#poor creachur misses me
wander-wren · 1 year
i’m home with my baby again <3
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i missed her. also apparently she’s been acting like a war widow and rarely leaves my room except to harass my sister (lovingly knock every object off her desk). and like, doesn’t come to dinner unless you physically fetch her. is my babygirl depressed
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goldie-claws · 2 years
I know you're more into legend of zelda but if someone's already sent that for the ask thing then borderlands?
Borderlands my beloved!! Thank u for this one I admittedly miss having reasons to talk about it hjdkfg :> (thank u brain and your fixations lmao) I have played all of the games and most of the DLCs so I do know this series well.
Blorbo: Rhys lmao. He's my main fav and one of the reasons I got back into Borderlands after a long break (I was aware of the games when Tales came out, then started playing all of the games with @spark-circuit in 2020) and he's the perfect level of pathetic that I enjoy <3
A few special mentions are Zer0, Zane, Fl4k and Tim! (Also it would not be me, a person who identifies as NB to not love the NB characters hjdfg.)
Scrunkly: GORTYS!! She is just a little creachur I adore her completely she can do no wrong and my fav moment from her is when she joins Fiona in choosing violence in Jack's museum /gives her a kis on her little head
Scrimblo Bimblo: idk if they count as underappreciated but from what I've seen ig they are, but Fiona, Sasha, and Vaughn! Tales would be incomplete without them, nor would I love the game as much as I do if they didn't exist. The dynamic they have as a group is so much fun to watch and is definitely a high point of the game imo.
Glup Shitto: hmmmm I'd say Shadowtrap tbh! I HATE HATE HATE the EOS fight, but I do love the moment at the end of the DLC when Shadowtrap rebooted Claptrap and saved the latter from dying. It's sad but sweet to me.
Poor Little Meow Meow: Honestly I have no idea for this one lmao
Horse Plinko/Eeby Deeby: Jack always and forever LMAO. For the longest time my blog background was this image of Jack when I killed him and spark had to pick up the vault key for me bc Jack, even in death, was a dick and full-on blocked me from grabbing the key LMAO. I was so desperate to kill him myself but I couldn't bc she wanted me to hear his final monologue.
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