#promo » spy network.
thirt13n · 1 year
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𝚝𝚊𝚐 𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙 𝚛𝚎 : 𝚘𝚘𝚌.
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newsintheshell · 1 year
Trailer e annunci su serie e film estivi e autunnali, in arrivo anche su Crunchyroll, Disney+ e Netflix!
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Ve lo avevo anticipato e alla fine il nuovo ANIME RECAP è arrivato! Come sempre trovate un po' di tutto, fra promo, locandine, date e annunci di sequel e non.
Stavolta nel mix delle novità più recenti ho incluso anche notizie un pochino più datate, che erano passate in secondo piano, durante la valanga infinita di news del periodo AnimeJapan. Cominciamo subito con un po' di KyoAni goodness. 😍
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Il nuovo OAV uscirà nei cinema giapponesi il 4 agosto. La terza stagione dell'anime è tuttora confermata per il 2024.
Le prime due stagioni della serie sono su Crunchyroll, mentre il film spinoff Liz e l’Uccellino Azzurro è arrivato in Italia grazie ad Anime Factory.
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 La serie animata, tratta dalla light novel di Takemachi, tornerà a partire da luglio con una seconda stagione.
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La terza stagione dell'anime sbarcherà su Crunchyroll a partire da ottobre.
VI ricordo che la serie è ora disponibile sulla piattaforma anche doppiata in italiano.
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L'arco narrativo del Christmas Showdown, che potete guardare in streaming su Disney+, si è concluso confermando un altro sequel per la serie. Il capitolo Tenjiku non ha ancora un periodo di debutto.
La prima stagione dell'anime è disponibile su Crunchyroll, anche doppiata in italiano.
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L'anime tratto dal nuovo manga di Akira Amano (Tutor Hitman Reborn!, ēlDLIVE), edito qua in Italia da J-POP Manga, sbarcherà in tv ad ottobre.
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L'originale webserie targata TATSUNOKO PRODUCTION (Kiratto Pri☆chan, King of Prism) approderà anche al cinema con un film, annunciato per il prossimo inverno.
L'anime è realizzato in computer grafica e attualmente conta 7 episodi più uno che fa da prologo, pubblicati su YouTube.
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La fantasy comedy, basata sulla light novel di Nozomu Mochitsuki, comincerà ad andare in onda a partire da ottobre. 
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Nuovo trailer per la serie isekai fantasy slice of life, tratta dalla light novel di Nozomu Koryu, che debutterà in Giappone a luglio.
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La commedia fantasy slice of life, dal titolo inutilmente lungo e tratta dalla light novel di Sametaro Fukada, andrà in onda da ottobre.
L'adattamento è diretto dal debuttante Takashi Asami ed è in produzione presso gli studi ZERO-G (Isekai Farming - Vita contadina in un altro mondo) e Digital Network Animation.
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Svelati una prima locandina e un secondo promo per il nuovo adattamento animato de LA FENICE, uno dei classici firmati dal grande Osamu Tezuka.
La webserie targata STUDIO 4℃ (I Figli del Mare, La Fortuna di Nikuko) dovrebbe uscire su Disney+ nel corso dell'anno, ma ad ora non ha una data.
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La serie action school fantasy, basata sulla light novel firmata da Shin Araki, l’autore di GJ Club, verrà trasmessa a partire da luglio.
L'anime è diretto da Keiichiro Kawaguchi, lo stesso regista di Spy Classroom, che fra l'altro come vi ho già detto tornerà anch'esso sempre proprio nella stagione estiva, ma è prodotto presso lo studio ACTAS (Princess Principal).
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La trasposizione televisiva della commedia romantica, nata dalla mente Kimitake Yoshioka (illustratore del manga GRAND BLUE di Kenji Inoue), sbarcherà in simulcast su Crunchyroll a luglio.
Il secondo progetto deLa serie è Questo è il secondo progetto per il neonato studio GEKKO e alla regia c'è Kazuomi Koga (Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible). 
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La seconda stagione della serie, tratta dal manga di Yabako Sandrovich (How heavy are the dumbbells you lift?) e Daromeon, edito in Italia da Planet Manga, arriverà su Netflix a settembre.
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Fissato il periodo d'uscita anche per la terza e ultima stagione della serie, che verrà finalmente aggiunta su Netflix dall'11 maggio.
La storia dell'anima parte dall’omonimo manga di Eichi Shimizu e Tomohiro Shimoguchi (Linebarrels of Iron), tuttora in corso e edito qua da noi da Star Comics, ma devia dalla trama originale e dalla seconda stagione ne segue una alternativa. 
Il fumetto si ispira alle gesta dello storico supereroe protagonista della popolare serie tokusatsu anni ‘60 di Tsuburaya Productions e ne costituisce il sequel.
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Film d'animazione tratto dall'omonimo manga one-shot, firmato dal leggendario Akira Toriyama, verrà proiettato nelle sale giapponesi dal 18 agosto.
La pellicola è diretta da Toshihisa Yokoshima e in lavorazione presso gli studi SUNRISE, ANIMA e KAMIKAZE DOUGA.
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Inizialmente previsto per quest'anno (ma poi sappiamo il casino che è successo con certe serie), il debutto in tv della serie ispirata all’omonima avventura fantasy slice of life di Himawari, è stato spostato, con mia poca sorpresa, al 2024.
L'anime è in cantiere presso EMT Squared (Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear) e ha come regista il debuttante Jun'ichi Kitamura. 
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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shakapuffin · 1 year
^Alert 1x06 promo “Tim and Andy”
Alert 1x05 “Miguel” Review
here’s my thoughts for this past weeks episode, 1x05 “Miguel”
- okay sooo…. i wasn’t that impressed… sorry y’all i really thought it would be better but idk it just wasn’t for me! after last weeks episode i had high hopes but i guess not now. and it’s the 5th episode… we’re literally half way through the whole pilot season!
- to start off, the whole case this week was just so… so… weird? idk if that’s the right word but it was very peculiar for a network procedural! it was kinda giving midsummer vibes… just a little bit… but those vibes shouldn’t be happening on network tv! like what’s the point of capturing women and forcing them to have kids all to save a tribe or a community? idk but that’s just a bit odd for me. maybe it’s based on a tru story.. i have no idea, hopefully it’s not tho, that would be horrific and they shouldn’t make an episode about something as serious and messed up as that.
- i don’t know how much more i can take of nikki calling everyone baby… haha idk if it’s just me but it’s definitely getting on my nerves! also everyone seemed a bit off tonight, even scott sorry to say. like he wasn’t bad by any means, i still think he’s the best on the show, he’s literally carrying it (i may be a bit bias haha) but it almost seems like the cast is tired and overworked… which i totally understand, they’ve probably been working 5-7 weeks nonstop by this point. but everyone was just a bit bland, it didn’t seem cohesive, it was like every actor seemed to have their own interpretation of the scene but it didn’t come together at the end. that may also be a fault of the director and how he’s giving direction on how to act and shoot the scene. idk it might’ve been just me tho. i did like ryan broussard this week tho, i enjoyed his acting… but the character mike was kinda annoying this episode haha!
- i really didn’t think there was a need for kemi’s father and that whole weird ass storyline to come into play. it was like when we got introduced to C’s grandfather (or father? i forget) and saw him for 2 more scenes and never again, which wasn’t even needed in the first place. i mean i get it… this plot line will probably last longer than that but still. like we already have SO MUCH going on in this show, we don’t need another freaking storyline if we haven’t already figured out the whole keith situation. idk it added nothing to the episode except for kemi getting distracted and nikki continuously reminding her to focus… i stg nikki told kemi to focus like 5 times even when nikki herself is almost never focused on the cases!!
- as i said before mike lowkey got on my nerves this week. he just kept insisting on being by the book and following the rules, and i totally get it, he does seem to be the person who follows the rules the most on that task force, but like come on man… you literally hooked up with nikki in a closet at headquarters in the middle of a case! he can’t say anything! also i really don’t think jason is that unhinged, like ya he doesn’t follow all of the rules but he isn’t going completely insane like mike is insinuating.
- also the nikki/mike relationship/drama either needs to come to a close or find a resolution… they just keep rehashing the same exact argument every single week and it’s kinda getting old. i wish they could just break up or get back together! make a choice lmao!
