#plus i think they're cooler any way
strangersteddierthings · 11 months
What's Eight Plus Seven?
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five
Prompt from @devious-kitten
Steve had a mild interest in DnD as a freshmen because of a cousin or something. The interest was killed by Eddie being mean since Steve is a jock. Post vecna Eddie finds dust covered DnD handbook Steve explains and Eddie faces a still hurt Steve as a results of his biases
((Half written fic, half rambling about how it would go down. Apologies for the formatting. Also I added more angst than the prompt called for hehe))
Steve has always loved sports. This is a well-known fact. He's played on some sort of sports team from the time he was old enough for his parents to be able to sign him up.
A lesser-known fact is that Steve loves fantasy. Or, at least, he used to. On the playground in elementary school, Steve could often be found playing knights and dragons, and it was anyone's guess if he would be a knight or a dragon on any particular day.
The summer between middle and high school, Steve spent with his grandparents from his mother's side, on the farm they'd retired on in Michigan. A month long stay that he'd shared with his cousins, Amber, Robert, and Christopher. Amber and Robert are twins, four years younger than Steve, and Christopher was two years older and infinitely cooler than anyone else Steve knew.
Christopher was on the varsity basketball team at his high school when he was just a sophomore, captain of the JV football team, president of the chess club, and in a games club.
Christopher was everything Steve wanted to be now that he was going to be in high school. Minus the chess club because
It was during that summer, Steve got to indulge in playing make believe for another summer with his younger cousins, without the judgement of people (his father and peers) who thought he was too old for such things. He also got to learn about make believe for older kids, because Christopher played a game called Dungeons and Dragons with his game club the last month of school before summer break and spent many evenings going over what had happened with Steve as a captive audience.
"I wish I'd brought the books," Christopher had whispered to him one night from the bed, peaking over to look down at Steve in his sleeping bag on the floor, "we could have played."
Steve wishes he'd brought the books, too.
At the end of July, Christopher, Amber, and Robert's parents show up to pick them up, five days before Steve's scheduled flight to Indianapolis. It's a sad goodbye because one summer a year isn't enough with his cousins but they live in Washington. Steve's always jealous their parents drive all the way to pick them up, but a little proud he gets to brag about how he's flown alone since he was seven. No one else in his class can brag about that.
His mom picks him up in Indianapolis and they go back to school shopping while there.
A week later, Steve receives a package from Christopher. Inside Steve finds Advanced Dungeons and Dragons books, three of them, and even though Christopher said nothing about advanced, he's sure he can manage. On the inside cover of the players handbook, Christopher has written:
Hey Steve, I think you'd rock playing a dwarf paladin. Let's play next summer? Christopher 1981
He spends the last three weeks of summer vacation reading the player handbook cover to cover and making a character. It's slow going, because letters don't stay where they're supposed to be on the page (that's a problem he's had his whole life, so he's not surprised but he is determined), and he's never been good at math, so getting the stats down on paper isn't easy. He can't decide what he wants to play, so he makes two characters; an elf magic-user and, of course, a dwarf paladin.
(He's a little disappointed you can't be a dragon.)
Steve's never been one to dread the first day of school, but he's never actually looked forward to it, either. It's just been another day.
Until today.
Today is his first day as a high schooler. And the only people who go to the first day are Freshman, except the upper classman that have volunteered to man the booths for school activities for the last hour of the day. It's supposed to help the Freshman get the lay of the land without being overwhelming and Steve's excited for it. He needs to see if Hawkins High has a games club like Christopher's school does.
Here Steve is, that last hour of school. He's already been to the basketball booth, promising to sign up as soon as the season started, and the swim booth because he's got a pool at his house and has been swimming for as long as he can remember and knows he enjoys it. He also stops by the football booth even though he's never played, or cared much, for it. (Maybe he's trying to emulate Christopher, sue him.). So, the final thing is to see if Hawkins High offers a chess club and a game club.
Steve is delighted to see that, though there is no games club, there is a Dungeons and Dragons club! That delight wavers because of the kid manning the booth. His hair is curly and falls just below his ears, with big brown eyes. Steve hates to think it, but he'd be cute if he didn't look like he wanted to stab Steve.
"Yeah, no, keep walking," says the boy, pulling the flier with meeting information on it out from under Steve's hand, where he'd been attempting to read it.
Steve looks up, brows furrowed in confusion. "I was reading that."
"And I said no. Jocks don't play Dungeons and Dragons."
"I could," Steve says, offended. He squints at the name tag sticker slapped diagonally across the way too big jean vest this guy's wearing. E-d-d-i-e. Eddie.
"Have you ever played?"
"Well... no, but-"
"No buts. Mitch let a jock join last year and that was a nightmare. He could barely read the rule book. And with how you were squinting down at the flier, and then my name tag, you're not going to be much better."
Jokes on Eddie, Steve's already read the rule book. Even if it was slowly. "I can read just fine."
"Can you math, then? What's eight plus seven?"
"Simple addition. Eight plus seven. What is it?"
Steve knows simple addition. This is fine. It doesn't matter than he's been put on the spot, and that math is hard for the same reason as reading. He can do this. His hand twitches with wanting to pull it up and use it to keep track. He's faster at math when he can do that, but this jerk is mean mugging him and he just knows if he moves his hand, this guy will mock him the rest of the school year.
Eight plus seven. Ok. Make it easier, get to ten. It takes adding two to the eight to get ten. Ok. Take that two away from the seven now. That makes... five! Ok. Ten plus five is-
"Dude, it's fifteen," Eddie snaps.
"I knew that!"
Scoff. "Right. How about seventeen plus six."
Steve can feel his face turning red with embarrassment but he's not going to let this jackass be right. Round up. It takes three to get seventeen to twenty, so take three away from the six-
"23. Point proven. Go. Away. Go play your jock games and leave me- us alone."
Steve opens his mouth to argue, or maybe plead, that he can do this, and that, more importantly, he wants to do this, but laughter cuts through the air and for the first time, Steve notices the audience that has gathered. Three people are laughing at him, and his inability to do mental math, and it makes Steve snap his jaw shut and swallow.
"Mental math isn't that hard, Steve," one of them, Brant, says, as he elbows the guy next to him.
"Thank you!" Eddie says, "that's what I'm saying."
"Whatever, man, like I'd want to play make believe at this age anyway," Steve mutters and rushes away.
If, two weeks later, Steve watches Kyle trip who he now knows is Eddie 'The Freak' Munson in the bathroom, and drag him into a stall for a swirly, well, no he didn't. He briefly thinks of saying something to stop Kyle, but shoves the words down and instead turns on heel and leaves that bathroom just as the sound of flushing and Eddie yelling start. The thick bathroom door does a good job of muffling the noise and if Steve feels any guilt about that, he shoves that down, too.
Besides, Kyle's the captain of the basketball team and if Steve wants a chance to be on that team, he can't stay anything. It's a well-known fact that Steve likes sports, after all. He's going to stick to that. Screw Eddie Munson and his Dungeons and Dragons club.
Steve will get to play Dungeons and Dragons with Christopher next summer.
Except, halfway through the school year, Steve and his parents quickly board a plane bound for Washington. Turns out being as perfect as Christopher was is hard. Overwhelming.
They arrive the day before the funeral, and fly out right after it. Steve barely has time to mourn before they're shuffling him back to school that Monday.
Christopher died, and with him, so does Steve's desire to be just like him. He quits the football team. He keeps basketball because he does like it, even without Christopher's influence. He can't bring himself to get rid of the Dungeons and Dragons books, but he can't look at them, either. They end up in the downstairs hall closet, forgotten on the shelf.
So, years later, after rising to the top of the food chain (no one was ever going to embarrass him like Eddie Munson had again) and then falling to the bottom (who cares about high school popularity when interdimensional monsters exist) and of course, the years of fighting against said interdimensional monsters before ending it all in spring of '86, Steve finds himself, unwillingly, agreeing to host Hellfire since the school banned the club following the events of spring break.
Damn Dustin Henderson. Steve usually has the backbone to say no but Dustin had to play up 'getting a chance to finally just be kids' and fuck, how was Steve going to say no to that? Despite how quickly his own desire to be a freshman playing Dungeons and Dragon had been squashed, he can't be the one to ruin this for them.
"Thanks for hosting, man," Eddie says when Steve lets him in. He's an hour early but had asked if that was okay. Apparently the dungeon master has a lot of prep to do? Not that Steve would know.
"Sure," Steve says, dismissively, because while Eddie and he went through hell together, and Steve carried his sorry ass out of the Upside Down, Steve can't quite let his guard down around him.
It's funny. In the Upside Down, Eddie had made a point to tell him he's changed, is a 'good dude' now. So, what's funny is how much Eddie is exactly the same person he was five years ago. He was an ass to Steve five years ago, and as far as Steve is concerned, was also an ass to Lucas for wanting to play basketball just this year.
