#poor Dick. everybody thinks he's player but really these people just keep happening to him
spite-and-waffles · 2 years
Purely Pre52 rumination, but once you throw out all the fanon nonsense about Dick being a manslut, I'm wondering whether he even technically has any game of his own. Because all he's ever had to do was stand still long enough. 🤔
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Upon request, here is a rec list of bottom Louis fics where Louis is pining for Harry. We hope you’ll enjoy this list. We also have a mutual pining rec list here and we will have a pining Harry rec list eventually. Happy reading!
1) Down On Your Knees, You Don’t Look So Tall | Explicit | 3445 words
Louis and Harry are friends, and best ones at that. Louis loves Harry more fiercely more than he's ever loved anyone, so he doesn't really have a problem with it when they start doing this thing. this wonderful, wonderful thing.
2) You Had Me At Hello | Explicit | 4529 words
Louis works in the shop next to Harry's cupcake shop.   Louis pines after Harry until he goes into a heat and Harry finally catches up.
3) Just Like Live Wires | Explicit | 5427 words
Harry climbs into Louis’ bed when he’s cold. Louis pines.
4) Something To Live For | Mature | 5535 words
After over a century of waiting for Harry to realize they're mates,  Louis gets his heart broken when his friend announces he's found his 'one' in a human girl named Teresa. Wanting only happiness for Harry, Louis accepts that it just wasn't meant to be and decides it's time to let go of the immortal life.
5) Five Times Harry Styles Was Jealous | Mature | 6184 words
Harry's jealous all the time but there were five times that definitely stand out. Five times that changed Louis and Harry's relationship.
6) On My Mind All The Time, Say You're Mine | Explicit | 9261 words
“Dude, we’re inside, and it’s night time. Those don’t look as cool as you think they do.” Louis could kick himself, he sounded so stupid, but it certainly got the guy’s attention.
It was at that unfortunate moment that he noticed several other things about this hot asshole, that he hadn’t noticed just staring from afar. First, when Louis spoke to him, his gaze was kind of unfocused behind his sunglasses, and secondly, that he had a red and white cane folded up under his arm.
“I’m… Blind,” the man chuckled, awkwardly.  
Louis wanted to melt into a puddle out of pure embarrassment.
“I— am so sorry. I have to go.”
“Hey, wait, wait,” the man soothed, grabbing at Louis’ shoulders before he could get away.
“I’m sorry,” Louis repeated, looking down at his shoes.
“It’s alright,” He cackled. “I get it a lot. More than you know.”
7) Let The Beating Waves Come Drag Me Down | Explicit | 9447 words
“Just try it, the worst thing that could ever happen it’s that you won’t like it” Niall had told him. And there he was, on the way to one of these pubs created for perverts, willing to break up the routine to try something new, something that terrified as much as excited him.
One night to get swept up in passion, one night to let the devil get in.
"Tonight, I’m going to make you scream of ecstasy Louis,” he said with a raspy voice full of control, making him tremble with anticipation.
8) Got It Right Such A Long Time Ago | Explicit | 9699
There are a lot of people Harry might expect to find on his doorstep at three o’clock in the afternoon these days.
It could be the delivery man, come to drop off the pair of boots Harry impulsively ordered online last week. It could be one of his neighbors, dropping by to complain about how a party he’d thrown weeks ago had clogged up the street. It could also be any number of his friends in L.A., who stop by unannounced most days to mooch off Harry’s food or whisk him away to try some new yogurt shop.
As a rule, it definitely cannot be Louis Tomlinson, although Harry’s blinked at least three times now, and it’s still Louis standing there, a backpack slung over his shoulder and a duffel bag at his feet.
9) You Know What They Say | Explicit | 10232 words
Nice guys always finish last.
10) Call If You Need Me | Explicit | 10770 words
If anyone asks later on, Louis plans to tell them that it’s all Niall’s fault.
11) Love Is Like This; Not A Heartbeat, But A Moan | Explicit | 13150 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
In which Harry loves Louis, but Louis has been cold to him ever since he presented as an omega at age fifteen.
Eight years later, Louis approaches Harry with a request, and who is Harry to deny him?
12) Just Let Me | Mature | 14714 words
The party was going well. So well, Niall had already sworn undying love to one multi-tiered chocolate cake, two friendly corgi-poodle mixes, Zayn’s hair, and the entire population of Los Angeles. So well, Zayn had only laughed and ruffled Niall’s hair and not even twitched towards a cigarette. So well, nearly everyone had spilled far past the boundaries of the night’s original plans, extracting bottles of vodka from the cabinets and losing a lot of clothes. Harry had proclaimed that he was finally going to throw a small and very grownup dinner party and of course here they were three hours later, fifty people half-naked in the pool. Soon to be full-naked, if Louis had to guess. Everybody in LA loved a heated pool. Everybody loved Harry.
13) We’re the New Romantics | Explicit | 16054 words
Alternatively, a high school au where Louis pines and Harry is not who he seems to be. Featuring peanut butter banana milkshakes, motorcycles, and first times.
14) Wait For Me (To Come Home) | Explicit | 16066 words
A future fic of time stamps where Louis finally comes to grips with a love he'd denied for too long.
15) Deflower Me | Explicit | 20154 words
Louis is a proud virgin, and no matter how much society tries to make him feel like a freak for not acting on his natural urges, he doesn't suffer from his lack of experience. He has never felt drawn to someone in a way that made him want to get involved sexually with them, and he isn't planning on rushing himself so he can get some because people think it's what he should do.
In walks Fratboy, the Serial Haunter of His (wet) Dreams, who thankfully has a little business going on that might be just what Louis needs.
16) I Wanna Be More Than Friends | Not Rated | 20721 words
The one where Harry’s an alpha with no sense of smell, Louis’ an omega who isn’t allowed to scent his best friend, and that’s all they’ll ever be. Obviously.
17) The Way The Storm Blows | Explicit | 21649 words
Louis doesn’t have a habit of thinking about Harry’s dick.
That would be weird, seeing as they’re best mates, and they share a flat, and they’ve spent holidays at each other’s family homes. Their friendship hasn’t ever risen to a point where Louis should want to see his mate’s dick, and he’s happy to keep it that way.
Except, all that Louis can think about is exactly that. The size of it. The shape. The amount of people it’s been in.
Maybe it’s the tequila talking, or the fact that Louis’ just recently walked in to an eyeful of Harry taking turns on some slags that he’s never seen before, but. Louis’ mind can’t stop obsessing over the idea.
18) Ours Are The Moments I Play In The Dark | Mature | 30830 words
Jane Austen's Persuasion AU. Nine years ago Louis Tomlinson was persuaded to break off his engagement to Harry Styles, a poor sailor. Since then Louis has come to regret being so easily convinced to give up his one chance of happiness. Now Louis' family is in debt and his childhood home is being sold. In a complete reversal of fortune, Harry has returned to England a wealthy bachelor looking to settle down. Events conspire to bring them together once more though Louis is- must surely be- the last man on earth that Captain Styles would think of now.
19) If Ignorance Be Bliss | Mature | 30429 words
Uni AU: Harry is too experienced, and Louis just wants to get to experience him.
20) Where The Lights Are Beautiful | Mature | 31170 words
The accidental bonding a/b/o fic.
21) Mark My Word (We Gon’ Be Alright) | Explicit | 35524 words
"He’s always known that there would come a time when Harry would bond with some beautiful, quiet omega, and they would have lots of curly-haired pups and live happily ever after.
Knowing it and living it are two very different things, though. Watching the object of your affection desperately search for a mate and completely disregard you as an option is all sorts of painful, but it is what it is, and Louis is just going to have to learn to live with that."
22) Before We Knew | Explicit | 39831 words
Louis has been skeptical of soulmates for years so it seems like fate when he finally bumps into the owner of the obnoxiously large signature printed into his skin since age sixteen: Harry Styles, a human rights attorney who is firmly against soulmates.
23) Eyes Off You I Explicit | 39396 words
A Charlie’s Angels inspired fic where Louis is the brains, Harry is the charm, Liam is the muscle, and Niall drives the getaway car - and Zayn is there, too. sometimes.
24) Kiss Me On The Mouth And Set Me Free (Nut Please Don't Bite) | Mature | 42074 words
Harry is the CEO of Flora Corp, Louis is his new secretary.
"...Louis wanted him so badly. Wanted Harry to pick him up, bite him, and break him. Make Louis his, make Louis cry, make Louis a beautiful, plump, pregnant omega..."
25) Let Me Touch You Where Your Heart Aches | Explicit | 46625 words
A Friends with Benefits AU, in which Louis falls in love and Harry is jealous. There is some Karaoke singing somewhere in there, because how do you write a romantic comedy without a Karaoke scene?
26) Underneath The Moon | Mature | 46927 words
In five years’ time, Louis would be the one saying to his students about how he knew the great Harry Styles, in a time before he had ever put out an album or performed on a real stage. Harry fucking Styles had been his best friend and he still loved him, he always would. But they couldn’t stay that way.
27) The Sidelines | Explicit | 47078 words
Note: There are mentions of Top Louis.
Or Harry and Louis play hockey for Penn state and can’t stand one another, since they can’t keep their hatred off the ice their coach and team do what they can to keep their hard earned spot in the playoffs and their two star players from killing each other.
28) Waiting For The Tides To Meet | Explicit | 59873 words
Soulmate AU. Everyone is born with heterochromia — one eye is their own eye colour, while the other is the colour of their soulmate's. It's only when they meet their soulmate for the first time that their own eyes match properly. After a hazy night at a frat party, Louis wakes up to blue eyes and the shocking realization that he had met his soulmate, without any sober recollection. Seven years pass where Louis comes to terms with the fact that he'll never know who his soulmate is. Then one fated summer, a beautiful green-eyed photographer arrives at Louis' workplace, with promises of endless laughter and a familiar feeling in Louis' heart.
29) Pinkies Never Lie | Explicit | 83615 words | Sequel
AU in which Louis hates his job and loves Harry, Harry just wants a distraction, everyone else wants them to get their shit together, and Louis learns the hard way that new beginnings are only possible when something ends.
30) Inevitable | Explicit | 185917 words
AU where Louis and Harry used to be more than friends, but everything had to change the day Harry introduces Louis to his new girlfriend.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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seceret’s out - Javier Williams X reader
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a\n: i’m honored to be the first one to post a fic for this show. love it so much. request if you want, please, cause my head is empty from ideas.
I sat in my desk at biology class. 3 days have passed since the new kid arrived, Javier Williams. He has those beautiful brown eyes, and his hair is always perfectly messy. His lips are probably super soft. Well, that's at least what I've gathered from staring at him for 85% percent of the class. It's the only class I have with him, but I see him all the time – in the hallway, mostly, and he's always being kind and I just wish I had the courage to talk to him.
"(y\n), would you please tell us about the cell?" Gabriela cuts off my wondering. "the cell has multiple parts. The mitochondria, which is the powerhouse of the cell-" I start, but she sighs and once again cutting me off. "(y\n), we're past that. We learned about the cell a week ago, you should start focusing again instead of daydreaming" Gabriela says, and the class laugh. "I'm sorry, can any of you explain to me how hearts function? No? that's what I thought" Gabriela adds, and the laughter stops.
I sneak a look at Javier, and he catches my glance and smile. I panic and turn my gaze back to the notebook Infront of me. Shit.
"hey, (y\n)" I hear Gerry whisper, "you know, if Willie boy is what's distracting you, I can help you get his attention" he says. I choose to ignore him, but it seems like it's what he wanted. "oh, don't ignore me baby" he said, and I hear the smile in his voice, "hey, if we'll fuck, I bet he'll talk to you" Gerry kept going. It wasn't the first time he suggested it, even though I was the quite type and never bothered him.  "Can I go the bathroom?" I ask, and the teacher approves. I pick my bag up to take with me. "I'm sorry, you can't leave with your bag. Take what you need and hurry up" Gabriela says, and so I take my water bottle and a small box I put in my pocket without anyone noticing.
I closed the bathroom door behind me and took a pill out of the box, trying to stabilize my breath. I hate Gerry so much, and I hate this stupid class, and I hate—
"(y\n)?" someone asks, "it's me, Sophia". I swallow the pill along with some water and flush the toilet. "hey" I say, opening the door and wiping away the tears that managed to escape on my way to the bathroom. "you know, Gerry is kind of an asshole, you should just ignore him" she says, leaning on the counter as I wash my hands. "why-" "what was he whispering? I noticed he was bothering you, but I can't read lips" she keeps talking. "just… suggested to fuck me" I say as I dry my hands with some toilet paper.
"for real?" she asks, turning to face me. I nod. "that's… you should stick with me, I'll walk you to class, and I'll ask Javi to walk you to your next one, I have a double class" she says, and my heart skips a beat at the mentioning of his name. "uh, thanks" I smile at her, and we walk together. The bell rings, and I realize my things are still in the biology classroom, so I ask Sophia to walk me there.
"(y\n), just who I was looking for" a handsome guy says. He hands me the bag, "I put everything there. I'm sorry Gerry is a dick to you, he's just… a dick". I thank him, slowly recognizing the boy as Raul, the rich kid whose father is a corrupt politician or something along these lines. I refused to watch the secret reveal video's, it's not my business, but I heard people talk.
I arrive to my class, and Sophia leaves to go to her's. time passes, and I don't think it could've gone slower. After this period ends, I get to have one on one time with no other than Javier Williams. Will I be able to form a sentence? Highly doubt it, but oh well, I'm not wasting this opportunity.
