#pov the only fucking prisoner on the ship is now running free and giving you the biggest thumbs up
random-kido · 10 months
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POV: you tried to romance your way out of a hijacking unaware that the two hijackers are dating and are absolutely ready to retaliate
anyway fun drawing thing I did for something I want to write at some point. Maybe
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what-the--curtains · 3 years
Chapter 3 - The Revelation
(Mando x f!reader)
Summary: After agreeing to help the Mandalorian, you land on Tatooine. Joined by an old friend the three of you locate a potential informant and a secret is revealed.
Notes: everytime I get a lil notification sayong someone has liked this post my heart gets so full so thank you all❤️❤️ I hope you continue to enjoy the story as much as I enjoy writing it!
Tw: Mentions of Alcohol/blood, Swearing
Tagged: @crazycookiecrumbles
Word count: 3.2k
R-16, Geonosis, Outer Rim Territories
Your POV
“Pretty swanky” you say, taking note of the Mandalorians newly acquired ship “who’d you steal this off of.”
He boards it stopping at the top when he realizes you hadn’t followed him up. “Are you coming? They’ll notice you’re missing soon. Your client didn’t look like the kind of guy to last a whole night.”
“How do I know you’re not going to sell me off again?” you ask, currently rethinking this whole situation.
“ If that’s what I was here to do that, you’d be handcuffed already”
“Really? Because if I remember correctly had it not been for your counterpart hitting me in the head last time, you’d have been on your way back empty handed.” He shakes his helmet evidently getting aggravated.
“Where is she by the way?” you ask.
“We don’t have time for this.” he interjects, walking back down and grabbing you by the arm. You shake free “I’m not going anywhere with you if you’re going to treat me like a prisoner.” A clatter from up above draws you attention away from the conversation at hand. “You sure the kid’s not just roaming around upstairs.”
“Wait here” he exhales, disappearing briefly before returning with an unmistakable bundle.
“Anya!” you exclaim under your breath, eyes lighting up. “Impossible” you whisper as the small creature wriggles out of Mandos' arms and rushes towards you. “How?” you ask looking up. “Answer me Mandalorian” .
“The child” he responds “he brought it back to life. What?” he asks, noticing your forehead wrinkle in confusion.
“Nothing, I just thought the only people that could do that were long gone.” Perhaps you owed this child more than just a thank you for saving Anya. If he was able to give life he too was able to wield the force, your grandmother would not be happy if you left a Jedi in the arms of the empire. Knowing this you climb onto the ship with Anya.
“They’ll be a bounty on me now.” You state, sitting down in the co-pilot seat.
“Welcome to the club,” he says, jumping the ship into hyperspace.
“Let’s get a few things straight. I now understand why you traded me, and why this child must be returned safely, but do not get me wrong, we are not friends, I do not forgive you and I definitely do not trust you. I am here to repay a debt. Once I have we go our separate ways, and I never have to see beskar ever again. Got it?” He nods shifting into auto-pilot. “Good. There a shower on this thing?” you ask, your smell becoming increasingly offensive.
“Downstairs to the right.” You drop down scoping out the ship, not too shabby. You hear a clang, turning around to face the Mandalorian.
“What?” you say, concerned he’d caught you snooping.
“Here” he says, handing you a set of clothes, “should fit.” You take them, but he doesn’t move, and he’s blocking the door to the shower.
“What are you waiting for? A kiss?” You ask as you push by him into the bathroom having flustered him enough to knock him off balance. Closing the door you breathe a sigh of relief, as you lock it behind you. You get into the shower letting the water hit your face and run slowly down your body. It’s not warm, but it’s better water pressure than you’ve had in months. Looking down you see a puddle of burgundy pooling at your feet, caused by the admixture of blood, makeup and various other fluids currently coating your body. You rinse the blood and guts out of your hair scrubbing at that which had been there long enough to crust over. You wince in pain when you brush up against an old scar that must have reopened in the fight earlier today, oh well, you think, it will heal. The various wounds on your body were proof of that. After about a month of being in the rings you stopped bruising, but scarring was still a part of day to day life. They covered the markings and tattoos scattered across what was once smooth skin. Turning off the water, you step out of the shower and dry off before pulling on the black pants and long sleeve provided to you. Walking back up to the cockpit and placing Anya onto the seat you lean over the dashboard.
“Where are we going.” you ask. No reply. “Hey beskar head I asked you a question.” You say not realizing he had been staring at you. He points at the tracker sitting on the dash. “On another hunt?”
“ This was on the guy who sold me and the kid out, started beeping again while you were showering.”
“You gonna give me my weapons back?” you inquire, unsure of what the plan was.
“Still downstairs, I couldn't sell them. No one wanted them” he says locking in the coordinates and beginning his landing.
“Well I guess I was wrong Mandalorians can’t tell jokes after all. Where are we by the way”
“Tatooine home of the moisture farmers, and not the nice part”
“Think they’d choose a wetter planet to farm moisture” you say, looking out at the planet's arid landscape through the windshield. The two of you exit the cockpit and head towards the armoury.
“Careful” he says, as you reach your hand in.
“I just spent several months in combat I think I’ll be fine” you say sarcastically. You reach into the armoury, quickly pulling your hand back when the security system zaps you. “Fuck” you say bringing your hand to your mouth, as he turns off the protection. “Shut up”
“I didn’t say anything”
“But you were thinking it. So same goes.” You remove a bow and arrow, quickly realizing they weren't your originals.
“Real ones were lost in the incident, picked these up on the way to get you” he says leaning forward and removing the Anbam sniper rifle and standard issue blaster.
Anya follows the two of you out of the ship burying her nose into the sand pulling out a large bone. The Mandalorian was a man of few words so you have no idea where you were going, or what the plan was, but you were happy for the peace. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been in complete silence.
“Well, well, well.” A voice echoes. You draw your bow and the Mandalorian unholsters his blaster.
“Didn’t think you’d be back so soon and with someone so pretty.” the voice says as a figure of a tall man appears from behind a large sandstone.
“Cobb” the Mandalorian says, lowering his blaster
“Mando!” The older gentleman exclaims locking arms with the somewhat reluctant Mandalorian. You keep your bow aimed, as Anya approaches him sniffing his boots.
“And who might this be?” he asks looking at you while bending down to pet the critter.
“Ask her yourself.” Mando says, almost annoyed. Cobb was handsome, more so than most which makes you almost immediately untrusting of him. Anya seems to have taken a liking to him though so you drop the hostility for now. You lower your weapon and take his extended hand. “Cobb Vanth, i'm the marshal round these parts, Nice to meet you” he says
“y/n, and likewise” you respond, pulling your hand back.