He swears to God, if he hears one negative thing about Lucas tonight, he's punching Eddie unconscious, no matter what the rest of Hellfire will do or say about it.
Eddie's been in his dining room for maybe five minutes before he finds Steve in the living room. Steve's got a movie playing but he couldn't tell you which one. He's not really watching it.
"Do you got a table cloth for that big table? Jeff's got a set of metal dice and I'd feel like a real ass if we scratched it on accident."
Steve takes a deep breath before answering. He hates that Eddie is considerate like this, has been since spring break if Steve's being honest, but he doesn't want to see Eddie's good qualities. So, he waves in the direction of the closet. "Yeah. There should be some in the hall closet there. Help yourself."
He twists on the couch to watch Eddie cross the room to the closet door, listens as the door creaks opens, hears the quiet, pleased noise Eddie lets out when his eyes land on the stack of table clothes. Steve continues to watch as Eddie just grabs the whole stack and yanks them off the top shelf.
Which means his watching as the stack of non-fabric objects, which must have been half atop the table clothes, also tumble out of the closet, bouncing off various parts of Eddie. It's a bunch of miscellaneous items. However, Steve realizes with horror, the book that bounces off Eddie's head is his copy of the Monster Manual. Eddie has stepped back in surprise (and possibly pain), so the Dungeon Master Guide and the Players Handbook bounce off his torso and leg before landing on the ground.
"Fuck," Eddie curses, before he stares down at what just assaulted him. Steve just stares at Eddie, watching as he slowly comes to comprehend what he's seeing. He watches as Eddie bends down and grabs the Player Handbook, the last thing to fall, from a top the pile. "What the-"
Steve stands, suddenly defensive, but doesn't actually say anything or move closer. He just watches as Eddie examines the book, flipping it from front to back in his hand like the title will change if he does that enough times.
Then, Eddie turns to him, bewildered. "Present for one of the kids? Thought they all had their own copies."
Eddie flips the book open. Reads the words written in there so many years ago. "Who's Christopher? Wait. 1981? You were playing D&D in 1981?"
"None of your business, and no," Steve says, now kicking into action, stomping up to Eddie and snatching the book from his hands.
Eddie hold his hands up in defense before his eyes turn mischievous. The same glint in them now that was there when Eddie'd leaned into this space in the RV and called him big boy. "Are you lying to me, Stevie? You've played before, haven't you?"
It makes Steve's blood boil. "No. I haven't played!"
"Alright. You could now, you know," Eddie says. And it's the way he says it, all nonchalant and like he's trying to be coy about it- it tips something over inside Steve. A bottle that held his humiliation and hurt from all those years ago.
"Oh, now I'm good enough for D&D? Now I can join? Aren't I too much of a jock for you!?"
"Whoa, what's with the hostility-"
"What's eight plus seven, Eddie!?" Steve snaps. His memory might be shit these days, with all the concussions, but the unfortunate part about Steve is that he always seems to remember the bad. And he remembers Freshman First Day like yesterday. "No? How about seventeen plus six? Come on, mental math isn't hard. Or don't you remember? I'm just a stupid jock too slow on the uptake, or no, what was it you said? It'll be a nightmare to play with me, 'cause I might be barely able to read the rules?"
He watches as Eddie's face morphs from confusion, to understanding and horror. "Holy shit, Steve. That was you- you wanted to join Hellfire-"
"Yeah, and you made it pretty fuckin' clear I didn't belong in it."
"I'm sorry man. I shouldn't have- if I'd known you, I never would have-"
"That's the problem, Eddie!" Steve shouts, waving the book in front of him. "You didn't know me. You looked at me and decided for me that I was going to be a jock and nothing else and then humiliated me in front of other people! You didn't even bother to try to know me. I spent three weeks reading this stupid book cover to cover because I knew I was shit at reading and I still wanted to try anyway."
He sees Eddie puffing up in anger. "Well, I wasn't exactly wrong, was I? You were a jock, a bully even!"
"Yeah, because I was a dumb, hurt kid who decided that it was better to hurt than be hurt. As if you weren't exactly the same that day, lashing out at me first, at my reading ability, and mocking me for not being quick at math. Fuck you, Munson!" Steve walks away, not hearing anything Eddie shouts after him as he sprints up the stairs and shuts himself in his room.
Steve knows he was a dick in high school, and it's not Eddie's fault he was a dick. Steve made choices he's not proud of and no one forced those choice on him. But Eddie doesn't get to throw that back in his face. Not when Eddie made him feel humiliated and stupid on the first goddamn day of high school, long before Steve became mean himself.
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legorumii · 1 year
can we have dating hcs for all of the ninja? love ur blog :)) ofc one at a time
" I watch the moon.
Let it run my mood. "
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╰╮Dating Headcanons , The Ninja.
disclaimer ; I have not added Jay since I have already done a Jay dating headcanon, sorry!
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ COLE ࿐ྂ
Overprotective boy ♡ He's literally all over you. He doesn't want anyone to hurt you. He takes care of you. When you're sick or hurting. Baking cake with him ♡ I hc that he's plus-sized. So hugs with him are like hugging a big teddy bear lol. He gives the best kisses. You can't even begin to imagine how nice it is when his lips brush against yours, but still, the way he kisses is perfect. You melt every time. His kisses are soft and gentle, almost like he’s afraid they’ll break you. He gets flustered easily. It’s adorable. He's the type to be mean and rude to everyone else but you. (And ofc the other Ninjas.)
⇢ ˗ˏˋ ZANE ࿐ྂ
Confusing…But he's trying I swear. The best person to go to for cuddles when it's hot. He's like your personal cooler lol. He cooks for you. He calls you cute petnames like, 'love' and 'baby'. Loves kissing your cheeks all the time. He's just too good for this world I tell you. Loves going on picnic dates with you ♡ I have a feeling he's not too much of a PDA kind of guy. He'll do stuff in private. Surprises you with little gifts. His eyes are bright and full of affection as he looks at you.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ KAI࿐ྂ
Oh god… He's such a flirt with you it's insane. Always has his hands on you. Your waist, hips, hands. You name it. He's also overprotective. I hc that his face literally catches on fire when he's super flustered. So Imagine flirting with him and getting him super flustered only for his face to catch on fire LMAOO. He can't cook…or bake. So, you cook for him and he loves it ♡ He seems so happier when he's around you. You just make his day a lot better. He's a clingy mf...He's always clinging to your side or sumthin. You find it cute. His touch is soft and comforting. When he hugs you he smells like charcoal. But in a comforting way lol. He's like a cuddly furnace. It makes you feel safe when he's near… And you don't mind one bit ♡
⇢ ˗ˏˋ NYA࿐ྂ
She's very protective over you. She wants you to feel and be safe. She loves keeping you company, even if she is busy. Loves carrying you. And love your laughs the most. She can't stop thinking about it, how much she loves to hear them and see the smile on her face. How much she adores hearing them when they happen in front of her or around her, or when they're a part of her life. How much she loves making you happy, making you laugh. She gets jealous quite easily, too, which is why she does not like seeing anyone else touch you. Like Zane, she isn't big on PDA. It's kinda hard to get her flustered and when you do make her flustered she won't keep eye contact with you. Loves training with you. Giving you kisses after training ♡ You always tell her when she makes you happy. It makes her day. She's a really good listener. She will listen to anything you say. Please play with her hair, she loves it ♡
⇢ ˗ˏˋ LLOYD࿐ྂ
It'll take you guys a while to date but when you guys do it's cute. He loves cuddling you and watching movies together. You can't help but feel giddy whenever he's around you. He likes to hold your hand or kiss you on the cheek. He's always looking for ways to touch you which is adorable. Your eyes are his favorite thing about you. He's always lost in them ♡ He knows how to make tea. So whenever you are sick, he makes your favorite tea ♡ He's always so patient with you. Loves being close to you. It doesn’t matter if you’re just hanging out, sleeping, or training. If you are upset he’ll be there for you no matter what. He can’t cook but he’s willing to learn with you.
" Can't stop thinking of
You. "
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all content belongs to @legorumii do not repost or translate on any writing website!
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 2 months
More A/B/O Honkai Star Rail: During Ruts and Heats
Characters: Blade, Jing Yuan, Welt, and Luocha as Alphas.
CW: nsfw, omegaverse
A/N: *sees notes* y'all love a/b/o too huh? Good because I will continue and now it's spicy :3c
During his rut he gets possessive and tends to bite more.
Pinning his omega from behind teeth sunk into their scent glands or shoulder as he ruts into them barely pulling out before thrusting back in.
If he's not in the mood or has calmed down enough he'll just hold his omega close and never let them leave to get up for anything. And I mean anything, even to the bathroom where he might follow and sit outside the door like a cat.
During heats he's there for his omega to use as they please even if that includes not having "fun" and just cuddling only.
Makes it his mission to keep his omega well hydrated and fed during both, though he tends to be more aggressive about it during his ruts as he's hyper focused on them and a bit out of it.