The bell rings, finally, and at the door I see Javier already waiting. "hi, (y\n), right?" he asks. I nod. "yeah, that's me" I smile. "Sophie told me Gerry is harassing you. Don't worry, I won't let him touch you" he says, smiling. "thank you, Javier" I say. His smile is even cuter from up close. "so, how's biology?" he asks. "well, boring" I say, and he laughs, "how are you enjoying our national school so far?" I ask, highlighting the "national", since the faculty is making such a big deal over that.
"well, it's nice. Met some cool people, met some… less cool people" he says. I laugh, "yeah, it's a weird time to get here, I promise we don't usually reveal secrets on school assemblies and Instagram pages" I say. I was surprised at how easy it was, talking to him. I was so sure I would forget every word I know, but I didn't. "which one surprised you the most? I mean, you know these people, for me it's the first thing I learned about them" he says.
"well, I actually hadn't watch any of the videos. I kinda heard things, but I try to ignore it. It's not my secret to know" I say, and he nods. "that's actually… kinda cool. That you respect them, and their privacy" he says. "you think I'm lame, right?" I laugh. "no, no. no, this is really… I admire that. That's being a good person" he insists, smiling at me. Our eyes lock for a moment, but a high-pitched voice is ruining the moment.
"oh, Javier, are you really hanging put with her now? Poor girl" some girl laughs. I look at her, confused, and he's just as confused. "what, you haven't seen it? All your secrets just revealed a new, juicy, secret" she smiles. Javier takes out his phone as we walk, and a video play.
It's my picture, it's my words. The song in the background, I wrote it yesterday and sent it to my friend, how did the hacker get that?
"oh, he is so pretty
But he will never notice me"
It's my voice, and the other photos, that's my diary.
Shit. I run to class before Javier understand who I'm singing for.
"and when I want to try,
I just end-up being too shy"
Crap, crap. People are looking at me. "I love your song; do you think you'll release an album? You can call it 'Javier Williams, please notice me!' " some guy laughs. This is not happening. The hacker was quiet, I thought he was only after the stupid popular kid, why would he reveal my secret? What's his goal?
After the class is over, I sneak to the bathroom to take another pill. It's supposed to calm down my anxiety, but it's affects fade quick. I leave the bathroom, and Javier is leaning on the wall in front pf the door.
"hey" he smiles at me and pushes himself off the wall. He gets closer and closer. "your song is really good; I didn't know you sing. Your voice is-" "please, stop, Javier. I don't want you to pity me" I sigh, cutting him off. He follows me to my next period. "I don't pity you; I just want to talk. You seem cool, and I'd love to get to know you" he says, catching up to me fast. "why?" I ask, "because the whole school knows I like you?" I stop and look him right in the eyes. Those gorgeous, gorgeous brown eyes. "no. because you are nice, and honest, and you have a beautiful voice" he says. I sigh, "don't pity me, Javier" I insist, and walk away.
A few days pass. A video of Javier and Sophia was sent to everyone in school, including me. It was followed by a "sorry to disappoint you" message, but I think it was exclusive for me. I haven't talked to Javier since… well, the second and last time we ever talked. I exchanged some words with Sophia, but that's it. I was sitting with my friends at lunch, but it got unbearable faster than… I don't know, a cringe compilation full of 13-year-old kids making sex jokes and do fortnight dances. Every second person tried to comfort me over the video, and I escaped to the bathroom for 2 things: quiet, and a pill. I wonder why the hacker chose to reveal the crush, isn't my anxiety a more dramatic secret? Whatever, I don't want to think about it.
I leave the bathroom just in time to start walking to my next class, Biology. "hey" a voice says. It belonged to a particular pretty boy. "what do you want, Javier?" I sigh and stop by my locker to get my biology book. "just… Sophia and I, it's not… we're not together. I wanted you to know that, cause, you know-" because I have a thing for you? Yeah, thanks, Javier" I sigh. He sighs. "can you stop avoiding me? I'm just trying to be nice to you. I know it wasn't ideal, the way I found out, but even before that, I wanted to talk to you. When Sophie asked me to walk you to class, I was actually happy to, and not as a favor for her, but at the chance to talk to the quiet, beautiful girl who I always catch looking at me but never dares to talk to me" he says as we walk to class together. Everybody's looking at us. "Javier, you are such a player" Gerry smiles, looking at the two of us as we enter the class. "it was just a kiss" Javier hisses at him. "if it was just a kiss, kiss her" Gerry offers, pointing at me with his stupid butt chin. "no" I say, "that's-".
"oh, come on, (y\n), I'm helping you out, don't you want to kiss his 'probably super soft lips' and run your hands through his 'perfectly messy hair' " Gerry teases, quoting my diary. I blush and start planning a way to escape this room. The door is right behind me. Who's gonna stop me? However, Javier is not taking any it.
He takes my hand and pull me back to his side. "may i?" he asks. "i-" I want to answer. Turns out I was right; his lips are super soft. He pulls away and smiles at me. "were my lips super soft?" he asks, biting his lips. "uh, i-" "I use Chapstick" he smiles. I laugh.
Gerry starts to clap, and his friends aw. Oh, right, he was bullied into kissing me. His hand still holds mine, and he drags me to my seat and take the open spot next to me. "I really enjoyed talking to you, you know. I swear, I'm not saying that out of pity. Do you think I'll kiss you out of pity?" he asks. "I don't know, I don't know… you" I reply as I put my things on my desk. Biology book, biology notebook, pens…
"would you like to?" he asks. I look at him confused. "would you like to get to know me? Maybe over some… I don't know coffee?" he smiles at me. I nod. "sure, yeah. Coffee's great" I smile back.
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I am sad that I had to leave Robyn in Mexico and come here, now I am exposed to idiots like always. I left Keeis to look after my home and of course, I mean why not. Sinko and Hoody have been staying here, I didn’t know but to my surprise they have been “nigga comes back with a tan and all in a daze, are you ok?” Sinko “just figuring out why you all in my home, Keeis I said no but why? I don’t want these niggas in my home?” I pointed at Keeis, I am not going to shout or get angry just ask why “why not? We have always done this, what is different now?” Hoody laughed “where have you been though? Like you come back with a tan and shit, you immigrating? Or you seeing the German?” shaking my head “it has nothing to do with you but I just came to gather some clothes, I am going to see Royalty’ game” walking off to gather some clothes “we will come with” I wish they wouldn’t but I don’t want to start acting all brand new with them, they going to start to try and dig into shit, I am not saying I went Germany because that bitch would have posted that and she hasn’t so they will then know I am lying, I am just going to slowly cut them off “aye, breezy” Hood said behind me, I abruptly stopped and looked to him “you good? Like I know you been taking hard drugs, I know riri got a baby now. You took it hard; I saw that on you. Now you are disappearing. I am here for you, I know you love her a lot and now she pregnant but just know she was for everybody, you know how it is. She was going to fuck a nigga and get pregnant, she wanted that, but you got yours! You got two kids and the mothers are loyal to you” My fist balled up, he does not know fucking anything and he is talking shit “loyal to my money, that is it. Just leave me alone, I don’t want you coming at my home when I am not here, I asked Keeis to be here, that is it. Just don’t” walking off, I need to pack some things but also punch a wall because I am so angry.
Hood and Sinko followed me here, not going to lie but I punched the wall because I was angry. But I got in my car and drove off and they came along, I don’t even know where to stand. I mean I can see Nia’ wide back from here so I guess I will stand there. Manoeuvring around the crowd of people, Nia bought her whole family here “hey” I said standing behind her “woah, wait!? I thought you wasn’t coming!?” Nia turned around in shock “well what happened, you are here!? Roro is going to be so happy oh my god” Nia’ mom moved out of the way as I stood next to Nia “why, I just came here. I thought what the hell. I didn’t want to upset her; it did upset me a lot. Where is she?” I mean clearly she is not here “she didn’t want to play today at all, I said to her that you would be upset if she didn’t. She has been sad all morning, but she is with her team preparing” my poor daughter I feel bad “I need to speak to you in private after, probably when it’s started. Like being straight up about shit” Nia looks all nervous now “oh yeah” looking behind Nia and at my mom “decided to come like you’re father Christmas, why did you upset her and do this?” shaking my head looking away from my mom, I don’t want to know and she better just stay away from me.
I am waiting for my baby to come out, nobody cares about that other team at all. My smile grew seeing Royalty’ team come out, clapping my hands “come on Roro! Let’s go baby!” I shouted while clapping, I whistled out too. Royalty clocked me, her face lit up “my dad! my dad is here!!” she screamed and ran away from her team “my dad came!” she shouted, moving away from the crowd and rushing over to Royalty “you came!” she screamed out, catching her as she ran into me “I made it for you stink” picking Royalty up, she is getting too tall for me to do all this “I am so happy dad! You came!” she wrapped her arms around my neck “of course I came, I made it. I am sorry” I felt bad on how I upset her so much, Royalty moved her head back “you going to score a goal for me now? If you wack I am not claiming you” Royalty yelped out “stop it! I am so happy you came” she kissed my forehead “I am happy too, you go back now ok? I think you going to get in trouble” placing Royalty on the ground “I will score a goal for you dad! Watch me!” she ran off, I swear I love that girl so much, she never lets anything hold her back, not even me. I know I be stressing my own daughter out with the shit I pull.
Nia laughed “Royalty stop looking over here! Look at the ball!” Nia shouted, she keeps looking at me to check if I am watching, of course I am watching her “come on baby!” I shouted “I always worry that she will break a bone that girl, she is clumsy at times” crossing my arms across my chest smiling “I am shocked she kept up with this, she be doing so much and did what I did when I was younger, got bored of it. I would be happy if she became some soccer player, I don’t care what she becomes, minus anything club related” I ain’t finna have my daughter do that shit “same, I don’t agree with that either, she is super happy you are here. I am happy you came, you didn’t say either?” shaking my head “what if something else came up and I let her down again, couldn’t do that at all” you never know with me “you seem like you have a lot on though, anything I should be concerned about that will affect Royalty?” I chuckled “uhm I don’t know yet, will talk to you after though. Less ears around” I mean my mother because she is just stood there listening to everything I say, I feel she hates me or hates what I have become or the simple fact I don’t obey her wishes when she is a hypocrite, she says it’s me but never takes fault for my childhood.
Holding Royalty’ water bottle as she ate her snack at half time, this girl is eating her lunch at half time “did coach say you could eat like this?” I asked, she shook her head “nope but you want some dad? Mom made them” she held her sandwich up at me “nah, she poisoned them” I laughed adding “be quiet, are you going to hurry up before coach sees this” Nia said, Royalty stuffed her sandwich in her mouth and got up from the floor “no pictures please” I said some random fans taking just that “little princess you doing good ain’t you” yes Hoody has come, he is waiting around for me or trying to stay close to me to see what I am doing “drink!” holding her bottle out to her “what you say?” I asked “thank you dad” smiling at my daughter “I have decided, I need to claim another child. You ain’t scoring, you are embarrassing me out there” Royalty moved her drink away in shock “stop it dad! I will do it, watch me” I chuckled “I will be watching but your team is losing, I am supporting the other team now” Royalty pushed me laughing “silly butt!” she spat.
Clapping my hands “Royalty! Come on, kick the ball” she is playing silly today “Jesus!” I groaned out, she is being terrible and I wanted to shout that but I didn’t, feeling my phone ringing in my pocket “little homie being bad on purpose” Hood said, I laughed shaking my head “on purpose and I came back for this” looking down at my phone, my baby calling me. Oh my god I am so happy to see that “hello” answering the call “I was expecting you to call me dumpling, how is you? Enjoying yourself? Was she happy to see her dad, I am missing my daddy now” Robyn’ voice goes straight to my dick “why is you talking like on the phone, I hear it in your voice little lady. You are my dumpling, but I am good just watching Royalty play her game, she was so happy to see me, but I am happy. How are you and little crumb” Robyn snorted laughing “little crumb, nigga you are making up words now. But mhm, I am missing you though, I want you in bed also check your messages, I sent you a little something. I thought she would be done but call me when you are, I am actually missing you though” I cooed out “I will be back soon dumpling, love you” my eyes bulged out, Hoody is just staring at me as he heard every word “I am going to kick your ass, love you too” she put the phone down “oh shit! You really got a new girl!? This is it” he shouted “fuck you, seriously. Get out of my face” walking away from him, let me see what she sent. Opening the message “oh yeah” she actually looks so sexy pregnant ‘Just a lil something’ is that kinky lingerie she got on, tilting my head. She got the lace lingerie on and suspenders, oh she is going all out “Go Roro!” hearing Nia shout, locking my phone looking behind me “yesss” I just saw my baby score “that is my baby!! Royalty!” I ran towards her “I scored for my daddy! I did it! I did it” my baby really did it for me.
I am super proud of my baby, she scored for me. Crouching down to Royalty “look over here now” Nia said, kissing Royalty’ cheek “my baby scored! Look at this award, so proud of you” putting my arm around her “awww this is so cute” holding my phone out to Nia “take one on mine” Nia took my phone “look at my medal dad, I told you I would score. And we won!” she yelped out “you did, I am so happy” looking at Nia smiling, Royalty kissed my cheek. I cooed out smiling “you two” getting up from my position and grabbing my phone from Nia, unlocking my phone and tapping on my messages. I sent the picture to Robyn ‘She won it!’ pressing send “you go and stay with meme; I need to speak to you mom. I won’t go, don’t worry” Royalty wasn’t happy I told her to go “just there, let me speak to your mom in private, it’s grown talk so move” Royalty stuck her tongue out at me “and you” I laughed, putting my phone in my pocket “after you” I gestured for Nia to walk ahead of me, I am scared that I will get a no because it is out of the country but I don’t know, it depends on what she says about this.
We walked a little away from the group “my baby is so happy you came; I think it gave her so much life to win. I am glad you came; you made the effort to break away from what you were doing. You go to just do it sometimes Chris, it’s just one of those things but to see her happy, I bet it was worth it?” nodding my head “it was, I just wanted to speak to you about something. This has nothing to do with my mom. I feel like Royalty is growing, she doesn’t care to go to meme home anymore and whatever. I am trying to do better by my kids, by myself and with you trusting me, that helps me so much. I enjoy spending time with Royalty. I am not sure if she told, I did promise her we would go away, daddy and daughter thing, Just us” Nia let out an oh “she didn’t but when she was upset she did say, he promised daddy and daughter but like didn’t go into it. So you mentioned it to her that you would take her away?” nodding my head “but I won’t do anything behind your back, I want to make sure you’re ok with it. If I can take her away with me, I am currently in Mexico just spending time thinking. I have nobody there, just me. I would enjoy the company but if you think it’s just too much, this is between me and you now” Nia nodded her head slowly, she is not sure how to take it, I get what she is feeling and with her having her doubts “I have this feeling that you are doing some soul searching, it is the holidays and she is at that age where she can do everything herself and, if you are ok with it. All I want is my daughter happy and is ok, she is happy with you. Royalty questioned why she had to go to Joyce’ home and not yours, she wanted to go to yours but she had to get second best, what I don’t get is that you don’t want your mom to know anything, why is that?” this is positive “she is negative, she will put doubts in my mind making me feel like I can’t look after her, it will be just in Mexico for a few days if you are ok with it? Royalty is going to be so excited when she hears it, this is the first time I will be taking her away on holiday on my own too” I ain’t ever done this before “she is going to be pretty excited, she is independent as it comes now but her happiness is what I care about” nodding my head in agreement.
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“I want this to be raw, I want to be me Dennis. I am doing it my way so if I release this, it will be on my terms. I want to be personal to my fans, I want them to be included in my life but also not included so if I control what is being fed then I can control the information. So we have the pictures, we have some footage of the baby shower and gender reveal, not so much the scans but we missed that, I didn’t think life would have taken me here right now. We must start now, also I want you to ask me questions, questions you think my fans would ask me. I want you to get moments, so you better get your camera rolling. We going to edit this shit together too” watching Dennis write down things “that is a good idea” Tina greed “I want it to be mine and also Chris’ thing so like we can collectively post it but he can have his version too, I know I am working you but I know you can do it. I don’t want a big crew, just you being with us, doing what you need. Mobile videos, I will have some things, he may have some things, we will collate them. Just raw things, I want you to ask me what I am doing, what is happening. It will be like my personal blog I guess, a long one. I am putting this out for free because I will not have no price on my child’s head. Them motherfuckers won’t get to see her” I laughed “but that is it, my goal for now. My Fenty lines are fine right now, we are backed up with things flowing until I am truly back on my game” Dennis nodded his head, I know I have put a lot on him right now.
While Chris is not here, I thought I would start the little interview or whatever while I am outside on the lounger “is the camera rolling yet or nah?” Dennis out here just preparing and shit, taking his time. I forgot that I had a message from Chris actually, grabbing my phone “it’s rolling now” Dennis said, unlocking my phone and opening the message “awww she won her little soccer game” zooming into the picture, Chris looks like a proud dad “who has?” Dennis asked, turning my phone to him “I have not met this girl yet but Royalty Brown, she won her soccer match, look at that” holding it to the camera “how do you feel to be a step mother, I mean that is what you will be?” moving my phone back, locking the phone “I don’t know what that entails until I have my own daughter here with me, I can only think what it will be like. Did I think I would be a step mother? Hell no, but I myself had half siblings and I didn’t know how to handle that, I didn’t like it at all so I know how it feels to be in that situation. I would like different for my daughter, a different environment. I always felt like they saw a different side to my dad then I did, it wasn’t good. I mean I still see them but it’s just one of those things where you think did you get the better side of my parent; I just don’t want that. I am nervous about all that” Dennis nodded his head “what made you want to marry Chris; is it love still?” Dennis is making me laugh “he asked, and I said yes, if you know me then you know the love I hold for him. It was one night which has turned into this, I think we are both at a different points in our lives where we are adults, I mean sometimes. I want to do this for her, she is the love of my life. I want her to have the best. I don’t want to go into detail with what Chris and I spoke on, but it’s been an emotional ride with him. It is our time, it’s time for Chris and Rihanna to be happy. People will have their opinions but what does it matter when you’re happy, I am happy. It’s been the most natural disaster thing to happen, and it’s funny because it just happened. And you all can hate Mel” I laughed “I am joking but when my daughter is older, she sees this. She will say my mom did what she needed to do, that is all that matters to me” they going to hate me so much.
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calleo-bricriu · 5 years
Gotta be honest: I dislike that "OC Struggles in the RPC" post that occasionally hits my dash.
This one, right here.
In short, because it comes off very, "If you won't RP with my OC you're an elitist dick" even though I'm certain that wasn't the OP's intent.
But, as someone who has been writing the same Harry Potter OC (this one, right here) since 2001 and has played dozens of OCs in MMO settings, D&D, etc...starting from about 1988 on through now, let me just address the post point by point.
1. "That soul crushing feeling when you see 'no OCs' in someone's rules."
That's a you problem.
Nobody is obliged to write with you.
Perhaps that person has had numerous poor experiences with OC players in the past and just wants to avoid it happening entirely.
Perhaps they find it difficult to find ways to interact with OCs.
Perhaps they simply don't care for OCs when there are dozens of canon characters, including characters that are so minor that they might as well be a skeleton outline of a character.
None of those are invalid reasons and none of those are personal insults toward your OC or your writing; grow up and move on.
2. "Constantly having to dumb down your canon"
Look, if you're finding multiple people over multiple fandoms are telling you that your OC is too overpowered--just to cram it all into one word--you do need to stop and consider if they may be right and, if they are, if you care enough to change it.
There have been times I've looked at criticism I've had on Calleo and decided, "Yeah, they're right, that is a bit much" and other times when I've decided that yes, they are correct, but I don't care because I'm having fun as are the people I write with, and times where I've just plain disagreed.
It's also possible that your OC just isn't a good fit for whatever person is telling you that, and that's nobody's fault; not everybody likes the same things.
3. "Adjusting to adapted canons"
Literally nobody is forcing you to do this.
Everyone makes concessions now and again so things mesh with the group, that's part of what roleplaying is: A group activity.
If you feel as though you shouldn't have to adjust to someone else's adapted canon the problem is on your end and you're clearly not a good fit for the other player so maybe look elsewhere.
4. "The amount of your own canon and lore you have to sacrifice to do that."
Again, nobody is forcing you to do so.
This comes up a lot with people whose OCs are related to major canon characters and some of it is a big reason why it's generally recommended to not try and write those outside of established games.
In established games, the other players know this aspect of your character and, since you're part of the game, have implicitly agreed to go along with it.
For independent blogs, it does take longer to find regular RP partners because by having a backstory like that, it can feel like you're trying to force your, let's call it, adapted canon, onto canon and not everyone is going be on board with that idea or, at the very least, are implying that anyone who writes with you has to go along with it.
Again, that is not their fault and it doesn't mean you can't write an OC like that but you do need to be aware that if you choose to have something like that in your character's background, it's going to make it more difficult to find regular canon RP partners and that fact is entirely your fault, not the people who RP canon characters.
Same applies for those times when your OC has multiple rare abilities; the abilities might be canon but, sticking with Harry Potter as it's the main fandom I play in, if your character is a genius at everything, has the Standard Abusive Upbringing, is a metamorphamagus, is an animagus (usually unregistered and mastered by age 12 or so), is part-something-not-human, is a "transfer student to Hogwarts", is a major canon character's until now unknown sibling/cousin/best childhood friend, can cast all sorts of difficult magic before they even hit school because they're just that smart, is an orphan, and can sass Voldemort to his face without consequences--people aren't really going to want to write with you for several reasons.
- It looks like you haven't fleshed the character out well and are just throwing a pot of tropes at the wall to see what sticks.
- Writing with characters like that always feels like a dick measuring contest and if you dare try to hint that the OC might not be better at or just as good at something as a canon character, the most typical response is for the OC's player to get mad and tell you you're being elitist or bullying them.
5. "When you mention wanting to write a canon, people that have never shown any real interest in your OC jump out of the woodwork to encourage you to do it."
Yeah, there's no polite way to say this: If this is what happens to you, it generally means your OC is poorly thought out and can only hit one note (i.e. YOU only show interest in writing certain things; angst, shippy threads, etc...but never want to branch out to anything else) in your writing. That gets boring after awhile.
In short, your OC is probably a little boring and a little two dimensional and the reason your friends are encouraging you to write a canon is because they don't want to tell you that and know that a canon will be more interesting on virtue of you not having to make up all the source material the way you  have to do with an OC.
6. "When you do it, that canon gets more attention than your OC ever did."
See #5. Your OC was probably a kinda dull one trick pony and your friends were trying to be nice about it.
7. "The alternative of that: When your first character was canon and you transition to writing an OC, people suddenly disappear."
See #5. Your OC was probably a kinda dull one trick pony in comparison to the canon character you were writing, and your friends were trying to be nice about it.
8. "Fandom OCs that outgrow their fandoms and muns tha tfeel they have nowhere to put them."
That's lack of creativity on your part, not an "OC struggle".
This character of mine has had fragments of his personalty spawn off into roughly thirty or so different characters across multiple fandoms. On occasion, I've directly ported him into another fandom, just changing the Harry Potter specific things into things that fit the new fandom.
9. "Endlessly worrying if your character is too sue-ish, even after x-amount of years."
Stop caring.
Seriously, stop caring.
Caring about that usually ends up making you kind of less than fun to write with on an OOC level and on an IC level most people take it too far in the other extreme and end up with a character that's about as engaging as wet cardboard.
Not to mention, no matter what you do, there are always going to be people who will think your OC is "too sue-ish" no matter what, simply because they're an OC.
Focus more on people who are interested in your OC and not on the people who don't like your OC (and block them if you have to). You'll have a lot less stress and a lot more fun that way.
If you can't stop caring due to anxiety, get to a therapist and get on meds or--stop roleplaying until you get your house in order. If you get that stressed over roleplaying, it's not worth your mental health to continue; just go write fanfic.
10-13. All the stuff about female OCs being held to higher standards than male OCs.
This, unfortunately, is true. It's extra true if you're a female OC that gets into any sort of relationship, platonic or otherwise, with a canon character.
It's a pretty across all fandoms thing too, and it's definitely unfair.
I know 100% that if Calleo were a female OC, he would not have even a fraction of the interactions and threads that I have with him; people would think he's bitchy, stuck up, and annoying as all hell--and he is, but he's a guy, so it somehow funny and endearing I guess.
I think he’s often bitchy, stuck up, and annoying as all hell and I’ve been writing him for close to 20 years now.
He'd also probably be written off as some kind of slut because I've always written him as being in open relationships and often having multiple open relationships going at one time.
14. "People assuming simple, stupid things"
Yeah, that's not OC specific. Not even close. It's good form to always read someone's about and rules page, even if it's a canon character, because nobody plays even canon characters exactly the same.
15. "Feeling like you have to jump through hoops to keep up with everyone else and keep your character fresh and interesting so people don't lose interest."
Again, this is not an OC specific thing. Canon, unless a series is ongoing, is pretty finite, and anyone writing any character has to keep their character fresh and interesting and not just write variants of the same thing over and over or people will get bored of them as well.
A pretty good litmus test here is to look at it and see if it's just one or two people who lost interest or if it was a whole lot of them.
If it was just one or two people, that sucks, but it happens. We've all been dropped at some point.
If it's a LOT of people, it's time to take a close look at your OC and what you're writing to make sure you haven't just turned into--well, the literary equivalent of wet cardboard.
16. "Canon blogs that shit on OCs--you realize you were OCs too right? What would the original writer of your canon think?"
Well, if it's Anne Rice, she'll probably think to send a cease & desist.
That joke aside, be glad they do; it's a big red flag to avoid them as they're likely overall unpleasant people even if their writing is good. It also saves you from wasting your time trying to interact/write with them.
Remember that part about not focusing on the people who aren't interested in writing with you? Go read it again.
17. "No seriously, it can be so discouraging writing an OC. How many ideas are you killing by snubbing OCs? The future of creative media is in our hands."
Miss me with this emotionally manipulative bullshit.
Nobody is obliged to write with you and nobody is obliged to like your OC.
If a canon blog rejecting your OC is enough to kill your ideas, that's your problem, not the canon blog writer's problem.
If you can't find someone to RP your ideas with you and you really like those ideas, I'd suggest writing fanfic.
If you really want to RP those ideas, you'll either have to keep looking until you find someone who also wants to RP those ideas, or you'll have to be willing to do some compromising to make those ideas work in a way that other players will find interesting.
If your OC always has to be center stage and the best at everything, or you only want to write ship threads, or you only want to do angst, or your OC is always being injured, nearly killed, in emotional distress, etc...all the damn time, that gets boring for everyone else really quickly.
That's a you problem, not an other writers problem.
18. "Has someone stolen my canon?"
Look, if the stuff further up on this list is an issue for you, I guarantee you nobody has stolen your canon.
In general, nobody will steal your canon; there are not infinite numbers of ideas and tropes are very common both in canon canon and for OCs.
Unless someone straight up lifted everything about your character and just changed the name and whatever face claim you're using, there's about a 0 % chance they stole your ideas.
19. "Is my canon too similar to someone else's?"
See the bit in #18 about common tropes; given that, probably.
The bigger question is does it bother you enough to rework your OC? If it doesn't, stop caring.
If it does, get to work reworking your OC.
20. "Do they think I stole their canon?"
Have they said something? Do you have overlapping RP circles? No? Then they probably don't know you exist, let alone think you've stolen from them.
21. "And what do you do when somebody does steal your canon? It can be so hard to prove and it's so easy for it to be dismissed."
If it's hard to prove, it's too generic to have been stolen unless they just did a direct copy paste.
22. "Having your OC written off because of the face claim choice - that face is constantly typecast, nobody takes it seriously, they've been overplayed and ruined."
The only people I've had, 7 years of Tumblr RP, give two fucks about face claims are:
- Control freak admins of organized games that usually fall apart within 6 months due to drama typically caused by the control freak admins. I actually had one game have the admins get angry at me because I wouldn't stop doing cosplay for Calleo's pictures and just pick a celebrity.
Bullet dodged there.
- People who are also just generally unpleasant OOC; if a face claim alone is enough to make someone not want to RP with you (and it's not a case where the person whose face it actually is has been clear about them being uncomfortable with people using their pictures in that manner), that's a red flag that that person, if you somehow still want to write with them after seeing that, will likely be incredibly, bizarrely dramatic in all the wrong ways.
Sure, some of them are fine and they just have a hard time picturing an OC who also looks uncannily like Taylor Swift, but people who have things in their rules about refusing to write with people who use certain icons should be taken as either a red flag or a, "Well, I dodged a bullet here."
Also, in case nobody has told you this: Icons are not necessary for RP. They often add absolutely nothing to the post or thread that isn’t just as easily accomplished by using words. There’s nothing wrong with using icons but, you know, run far, far away from people who require that you use them.
Maybe instead of getting into the mindset that nobody wants to write with your OC because they’re an OC, take a look at your OC, ask people to give you honest and constructive feedback about the character (even if they tell you things you might not want to hear), consider working on your OOC personality as the victim mentality or using emotional manipulation about ~*~*how hard~*~* it is to write an OC to try and guilt people into writing with you is incredibly off putting on every level.
The more someone whines and complains about how nobody wants to write with them, honestly, the less interested I become in writing with them.
You also have to put some effort in, and that includes answering submitted memes or people who write you starters (or like an open starter call from you); if you fail to do that more often than not (and no, ‘low/no muse’ is not an excuse when you use it all the time, especially when you clearly have muse and are responding to whatever Themed Thing--usually angst or shipping--you get but ignore anything else or take ages to reply to anything else), the people sending those things in will assume you’re just not interested in writing with them and will stop trying.
And, bottom line?
If even you can’t sell your OC as being interesting and write off lack of interest from others as Unfairness Toward OCs, why should anyone else be interested?
If you have an OC that’s legitimately interesting, engaging, and not based around generally disliked tropes (across fandoms those are usually related to a canon character, multiple rare abilities, the OC being able to somehow always ignore or overtly go against social norms and suffer exactly zero consequences--or worse--be adored and admired for it by everyone, and Not From Around Here, in that order), and aren’t unpleasant OOC, people will want to write with you.
If you don’t, well, that’s your problem, and no amount of posting about how hard OCs have it will make people interested.
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ieroween1031 · 6 years
Bev/Richie BrOTP Headcanons:
(These are really long; like I’ve said before, I have absolutely no idea how to convey ideas in less than like, seven thousand words, so headcanons are new to me. But if you have any requests, send me a prompt, and I’ll do some more because I actually really like doing them! Open to other fandoms, too, like Shameless, TWD or Stranger Things!)
Bev and Richie are best friends.
Like, BEST best friends.
They’re are always the ones with the bad ideas
And they’re always supporting the other’s bad ideas
Like how Bev is the only one cheering when Richie finally lays into Huggins for pushing Eddie in the hall, while all the other Losers try to pry him off
And Richie is all for Bev’s cousin making them fake IDs
They sneak out of their different classes at the same time to share a smoke in the girls’ bathrooms
They have English together, and their English teacher is NOT happy about it. She sat them next to each other once and has never immediately regretted a decision more in her life because they would NOT. SHUT. UP.
Not only that, but Richie would make dick jokes (out loud, of course; he’s no pussy) about EVERYTHING the class read, and Bev would laugh her ass off every time.
“Of course Juliet killed herself. Couldn’t live without that dick!”
“Why is it that when she does it, she just has to wear an A on her tits, but when I do it, I get detention for ‘inappropriately propositioning the music teacher’?”
“Call me Ponyboy, cuz I’ll let you ride it.”
Meanwhile, Bev is hanging out of her desk, one hand on the floor literally crying with laughter.
After that, the teacher moves them completely across the room from each other
But do you think that stops them? Oh, no.
They try to sneak it and sit together anyway, since the seat next to Bev is empty, but they always get caught.
So they just literally shout across the room while the teacher’s talking
Or they stand and throw notes back and forth like football players, not even trying to hide it
It’s so bad that the teacher finally relents and lets them sit together, because then at least the ruckus is contained to one corner of the room
Richie drives Bev to school, since they live the closest, AKA they both live in ‘poor town’.
Richie has a thing for climbing houses and sneaking in windows (For real, though, I’ve never met anyone that disagrees, so if it wasn’t actually canon, it is now)
So when he has a bad day, or when Bev and her father argue, she’ll lock her door so her father can’t get in and sit on the roof with him and smoke.
This is where they got high for the first time, just the two of them.
If Richie’s having a really bad night, he’ll let himself into her room while she’s sleeping and just sleep on the floor (sometimes he goes to Eddie’s instead; it just depends on how he’s feeling that night).
Until one winter night. Bev woke up when Richie was closing the window. He wasn’t wearing a coat, so she told him to just lay in the bed with her to warm up.
He only meant to stay for a minute, but he was hella tired so he crashed. The next morning, he woke up with his head on Bev’s chest and her arms around him.
When she woke up, she just kissed the top of his head and left to go to the bathroom.
Now every time Richie spends the night, they sleep in Bev’s bed and cuddle.
Bev is the big spoon
Richie goes with Bev to get her belly button pierced when she’s sixteen. He holds her hand the whole time
He kinda wants his done too, but the piercer snorts and says it’s a girl thing (which upsets Richie even though he tries to hide it, and Bev is so angry at the guy that she ‘accidentally’ knocks over an entire case of jewelry on her way out)
In the end, he gets his nose pierced, and Bev tells him how sexy he looks the whole way home (Eddie agrees by nearly attacking him with kisses in the middle of his living room when Richie comes over to show him)
Richie has really small feet for a guy (which bothers him for some reason) so he’s always stealing borrowing Bev’s Doc Martens
Bev gets revenge by taking all his favorite Hawaiian shirts
He pretends to be mad, but Bev slays in them, and even his gay ass can’t deny that she looks better in them than he does
Everyone assumes that Richie is this player, because he flirts with literally everyone. Guy, girl, gay, straight, undecided, it doesn’t matter; Trashmouth Tozier will make kissy faces and wink at you
But only Bev knows that he’s a scared virgin, and that he’s only ever been intimate with Eddie
She and Ben have sex first, so she shares everything she knows with Richie. She even lifts him some condoms and a bottle of lube from the pharmacy since he can’t go buy them himself because people can see me, Beverly!
Richie helps Bev shop for lingerie, and she always models it for him at home.
He insists that she could wear a burlap bag and Ben would bust a nut, but she likes the way she feels knowing she’s dressed in leather or lace under her clothes and nobody else (but Richie) knows, so it’s as much for her as it is for Ben.
In that case, Richie wholeheartedly supports this, because he is all for his best friend feeling powerful and sexy, like Yaas, slay, my Queen!
Richie has absolutely no problem buying Bev tampons if she’s on her period and cramping so bad that she can’t get out of bed
And she gets killer periods, so when she’s on the rag, they’ll watch movies and pig out on ice cream together
Richie is a touch slut with everybody, always wanting physical contact, like hand holding, or playing with someone’s hair, or sitting on their lap, or kissing their cheeks
Bev (even more so than the rest of the Losers) lets him be as touchy as he wants, and never calls him out on it because she knows that aside from the Losers, he’s never been shown any other affection, so it’s normal for him to want it so badly
(Which she knows because she asked Ben to do the research on why kids from broken homes are sometimes more affectionate)
People always assume they’re a couple, since Richie is so handsy with her, and they never correct anyone
They always down to play the part when one of them is getting hit on, so much so that Richie has kissed Bev almost as much as Eddie
Richie knows when Ben and Bev do anything sexual for the first time, as Bev always tells him about it immediately afterward
Richie returns the favor, knocking on her window one Wednesday night in the middle of the summer of their Junior year, explaining that they’d finally done it. Eddie and Richie have finally lost their virginity to each other.
Bev cries and gives him the biggest hug
She cries even harder when Richie tells her that they used the condoms and lube she stole for him
She paints the nails on his middle fingers black for him every week, but just the middle fingers, because he says that’s the one he uses most often
They talk about serious things when they’re cuddled in bed together
Bev tells Richie that she knows in her heart that she’s gonna marry Ben, and that one day, Richie will be the godfather to their children
Richie doesn’t say anything, but Bev hears him sniffle happily
Richie admits that he plans to follow Eddie to whatever college he gets into, (since he was never planning on going to college, anyway) no matter where in the country it is
Even Alaska, even though Richie hates the cold
That’s when Bev knows he’s serious about Eddie, even though he’s never been serious about anything else in the world
He also confesses that he’s terrified when he thinks about how hard their life will be, and how much it fucking sucks that they’ll always live in constant fear, simply because they’re two guys in love
Bev agrees, and kisses Richie’s shoulder
But he also tells her that even with all the bullshit, teasing, violence and fear, he doesn’t ever wish he was straight, because Eddie was the best thing that has ever happened to him
They agree that no matter where they go, and how long they’re apart for, that they will always be there for each other
Fast forward ten years:
Richie stands up by the altar in a tux and a vest that’s the same shade of tiffany blue as the bridesmaid dresses
He gasps when he sees Bev, even though he and Eddie were with her when she found her dress. He even cries as she walks down the aisle
He holds her bouquet, keeps Ben’s ring safe during the ceremony, holds her dress when she has to pee, makes an inappropriate and hilarious speech, and basically just nails this whole Maid of Honor thing (Bev was fine with calling him her Man of Honor, but he insisted that he was not missing out on anything that came with the job, and that includes the title Maid of Honor)
He DJ’s a lot of the reception, until Bev pulls him onto the dance floor for a slow dance
He tells her how much he loves her while they’re dancing, how happy he is and how beautiful she looks. How proud he is of what she’s overcome, and how honored he is to have such an amazing woman for a best friend
And now she’s crying
Fast forward two more years:
Bev beams from her spot as Best Man, looking sharp as shit in a tailored black tuxedo and a pastel pink bow tie (Picking the colors was a process. Eddie loved pastels, but argued that light pink was too ‘girly’ and obvious for a queer wedding. Richie, however, was not having it, and insisted that Eddie’s favorite color be showcased in all its grandeur, no matter how gay it was)
She got to hold Ben’s and Richie’s hands (After much deliberation about who was going where, they put Ben and Stan on Richie’s side, while Eddie had snatched up Bill and Mike for his party) while Eddie walked down the aisle, alone but confident
She cries like a baby when Richie mentions her in his vows
“I told Beverly years ago that I was gonna follow you no matter where you went, and she never doubted me for a second. She’s always encouraged me to chase my dreams, and that’s you.”
Bev helped them decide what song should be their first dance song
Spoiler Alert: It’s Everything I Do (I Do It For You) by Bryan Adams
Afterwards, all the Losers storm the floor for their own special dance (they dance to St. Elmo’s Fire)
They all hold hands and dance and sing at the top of their lungs, even though Bill still stutters a little, Eddie’s tone-deaf, Ben is usually too embarrassed to sing, and Stan has two left feet
Beverly is the last person to kiss the boys before they leave for their honeymoon, and she watches the limo drive off with eyeliner streaming down her face
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emimiketrash · 7 years
That EmiMike x JJBek Highschool AU Headcanon that Nobody Asked For
Like really, nobody asked for two pairings in one headcanon. This was a random idea at 3 in the morning. Excuse this shitty sad piece of work.
This is basically Part 1 wherein I lay the groundwork. This is going to be long so go eat some food and a mug of hot chocolate while reading this. Please let me know if I should continue this. Thank you! Mickey and Otabek (The Bros)
Mickey and Otabek are best friends (mainly because Mickey knows that Beka is gay af and wouldn’t dare touch his sister, Sara). The first time they met, Otabek made it very clear that he wasn’t interested in women let alone Sara (she thought Otabek was rather cute). Like… M: (angry-threateningly) Let’s make this perfectly clear. Stay away from my sister or I will cut you in half in your sleep. O: Let’s make THIS perfectly clear. I’m not interested in your sister. S: *gasps* WHAAAAT??? M: (angry-surprised) …wha …what did you say? I call bullshit on that!!!! How can you say that so calmly?!?!?!? DON’T THINK THAT BY SAYING SUCH THINGS THAT I’LL LET YOU DATE SARA— O: I’m not interested in Sara because it’s how it is, Michele – I’m not interested in women. S: … M: …what? Sara understood what that meant immediately. Mickey took more time to get convinced.
Eventually, Mickey and Otabek bond over some little things like appreciation for good coffee, amazing literary pieces, and eventually, a love for good movies. They get to know each other better and become something like blood brothers.
People in school are afraid of Mickey (because people think he’s angry-crazy). He actually just cares too much. But he’s the best guy to go to for help with home economics stuff (but because he’s introverted as hell, he’s not used to helping people out). But he’s good with other subjects, too.
Mickey (and Sara) help out at their dad’s restaurant, which is the best one in the city, part-time. Mickey wants to take over the restaurant one day. Sara wants to do something else with her life (like being a theater actress with her “best friend”, Mila. At least, Mickey thinks they’re best friends. Otabek knows what’s up but won’t tell Mickey because he thinks Sara should do the honors.)
Otabek is a genius in music, art, and literature. He’s also quite good with history. Otabek wants to be a musician. He also DJs in his spare time. While he’s a god at dropping some fire-ass beats, he’s also experimenting with a more retro sound, like that of the 80’s.
Otabek goes to school on a foreign student scholarship, and lives with the Crispinos, and he also helps out at Mr. Crispino’s restaurant. Although Mr. Crispino, kind man that he is, is insistent that Otabek doesn’t need to work, Otabek says otherwise. At least he gets paid (and quite well) to help, and all that income is divided into 30% allowance and 70% sent back to his family at Kazakhstan (what an Ota-bae). Otabek’s allowance sometimes goes to saving up for new DJ-ing equipment.
Otabek keeps in touch with his other best friend, Yurio Plisetsky from ballet school back in Russia, through Skype (Yurio’s on tour at the moment). Every time they call, utter chaos happens in the house (ex. the police show up at the Crispinos because the neighbors heard loud screaming because of Mickey or Mr. Crispino yell at Yurio for the litany of offensive shit he says. #CrispinosHaveNoChill). Otabek still has no idea how to calm everybody down.
JJ and Emil (The Other Bros) Sidenote: I got the idea to make them best friends from this headcanon by @pasteurellapestis​. Bless them for their amazing EmiMike/MichEmil headcanons
JJ and Emil, the star hockey players of the school, basically rule the school. JJ is the well-celebrated King Bee captain and Emil is everybody’s favorite lovable dork.
They’re best friends because they both love sports, they’re both so lively it’s infectious, and they’re both the hottest guys at school. They’re both huge dorks. They’re nerdier than the science club nerds at school. Only Emil knows about JJ’s love for science.
They met back in freshman year when they both signed up for the hockey team. He saw Emil reading a science magazine and asked if he read that new article that dissected the study on positronic distillation of sub-atomic particles and why the process was impossible.
JJ’s family is loaded as fuck because they’re a family of professional athletes.
Emil’s dad designs cellphones for a huge tech company, and that’s how Emil not only got interested in technology, but it’s also how he gets a new phone every year (for free). His mom’s a doctor and is actually the Crispinos’ family physician. Her caring nature rubbed off on Emil, which explains why Emil cares so much for his loved ones. The Nekola family isn’t rich nor poor but they’re a happy bunch.
But because JJ is… well, JJ, it’s harder for him to be as endearingly nerdy as Emil. JJ has the whole cool guy branding he needs to maintain. But JJ is a huge science dork. He raves over everything new in the science world with Emil. Emil hits back with some new tech stuff.
JJ loves music. He secretly has a thing for 80’s music, especially power rock. But he doesn’t mind a fire beat every now and then, especially if it doesn’t sound either super basic or the music isn’t something annoyingly mainstream. He writes his own music sometimes. He’s also quite interested in photography. JJ sometimes crosses over to another town for photowalks because he can’t be seen in his local town because these kinds of things aren’t cool. (JJ does spot Otabek during one photowalk and wonders to himself, “Do I know him from somewhere?”)
Because Emil’s free as a bird to be himself, he’s actually part of the robotics club at school. He sometimes makes things that end up blowing up. One time, the whole school had to be evacuated because Emil’s latest robot set off the fire alarms. (Mickey scolded him for that one.)
Emil also loves anime, movies, TV shows, etc. with inventors, robots, hi-tech shit, and fantasy. He also loves “Phineas and Ferb” and the entire “Voltron” series. (He always thought of himself as Phineas and Mickey as Ferb.)
Mickey and Emil (EmiMike/MichEmil), Part 1
Mickey and Emil were childhood friends and neighbors. Their houses are next to each other’s. In fact, Emil and Mickey can see each other from their windows. Even if they both grew up and apart (or at least, Mickey thinks they grew apart), Emil still always loved Mickey.
Whenever Mickey wakes up in the morning and looks out the window, he always sees Emil waving at him (sometimes shirtless) and mouthing, “Good morning, Mickeeeey!" Mickey reacts by either yelling at him to put a shirt on or ragingly shutting the drapes.
Sometimes, Emil offers Mickey (and Otabek because Emil is such a nice guy huhu) a ride to school, to which Mickey vehemently refuses, thinking that Emil (and other guys) is just after his sister ever since puberty hit her like a big, yellow school bus.
Emil usually invites Mickey to sit with him at lunch, but Mickey regularly refuses. Mickey did sit with them once but he hated the experience because he thought JJ was radiating douchiness everywhere. (JJ is just bad at making good impressions, poor baby.)
Emil is always one to invite Mickey to go places with him: the groceries, the beach, the park, the mall, the local drive-in, etc. He even invited Mickey to dinner (just the two of them). Mickey always says no. Sometimes, Emil feels defeated because Mickey says no and sometimes doesn’t understand why his childhood friend became so distant.
Emil tried dropping shit tons of hints that it was Mickey he was interested in and not Sara, but all those hints just did was make Mickey think Emil wanted Sara. Mickey always fails to pick up those hints. Sara is tired af of her brother’s obliviousness. It’s clear to Sara and even Otabek that Emil is gay af for Mickey.
Emil confided in JJ about his feelings for Mickey. JJ was like, “Uhm, duh.” It went down like this, non-verbatim: E: Wait you knew? J: The whole school knows, man! Well, except Crispino himself. I think his sister knows, too. E: *smirks* Hmm, do you think Beka knows? J: Wh-- wha-- Beka? Who’s that? E: *teasingly* Oh, you know? Beka, our dear friend from Kazakhstan? J: Beka? Like, B-Becca Mitchell? E: *laughs his ass off* Yeah, sure. Becca Mitchell. Emil thinks JJ has a thing for Beka. And he was right.
Otabek and JJ (JJBek), Part 1
JJ, being observant as hell, always seems to notice Otabek whenever he sees the Kazakh boy anywhere. The first time he saw Otabek was at a photowalk in a neighboring town. (Otabek also noticed JJ but didn’t want to say anything. Beka thought it might not be a good idea to draw attention to JJ without the latter asking for it.) The second time was when he saw Otabek arriving to school on his motorbike (which JJ dubs as “The Otabike”). No one else except the Crispinos notices Otabek.
JJ asks Phichit Chulanont, everybody’s go-to information database, to dig up some information about Beka, to which Phichit took longer to do it than usual because Otabek hardly uses his social media accounts. Phichit had to resort to traditional investigative means to deliver.
JJ learned as much about Otabek as Phichit could uncover: that Otabek was from Almaty, Kazakhstan; that he was on a foreign exchange scholarship; that he lived with the Crispinos and works part-time for their dad’s restaurant; and that his closest friend was Michele Crispino. Basically, it was hard to find something about Beka other than that.
JJ decides to take it from here and attempt to be friends with Mickey (so he can get to Beka), only for the Italian man (who assumed that JJ wants to date Sara) to glare at the Canadian darkly and utter (of course), “You stay away from my sister or say goodbye to your dick. You pick.” JJ basically sweats nervously and quietly retreats. Otabek, who was watching the whole time, raises and eyebrow and wonders what the hell that was all about.
Otabek secretly is interested in JJ because he could see there’s something different about JJ that separates him from the other hockey players. Well, everyone knows Emil’s a dork, but with JJ, it’s something Otabek couldn’t seem to lay a finger on.
One time after PE, Otabek saw JJ step out of the shower in his post-shower naked glory. Otabek was sent to the infirmary because of extreme loss of blood. Mickey had to stay till his dad could pick Otabek up.
Otabek once told Yurio about JJ through their Skype convos and even sent pictures. Yurio thought that JJ looked like a douchebag, but willingly supports Otabek if he thinks JJ will make him happy (even if Yurio visibly cringes at the thought. Otabek smirks and laughs it off.)
Bonus Headcanons (in case y’all be wondering where everybody else is):
Phichit Chulanont is the local walking information database with huge-ass brows full of secrets. He runs the school newspaper (and its social media accounts), with Sara Crispino as his associate editor and Minami Kenjirou as a news correspondent. Phichit is also the number one source for information trading at school, but requesting for his services comes with a hefty price. Phichit sometimes uses his information to play matchmaker.
Yuuri Katsuki and Phichit are still best friends (like in canon-verse) because why the hell not. Minami usually tries to hang with them when he gets the chance. The two forget he’s even there sometimes. (There was one time when Phichit and Yuuri drove off just as Minami was about to open the door. Yikes.)
Yuuri and Victor Nikiforov are the crowned Homecoming power couple of the school. Victor is the head dance captain of the school and also rules the school alongside Yuuri. Because, well, why not? There’s no conflict of social power between Victor and JJ; Victor just doesn’t give a shit about JJ (ouch). When Victuuri walks down the hallways together, they basically come with their own theme song. (refer here)
Sara Crispino and Mila Babicheva are totally dating. Mr. Crispino whole-heartedly supports his daughter’s relationship. Mickey took more time to be convinced (especially about the existence of lesbians like wtf Mickey seriously) but came around. Sara and Mila are also part of the school’s drama club.
Leo de la Iglesias and Guang-hong Ji are also part of the hockey team and are basically falling in love with each other. Although the two haven’t said anything, JJ totally ships them. He also sees Leo as his potential heir apparent.
Chris Giacometti is the guidance counselor at school who regularly promotes safe sex when someone comes in for counseling. He gives sex advice sometimes. His most notable counseling session that came with sex adviuce was with Leo and Guang-Hong (gee, I wonder why). When the old sex-ed teacher retired, Chris immediately applied for the position (and basically sweet-talked his way to get the job). He also brings his cat to school sometimes. Chris’ husband sometimes visits and brings him lunch.
Minako Okukawa, one of the dance club advisers, just loves watching Chris’ thicc booty bounce. During trainings, Yuuri sometimes has to catch Minako-sensei’s attention back to Earth just to refocus her attention on club practice.
Georgi Popovich is the adviser of the drama club (because why not). During an “investigation”, Phichit unearthed photos of Mr. Popovich’s career wherein he played Caribose during a run of Sleeping Beauty at West End, and he looked like he applies makeup like it’s a pie to the face. No one could look at Mr. Popovich the same way again.
Phichit has a particular crush on the fashion club’s vice-president, Seung-gil Lee. Seung-gil feels the same way but doesn’t know how to express his feelings.
Yakov Feltsman is the school principal. He particularly dislikes Victor sometimes for being unconventionally rebellious and annoyingly chill. Yosek Karpíšek is the vice-principal. Lilia Baranovskaya is the head of the arts department and is sometimes confused as to why the hell she hired Minako.
It’s actually much longer than I anticipated, but if you stayed till the end, thanks for reading this. Stay tuned for Part 2 (where somebody saves the school dance and enthralls one of our main characters loljk)!
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doubledrivel-blog · 6 years
13. Trump vs Lavar Ball - Ray Allen is a jilted lover - How old was Manute Bol?
Greg: Hello and welcome to another episode of Double Drivel. We are a weekly podcast offering a fan's perspective on the news and issues surrounding the NBA. Thank you for joining us. My name is Greg and I am joined as always by my co-host JT. You can find us on Twitter @doubledrivelers or email us at [email protected]. JT what up my friend?
JT: Not too much Greg. It's so nice to be talking with you again. Where have you been? It seems like you've been somewhere else lately.
Greg: I hosted Thanksgiving, and then we had a little family trip to Germany for a dance completion. I am known as the Lord of the dance. The Lord of the dance is what they call me. There's a lot of things you don't know about me and one of them is so my German folk dancing. It's very important to me, but I'm very private with it.
JT: That's incredible. What is the best thing about Germany?
Greg: My favorite thing is the food. There's a lot of great food, and the people are very nice. You can drink almost anywhere. I don't know of a place you can't drink. I don't really know the laws or the language well enough to know where the limits are. I know that I drank in a grocery store walking inside. I walked in with a beer from outside, drank it walking up and down the aisles of that grocery store, and checked out with that same beer. No one even blinked or looked at me or really cared in the least. Amazing, it's just a strange amazing place. From what I understand there was a lot of strange amazing stuff here during the time since we last spoke. Lavar Ball and Donald Trump went head to head, Ray Allen had some issues, and there's a story about someone that we loved growing up, a really big guy, Manute Bol, We're gonna start with the heavyweight matchup, Lavar Ball and Donald Trump. You had the best little
line here in the notes that it's a federal level Twitter beef, and it really was. Why don't you go over a little bit on why they're fighting?
JT:  Yes sir Greg. We have the President of the United States, who recently took a trip to China, a planned trip. The presidents travel, and wheel and deal. This is coming on the heels of three young UCLA basketball players who were arrested for shoplifting in China. We discussed committing a crime in China on last week's show Greg, which is actually a big deal. They actually will throw you in jail for a really long time for things that.
Greg: If you told me people still got their hands cut off in China for stealing I'd believe it I believe it 100%.