“Where’s the kid?” Vanth asks and you see the Mandalorians' demeanor change guilt radiating off him.
“He’s gone, we're trying to find him. She’s a tracker” he says, pointing to you.
You look over at the Mandalorian, how did he know that? The two men walk in front of you, discussing the events that had unfolded a few days prior. As you make your way into the town you find yourself relaxing slightly. None of the locals looked like the kind to recognize you.
“Glad to see things have picked up since I was last here.”
“Well Mando, turns out less giant snakes makes for happier people.” Cobb says
“Funny how that works”
“C’mon, you look hungry and like you need a few drinks,” the Marshal says with a smile. “Might just run into your bounty if we’re lucky.” He throws two fingers up at the bartender, as you enter, leads you to a nearby empty booth. You thank the bartender as he brings out the food and drink.
“So who are we looking for.” The Marshal asks
“Ugly guy” Mando starts
“Well that narrows it down” you mutter earning a chuckle from the Marshal. Before he can continue describing the guy, the tracker starts to beep more consistently.
“Must be your lucky day” the marshal says coolly as an Aqualish enters into the establishment, tusks and all.
“Put your hood up” you say to the Mandalorian “he’ll recognize the armour, switch seats with me.” He obliges, pulling up the hood of his cloak as you shift over top of him so his back is now facing the door and you're sat between him and the Marshal.
“Alright looks like we’re in need of a plan” Cobb says.
“Give me 20 minutes with it, I’ll get the information” you say standing up.
“No way. Not happening. If this falls through you’re our only shot at finding the kid.” The Mandalorian says tugging you down by the back of your shirt, much to your dismay.
“Well there's always option B.” you say, pausing for a moment “you get up and he runs a mile then we're really gonna be screwed.” Seemingly having convinced the Mandalorian you were capable of getting the information needed, he agrees.
“Fine. 20 minutes, then we're coming after you.” He says. You stand up passing by the marshal and make your way over to the bar.
Mandos POV
He watches you head over, scanning the crowd for any potential threats. Even cloaked you stood out, and the odds of someone recognizing an ex-gladiator was high, especially one as successful as you. He tenses up when a Nikto approaches you. His hand subtly moves to the blaster, but not so subtly that it didn’t catch the marshals attention.
“You should relax Mando, it seems like she’s got it under control.” he says, nodding his head in your direction . He turns seeing you utter a few words to the Nikto causing it to continue on seemingly in a trance. His hand eases off the blaster and he relaxes back into his seat.
“Awfully protective” Cobb says, the Mandalorian ignores this comment, of course he was being protective, he needed you to find the child. He’s pulled out of his thoughts by a glass being dropped off at the table. Cobb throws his hand up nodding to you in thanks, the target had been acquired.
“So, where’d ya find her?” he asks, taking a sip of the drink.
“Long story.”
“Well we have twenty minutes.”
“Traded her for the child a while back she was fighting in a gladiatorial ring until about 25 hours ago.” He says as Anya settles down on the Marshal lap.
“This is quite the creature.”
“The kid saved it.”
“So that’s why she’s hanging around with your homely helmeted ass. Seriously, she looks like a fallen star.” Cobb pauses looking to his friend “Ahhh, but you’ve already noticed.” With no response the Marshal continues “Well if there’s nothing there then I’m in luck.” The helmet turns ,“A joke Mando, a joke.” The Marshal says lifting his hands up. Before he can respond the Mandalorian feels something bump against his shoulder causing him to look up just in time to see you pass by with the target in pursuit. As he watches him exit the bar he catches a glint of a small sphere, a bomb.
“dank farrik” he says, standing up and moving through the bar in pursuit.
“What happened to twenty minutes?” the Marshal shouts after him.
Your POV.
“Thanks for the drink sweetheart” the Aqualish says as you turn around, this was not your first time dealing with one, but you did hope it would be your last.
“If you’re looking to repay the favour you may be able to help me find something, I believe you’ve come across. A child. Small, green, big ears.”
The Aqualish laughs reaching its hand back for the bomb. Using the force you stay his hand a few inches away from the weapon.
“Answer me, before my patience wears thin.” You say. Patience, already wearing thin.
“Look lady I was hoping for some fun, let me go and no one has to get hurt.”
“You’re not in much of a potion to be negotiating.” You say. The unmistakable sound of a blaster going off suddenly echoes and you feel something cold and wet hit your face. You look up as the Aqualish drops to the floor standing behind him you see the Mandalorian.
“Seriously!” You say angrily, wiping the residue out of your face.
“It had a bomb.”
“I know I had it under control. Clean this up you say” pushing past him.
“Why do I…” he starts,
“Because…” you say turning on your heel to face him, “if we had done things my way there wouldn’t have been a mess to clean up at all.” you exclaim, throwing your hands up in the air, before returning to the bar.
You slump down in the booth next to the Marshal.
“How long did you put up with him for before you lost it?”
“Went well I take it.” He says offering you the remainder of his drink.
“Could have, if someone had just showed a modicum of trust.” You say taking a swig of the blue liquid.
“Seems like he trusts easy. He trusts you enough to ask for your help.”
“He doesn't trust me he needs my help, there's a distinct difference.” You say downing the rest of the drink causing Cobb to raise his eyebrows slightly opting to change the course of the conversation.
“Well I have to say you are just about the prettiest thing to show up here.” You roll your eyes, it wasn’t the first time you’d heard that. Despite this you find yourself smiling Cobb was quite charming after all.
“Thanks for keeping an eye on her, she doesn’t usually take to strangers.” You say moving in to scratch behind Anya’s ears.
“Got a way with all living things, though I find humans easier than animals.” He laughs.
“Well I’m sure that has something to do with your charm and face” you say. He’s about to respond when you both see a flash of armour leave the bar.
“Guess we’re leaving” He says offering you a hand, you take it and exit in pursuit of the Mandalorian.
“Mando!” the Marshal calls after him.
“Don’t leave on my account. I’ll be on the ship. If you’re not back by morning I'll find the child on my own.” he says continuing on his way.
“Oh don’t be jealous Mando we were just talking.” Cobb, says not making the situation any better.
Assuming you couldn’t piss him off anymore than he already was you pick up a stray rock and throw it at him. It hits the back of the helmet causing him to stop and turn around.
“Nice shot” the Cobb whispers to you looking impressed.
“Thanks” you say walking over to the Mandalorian.
“You okay Mandalorian?” you ask
“We should be looking for the kid not relaxing in a bar.”
“You’re not the only one who owes this child something, and don’t act like this wasn’t the first moment of freedom I’ve enjoyed in months.” with no reply you continue “What now? You killed our last lead.”
