#pog: why do i want... him happy... *breaks a window*
solargeist · 5 months
the dsmpburs getting each other gifts for the holidays. They stole every single one to regift to each other.
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trigunsbbygirl · 10 months
More Reverse Isekai Hcs with the Twins
another one with more focus on Vash, but Nai is there too. V relationship with reader so absolutely nothing going on with the twins.
also mention a not sfw song at the very end
•Vash loves window shopping. there's so many interesting things on Earth! Vash drags you around to each store and always ooo's and ahh's at everything. obsessed with stickers and animal shaped things (especially when it comes to cooking.)
•he bought animal cookie cutters and immediately tried them out and was both slightly disappointed and dying of laughter when the cookies came out way rounder than when they went in. Vash frosts them very seriously either way, holding in laughter at how they look. he can't hold it any longer when you catch his attention, holding up what was meant to be a bear, decorated with nothing but a small 'c:' on its face. you're wavering straight face and almost serious voice saying "he chonky" has him losing it.
•every once in a while when Vash is putting something in the oven, he'll quote that copypasta "Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?" Nai wants to smack him everytime he says it.
•speaking of, Vash quite likes internet language. he's not excessive with using them, but sometimes Vash'll be like 'look at the doggo/pupper!' he also starts saying lol and pog. he doesn't say them in public much though. he's still trying to learn about the difference in online culture and offline culture.
•unlike Nai, Vash finds merchandise fascinating. he loves looking at plushies, figurines and charms, he thinks it's all so cool! Vash buys you all matching phone charms. it makes him so happy whenever he spots it dangling from yours and Nai's phones.
•but speaking of, Vash finds out about the figurines of himself and if he can, he's absolutely buying them. he's looking at them and is all like damn I look so cool! and rubs it in Nai's face that he has not only more, but cooler figurines.
•Vash recreates the poses of them too, aiming his finger gun at you, before yelling out a bang, lifting his arm up in fake recoil. you gasp, griping at your torso, dramatically falling to the floor. "help me Nai, I've been shot!"
Nai rolls his eyes at the two of yours antics, making his way towards you and picking you up. As he makes his way towards your bedroom he says, "I have to give her medical attention, don't bother us."
Vash's eyes widen as he gets up to follow Nai. "Now wait a second!"
•the dorks actually do know how to share you. it was a little rough at the beginning but they've learned and figured things out pretty well! they don't fight for your attention, but they do get a little jealous, and pouty if you give too much attention to the other often. they're both pretty touch starved so good luck lol. however they do read eachother well and know when not to try and get your attention from the other.
•Vash would've loved the time when mustaches and the peace symbol were insanely popular.
•speaking of mustaches, Vash once came home wearing one of those fake glasses with mustache and nose disguises. when you turned to welcome him home he responded with a serious face, "who is Vash?" you fake a gasp asking who he is and what he's doing there. before Vash can respond, Nai is getting up with a grin on his face. "well since we don't know him, we can kick him out and make sure he can never get back in."
Vash nervously laughs, waving his hands, "we don't need to go that far haha.."
Nai laughs back mockingly,"why not? you are breaking into our house, stranger."
Vash immediately yanks the glasses off, "look! its me! Vash!" you gasp and run up to him, hugging his side. "Vash! there was a tall scary stranger in here! I'm glad you're here to help Nai protect me!"
Nai watches as Vash coddles you. he'd be lying to himself if he said he hated the antics you two do. he watches you give Vash a kiss on the cheek before walking over and pulling you away from Vash. "I'm the one that protected you, why are you praising him?" he asks, staring at you with narrowed eyes. Nai may look angry but really, he just wants kisses too.
•Vash loves bees! he'll go out to the little garden he's been working on and watch as bees and butterflies come by. it's one of his favorite pastimes.
•Vash is very involved with the community. he always offers the neighbors any extra food he's made and seeing if anyone needs help. he's happy to mow someone's lawn or weed a garden and do any small chores someone may be unable to do. Vash also goes around and tries to volunteer a lot since he can't really work. as much as he likes exploring hobbies, he gets a little restless being at home so much.
•Vash wants to try eating everything and that doesn't just include meals. somehow Vash learned that dandelions are edible and the next time you two take a walk, before you truly realize it, you're watching Vash shove the yellow part of a dandelion flower into his mouth.
•but seriously he really does want to try eating different plants. Vash does a lot of research and is always giving Nai suggestions of foods to incorporate into meals.
