#poor Nezha
lazyraton · 9 months
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Hopefully a series;
Drawing my OCs in memes
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Nicorius… I’m fine…
Nico:I told you to call me Nico.
And I told you to not tell me full name…
Nico:I- fair enough.
Nezha: Hello Nico.
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samadhifired · 8 months
If Erlang Shen turns out to be a full-blown antagonist, imagine how hilarious his dynamics with Nezha and PIF will be.
Because then we will have this Celestial Elite Warrior trio who create a perfect scale of:
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hahawasabi · 3 months
This is so late, why did i decide to finish it today. as in, this was one of my W.I.Ps for 2 weeks.
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✨️Happy (LATE) Year of The Dragon???✨️ 🐲
yes, i forgot Ao Guang existed, THERE WASNT ENOUGH SPACE, have mercy pls.
ALSO, NO ONE CARED TO ADD AO BING. (yes, i know hes made an apperacne like one time, BUT PLS, HES BEEN TAKING OVER MY BRAAAAAAINN)
i have reverted to my old artstyle 🙏🙏
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askblueandviolet · 3 months
what do u do when u see a catshark riding a dinosaur outside ur porch, which was placed by someone unknown and it was eating ur house when u were asleep
no this absolutely isnt going to happen to you. (it is, dinosaurs are cool :3)
throws a rock with a googly eyes at him
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atomiclvr · 27 days
worlds finest: the devil nezha aka superman and the terrible horrible no good very bad day
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helleboretks · 7 months
HAH! Got 'Em!!!
Hello hello hello! First fic in a couple months for my newest fandom Lego Monkie Kid! This is a Lee!Nezha, Lers!Wukong, Mei and MK ticklefic, so if it isn't your forte, no need to read!
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(This is Nezha, if anyone wants to gaze upon this absolutely beautiful specimen uwu)
Summary: Wukong wanted to test out if their resident Third Lotus Prince was ticklish. Only Buddha knows what kind of chaos arose from it.
“This is purely experimentative, kid.”
“No it isn’t, Monkey King.”
“Yeaaaaah-no, no it isn’t.”
Mk snorted with a roll of his eyes as Wukong took a few strands of fur from his head, gently blowing on them to produce a few feathers.
“C’mon! You can’t say you’re not curious. I know that look in your eye.” He was right, of course, Mk was pretty curious about this idea too. Would Nezha actually be ticklish? Given that he was reincarnated from a plant-a lotus no less-there had to be something his body did and didn’t replicate from the original, right?
“Has he ever even been tickled before?” Mk wonders aloud, sitting down in the seat next to Wukong. The Noodle Shop was pretty empty today save for his friends and, well obviously, the Lotus Prince himself. Mk’s both surprised and relieved that the man actually found time to take a break, and even felt honored that he’d want to spend it here, with them.
Now he’s wondering how long it’ll be until he regrets it.
“Hmm, not from what I can recall? No???” Monkey King squeaked, looking as if he was seriously racking his brain for some kind of memory. “Yeah no, not from what I can remember.”
“If he’s actually ticklish you’re going to kill him.”
“Oh Pfft, nah he won’t die. You can’t die like that! I think.”
Mk was not about to tell Monkey King that you can, in fact, meet death by tickling. Not right now at least.
No one seemed to notice the little cluster of feathers floating closer and closer to the prince, who found himself in a rather engaging conversation with Tang about some history or other that Mk couldn’t parse out. They both waited with bated breath as he shifted his arms to rest comfortably on the counter.
“Welp, I’ve got nothing to lose.” Famous last words, but alright.
And then the feathers shot into Nezha’s armor.
And look-
The sheer volume of the scream Nezha let out as he flew right off the chair-Mk couldn’t help but crack up laughing as Wukong ducked under the table in surprise, trying to stifle his own laughter.
“HAH!! GOT ‘EEEEEEEEEEEM!!!” Mk screamed as Nezha grabbed and tussled at his clothing, shrieks erupting from his throat.