- so we didn’t learn too too much this week about keith… we now know that there was a body in the lake and it was a male between the ages of 10-14. so maybe that the real keith idk? then we have sidney spying on keith getting a gun… i totally understand her concern, that gun did seem real or at least not a pellet gun. i thought the end was interesting when keith was sleeping in the basement… i think this is the point where jason and nikki have to put him into therapy or something. idk how they didn’t before… that’s absolutely insane to me but if they don’t this week then i might just have to boycott. lol! no i won’t but i can’t believe this type of series wouldn’t show the importance of therapy and mental health… like the kid just got kidnapped and he is just basically living life and being forced to readjust on his own with his parents being literal cops who see kidnapping victims every single day!! makes no sense to me!! ahhh!
- “C” was okay… he was just okay. there’s always something quirky with him, which can either be a good or bad thing, but idk i just don’t really understand the whole “talking to bones or dead people.” idk what exactly is being accomplished by doing that… it just kinda makes him a bit of a weirder character. i never know if his character is there for comic relief or if he actually has a purpose on the show… he does very minimal tasks that could easily be done by kemi, she’s a very intelligent woman!
- i really want an episode that’s not case related just to see how different it would be and how character driven they would make it. i’m assuming that has to be coming up soon… at least for the season finale! but i get it, it’s a procedural cop show and the case to case stuff is what brings a lot of the audience in.
- for some reason i have a weird feeling that the show is going to be picked up for a season 2… just because of jaimie foxx, not because it’s actually good. again it’s kinda sad because i want to see scott in something good, because he really is a good actor, but i just don’t think this is doing it for him.
anyways i’ve rambled on for much too long, per usual, haha! those are just my opinions, i’m probably looking way too deep into this show ngl! i hope next week is better! let me know what you guys think! i luv talking!
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almeidarivera52 · 1 year
hitman pro trial license expired reset
One of the most known dangerous computer virus that's been distressing several laptop or PC will be the Trojan malware. I've suffered from this stupid Trojan virus before and it almost damaged the whole system of my laptop. The good thing was, I save my PC from possible damage through being able to get rid in the Trojan virus effectively. You should also evade this intimidating anti-virus if you might be completely alert of this really is, how you'll get it, as well as the harm it will probably do to your computer and also the means technique remove the Trojan virus from your computer. Email will lead to hitmanpro fraud, that yet insurance coverage security dangers. Phishing, is one type of fraud that attempt to trick you into giving out personal passwords or banking information. An extra email will use the logo from a hot banking institution or web business after which they will have you update your banking information or passwords. #1 start your computer up in safe structure. This is easy complete. switch your computer on and press the f8 repeatedly before windows starts. Can actually see a menu appear and in that menu select safe mode with networking. Use Latest Computer security tools: Your computer system ought to be along with the latest antivirus and security tools that effectively prevent malware and spy-ware from damaging your desktop. Virus.Win32.Parite is undoubtedly unknown to the majority of computer users. What you can get from its name may be that Virus.Win32.Parite is really a kind of virus. Now let get yourself a closer with this malicious virus. Anti-virus.Win32.Parite can infect every program once you have the tv show. And then the infected programs possibly be unable to own. Start computer from safe mode is insufficient if your has been infect by Virus.Win32.Parite. Anyone do have never to reset your computer, either. There some types of viruses may be harm personal computer such as being Trojan infections. They are probably the most serious viruses you encounter. Do not worry, there are hitman pro Activation Code that offer or give you ideas about how to remove or delete the virus with your computer system; however, don't give time for the herpes simplex virus to ruined your desktop computer -- You will need to get associated with it whenever possible. This is really a great thing for businesses trying to grow. But for consumers and users among the countless social apps out there, think twice! With people becoming clever to online fraud and tricks, the producers of these material likewise doing you shouldn't. They are changing up the direction they deliver trouble, and ad space on popular sites is as a possible overnight experiencing. Be very alert on your private next tweet - and that $1 off promo code! If your programs are out of date they can slow down your PC, either all around health have conditions need updates or additional ideas reasons along with be consuming a additional memory than they need. Check windows and all your programs for updates through the company and windows update on your windows start menu. Doing this will increase the speed of a slow running computer and make it run like new.
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Pacing Yourself-Part 2?
Tumblr was giving me a hard time putting this all in one post, so the last one's all the really handy advice and this is mostly my shameless plugs!
Shameless Self Promo Did you know that right now, I've got new stuff in the shop on this very website?! It's true! For the holiday season, I've got bundles of comics I wrote, collections, and a print version of my Jimmy Squarefoot story with Becca! All stuff comes signed and personalized if you want. Some rare, harder-to-find covers are included in some of the bundles. I'm also throwing in some free gifts with every order! It'd be rad if you could buy some stuff particularly because both the cats are due for their annual wellness appointments/vaccine updates! 
You can also grab a digital copy of Jimmy Squarefoot at my Ko-Fi! Or you could get it from Becca, as well as a digital copy of their NSFW 18+ comic "Rivals" at their itch page! I think their Genshin zine's going to be up there before too long too. 
Or you can support Becca's post-con-season shop update! We're both clearing out a lot of our stuff from this year's convention circuit, but this is their first full on shop opening! Through tomorrow (maybe Tuesday) they're doing two exclusive pre-orders so you can get stuff this year that otherwise won't be on sale until the 2023 con-season begins. It's a sticker of Anya from Spy x Family and a print of Rika and Satoko from Higurashi: When They Cry - GAO. Pre-orders on their Pochita keychain are still open too, as well as literally like a ton of other keychains, stickers, prints, zines, and maybe even some other stuff? 
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Even if you aren't in a position to buy something, it'd be cool if you could let your friends who might be interested know. 
Giving Tuesday As a reminder, we're also coming up on Giving Tuesday. It's a day for charitable action. You can donate money and time and resources and give back on a local level or a national one or an international one. Just to spotlight a few people and places who could use your help: the Colorado Healing Fund is a direct response to the Club Q shooting. Trans Lifeline is a peer-based support and resource center that helps trans people with emotional and financial support. The Transgender Law Center provides legal aid, resources, and advocacy. You can check out your local mutual aid network. Or your local abortion right advocacy organization or your local racial justice organization or your local domestic violence support center or your local LGBTQ community center or your local homeless shelter or just, y'know, like help a person in need in your neighborhood. I mentioned last week that Jeffrey Veregge's family and Tess Fowler & Chris Gutierrez both have ongoing GoFundMes for their current medical emergencies. Just try to do something. 
Which finally brings us to this week's regular features.
Things I've been enjoying this week: The first person to buy something from my shop! Thank you! Honestly, just like, some time off. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (This year was a little lacking, but I love the parade). Making a dope turkey! Becca's last little show of the year, which was on Tuesday. Having Anoosha Syed wrapping paper for gifts this year. Candy canes. Honkai Impact (Video game). Sonic Frontiers (Video game). Chainsaw Man (Anime & Manga). 
New Releases this week (11/23/2022): Transformers: Shattered Glass II #4 (Supervising Editor) Special shout-outs to G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #300 (the final issue with a new record-breaking cover), Earthdivers #1's second printing (releasing the week before Columbus Day and having the second printing out for Thanksgiving is very apt), and Dark Spaces: Wildfire #5 (the final issue of the launch title of both the Dark Spaces line and the new IDW Original initiative). 
New releases next week (11/30/2022): Godzilla Rivals: Vs. Gigan (I didn't actually work on this, but the team that did is awesome and you should check it out)
Final Order Cutoff--Last chance for your store to guarantee release day copies for you (11/28/2022): Canto: Tales of the Unnamed World (Editor) Godzilla: Monsters & Protectors--All Hail the King #4 (Editor) Godzilla Rivals: Rodan vs. Ebirah (Editor) 
Pic of the Week: We put up our Christmas tree over the weekend and I got this very cute picture of Nadja sleeping under it. Also, some of the cool stuff up at Becca's shop!  
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callskilop · 2 years
Mmguardian vs qustodio
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Mmguardian vs qustodio install#
Mmguardian vs qustodio software#
If a VPN app is installed on your teen’s phone, it is a red flag – it is there to bypass your parental controls. Virtual Private Network (VPN) routes all traffic to a different server and effectively hides all online actions of the user. Alternatively, your kids can use VPN technology to breach your parental controls. Ironically, VPNs themselves are an effective privacy tool that are part of some parental controls apps you can use to protect your family from the prying eyes of Big Data and advertisers. Lock up your router to prevent tampering: To check which WiFi network kids are using, click on the WiFi icon and see if it’s your family WiFi or something else. Make sure nothing extra is plugged into your cable modem. Solution:Set a strong router password and monitor the traffic for sudden changes. Or even easier – they can press a “reset” button on the back of the router to restore it to factory settings: original password, unrestricted WiFi and no parental controls.Ĭheck our guide to routers with parental controls>
Mmguardian vs qustodio install#
If you DID change the router password, they can install a cheap second WiFi router, and set a hidden SSID on that. By connecting their devices to this new WiFi network, they can enjoy unrestricted access, while parents are duped with a false sense of security. They login, set up a second admin account and create an alternative SSID (service set identifier), which is the name of the WiFi network. If you have a router with parental controls, kids can google the default password for that router – few parents bother to change it.