•if Vash could, I could absolutely see him working in the medical department as a pediatrician. he loves kids a lot and he's great at playing with kids, comforting them and making sure they feel as happy as they possibly can be at the hospital. he always jokes around with them, gets to know each kid he works with and always tries to be there for them when they're sad or scared.
•likewise, I know I said Nai would work at a book store, but I like to imagine Nai could become a surgeon. he's not lost to the irony in it, that he's saving lives, but it's just something he's taken an interest in. he wants to learn about human anatomy. (idk how to explain it really but it just makes sense to me. he'd be good at it too, never gets tired, steady hands, keen eyes, very precise)
•prank Vash a little bit when it comes to the modern era. tell him that when the plane lands everybody claps and applauds the pilots. Vash almost did that the first time he went flying, he lifted his hands up, but he was confused when no one started clapping. he catches on quickly that it was a prank.
•Vash combusts if you ever sing E.T by Katy Perry. stare at him as you sing it and he'll get so red in the face. he's covering his face with his hands and curling into himself and whining out to stop.(he doesn't want you to though)
•same with if you prank him and show him that The Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang. go up to him and tell him you have a cool popular song to show and he lights up, Vash likes pretty much all of the songs you show him. when the song starts, he's bopping his head to the beat and tells you, smiling, it's cool so far. then the lyrics start and Vash's smile immediately falls and he blushes so hard. he can't even look at you and you're laughing your ass off at his reaction.
•Nai, the boring fucker, would just raise an eyebrow at you. he either doesn't fall for your pranks or just has no reaction. shame.
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anigodd · 3 years
part 1 of a new thingy
Inspired by “What One Must” by JumpingInMudPuddles on A03, specifically the last chapter (6). Also inspired by Stephen King’s ‘Misery’.
Trigger warnings: severe broken bones, gore, mentions of being chained, depictions of severe pain, swearing, yelling(?), mentions of death (not major)
I’m back on my bullshit where I sink my greedy little claws into a character and make them suffer for no reason :))
When Phil was put under house arrest, he was more amused than intimidated. He listened to people walk around him as they led him to his house with a small smile (and if that unnerved the little squad that was escorting him, it wasn’t his fault entirely). Tubbo had told him why he was being incarcerated, sure, but he nearly laughed at the hesitation and fear Quakity exhibited when told to put the monitor on his ankle. He saw the poor boy’s hands shake so hard when he was clasping the iron monitor on him that he nearly offered to do it himself. Almost. Fundy and Ranboo, well, he didn’t have anything against them. They didn’t let him escape but they also didn’t do anything remotely violent towards him besides standing and watching him.
So, Phil hatched a plan. He wasn’t going to sit in his house like a good little boy and expect to be let off because of his ‘good behavior’. He had shit to do. People to see. Anarchy to plan.
And if he missed seeing his boys, could you blame him? They had just managed to bring Wilbur back to life, able to see his real smile, able to hold him again, able to just be in his middle son’s presence. And if Phil often woke up in the middle of the night in a panic to check to make sure his son was still breathing, could you blame him? He and Wilbur had yet to talk about what happened but he was confident that they would understand each other better than they have in years.
Phil wasn’t too worried about Techno but he knew his eldest would begin to worry if he didn’t visit within a week. Though Techno would never admit it, he worried about Phil being in L’manburg. He would offer up his guest bedroom, gaze facing away from Phil as he fiddled with his sleeves, hoping for Phil to stay longer. Phil would warmly smile at his eldest and tease him, making a blush creep on the pinkette’s face as he accepted the offer. It never failed to warm his heart to know that he was still wanted by his sons.
And Tommy....they still hadn’t managed to find him yet. His youngest had always been a spitfire—passionate and always burning—but it often got him into trouble. Hence, the exile. Phil had sighed deeply when Techno told him as his eldest hid snickers behind his hand while they ate dinner. They were sure he would show up in a few days, but then a week, then two weeks, then a month went by and they were beginning to get worried.
Phil couldn’t handle to potential of losing another son, especially Tommy. The kid had barged into the house so many years ago and immediately brought chaos and liveliness into their little cottage. He taught Wilbur to embrace his hobbies and Techno to laugh. He helped his two boys to bond with Tommy as the glue.
Tommy taught Phil how to be a better father.