While eating he tends to loom over them and or set them on his lap making sure they eat every bite before he decides to take a bite himself. This gets more intense when he's in his rut since all his attention is on them and only them.
Always gathers his most recently used bed sheets for his omega to use and if his clothes are clean he'll add those to the pile. Doesn't help build the nest but rather stands by watching them prep everything and handing whatever they want their way and or scenting anything they ask.
During ruts he practically stares holes into them until they give him permission to enter the nest or until they join him in his bed.
Jing Yuan
Patient while in rut and during heats even if he should be losing his cool he somehow gets even cooler? He might look calm but he's anything but, if one looks into his eyes they'd know they're about to be devoured
Doesn't go fast but he does go hard, pulling out all the way before thrusting back in. He finds some enjoyment in keeping himself restrained even when he's begged to go faster. Doesn't bite as much as you'd think as he's more focused on eating his omega out rather than staking his claim again.
Preps his room way before his rut or their heat starts, always let's people know not to disturb him unless the world is ending because he won't be leaving their nest or his bed for anything.
His bed is large enough to hold himself and Mimi so it's the perfect place to build the comfy nest of their dreams, he helps building it by providing all the pillows and soft clothes he can and scenting each one thoroughly.
Since he preps before hand there's easy filling meals ready so they can just eat their favorites in peace without disruptions and get back to... "business".
If he's not feeling up for it or they aren't either he'll just cuddle them and sleep telling them stories about his day or asking silly questions to get them to focus away from any pain his omega may be feeling.
Old man can get it but he has trouble staying energized enough for his omega so he let's toys help while he takes a break or if he's not up for it.
Loves watching them enjoy themselves as he fiddles with the vibrator control and adjusting the thrusts of the dildo to make them happy
Honestly prefers cuddling more during both because he's grown and can control himself, plus he enjoys just laying there enjoying his omega scent and keeping them safe, warm, and well fed.
Spends good chunks of his time during both just pampering his omega and fulfilling their needs and taking pride in doing so. After all no one takes good care of them like he does. A definite confidence booster.
Let's them borrow his clothes to wear and brings his own blankets to their nest so they can snuggle under his thermal sheets. He gets cold easy so this is practically heaven for him.
Since he travels a lot he tries to schedule his dealings to be finished before his rut and their heat starts. If he can't manage that he'll always cut his own ruts off with medication and provide the best room he can find for his omega to enjoy.
Honestly doesn't care for his ruts as he dislikes being out of control of his own body but he doesn't mind spending them with his omega since they're willing to take care of him as he does them. Prefers cuddling over anything else during his ruts but he'll cave into desire if he's started sucking on their scent glands.
He doesn't bite too much during this but won't lift his head from their neck as he tries to get as much of their scent as possible. His thrusts are fast paced but not sloppy. Though when he eats them out he is as sloppy as can be as he drowns himself in their scent.
If he's present during their heat he's at their beck and call. Need water? Here's a fresh glass. Need something to eat? He just finished making them a hearty meal. Need him inside? Well...he'll see what he can do.
Always makes sure to give them freshly scented clothes and blankets to use regardless of if he's met with other people or not, he just wants them to smell him and only him. Doesn't interfere with nest building but does comment here and there how nice everything looks or how well they're doing.
Edited: 2/16/2024
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theonesmg1 · 17 days
Honestly, seeing someone going around being so pissy about this Blog's AU with SMG1 and 2's relationship being father and son is extremely funny to me.
I already said multiple times this is an AU and has it's own Lore and canon, you obviously won't take it to be the shows actual canon lore and current story. SMG2 in my POV is one of those Ageless characters who present themselves as a child, an example are (in game) cuphead and mugman. But just like them, SMG2 is more than capable of snapping necks if they so wish to lol
SMG2 being a child here doesn't mean they're a vulnerable little baby who needs protection, SMG2 is more than self aware with their own traumas and issues to deal with, I don't look down on SMG2 because of my interpretation of them, plus the other person who helps me run this blog is the biggest SMG2 fan I know, it would've been really mad at me if I made SMG2 a poor little baby, plus it takes care of SMG2's responses in the blog.
And about ages, honestly, none of the SMGs have ages, which is why I say "Ageless character", I do agree on SMG1 being in their early to late 40's, that honestly makes a lot of sense to his character (in my AU they would be in late 30's but I still agree on that part)
Plus I don't think any of the SMGs have any actual ages, you may use as info the "SMG4's search history" episode, but Wednesday episodes are not counted as canon and you shouldn't take any of them as canon, those are just jokes and there are rare examples where they're actually tied up to canon, those being during IGBP and WOTFI 2023
And about Bob's age, honestly, it would depend on what you believe, I don't believe in the 5.000 years old thing, in Mario Babies, Bob appears to be a teen/pre-teen while Wario and Waluigi were little kids, then later on, he claims to be 500, now there was that "5.000 years ago" flasback, which in my opinion feels more like an antecessor than Bob himself. But bob could easily be lying his age to appear cooler and wiser on what he says, which is not out of character for him. He could be on late 30's to early 40's easily. Which would make sense for him and way he acts
But at the end of the day, as I said, the Blog has it's own AU and I made that clear multiple times, you are more than free to disagree and just move on instead of calling me "son of a bitch" and threatening of blocking me, which honestly, you should have done that a long time ago and be mature in this situation from the start instead of crying about it on the internet.
Just block and move on, I'm not telling you to take the stuff we post here as canon or like it, you're free to disagree with me, just don't be a baby about it.
And about SMG1 using they/them pronouns, yeah, my bad, that should have been in the pinned post from the start so... Thanks for the reminder on that 👍
Genuinely, I don't see what you're trying to prove acting like that.
- Genuinely, Lawrie 🟦
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fanatics4l · 2 years
the way billy would've fit in with any of the groups in s4. yes i am going to speak about this. (this got long)
cali group: billy in his natural habitat would've been absolutely amazing. the trio smoking weed together?? billy being extra dramatic and sassy when he's high. if they're high enough, those boys will commit minor felonies together! argyle always supports his boys when they're screaming about their broken love lives (jonathan crying about nancy and billy being a sad little gay). billy would be screaming so dramatically while hauling that dead dude into the van and then complaining about how his clothes got all bloody the next second. he'd be cheering argyle on as he drives while the others all scream in terror in the back, trying to stop the bleeding. billy would adore the shit out of will, another gay. they'd bond over how shitty boys are and how they have no options but at least in cali, there are more willing boys. billy would always tell will to forget about mike and jonathan would agree very loudly. billy definitely would've absolutely non stop GLARED at mike after will confessed and mike didn't catch the hint. him and el would've been amazing together because they can bond over their abusive dads and pretty moms. el and will go to billy (the cooler big brother, sorry jon) to rant about mike. billy would terrorize the shit out of angela and her stupid friends for even thinking of messing with el.
hawkins gang: no offence but the hawkins older teens gang are all the same people in different fonts. sure nancy and robin were badasses that one episode but they're good girls at heart. steve is also a good guy at heart. so is eddie but in a drug dealing dork way. billy would've been a great addition with his loud personality and being a takes-no-bullshit kind of guy. he would insult each of them (him and robin roast each other) but be a lot of help. physically, he's probably the strongest and he'd be great at thinking up quick escape plans.
robin and billy would've been an unstoppable queer duo who are also potty mouths and anxious kids with obvious tells (shaking and stuttering). nancy and billy would've constantly been at each other's throats and it would've been great comedy. billy definitely got in the way of steve and nancy flirting because gross. eddie and billy would've easily bonded about their similar taste in music. if he saw eddie perform metallica on the roof, that boy's clothes would've flew off so fast and he'd start twirling his hair all giggly. we could've finally seen more of steve and billy's homosexual flirting and fighting. they would be reluctant friends and billy would have so much trouble trying not to flirt with steve. robin would cough really loud when billy stares at steve all lovey dovey. harringrove would've been amazing in s4
hawkins gang (younger teens): billy and lucas would've become besties on the court. we could've seen him apologize to lucas and then offer to teach him basketball so he isn't always on the bench every game. billy always hypes lucas up when he is in a game. he takes him and max out for shakes after practice, and max starts to hate the fact that her boyfriend and her brother are friends. lucas definitely grows taller than billy and he has the absolute best time of his life making fun of billy, who threatens to stop giving lucas rides everywhere.
let's say vecna still targets max: billy would 100% stay with max and lucas at creel's house because no way in hell is he leaving his sister behind with a literal demon that could kill her. when jason arrives, he fights him instead of lucas so max survives. plus we know that max and billy's relationship was getting a lot better between end of s2 and start of s3 so if billy survived, those two would literally be evil chaotic siblings who torment everyone around them with a smile. lucas is very scared. erica would love billy because they're both sassy and take no bullshit from the people around them. billy would tease lucas whenever erica yells at him. dustin would probably reluctantly accept billy as part of the gang because everyone else accepts him.
