#polyglot Wednesday Addams
wednesgayaddams · 2 years
ok but hear me the fuck out:
Wednesday is fluent in a fuckton of languages because, well, Addams thing, so when one day Enid calls her by a Greek petname she IMMEDIATELY feels the need to kill someone cuz murder is the way to show happiness ofc, but she never tells Enid cuz she loves hearing the little things Enid is still afraid to tell her outright even after getting together and Wedds secretly relishes in those moments and has to keep the urge to happy stim all the time (yes I'm projecting but shhh) until one day they're walking around town and a Greek tourist asks for help and while Enid is ready to help and translate Wednesday instinctively responds in Greek and Enid just KNEW it was too fluent to have been recently learned
later that day when they get back to their room Enid just looks like a fucking tomato and asks Wednesday if she was making fun of her by pretending to not know what she was saying all this time (sad insecure doggo) and Wednesday just looks her deep in the eyes and, while speaking Greek, tells Enid every single answer she had thought of to every single hidden thing said to her that she couldn't reply to before, every single one of them being words of love and adoration in pure Addams fashion
that is all. I rest my case.
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ailelie · 1 year
I'm watching Wednesday finally.
Something about the portrayal of the Addams family is bugging me. Not the actors or anything. The family overall just seems....very conventional?
Cut for spoilers up to ep 5 or 6. I forget where I left off. Parents' weekend.
As in, they're worried about conventional things. I mean, I took that joke about Wednesday being upset in episode 1 that attempted murder would be a bad look because it'd mean she'd failed as serious initially. But, looking back, I don't think it was.
When she learns her dad was accused of murder, she's angry rather than elated. And the anger is then focused on proving her dad is innocent rather than on being upset she'd lost chances to learn about killing people/etc from him.
The family seems concerned about the legal system and school in ways I don't really think of the Addams being worried?
The only thing that's really rung true is the grenade fishing, but even that's an established fishing practice.
I suppose Pugsley (and, later, Gomez) eating the potpourri counts, too. But even then it feels like little details to try and keep someone looking like they're in character rather than actually making them be in character.
They've tried to make Wednesday special by giving her powers (on top of being a polyglot and good at everything she does), but where's her strange endurance?
She makes a lot of comments that could add up to something strange, but some of them have been demonstrably untrue. So it makes the rest feel like her just being edgy rather than genuine points of view.
Nothing about the Addams family really makes them unique from any other family. I mean, at least they should be steeped in family pride, yes? But I don't get that sense from them either.
Put Morticia in a pink dress and does anyone realize she's an Addams at all?
I guess part of my problem is that I adore The Addams Family Musical and in that the Addams family are delightfully weird. They dance with the dead. They torture and love each other. You put that Morticia in a pink dress and no one is going to miss who she is.
And the musical had a Wednesday who grew up (loses her braids) and fall in love, but she is never not Wednesday even when she's asking her family not scare off her fiance. But it also gives us this fantastic scene/moment when Lucas proves he's on level with Wednesday and that he accepts everything about her.
This Wednesday is more than edgy quips. She's the woman who, while blindfolded, shoots an arrow at her fiance and loves him for asking her to do so.
In episode 1, Wednesday says that she's the only one allowed to torture her brother, but we have yet to see her do anything to him. In the films and the musical, Wednesday and Pugsley torture each other or put each other in dangerous situations on screen as a sign of love.
Pugsley seemed genuinely upset at being bullied. Was being stuffed in a locker at all on level to what he and his sister have done to each other?
I'm enjoying the TV show, sure, but it doesn't feel like an Addams story to me at all.
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