“Lotus boy!? Mk what did you do!?” Mei exclaimed, clearly less intent on helping and more intent on actually knowing what the fuck they had done.
“THERE’S SOMETHING IN MY ARMOR! THEHEHERE’S-OH MY GOHOHOD WHAT THE FU-” You could just hear Wukong’s dry wheeze from under the table as Nezha’s franticness caused him to bump into one of the chairs, practically crumbling onto one of the tables as Tang choked on his noodles with a chortle.
“Are you-Oh my god, Lotus boy’s ticklish!” Mk nodded to Mei’s statement, and honestly, he was pretty surprised by just how much those feathers affected the man. He was laughing up a storm from wherever those feathers were tickling him, Mk couldn’t really see where they were, but he knew they were doing something.
Or he’d probably just never been tickled in his life and the sensation shocked his soul right out of his body.
That’s also a possibility.
“What the hell? Oi, Monkey King, is this your doing?!” Apparently Pigsy had been the first one to catch onto the real culprit, and Mk banged a fist against the table with a snort as Wukong let out an offended gasp from his hiding spot, popping out into the open.
“I will have you know, mister man of the pigs! I didn’t do nothing!” Wukong sassed, shaking his head from side to side, wagging his finger disapprovingly. That, however, masked the fact that he was probably making those feathers move even faster, because Nezha’s laughter went up an octave right after.
“WUKOHOHOHONG!!! I-I’M GOHONNA KIHIHIHILL YOU-” Monkey King gave an especially skeptical look, turning to Mk, who too was laughing hysterically, just not from the result of being tickled himself. “Yakow, I’m not so sure he’s actually going to do it. I mean, look at the guy! Look at him, take a good look!” Monkey King jested, grabbing Mk by the cheeks and directing his attention back to Nezha.
He could see Nezha, half his body on the table, the other half on the floor as he gripped the edges of the wood, laughing up a storm as he practically vibrated like mad. His face was alight in an adorable blush of pink, eyes squeezed shut with a wobbly, wide grin to boot. He really didn’t look anywhere close to being capable of killing Monkey King in the state he was in.
But then he saw Mei hopped off her seat, a damn near devilish look on her face.
He knew Nezha was in for some shit.
“Here! Lemme help you out, buddy!” Mei spoke too cheerfully to be anything but a trap, but with the way the Lotus Prince was too preoccupied trying to get a grip of himself, he realized that fact a little too late, practically squealing as Mei snatched him by the sides, skittering her nails all over.
Wukong laughed as Nezha flew back unintentionally, right into the person who was making it worse. He kicked his legs as Mei struggled to hold him up with a huffing laugh, scrambling to grab her biceps and shake them.
And not for the first time, Mk doesn’t see the stoic Lotus Prince persona that Nezha tries so hard to keep up. He just sees Nezha; a man who seriously needs a break, and a little too ticklish for his own good.
So you can’t entirely blame Mk for wanting to be a prick.
He jumps over the table, letting out a weird as hell war cry before snatching Nezha by the legs. “YOU’RE COMIN’ WITH ME, MY DUDE-”
Nezha shrieked as Mk began to drag him around the floor, Tang really choking on his noodles as Mei howled with laughter, whipping out her phone to record the absolute madness. Nezha was gripping his ribs-which is probably where Wukong’s feathers are- shaking his head manically as he tried to wrench himself from Mk’s grasp.
“MK, NAHAHAHA-” “HEY!! I just cleaned those floors, kid!!!” Wukong slapped his hand on the table repeatedly as Pigsy called out, and Mk defiantly continued to drag this man everywhere he could, still carefully avoiding chairs and table legs as he went.
“WELL I’M USIN’ IT, DADSY, I’M BUSY!!” Mk shouted back as Mei followed behind him, catching it all on video.
“The poor man! Mk no!” Tang laughed, clearly not as against it as Pigsy is, who stared in dumbfounded disbelief as the two kids messed with the Lotus Prince himself. Nezha, meanwhile, was trying to cling onto anything with a solid structure but was doing nothing other than dragging chairs and tables out of place in his hysteria.