Mmguardian vs qustodio software#
They agreed to offer 40% discount to our readers (we asked, so here it is if you want to give it a try):ĮyeZy phone monitoring software – 40% off with promo code TECHDETOX40 Eyezy pricing includes one device, it is expensive if you sign up for one month only, but gets cheaper and on par with other parental control apps if you sign up for longer. This app from the makers of mSpy lets you see what kids activity without being detected. If you want your parental controls to be undetectable, a parental controls “spy” app can be a solution. Or round up all the devices and take them away – not just the phone. Solution:Take inventory of everything Internet-enabled in your home and put parental controls on ALL of it. Oh, and if their favorite apps are locked on the phone by screen time limits, they will go through the trouble of logging in on a laptop browser and continue using them anyway. No point taking the phone away – kids will pick another device and continue their screen-time binge. Smartphones, iPads, laptops, chromebooks, Kindles, game consoles, smart TVs, smart watches, smart home speakers and displays, any present and future smart gadgets of the ever-expanding Internet of Things – if you have not put parental controls on ALL of them, you have not secured anything.
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yes-svetlana-world · 2 years
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mia_bn_1984 "Armie  Hammer has spent his entire career playing the object of our desire. Leave it to the ‘proper’ actors to go deep; Hammer shall play the pretty face, with his blue-eyed, golden-haired, six-foot-five, all-American good looks. His star appeal is almost too obvious, as if he’d been hand-crafted by the Hollywood machine to embody everything it represents: dashing looks, easy charm, and casual comfort in his own skin. From the beginning of his career, studios have leapt at the chance to cast him as all the classic archetypes: western hero, Russian spy, literally Prince Charming. Even his critically-acclaimed breakout performance — as the arrogant, preppy, Harvard-educated Winklevoss twins in The Social Network — perpetuated the idea of Hammer as an extrovert with extraordinary self-assurance. Role after role after role has taught us unequivocally who Armie Hammer is supposed to be: a matinée idol, impossibly polished, masculine to a fault. Luca Guadagnino is the first director to not only recognise that perception, but weaponize it. In Call Me by Your Name, 17-year-old Elio Perlman (Timothée Chalamet) is taken aback to discover that, underneath a varnished surface, Hammer’s Oliver is a man with fear, pain, and desires of his own. In casting Hammer, Guadagnino allows us to go on the same complex journey as Elio: we are entranced and infatuated by Hammer’s image, and therefore just as disarmed as Elio is to discover the complex man (and gifted actor) hiding underneath his intimidating, statuesque beauty. As unfathomable as it might seem given his leading-man looks, Hammer has the talent, the bravery, and the will to strip away every trace of that persona and expose his soul on screen." Review by ORLA SMITH https://seventh-row.com/2017/12/16/armie-hammer-call-me-by-your-name/ Wonderful actor with incredible talent and exquisite sensitivity. @armiehammer we are looking forward to your return and all the good things to come. In February everyone to theaters for @DeathoftheNile. #WNAHIP WE NEED ARMIE HAMMER IN PROMO!!! #supportarmiehammer #EGBAmia_bn_1984
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A Database of Ruin
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This week marks the publication of Barton Gellman's "Dark Mirror," an important addition to the canon of books about the Snowden revelations. Earlier this week, The Atlantic ran a fascinating excerpt about how spy agencies targeted Gellman.
Today in Wired, we get another taste - a long excerpt about the "Database of ruin" - the NSA's system for mapping the "social graphs" of every person in America using phone billing record.
This system was handwaved by GW Bush, who said, "if somebody is talking to al Qaeda, we want to know why" - but as Gellman discovered, that's not what the "Stellarwind" program did. This wasn't about getting terrorists' call records to see who they talked to.
It was about "six degrees of separation," finding everyone who talked to someone that a terrorist talked to, then everyone THEY talked to, and so on and so on. Exponential growth (a subject we've become much more familiar with) means that soon, you're looking at everyone.
The computational intensity of this task meant that the trillions of records the NSA ingested weren't inert on a hard-drive, waiting to be pulled after an attack so that cops could find confederates of the attacker. Rather, they were constantly, continuously recomputed.
For decades, the NSA was created these algorithmic webs of suspicion, seemingly in ignorance of Cardinal Richilieu's Law: "If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him."
This is what made it a "database of ruin." Because just as predictive policing doesn't predict crime (it predicts whom the police will suspect of crime), so did Mainway/Stellarwind perfectly predict whom the NSA would suspect - but it did not predict who was a terrorist.
And it's what made the system a "dark mirror" - the NSA knew who we talked to and when, but we never knew who they talked to and when. It was one-way glass.
Gellman: "If the power implications do not seem convincing, try inverting the relationship in your mind: What if a small group of citizens had secret access to the telephone logs and social networks of government officials?"
"How might that privileged knowledge affect their power to shape events? How might their interactions change if they possessed the means to humiliate and destroy the careers of the persons in power?"
In 2008 - a few years after the Mark Klein revelations (the events that precipitated Snowden's own whistleblower journey), I was so struck by this concern that I wrote a short story about it.
In "The Things That Make Me Weak and Strange Get Engineered Away," I imagine a system of automated, universal suspicion, abetted by a cadre of willfully blind, technically excellent and brilliant prodigies in monasteries.
Rather than raising honeybees or making wine, their monastic order processes data for the security agencies. "Weak and Strange" follows one of these monks as he confronts who he is and what he does.
Living in our present moment requires enormous compartmentalization skills - there is no "ethical consumption," so either you don a hairshirt of material privation, or you try not to dwell on the oceans of blood just below the surface.
It's why I'm so interested in whistleblowers like Snowden, and anyone who confronts the reality of their own complicity in the indefensible. Even if you don't have to go into exile as a result of your actions, you still pay a giant psychic price for it.
I re-read Weak and Strange the other day, after reading Matt Web's post about neurodiversity (I wrote the story after a car-ride in which Patrick Nielsen Hayden proposed that monasteries were the medieval way of managing neurodiversity).
It reminded me that I've been thinking about the subject of confronting complicity for a LONG time.
Which was something of a revelation, because my next novel, ATTACK SURFACE (AKA Little Brother 3) is all about this.
Somehow, I'd forgotten about Weak and Strange for the years I spent on that book (!). But again, that is the satisfying and sometimes frightening thing about writing: it tells you stuff about yourself you've forgotten or never noticed.
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frasier-crane-style · 4 years
oKAY, I got a few Redbox rental for my birthday, so I decided to pick up Spider-Man: Far From Home, skip all the Disney Channel Original Movie stuff, and see how it stacks up as a pure Spider-Man movie. Which is not easy, because they’re in full Marvel movie mode, and every two minutes there’s a wacky aside or a sight gag or something. It’s not even Peter making jokes, which would be in-character. It’s just banter about Happy’s password being Password and stuff. There’s not one wholly dramatic scene in this movie, it has this Epic Movie sense of humor where something ‘hilarious’ is always defusing the tension. Like, all that’s missing is Leslie Nielsen being the tour guide.
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1. Mexico. Mysterio has used ‘Sandman’ (confusingly referred to as a ‘cyclone with a face’--and then Spider-Man never even fights him) to destroy a town. I gotta say--if Mysterio has the ability to pull off no-bullshit terror attacks... yeah, the Sandman is fake, but the damage is real... why not just do that? It seems like there are a ton of evil organizations who would pay him loads of money.
2. Also, Mysterio is really not shy about lowering the dome and showing his face. Wouldn’t a quick facial recognition scan, of the kind that you’d think Nick Fury would run all the time, ID him as Quentin Beck? And even if he’s going “hey, that’s my double, I’m from an alternate universe,” shouldn’t Nick Fury be a bit suspicious that the double of this mysterious new superhero is a disgruntled and unstable Stark employee?
3. By the way, I know the twist is that Nick Fury is really a Skrull and that’s why he’s so incompetent--telling Peter to take his mask off in front of fucking Mysterio--but Nick Fury left a Skrull playing him, so... who’s that on? You’d think any given Agent of SHIELD would do better.