JT: There was a high-end retail shop attached to the hotel they swiped some watches from. They got caught, they
got arrested, and we were kind of on hold for a minute. Then they got released and the president started speaking
about how their release came to be. He says that he had to have conversations with powers-that-be in China, and he had to essentially call in a favor. The basketball players were released, they came back to the US, and then they put
these three kids up on the podium do a press conference at UCLA. They ask them look like a hostage video. Those
kids weren't even smiling. They were saved from 10 years in prison. They stood up there like they weren't thankful or happy about anything.
Greg: Very strange to me, but please continue.
JT: Imagine 19 years old and then you go from a very high end Chinese hotel to a Chinese prison to staying in that Chinese prison for a decent amount of time. Then they were on house arrest at the hotel.
Greg: They never made them actually go to the prison that was one good little thing.
JT: They didn't even spend time in a Chinese prison?
Greg: That's great. No one should-
JT: Fine even if they don't have to go there, they come back and our president was waiting for a thank you that he never got.
Greg: Trump was not happy. He felt slighted because he was never formally thanked. He went on an offensive.
JT: Oh no, mercy me.
Greg:  Lavar Ball said the release of the students didn't have a lot to do with Donald Trump. Mr. Ball had some people on the ground kind of downplaying Trump's role and it wasn't a big deal. That was the worst line of all. It wasn't a big deal he said.
JT: That's the kind of thing that gets Donny boy fired up. as we've
come to understand and let me pull up
Greg:  If they said any sort of thank you he would have caught it. He would have known He would have replied to it on Twitter the same way he replied to the fact they had not said thank you.
JT: It's important to always say thank you regardless of your views. If the guy got you out of ten years of Chinese prison you definitely say thank you.
Greg: The original tweet from the president was “Do you think the three UCLA basketball players will say thank you President Trump?”
JT: He was ready. He's just winding up. They were heading for ten years in jail yeah and this man transitioned right to the 280 characters of Twitter.”
JT: “Donald Trump from Twitter on November 22nd “Lavar you could have spent the next five to ten years during Thanksgiving with your son in China no NBA contract to support you but remember Lavar” he keeps using his name “shoplifting is not a little thing it's a really big deal especially in China ungrateful fool China strongly says.”  Strong words from the president.
Greg: You know what they have in common? They both have WWE appearances. Much like WWE careers one actually had almost the whole storyline built around him and one was just really a one-hit wonder that showed up on one episode. Lavar ball wishes he was at the level Donald Trump is. He is someone who wants to be in the news every day. This is someone who's dying for the kind of beef that Donald Trump brought him. It  gets him in the news and that's all he cares about. And fighting with the president, you don't do better than that. That's high level beef.
JT: Why waste the words on this? I didn't think it was gonna happen this way. I figured it'd be something stupid, but never did I think that a father of an unproven rookie, who doesn't have the platform for this volume of a message, he just doesn't fucking have it- There's no way I thought that two months into the NBA season these two numbnuts would be wagging dicks at each other. This is certainly much faster than anybody would have anticipated. I would have doubted that those two comments would have put across at some point.
Greg:  You're kind of a Monday Morning Quarterback though.
JT: Let me try to guess who else that he'll have a fight with. It's got to be easy enough. After the fighting with the president it's kind of like shooting fish in a barrel.
Greg: He's just rounding up people now. It's where we are, everybody's coming into contact. It's kind of amazing.
JT He's gonna fight with Kanye, how about that. He will straight up be fighting with Kanye in the next six to nine months. Like when  screech fought Hoody in the fucking celebrity dumb shit boxing show.
Greg: He's fought the guy from Welcome Back Kotter. Poor Horshack. He fought Horshack. Up next we’ve got something that you love, so keep your laughing face on. Ray Allen's on the scene. I know this is a story very close
to your heart. I actually heard someone reference his appearance in a certain movie, and how he was the best part of that movie. I don't know how I feel about that comment. Why don't you tell us a little about your love for Ray Allen, and give us a little backstory.
JT: I don't have a tremendous love for Ray Allen. The majority of it comes from my close association of late 90s basketball movies of which I am a huge fan. There's three I love, “Above the rim with Tupac and Leon. You know my man Leon, who also played David Ruffin The Temptations NBC movie which you know I fucking love Greg.
Greg: He was in Oz too wasn't he?
JT:  Yeah and White Men Can't Jump. I have that painting in my garage of Billy Ho getting his Reeboks pumped up by Sidney Deane. I also love He got Game the Spike Lee movie with Ray Allen and Denzel Washington. Everyone loves Denzel Washington.
Greg: In all honesty I don't know if I've ever seen that movie. I've seen bits and pieces of it, but there's no way I've seen the whole movie.
JT: In He’s got Game Denzel puts on a stronger performance than Ray Allen. Ray Allen's character’s name is Jesus Shuttlesworth. Not “Hay-Zues,” they go straight up Jesus. One line from is Jesus Shuttlesworth impersonating his own mother from childhood. They live in the  projects and there's a basketball court surrounded by high-rise apartment buildings, and come dinnertime his mother would put her head out the window and yelled “Jesus Jesus!” so yes, he go by Jesus. It's a great movie Greg, you should see it.
Greg: I'll watch it over Christmas break when I'm home.
JT: Be sure to watch it. That’s what put Ray Allen on my radar. He's in this movie I really like and then Ray Allen has a very successful NBA career. He sets the record for the three-point percentage in the regular season. He sets it for that same three-point percentage record for NBA playoff season playoffs. He's out but then he pops back up in the news. Ray Allen recently appeared in the Florida Court to respond to a claim of stalking. Ray Allen responded to claim that he has been stalking a man named Bryant Coleman. You know this isn't going anywhere good. Do we know a lot of stories about NBA players stalking anyone?
Greg: I can't think of any. The closest I can think of is a story I love with Matt Barnes. He drove all that way to punch Derek Fisher in the face. He drove 50 miles to whoop his ass because he was at his ex-wife's house. That's certainly not stalking but that's court stuff I think about when shit's getting dirty. Even in that situation that's NBA player versus current or former NBA player, and you can follow the charges and the situation. What could possibly bring on bothering and stalking a man
JT: I  bet you Greg Ray Allen wishes this was a drug charge. He was sitting around like “God I just need one reporter to think I got a coke problem, please!” He claims that this guy Brian Coleman impersonated many different women online and effectively catfished him.
Greg: That's no good. Isn't that weird though? Why would Ray Allen stalk someone who was bamboozling him? Allen was claiming that he was multiple women?
JT: At one time he was kind of stringing Ray along on whatever avenues he was pursuing women on, whether it be Craigslist or-
Greg: It was  probably Craigslist
JT: This is what Ray Allen claims, but Brian Coleman says that all along he was looking for me. There weren’t any girls or catfishing. My mam was looking for the Bryan. This guy says Ray knows I'm a dude, we get down, we've done this in the past, and we've done it pretty recently. This guy might have signed a non-disclosure agreement about it.
Greg: Oh snap! They're getting down like a couple of bills fans in the parking lot. Ray’s got to pay him off and get him to sign an NDA and then the guy breaks it. Usually you don't get into that type of situation unless you want someone to stay quiet. The only thing we can do to clear this up is invite them both on the show. We'll just clear the air. We can bring Alan, he’s always welcome, and Brian Coleman. I'll have to try to reach out but, Ray Allen, you’re always welcome.
JT: This is a come as you are, judgment-free environment. Anyone with anything to say can come on and clear the air. That invitation is out there. Ray Allen join us when it's convenient for you.
Greg: If you're in any sort of trouble I'm not gonna hit you with the hardball questions. I’ll give you a nice soft landing here to give you a platform. Thanks again Ray, we love this story. We are gonna move on to our good friend who we grew up with a big tall fella, Manute Bol.
JT: That's a guy who was 7’7. He was the tallest person ever to play in the NBA. There is reason to believe that he made up his age.
Greg: I always found it crazy that you didn't even know how old you were, that there was so little documentation around you that you wouldn’t have any idea. He looks old in some of those pictures we were looking at. He may have been 50 years old. Go back and look at those pictures JT. He looks about 50 years old.
JT: When he went to Cleveland State Greg he enrolled at the University of Bridgeport, a Division two basketball school. When he had to fill out the paperwork, apparently the coach just fudged the numbers because no one knew how old he was. I can relate to this story personally Greg. You and I were rubbing elbows at this point in Pleasant Valley with  Mark Bang’s son.
Greg: 'm gonna take the other half of the story. There were two kids in our grade at our school. They were adopted and they definitely came internationally. I don't know what country, but there is reason to believe Mark was very old.
JT: I remember eating lunch with Mark. We were in elementary school. I'll never forget it. It was second grade, and there was a man sitting at our table. His name was Mark, and he was in my class. He was not in second grade. He was 13, and he had a brother who had some disabilities. He was even older. Mark used to yell at him like he was a little brother, but he was much smaller. Joey's age also very cloudy.
Greg: I don't think the world will ever know how old Mark and Joey were.
JT:  They were great people Greg. They were great teammates. I got the opportunity to interact and spend time with both of them. He played Little League with us. They were fast as fuck Greg. Fast as the day is long, like a cheetah. He would hold his hands in ninja stance, do you remember that? When he was running it was like he was chopping through the air. He was probably five, six, seven years older than the rest of us.
Greg: Joey, Mark, and Manute Bol kind of riding that same wavelength. They're saying he was 50 years old when he was finishing up his NBA career. That's crazy to think about. He was so tall at the same time, just remarkable. He didn't weigh hardly anything. The guy was thin as a rail, but he was one of the first big men that was shooting threes from the outside. He used to line up behind the line all the time. That wasn't something people did at his size. They still don't. It was a very precious shot he had. It was a lot of fingertip and both elbows were  out. He gently put it up there.
JT: Now his son is playing Greg. His son, whose name is Bo Ball, just committed to Oregon. He's gonna be a duck. Greg: He's gonna have that big Nike logo on his giant self. Congratulations to the Ball family. However old Manute is on his next birthday, happy birthday to him. I may have just wished a dead man a happy birthday.
JT: Oh Christ alive, let's see. Yeah, he died in 2010. God rest his soul Manu Ball.
Greg: His son really carrying the torch for the family. That's good for the Ball family. Another great episode JT.
JT: Absolutely. Glad to have you back in the states,
Greg: I'm glad we're back too. Danka. We will be back next week with another episode. In the meantime you can follow us on twitter @doubledrivelers or you can email us at [email protected]. Subscribe to the show on iTunes, podbean, or Google Play. Until next week, we will see you on the Internet.