“Look at this BOI-” Mei cheered, causing Mk to wheeze as he shook Nezha’s legs from side to side, the man letting out a squeak as Wukong hopped over.
“WAIT, I GOT THIS!!” That was the only warning that any of them had gotten before a whole barrage of feathers descended on the prince, who screamed in shock before that shock quickly dissolved into the most batshit manic laughter Mk had ever bore witness to.
Mei wheezed, the grip on her phone trembling as the man on the ground thrashed damn near violently, and Mk had to hold tighter onto his legs so he wouldn’t get himself a boot to the face.
“I. AM. FEATHER-BUDDHA!!!” Wukong cried, throwing his hands dramatically into the air as Mei got the bright idea to place her phone down, grab Nezha’s arms, and hoist him the rest of the way up.
“FEATHER JESUS-” She cried just as dramatically as the two swung the prince back and forth, laughing themselves silly as Nezha laughed himself into a tizzy.
For a split second, Mk swore he saw macaque walk in, stare, and then slide right back out in one smooth motion and just-wow, what a great cameo.
“MACAHAHAHAQUE, YOU TRAHAITOR-” Oh he saw him, oh shit-
“I do not exist. Good luck.” Wukong wheezed and almost fell off the damn table as Macaque took his seat at the counter, turning away as if he weren’t just called out to.
“GUHUHUYS, QUIT IHIHIHIT!! PLEHEHEHEAAHAHASE-” Nezha pleaded, trying so desperately to wiggle his way out of the situation. Mk took the liberty of being the local gremlin.
“Ohohoho! But my little nezzy-wezzy-” So many wheezes wrung out at once as Nezha shrieked in embarrassment. Mk hoisted him up so that he had a grip of his knees, Mei slowing down the swinging to a stop as Mk jostled him further.
Wukong, sensing that some more shit was going to go down, slowed the feathers to somewhat of a more breathable speed, and Nezha choked on the breath he sucked in. The smile that forced itself onto his face was both down-right adorable, and freakishly foreign to him. That is something that’s going to have to change, then.
“You know, to be the best gremlin out there, all bets are off the table.” Mk dramatically announced. “AND SO!!” Nezha jumped at the loud tone, anticipatory giggles already spilling from his lips.
“What the heck he’s already laughing, awe-AND SO,” Mk repeated with a dramatic pause. “Mei, get his shirt.”
His bestie didn’t need to be told twice, Nezha letting out a shriek as she pulled his shirt up and away from his belly. “LOCAL GREMLINS!! ASSEMBLE!!!” She cried-
Right as Mk blew a raspberry into the center of Nezha’s belly.
There was a loud pop as Nezha exploded into laughter, and a few gasps and awes went around as a pink glow tinged Mk’s peripheral.
He continued to blow raspberry after raspberry with hardly any pause, and he probably would have winced given just how loud and downright evil Nezha’s laughter was, giggles and cackles as he thrashed and squirmed. It was absolutely hilarious.
“HE’S EXPLODING PETALS, MK!!” Mk paused in his raspberry blowing to pinch at the back of his knees, causing a knee-jerk reaction as he grinned at the petals that had shot out into existence, floating to the ground as Nezha snorted.
“God damn, the guy’s got a set of lungs.” Macaque chuckled, placing his hands over his ears with a grin. Mk laughed with a shake of his head, before diving straight back in, this time nibbling with an added sound effect of ‘nom nom nom’.
The petals exploded from him again.
“MK STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP OHMYGOD PLEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHASE!!!!” Nezha cried as if his life depended on it, repeated pops that were just too cute to be real filled the room as the distinct smell of lotuses overwhelmed Mk’s nose as he just kept going and going, blow after blow after blow after-
“JESUS CHRIST KID, GIVE THE MAN A BREAK!!” His record broke with a laugh with the way Pigsy had to shout so loud just to be heard over Nezha’s screaming.