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4. First action scene. Hydroman attacks Venice and is defeated by Mysterio, with Spider-Man slightly assisting. He’s left his costume back at the hotel, so he does this while using a Venetian mask to disguise himself. Hilariously, he quickly takes this off to, yes, show us his face. (Also, I guess no one notices that Not!Spider-Man is wearing the exact same clothes and has the exact same body type as Peter.) He also doesn’t make any quips besides referring to himself as “really strong and sticky.” Being awkward is not a one-liner, movie. 
5. Also, others have pointed out that this Spider-Man seems more concerned about saving property than saving lives, and it must be said that for much of this fight, Peter is trying to stop a belltower from collapsing, with no sign that he’s buying time for people to evacuate it or anything. Sure, it’s a worthy goal and all, but I have to ask how much good patching a belltower up with webbing is going to do? It’ll dissolve in an hour and then where are you? Does he really think the authorities will be able to fix it up before then? Seems like he would be better served letting it collapse and attacking Hydroman to keep him from doing more damage.
6. You ever notice how movie characters always refer to sleeping pills and such as ‘a mild sedative’? Naut Fury shoots Ned/Ganke with a dart that instantly knocks him out, then calls it “a mild tranquilizer.” Christ, what would a strong tranquilizer do, put him in a coma for ten years?
7. Man, it’s weird how inconsistent this movie is with basic characterization. Peter turns down saving the world because Spider-Man being seen in Europe might give away his identity, but he’s also blase about taking off his mask in front of Nick Fury and co. And Tom Holland walking around unmasked really makes it obvious that his suit is a CGI effect that his head is awkwardly hovering on top of. I guess just putting someone in a costume is a lost art.
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And I’m not even watching this on Blu-Ray. This is a DVD, because Redbox is shit and, even though their e-mail said the promo code was good for a Blu-Ray, apparently I can only use it for a DVD. Thanks, thanks for ruining my special day. Prats.
8. I know the whole EDITH thing has been meta’d elsewhere, but I just want to point out that Stark Enterprises has a ‘global defense network’. With drones and backdoors into every telecommunications company. Imagine if Microsoft announced that, oh, hey, we have a Panzer division. I guess Stark Enterprises is a PMC now? I thought they went into clean energy. Apparently they still make weapons, but now they... hoard them to use for their own purposes? Not creepy at all. Like, Marvel does realize they are writing an evil megacorporation here, right?
9. Oh, now we’re just getting aggressively stupid. Peter is met by a SHIELD agent who insists that he strip to change into an alternate, non-Spider-Man suit (so I guess, after an action scene where he’s in civilian clothes, now we’re going to get one where he’s in this spy costume. Yeah, I hate seeing Spider-Man in a Spider-Man movie.) I’m not sure why he has to do this now instead of simply putting the suit in his backpack. I’m also not sure why he has to strip in front of her. He doesn’t even try to go somewhere private to change and she doesn’t say anything like “Why are you taking off your clothes in front of me like a retard? Go around the corner or something, fuckwit.” It’s all to set up a scene where Peter gets seen by his (sigh) rival for MJ’s heart, who takes a cell phone picture, leading us to... well, leading me to wonder why they couldn’t have put a little more thought into staging this scene so it was slightly believable? Like he could have trouble putting it on in private, the female agent could go to check on him, and Random Non-canon Character could stumble in on them that way. But anyway.
10. With literally insane ease, Peter designates Brad a target and EDITH launches a drone strike on him. For various ridiculous reasons, Peter can’t just say abort, so he eventually distracts EVERYONE by saying there are baby mountain goats, webs the drone while no one is looking, and--that works. No one notices.
Man, that’s some fucking weaksauce.
11. I’m fast-forwarding a bunch, but we seem to spend a lot of time on Peter trying to get his friends out of harm’s way for the upcoming fight scene in Prague, only for them to end up in harm’s way. For the second action sequence in a row. It seems like he could’ve succeeded and then just been trying to rescue normal civilians instead of people he knows personally, but then I guess we couldn’t have Ned and Betty/Gwen providing odious comic relief every other moment. Like, shit, Marvel, if you like dumb jokes so much, why don’t you just get Mike and the Bots to riff your movie? That’s pretty much what you’re doing anyway.
12. Peter’s new costume has no fingers on the gloves, so he’s leaving his prints everywhere. And then after the fight is over, the first thing he does is unmask and go out to get a drink with an also unmasked Mysterio in a crowded bar (hilariously, it literally turns out to be full of enemies who mean him harm). Jesus, movie, does he care about his secret identity or not? 
13. Also, again, no quips from Spider-Man. And I thought the watchword for this corner of the MCU was that he was a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Now he’s fighting giant monsters? Yeah, even if it’s a con job, it’s a con job that could potentially kill millions of people. Doesn’t that seem like absurdly high stakes, considering? Remember the first Spider-Man movie, when the only stakes at the climax were Peter saving a bus full of kids and MJ? Would that really have been better if there’d been another five million buses the Green Goblin was threatening to drop?
14. We’re doing the whole “does Peter want to be Spider-Man or not?” story again. It’s weird how markedly inferior this take on that is to Spider-Man 2. This Spider-Man has a whole spy network and AI satellites backing him up (which doesn’t stop him from remarking that Mysterio is “the only one he can talk to about superhero stuff,” as if fifty people don’t know who he is). Maguire’s Spider-Man’s life was genuinely shitty because of his superheroing; he couldn’t be with the woman he loved! This Spider-Man... can’t mack on the girl that he inexplicably has a crush on out of nowhere. Not exactly the stuff of great drama.
15. Pause to point out what a naked plot device Tony giving Peter EDITH is. He couldn’t give it to Pepper? Rhodey? Steve? Like... anyone who’s more emotionally mature and experienced? It’s just a ridiculous conceit. Supervillains literally target Peter specifically because he possesses EDITH. Way to put the crosshairs on a sixteen-year-old boy, Tony ‘Depraved Indifference’ Stark.
16. “To my very wealthy crew!” Okay, so I guess Beck isn’t just doing this for the satisfaction of being a fake superhero, he sees this as enriching him and his henchmen somehow? How? It’s not like Captain America or Scarlet Witch are fabulously wealthy. I could see Stark as paying for their room and board and giving them an expense account, but that doesn’t seem worth going to the trouble of this whole Mysterio business for. Like I said, once you have the power to pull off fake/not-fake terror attacks, that’s a golden ticket already. Why couldn’t he do shit like Le Chiffre was doing in Casino Royale, playing the stock market with his fake catastrophes? 
16a. And okay, so you say the whole Mysterio thing was just to con EDITH off of Peter. If they’re already able to pull off these terror attacks, how much more can EDITH do for them? It’s like, you already have essentially unlimited resources as far as the story’s concerned--why do you need EVEN MORE unlimited resources?
16b. And is Mysterio going to be a real superhero or fake? Like, is he potentially going to fight Thanos or someone? Because if he is, the whole Elemental thing seems like an unnecessary risk. Just find some HYDRA guys, go to town on them, bang, you’re a superhero. And if you’re going to be a fake Avenger--well, what do you do when Thanos shows up? Call in sick?
17. So in his new, definitely Miles Morales suit, Peter has the ability to send out a destructive electric charge. A venom blast. He has a venom blast. Man, they’re not even trying to hide that this is white Miles Morales, are they? 
18. To damn with faint praise, I thought the drone swarm was a good ‘real-world’ explanation of Mysterio’s power set and the ‘nightmare’ sequence was a good use of them, although it’s just the usual hallucinatory imagery you’d expect from someone with an illusion gimmick, not something as groundbreaking as the Raimi movies offered. Coincidentally, this is also the one action sequence in the movie where Peter’s in his classic costume, and that’s only an illusion Mysterio puts over his dumb Night Monkey suit. 
I also think Peter being able to survive being hit by a train more or less uninjured--he just needs a few stitches!--is a bit much, but then, that happened in Spider-Man 2.5 as well. And there they made a big deal of Peter and Ock trying to avoid getting hit by trains, so arguably that was more egregious. 
And it’s weird to have such a self-aware, genre-savvy villain just assume Peter is dead. It seems like he could’ve at least sent someone to the next station to confirm his death, or even had someone waiting there, if his plan all along was to hit Peter with a train. (Also, I’m pretty sure train conductors stop the train when they hit someone, but maybe that’s only an American thing.)
19. By the end, Mysterio decides to drop the whole illusion thing to frame Spider-Man for the drones (Peter’s friends are also put in danger yet again. Three times in one movie! That’s basically every action sequence that really happens!). I’d think disorienting people with invisible drones would be an advantage you wouldn’t want to just get rid of, but he’s the supervillain, not me. Noticeably, this plan hinges on him dying and posthumously ruining Spider-Man’s life, so...