And if Tommy was gone alongside Wil, what kind of father was he? ————————— He probably should’ve expected that people would be checking to make sure he was still in his house. It’s why he was so caught off-guard by the butt of an axe swinging into his temple and knocking him to the ground. Black spots danced in his vision while his ears rang. He groaned when he was yanked to his feet and dragged back to his house, head pounding and thoughts jumbled.
He probably blacked out for a bit because suddenly a healing potion was being poured into his throat and the worried face of Tubbo swam into his vision.
Phil was...lying on the floor?
“What the fuck?” he mumbled.
He tried to move his arms but found that they were held down by something cold and heavy. Phil quickly snapped out of his dazed state and followed where his body was laying on the floor in front of his bed, the chains on his wrists, to the shackles on the walls.
These bastards just chained him to the wall! Aw, hell no.
“Tubbo,” Phil began, “why am I chained to the wall?” His voice was deceivingly polite but rage was evident in his eyes.
Tubbo held back a flinch at the hatred directed at him and motioned for Quakity and Fundy to stand beside him. Ranboo was not there.
Phil looked each of them in the eyes, reveling in their fear before Quakity spoke.
“The President has increased the severity of your, Philza Minecraft’s, sentence due to your escape attempt. As a result, you must be shackled to your house alongside the ankle monitor in order to prevent another escape. Any other attempts may be met with severe consequences.” Quakity’s voice wavered as Phil’s glare turned downright menacing.
However, Phil quickly turned to Fundy as his once-grandson spoke.
“Phil, listen, we didn’t want to have to do this but—“
“Don’t talk to me, Fundy, I think you’ve already done enough,” is all Phil said before turning to Tubbo, ignoring the hurt look he got.
He raised an eyebrow. “So, Mr. President,” he mocked, “how long is my sentence now?”
Tubbo hesitated and looked out the window before responding.
“Until Dream thinks you’re no longer a threat,” he said softly.
Phil blanched. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Dream could want Phil out of the way for a hundred different reasons, but each revolved around his sons. And now Phil was stuck.
He was stuck, but not hopeless.
Hell. Fucking. No.
He didn’t see Tubbo and his entourage leave his house nor did he hear the doors close. He was too busy formulating a plan—one that included breaking one of the most important rules in the Dream SMP:
No flying. —————————
Phil has dislocated his shoulder many times, but each time he was either in a battle or chained up like this by bigoted humans. Regardless, it still hurt like a bitch.
It took him 30 minutes in order to get into the right position and another 20 minutes in order to calm himself down and brace his arm against the wall.
One pop later and several loud strings of curses, Phil was able to reach his back where he kept a hidden weapon underneath his kimono. He nearly cried in relief when he felt the hilt of the dagger, clutching onto it and letting his shoulder fall limp but his nerves were on fire.
He dropped the dagger on the floor, closing his eyes and laying on the bed. Phil took deep breaths to prevent him from either passing out, or vomiting, or both.
‘Come on Phil, you have to do this. For Wil, for Techno, for Tommy.’
‘Dadza pog.’
‘Old man injured.’
‘Life alert.’
‘You can do this, Phil!’
‘U u R r’
‘Happy 3 months pog’
‘Phil pop your shoilder back in it’s bad for you.’
He chuckled as the voices mixed with his thoughts. They could be encouraging at times and, in times like these, they were well appreciated. He sat up and braced his arm again, listening to the pop and the stabbing pain that came with fixing a shoulder.
He let out a deep breath and made sure to keep his shoulder still. He had nothing to wrap it with yet and he couldn’t afford to have a permanently stiff shoulder.
Phil picked up his dagger, held it to the chains, and snapped the bloody things like sticks. He rubbed his wrists from where the chains were—not too red, he noted—and immediately went to fetch a sling and some bandages from a chest.
‘Old manza’
‘oh no guys he’s hurt let him be’
‘haha old man hurt’
‘dadza supremecy’
‘badass Phil’
“Shut the fuck up, guys,” he said fondly.
Luckily, he already had everything he needed packed and ready to go. His house in L’manburg wasn’t really his home and kept it minimally stocked. Unfortunately, he didn’t have potions because Techno always had so many at his house that Phil never needed a brewing stand.
He regrets that because now he’s one arm down in case a fight breaks out.
Phil shakes his head. He can’t think about the ‘what-ifs’ right now. What mattered was getting his shit together and making a break for it out of this gods-forsaken country.
He set his one bag down and double-checked his inventory and weapons. Everything was in order, at least to him. He can feel the buzzing at the back of his head get stronger as the voices told him he was forgetting something.
He ignored them and moved on to the most important part of his plan: his wings.