russia gang: hopper, joyce, and murray (billy's a weird kid and murray likes weird) would immediately adopt billy. in this au, billy is probably with hopper in russia and then joyce and murray find them. hopper is the absolute sweetest with billy and he's very gentle with him because he sees how terrified billy is. he also misses his kid so he takes another one in. he explains to billy what the upside down is and what happened to him. they share a cell so when billy has nightmares about the mind flayer, hopper is always there for him. when he has nightmares about his dad, hopper hugs billy close and lets the poor boy cry. he sees red when billy tells him how his dad treats him all the time and swears to never let him go back to that man ever again. billy starts seeing hopper as his dad.
billy helps out in all of hopper's escape plans. when the russians make them line up in front of the demogorgan, billy starts hyperventilating but hopper and enzo reassure him that they'll be okay. they're like his overprotective dads because wtf why is a literal child here in this high tech russian prison. when joyce and murray show up, joyce is all motherly with him and she immediately starts bundling him up in layers. she doesn't let him do any fighting. she makes him stick with her and when he argues that he can help, the other adults also agree that he needs to rest. if billy was in this gang in s4, he could've also healed as a person and become better because now he knows what love is. like hopper and joyce tell him all the time, love doesn't hurt his body or his feelings. billy ends up getting adopted by hopper and joyce and murray is like his crazy uncle.
the duffers were too much of cowards to do this!!!! billy would've been unstoppable
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daunsun · 2 years
YOU MAKE THE BOYS LOOK SO DAMN APPEALING I WANNA CRY. ANYTHING YOU DRAW WITH THEM USES THESE REALLY GORGEOUS, SIMPLE SHAPES THAT MAKE THEIR DESIGNS EASY TO UNDERSTAND, BUT THE DESIGNS THEMSELVES ARE SO UNIQUE THAT THEY'RE INSTANTLY MEMORABLE. also, this is kind of a weird thing to point out, but I really like the way you draw folds in clothes? it's something I've always struggled with, and you just seem to add a little scribbled loop or two at the armpits and elbows and suddenly that shirt that character's wearing looks hella comfortable. AND THEIR COLOR PALETTES ARE GORGEOUS AND PERFECTLY ACCENTUATE THEIR PERSONALITIES SUN ALL WARM AND GOLDEN AND MOON CHILL AND COOLER THEIR COLORS MAKE THE CHARACTERS FEEL LIKE THEY HAVE A TEMPERATURE
*the extra two stages of grief are "Regret (Bass Boosted)" and "Evil Sleep"
Honestly I don't think kissing Sun would be that weird, since sunflower seeds are a bit dusty feeling, but rather tender and firm otherwise. If it gets in your teeth...
Chew it, spit the casing out into the trash, and swallow it. He'll lose his mind. (Y'know like because??? That's not a normal thing that happens during kissy kissy smooches and somebody not being upset by it would just reassure him that okay they DO like me, even my bad or weird parts, y'know??? It'd send him over the moon)
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And I mean... I've discussed this before but you CAN kiss Moon. I made a loophole for the simps.
If he wants to, he can just (mostly) nullify his effects so that those in close proximity can't really feel them like they normally would. He just doesn't most of the time because it's helpful and Sun isn't really affected by it. However, the mostly part is still there, so you're gonna get HELLA good sleep after smooching this dude.
Did I also mention he'd totally hide the two of your faces with his petals whenever you kiss??? Did I did I?? It's just the two of you in those moments, nobody else.
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Jsjsjsj thank you for all the praise I'm gonna shed tears
THE BOYS ARE JUST SIMPLE BECAUSE I HATE COMPLEX CHARACTER DESIGNS WITH A PASSION LMAO, IT'S FOR THE REDRAWABILITY and I have no idea how I did those colour palettes but I agree they do look really good (even though sun gets called eclipse sometimes heh)
I draw sleeves the way I do because it's just a simplified version of the way loose sleeves tend to fold (and I draw loose sleeves much more than I should) plus I've just stared at a lot of artists that do that over the years
Maybe... they can fix each other?? Teehee
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Your flowers were spicy but they went down alright (a bit crunchy too, but that could've been the pot)
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book-of-legends · 4 months
Im sorry but Journey did you just say break mortals? What do you mean by that? Do you...uh...kill them?
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"I think Lunala called it death, I'm not sure. Mortals are really weird! Gosh, She always gets really mad at me when it happens too and then she yells at me that I can't be so rough with mortals!!" Journey gave a shrug, it was becoming a bit obvious they didn't truly understand the implications of what breaking mortals was. "I really don't know why! Even if they do the 'die' thing and then do the 'death' thingy, they'll come back when they get reborn! Just like I do and like everyone does." "Plus, even if they're broken, you can just fix them, right? They're just toys, you can heal them if they get too broken. But, sometimes Lunala says they are permanently broken, and I hate it when that happens! Then It means I can't play with them anymore!! It's the worst!!" The Hoopa gave an annoyed huff before looking away, death only seemed like an inconvenience to their playtime.
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"So, yeah. I have to behave now, I guess." They sighed. "It's less boring being out here then it was being stuck in the God realm. It was just blank space, light and Arceus... Arceus was way different than her, Lunala has a lot of weird requests."
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"It was super dumb when it happened too. They made me make the Universe gates and the next thing I knew, I couldn't remember anything and I wasn't even in the god realm anymore! I woke up and I was in the space realm!" They looked a bit upset as they recounted the events. "Do you have any idea how many Realms that is away!? That's a whole thirteen realms away! Who even does that to their creation!! That's pretty messed up if you ask me!" "Ughhhh... I used to be wayyy older you know!!" Journey gave another huff before dramatically waving their hands around. "Now I'm just a dumb kid again. That sucks! I can't even do adult stuff anymore! I mean, at least I can remember some stuff about my old life though." They happily nodded as they gave a smug grin. "I was much cooler and like really tall. So, maybe when I finally grow up again, I can look like that. Then neither Lunala nor Arceus can boss me around. When that happens I can have whatever I want and no one would be able to tell me no!"
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joompheart · 5 months
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My Toa Mahri and Barraki!
The Toa Mahri are super duper cool but they also show off the weakness of being too unique, imo. Where previous Toa series like Metru and Inika were pretty uniformly viable to play with and equally cool, Nuparu and ESPECIALLY Kongu just get left behind with the Mahri I say.
Like, from the Inika sets: Matoro and Hewkii are way cooler than they were, going from middle of the back to the best by far for my taste. Jaller and Hahli are at least as cool as they were, if not cooler. But Nuparu still has the same problem of being so black he blends in with himself and is hard to really admire. Plus his mask went from super iconic to probably the most forgettable, a sort of blend between Hydraxon's and Matoro's. Still super cool, probably the best thing about the set after the shield.
Nothing really needs to be said about Kongu but I'll say it anyway. Poor guy gets NO unique parts, just a slightly interesting breathing tube setup that's overshadowed by the really cool ones like Matoro, Hewkii, and Jaller. Torso construction is cool but shared with Carapar who actually does have unique parts AND is more colorful. Two guns could be cool but he doesn't have anything else! The Cordak blasters look great but they don't function super well, so he ends up feeling like the worst version of Kopaka from Phantoka or Onua from Mistika, or Pohatu from Phantoka. All of them have a better focus on the action gimmick or a better use of the torso construction. (I still love him though who can dislike Kongu :])
Matoro Mahri and Hewkii Mahri are some of my favorite sets out of all the original run though. I love the Great Kanohi Garai a LOT, probably my single favorite overshadowing even the Inikia's organic masks. And Matoro has really grown on me, he subtly has the best set of all the Toa I think.
For whatever reason the Barraki have never done much for me, but I still appreciate them. I think I'm inclined against too much "biological" in my "biological chronicle," oddly enough. The squid launchers are pretty worthless in my book, even though they look cool. And I didn't really like the funky construction of a lot of their torsos, though I appreciate it as super cool and a way to make more unique bodies than you could if you were sticking rigidly to the Inika building system.
Mantax and Takadox are my favorites. They're the best for actually playing with, and have really great colors! I can appreciate the other four in one way or another, especially for the colors, but I don't super duper like any of them. Pridak especially is super hard to pose because of how weirdly bunched up his joints are, moving one part throws everything else off too.
I think I came off as really critical here but I wouldn't have these guys if I didn't love them :]. Complaining about them is really just an excuse to keep paying attention to my favorite things in the world!
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souryogurt64 · 7 months
what happened on your bad date
I'll take any excuse to tell an excruciatingly detailed and pointless story
So to preface this, this guy was someone I initially met IRL. The following is for drama and context, because otherwise I feel like how this played out doesn't make sense.
He was a bartender somewhere. I was interested in going swimming over the summer there with my friend when she mentioned it because 1) Pete Wentz would fake complain constantly on his LiveJournal about how sooooo boooooring and laaaaaame it was there and how the girls were just soooo baaasiccc but soooo hootttttt then brag in interviews about how he had mindblowing sex in semi-public or whatever there. So as you can imagine, it was imperative I see this for research purposes.
