#please reblog with ideas i wanna discuss this with at least a single other soul
dragotale78 · 8 months
Ok, i havent seen anyone talk about this in depth yet but: in npmd they call blinky “bliklotep, the watcher with a thousand eyes”. This is the exact name that jeff blim’s character in tto gives the audience when he enters a half dead state. Does this mean that tto exists in the hatchetverse? I mean we know for a fact that hollowell has existed for at least a couple hundred years. Additionally we know that thats at the very least how long hatchetfield as a community has existed. But also because of time bastard theres an implication that all of hatchetfield is simply existing through rippling versions of its own reality withing t’noy karaxis’ toy cube so idk.
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moonbeammuses-a · 6 years
Mobile Rules
I will NOT roleplay with anone under 18. PERIOD.
-I am Mutuals-ONLY.
I am also selective.
I have tons of things going on with life and can't (unfortunately) RP with everyone I meet. I wish could, but I don't have the time nor the energy.
Non-Mutuals can send in general asks about my muses or IM me with questions, but all In-Character interaction is mutuals-only. I also will not Roleplay via anon asks, so don't bother.
I'll keep them as simple as I can. Lots of clarification in the details, but at LEAST read the main points. 
-Have a Rules page and an About Page
I will NOT follow back someone who does not have a Rules and About page. I need to know that you are an adult, that your views on RP match or at least mesh with, my own, and what your expectations are for RP.
-Don't Follow me if you are Uncomfortable with NSFW content
This blog WILL have smut. I am 26 and all of my muses are adults, though I do have teen/childverses for most of them. 
It WILL have gore. It WILL have blood, death, torture, violence of numerous kinds.
There are villians in my muselist. There are legitimately insane, truly EVIL characters in my muselist.
There could be anything on this blog, including non-con scenarios (that are not romanticized, nor shied away from).
Bear this in mind before you follow me. I will not be lectured on my blog content after the fact. You are responsible for taking this into consideration BEFORE you follow me.
-Come at me with IDEAS.
I figured that from you following me, you want to write. Great.
If I've followed you, if we are mutuals, I wanna write with you, too.
But don't IM me with "I wanna rp" and when I ask for ideas say "I dunno, who do you wanna put with my muse?" or something similar.
I have over 30 muses in my list. If I have specific inspiration for a thread, I'll come to you with it. Do me the same courtesy.
Dont come to ME for a thread and then expect me to have an idea. 
If you dont have an idea, thats OKAY. Tell me when you DO.
Mutuals can always like my starter calls for random starters or send me memes, but if youre gonna IM me to plot, come at me with SOMETHING. I'm not doing all of the work.
-Yes, you CAN send me that meme/starter
If the meme is on my page, anywhere, and we are mutuals, you can do the thing. Exceptions to this are memes that involve pre-established relationships or smut. I don't do pre-established ANYTHING without discussing it first.
HOWEVER, I am always down to plot a relationship between our muses, so we can send memes with abandon!
"But I've already sent you a meme!" Great, SEND ME MORE. More asks means more chance one will inspire me. I always feel really bad when I get just the one meme from someone I REALLY want to play with, but am uninspired for how to reply. You can always send multiples, and I encourage it.
Do NOT overload a meme with muses/questions. Be considerate about how many things you are asking for per ask. There is no hard line for this, but I'd prefer a max of 3 "parts" to an ask. An example could be one question for three muses, or three different questions for one muse. but don't send me several questions for several muses. I will ignore and delete the ask.
"But I've never sent you anything!" Great, let's start now. If we are Mutuals, I WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU
"But our characters are from different fandoms!" Great, let's see what happens when they meet! did one fall through a wormhole and end up in the others' universe? Was one cryo-frozen for centuries? Is it an AU? LETS FIND OUT! Just, again, no pre-established ships without chatting with me via IM! I won't bite if you wanna ask aout a pairing or a ship!
If you’re an adult, there’s no reason you can’t send me an NSFW ask as yourself. Tag it OOC if you need to, I dont care, but no anon NSFW.
-Yes, you can turn the Ask into a thread, but MAKE A NEW POST
It's frustrating as hell seeing the exact same grey blocks of text on every single post in a thread, ESPECIALLY if it was an ask with a long answer. Be considerate of me, and help me be considerate of my followers, by turning asks into new posts if you want to continue a thread. I will endeavor to always follow this rule, as well.
BE AWARE: I will drop a thread that began with an ask when I lose interest UNLESS you tell me you want to keep it and there is mutual interest/inspiration. I have so many small threads going that came from asks, that i will 99% likely NOT remember to say anything. If you want to turn something into a plotted thread, TELL ME
DO NOT PLAY MY CHARACTER FOR ME UNLESS YOU ASK ME. want my character to auto-block a hit? Ask me. Maybe they’re in a different mindset than you think and wouldn’t see it coming. I don’t care how small the action. ASK. ME. FIRST.
Also, in the same vein, don’t do a multitude of things without giving my character a chance to respond to any of them. Maybe they would have grabbed your character’s arm instead of just letting them storm off. Maybe they would have said something before your character made it across the room and out the door.
DO NOT try to force my muse to harm or otherwise take advantage of yours. Take a hint. If my muse is specifically avoiding hurting your muse, do NOT pigeonhole them into injuring your muse. Do not injure your muse because my muse refused to do so. Get your hurt kink BS somewhere else.
In addition, do not punish my character for inaction. If them not moving will lead to your character harming themselves, warn me first. Don't punish my muses for not knowing what to do by hurting your muse. 
-Don't Auto-Ship
If you want a pre-established relationship, whether it's romance, sex, family, or even friendship, talk to me first. If you assume my muse knows yours, that your muse lives with mine, anything like that, there is a 100% chance I will get uncomfortable and drop the thread, likely also unfollowing you.
IN ADDITION, Don't force ships. My character is not required to fall for yours, or even like them. If I feel you are forcing a ship, I will stop replying.
I am saying this again because it’s important. I am open to roleplaying with such content as torture, abuse, trauma, sexual assault, character death, etc. Please be advised of this, and use caution if any of these topics bother or trigger you. I do not Romanticize any of these things, but I have mature-themed threads where these things may occur.
IF ASKED, I will TRY to tag content that may be triggering, but do not always recognize potential triggers. I have ADHD and do not always tag before posting. Please be advised of the potential that something may not be tagged.
If you have specific triggers WARN ME. I will do my utmost to be respectful of your triggers but I cannot read minds.
-Contrary-wise, Respect My Triggers
I ask that rape, non-con, sexual assault, be tagged PLEASE. just because I can RP it doesn’t mean I am ok with being surprised by it on my dash.
-Give Me Something To Work With In Your Reply
I understand that there aren’t always multiple paragraphs worth of information to contribute in a scenario. I don’t always expect as much. But I cannot do one-line RP. Nothing against those who can. I won’t.
If I have created something specifically for MY muses, such as an aesthetic/moodboard, or a discussion of their psyche, or even a drabble, DO NOT reblog without getting my permission first. If your muse or blog is tagged in the post, you are more than welcome to reblog it and share it. Otherwise, ask me first. