kingretrokirby · 1 year
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POKEMANIA commissions
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thedanieldockery · 2 years
I’m back on tumblr...and I wrote a book!
Well, I’m here again, and ready to retweet Ken Sugimori Pokémon art and Batman Returns gifs as the lord intended. However, since I’ve been gone, I’ve kept busy...
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I wrote a book! It’s called Monster Kids: How Pokémon Taught A Generation To Catch Them All and it’s about the creation of Pokémon and the ensuing “Pokemania” years that would change pop culture forever. The audio book is narrated by Veronica Taylor, the original voice of Ash Ketchum! You can catch yourself a copy here!
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pocket-illust · 2 years
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I tried to make a Pokemon red/green style sprite based off the banjo-inspired pokemon i made a few months back
this one
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also, it just dawned on me that the Banjo-Kazooie games were release during peak Pokemania.   makes me feel nostalgic
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apv1suals · 11 months
Making Pokemon In Photoshop | Microworld | Photo Manipulation | Speed Art
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ask--star · 11 months
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supercharged-streamer · 3 months
I still think about what missed of an opportunity XY was. Both story and game wise. It's not the worst thing ever. It just had the pieces for something even better but didn't really do much with them. It just went the OK route.
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coconutcows · 5 months
Out of every “x came out this many years ago” memes I have never seen one that made me feel old. Nothing on this earth has made me feel old at the ripe age of 27 (nearly 28), until yesterday when I interacted with a kid on Reddit who is young enough to not only not have been around for Pokémania, not old enough to even remember it, this person is so young they think the Pokémon Anime has never been as popular as it is now.
And that, my dear friends, makes me feel so so old
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bogleech · 1 year
I said not long ago that the soulslike games should have their own monster collecting spinoff but actually every single successful gaming franchise should have one as soon as they have at least 100 kinds of monsters. It started going that way to cash in on Pokemania back in the day but it never should have stopped. I want a Zelda Monsters game where you collect not only the Zelda monsters but unlock their different designs from across the series history. I want that same exact thing for Mario and Metroid and Pikmin. Then Resident Evil obviously. And Castlevania. All the Nintendo ones though should use the mechanics of Pokemon though so they’re compatible with one another. It’d be too weird and too much data if you could send octoroks and goombas into pokemon titles and vice versa but they could have like devoted hub games where you can mix and match collections.
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flowergirlmiwa · 1 year
yuri about highschool girls in 1999 during pokemania who bond after trading holos during lunch
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kafus · 2 months
i’ve been showing my mom pokemon horizons (we just finished episode 8, will be watching 9 whenever we do another session) and like for context my mom is over 60 years old and not a pokemon fan (though she does have scattered pokemon knowledge because of osmosis from me and living thru pokemania in the 90s with my older brother before i was born)
it’s been interesting seeing how she reacts as someone at that age. like uh
- this is further proving to me how important the adult characters are in horizons. my mom isn’t super articulate with her feelings on media but she had a lot of visible/audible reactions to moments between friede and roy the past few episodes - like personally as a 24 year old i get a lot out of the adult characters but i think my mom does too because she relates to/enjoys the parenting dynamic, which is helping her enjoy it more overall
- in speaking of friede, them putting in a gen 1 charizard pikachu man was actually a very good decision because my mom has remarked on how cool charizard is and gets a kick out of cap’s smug energy. they’re very recognizable to her and she likes them LOL
- it’s really funny how much the anime art style can still confuse her though, despite being exposed to it heavily since i got into anime in the 4th grade in the mid/late 2000s. sometimes she mistakes a certain expression/emotion for another, like asking why liko was mad in one scene when she was actually Determined. she has asked me why anne only has one fang and why it keeps switching sides, and she asked if landau was even a human being and not a pokemon because she was so confused by his facial hair’s stylization and his wacky clothes (he actually freaks her out a bit. the only character she doesn’t like LOL it’s hitting some sort of uncanny valley for her)
- this is more applicable to my mom because of her exposure to pokemon and not the average older person, but it’s funny seeing her deal with the new anime structure with what little she previously knows. she’s asked things like “doesn’t he have more pokemon?” @ amethio continuously sending out ceruledge and “don’t they have other moves?” @ liko and roy spamming leafage and ember at each other. horizons tends to give everyone just one or two partner pokemon and catching and training up pokemon has been comparatively slow, which is actually something i enjoy, but my mom is a bit confused by it LOL
- on the note of my mom’s pokemon knowledge, i just found this really endearing: in HZ006 when rayquaza is first released, for one she excitedly asked if the pokemon was coming out of the ball, and then when she saw it she asked if it was gyarados. i said no that’s rayquaza. and she was like huh why did i think of gyarados. and i said well they’re both flying noodles. later she said she was surprised she knew that association/was proud of herself for it and i thought that was cool too LMAO
- she has no strong opinions on dot yet, we aren’t far enough, but i made sure to point at the screen really emphatically when she showed up and say THAT’S MY FAVORITE CHARACTER!! so she knows. she Knows i’ve been showing her all my likodot art anyway SORRY MOM
anyway those were just some of my thoughts watching it with her has been really enjoyable :)
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lucabyte · 5 days
your stantler collection is really cool, i love funky little shrines to obscure characters. i always had some trouble finding arcanine and ninetales merch, since they're my favorites (always pikachus and starters and eeveelutions...) but it's nowhere near as bad as the Stantler Situation (tm)
thank you! I specifically chose stantler *because* i thought it would be harder (but not impossible) to find merch of, which is the joke to begin with. Like... I was thinking... what pokemon is early enough in the pokedex that the tail end of pokemania was *obligated* to include it.... but just is NOT an interesting enough pokemon (even in a bad way!) to like... foster any attention at all... and after looking at the gen 2 dex I settled on stantler. Brown. Normal type. Not even the best normal type odd-toed undulate of the pokedex... just so perfectly mediocre. full of missed potential. the perfect underdog.
Ninetales and Arcanine though are such good picks. There's some old japanese gen 1 era stuff i ran into that often would put all the pokemon of one type on the same like, sticker sheets and stuff... I wonder if any of those would be good to look for for those two...
My gen 1 picks are nidorino, meowth and exeggcute LMAO. So I at least get some repireve with meowth...
I get most of my stuff from just occasionally scouring 'newest' on ebay, and since I'm in europe it helps to look up the french and german names too. So that's a good tip I'd say if you're wanting to look further afield.
I've gotten one or two things from buyee since ON OCCASION it is cheaper to get things in bulk from yahoo! auctions japan even with the import fees.
As for import shops. Pokevault.com is genuinely reasonable AND gets all the cool stuff from japan. Big reccomend to them + they do give reasonably frequent discount codes if you sign up for an account?
but yeah I'm not a particularly seasoned collector but this was my lockdown hobby for a bit so I did sniff some stuff out. It also goes to show that you can never do something ironically for long before it becomes serious.
As a side note, all of my stantlers in game are named after various drinks, though with a specific 'ill advised' medicinal theme. Gin. Tonic Water. Quinine. Chloroquine. Gin & Milk. My Malaria Cure Animals.
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also while i was digging for pokevaults name i found a nicer photo of the old collection pre-legends arceus before I had to rearrange my room and put my shelves elsewhere </3
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cadinmingming · 9 months
I spotted a Yo-kai Watch reference in the wild. And by "in the wild" I mean a 2021 Netflix adult animated series meant as a homage to the late 80s/early 90s.
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Saturday Morning All Star Hits, also known as S.M.A.S.H. (can't believe nobody ever did that), presents every episode as the vhs recordings of an early 90s cartoon block, in wich two twin brothers host different cartoons parodying those from the time like "Denver The Last Dinosaur", "Carebears" and "Thundercats", among others. As you can probably imagine by me calling the series "adult" at the begining, said cartoons turn out to be way darker than their inspirations (alcohol, drugs, depression, blood), and different bad things start to happen behind the scenes and even on-stage as the tension between the host twins gets worse.
Spoilers I guess.
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The last episode hints at the passage to the late 90s/early 2000, with one of the new cartoons debuting, Slingers, being a parody of the "collect them all" kind of toy commercial cartoons from that time. I bet you already guessed "Pokemon", but it actually draws more heavily from "The Legend of the Hawaiian Slammers" and.... and...
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The protagonist is CLEARLY supposed to be Nate Adams aka Amano Keita from Yo-kai Watch, specifically his design from the third game.
