laufire · 4 years
Top 5 favourite characters: Caroline, Bonnie, Qetsiyah, Tyler, and Klaus (if we include TO Klaus raises to number 2, but here I’m talking exclusively about his run in TVD).
Other characters you like: Lily, Kai, Anna, Katherine, Silas, Vicky, Jeremy, Dorian, Liz, Oscar, Jesse, Carol, Uncle John, Isobel, Pearl, Grams... I loved so, so many dead people in this show xDD
Least favourite characters: Mattttttt. Ugh.
Otps: Caroline/Klaus, Bonnie/Kai, Qetsiyah/Silas, Bonnie/Kai, Caroline/Katherine, Caroline/Tyler, Caroline/Stefan, Anna/Jeremy...
Notps: Caroline/Matt, Bonnie/Elena. I disliked others, but those are the ones that make me raaaaage.
Favourite friendships: I ended up loving Bonnie & Damon’s relationship.
Favourite family: Caroline & Liz!
Favourite episodes: Caroline’s off-switch episode, the series finale, Qetsiyah’s triumph, Elena’s off-switch episode, the last two episodes of s3, the one where Caroline confronts Elena about the sire bond, KC’s blood sharing, basically almsot the entirety of s6...
Favourite season/book/movie: s6, but followed really closely by s8.
Favourite quotes: there’s waaaaay too many. I’m going with Caroline’s “Yeah, it is [a competition]” and Klaus’ extra cynic speech about humanity~~, since they made me fall in love with them.
Best musical moment: Caroline singing in Liz’s funeral *sniffs*
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: the finale. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing :DD
When it really disappointed you: when Bonnie and Kai didn’t make out on my screen.
Saddest moment: I still get a lot of feels about Forwood’s breakup.
Most well done character death: Liz’s.
Favourite guest star: Kai. He’s da best.
Favourite cast member: idk them lol (Candice had some interesting interviews. The dudes were largely all assholes -minus Trevino and McQueen).
Character you wish was still alive: TYLER. My bby :(
One thing you hope really happens: cameos from the cast in Legacies lol. Caroline, in particular. I want to see her interact with the twins and with Hope.
Most shocking twist: sometimes I think back to the s3 finale and I can’t believe what I saw lol. Extremely IC and consistent, but still. STEFAN WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. I mean that literally. Like, what has to go on in someone’s brain to do what you did o.0
When did you start watching/reading?: very early in the beginning. I think there were maybe a few episodes out?
Best animal/creature: vampires make the law of the land, lbr.
Favourite location: MF is a beautiful town and everything interesting happens there. You couldn’t pay me to visit tho xD
Trope you wish they would stop using: how many times did Bonnie die again?
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: its honesty about humanity is one of my favourite things. But most of all, I do think it’s one show that really turned things upside down in terms of structure. The ending would’ve been unthinkable to anyone who’d just watched s1, IMO.
Funniest moments: the dark humour was on point. I especially loved off-switch Caroline and Kai’s brands.
Couple you would like to see: BONNIE AND KAI SHOULD’VE FORKED.
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: n/a.
Favourite outfit: so so many. But I’m going with the KC dress Because.
Favourite item: the KC check xDD
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope. I barely own merch of anything. I’d like to have some though.
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: vampire pls. Better chance of survival, and it’s a good deal lbr.
Most boring plotline: s7. Borenzo in particular. Like, why.
Most laughably bad moment: Ian S.’s eye acting. IT WAS WEIRD.
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: I love the s1/2 flashbacks with Katherine and the Salvabros.
Most layered character: at this point I’m divided between Caroline and Stefan and I’m clacking at the thought. Who would’ve thunk.
Most one dimensional character: Enzo. Who cares.
Scariest moment: off-switch Caroline was creepy af.
Grossest moment: these vampires don’t know how to eat and make everything a mess.
Best looking male: Jesse.
Best looking female: Bonnie.
Who you’re crushing on (if any): I would’ve crushed on Anna. Or Liv. Or Nora. And definitely Lily xD (MILFs >>>>)
Favourite cast moment: all I can think rn is when Chris Wood & some dudes from TO dance a Backstreet Boys song xD
Favourite transportation: vamp speed.
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): all the woods scenes. One of my faves is when Caroline killed 12 people in front of Stefan & Klaus lol.
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: n/a.
Best promo: n/a.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: my problem is that I feel for Caroline almost immediately and I was lost xD. The show itself is more complicated, It might’ve been in late s1? In the Miss MF episode.
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