[I think either Pete is not as cool as he thinks he is or it must've been cooler at the time.] Anyway 2) There is a pool on the roof and I'm an Aquarius. Literally nobody else was ever in the pool because they're too cool I guess
But anyway, there was this really hot bartender there and once I ordered a drink and he told me he didn't think I'd like it and made me his own concoction. I did not like the drink he made me because he asked me if I liked coconut and I hate it but I said "Yes" because I was so flustered, but I pretended I loved the drink. It was the kind of thing you think about forever. But I used to wash glasses at brewery and I would watch all the guys flirt with every girl, so I knew it wasn't like, real.
So, I saw him on Hinge quite a bit later. His pictures were very professional which should have tipped me off but I was feeling a bit la-la about him. I definitely felt like I was batting out of my league-- a few of my friends told me I wasn't, but they're your friends and they're supposed to say that.
Anyway, I messaged him and I mentioned the drink thing. As more context, I had to take a vow of abstinence and take pregnancy tests every month while on Accutane, two months before, and for three months after, so this would be my first date in about a year.
He pretty much immediately asked me to go to a (nicer than I'm used to) bar. He picked the place and time and asked me to go out on a weekend. Initially I wanted to be realistic and just hope I got a reliable fwb out of it, but a guy had never asked me out like this before so I was like "maybe he remembered me and felt the same way."
In retrospect, he did this because he thought I must've been someone I'm not and I would expect that level of effort. But because I was so excited and I had met him organically and not on an evil app, I started to get even more lala and think that maybe this would be real or whatever. His profile said he was from South Carolina which I thought was kinda hot.
I had been approached by guys multiple times there and had always run away or ignored them because I expected they were going to be like, well, what happened on this date. But because of where he was from plus him being the bartender, I was starting to convince myself that he was normal or something. Very naive.
So we go on this date and the first five minutes are an immediate disaster. I had looked at the menu ahead of time and I wanted one of the most expensive drinks because it looked fruity, but I didn't want to be rude so I tried to get there before he did so I could open a tab. This was my first time at a bar where you don't have to open a tab so the waitress didn't understand what I was trying to do. (For the record, I actually ordered something a lot cheaper.)
He walks in seconds after this and is like "Why is your wallet on the table, is this some kind of power move" which is incredibly rude but anyway he was very insistent about paying. Important later.
After this he starts by asking the weirdest thing about me. The weirdest thing about me is probably what I'm into in bed, but I wasn't about to say that, and I'm not a very good liar either, and he was not impressed with my answer.
After this, he noticed I was wearing a little cross necklace, because it goes with the dress and is probably the nicest piece of jewelry I own. He asks me if I'm religious very confrontationally, and that's like kind of complicated. Also incredibly rude.
Then he asks where I work and I tell the truth. This is immediately a problem, because he tells me before he was a bartender, he used to work in film. I should have figured this out based off the photo quality, but I'm a little slow. He also started bringing up that being surprising for my age because I was so young and he went on about it for too long. He was 28, I'm 24.
It also comes out that he is NOT actually from South Carolina he was born in Russia or something then moved there as a kid then lived in LOS ANGELES for 10 years and then left the film industry and moved to Chicago to start bartending and (these were not his words) he's clearly a huge playboy. So this is NOT a normal person this is a freak
After this, though, the date was actually going really well and was very enjoyable, except for when he kept trying to drop names of all these different celebrities and (I quote) "billionaires" he worked with to impress me. I didn't know who any of them were except Tom Felton and he was very perplexed by this and kept trying to do it harder until it got me going and it just wasn't happening, which goes back to him thinking I must've been like. The typical clientele of that establishment
He also insisted we go to multiple bars and I thought this was incredibly weird. Also at this point I realized I had not eaten and was incredibly drunk. Usually when I go out with friends or on a date I have 2-3 drinks over the course of several hours, and am a little tipsy but that's it.
I only had 2 over a 3 hour period, and was probably the 3rd most intoxicated I have ever been in my life. I thought it would be fine if I stopped drinking and just had water but I was getting progressively worse. In his defense, he asked if I needed food and I said "No" because I didn't want to eat in front of a boy. I'm pretty sure I started to brown out but I was trying really hard not to let on to where I was at.
Anyway we're at the last bar and I'm feeling really bad. At this point in the date, I really did want to see him again and keep hanging out but I just felt awful so I started hinting that I wanted to go home.
Because I was so drunk, I don't remember exactly what order this happened in or what happened between these, but somewhere at this point it devolves into the most bizarre 10 minutes of my life.
He tells me he's been to rehab twice and I think he maybe said he went to one of those wilderness camps and I was like "why are we both drunk then" and he was like "well it's okay because it was for drugs" and like whatever not my business. Except he also started psychoanalyzing me and tells me that I'm probably into him because I'm sexually repressed because I was raised super religious and go for him because it seems rebellious but he's "non threatening" and I "think I'm bisexual." And I was drunk enough to say "I am bisexual" and he got really affronted by this.
This was all true, but it hurt my feelings and was rude and weird. I also considered this a huge red flag because Hey Chris spent like half of his book about being a sex addict talking about women like this so I was like absolutely not. I think he was probably as drunk as me to be honest but was handling it a lot worse
The most freak behavior out of him though was that he tried to be like "So how did we split this, how many did you pay for" as if he hadn't insisted. So I paid for his last drink and-- freak part incoming-- he leaned over to watch me write the tip. I was so drunk and so weirded out by this I couldn't do any math in my head so I tipped way too much and he grabbed the receipt and got super offended by this for some reason.
Anyway despite this being insanely rude, he starts trying really hard to get me to not leave or get me to take him back to my place. He asks if he can kiss me and I say "Yeah," mostly because I was trying not to turn this into more of a huge production that it already was.
Shockingly, he was a very good kisser and it did feel pretty electric, but I had never been kissed in public before and I hated it. And also he was clearly bad news so I kept pulling away. At this point he was like "I've never had a date go like this before, I've never had a girl leave like this, this has never happened to me before, never" and I just remember how truly shocked he looked.
Anyway I fled the scene. The end
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sweetestpopcorn · 7 months
Why people hate dany and targs in general so much? Even the ones who claim themselves as supporters usually shy away from incest and blood purity thing. And people kind of assume that 300 year (mad) targ rule was very bad while we aren't given a single other example for comparison except robert's one. Which IMO was as bad as any monarch could be
Because they're cooler and more interesting than their boring a** faves. If there's one thing the "intellectuals", incels, and karens of the fandom love is some goo'ol fashion DuTy and characters acting like robots. Rule is: you displayed emotion you are henceforward dumb/stupid. Also, never forget kids, it's only wrong if a Targaryen did it! Which is why they don't like the Targaryens... well most of them. Hence why you have certain Targaryens who are ok to like because they... well were kind of boring in a sense? Way into religion or duty and/or being a punching bag. Those are the fandoms pre-approved Targs like Naerys, (asoiaf canon) Helaena, Maegelle... Vaegon. Elaena can be liked too but she needs some work, like saying her rumoured "affair" with Aegon IV was SA, 'cause you know, we can't have a character enjoying seggs for nothing else than good ol' DuTy. They also tend to like Daeron II, and I actually think he was a very cool dude but the reason they like him is because they think he bent the knee to Dorne in a sense, and because they probably see his marriage to Myriah as one of DuTy instead of love and passion; plus bonus points for him for his beef with Daemon B who was very Targaryen. They will also like Targaryens who in a sense "cleansed" themselves from their original sin (of being a Targaryen) by marrying people from outside their house. Some examples are Rhaenys (Aemon's daughter) and Rhaelle (Egg's daughter who married a Baratheon). Daella they could like - since she married a Arryn - BUT Daella was very emotional and Rodrick was buddies with the Devil aka Jaehaerys, so they can't like her.
We actually have an example before: how Westeros was divided and always waring BEFORE the Targaryens :D but that sh:t isn't really very convenient to bring up.
Bottom-line: Logic isn't really strong with this lot, so let's just let them be. We do have something in common with the antis, which is that we love to spend time with House Targaryen. Difference is, we're having fun, and they are spreading hate and many times misinformation as well. But anything so they can have a parallel of their fav with their "good" Targaryen of choice, or between another character they dislike and a "bad" Targaryen just to hammer down how bad that Targaryen is :(
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nowen422 · 7 months
November talking bou...💀💀💀
BLEACH TYBW ep 25: Well, it was nice while it lasted
What an episode. We're riding high and feeling alive; then, next thing we know, we're watching as our childhood stuffed animal is set on fire right before us. This is all hyperbole, of course, but I still feel it's a very accurate metaphor. This episode is a good episode, but it comes at a point in the story where we have to set up the insurmountable odds our true protagonist has to face in order to save the day. The downside is is that while we get to enjoy the thrills and highs of a brand new fight that seeks to make amends for a fight that was originally quite lackluster, we also have to now deal with the true ending of that fight which unfortunately cannot change and only now serves as a punch to the gut after seeing something that I feel appeased nearly all of us. So, as the title says, it was nice while it lasted. Still, great moments for the characters and an especially vicious and somewhat haunting usage of a technique that we've heard about but never gotten to see. Plus, we all now know why you don't mess with the eyeball monk.