It was when Nezha was so weak that all he could do was tremble and laugh, that Wukong removed the feathers and poofed them into hair, when Mei and he finally-gently-placed him on the floor, and Mk had ceased his merciless tickling, that the man gulped down proper breath since the whole ordeal began.
“Ohohoho, that was golden!” Wukong laughed as he answered to Mk’s high five, Macaque snorting at the way Nezha curled up into a tight little ball, lotus petals surrounding and covering him as he lightly tried to fan his face in hopes of ridding the embarrassed and exhausted blush on his cheeks.
“You damn near killed him, you idiots.” Pigsy sighed in exasperation, looking over the mess that had become his shop within a matter of minutes in very heavy disappointment.
“What-” Nezha panted as he sat up, burning with the rest of his gradually dying embarrassment. “What was that!? Wha-what did you do??” Mk tilted his head in amused confusion, as did Mei and Wukong. “C’mon dude, it’s just tickling! It’s not like it can hurt ya!” Mei dismissed.
A silence was Nezha’s response.
Silence soon enveloped the shop.
“You…you do know what that is, right? Nezha?” Wukong asked with a tilt of his head, this one verging on the dangerous territory of ‘this better be a fucking joke or I swear to the Celestials-’
Nezha just stared at them like they’d grown three heads.
“Oh my God he doesn’t know what tickling is-”
Nezha yelped as Mei latched onto him in a tight embrace, which caused Mk to automatically snort. Oh this was just sad, both the hilarious kind and also the not-hilarious kind.
Staying in one room to protect a map for thousands of years really must do something to ya, huh?
“I’m actually fucking remorseful. I send my regards.” Macaque hummed, before giving a half-assed salute. “See you on the other side, Lotus Prince.” And then he disappeared into the counter’s shadow. Just like the shifty monkey, doing something like that.
“This is gonna go terribly.” Tang interjected, polishing off his third bowl.
“I’m actually thinking of closing the shop for today, I can’t believe this.” Pigsy grumbled, retreating back into the safety of his kitchen.
Nezha, during all of this, seemed to grow even more confused as the multiple comments were shot fired, and he looked at Mk who only gave him a solemn grin, because even he wasn’t about to mess up what would be-
“This will be the greatest day of your life, Lotus Boy!”
The most disastrous day of his life, courtesy of the local menace, Mei.
“Now! First on my list would be some hands on experience-”
Nezha let out a shrill shriek as Mei’s hands immediately dive for his sides.
A shriek that will be just one of way, way, way too many to come.
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forget-me-ghost · 9 days
My sister read 'The Poppy War' lately and since she does not own Tumblr, she asked me (the humble Tumblr maniac of the family) to post her meme.
Here children, eat it while it's ripe.
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cikebabbler · 8 months
when altan went out on a literal blaze of glory I didn't even blink an eye because if nezha, an (I assumed) insignificant character, can survive being impaled on a halberd, then surely altan, a (I assumed) character instrumental to the plot, can survive his own fire right? and when nezha came back alive AGAIN in tdr, I thought altan was just surely gonna come back out of nowhere but he never did and it was explained why nezha just will not die and in my head rf kuang went from a good author to a genius one.
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silly-rai · 6 months
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LI Jing used the fire pagoda to punish Nezha. A fire that Nezha wasn't insensible to.
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xen-void · 1 year
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Lmk Meme
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luvhyuno · 9 months
Finish my summer AP work? Nah let me write a 2k fic about two idiots, who never had a proper in canon, kissing.
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trapannrot · 1 year
back on my shit. chucks this at you.
my nezha brainrot is awful to me. this took me all day
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monkiebois · 2 years
out of context "a woven song" scene
give them BACK
your going to spoil your appetite
*flops on the table and groans* i am a grown GOD
you are ten
*recollects composure and reads the menu*
*eats the chips *
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lotus-duckies · 2 years
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cries because shen gong bao shaming ao bing's way of eating
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Atleast he destroyed the barrier.
“No…it was brief, looks like I’m the only one that can get in-“
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