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20. Also, I complained about this with Captain Marvel, but if you’re doing a two-hour movie with a supposed character arc for Peter, shouldn’t that have something to do with him winning? He pretty much only wins because the power of spider-sense which he arbitrarily received arbitrarily works for him after arbitrarily not working for a while... and if this is some kind of confidence-powered superpowers, I should note that Spider-Man 2 already did Peter losing his powers because of losing confidence and it depicted him getting them back much more effectively. This Peter I guess only needs a pep talk from Happy Hogan.
21. I mean, couldn’t they bullshit something about hacking EDITH--you know, Peter using his wits since that’s what supposedly makes him ‘the next Iron Man’--maybe turning the tables on Mysterio with a con job of his own, instead of just winning because he happens to have an illusion-proof superpower on top of a billion-dollar supersuit and a literal global defense network? Spider-Man has a global defense network, y’all. How can you lambaste Man of Steel for making Superman dark and broody and then think Iron Man Peter Parker is a good take on the character? Geez.
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*SU Spoiler* More Episodes and Descriptions!
We got bombarded with a surprise from Cartoon Network! Not only are we graced with 10 episodes instead of 4 throughout the month of December, but episode titles with descriptions have been added. Of course, they are small descriptions and with a history of titles and descriptions being misleading, anything and nothing can happen! So without delay, let’s get started on some predictions!
1) “Little Homeschool” (Dec 7th, 8 p.m. EST)
“Welcome to Little Homeworld, a place on earth where Gems from all over the universe can come learn how to live together peacefully! But there’s one Gem who refuses to attend.”
This episode is likely an introduction episode. It will show how Little Homeworld functions and how the uncorrupted Gems and Homeworld Gems live on Earth. Although most are saying Jasper may appear in this episode, I believe the Gem refusing to attend is the new uncorrupted pink Gem we saw in the promo. It would be too soon for Jasper to enter and again this episode is to introduce the new series. Something may happen to the pink Gem on Little Homeworld or Steven but nothing serious to be a major plot point. We are going to start of with a light hearted introduction of the changes after the movie and how Gems are integrating on Earth as well as a new Gem society.
2) “Guidance” (Dec 7th, 8 p.m. EST)
“Amethyst has been helping Little Homeschool Gems find jobs on the boardwalk, but Steven isn’t sure about her approach.”
Amethyst and Steven have a great sibling like relationship. However, this episode is going to test the limits and fragility of said bond. Amethyst was made on Earth making her a great advisor to Gems who are just integrating. However, she tends to be more lax then the other Gems and will either have the Homeschool Gems pick their jobs or choose a job for them and just let them do it at their own pace. Steven will be worried because the Gems have only just learned about human culture and screw ups may ensue much like in Season 1. He may try to help the Gems in their current job or move them to another job. This course of action will offend Amethyst and cause an argument that will put a rift in their relationship. Depending on how the episode goes, either the conflict will be resolved or will continue. Even if the conflict is resolved, their relationship will not be the same as Amethyst will think Steven does not trust her in helping out and causes her self worth to dwindle a bit and Steven will feel a bit of guilt that will slowly cause self-doubt within himself. This episode will have some serious confrontation and is just the beginning of what’s to come.
“Rose Buds” (Dec 7th, 8 p.m. EST)
“Steven gets a surprise visit from some old friends, and even more surprising introductions from new ones.”
This episode is going to bring major conflict for Steven. The wording of the description is interesting in this episode. He gets a surprise visit from old friends, most likely the Famethyst as they were seen in the promo. The Famethyst will either visit Earth or Steven will visit the Zoo to check on how things have been. Since the Gem Empire has been dismantled, the Famethyst are free to be more relaxed. We will see how this care-free lifestyle will integrate with helping the zoomans since they cannot return to Earth from fear of culture shock. However, the description also stated an “even more surprising introduction from new ones” which we all highly anticipate is the unbubbled Rose Quartz Gems. We did see a Rose Quartz in the promo, so it highly likely the new Gems are Rose Quartz. We have no idea what their personality is or even their role on Homeworld. We will get to see what actual Rose Quartz Gems are. However, this is going to cause Steven some serious conflict as they look like his mother. Steven does not hate his mother but is starting to resent her more because of the mistakes she made that he must clean up. In trying to help the Rose Quartzes, he will feel awkward and may lash out at one of them. He is going to lash out his anger at an innocent Rose Quartz and Steven is going to feel extremely bad for letting his negative emotions about his mother hurt someone who did not know or deserve it. More negative emotions are going to build up. Knowing Steven, he will apologize to the Quartz gem because he knows they are not his mother much like how Steven is not Pink Diamond. Things are going to get serious from here on out, especially in the next episode.
“Volleyball” (Dec 7th, 8 p.m. EST)
“Steven is determined to help Pink Diamond’s original Pearl heal the scar on her face.”
I have already made a couple theories on Pink Pearl before the new episode information arrived (see below) and this episode is a favorite of mine! First of the title is misleading already. Volleyball is a game where people form 2 teams and use their hands to hit a ball up in the air to the opposing teams until it hits the ground. A lot of Steven Universe titles have been misleading in the past. After talking to a friend either 2 things will happen related to the title: could be a metaphor for Pink Pearl being emotionally beaten back and forth causing her scar to become worse or there will be an actual volleyball game somewhere in the episode. If this takes place on Homeworld, the metaphor scenario is likely but if this takes place in the Zoo, the volleyball game may happen. Besides the misleading title, notice how the description says Steven is “determined” to help Pink Pearl. This has me worried because sometimes being determined to do something can backfire. We can tell Pink Pearl is still obsessed with Pink Diamond. She may stay on Homeworld because of her obsession but she can also be in the Zoo as the whole base was made for Pink Diamond. Her crack is getting worse from her instability and she still smiles despite being out of White Diamond’s control. Steven won’t be able to heal her crack with his healing powers because it is related to mental not physical damage. Nothing seems to be working and Steven will become frustrated. Pink Pearl may also add to that frustration by being stubborn or naïve of Steven’s help and project her obsession of Pink Diamond onto him. This will cause new powers to form and from the promo it seems the new one may be the overpowered scream Pink Steven emits from CYM. This will be harmful to everyone around him and Pearl will most likely defend Pink Pearl from Steven. When Steven calms down, Pearl is likely to help Pink Pearl as both have been through the same ordeal just in different scenarios. The conflict and maybe Pink Pearl’s scar will resolve itself, but this will add more to Steven’s negative emotions and we will see the first onset of Steven’s new powers emerging.
“Bluebird” (Dec 14th, 8 p.m. EST)
“Steven questions the motive of a mysterious fusion that suddenly shows up at this house.”
In this episode, we get to see the new Eyeball Ruby and Aquamarine fusion. From the title, we can guess the name of the new Gem is Bluebird Azurite and after looking up the Gem, the color and design are the same. At first it may seem weird Steven is suspicious of this new Gem, but we must remember they are the fusion of Eyeball Ruby and Aquamarine. These 2 Gems do not like Steven at all and Steven has had bad experiences with both Gems. Eyeball Ruby tried to kill Steven in space and Aquamarine kidnapped his friends and took him prisoner to Homeworld. However, Bluebird Azurite may appeal to Steven’s caring nature and Steven will have to help them out. This could either be a ploy to infiltrate Little Homeworld for the Era 3 rebellion or the fusion may be lost and wants to find a new purpose in life. This episode can go either way and will still affect Steven. If Bluebird Azurite is a spy and attacks Steven, this will frustrate Steven because he let his guard down and cause conflict to his own principles. If Bluebird Azurite is lost and finds what they are looking for, Steven will be relieved but may have guilt into thinking the Gem had bad intentions. The first scenario seems likely because fusions do have the mindsets of both Gems and having hatred for Steven will fuel Bluebird Azurite’s motives.
“A Very Special Episode” (Dec 14th, 8 p.m. EST)
“Rainbow Quartz 2.0 promised to hang out with Onion the same day Sunstone scheduled a home safety Geminar! How can Steven be in two places, and two fusions, at once?”
This episode is already self explanatory on the conflict. This also reminds me of a lot of sitcoms in the early 2000s that have a funny dilemma of being in two places at once. We must wonder how Steven is going to deal with this scenario. A few Youtubers have speculated Steven will have the power to duplicate or make hologram versions of himself. There were questions about how Pink Diamond and Rose Quartz were present in multiple areas and the result was duplication. If Steven does have this power, he will either use the duplicate Stevens or Holo-Stevens to fuse with Pearl and Garnet or reshape his duplicates to look like the fusion. If the duplicates can fuse with other Gems, they may be unstable and cause chaos. If the duplicates are reshaped to look like Rainbow Quartz 2.0 and Sunstone, there may be some conflict because they lack any personality and if they resemble the Holo-Pearls, they may attack if feeling threatened. Either way, it will get chaotic quick and Steven will have to take control of the situation. The situation will calm down and Steven will explain what happens. Depending on how the Crewniverse wants to go this could either end in a funny yet wholesome manner or it can end with serious undertones leading to future plot.