“I don’t know that’s why you’re here to figure it out.” He says sharply, the two of you now staring each other down.
“Well that’s my cue, Mando, always a pleasure, (y/n) lovely to meet you, if you’re ever looking for work I’m always in need of a deputy.” Cobb says, patting Anya on the head and heading off back towards town. You interrupt your glaring contest and wave goodbye to the Marshal. Having calmed down slightly, you turn back to the Mandalorian.
“Do you have something of his?”
“What?” the voice asks, even with the modulator you could tell he was frustrated.
“Of the child’s anything belonging to him?” you say suddenly feeling equally as irritated.
“It all went up…wait.” he says reaching into his pocket pulling something small and silver out.
“A toy of his” He says. You stick your hand out and he drops the small silver ball into your hand. As it makes contact with your skin you feel the emotion enveloping it. He cares greatly for this child, perhaps you had misjudged the Mandalorian. With this in mind you begin to gather stray stones placing them in a pattern on the ground using a nearby stick to trace lines in the sand.
“Are you going to summon him or something?” He asks.
“Not a witch.” you reply unsure if he’s joking or not.
You close your eyes, breathing deeply. The Mandalorian watches in awe as the rocks and sand begin to rise recreating a map of the galaxy. You open your eyes and walk over to Anya, bending down, you offer her the small metal ball which she sniffs. She begins circling the base of the galaxy stopping on the outer rim. Pulling more rocks forward you create a series of steps which Anya begins to ascend, sniffing the planets in front of her. She stops, sitting down so as to indicate she had located the scent.
“You know where that is?” you ask, looking up at the T visor which was still fixed on the map you had created. He hadn’t said anything in a while not that he ever really did, but you’d asked a question and needed an answer.
“Anyone home” you say, lifting your hand to knock on the helmet. He grabs your wrist before you can.
“No, I don’t, but I can get us there.” He says, gently releasing you. You drop the map to the floor leaving a small cloud of dust in its wake as you re-enter the ship.
“I hope you appreciate the delicacy of what I just did and the possible danger I’ve put us in.” You say, taking your seat, hoping you had made the correct choice in trusting him.
“How long have you known? That you have powers?” He asks, you smile at his choice of words.
“Since I was a child. My grandmother trained me in the way of the Jedi until she passed.”
“I’m sorry.” He says as he takes off.
“For what? you didn’t kill her.” After a prolonged period of silence you speak again. “I trust you’ll keep this between us, man of few words and all if it was to get out I'd take it very personally.” Taking his silence as understanding you breath a sign of relief. Leaning back you settle in for the upcoming journey.
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phenomenal1500 · 3 years
The Blood In My Veins | Black Sails
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Chapter 23: No Promises Made
For Chapter 22: Let Me Help You click here.
"Oh? And what task is that exactly, Captain Vane."
"You must keep my child safe." He left a kiss on my forehead and we stared at each other for a minute until he headed towards the wooden door to later disappear behind it with me beginning to wait for him to come back safely with Flint by his side.
(POV Charles Vane)
"Did she tell you already or are you still seeking the answer?"
"I know.... that's why I tried to keep her away from what is about to happen." I kept my eyes on the judge. "Why didn't you turn around when you found out about it? You know I had the right to know and besides that, you knew this wasn't safe for her." I explained, my voice softer than a whisper in a raging storm. I only wanted him to hear my words and didn't want to look suspicious in front of the crowd.
"She wanted to get away from you so why would I turn my ship around and deliver her back to the man she tried to run away from?"
"Because it's my child." I groaned under my breath and watched the man who had built up the whole fucking theatre start to read the diary of Lord Peter Ashe's daughter. He appeared to have a hateful expression towards us, the most wanted pirates in the seven seas who weren't allowed to be killed yet and he rolled his eyes at us.
"So now you have everyone's eyes where you want them, on the two of us. What happens next?" To my surprise Flint understood my rage and backed down a little from the last conversations, curious about what my plan was. Flint had looked questioning at me from the corner of his eyes, but already knew I couldn't say anything, afraid people were listening. "When it happens. Once I'm free, whenever it is, you won't want to get in my way-.."
"When it happens, we will be moving to the jetty and out of this place. Didn't come all this way to have them kill you steps from the gallows." I snapped back. I didn't really appreciate it if this man got himself killed before I managed to free him.
"Mmm.... They're all trying so hard to convince themselves that they have nothing to be afraid of. How is running going to change that?"
"What do you suggest?" I turned my head his way at a slow pace.
"That we remind them that they were right to be afraid. If Naida would have been here, you know she would have agreed with me." I clenched my jaw before I arose from my wooden chair. I wouldn't run without a fight that perhaps had the effect to remind civilised people what real freedom was. I knew Naida would have fought them to death and beyond, same as an old friend of mine and I couldn't let them both down. For the first time Flint was truly right, Charles Town had to burn.... with all the citizens in it.
"What are you doing?!" The ridiculous man called out loud, trying to restrain me and put me in my place.
"I wish to speak on behalf of the defendant." Lord Kensington's face turned into a storm of wrath, but I stood my ground.
"You have not been recognized. Sit back and you'll-...." He pointed out and aggressively pulled his wig in place.
"These men convinced you that they speak for you." I addressed the public who had all gathered to see the so-called phenomenon, Flint's hanging, and I rolled my eyes at the angry man ahead of us who kept on warning me in an exasperated tone. The words that had rolled off my tongue seemed to make the people frightened and it was clearly visible that Kensington was scared to lose control over the citizens which motivated me to continue.
"How dare you?!" The man tried to cut me off for a third time to stop the fermentation that was caused, but I wasn't going to give in to the iron chains that were wrapped around my bruised wrists.
I would never become a slave again, nor would I ever listen to civilization and their laws.
"That the power you've given them is used in your interest. That the prisoner before you is your enemy and they your friends. Who those of you who live to see tomorrow.... know that you had a choice to see the truth and you let yourselves be convinced otherwise." I continued, raising my voice to the crowd. No matter what would happen, I was going to let these words mark their brains and let them all know how true life is supposed to be lived.
"That's enough! Bailiffs, remove him!"
With controlled rage I elevated my tied hands, willing to end this all, and lowered them as planned to give the command to fire at free will.
Each single person observed the scene with open eyes and were intimidated by the idea of not knowing what was supposed to happen. The fact that children had attended the show as well gave me a strange feeling, but I wasn't their parents and I didn't make the mistake of involving them.
Within seconds the first cannon was fired, ending diagonally to the left into the building.