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byron1 · 6 years
Microwave door bouncer to keep you from eating garbage. "Where do we Go now" guns & roses/ picking a restaurant Fallout joke: I was at work while you cheating all day. Punchline: I never even got to cheat AND she would tell me about her bounty EVRyday SKIT: Danielle cooking pie (or anything really) and you have headphones on improve rapping to her and it sounds good to me but cut to her with no music and she looks at me very annoyedly Opener: Walks on stage, grabs mic and lays down. "Instead of stand up up I'm gonna try "lay down", it's way more comfortable.. That joke needs a Mitch headberg voice" repeat joke in Mitch headberg voice "com-fort-able" Hotel TV remotes have never been cleaner. Everybody on the phone watching porn and Netflix. The last person to use a hotel remote for porn died years ago Terminator cop in San Diego -what it felt like on mushrooms (terminator slo mo walk by) -what really happened (cop just walks by and shrugs) "Whenever I start dating a girl I buy her a really nice, big purse as a gift. ...Cuz she's gonna be carrying a bunch of my shit around for the next 4 1/2 months" - jack bliss Old west - duel going on in the middle of town. Mayor stops everything -"what are you guys arguing about" "is it worth dying over? I mean I can look this up on my phone" Mayor looks it up on the phone and who ever was wrong gets shot with no countdown ..Watch a little porn. Once you get too familiar with a site you drift to the lesser known porn sites ...This particular website has a top 50 viewed videos.. And you can sort em by 1 day, 7 days, 30 days, and my favorite, "all-time". ..That's just a buncha like minded individuals helpin' each other out.. But you can always tell when a bunch of likeminded weirdos find the site cuz for the 1 Day Most Viewed, it's just a ton of videos of people peein' on each other. And now it's like "maaaan, now I'm not even in the mood. AND I'm disappointed in you PornoTime, I didn't even now that was so prevalent on your site!" And it's usually on a Sunday... All you pee heathens jerkin off on the toilet with your computers on your laps should be at church! But then I'm like ".....let's see what all this hype is about" If I eat Asian food and drink a glass of milk, will I explode? Asians they don't drink milk! I think it's cuz they know. It's like when you have Indian or real African neighbors and that food smell just permeates ev-er-y thing. Unpleasant for the most part. Asians think white people smell like rotten cheese or like the cow aushwitz off the 5. <----Cowlinga. Nasty place. I was on a road trip with my wife and "she's tired" (bitchy voice) so she wants to stop for the night. At night she couldn't tell but in the morning when that sun came up?.. And that stink starts stinkin?.. She's like "oh those poor Asians. We should stop eating cheese for them" And then she puked. Friendricks Smitreaux - hands too small, not allowed in Burger King. Has quarrels. (Jack) Calling GameStop, having a nerdy conversation, with a funny voice. Rb movie voice could be a thing. Do you have x y z Round table pizza local interview podcast Wife's mom with gigantic fat pet and gets scolded by vet. Mom is pissed new underwear lint gets stuck to your dick. About to get a blowjob and she freaks out cuz there's fuzzy berries all over your jimmy wang dong. (Explain in between these sentences how fuzz sticks to your dick when you have new unwashed out of the box underwear) I've done this to my wife since we started dating "Chivalry Gone Wild" - pushing girls out of the way to open the doors for them. Later girl has chivalry ptsd (now she shivers when a guy reaches for the check at a restaurant) "Once I got roofied..." Story ensues "Once I had a crazy dream..." Story ensues Either way you're bored Went into the bank, for the candy of course, why else would you go inside these days. As I reach for the candy, the lady behind the counter says "DON'T TAKE THAT CANDY!...... It's super old.. Here take this, I have a 'secret stash' back here" I was like "You Smoke Weed, huh?" No I didn't say that, I just did the stoner laugh, which basically communicates the same message I have road rage. Like.. bad. But they're really cracking down on that now. I mean you can't even throw the bird these days. So I'm trying to advocate this, in place of the bird, you hit the rear window spray 2 times. (doesn't work if your window is dirty) I'm trying to spread this so people know I'm insulting them..... Also the "up hand", thumbs up is for assholes...... I just don't want road rage to go away, you know?! Went to the grocery store at night and someone was sleeping in the car I parked in front of. I see a middle finger come over the dash. I quickly kill my headlights and the middle finger turns into a thumbs up and recedes below the dash. I like that person.. Soccer needs timeouts like catholic priests need to be able to fuck. Flopping soccer players = selabate priests Lost lake truck sinks into water. Guy goes back for cigarettes brings one pack instead of the ENTIRE CARTON White people now can only do other ethnicities voices while reading a name. (List 3 different "ethnic" names) Buttercup story: weed in New York Trying to get a random buddy to be the third player in the game of RISK is like trying to get a random girl to come back to your house and suck you AND your buddies dicks. "Wanna play a game of risk?" Shit no Instead of people saying "Grizzly Adams DID have a beard" I think we should change it to "Kurt Cobain DID have a gun" "no I swear I don't have a gun" ...too soon?! Liqueur Control Board. Two young kids walk into a bar. They order jäger. Liquor Control comes in and says to the bartender: "do you those kids you served are underaged?" Bartender says "you're out of your Jurisdiction!!! Call the Liqueur Control Board!!" Liqueur Control Board shows up lookin like French cops "(( assholeish French accent thing here))" I work construction..... (Frown face) You THINK you want to shit in a freshly clean porta-potty. But that's not the case. You drop any size turd in that blue water and it's coming back up to splash your asshole. You need a big pile of turd to cushion the blow. I frequent a sports bar, and they allow kids in a certain section and sometimes you don't see these children behind you. So you day-drunkenly yell out "well I can't exactly tit fuck 'er, but they're perfectly shaped!" ((Rule of thirds here, needs 2 more examples)) History Lesson: •Good at art cuz no porn - there was much better art, and I mean paintings, back in the days of yore. Do you know why so many iconic paintings come from this era?! Because there was no porn. You think these guys (Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Monet) weren't drawing weird sex stuff in their spare time?! Of course they were. People think porn took over in vhs days but it's gone back much further than you think Way back in the day, I don't think they had the ADA (American Dental Association), but if they did it would be The Association of Guys that Own Pliers. If you had a tooth ache in the 18th century, your barber would pull your tooth!.. Guess the barber had a set of pliers.. therefore making him.. also a dentist. Hatred for people with red hair bleed over from hatred for the Irish? I just found out I'm Irish.. My dad was adopted and he just did the genealogy thing. Piss on a stick, or something.... I may be thinking of something else.. Anyway, it makes a ton of sense cuz my mom was Swiss. And if you know anything about the Swiss, they don't tend to takes sides, (hmhrph wwii). So when I get high, I'm Swiss: "hey whatever your views man, let's just have a dialogue.. Orrr not, I really have no stance on the issue." But when I drink whiskey: ..I wanna fight people. And I'm not a big guy soooo, I try not to drink whiskey.. I try to test myself against my friends, but they are all bigger than me so it never ends well. There is one guy who's bigger than me, but I can just psychologically break him down, and it's all true so I always win. And those other big guys are around and laughing so I have some protection. Things like "good thing those chicks can't see how many times you swipe right, otherwise they would call you a "Desperate Bitch!" Or: "you're so pathetic, how do you not have a crescent wrench?!" Things like that. One Friday night, He was a coward and attacked me while I was fall over baby deer legs drunk. We shut the bar down and as we're walking out he shoves me and I go flying into the ashtray. Butts are flyin.. I was not happy with him and I think I had some whiskey that night because I plotted revenge for the next day, I say "I'm gonna fuck this guy up". Saturday morning we always go back to the bar for breakfast. He says "you gonna be at the bar for breakfast?" I say "yeah buddy, 20 minutes". That's when I start loading the quarters into the sock. But yeah, whiskey makes me angry, I guess. Did anyone notice how the hitler youth haircut came back right around the time most of the wwii vets were pretty much all dead? The hipsters were scared of some old vet having a flashback to the war. "YOU.. NAZI.. BASTARD!!!" So my wife says to me while we're in the kitchen, out of nowhere, and I quote, "yeah I drop craisins" I'm thinking this is some new thing the kids are doing. Then she points to the floor and..there is a craisin. She says "watch this" and shoves a gigantic handful in her mouth and a few fall on the floor. She then walks away Slava drug store story. "What kind of a name is that?!" Shia vs. Tink The wiener dog comes in the house, if it smells the cat, he goes crazy. (Killed the neighbor tea cup something or another) the cat hears his collar and jumps up out of range and watches us shower the dog with love. ((Cats reaction is the punchline)) "What the fuck, that dude is trying to kill me!! Benedict friggin Arnolds" Danielle: "Willy Wonka" is like "Saw" for kids Never touch a mans belt buckle. Cuz they drape their balls over them while taking a piss "Hey lesbians, do you have your gloves in the car? They said yes. Well let's get a pickup game going! Hunters heroin people story - "she's sucking his DICK!" MMA fighter goes back in time to 1907. Breaks 1907's guys wrist because of his dumb boxing stance Lady at rite aid going through gender reassignment. I use my chip and she tells me to slide. I say "yeah we're going through a transitional phase right now" instantly realize what I just said Back to the bar. Being a smoker you know everybody's car.. you've seen them come and go enough because you're that much of an alcoholic and smoke on the half hour for the six hours you're there. (Well not you, me) So you'll walk up to the bar and be like "oh hello, jacks car, let's just lift up your windshield wipers there buddy" or "oh yup, Old Man Roy parked like a dick again.." Or "Hey look! there's Kevin's truck, let's draw a dick on it". <---Another thing about being a smoker that brings me joy, is watching the horror on people's faces when they scape the plastic underneath their bumper when pulling to close to the curb. I always give a look implying "you just fucked up your bumper!" Bar, Interior: If I'm on my phone and you come sit next to me at the rail, do not get on your phone, cuz then I feel like we look like assholes and I put my phone away.. But I still have shit to do so you're really being a real monkey wrench in my operation People who do bird calls: trying to trick birds? Stock internet passwords make you seem like an insane person. Jolly ocean 3, rapid pineapple 0. An insane person looks at it and goes "....that works. No need to even change it.." Bevmo event planner needs an option for your alcoholic friends. 3 pictures. What do your friends look like at the end of the night; 1. Someone smiling 2. Hot mess 3. Just a toilet Sleeping in the wrong car overnight My wife put my jerk off blanket out for people to use. "You sicko!! You were gonna let my friends use that blanket" I'm thinking of the scenario where somebody goes to grab and I say "oh that's my baby blanket, I don't know how that got out here, let me get you another one.." And..((eyebrow)) I wouldn't be lying about the baby blanket thing. Old men's memory's are bad because their spank banks are 70 years full. Head Bobbers of Noddingham My wife said "you know how I know you're an alcoholic? Because your handwriting is shit but your numbers are beautiful. Signing tabs everyday for the last 10 years will do that" You know what really freaks out the ladies? When you immediately realize what you did wrong. You start apologizing too soon and it somehow makes things much worse. So if you one day have an immediate realization about something you did wrong... Play the dumb card for a day or 3 to make it seem like you've put deep thought into your mistake. Skinny guys dating fat chicks: what if she gets cold, how can you share your jacket?! My dad was adopted and finally did that genetics test •"spit"• hey, we're Irish. That makes a ton of sense. Too much whiskey and all of the sudden I get ridiculous agry Power went out in target. Here's how weird I am: I stole a snoop dogg cd and a Björk cd. To all women: if one is partaking upon a banana in public, use a knife. This will discourage onlookers. #yesallwomen Anyone old enough to send away "proof of purchases" for a prize from the back of a cereal box? Had to ask your mom for $2.50 to cover shipping and handling.. Waiting for it made you realize there is no true instant gratification. The waiting! Everyday: did it arrive, mother?!... No? (sulk away) then FINALLY when your 6 piece Lego set shows up you think: "I'm 27 I don't care about Legos anymore!" (Needs a tag) ((maybe:)) but I forgot to pull out when I was 21 so my 6 yr old will enjoy it) Old phone when unlocked will have a random screen of something from earlier. Sometimes it's porn. Gotta be careful Nowadays you see an old lady walking around and you think "that lady looks as old as my grandma when I was 9. She's got the old lady hair, the old lady sweater, old lady shoes, old lady jewelry" but then she has some rockin' tits! They do a "facelift" for those titties Gotta be careful watching porn with headphones. The getting caught factor isn't even what I mean, I leave one ear off for that. I only do les porn with headphones. cuz you don't need some dude "ugh ugh ugh! Oh Ya baby suck that cock" RIGHT IN YOUR ear. Not what I'm goin for there. White people always put housin sauce in the pho. Next to the bar I go to is a pho place. Smoking with Paul Teaching us how after we go in drunk.. (Housen sauces for dippin the meat)((white people put it in the broth)) "oh really?? Cut to me at home- it's delicious!!" Free bottle of siracha Pouring the old pho in the toilet ("how else do you get rid of old pho?!") How pissed off are you when someone in a Tesla SUV doesn't open their back doors? "Lemme see that back to the future sheeeit!" Old guy coughing sounds like someone taking crap to you. "What the hell did you say to me, old man?