“Snow Day” (Dec 21st, 8 p.m. EST)
“Steven and the Crystal Gems get a chance to catch up when they’re all snowed in together.”
This episode is pretty self-explanatory. Much like “We Need to Talk” and ‘Three Gems and a Baby” this episode will be campy, and we get to see what the Gems did after CYM and the movie. At first it will be wholesome because everyone gets to find out what life for the Gems has been after dismantling the empire and uncorrupting the Gems on Earth. However, Steven may realize the distant he and the Crystal Gems are because everyone is doing their own thing and have not had a chance to hang out or catch up. But episodes like these usually end in a good note but the Crewniverse may add this as fuel to the fire or in this case to Steven’s emotional state.
“Why So Blue?” (Dec 21st, 8 p.m. EST)
“Steven has heard rumors of a pair of Gems that are still destroying worlds. If he can’t stop them, maybe Lapis can.”
This is another highly anticipated episode. The pair of Gems is the 2 Lapis Lazulis we saw in the introduction. Because they are destroying other worlds, they are likely going to space. It would be very interesting if the Off Colors could come but I am guessing either it will be just Steven and Lapis or Peridot and Bismuth will join as well. This will be a Lapis centered episode and would give more information on Lapis’s status and life before arriving on Earth. It would be strange as to why the Lazulis would be destroying Earth on their own. This is highly hinted they are part of the Era 3 rebellion or they could also just be extremely mad their titles are taken away and want to blow off steam or piss people off. What I really want to see is a Lapis development in this episode. She has developed a lot in the Steven Universe series but now we get to see how much she has truly developed in this episode.
“Little Graduation” (Dec 28th, 8 p.m. EST)
“Steven and the Gems celebrate Little Homeschool’s first gradation class.”
This will be wholesome at first. From the press release, we saw a picture of the Off Colors in stage with graduation caps and Steven on a mic. We get to see Steven being so proud of the Off Colors and Homeworld Gems graduating from Little Homeschool and integrating into their new lives in Little Homeworld. However, Jasper will appear and crash the party. We can tell Jasper is not fond of Steven and the new era. She even yells, “you are not my diamond!” telling Steven he is not Pink Diamond. According to Sugar in a podcast Jasper is a complex character. She may act tough and rough, but she hates herself because of where she is from: Earth. Gems from Earth have lots of negative stereotypes and Jasper is no exception. Although she had a high ranking in the Gem Empire, she still gets remarks about her beginnings and that can mess with Jasper’s self-worth. Now that the Diamonds have decided to listen to Steven’s new rules of peace, Jasper is stripped of her status and has nothing. Jasper will try to take out Steven and hope she can restore the Gem Empire to its former glory or may just want to fight Steven. Once the fight ensues, Jasper will overpower Steven and Steven’s anger will manifest Pink Steven. With Pink Steven form he will overpower Jasper and even poof her. He may even come close to try shattering her until the Crystal Gems arrive and stop him (hopefully it does not go that far). Once Steven realizes what has happened, he will feel horrible, but the Gems will help him calm down. He will wait for Jasper to reform and maybe they can have a conversation where Jasper does not want to punch him first. There is also a possibility Jasper does not get poofed by Pink Steven and retreats. The main point is Jasper will be focused on this episode if she does not appear in “Little Homeschool” and will become a good antagonist to Steven.
“Prickly Pair” (Dec 28th, 8 p.m. EST)
“After leaving Little Homeschool, Steven has found a new hobby, plants.”
With everything Steven has gone through is such a short time, he needs something to relax. Gardening is a great way to blow off steam and not think about past events plaguing Steven. It also shows Steven does not fully resent his mother. Rose Quartz and Steven both love plants and their powers do have an affect on plant life. However, because Steven has been dealing with a lot and his negative emotions are consuming him, this will have consequences. Because his powers are related to his emotions, his plant powers will go haywire. Steven will plant a cactus and his spit (however it will happen) will come into contact. Cactus Steven is born! Unlike the Watermelon Stevens, Cactus Steven will have no sentient intelligence and just be a crazy monster embodying Steven’s negativity. Steven will try to calm it down and reason with it but Cactus Steven will not listen and continue to rampage. This will be one of the times Steven cannot help and will have to take Cactus Steven down. Unfortunately, this means Steven cannot do any gardening until his powers are in check or he will have to be extremely careful. Either way, he has no hobby to ease his stress and will just add more onto his stress. Steven cannot catch a break and his issues will keep piling up.
This series is going to focus on Steven dealing with his issues. When the episode titles and descriptions were released, there was an extended synopsis of the series. “Steven Universe Future, after saving the universe, Steven is still at it, tying up loose ends. But as he runs out of other people’s problems to solve, he’ll finally have to face his own. Haunted by the past and lost in the present, Steven begins manifesting new, uncontrollable powers that the Crystal Gems have never seen from him before. What does it all mean, and what does Steven want for his future?” These first 10 episodes of the series are going to show us more of mess Steven has to fix from his mother’s past. All those problems are going to affect his mental and emotional state to the point where his powers are going out of control. There are two characters we have not seen in the promo: White Diamond going pink and Wormy Boi (who could be corrupted/unstable Steven). He is likely going to affect those characters as well causing him more stress. Once those antagonists and problems are solved, Steven still has unresolved issues he needs to deal with. Those issues will tie to his new uncontrollable powers which can cause him to lash out and cause havoc. Haunted by his past is related to Pink Diamond’s mistakes being fixed and lost in the present is after he solves all those problems. Once everything is handled, Steven will have to figure out what he wants for his own future. Sometimes to move on into the future we must accept our past and follow the present. Once Steven can accept that will he know the answer. I am very excited to see what this series will bring to the Steven Universe universe!
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vroenis · 4 years
The 2019 Charlie’s Angels Reboot Was A Good Project & Deserved More Respect From Hollywood
We’ve just finished watching the film and there was a lot both J and I really enjoyed about it. We’re critical of media and art in different ways and I certainly don’t speak for them, as for me, oddly I’m lenient in ways that they probably aren’t when it comes to production and culture. I don’t have to dive too deeply into the cultural response to this picture to know how it went down, I’ve come into contact with just enough of it to have a clear understanding of the popular digest. The response is not at all unexpected, it’s just uninformed.
I feel that the 2019 (year of publishing) Charlie’s Angels reboot was a good project with a wonderful spirit. Elizabeth Banks’ aims were clearly evident in the final product, however it may have been shaped along the way, and that it was under-served in the production process likely from the very beginning.
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This casting is fantastic.
I do wish there were better cast-ensemble promos for me to lift from the internet and wonder whether that’s another telltale sign of production or whether the heat has just faded since release and they’ve just dropped out of the archives but I struggled to find well composed images.
The first short sizzle-teaser I ever saw for the film, I thought was quite good. Neckbeards and mouthbreathers won’t have paused for a second thought before launching hate for the project - anything in the most vague proximity of feminism or empowerment of women, or even simply just not being centred around men - will be enough to bring snide internet snark by the truckload. It remains interesting that men continue to struggle to live in a world where there can be things that also exist that are not for them, they cannot simply let these other things also exist without contributing in some way. As it were, the project looked good. Sharp, clever, playful, and a timely reboot reclaimed in the most contemporary way. When I looked up the production details and found out Banks was championing it herself, I really took an interest in it. As the first full trailers released, the casting looked great - genuinely diverse and with real chemistry, I hoped it would find the audience it was looking for.
J and I have had a lot going on in our lives over the last two years and still do. We’ve gone to theatres I think twice in that whole time, maybe three times and I think two of those were gift certificates generously paid for by family. So tonight we finally got around to watching Charlie’s Angels. If we’d seen this in theatres, I’d have still be satisfied and had the same evaluation.
A production budget of $55 million is low-balling a project of this scope; 
There seems to have been a bit of pre-production shuffling and Banks did a lot of wrangling herself early on. 
The whole shoot front to back was just over two months and I assume three countries, US/or studio inclusive. 
CGI is noticeably subpar but not exactly cheap either, so it still would have cost a significant portion of that prod. budget. When I say subpar, the CG in this film isn’t bad, please don’t take that criticism as overly negative of the CG artists’ work - remember that people do the best they can with the time and money they’re afforded. If you want to understand what that’s all about, I encourage you to watch Corridor Crew’s channel on YouTube.