Flint readily stood up and snatched someone's gun out of the man's hands to rotate it and hit him in the jaw while I avoided some rapid shots before a man stepped towards me with the intention of murdering me. I punched the man downwards, grabbed his gun in the process and went low myself to avoid the next shot. It didn't take long before I hit another man who challenged me between his ribs and a blow to his temple followed which knocked him out. I could still feel the pain from the injuries I had contracted in my last battle, but ignored it. It took a moment to see through the chaos and I tried to pay attention to how Flint was doing to confirm he wasn't killed yet.
30 minutes before the first shot.
(POV Naida Jones)
I wasn't able to help it.
The plan was smart, but Charles was insane to try this with a small group of crew members.
I knew he would have made it back alone, but what if I was wrong? I didn't want to hear a single word that said 'he died trying.'
Worse imaginations overflowed my head and I stood up from the bed I had rested in after Charles took his leaving. By now our bed just smelled like sex mixed up with sweat and the sheets weren't as soft as they were, however, that was for another time to worry about. I took a hold of my long black coat that was neatly folded onto the low wardrobe and I pushed my arms through the long sleeves as I proceeded to walk towards the door. My hand closed around the doorknob, but I suddenly backed down. Charles was going to be so pissed and disappointed with me.
I cleared my mind, shook the thoughts out of my head for the second time and placed my hands on my swords, one hanging on each side.
I fucking need to do this.
I have to help him.... whether he likes my sudden company or not and besides that, I never made a promise to stay here and these people seem to hold a tremendous grudge against me.
My hand folded around the door handle once more and there was no turning back. I inhaled deeply. I had to do this, I repeated once again. I pulled open the heavy door and took in the clean air from outside, softly closing the door behind me quickly. The men were so busy watching the Walrus crew that they didn't even suspect anything and I placed myself onto the railing of the ship with my legs thrown over the side. "What do you think you're doing?" An unknown man asked and I quickly looked behind me.
"Helping." I responded and in that moment we heard the first shot echoing through the city. It was my sign to leave if I still wanted to be there in time.
With that said I jumped off the railing and dived into the water before the man could even consider stopping me.
The water felt refreshing on my skin and made me cool down a bit, but I couldn't give in to the comfort the ocean gave me and I reminded myself I had to hurry. I mostly swam underwater while moving to the closest piece of land that I could reach the fastest and I snuck into the streets of Charles Town. I understood that climbing the roofs was a better idea to get to the place faster and unseen so I made my way to the roof tops instead. Everywhere I went there were screaming men and stressed out women with kids, but I couldn't help. I just couldn't.
Without realising it yet, I heard Flint's way of shouting and spotted Charles with Flint trying to avoid gunshots that were fired at them by standing behind an old wooden barn. Grabbing my gun, I laid down onto the flat roof so I was capable of aiming without shaking and I targeted the redcoats that were most dangerous to them. I decided to shoot the closest redcoat to them which made Charles and Flint wonder where the bullet came from and they were smart enough to follow the trail of the shot with their eyes, glancing right at me. I playfully waved at them before drawing my other pistol and shot a second one before jumping off the low roof.
"Hey boys." I whistled at the other group of redcoats and a wink specially dedicated to them followed. They instantly finished firing to dumbly glare at me and I launched myself at one of them, breaking his neck and then went up to the other three who were startled by the sudden attack and were stuck to the ground like a statue. I, without hesitating, cut the throat of another redcoat who's dark blood covered the dusty floor, leaving two of them left. I suddenly didn't have the surprise attack on my side anymore and they started shooting uncontrollably at me. Trying to avoid each shot, I knocked them both out as fast as I possibly could by pulling the gun from their hands and smashing it onto their jaws and I gasped for air afterwards. I was ready to kill them, only, right before I wanted to do so.... I felt a familiar arm sneak around my waist.
"Leave them!" By hearing the husky and rough voice, I could detect it was Charles and by the tone in his voice he seemed relieved, but also quite mad at me for making my appearance here.
"We have to move, both of you." I hurriedly nodded and Charles retreated his arm.
It looked like we were already too late though and a battle crate was heard as a man sprinted towards Flint while in the meantime another man approached us from another side.
"Flint, watch out!!" Right on time Flint turned around to see the man and he pushed his competitor against a cage full of slaves. Charles was in the meantime still busy handling the other man as well and shared a gaze with me which manifested the attitude he didn't want any help. I rolled my eyes and sighed before following his gaze towards the cage full of slaves, understanding exactly what he meant. I rushed to it and tried to crack the lock open with my sword. After two or three times chopping the lock, it jumped open and the slaves were freed.
It felt good saving them.
Flint and Charles had both won their fights and waved me over to join them.
"Let's go!"
"There they are!" The group of redcoats had recognised us and decided to fucking kill a few of the released slaves because they stood in their fucking way.... and these people called us monsters. I shook my head. Something was truly wrong in their minds.
Charles, Flint and I quickly moved away from the scene and continued to run down the blown up streets.
It was chaos.
"Flint, Charles. Do we even have a plan from here on?" I nervously spoke up and we just kept on running without an explanation given to me with Charles meanwhile grabbing my arm to help me pick up speed. Not that I wasn't fast, but I really needed it at this moment to keep up with them. I noticed I wasn't as fast as I used to be because of my tiredness and it annoyed the shit out of me. I was dragged up a few stairs and was then shoved into a sloop. All three of us were panting as if we had outran death, which we technically had done, and the two strong men rowed as fast as they could, away from the jetty and away from the destroyed Charles Town.
"Look." I pointed at the jetty that was now full of men aiming at us with their massive guns. "We should have sabotaged the canons."
"We didn't have time for that. The only thing we can do now is to hope no one hits us while we row back." With all force I began rowing as well, following their rhythm as I hoped we were out of range soon. Unfortunately, we weren't.... not even close. With anxiety building up inside me, I horrifyingly glared at the town that slowly was going up in smoke and right when the men were ready to fire.... a cannonball hit the jetty, pulling the men deep into the dark waters with it. I took a deep breath, relieved that we were still all intact and after a few minutes of calmly rowing, we finally ended up at our safe haven.... the ship. Charles climbed up first and stood on deck to pull me up with him.
When we finally all stood onto the deck, including Flint, my concern had fully left my body.... but that was until a gun was aimed at me and Charles.
"Great, what kind of hatred do you have towards me now, Billy?" Billy struggled with suppressing his smile, but failed dramatically and I could see a little smirk being painted on his face behind thé seriousness. The gun changed its way it was pointing at and now only was pointed at Charles which made him look pissed after such a long day of trying to aid Flint. Billy didn't care though and spoke up.