It had been way too long since he flew but he still kept them groomed and preened under his robes, specifically for emergencies like this.
He shrugged off his clothes, blatantly ignoring the voices yelling about stripping and dad bod, and groaned as he stretched his purple and black wings above his head. Phil shook them out a bit, watching as the feathers puffed and settled down before grabbing his custom clothes and slipping them on.
There wasn’t much of a difference between his other clothes and the new ones except they made room for his wings. He grabbed his trusty bucket hat, bag, and axe before checking his windows.
He didn’t see anyone outside, but it was around midnight. If he was lucky, they wouldn’t notice he was gone until dawn. Phil put his bag over his injured shoulder much to his dismay, held his axe in his good hand, and exited his house.
He checked his surroundings once again and lept off of his balcony in the direction of Techno’s house. Phil glided towards the walls and was nearly free until an arrow pierced his left wing, causing him to tumble and land on his bad shoulder.
His cries of pain alerted his attacker of his location. He shoved all pain to the side, got up, and began to run. More voices followed him and shouts for him to stop were ignored.
He was so close to the walls. If he could make it right up to the edge and push his wings to force him to fly over the edge he would be free.
He just didn’t account for Dream to be joining the search as well. Phil was suddenly pushed to the side and lost his balance, stumbling onto his hands and knees as the masked figure approached him.
Phil knew he could probably fight Dream long enough in order to get away, but there were four other people surrounding him, he was tired, injured, and hadn’t eaten anything all day.
To top it off, Dream clutched his injured shoulder, eliciting a grunt of pain from Phil. He just didn’t understand one thing: how did they find him?
He must have asked that out loud because Dream taps his ankle with his axe and Phil looks down.
That stupid ankle monitor.
He forgot to cut it off when he cut off the chains.
His eyes widened as his breaths now came in gasps. If they put him in chains for one escape attempt, what would they do for a second? And with Dream here? He’ll get no mercy.
“Dream?” Tubbo asked from beside Phil.
He inclined his head towards Tubbo, never taking his eyes off Phil.
“What, uh, what do you want us to do with him?” Tubbo was nervous. He was fidgeting and rocking back on his heels. He probably knew that whatever was going to happen to Phil would not be pretty.
Dream feigned thinking for a moment. “Go back to Phil’s house and wait there for me. I’ll be there in a few minutes after having a chat with Mr. Philza here,” Dream instructed before turning to fully face Phil, his hand tightening on his shoulder.
As he heard their footsteps retreat, Phil felt genuine fear sink its teeth into him. Dream was notorious for his punishments that didn’t fit the crime, and now that Phil has broken two of Dream’s rules, he was sure he wasn’t going to be making it out of L’manburg.
He heard Dream sigh from in front of him and Phil tensed. The voices had gone silent.
“Phil, Phil, Phil, come on. I expected better from you,” he patronized.
Phil could feel anger starting to brew in his chest.
“I give you one simple rule to follow and that was no flying. I even let you keep your wings—“
Let him?!
“And you abuse that freedom by breaking your sentence in order to escape—“
“Oh and I was just supposed to sit there like a good boy?! I fucking hate this place and now you act all high and mighty—“ he was cut off by a hard punch to the cheek.
His head swung to the side as pain laced his face. The action caused his shoulder to be jostled and he let out a groan. The front of his shirt was grabbed and he was met with the white porcelain of Dream’s mask.
“Listen here Phil, I did not work my ass off to keep L’manburg in line just to let you ruin all of my hard work,”
“And I think you need to be taught a lesson in obedience,” he said angrily as he let Phil’s shirt go.
Before he could even attempt an escape, a wooden beam came down onto his left leg hard. He could feel his bone crack in his shin followed by a sickening sound that only came with a shattering bone.
Phil screamed.
He tried to move away but his arm was fucked, his eyes were blurry from tears, and now his leg was fucked, too. Dream hefted the beam up again and Phil begged him not too do it again, that he would go to his house quietly, but Dream ignored him. He swore he could see a sadistic smile under Dream’s mask from where Phil was on the ground.
As soon as Dream broke Phil’s other leg, all he heard was the crack of his last hope of freedom and the never-ending fire that consumed his legs.
He must have screamed his throat raw because when he woke up in his bed, he couldn’t speak, walk, or make any new attempts at an escape.
For the first time, he felt hopeless.
(Phil cried for hours after he found out his wings had been chained to the wall instead of his hands.)
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