Combat choreography with principle actors isn’t great, there’s far too much editing but again, I’m betting there wasn’t a whole lot of money and thus time for training and rehearsing for them, so combat is noticeably slow. 
2nd Unit photography looked very good because this kind of thing is very old-school Hollywood in that it contributes to what makes an action/spy movie look like one. Unfortunately, that means it was also expensive. We’re really running out of money here...
There is a lot of licensed music in this feature which isn’t cheap at all. Again this feels super old-school Hollywood and definitely demographic targeting, but it firmly timestamps the feature - any film, really - and unless your film is about capturing the essence of the time IT WAS THE 80′s! or FOLK FESTIVALS JUST BEFORE COVID BROKE OUT as an example of not necessarily wanting to capture the past, I really think trying to nail down pop songs of the hot present ultimately does your film a disservice.
And I’ll address that one first because I feel like it may have been one of the easiest changes to make to lift the overall quality of the picture. Instead of burning thru an immense amount of budget on a pile of pop licenses, I think a calculated risk could have been taken in getting a young contemporary musician to create a slick electronic score in its entirety to back it along side the generic orchestral action fare, no disrespect to Brian Tyler. To be honest, Tyler probably could have done it all himself but was also probably just writing to spec. BUT HEY... WHY NOT SCOUT FOR ANY NUMBER OF AMAZING WOMEN OUT THERE WHO ARE PHENOMENAL ELECTRONIC MUSICIANS AND PRODUCERS what am I talking about it’s Hollywood...
This is what I mean by the project deserving more respect and being under-served. Hollywood doesn’t believe in projects like this, they don’t realise what the project is and why it needs frontier, sincere, good faith hiring and instead under-funds but funds it nevertheless SEE? WE FUNDED IT, WE DID THE GOOD THING, SEE US SUPPORTING THE WIMMINS? WE’RE NOT  SEXISTS YOU CAN’T SAY WE’RE SEXISTS YOU CAN HAVE YOUR FILM oh it didn’t do very well except we didn’t let you make it the way you wanted to make it, we still shackled you to 
ahem where was I
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross provided the entire soundtrack for The Social Network and it’s both fantastic and timeless. OK oranges and refrigerators, but the principle still stands - I get the intent of Charlie’s Angels was a summer blockbuster but it would have still been elevated by being all the more slick having its own identity in music, having its own sound. You want that soundtrack by that amazing young woman because it sounds fucken awesome.
Charlie’s Angels still needed a few passes by a dialogue editor. I say that a lot. I know my standards are high and it’s a Hollywood film. There’s no problem at all with the vernacular, idioms and the casual language, that was all fine. It’s always just the little details - again, it’s always time and money which - really is just money. A good dialogue editor or script supervisor might have been able to just elevate this whole thing to that super-smooth level of flowing just right. Or perhaps if the actors had spent more time in training and combat rehearsal together, they’d have riffed better and improvised more. They still have good on-screen chemistry but again, more time - more money for time - and things improve.
If you don’t know my taste in film, you could see if you recognise anything in the Film Notes page of this journal, but it’s totally OK if you don’t. Basically most of them are long and boring, with super long takes of people not saying or doing much. I still love Hollywood films tho - I love all cinema and I’ll repeat like a broken record, I should either add a section to Film Notes of my favourite blockbusters or create a page for them. Anyway - Charlie’s Angels still has too much editing mostly due to the aforementioned combat, but also because of that good old Hollywood formulaic style-guide. It’s easy to look up the production credits and pluck out names but on a project like this, it’s difficult to pin the end result on the roles themselves. In these cases, personnel like editors are more like daily jobs rather than creative contributors which again is an immense shame. I catch myself before saying “It doesn’t have to be a Malick/Shortland/Lynch project...” but why not? Why can’t a summer blockbuster have its own fantastic identity? General audiences can identify Michael Bay and Christopher Nolan - sure, one or perhaps both of these people take themselves far too seriously, but why not let a project have its own identity?
We run back into the conversation of protecting investments and style guides.
The easy answer to Bay and Nolan is they’re men, but they’ve also had time to prove their worth over time with previous work and track record. Because they’ve had the privilege to do so. Because they’re men. And most of the people making decisions and letting them experiment and sometimes fail to recover investment on their projects and hey, don’t worry, just try again, are men - and they were permitted to try again because they were themselves men.
Whether individual men do or don’t deserve whatever they did or didn’t get, I’m not here to discuss. Many of them definitely didn’t and I can’t change it.
What we should be changing is how we finance, how we empower and how we hand over autonomy of projects to women in cinema, in the arts - in professional life, in any industry.
So. Fucking. What.
I can make educated guesses and I can support as much as possible as fair and equitable an arts industry wherever I engage with it.
I really liked Charlie’s Angels. It had a lot of heart. It had a wonderful sense of play and sass and smarts. Yes, a few too many “why didn’t they just shoot the bad guy” moments etc. - again - script reviews, better writers, more time...
More money.
More respect from an industry that doesn’t respect women and women’s autonomy; social, professional, in all aspects.
I hope Elizabeth Banks wants to make another one, can raise the finances for it and has even more control of the next project. More power to her.
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blazingadam · 5 years
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so it’s a spy thing on USA Network, not SyFy. Nothing says action spy drama like a flat? cap?? 
He’s not in any of the promo material on their website. Could be a one off for Episode 1 or maybe his part got cut but then why would a promo shot be on Getty? I NEED ANSWERS. I NEED TO FIND OUT IF I’VE GOT THE USA NETWORK WHICH WOULD BE RELATIVELY EASY BUT I’M BUSY SHOUTING ON THE INTERNET AT THE MOMENT. 
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This roundup covers April 22nd to 26th. Shadowhunters news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. All the stuff you need to stay up to date.
Official Promotion
Freeform “On The Fly”: Which way should the toilet paper hang?
3x20 sneak peeks: Jonathan and Clary, Magnus and Asmodeus 
The cast plays “Guess the Item”
Caption this. #Shadowhunters
Shadowhunters in the News
3x19 Reviews: Pure Fandom, TV Fanatic, Spoiler TV, Carter Matt, Meaww Entertainment, TV Insider, Hypable, The Geekiary, Tell Tale TV
3x20 Previews: Carter Matt, Meaww Entertainment, TV Fanatic, Film Daily, FANdemonium, Hidden Remote, Tell-Tale TV
3x20 Photo Promos: Hidden Remote, Spoiler TV, ScreenSpy
3x20 Reviews: CarterMatt, SpoilerTV
3x21/3x22 scoop: Spoiler TV, Carter Matt
3x21/3x22 Previews: TV Line
Carter Matt (article): Shadowhunters season 3 episode 19 video: Better times for Malec
Just Jared Jr (article): Jace goes undercover to save Clary in  ‘Shadowhunters’ tonight
Metro Entertainment (article): Final Shadowhunters episode will see Jonathan begin a new reign of terror–and wedding bells are in the air
TV Guide (video series): Farewell to Shadowhunters: Harry Shum Jr strolls down Malec memory lane
Culturess (article): Shadowhunters’ Katherine McNamara on the rise of Dark Clary and the show’s final episodes
Film Daily (article): #SaveShadowhunters: The most badass babes of the show 
Spoiler TV (table/list): Most Popular shows on SpoilerTV- w/e 26th April 2019
Buzzfeed (article): 23 TV moments from this week that we can’t stop talking about
Digital Spy (article): Shadowhunters star wants a fourth season and praises fans for “beautiful” #SaveShadowhunters campaign
Digital Spy (article):  Shadowhunters star reveals she auditioned to play the Seelie Queen before
Shine On Media (video interview): Katherine McNamara Talks ARROW & SHADOWHUNTERS "Bittersweet" Ending
Just Jared Jr. (article):  Simon & Isabelle, aka Sizzy, Get Together on 'Shadowhunters' Tonight!
Cosmopolitan (article):  Harry Shum Jr. and Matthew Daddario Tease a "Devastating" 'Shadowhunters' Series Finale
TV Guide (video):  Farewell to Shadowhunters: Dominic Sherwood Accidentally Stabbed Himself Fighting Katherine McNamara
The final fandom gift to networks was sent out, along with a reminder to save the show
Details for the latest billboard in NYC were released
Social Media/Twitter
Taylor Mallory (writer) shared a behind the scenes video of Luke Baines (Jonathan) and Kat McNamara (Clary) goofing around on the set of 3x19
Kat shared a behind the scenes photo of herself, Luke (Jonathan), and Dom Sherwood (Jace) from 3x19, [1] a photo of herself, Luke (Jonathan) and a friend at the Life Is Beautiful event, a closer look at the Jonathan/Clary moment in the 3x20 trailer, a photo of herself and Kathryn Gallagher at the Life Is Beautiful event, a photo of herself at the Life Is Beautiful event 
John Rakich (location manager) share a behind the scenes teaser from 3x20 featuring Kat (Clary) and some crew and the crew setting up shots from 3x20.