"A bit of turmoil since you left. But it's under control now." Flint watched the imprisoned men and took in a deep breath without taking his eyes off them.
"Release those men." He commanded sternly.
"What? Captain."
"I know what happened and I don't care. I'll not hold pirates prisoner on this ship, not after today."
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missdaviswrites · 5 years
Fic Writer Intro--MissDavis
I just got back from @ficwritersretreat2019, where we talked about ways to support and promote other fic writers. One idea was to write introductory posts for ourselves, then reblog each others’ posts to spread the word to all our followers. Below I have tagged the other writers who went to this year’s retreat, but even if you’ve never been, feel free to introduce yourself and your own writing. If you tag me, I'll reblog your post, too! 
I’m MissDavis and I've been writing BBC Sherlock fic since shortly after s3. Most of my work is Johnlock with some occasional Johnlockary thrown in for good measure. Here’s the link to all of my writing. If you’re looking for something specific, here’s a breakdown by ship and length, along with summaries from AO3:
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Long fics (50-100+K):
Breakable rated E After John is seriously injured, Sherlock struggles to figure out how to help him, keep himself sane, and maybe, just maybe, get their life back to the way it’s supposed to be. Part 1 of the Breakable Not Broken series.
Full Court Press  rated E College basketball AU: Sherlock is the team’s best shooter. John is the team’s best ball-handler.
Side Effects rated E WIP, currently 10/17 chapters now complete! Sequel to Breakable. Life is a lot better for Sherlock and John than it was a year ago. Yes, John still can't walk and Sherlock is still on antidepressants, but they're married now, and almost everything else is back to their version of normal. They have a dog. Sherlock's solving cases again. But when Moriarty learns of their marriage, he escapes from prison and takes it upon himself to make their lives miserable. Is Sherlock really up to the challenge of catching a criminal whose only goal is to make sure that he and John don't live happily ever after?
Mid-length fics (10-35K):
Chaperones  rated T "You want to pretend to be a couple so we can chaperone a trip to Disney World with Rosie’s class and you won’t have to share a room with a stranger?“
Christmas With You rated T Watch Sherlock, John and Rosie over the years as they celebrate the season as only they can.
Welcome Christmas  rated T Join John and Sherlock at Baker Street as they celebrate Rosie's first Christmas and beyond. From Rosie crawling around the flat as they tiptoe around each other en route to their first kiss, to a happy retirement with a young grandson who wants to be just like Grandad and Papa, this fic shows how Sherlock and John celebrate Christmas together through the years.
Breaking Christmas rated M Join me in some established relationship Johnlock as I attempt to make Sherlock and John participate in some Seasonal Fucking Cheer. Ficlets that are part of the Breakable Not Broken series.
So This Is Christmas rated T Sherlock, John and Rosie celebrate the Christmas season with the rest of their family. It's not always perfect, but they all do their best. Most of the time. AKA the Christmas ficlets that include Eurus.
Clutter-Free rated E 5 times John made Sherlock clean up the flat and one time he didn’t have to.
Short fics (2K-9K):
The Librarians of Baker Street  rated E Sherlock is a cataloguer who's forced to work the reference desk once a week. Which he hates. Or at least, he used to hate it, until the library hired a new reference librarian. Guess who?
Just a Touch rated E John has trouble falling asleep these days. There’s one thing he can do that always seems to help, but he’s stuck in this hotel room with Sherlock and doesn’t think he’ll get the chance. How will he ever find relief and a good night’s sleep?
If You Lead Me rated M Enough time has passed since Mary’s death that John is finally ready to start a new relationship. With Sherlock, he hopes. But given Sherlock’s stated aversion to romantic entanglements, John is a bit worried about being rejected, and doesn’t know how to proceed. Fortunately, there’s someone who can help him along.
Sherlock Is Actually a Cat Person rated E John brings home a kitten. Sherlock is not okay with it.
The Last Time Alone rated E But it wasn’t enough, not for John. He needed more. He needed someone to hold besides a child, and someone to kiss on the lips and not just the top of the head. He needed sly looks across the dinner table and to know if he put Rosie to bed early he might emerge from her room to find a candle lit and dessert served just for two.
The One Where No One Proposes rated G Sherlock inherits his parents’ wedding rings. It’s ridiculous that they mean something to him. He doesn’t plan to do anything with them. Sentiment.
Equal Footing  rated E Sherlock had certainly never shown any interest in women’s footwear, or in seeing John appear as anything but fully male. But five extra inches—that opened up all sorts of interesting possibilities.
Very short fics (under 2K):
Dirty Laundry rated E If they got far enough along, John knew he would stop noticing the steady clanking thump of the washer, but so far he’d been unable to keep himself from being distracted.
A Boyfriend in Need rated G John's in medical school now, but it's Sherlock who's taking care of him today. A sequel to Full Court Press.
Rosie and the Rainbows rated M Sherlock isn’t exactly opposed to Rosie joining the Girl Guides, but he doesn’t really see the appeal, either. It ends up being much worse than he imagined.
To a Better Year than Last rated G After the life-altering events of the last twelve months, John is more than ready for the new year to begin. Short sequel to Breakable, from John's POV.
Training  rated G Sherlock had terrible running form; they would have to work on that later. For now, John just ran, happy that for once Sherlock was the one chasing after him.
Honey Bee rated G Rosie gets stung by a bee. It’s not a big deal, except that it is.
He Sees You When You're Sleeping rated T Sherlock and John return to the Holmes’ family home for Christmas to find that Mummy has redecorated.
Wrong Disc rated G Two years later and DVDs that Mary made before she died are still showing up every now and then. Thankfully.
The Cute One  rated G "This post says that whenever there are three people, there must be one who's the clever one, one who's the cool one, and one who's the cute one.” Rosie looked from John to Sherlock and back again. “So which of us is which?”
Better  rated G Sometimes the world just calls for a bit of comfort. A 221B ficlet.
Let's Go on a Family Holiday (& Then Not Leave the Room) rated T Sherlock looked up, noting that John’s bare chest lacked the glossy sheen of suncream that he had been anticipating. A 221B ficlet
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Could Be Fun 36K words, rated E This is the first fic I started writing when I got into the Sherlock fandom. John, Sherlock and Mary embark on a new stage of their relationship. Nine chapters of smut and snark, canon-compliant through series 3.
The Life We Choose 16K words, rated M Based on the "30 Days of Sherlock Challenge,” a series of ficlets from the points of view of Sherlock, John, Mary, and, of course, Alice Watson: I have three parents. Some of my friends have three, too, or even four, but none of them has three who all live together, which makes me the luckiest out of all my friends.