So now to do a death tally and wait for next we-...what do you mean the next episode is out already? Wait, WHAT HAPPENS?! Soul king I need to pay attention more!
Shinigami deaths: 16
Quincy deaths: I can't count that high (20 named going by death portraits)
Spoilers below
Real fast
Things I liked:
We get to see the remaining visored again as well as Yoruichi's brother! But we also get to be reminded of Kisuke's habit of sending sacrificial pawns to buy time for him to figure out solutions. What can I say, even after a hundred years, old habits die hard.
Whenever Ichibe draws anything with his brush I always like the effect of following the brush stroke. It makes it feel more supernatural
Ywach is such a hardcore fighter, it really is a perfect matchup between him and Ichibe. One is willing to humiliate the enemy by any means while still beating them down, the other will risk deadly injury just to negate the humiliation. Absolute refusal to give an edge to both sides.
A return of sanct bogen! Although this one doesn't serve as a sword delivery device
Ichibe's eyeless moment is straight from the Manga. It is perfect and really fits the name thing he has been doing this episode (this is why I've been bolding his name btw, gotta show respect)
It's very subtle but I love Haschwalths ability just ruining everything for everyone else. It will really be great to have it explained eventually.
I think this is a great episode for Uryu because we get to see Chad, Orihime and Ichigo's power ups, but with this we see Uryu hasn't been slacking either. Also I want to thank @takibikaen for the comment on how Ywach got out of the cage. Uryu's antithesis just straight up teleports now and him dodging Tenjiro's water ball kinda proves it.
If I could have a wacky spin-off show with just Nimaya and Askin, I would be the happiest man alive. They're roommates in San Francisco and they hate each other. Boom, instant hit. But seriously, with a ton of comedic moments cut, these two provide a great amount of levity to the situation.
Aizen did the slut strand look first, but I'm willing to bet that Askin stole it and made it his. Man earned it this episode
Senjumaru is the QUEEN this episode. Has been clowning on everyone for two episodes now, if she does it in the next one, she's my new favorite (edit here: she did and she is now)
This whole fight really is a battle of overpowered ability versus overpowered ability.
Askin and Nimaya are the kids who would role-playing sword fights on the playground to try and compete on looking cooler and you cannot change my mind.
Aushwhalen is way more brutal than I thought it would be. Also it shows that Ywach never explained what it was to his army, just waving it off as just a purging of unworthy Quincy. But then when the unworthy are gone, who is picked to full their spots?
Giselle is creepy as hell in this episode. I hope her fans are enjoying themselves. I mean that legitimately
It was nice to see Bazz B and Liltotto reacting the same to the betrayl. It's a nice setup to their switching sides
UKITAKE IS BACK!! And oh no he brought a friends with him ✋️
Things I didn't like:
I feel like if they were going to introduce Yuishiro so soon, we should have gotten to see him sooner, especially since we've got one episode left of the season. It's a bit abrupt but it's nice to see him at least, let's hope he gets some love later on
I thought it was Weird how Ichibe was bleeding from his coat when he dredge Ywach's arrow. The first thing I thought was that maybe he's so ancient that his body doesn't function the same way that a more modern Souls body would. I'm probably overthinking it, but it does make me wonder
I still think we don't get to see what Kinpika really does beyond glow. Granted if I had to fight someone with a sword and someone was on the side shining a flashlight in my eyes the whole time, I would find that pretty distracting too. Not every sword gets to be super powerful
I did not expect to see Giselle like that today. Not a bad thing, but dang I was expecting her to just eat the blood from her guts, not-im gonna stop there. Also there were claims of her possibly being romantically and or amorously entangled with the otherwise alive, I don't think that it's a possibly anymore, I think it's an actually. Glad Liltotto is my favorite especially since they're the only two left. Cannibal or Zombie lover, starting to remember why I didn't like the Bambi's so much.
They cut the scene of Robert having his meltdown and trying to kill Liltotto. Real shame. Plus we get confirmed that Giselle and Liltotto are the only female sternritter left.
Last thing and this is a silly thing, but with the amount of blood that Giselle was consuming and or covered in, how does she keep the all-white outfit clean? Do Quincy uniforms repel moisture? Or do they just have an unlimited supply of stain remover everywhere?
Needless to say great episode, and now that I know that there is a second episode I have to watch that. So I guess we're getting two this week. Still, seems like it should be a fun one regardless. ( hi Nowen from the future here, just wanted to say I watched the episode and holy s***.)
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paldean-ranger-brandy · 9 months
Finally paid a visit to the crater base today. They've been bugging me to come by ever since I was cleared to come in for paperwork again. Been avoiding it because it's super open and chaotic there, I'd never be able to get any paperwork done. Plus I like my base better. Cooler rangers there n all.
But they just kinda called a taxi to me today and said they wanted to talk in person about the paradox mission and all the data we're collecting n stuff. So I didn't really have a choice. Which is a bit of an asshole move, but i have been avoiding them so like. Fair I guess.
Anyway. While I was there they brought in an iron valiant that had been poached and shipped to Johto (of course). The crater crew handled it really well, they were super vigilant and efficient with all their checks and data collection. But the entire time I just. Couldn't look directly at it. I just kept thinking how it would take this thing like. 2 seconds and zero effort to take me out of the field permanently. And I was just really fucking unreasonably pissed the entire rest of the time I was there. I ended up leaving sooner than I should have because it was only a matter of time before I got really snarly with all of them.
I don't like this. I don't like what my reaction to these paradox mons has become. This isn't me. I'm not someone who becomes bitter and disdainful of pokemon just because they act the way they are supposed to act. That's the thing I find the most fascinating. I should be fascinated by these guys, I should adore them. But I don't. I'm pissed when they're around. I'm pissed that I've been taken out of the field because of one. I'm pissed that they have been taking up every single waking moment of my life for the past however long this fuckass mission has been.
Idk. I'm just tryna work through stuff I guess. I know it's not them I should be angry at. I know they're probably just as confused and angry that they keep ending up so far from home. I should be angry at whoever is making this happen, really. That would be the logical way to go about this. I just wish I could convince my fight or flight instincts that.
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hostess-of-horror · 9 months
With the release of the teaser for Chapter 3, I've decided to make a post about my thoughts on it plus what I believe to be the creepiest toy in all of Playtime Co.
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The very first thing I thought of when I came across the teaser is that this is our first introduction to Candy Cat, or rather the Bigger Bodies Initiative version of Candy Cat. However, the original Candy Cat toy is more plastic and light blue, so I assume this is probably the "mother" or "father" of the Candy Cats. We don't know any other toy who has purple fur and metal claws (Boxy Boo has the same claws, but that's about it), so this is the best educated guess I can come up with.
As for our poor little Huggy Wuggy here, it has become a tradition at this point to add in the Poster Child of Playtime Co. in teasers and trailers. I'm beginning to believe that this little guy's appearance is symbolic and not just a way to appeal to the fans. We know the big Huggy from Chapter 1 supposedly died after falling down from a bridge we broke while trying to escape. I say "supposedly" because it has been theorized that Huggy is still alive (the blue fur on the walls in Chapter 2, the trail of blood, etc.). While I may be on the fence simply because I just don't know and I want to be surprised, I will say that Huggy will return... But not in the way we think.
So far, the little Huggy has been shown with the main antagonists of each chapter. First it was Mommy Long Legs, and now it's... whatever the hell this is. Huggy Wuggy was the first antagonist. With him defeated, the torch is passed to another giant abomination, and then the next, so on and so forth. The player, the main character, will be going through a series of main antagonists until we eventually meet the Big Kahuna of the bunch. As each one has the little Huggy, they're also reminding us of his first encounter, consistently keeping that memory alive despite Big Huggy's death.
Why would this franchise keep on showing Huggy Wuggy and not give Mommy Long Legs the same treatment? The simple answer to that is most likely fan appeal. The better, more cooler answer to that is that Huggy's purpose is far from over. Huggy is dead and yet he is carried around, almost puppeteer-like, as if to represent the cruel and sickening implications of what happens to useless toys. Many of those toys died, and the ones who thrived survived - a "Natural Selection" society of Frankenstein'ed objects. While the weaker ones were tossed aside, the stronger ones are reborn... Brought back to serve their purpose once more.
Who's to say that Huggy will return with a vengeance, stronger, faster, deadlier than before, all thanks to the Prototype?
Now, I've seen SuperHorrorBro's video on this and he brings up an interesting take:
This teaser is introducing us to Candy Cat and Bron the Dinosaur.