Pete Binswanger (writer) shared some behind the scenes photos from 3x19 [3]
Brian Hui (makeup artist) shared a behind the scenes photo of Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) and Kimberly Sue Murray (Seelie Queen) from 3x19, [4] a photo collage of Kat’s (Clary) transformation to Dark Clary, a behind the scenes photo of the Bone Chandelier, some behind the scenes photos of the Seelie Queen’s (Kimberly) teeth, a behind the scenes look at Dom’s (Jace) portal entrance in 3x19
Claire Hupy (writer) shared some behind the scenes photos from her visit to the set during the filming of 3x19 [2]
Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) shared a video showing how he dislocated his shoulder while shooting 3x19 on his Instagram
Steve Byers (Underhill) shared his fan mail address
Kimberly Sue Murray (Seelie Queen) shared a behind the scenes video of herself, Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) and Luke’s stunt double
Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) shared behind the scenes photos and videos with Chai Hansen (Jordan Kyle), Dom (Jace), Emeraude (Izzy), Kat (Clary), and others on Instagram, and tweeted a photo with Matt (Alec) and Dom (Jace).
Kat (Clary) tweeted photos of herself, Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern), Alberto (Simon), and Matt (Alec) hanging out off set and Matt (Alec) and Dom (Jace) serenading each other.
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted:  Thank you @ch8i for all you gave to the shadow world. You are the perfect Jordan #itsucksgettingscratched #makesyoudoterriblethings #butpeoplechange #shadowhunters
Other News
Anna Hopkins (Lilith) was announced as a guest at the London Fan Fest 2019
Kat (Clary) was announced as a guest at the ChristChurch Armaggeddon Exp 2019
Kat (Clary) wishes Harry (Magnus) a happy birthday.
Ariana Williams (Madzie) wishes Harry (Magnus) a happy birthday.
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alexskarsgardnet · 6 years
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New promo stills of Alex, Florence Pugh & Michael Shannon in The Little Drummer Girl! The Little Drummer Girl will premiere on BBC One in October & air on AMC from November 19-21!
From Screen Rant:
AMC’s continuing efforts to bring the work of John le Carré to television audiences continues with this fall’s six-part miniseries adapting The Little Drummer Girl. As it turns out, the series will become something of a binge-watch event, as the cable network plans to deliver the spy thriller over the course of three consecutive evenings. The series will premiere November 19 with a two-hour episode, followed by two more nights of two, hour-long episodes, ending on November 21.  
The plan to turn The Little Drummer Girl into an event could work in its favor. After all, the miniseries stars recent Emmy and Golden Globe winner Alexander Skarsgård (Big Little Lies), Academy Award nominee Michael Shannon, and up-and-coming star Florence Pugh (King Lear). But perhaps what makes the adaptation so appealing and unusual is that all six episodes are directed by acclaimed filmmaker Park Chan-wook, who has delivered such films as Oldboy, Stoker, and The Handmaiden. As such, the idea that a filmmaker of his caliber is adapting the work of le Carré should be enough to give the miniseries an edge when it finally premieres.
Moreover, the series will be a period drama, eschewing the desire to update the ‘70s-set story to the present day. The choice affords the director and actors a chance to stylishly recreate a fascinating era, while also potentially offering a more authentic le Carré experience.
Synopsis for th series:  “Blurring the fine lines between love and hate; truth and fiction; and right and wrong; “The Little Drummer Girl” weaves a suspenseful and explosive story of espionage and high-stakes international intrigue. Set in the late 1970s, the pulsating thriller follows Charlie (Pugh), a fiery actress and idealist whose resolve is tested after she meets the mysterious Becker (Skarsgård), while on holiday in Greece. It quickly becomes apparent that his intentions are not what they seem, and her encounter with him entangles her in a complex plot devised by the spy mastermind Kurtz (Shannon). Charlie takes on the role of a lifetime as a double agent while remaining uncertain of her own loyalties.”
The Little Drummer Girl premieres Monday, November 19 @9pm on AMC.
Sources:  Full Article:  ScreenRant.com (x), Promo stills:   Jonathan Olley/AMC/Ink Factory for ScreenRant.com (x) & Deadline.com (x)
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valencia24dickson · 2 years
The Htc Desire Handset Z Offers Something Is Ideal For
So the war of words had begun. The Google nexus one is already located on the T-Mobile and AT&T networks and will also be available for the Verizon network in the second quarter of 2010. With Apple being the first player in the touch screen mobile device arena there were a worthy adversary until now. sketchup pro download is the third android phone designed by the corporate. It is the first phone of it's a series features 3.5 mm audio jack; HTC Sense interface and multi touch capability. The HTC Hero is even the first android device that helps Adobe Thumb. Apple is correct about one thing, we're dreaming about for have established. However, Apple cant take credit for is made up of. The HTC Evo 4g has accomplished this before Apple. Not only have they accomplished it first but wi-fi isn't a necessity so as to make a telephone call. Thats right, 3G one is the most than enough to hand its users a decent video quality call. Customers to the Evo 4G's video calling improvement practical edge over the iPhone 4. The Evo 4G also blends with Skype. The Acer BeTouch E400, a rather popular cell phone, runs the Android software. 2.1 Android software platforms are utilized on this phone call. In all actuality, this is a smart simply call. Touch screen users benefit much more than three inches of screen (3.2 to be exact). Its width can be a minimal twelve millimeters. The Acer Company has installed their own user interface to palay the Android system and installed GPS, a 600MHz processor and Wi-Fi option. Because this phone is still relatively new, not haven't got the time have contributed reviews with it. Some people are saying that is not fair to judge the newer Android based phones about the older droid. That we should wait until most current generation of iPhone in a position be provided. But if you want to order a phone right now, kid remains only stats that you need to go through process of. So this is how we must judge the phones associated with right immediately. And as of right now, the specs onto the Android phones are more effectively. Especially with the newest phones, the Droid along with the Nexus An. These phones were made especially to partake in after the iPhone niche market. They have made their screens bigger and making the effort to compete using the user interface as let me tell you. I've been told by a lot of people actually basically paralyzed because of the vastness of this Android Present. My advice in and all of the everyone else: when a person a half hour of free time, download a couple free Android apps and look them on the net. If you like 'em, keep 'em; content articles don't, well there's plenty more that one could like. sketchup pro promo code is narrowing the many thousands of Android apps into chunks you are equipped for. In fact, that's come about with every one of these articles. What the gw990 will ultimately come from top? Android or iOS? If Android can be capable to tackle Apple and the touch screen tablet market, will it stop at that place? Knowing Google, probably in no way. Since 1998, Google has been effectively taking hold of the world. sketchup pro license began phones and is now utilized for devices. Where will we discover Android second of all? However, it's really not the technical part that individuals want to know, but how it can help them. This is when Android spy software really sells by themselves. If you're an employer, you can use it find out if the employees are committing fraud or leaking information to people. If you're a parent, you will discover what problems your youngsters are getting into and it is simple to find them if they get said goodbye to. If you suspect your spouse has an affair, you will find it out easily within a few weeks. If your parents are too old, you will keep track ones without their knowing, numerous others.
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esonetwork · 3 years
The Earth Station One Podcast - No Time To Die Movie Review
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/the-earth-station-one-podcast-no-time-to-die-movie-review/
The Earth Station One Podcast - No Time To Die Movie Review
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The time has finally come! Mike, Mike, Ashley, Alan J. Porter, and Matthew Kresel report in full on Daniel Craig’s final mission as James Bond. Plus, some Monkee talk with Kevin Eldridge. All this, along with Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take, Michelle’s Iconic Rock Moment, Creative Outlet with Jaime Ramos, and Shout Outs!
We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at [email protected] and subscribe and rate the show on Apple Podcast, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, or wherever fine podcasts are found.
Table of Contents 0:00:00 Show Open / Review of The Monkees Final Tour 0:27:22 Michelle’s Iconic Rock Moment 0:30:31 No Time To Die Movie Review 1:58:13 A Geek Girl’s Take 2:00:37 Creative Outlet w/ Jaime Ramos 2:07:17 Show Close
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