Imagine the Christmas Dinners 15K words, rated M A series of Christmas-themed ficlets, featuring Sherlock, John and Mary over the years, with appearances by Baby Watson, Mummy Holmes, Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade.
Better Off Together 9K words, WIP, now complete at 16K! Rated M What if everyone lived happily ever after? Yes, I’m still writing this, maybe 1 or 2 chapters left to go!
An Afternoon Interruption 7K words, rated E Still the only John/Sherlock/Mary/Sally fic on AO3!
The Clothes You Once Wore  4K words, rated E Mary took a deep breath and conceded to herself that maybe she did want to put on the assassin outfit and tie him to the bed and have her way with him. Maybe Sherlock had just known it before she did. Possibly my favorite short fic I’ve written.
Got You Pegged 2K words, rated E Sherlock could think of six different ways they could make it fit using common household items he had in the flat, but he didn’t think he could wait that long.
The Space Between 2K words, rated E This one is really more Johnlock than Johnlockary. Written as part of the Come At Once 24-hour porn challenge.
Safe Not Sound   2K words, rated E "Oh, come on. I'm willing to put up with all this 'gun safety' nonsense you and John are insisting on, the least you could do is give me what I want in return."
Brand New Day 1500 words, rated T Breakfast, babies, and three people trying to do their best.
While You Were Sleeping  1K words, rated E “We—” Mary started and Sherlock pressed his fingers a bit harder against her leg. She inhaled. “He’ll wake up.”
Storage Space  695 words, rated M Sherlock has his own space at John and Mary’s house now. The first fic I ever posted!
Bed rated T It’s a bit tight, but they all fit. A 221B ficlet.
Other Ships or Ship-free
All We Have  5K words, rated T, Gen. My angsty, pre-series 4 interpretation of what might have happened to a third Holmes brother.
One Night, Twenty Weeks 4K words, rated E, Mary/Molly. Mary has a problem. Molly helps her out.
Actually, the Baby Sits on You 3K words, rated G, Gen. Sherlock watches the Watsons’ baby for the first time.
Tea for Three 2K words, rated E, Mrs. Hudson/Mrs. Holmes/Mr. Holmes. Mrs. Hudson had been with many men over the years—older, younger, single, divorced, married and seeing her on the side either secretly or openly—but this was the first time she had ever been with a man while his wife lay right beside them.
Tiny Little Pieces 1594 words, rated G, John/Mary. They watched to the end of the DVD; Sherlock smiled and winked at them and John flicked off the screen again. “So. That’s Sherlock.” He gave her a smile that was even more forced than the one Sherlock had just displayed. “It’s funny. I’d almost forgotten what he sounded like.”
Not in the Job Description 1,505 words, rated E, Sherlock/Sally. The case has Sherlock stumped, and John’s not around to help him focus. Someone has to step up and help him clear his mind.
Once He Is Gone 1K words, rated T, Gen. John is fine at Sherlock’s funeral. Of course he is. Why wouldn’t he be? He’s been to funerals for so many of his friends. Why would Sherlock’s be any different?
When Mary Met Sally 766 words, rated G, Gen. Sally stops by Baker Street with a case but finds out that Sherlock isn’t home.
Kick  Gen, rated G. Mary is pregnant, John’s not speaking to her, and Sherlock’s still in hospital. A 221B ficlet.
Tagging: @hubblegleeflower @pipmer @pippn-frodo @totallysilvergirl @daringlydomestic @prettyrealisticjohnlockfanart @cumberqueer @addictedstilltheaddict @disaronnus @weneedtotalkaboutsherlock @quantum-sparrow @blogstandbygo @amindamazed @fearlessdiva930 @onwallsiwrite
and tagging *anyone* else who wants to share--really, feel free to promote your fic!
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heatherofthenight · 5 years
Reaction to Smurf
Reaction to Smurf
 As usual I avoided the internet today so I could stew over this season finale without external input. If you’ve come for the (shallow) dish on our poor babies, Deran and Adrian, you’ve come to the right place.
I had the bar set pretty low for the season finale because we’ve had an embarrassment of riches in terms of Adrian propelling storyline this season. Oh, and hot guys getting nekkid (hubba, hubba) and doing normal domestic things together (boop!).  So, when viewed through my low-bar lens—I only asked that they not kill Adrian off—the finale was about what I expected.
Shall we begin? *hands Kleenex to shippers*
Deran & Craig & Passports
I was conflicted during this scene; Craig has steadfastly been in Deran’s corner, presumably since they were kids, so it seemed natural to me that Craig was expressing his wishes for his bro to remain in Oceanside but at the same time I was hoping for big bro to step up and be supportive of Deran’s decision to leave.  Deran’s response—that Craig and Renn are amazing together and Craig was going to rock the parenting gig—we’re possibly the nicest things Deran has said to his brother, at least within our earshot.  It seemed in that moment it was full steam ahead.
Deran & Billy & The Drop
The first sign of trouble for me was when Deran told Billy he was leaving.  I thought Blabbermouth Billy would tell someone who would tell Pope or J and bam!  One of them would resolve the ‘Adrian problem.’  *raise your hand if you’ve read Mary Shelley’s The Modern Prometheus*; I had literal conniptions while reading this because I thought Victor Frankenstein was leaving his new bride, Elizabeth, unprotected and damned if the Creature didn’t find a way into her room and strangle her…like I predicted. That was where I thought show was going and I wanted to bitch-slap Deran at that point for putting his precious in danger.
Deran & Pope & Home, Sweet, Home
This was the sweetest scene—Pope practically giving Deran permission to leave (you’ve wanted to get away from us since you were a kid) and this on the heels of Deran disclosing to Pope why he needed Adrian to leave (no one thinks Adrian can do prison time unscathed).  Pope should’ve gotten away from Smurf’s influence a long time ago because in the few short day/s since she died, he’s seemingly pulled himself together like he could only manage for Lena’s sake.  I still (naively) didn’t see a barrier to Deran’s departure.
Deran & Adrian & The Listing Ship
This. Was.  Brutal.  I understand why Deran had first, and second, and third thoughts about leaving but he had given no indication that we, nor apparently Adrian, saw that he might change his mind.  With single mindedness Deran has been all about securing his relationship with his boo this whole season.  Yes, Smurf is gone and Pope and Craig say they need him, but what changed for Deran?  We wouldn’t know because the writers didn’t address it, at least not to my satisfaction.  I’m huge on motive—I don’t always agree with the decisions characters are making but if I can follow why they’re doing things, I can usually fall in line.  What happened here?  