Personally, I don't quite see it, despite him explaining that the eyes are not "cat-like" and so could belong to Bron. While that may be true, I don't think that's him. I believe Bron will appear eventually in Poppy Playtime as one of the antagonists we encounter throughout the game (much like Bonzo Bunny, Pug-a-piller, and the little Huggy Wuggys). If Bron is going to be an antagonist, my best guess is that he's going to be a sightless enemy.
In other words, we will have to sneak our way from getting caught by Bron, who relies solely on sound and touch. (maybe smell? These toys are made of humans, after all.)
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In the very first trailer for Poppy Playtime (Chapter 1), we get a little cutscene of Bron slowly turning his head to the viewer. While this is probably a little animation just to showcase the game, I genuinely believe that we will encounter him at some point, even if he's going to be in a future chapter and not Chapter 3.
And look at his eyes - or lack thereof! You cannot look at this and tell me that is NOT a stealth mission waiting to appear.
And I am both excited and absolutely fucking terrified if it's true.
Bron, in my personal opinion, is the creepiest toy in all of Playtime Co. He's not a savage beast like Huggy, or a sadistic villain like Mommy Long Legs. Bron is more subtle - a more quiet horror. He is like a shadow at the corner of your eye, or a sudden creak in the night. His quietness gives off that sense of uneasiness, leaving you second guessing. You don't even know if he's staring at you right now. By doing almost nothing, Bron causes his prey's imagination get to them before going for the kill. He would rather watch you cry and panic and run first, before finally, and mercifully, ending it all.
Did you know that the human body contains 125,822 calories?
Considering Bron's thing for diets...
"What do you call the scariest dinosaur?"
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artwithoutblood · 3 months
Weird question, but I've been trying to improve at diversity.
If Genesis and Aeron were in a different art style do you have any particular thoughts on what their noses and skin tones might look like? In the past I've tried to guess by referencing pictures of people in the regions they're "from" but the features of the people are really diverse.
In that computer meme I gave Genesis a warm skintone, kind of golden to complement his eyes and hair. Afro-Turks have always existed and his hair has some texture (I forget which again and search will not smile upon me) so for his nose I made it a little wide, rounded and upturned with a low bridge. Kind of a cute mischievous button nose without making it small. (His lips are still full. They look smaller because Genesis is pursing them, half suppressing a smirk.)
Aeron got cooler toned darker skin to contrast the hair, plus accidentally very textured hair because I really haven't nailed drawing their hairstyle yet. A longer more aquiline Arabic nose because it gave off an older, more elegant intimidating look. I get a feeling that despite causing unintentional chaos Aeron is kind of the defacto leader or at least the eldest/most powerful?
But pictures of Turkish people also show a more prominent rectangular nose that would also look really good on Genesis (the button nose might look a bit young on a dad), and the noses of Jordanian people aren't all as slim and exaggeratedly downturned as I made Aeron's.
Also completely random, but what are everybody's teeth like? (Even just the Galleria trio and Dorian.)
Sorry if this is inappropriate to ask, a loaded question, or puts you on the spot. You're free not to answer, or not have thought about it much.
I'm just thinking about art styles, realism, and improving on drawing non-white features. Because there are PoC characters in the VN community, and you can get a lot of character out of specific features.
Do I just like, pick a headcanon and stick to it, or draw it different each time? I guess sticking to semi-realistic cartoony I can just kind of fudge it and just barely suggest impressions of differing features.
These are demons and not tied to hard rules of appearance.
Plus I think Aeron would subtly shift their appearance if they noticed you trying to draw them, just to fuck with you. And Genesis changes bodies so many times nobody really knows what he looks like anymore, not even him.
There you go, that's it. My art isn't inconsistent. The demons are just trolling me 👍
my art style could and should be improved upon concerning facial features and hairstyles. i want to give pointers, but you also make a point that i hope resonates with other people: you can also do whatever the fuck you want.
do not erase skintone, do not erase what makes them who they are. but if you want to draw characters with different hairstyles, different facial features, different outfits, different body types, whatever, do it. but let the characters serve as a guideline. they all have, for one reason or another, changed their bodies over the years. maybe they're one way, maybe they're the other.
what matters to me is that you, to some degree, connected with the characters while drawing them. i put a little bit of myself into each of my ocs. that shouldn't stop at me.
so....do what you think fits. do whatever the hell you want, just as long as you're respectful in the process!
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A Recipe for You and Me
Gift for @enbygesserit from @vaporwave-manatees!
Ziyal walked calmly down the promenade, avoiding eye contact with the ease of much practice. On Dozaria it had kept her out of trouble with the Breen (though of course their actual eyes were never visible) who would often reward a sullen or insolent look with a blow. On Cardassia it spared her some of the open disgust, the anger, the outrage her very existence brought no matter where she went. On her fathers ship, then Deep Space 9, she'd had a small lull, a peaceful window of time she could be more friendly and open, and expect at least some of the same in return. Now however, with the station reclaimed by the Cardassians and their Dominion "allies", her habit had returned full force. Better than seeing the cruel sneers, insincere smiles, or the tired and anxious faces around her.
Well, mostly full force.
Major Kira strode briskly towards her, grinning warmly, and she couldn't help but grin back, at the only person she could always rely on to look at her with honesty, and kindness, and as her own, whole person, despite everything.
"Major." She curtsied slightly, enjoying the eye-roll she received for her put-on formality. "Having a good day?"
"Ugh, not until now, but let's not talk about it shall we?" Kira linked their arms gently and continued their walk down the hall, past the Bajoran temple doors. "I wanted to ask how your project was going?"
"Oh well...." Ziyal blushed, "I'm not sure, I haven't tried any yet."
Kira looked surprised. "But sampling the brine is the best way to track how the fermentation is going! What variety are you using?"
"Lotha province peppers. Vedek Nane gave some to me, he swore they're the spiciest peppers on all Bajor."
Kira rolled her eyes dramatically. "Sure he did, just like every other Bajoran will say that grows their own peppers."
"Would you like to come and taste some? We could make some hasperat, maybe I could show you my new drawings."
"That sounds like just what I need, first though Odo wanted to let me know-" Kira stopped abruptly mid-sentence, staring ahead, then swung them to the side neatly, into the door of Quarks. "Y'know what? It can wait, actually. How about we go this way, I just want to....check something."
"Of course". Ziyal nodded along, pretending that she hadn't also noticed her father standing further down the promenade, deep in conversation with the Vorta, just before their sudden detour. She knew perfectly well that Kira didn't want to interact with him, and unusually, she didn't particularly want to greet him right now either. Even more unusually, she didn't feel particularly ashamed about that.
They took their odd detour as if it was the most natural thing to do, looping up and back around along the second level then taking a lift to Ziyals quarters.
"I've been peeking in once and a while, trying to keep track of the number of bubbles." Ziyal ran to the back corner of her room, drawing the metal pot she'd replicated out of the darkest corner she'd been able to find. "I think I'm supposed to keep it cooler, but I'm not sure. Nane's instructions were kind of....vague. Plus, I don't want to lower the temperature of my room too much, since the rest of the station is already so......chilly......" She trailed off, nervous about the critical gaze Kira was sporting now. She knelt beside the pot, lifting the lid and giving the mix a tentative sniff.
This moment suddenly felt nerve-wracking, like her first steps onto Cardassia with her father, her first days on the station, the first review of her art. The idea of Kira finding it lacking, finding her lacking suddenly choked her breath, and she folded her hands to prevent them trembling.
"Don't tell me, has my first hasperat experiment gone terribly wrong?" She tried to make the question humorous, light. She wasn't sure if she succeeded.
Kira finally looked over at her, and her small frown smoothed. She chuckled. "Well, about as well as most first hasperat experiments go." She leaned in closer. "It's okay, the one and only time I tried to make it alone my father banned me from touching his peppers for at least a few months."
She stood with a soft groan, then sat down on the couch. "First off, you need a real brining pot, clay instead of metal. You can use mine, I barely use it; not enough time to spare. You're right, the temperature here is too high, but there's a cooling unit you can replicate that you can place in the corner so you don't have to keep the whole room like a cold cellar. I can send you the specifications. You didn't use up all the peppers right?"
Ziyal joined her on the couch, relief washing through her like a wave. "Only about half, Nane gave me a lot, maybe he knew there would be some stumbles."
Kira nodded approvingly. "Alright, I can also give you some Dahkur province peppers too. Now, I'm not going to claim they're the spiciest on Bajor, but they have a crunch and sweetness I would say can't be beat. And I prefer a hasperat with some depth of flavour, not just spiciness alone."
Ziyal quickly picked up a nearby PADD, beginning to jot down notes. "Alright. How often should I taste test it? Should I slice the peppers, or crush them? Boil, or just simmer first? What ratio of salt and water do you use for the brine? Are there any-"
"Slow down! One at a time!" Kira laughed, sliding closer to bump their shoulders. "A Lot of that is up to you, but let's start at the beginning and make sure you've got all the basics....."
Ziyal waited patiently, watching Kira's gaze shift back and forth, the hasperat roll still poised neatly between her lips.
