nada-kandze · 5 months
Is it possible to experience shifts in which case are related to multiple of your theriotypes/animals ? I know polytherianthropy is a thing, but I'm not sure if experiencing multiple animal shifts at the same time makes sense
Asking this because I feel like sometimes during my possible shifts I act both like a wolf but also like a cat, interchangeably, mixed in together, as one spirit rather than two separate parts. Does that make sense?
(also I only just realized I may also be a cat therian. oops.)
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liongoatsnake · 2 years
The complexity of therianthropy is in a “what came first the chicken or the egg” causality dilemma. Do I identify as emerald tree boa and resplendent quetzal because I am an amphithere who sees myself in these two animals, or do I identify as an amphithere because the mythical creature is a culmination avian and serpent, as I am? Which came first? That I do not know. Any child memories that might have held clues have been lost to fading memories to age and time. These two states exist in a sort of paradox. I am not an emerald tree boa and resplendent quetzal polytherian and an amphithere theriomythic, with three separate animals I identify as. I am an emerald tree boa and resplendent quetzal polytherian and yet I am an amphithere theriomythic, one identity that just can be viewed either way.
Like those optical illusion paintings, where if your eyes focus one way you see a couple or a woman looking into a mirror but if you look again you see the large skull. Same image, same existence - just focused on different pieces with the result giving you a different result.
- Quatz (he/him/his)
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fangzadventures · 8 months
Did I find another theriotype?
Oh the blessing and curse of being polytherian-
So uh, Caracal is another one for the books!
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myriadeyed · 10 months
A message to polytherians.
If you find yourself thinking, "I wish I could just have one theriotype." This is a TRAP. And I'll tell you why but first there are two things I want you to do following this thought.
1. Ask yourself. And really think about it. You want to be a monotherian? If you were a monotherian, what would you want your theriotype to be? You kinda get stuck, right? You kinda feel like all of your theriotypes are you and it's easier said than done to just choose one you'd want to keep? It's not so easy to say, "yeah, I think I'd rip this and this identity from who I am as a person. If I had the opportunity." I've been down this road. You cannot just choose one because you are not one.
2. Now ask yourself. And really think about it. Why do you want this? Let me put it this way. If you were the only therian on Earth, you would still be polytherian, right? And what would you want then? Me, I think I'd just want to be myself, and not in a million years would I be preoccupied with whether I'd get taken more seriously if only I was just a grey wolf.
You are what you are. You cannot choose. I used to waste my time with hypotheticals where I was only one species. But the truth is these have as much of a point as hypotheticals where I'm a French Canadian contractor in the 1980s named Stephan. My species is who I am. There is no reality where I am only one.
There is beauty in polytherianthropy. You contain multitudes! Most living things on Earth are only one species. You're several! Isn't that absurd and wondrous? You are like a quilt. There's probably nothing else in the universe quite like you. Rejoice in it!
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despite me identifying as birdkin, sometimes I'm just. really greatful for my human body and mind. I get to have really great friends and eat every day and live comfortably without worrying for my life constantly, I get to create, to love other people but they feel more like a part of me. like I should be a little songbird on a wire, digging up fallen seeds from between bushes, but something about the human experience is also so incredible to be able to have. I get to wake up every day and talk with my friends in ways only the ways that humans were wired to socialize with. but also sometimes I feel like a plucked chicken. where are my feathers boy
maybe it's like polytherianthropy in a way? typing it out was nice. maybe simultaneous bird and humankin sjdhjdjs
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autumnshaven · 26 days
Sorry for yelling, even online, but- I JUST REALIZED HOW MY POLYTHERIANTHROPY WORKS...
And I feel silly for realizing this?!
It's... It's like seasons. Things come and go. Sometimes, it's as simple as transitioning from one stage to the next: I will go from spring (cladofeline) to summer (wolf). It could even be more dramatic! (Domestic cat to draconic.)
My cladofeline status definitely feels more like rain or storms to me; these are weather conditions I love, so in this example, they are consistent, no matter the season. Whether spring showers to winter's snowfall...
My canine identity (identities?), draconic & fox shifts... They are especially my seasons. Not quite so permanent to linger forever, but will always come back to me.
(The rest of the "weather conditions" are therian shifts brought on by my alters, I'd say. The rain is mine to claim, but the sunniest days are claimed by "Sunny," let's say... [The fandom is small; I don't wish to announce her here!] That's a wolf shift, but with different feelings from my wolf shifts. And so on!)