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louvxteau-blog · 7 years
a totally friendly quest with only innocent intentions
Who: Ty Neuman and Luke Maverick Tagged: @towreakhavoc​ What: a poor sunshine child being preyed upon Word Count: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  - completed Warning: Luke is a dick
Ty: Ty hunched his shoulders over the table, hidden in the back corner of the bar. He was trying his best to go unnoticed, lest somebody accost him for a quest. That one with Josh was already bad enough. And when he saw what was happening with the citadel? Even more reason to get the hell out of there. Nothing that was going down was even remotely safe, and he wanted no part in it. Luke: Luke looked around the room skeptically, eyes scanning over the usual crowd when he spotted something unusual. Ty. Sticking out like a sore thumb with how hard he tried not to be seen. A sly smile flickered over his features as he made his way over to the younger man, careful to make sure his expression seemed friendly rather than vicious before he sat down opposite of him. "Well hello, stranger. Not out on an adventure like everybody else?" Ty: Ty flinched and looked up, only relaxing minimally when he saw who it was. Seems he wasn't as invisible as he'd hoped. "Luke. Hey." he tried not to sound as unenthusiastic as he felt. "Er, no. I'll pass on that, thanks. No interest." Luke: "You know, you could at least pretend to be happy to see me," he mumbled, rolling his eyes to hide the teasing nature of his words behind what seemed to be actual offense. "How come? Everyone else seems to jump at every opportunity to gain some levels." Ty: "I mean, it's not that I don't want to see you...." Ty immediately tried to backtrack. "It's just that I don't really want to see anyone..." Well now that he said it aloud, that just sounded bad. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he powered on. "I guess I just value my life more than them? Sidelines is fine with me. Does this really look like a powerful monster hunting machine?" He gestured vaguely towards himself. Luke: Luke gave Ty another smile, looking genuine and almost relieved for a moment before his expression shifted to something that was a carbon copy of worry. "Now that sounds awfully grim. Did something happen?" He gave Ty a long look, making sure he noticed that he was giving him a once over before he hummed. "Not really. But it looks like someone who has potential. If you're willing to put in some effort, at least." Ty: He could feel the heat rise to his face but he attempted to ignore it. "Well no. Not yet." he was sure to emphasize. "But that's only because I've been being careful. You sound just like Josh." he grumbled. Luke: Lucas couldn't help but chuckle at the unusual comparsion. "I sound like Josh? That's a new one." His eyes still rested on Ty, watching. "You can be careful and put an actual effort into raising your odds at survival, you know." Ty: His eyebrows rose. "Do you even know who I'm talking about? There's gotta be a million Joshes stuck in the game." At the advice, Ty simply shrugged. "I think my odds are pretty high if I just stay in town all the time." Luke: "I've only met one so far. Blond, annoying rich brat? Werewolf?", he asked, actually acknowledging that Ty did have a point. "That is until the psychopathic player killers show up." He sounded almost worried, really trying to sell his point. "What if you could go on a quest with close to no risk of something happening to you?" Ty: His lip curled up at the description. "Stubborn as hell? Yeah, that's him. Took it upon himself to be my 'werewolf mentor' or something of the like." But the words were said fondly, as annoyed as he was. Mentions of pkers had him paling, though. "I was hoping to just... fly under the radar?" he tried weakly. "And I don't really think that's possible. There's always risk." Luke: Luke chuckled as he shook his head, almost amazed by how serious some of the werewolves seemed to take their pack mentality. "I doubt that will work. I mean, sure. You can try. But I wouldn't want to take that risk if I were you." He said those words so casually, even pulling up his shoulders in a light shrug as if trial and error was a legitimate option when trying to find a way to survive this. "Not if the right person has your back," he replied, a smirk pulling on the corners of his mouth as he leaned in, resting his elbows on the table. Ty: Luke's words had him doubting. He was more knowledgeable in this kind of thing than Ty, to be quite frank. As Luke leaned in, Ty shifted back ever so slightly, intimidated. "... I assume you mean yourself?" Luke: Luke nodded, giving Ty a smile so sweet he was worried it might actually seem as fake as it was. "I do. So what do you say?" Ty: Ty shifted, unsure. He didn't want to commit to anything too hastily. "Um, what is it exactly that we'd be doing?" Luke: "Nothing too dramatic. A trip to the Baroness' fortress. All we have to do is find a way into her throne room. From what I've heard her castle is pretty big, so finding the right room might take some time." He carefully chose to leave out the part about fighting ghost soldiers without making it seem too perfect to be true. "I could really use your help." Ty: "Nothing too dramatic." Ty repeated flatly. "Isn't the shadow baroness the one who started all this chaos? Why the hell would we go there!" The sweet talking didn't sway him for a second, for once. "You just need my help because you need two people for the quest." Luke: "Because someone has to end it." This time he tried to his compassion. He really was a lot more steadfast than Luke would have expected. "True. But that doesn't change the fact that I could have asked anyone. I wanted to ask you." Ty: That was all it took for Ty to crumble. As stubborn as he was, he had no defense for that. Going red, he tentatively nodded. "Well, alright... if it's not going to be that bad..." Luke: "I promise you'll be fine," Luke said softly, smiling. It took a lot of self control for Luke to not let his Cheshire cat grin break through. Getting up, he looked at Ty demandingly. "Let's go then?" Ty: He quickly stumbled to his feet. "Right now?" Ty couldn't help but ask. It all just seemed a bit... rushed. Shrugging it off, he shifted awkwardly. "I mean, I guess that's fine. Why wait, right?" Luke: "Right," Lucas agreed, waiting for the other before he made his way out of the tavern and down the road towards the port. "First thing we have to do is find a boat to take us to the island." Ty: Ty trailed after him, trusting that Luke had more information on this than him. "Awesome. That sounds expensive." he deadpanned. Luke: "If we would pay for it, it would be," Luke added with a wink as he determinedly led the way to the port. "Are you always this positive?" Ty: He decided not to think about what Luke could be talking about. He would feel better that way. "Life has taught me that everything that can go wrong, will. I prefer not to be disappointed." Luke: "Not this time." Somehow Luke hoped that at least some of his confidence would rub off on the little werewolf. When they reached the docks, he quickly picked out a boat. Placing a hand against Ty's chest to stop him, he gave another smile. "Let me take care of this," he offered, casually walking over to the captain and using his vampire powers to convince the man to give them a ride before waving Ty over. "After you." Ty: Ty's eyes darted down to the hand on his chest, a confused look on his face. He hung awkwardly by the side and watched in fascination - and some worry - as Luke had the captain wrapped around his finger.  Doubt started to creep up - what if Luke used that on him? It wasn't a pleasant thought. Shaking that off, he trotted over to the boat. "Well that sure was... something. I feel kind of bad for tricking him like that." Luke: "I wouldn't call it tricking," Luke said with a shrug as he followed Ty onto the boat. "I prefer the word persuasion." His eyes rested on werewolf for another moment, a hint of a frown on his features. "You should stop worrying so much." Ty: Ty fiddled with his fingers. "It's kind of what I do." he replied helplessly, only half joking. Usually he had set methods to keep the worry at bay. That's what kept him grounded for the past years. Everything tidy and written out in neat lines. Pre planned. Check if the oven is on. Double check. Lock the door three times as he left. Routine. Order. Luke: The frown grew deeper now as he watched Ty, the expression on his face resembling worry. "I see," he said with a small nod. He came a little closer, careful not too invade his personal space. Careful not to touch him. "There's no need to worry about this." He chose his words carefully. He didn't want to tell him not to worry, hoping that just implying that he'd keep him safe would be enough. Ty: Ty blinked in surprise before smiling softly. "Alright. Thanks." His words were sincere, if a little faint. Attempting to relax, he wandered over to peer over the edge. "How long is this going to take anyway?" Luke: Luke just smiled softly, only looking back at Ty when he spoke up again. "I don't know. It is kind of a long way, so you might want to get comfortable." Ty: He tried to restrain another sarcastic comment. It wasn't like it was Luke's fault. Sighing, he crossed the deck to flop down against the nets of the rigging. "I'll just be here then I guess. If I nod off just give me a nudge and we can head off." Luke: "Sounds like a plan. Get some rest." With that, Luke walked off. Spending the boat ride in the company of the sailors, he still kept his promise to wake Ty up as they reached the coast. Placing a hand on the werewolves shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. "Hey, sleeping beauty. Time to get going." Ty: Ty blinked his eyes open, groggily looking around. "You sure it isn't too late to change my mind? I could just stay cozy here and nap, and you could do the ass kicking part?" Luke seemed enthusiastic enough about the quest. He could probably do it. Luke:  Luke hummed to himself as he pretended to think about the plan, before quickly deciding "No. I'm afraid it's too late for that now." Holding out his hand to help Ty up, he managed an encouraging smile. "Come on, it won't be that bad. We'll be in and out again in no time." Ty: Ty grabbed Luke's hand with a reluctant scowl. "I'm holding you to that. This better not take all night." That would just be great. Alone all night in a creepy castle. Luke: Luke smirked as he pulled Ty to his feet. "Don't worry sweetheart, it won't. There will be plenty of time for other things after that." He lingered for another second, just a little longer than necessary before making his way towards the fortress, simply expecting Ty to tag along. Ty: Ty flushed brightly when Luke pulled him up and paused slightly. When he finally pulled back, Ty coughed lightly, fiddling with his sleeves and resolutely not looking at the other man. When he finally looked up Luke had already wandered off, and he quickly jogged to catch up. "What class are you anyway? I kind of forgot to ask..." Luke: Looking at Ty from the corner of his eye, Luke immediately noticed the obvious red tint on his cheeks, earning a smug smirk. "I'm a black mage." The casual town of voice was a vast contrast to the innuendo just seconds ago and he didn't even bother to turn his head and actually face the other as he spoke. "How about you?" Ty: Ty was immediately jealous. A class that allowed him to stay back from the fighting? Ty would kill for that. "Fighter." he managed to mutter, kicking at the stone beneath their feet. His tone betrayed his displeasure with his choice. Luke: Luke knitted his brows, again barely giving Ty a sideway glance. "You don't seem to be too happy about that?" Ty: Ty raised his brows. "You've known me for a few days now. Has anything about me screamed fighter?" Luke: "No. But so far I assumed you'd be someone who actually thinks before making a decisions," he said with a dismissive shrug. Ty: He felt his hackles rise. "Well, it's not like I expected to have to actually live it." Luke: "It's augmented reality. You'd still have to deal with it." Ty: "It's a hell of a lot easier to throw yourself head first into the fighting when you're not actually going to die." Ty retorted. Luke: "You don't strike me like the kind of person that throws themselves head first into anything." By now, he sounded something between amused and annoyed. "But hey, I might be wrong." Lie. He was never wrong. Ty: Ty immediately deflated. He wasn't wrong. Ty had a plan for everything. Everything. He was almost obsessively organized. "You're...not wrong." he reluctantly admitted. "But I'm stuck with it now. So there's not much else to do but accept it." Luke: "This is exactly my point," Luke nodded, finally caving in just enough to actually look at Ty as he spoke. You made that decision. So there is no point in complaining about it when you could use that energy to deal with it." Despite the obvious accusation in his words, he still managed a small smile, almost proud that the werewolf had come to that conclusion (almost) on his own. Ty: "My way of dealing with it is just avoiding fighting all together." Ty half teased. He knew Luke well enough to know he would be less than impressed by that solution. Luke: : "Because that sure is a fool proof plan that will definitely keep you alive through all of this," Luke smirked with a shake of his head, amazed by how naive Ty was. Ty: "I mean, less of a chance to take damage, right?" While he did actually kind of think this, now he was just trying to rile Luke up. Luke: "Less of a chance to keep up with other players. Less of a chance to survive if some higher level player decides to ask you to be his quest partner to lure you into a trap and get a level up and some loot out of you," he agreed. Or, almost agreed. This was as close to agreeing as it got for him. Ty: "That sounds... oddly specific...." Ty replied weakly. Before could continue, he was distracted by the imposing figure of the fortress. Without meaning to, he took a slight step back. Luke: Luke smiled with genuine amusement, a truly rare sight. "Well, it's possible." He took a couple more steps before he noticed that Ty fell behind, turning around to face him, concern clear on his face and in his voice. "What's wrong?" Ty: "Just... didn't expect it to be so...." So what? Evil? Imposing? Terrifying? "....big." Ty finished lamely. Luke: "Hey. Tyler. It's just a building." Despite his best efforts, he probably ended up sounding more condescending than reassuring. "You'll be okay," he added, a lot softer this time, even going so far as to reach out for his hand but hesitating just before he touched him, pulling back. There were lines and Luke understood not to cross them. Ty: Suitably chastised, Ty ducked his head. Right. It was just a building. It would be fine. Squaring his shoulders, he forged onwards. The sooner they went inside, the sooner they could get the hell out of here. "Let's just get this over with." Luke: Ty's new found determination was a nice change, so much that Luke didn't even mind when the other man took the lead. Following him to the castles main entrance, he gave him another look instead of just storming in. "You ready?" Ty: Ty met his gaze squarely before looking back at the huge doors. "Ready as I'll ever be." he muttered before pushing through the entry way. If he waited any longer chances were that he'd high tail it out of there. Luke: He was almost amazed by how blindly Ty just stormed in. Luke hesitated for a moment, watching quietly aa he waited for Ty to attract enemies or fall into traps. After he made it through the entrance hall unscathed, the vampire finally followed. "We should try checking upstairs," he suggested, walking towards the staircase. Ty: He didn't even notice Luke's hesitance, too focused on taking in his surroundings. Ty followed after him cautiously. "You suuuuure we want to do that? If there is anything in here, it's probably hiding up there." Luke: : "Doesn't really change the fact that upstairs is where we need to go," he replied, walking up the stairs determinedly. "It's just ghosts, Tyler. Nothing I couldn't handle." Ty: "Ah. Just ghosts. Comforting." But regardless, he trotted after Luke, carefully staying behind him and peeking around. Luke: "Just stay back and let me do the dirty work." He rolled his eyes heavily. How could one look at Luke in all his greatness and still doubt him? "Try not to get yourself killed or do I have to make sure of that, too?" Ty: Ty narrowed his eyes slightly. Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea after all. "I'll take care of myself, thanks. But the concern is appreciated." Luke had seemed a lot nicer when there wasn't imminent danger around. Luke: Luke opened his mouth to talk, but then quickly fell quiet again, his eyebrows knitting. "Shh," he hissed, peaking around the next corner. He could hear them, almost feel their presence and yet they were nowhere to be seen. This was unsettling. Ty: Ty came to an abrupt halt, bracing himself against Luke's back to keep from toppling over. Slowly, he followed the vampires gaze, poking his head around the corner. "I... don't see anything." he whispered softly. Luke: "Didn't you hear that?" For a quick second, Luke almost questioned his own sanity. That was until one of the ghosts suddenly appeared out of thin air not too far down the hallway. Of course they couldn't just make their way to the throne room without at least one fight. That would have been way too easy. "Stay back, I'll handle this." Ty: "You don't have to tell me twice." Ty replied quickly. He felt bad for not helping but hey, if Luke was offering, might as well take him up on the offer. "Just, be careful, okay?" Luke: "Oh please," Luke said nonchalantly, voice dripping with confidence. Stepping around the corner and into the hallway, he whistled just to get the ghost's attention. It was flying towards him fast before the first blast of magic hit it, slowing it down. The second attack sent it flying back a few feet, only stalling it for a short moment before it was coming at him again. The third spell set its cloak on fire, turning it into ash before whatever remains exploded into pixel dust. Ty: Ty just watched with wide eyes as Luke easily took apart the monster. How did he make it look so easy? "Wow. My hero." he said dryly before stepping out completely from the corner. "How will I ever repay you." Luke: A wolfish grin spread over his face. "Why don't you hold on to that thought? I'm sure I can come up with something when this is all over." He knew he wasn't supposed to take Ty's words even remotely serious. But that didn't stop him from trying. "For now, let's concentrate on finding the throne room." Ty: He rolled his eyes. "You're going to be sorely disappointed. I have little to no gold." The intention was totally lost on him. Ty looking around, he pointed down the hall. "The statues seem to get more ornate in that direction. There must be something down there." Luke: "No worries. I'll think of something that doesn't require gold." Lucas was almost baffled by how oblivious Ty seemed to be. His observation seemed to be as good of a plan as basically anything else, so he followed it with a nod. The hallway was a lot longer than he expected, the statues and paintings covering the walls becoming more and more expensive looking the further down they made it, eventually coming to a halt in front of a huge wooden door. "This should be it. Do you want to do the honours?" Ty: Ty honestly wanted to say that he was good, but considering he was pretty much useless this quest, he figured he should at least do this. "I'd love to." he managed to say, not at all convincingly. Looking to Luke for confirmation briefly, he heaved the door open. All he got was a glimpse of a women, darkness pooling at her feet, before the door slammed shut again of its own accord. Ty was sent sprawling, falling down with a thump. It was silent for a moment. "Well... that wasn't so bad, was it?"
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