throuplesdating · 1 month
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Triads and poly life aren’t for everyone. But if you’re intrigued by alternative ways of living, there may be some elements of poly life that can work for you.
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klovesyou · 5 years
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exclusivity, monogamy, conditions, agendas...marriage IS NOT a destination!!!! nor are relationships. the best ones are always shared journeys! 🌈 • • often, it needs to be a shared journey of healing. relating as spiritual practice. balancing healthy masculine and healthy feminine energies within the psyches of ALL involved. conscious relating, conscious parenting, conscious living: do no harm, serve the highest good, stay rooted & bend with the changing winds. stay open and value growth!🌱 • • monogamy is a condition. and true love is unconditional. nothing real can be destroyed. nothing real can be threatened. • • unconditional love and connection cannot be broken. you can need distance, you can need time, but it will still ‘be’ if it’s truly unconditional. • • marriage should a beginning, not a destination. and i’m not advocating for marriage (even though we’ve been married for 13 years, we both see how it was system contrived - we’re just fortunate that we continue to align and resonate)...i’m advocating for open, conscious relating regardless of your relationship model. • • i grow soooo much while relating outside of my marriage. i come face-to-face with my lingering dysfunctions. with my weaknesses. with my patterns and pain. my marriage would NEVER trigger my healing in these same ways. but it’s healing i need. it’s healing that makes me a better version of myself. spiritual connections and non-monogamy (re)awaken my consciousness over and over again. it’s healing magick. • • any relationship model can practice open, conscious relating. be radically honest, be authentic, heal yourself without constraint. the energies that will support your growth and spiritual development won’t leave you. if someone’s love is conditional and you’re bending to those conditions to please them or keep them, you’re likely abandoning some part of yourself. you’re worth so much more. i promise. 💗🙏🏽💚 • • ❤️💛💚🖤 #spiritualnonmonogamy #spiritualpolyamory #befearlessbefree #loveisunconditional #psychonauts #psychedeliclove #polyamorymarriedanddating #polyamory #relationshipanarchy #consciousopenrelating #consciousawakening #consciousrelating #consciousrelationships https://www.instagram.com/p/B1VTH3jlQXt/?igshid=1nj0iaqqcadfg
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fucknopolyester · 7 years
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Smoochies bitches. #lgbtcouple #polyamorymarriedanddating #polyamorous #wife #babygirl
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