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And it's weird. I suppose from the makers' point of view Pokemon and Yo-kai Watch are part of the same trend, and don't get me wrong, they are both monster collecting games... but the episode is clearly referencing the "pokemania" from the late 90s/early 2000s, while Yo-kai Watch's release and peak at popularity are synonimous with the 2010s.
Then again I'm probably among the very few who would notice let alone care. Still cool to find a YW reference when I was less expecting it. The series will probably be a delight for those nostalgic for that era of popular culture too. Watch the episodes during actual saturday mornings for maximun inmersion.
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kingretrokirby · 2 years
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Dm me if you want one or two
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Goodbye to Ash and Pikachu and all their friends and rivals and everyone we loved so much for so many years! It was a great ride and it was fun to see different takes and concepts and adventures. It was also wonderful to have a series that's realistic in that the main character tries and struggles and fails, teaching kids it's okay to lose, as long as you get back up and continue trying another day.
A show where most of the heroines can have their own journeys, rivals, goals--they're not cardboard cut-out love interests without lives of their own... where women can hold roles similar to the men (Pokemon Champions, regional Professors, etc.), not just relegated to one or two stereotypical roles, things SO many shounen anime aimed at an older audience fail to do.
Thank you for not shaming kids for crying, thank you for comforting and meaningful lyrics (Soko ni Sora ga Aru Kara, Te wo Tsunagou, Smile, etc.).
Thank you for beautiful stories of characters overcoming trauma and abuse, being saved from or escaping bad situations, and shown genuine love and friendship (Chimchar's storyline and especially the Tears for Fears episode, Larvitar's storyline too, even Tepig's story ending with Evolution by Fire), thank you for stories of kids with phobias and repressed memories and all the recovery stories (Lillie, Sophocles...), the episodes dealing with loss (Mallow's mother), and the characters who were traumatized and couldn't fully overcome those fears but still found their place in the world (the Nurse Joy who feared she would drown as a child in The Joy of Water Pokemon and James with his fear of marriage, where even the word "fiance" triggers flashbacks, not to mention the sound of a whip... but he still found a place of belonging with his friends from Team Rocket), kids who were bullied and ostracized in school (Iris, Regina) but found friendship later on...
What a great show!
I got into this show a bit late (after Pokemania ended, because I was too young when it came out to appreciate it, but I still loved and cried watching the first Pokemon movie and the one cassette I had with four episodes, including Todd Snap's first episode--I think that first Pokemon photographer is why I love taking pictures so much!), but I got into it just as I went through big changes (the divorce of my parents) and trauma of my own, so I got very, very attached to the Team Rocket trio (especially Jessie), as they all had such tragic backstories, but they weren't one-note tragic characters who could never find happiness.
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Especially with how Jessie lost her mother very young, being put into foster care by her very poor mother, and spent years being shifted from home to home, every career she pursued ended in failure, until she joined the same gang her mother was in (I don't know if she ever knew that)... but she found true friendship even in a dark place like that.
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I also loved Iris and how she had trouble opening up to others because of what she'd been through; she was also a tomboyish girl who loved nature and didn't mind getting dirty and fighting, but also loved pastels, bows, and dressing up!
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I also loved Trip and how much he changed from the sweet and happy child he used to be, to someone jaded and cynical and convinced he's an adult (but he's still a child... I also didn't think I was a child anymore at 12), how disappointed he was by meeting his childhood hero again, but also how he began to question what he previously believed and became a better person, even if he'd always be a little distant and awkward and won't be that child again.
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I loved and related to Lillie feeling sad when her friends spoke about their mothers, when she rarely saw hers, when she lagged behind the others because her mother wasn't around enough to teach her things like how to cut vegetables, but also took credit for her learning things (in her absence!), the way her feelings were devalued if they weren't logical, so she'd insist any emotion she felt was rational or logical... she even named her Vulpix, in the dub, the same name I gave my cat around her age, a cat I had gotten after I'd just recovered from fearing touching cats (despite loving them since I was small, I was scared, after my mother's cat scratched me out of nowhere and scarred my ankle)! Her recovering the last of her lost memories and overcoming her fears was pure catharsis... beautiful to watch. To say nothing of finally finding her father and even being able to embrace a Nihilego as her sister.
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I love them all so, so, so much.
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