I’m sure this break-up is supposed to set up Deran’s drama for next season (watching Deran act like a bear with a thorn is his paw because he’s butt-hurt is a blast…not) but I make no bones about being a staunch Deran x Adrian shipper and I thought this was ‘go big, or go home’ time and instead it was meh.  Deran caved to peer (brother) pressure?  Adrian’s first time admitting he loves Deran is seconds before informing Deran he’s the worst thing that ever happened to him?  Where was the sex?  The hug? Kiss?  Forehead touch?!  I would’ve even watched a punch exchanged at this point because passion has defined this relationship. Yes, there was friendship, and history, but Deran’s feelings were so intense that at one point he asked his unstable brother to rough up Adrian’s then romantic interest and this season Deran not only lied to multiple people to protect Adrian but he contemplated taking a baseball bat to a cop and actually killed someone he saw as a threat to his beloved.  Adrian going to the car, head down, while Deran imploded on the pier…*snooze*.  I think they will always love each other, and we’ll see them together again in the future, but I haven’t figured out how.
Deran’s change of heart was, quite frankly, disheartening.  If he left I knew he wouldn’t stay gone but I think I would’ve preferred them riding off into the sunset together and then Deran returning when his brothers had difficulties.  No one asked me though which might not be a bad thing because 1) I never get predictions right and 2) show would consist of never ending scenes with actual comfort for the hurt show doles out to its characters.
I admittedly view the series through Adrian’s POV because he’s been the nicest person on the playing board although still no angel; he’s appalled at using children for blackmail leverage, his crimes are pretty low-key when you stack up what we know of his history against The Cody Clan, and he rightly held Deran accountable when he dabbled in creepy behavior—that’s about as close as I can come to syncing with a character on this show.  Now his heart is broken and he’s being exiled, by himself, to a foreign county (I miss his flexing biceps, triceps and all-ceps already).  Deran’s heart is broken and he is having the shittiest week he’s probably ever had since blowing it with Adrian by being a controlling, creepy stalker.  I guess this ‘good-bye for now’ checks the boxes for drama which is show’s mission but I never got my requested make-up sex, cuddles or tears (okay, I got those and now Deran needs your Kleenex...and a hug). 
They’ve left the door open for Adrian to come back (thank you for not killing him!) but how?  He’s now fled the country (or so we’ve been led to believe) and the statute of limitations on his drug trafficking charges won’t run out for at least five years as far as I can tell—unless show fast forwards into future at conclusion of series I don’t see us, or Deran x Adrian, getting the HEA they deserve.  I hope I’m wrong and we see our freckled fuck next season but at the moment I haven’t figured out how it can happen without hand-waving.
Non-Ship Business
I thought Pam would play a part in Smurf’s after life but I didn’t see her being the recipient of Smurf’s riches; if you’re going to kill your main character off, this is a pretty cool idea.  Then there’s J and Pope—the new (business) power couple?  Angela and Frankie—free to fuck things up?  Blabbermouth Billy on the loose?  Jake dispensing fatherly advice to Craig?  And let’s not forget Smurfette’s lack of nurturing skills with her bambinos. I think next season has potential but please leave a message at the beep because I’m currently mourning the at least temporary break-up of Deran x Adrian.  Prove me wrong, show, please!  In the mean time, please pass the Kleenex back.
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The Worm Reads: Empire of Storms, Ch 42 - 43
Manon Blackbeak cracked open eyelids that were too heavy, too burning, and squinted against the flickering lantern light that swayed upon the wood panels of the room in which she lay.
HHHH I’VE BEEN DREADING THIS. Please kiss the Manon we know goodbye, because we’re likely gonna never see her again after this chapter.
[Manon] bolted upright. Abraxos. Where was Abraxos—
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Unghhh their relationship is too pure and wholesome for this shitty novel. I seriously want Manon to leave this series and go to HTTYD, it’s what she deserves.
(...) the chains now around Manon’s wrists, around her ankles—anchored into the walls with what appeared to be freshly drilled holes.
FRESHLY DRILLED HOLES. What did they use to drill those holes? Don’t tell me they popped down to Home Depot and picked up a brand new screw gun I am l aughing
Alien is there and already I’m seeing red please SJM i am begging u keep Alien’s crusty ass 100000 miles away from Manon
[Aelin] jerked her chin toward the floor. A pitcher and cup lay there. “Water’s next to the bed. If you can reach it.”
And as it turns out, Manon can’t reach the water and passes out soon afterwards. Fuck Alien I can’t think of one character I hate more than her fucking selfish ass.
Even unconscious, Manon’s every breath, every twitch, was a reminder that she was a born predator, her agonizingly beautiful face a careful mask to lure the unwary to their doom.
idk this seems weird... Manon is passed out from pain but they’re all splooging over how hot and dangerous she is... idk...
They were nearing Banjali now—and Dorian had tried and failed not to think of his dead friend with every league closer to the lovely city. Tried and failed not to consider if Nehemia would have been with them on this very ship had things not gone so terribly wrong.
*sobs* I miss Nehemia.... she deserved so much better....
“Hello, witchling,” [Dorian] said. [Manon’s] full, sensuous mouth tightened slightly, either in a repressed grimace or smile, he couldn’t tell.
What the fuck is up with SJM making all her men horny for the women’s lips during situations that are in no way sexual?? Like Manon is a prisoner tied up and dying of hydration, why is Dorian thinking about her mouth this is so fucking weird
Dorian didn’t feel like mentioning that he’d been the one who’d jumped into the water [to save Manon]. He’d just … acted, as Manon had acted when she’d saved him in his tower. He owed her nothing less.
Ungh SJM is totally gonna make this a thing ain’t she. Like Dorian is just repaying her here but you know, you just know SJM is gonna use this for them to hook up.
Manon asks Dorian about Elide and the Thirteen and Dorian is like “who the hell are those guys” and Manon gets all sad and I’m :(((((
Whatever had happened, whatever [Manon] had endured … Dorian draped an arm along the back of his chair. “It’s coming in a few minutes. I’d hate for you to waste away into nothing. It’d be a shame to lose the most beautiful woman in the world so soon into her immortal, wicked life.”
Heh, that’s typical Dorian for you. Hey, maybe this ship won’t be so bad! Maybe they’ll become really good supportive friends who bond over all the trauma they went through and-
“I am not a woman,” was all [Manon] said. But hot temper laced those molten gold eyes. [Dorian] gave her an indolent shrug, perhaps only because she was indeed in chains, perhaps because, even though the death she radiated thrilled him, it did not strike a chord of fear. “Witch, woman … as long as the parts that matter are there, what difference does it make?”
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Sorry about that little tangent but my jaw actually hung wide open when I read that line. Holy fucking shit this novel is going to put me in the ground six feet under.