Idk, this is a very sudden, delightful realization...! Especially since it ties back to my connection to nature/natural things, and... I don't know. I'm quite happy with it, though~!
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theropodwithablog · 2 years
that polytherian moment where your brain decides to give you phantom shifts from multiple different kintypes at once </3 girl help why do I have the face of a praying mantis but the body of a crocodile. Why do I have feathers. Frankensteins monster type beat
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caprine-hyacinth · 3 years
Not believing in past lives and having no scientific way to explain your polytherianthropy (having more than one kintype, for my nonkin followers) so you feel invalid :(
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myriadeyed · 5 months
908 words, an essay on instincts, dreams, and polytherianthropy.
I dreamt of absolution one night. A deep sleep’s vindicating fantasy of breaking the shackles that humanity locks. A human cannot do what a hawk can -- not physically, not spiritually. Of course a human cannot fly. But a human also cannot hunt. It cannot kill. It cannot yield to the animal urge within. It cannot truly be free. It must confine its deepest urges -- those urges everyone has. That’s what I always thought, at least. I thought that because I thought I was human.
I soared above the dusky orange desert landscape. I had a purpose in this dream, I knew, and somewhere to be, but I couldn’t see any necessity with the sun in my eyes. In some ways I knew this was a dream, and that my being a bird was not my waking state. It was an opportunity. I had longed to hunt my whole life. Was I really going to ignore this chance?
I saw a large grey rodent below. Upon waking up I researched and found out it was probably a California ground squirrel, the southernmost extent of which just barely overlaps with the range of Harris's hawks. But in my dream I was just an animal, and my prey was just an animal too. I can never replicate the feeling of catching it, this I know. But it was like liberation. Even in my dream animal brain, I knew this was something I had longed for my whole life -- a fantasy that only aches the way one does when you know it can never come to pass. The images were detailed. My beak was a part of my body. Clumps of fur thrown to the side. Grey and scarlet. My senses are often vivid in my dreams. The sense of taste is no exception.
I woke up feeling like my human form, my vestibular sense, and my mundane life were mirrored 180 degrees in Photoshop.
I dreamt of absolution one night. A sleepless night’s  vindicating fantasy of breaking the shackles that humanity locks. A human cannot do what a wolverine can.
We had been moving furniture from a storage unit to the new house all night and I was exhausted. Then the shift. Suddenly I was alert and so intense. Deer were out and about in the fading light. Images flashed in my head of chasing after them and bringing them down in the woods -- tearing into them. I was almost feverish. I could feel their hot flesh, bones of the neck snapping in my teeth, so brilliantly, redly vivid in my head like it was a waking dream. My temples were pounding. I stopped being able to follow the conversation. I had stopped understanding spoken human language. I stood in the grass and stared into the dark treeline. I had sharp teeth and tearing claws and I wanted to use them. To submit to the animal drive. To disappear into the green and black and song of the night, that rising swirl of music and color and scent that whirls and shapes together in the mind into one sublime chromasonic painting.
I awoke by falling asleep, letting the wolverine disappear into the whispering light of the sturgeon supermoon. I had no dreams that night. Only silent dark.
A human cannot yield to the animal within. It does not need to. It has none. But I am not human. I do need to. I do not have an animal deep inside that wants: I am the animal, I am the one who wants, I am the beast who must confine itself. When I was younger I felt grotesque. I was too many species, none of them Homo sapiens. I didn’t know how it was possible, only that it had to be. I felt like Mary Shelley’s classic monster. I read books about mice, and rabbits, and bats, and they all told me I was a hideous thing for the urges I had -- that predators like me were evil. Not simply bowing to the blueprint that evolution wrote in their DNA. And I knew that’s what I was. Before I knew anything else, before I knew the word therian, before I knew that sometimes something that appears human on the outside can be something else internally, I knew I was a carnivore.
We realize what we are when we’re young, don’t we? We can tell we’re not human. We see the way we’re talked about in the children’s books we read. We know we’re not human because we internalize it. We feel hurt by it. And we cannot explain why. We don’t have the language. I didn’t know there were others -- I thought it was just me. I said I was “part animal.” I tried to explain how many animals I was. When I got too old to play pretend, I got quiet. I knew I wasn’t supposed to talk about it, but it couldn’t stop me from feeling it.