"Better." She met Ziyals eyes and gave her a quick, warm smile, eyes shining a little more than they had on her last taste-test. "But, if you want this hasperat to really make my eyes water, I'd say the brine needs to simmer a few more hours at a lower temperature, then rest a day or two more at a lower temperature."
"How about the saltiness? I could add a bit more if you think it would bring out the flavour."
Kira shrugged. "It's really up to you, as long as you love the taste it doesn't have to be perfect."
Ziyal nibbled her hasperat, then looked up timidly "But, I could make it perfect, just like you like it, if maybe....you could tell me how your family would make it."
Kira's expression tightened, mood shifting perceptibly. Ziyals heart sank, fearing she'd said too much, an overstep.
It happened often, less with Kira, but more with other Bajorans she'd attempt to associate with. Things would be going so smoothly, conversations would flow, walls would begin to come down. Then she'd stumble on some inevitable landmine; a remark or expression or even movement which reminded them she was different. Then the walls would come back up, the distance, the cool, guarded politeness.
But Kira's expression lightened, and she reached past her to the clay vessel, settling its lid back in place and caressing it softly.
"Typically....well, they say there's one hasperat recipe for every family on Bajor. Sometimes even two. You can be taught the basics, but from there you're supposed to figure it out yourself."
Ziyal nodded, tried to take the advice as heartfelt, but the attempt battled inside her with a sudden surge of bitterness. She pushed the pot back into the cooling unit with a clatter, perhaps a bit more roughly than necessary, then sank down on her couch, looking out the port to the silky dark of space. "Well, until now I never even got the basics. Let alone my family recipe."
Kira folded her arms, looking gravely at Ziyal then out the port along with her. They spent a long moment together like that. Kira sighed. "You know, I-"
The door suddenly swept open with a loud hiss, then-
"Major! What a pleasant surprise!"
Ziyal leapt back up, her heart dropping in sudden dread and embarrassment. They both abruptly turned towards the door as Dukat waltzed in. He bared his teeth in his way which missed friendly, but didn't quite reach threatening, and Kira's gaze hardened into the typical professional mask she used in front of him.
"Dukat. I thought there was a reception for that new Cardassian envoy tonight?"
"Oh yes, yes, it's going just splendidly, though of course we miss your charming presence. But I was in the area for a moment and thought I'd just drop in to see how my darling daughter was doing tonight." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head, though the tender gesture didn't relax and cheer Ziyal like it usually had. "I hear you two have a little culinary project in the works, how is it coming along?"
"It's going well father" Ziyal was desperate to smooth the growing tension, trying to think of some way, any way to move the conversation along, get him to leave. "Kira said the hasperat brine I've made is getting better and better."
"Is it now?" He walked over to the cooling unit, pulling the brine pot out.
"She's right" Kira spoke cheerfully, and suddenly, strangely, her tension was gone, and she smiled at Dukat in a sweet, disarming way. "Her blend of peppers creates a wonderful balance of flavour. I'd say her recipe so far rivals the hasperat of many of the fine cooks on Bajor."
"I see!" Dukat seemed surprised by her newfound easy spirits, pressing a hand to the table and leaning in towards her as she came over and lifted the lid back off the pot. "Well, with a teacher such as yourself I'm not surprised." He smirked. "Though frankly, I think her time could be spent on other, more worthwhile endeavours." He looked over at Ziyal in the indulgent way which she knew was meant to be loving, yet somehow still made her feel like a silly child. "I mean, what's the use of spending so much time on something any replicator could make in moments?"
"Oh, but Dukat" Kira looked up at him with wide, coy eyes, as she dipped the ladle down into the brine. "Everyone knows that a replicated hasperat can never hold a candle to the real thing" she sipped it, humming in delight, "Though, as I told her, it isn't really spicy enough yet." She held the ladle out towards him, smiling serenely, "Would you care to try some?"
Dukat gave the spoon a calculating look, then Kira. Her pleasant expression never wavered. He smirked then leaned forward, holding the eye contact, drank the spoonful and rose back up to his full height.
"Hmmmm" Dukat smirked, swallowing. "Yes delight...ful". He swallowed again. Blinked. The smirk twitched, and he seemed to be trying not to cough. Or maybe cry. "Yes, haha. Not quite..... As spicy..... As...... It could be, to be sure." He smiled again, though not with the same enthusiasm as before.
Kira's smile widened, by all appearances delighted. "Oh, I'm glad you like it. Would care for some more?"
"No, no, I - ahem." He lurched toward the door, now blinking up towards the ceiling in a rapid, peculiar way, eyes shining. "While I appreciate the offer, I'm afraid I have some more....things to attend to, just wanted to drop by for a moment. In any case, enjoy your evening ladies." The hiss of the door nearly cut his final words off as he practically lurched back out into the hallway.
There was a beat of silence.
"Thank the prophets, finally" Kira muttered, leaning her hands against the table as she breathed a huff of relief.
"I'm sorry" Ziyal said softly, sitting back down on the couch.
"It's fine Ziyal. Just my luck he'd pop in." Kira pinched her nose bridge, then slid her palm against her forehead, as if trying to grind the encounter out of her memory. "It figures, it's like he's got a sixth sense for finding, then bothering me."
"No. It was me, I'm sorry. I told him you'd be here." Ziyal whispered. She couldn't look up, seeing Kira turn to her slowly. She swallowed around the lump forming in her throat, trying to make sure her voice didn't wobble. "He wanted me to attend that reception tonight, but we had planned this and I.... I couldn't find another excuse quick enough. I swear, I - I asked him not to come, I told him it was nothing, just a project for the two of us, and he, he p-promised me, he said he wouldn't-"
"Hey, hey" Kira knelt before her, taking her hand and shushing her gently. She chuffed Ziyals hand between hers, tilting her head until finally Ziyal lifted her head back up and met her gaze. "I understand. Trust me, I do." She slid up to sit next to Ziyal, still holding her hand, as finally Ziyal let the tears begin to fall.
Kira lifted one hand to her shoulder, and they sat close, saying nothing, as Ziyal let all her weariness and frustration, her anger and hurt, overwhelm and crash through her. Eventually the tears stopped, leaving her tired and a little ashamed, but feeling better than she had in ages.
"Better?" Kira asked softly.
"Yes" she tried to turn away, chuckling weakly. "How embarrassing. Father says showing such weakness is never wise, just puts you at a disadvantage."
Kira scowled. "He would say that, wouldn't he."
"It's true, isn't it? You're always so strong, I wish I could be like that."
Kira smiled, sort of. "I'm not…I used to think that was strength. Never drop your guard, never stop to let anything catch up to you" her face became pensive. "Now though…. I think strength should be facing the emotions, feeling them, and letting them change you for the better."
Kira leaned back, thumping her head against the couch back. "And, saying that…… I was going to tell you earlier, I…." Her voice wobbled briefly, eyes shining again from something different than the hasperat. "When you asked me for my family recipe, I, I made excuses, I lied, because honestly? I don't even remember my family's recipe." Her eyebrows pinched together, as if in pain. "My father, I remember him trying to teach me, showing me how, but I wasn't interested, too busy playing rebellion, then tagging along with the resistance, and finally fighting. I wish….. I should've…." She sighed, shaking her head. "Just another thing lost, I suppose, but… I remember the flavour, like a ghost, a memory of a memory. And no matter whose hasperat I try, it's never right. But…. I have no way of making it right."
They sat in silence again for a moment, then Kira sighed, smiling softly and turning to Ziyal.
"How about that? Embarrassing?"
Ziyal shook her head, hard. "No. Not at all. I…. I would never have thought you and I would be the same, like that. Thank you for telling me."
"Of course" and there it was, her real smile, the warm smile, eyes and teeth and her hand clasping Ziyals.
Kira stood, and stretched. "We'd better put that brine away, and I'd better go to bed. Another busy day tomorrow."
Ziyal joined her walking over to the pot, taking one last look then replacing the lid. "Kira…. we could make our own recipe" she put the pot away carefully, then turned to her with a smile "It won't be the same, but it could be something…good, something special. A recipe just for you and me."
For a moment Kira looked amazed, then pulled Ziyal into a fierce hug. "I would like that….very much". Her voice wobbled again, just briefly. Then she chuckled. "I could even teach you how to make Hasperat Soufflé".
Ziyal nodded eagerly. "Is it quite difficult?"
"It can be a challenge, but I think you'd be up to it, and the flavour, oh. It's worth all the effort. I have a friend in Ikreimi who could grind us some real katterpod for flour, the soufflé never fluffs up right with other kinds. He'd probably even let us visit and use his clay ovens, maybe then we could also go see…
(I took some liberties here with how the brine for hasperat is made, since I couldn't find anything specific on the subject anywhere. This takes place sometime between Sons & Daughters and Sacrifice of Angels, and essentially blossomed from my question to myself: "What if it was Kira who taught Ziyal how to make that Hasperat soufflé?" And then I decided to just write something not even exactly about that haha)
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