Dorian offered a lazy grin in return. “Believe it or not, this ship has an unnatural number of attractive men and women on board. You’ll fit right in. And fit in with the cranky immortals, I suppose.”
I’m so heartbroken but... I have to disown my baby boy. Dorian was once one of my few favorite characters but SJM has killed him and replaced him with a transphobic asshole. I’m so sorry my baby boy, you flew too close to the sun. You are hereby demoted to Dorito.
Assdion rears his ugly ass head to be rude to Manon and kiss Alien’s ass before leaving. Bye bitch, hope you fall off the ship and drown.
“Then I suppose you and I are both heirs without crowns.”
Remember last time Alien said this and I defended Dorito, saying he deserved his crown? Oh, how I took those earlier chapters for granted......
The rest of the chapter is Manon angsting about all the shit she’s been through lately. Since I like Manon and she has reason to be upset, I don’t have anything to make snarks about so next chapter.
Lorcan was still wondering what the hell he was doing three days later
Oh fucking great, I just witnessed the murder of my son Dorian and now I gotta read in Lorcan’s POV? Just keep kicking me while I’m down why don’t you, SJM.
“It’s going to rain.” [Elide] slid a flat glance at him. “I do know what thunder means.”
Just fucking stop. This isn’t entertaining at all to watch two people bicker and made snarky remarks 100% of the time to one another and yet we’re supposed to believe they’re bonding I want to d ie
“Drink,” Elide commanded him. Lorcan debated telling her not to give him orders, but … he liked seeing this small, fine-boned creature in action.
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What the fuck does that mean?? Fine boned?? Is that really a way people describe others???? What the fuck am I reading???
So Lorcan drank and watched [Elide] while she watched others. So many calculating thoughts beneath that pale face, so many lies ready to spill from those rosebud lips.
I’m so tired like. You guys have done nothing but argue and avoid each other and now Lorass is getting horny at the sight of Elide’s lips I’m so tired.
[Elide] was going to leave. Tomorrow, whenever the carnival rolled out. She’d likely hire one of these boats to take her northward, and [Lorcan] … he would go south. To Morath.
:(( the girl I emotionally abuse is going to leave after we both lied to one another :((( this is so sad can we get 100 likes
Elide talks to some people inside a tavern about Alien.
“Seems like the queen has a habit of showing up where she’s least expected, unleashing chaos, and vanishing again.
Elide walked out of the third tavern, Lorcan on her heels. They hadn’t spoken once since she’d gone into that first inn. He’d been too lost in contemplating what it would be like to suddenly travel on his own again. To leave her … and never see her again.
I am utterly baffled you two have been nothing but assholes to each other!!! Like seriously you haven’t done anything nice for each other!!! Like wtf SJM is trying make us all :’((( about them splitting up but I can’t wait until this stupid subplot ends!
Elide reveals she can’t read to Lorass and he tries to compliment her, but...?
He wondered if he would have ever noticed if she hadn’t told him. “You seem to have survived rather impressively without it.”
I mean, good on him for not judging her, but like, she was locked up in a tower doing maid work? Reading skills really wouldn’t have made much of a difference there.
Turns out their carnival co workers ratted them out and sent guards after them. Lorass hauls Elide over his shoulder and makes a run for it.
“The gates at the city entrance,” [Elide] gasped as muscle and bone pummeled into her gut. “They’ll be there, too.”
Holy shit that sounds painful. She’s not a sack of potatoes Lorass, try some gentleness.
Lorcan pocketed the axe he’d thumbed free
You literally just took out your axe like two paragraphs ago on the same page. What was the point of this?
They find some rando and force him to get them the hell out of dodge on his boat. Elide hears a splash but doesn’t think anything of it until she sees Lorass again.
[Elide] glanced at the hatchet at [Lorcan’s] side as he strode out of the cabin. “You killed him, didn’t you?” That was what the splash had been. A body being dumped over the side.
So, just to recap, according to Lorass.... killing an innocent man who helped you escape the guards; completely justifiable. Stealing something you suspect is bad from a woman you don’t even like; evil, unacceptable, crossing a line. 
“He might have had a family depending on him.” [Elide]’d seen no wedding ring, but it didn’t mean anything.
I was about to get tilted but SJM corrected herself. I hate the mentality that if you don’t have a spouse, you clearly can’t have a family who depends on you. Kids from previous relationships, parents, grandparents, siblings, they’re family too y’know.
Lorass finds out the Wyrdkey he carried is a fake and loses his shit.
Then Lorcan flung open the door, so violently it nearly ripped off its hinges, and hurled what looked to be the shards of a broken amulet into the river. Or he tried to. Lorcan threw it hard enough that it cleared the river entirely and slammed into a tree, gouging out a chunk of wood.
I enjoy his misery tbh. Lorass is so pissy he reveals to Elide that Alien was Celaena, or as I like to call her Celery, at one point.
“You knew, and you didn’t tell me. Why?” “You still haven’t told me your secrets. I don’t see why I should tell all of mine, either.”
I mean, yeah, hate to agree with Lorass but fair enough. You’ve both done nothing but lie to each other’s faces, why would he tell you that? I want to like Elide but all this shitty drama and bickering is making my affection for her wear thin.
Then - holy fucking shit, there’s like a bunch of huuuuuuge paragraphs of Lorass and Elide bickering and they’re so fucking big. This hurts my eyes to look at. I’m gonna screencap one of them, just to show you how fucking huge they are.
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HOLY SHIT SJM BREAK UP YOUR BIG ASS BRICKS OF TEXT PLEASE. My eyes started to cross trying to read this, it took me like three tries.
tl;dr because of some bullshit Lorass is staying with Elide because they both have business with Alien. Fuckin’ great, I love everyone’s agendas revolving around the main special snowflake, just fuckin’ great.
There’d been nothing inside the amulet but one of those rings—an utterly useless Wyrdstone ring, wrapped in a bit of parchment. And on it was written in a feminine scrawl: Here’s hoping you discover more creative terms than “bitch” to call me when you find this. With all my love, A.A.G.
Maybe I’d find this amusing if Alien wasn’t a walking shitstain, but... I’m tired. I’m so goddamn tired.
[Lorcan]’d kill [Aelin]. Slowly. Creatively.
Damn wish you would fam, but Alien’s got plot armor bigger than her fuckin’ ego. Lorass ends the chapter by saying he’ll kill Alien, which we all know won’t happen. I’m betting money that there’ll probably be a Lorass/Rowboat/Alien love triangle once Lorass sees what an ~uhmazing~ queen Alien is. Don’t give me that look, you know SJM would.
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