When I was younger I felt alone and I felt broken. Broken into too many pieces. Now things are different.
I soar above the dusky orange desert. I stalk through snow-laden pines. I dive into turbulent water. I swoop through ocean currents. I am the inconstant of form. I am the sharp of tooth. I am the keen of eye. I am the hunters. I am the monster named Cento. I am the creature known as Many.
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myriadeyed · 1 year
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Also this is what my icon is right now -- I updated my little collage thing of myself to better reflect my ph-shifts and self-image. This is both a symbolical representation of how my polytherianthropy feels/how I want to present in the community, and a genuine depiction of how I see myself internally sometimes. I suppose you could call it a "kinsona" but it's honestly just kind of me.
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liongoatsnake · 5 years
3 Early Quotes On Polytherianthropy
The term polywere/polytherianthrope was coined very early in the therianthrope community on Alt.horror.werewolves. However, due to the fragmented nature of the archived of AHWw, when that occurred is unknown outside of it occurring in the first few years of the community beginning.
One of the earliest surviving uses of polywere (and polytherianthrope for that matter) on Alt.horror.werewolves is in a dissuasion thread in July 1996 tilled "Polywere and Trends."In the thread the original poster asked,
"Trend:Polytherianthropes are coming out of the woodwork. Yes, I believe myself to have two were-sides: Wolf and Raven. In AHWW of old, as well as in folklore,two-weresides were rare and three or more practically I'm afraid to say, that in general, I think your first word, TREND, sums that one up.  I'm going to go so far as to say that I think that they still are rare, and that one of several things are happening: a. Folks are expressing their polywereness (is this a word?) because it: is trendy, and perceived as cooler wereness than someone else's monowereness.  From experience, it is tough enough having ONE wereside.  Devoting enough time to the spiritual development of several, even if they spontaneously appear, would be draining to even the most dedicated of folks."
On Pinky's page called "Shifting and Awereness Terms" on Were[.]net in 1999, "polywere" was defined as "A WereCreature with more than one animal species as a part of his/her wereside." With a side note stating, "This can denote both weres with two weresides, or, were's with one wereside that is a mix of two or more species."
On Therianthropy.org in the opening essay titled "Therianthropy- An Overview" written by Jakkal in 2002 included the statement:
"Polyweres are those that have more than one animal species for their wereside.  This means they could have (for example) a complete canine mindset, and complete feline mindset or they could have a "spirit" that has taken the form of a hybrid creature (for example, a wolfcat).
"If you've been cruising around the therianthropic community, you'll also note a high amount of "Mythical" weresides such as dragons, gryphons and unicorns.  Again, it's none of my business to say what is, and what is not truly "were".  Mythical weresides are true weresides as far as I'm concerned.   Many mythical weresides are actually just polyweresides all rolled into one creature.  Many polyweres have a hard time expressing toothers what they are, so they use the "term" that fits them the closest.  For example,  a "Gryphon" were could be one that feels a calling towards both feline and avian. A dragon could be any mix of large animal + winged animal, or larger reptiles. Just because a were calls themself "Gryphon" or "Dragon" doesn't necessarily mean they are truly that species, but that is how they can best portray themselves to others.  This however does not mean to imply that those people that /do/ consider themselves mythical weres are confused, or a simple mixture of animals."
"Polyweres and Trends,"Alt.horror.werewolves, July 1996,  https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!searchin/alt.horror.werewolves/polywere%7Csort:date/alt.horror.werewolves/WP4U9MB_vcA/Oib7WKD-2jUJaccessed 29 December 2019].
Pinky, "Shifting and Awereness Terms," Were.net, December 24 1999, http://web.archive.org/web/20010118174900/http://www.were.net:80/~pinky/wereterms.html[accessed 29 December 2019].
Jakkal, "Therianthropy-An Overview," Therianthropy.org, December 2002,http://web.archive.org/web/20031204040835/http://www.therianthropy.org:80/so/overview/therianthropy.asp[accessed December 25 2018].
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myriadeyed · 3 years
I think I’ll stop writing out novel length posts justifying myself and detailing why exactly I’m not a kff and how my polytherianthropy is the genuine kind and adding disclaimers of how I can never know for sure...
And just posting out of context pictures of the thing I’m questioning.
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