid, Malghese also by @hypligdrika, Adlin's 'toppins' Wheat, Sugar, Water and Butter by me, Brat the Rat by @stardestroyer81, and Mozzarella by @motheragony
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Friends with Aveline despite regularly engaging in criminal activity, friends with Fenris despite helping mages left and right, friends with Merrill despite condemning blood magic..... Liam just has a way of making people like him apparently xdd
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grapecaseschoices · 2 months
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UP TOP: Is the Tadpole Consumers! Sometimes being 'Power Hungry' means eating an actual worm.
Kendis Wolfcrossing (left): Bearbarian (Druid and Barbarian), She/They (nb). Romance Rolan [Maybe Minthara. Maybe Halsin. I'm just fucking around in the PT]
Kaeliana (right): aka The Dark Urge, Soradin of Kelemvor (Sorcerer and Paladin), She/her (trans). Romance Wyll.
BOTTOM DOWN: The Parental Trauma Cleric Sibs (and potentially both technically undead).
Amryl Shadowhoard (left): Ranger/War Cleric of Bahamut, They/It/She (in order; nb). Romance Wyll/Lae'zel/REDACTED [yeah that's the polyam!]. Is, technically, Isyl's younger sibling.
Isyl Shadowhoard (right): aka The Dark Urge. Cleric of Light [hhaha] of Lathander, ???? (trans and nb). Potential Romance Barcus. Is, definitely, Amryl's older sibling. Isyl remembers that fact and Isyl remembers Lathander. Everything else is secondary. Right?
#meet my tavs#grapes chars#bg3: kendis wolfcrossing#oc: kaeliana#oc: amryl shadowhoard#oc: isyl shadowhoard#bg3 tav#bg3 durge#grapecase posts#meet my ocs#the thing im most excited for isyl is tthe sibling stuff and the struggle between past and 'nature' and ofc exploring duergar shit but i#hope isyl can be a particular shit to wulbern#im more excited about the barcus 'romance' than i expected?#i need to learnmroe about him#kendis is supposed to have a scar over their black/white eye. idk if its hard to see bc of teh tadpole eating or if a mod took it off#i'll check later#this is my current [mostly] active PTs.#but i have like six others in the shadows? lol and one nebulous plan. bc i dont have a geriatric. i wanted to make an old man githyanki but#then the enbies ate my brain#also tho some people put nb as under the trans umbrella i know some people see it as a separate umbrella.#i feel isyl sees themselves as both. they transitioned but they also see themselves as nonbinary. kendis sees being nonbinary as both in#a weird way like its own seperate thing but also under the umbrella? idk a venn diagram? i just vibe for kendis#kae proudly has a girldick. and proudly is a woman. i have mixed ideaas on when she transitioned. im sure it would have been a mess. but it#HERS.#[on the one hand i dont think bhaal cares. but on the other hand idky i feel bhaalists would get very evangelical about it. like THIS IS TH#BODY BHAAL MADE. A RE YOU SAYING BHAAL ERRED???]#amryl is they/it nonbinary. trans. wte. but they're also i think one of those nonbinary unless it's 'god forbid women are allowed to do ANY#HING'#lmao#okay okay im going back to my burrow
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imogenkol · 1 year
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IMOGEN KOL - Star Wars (x) (x)
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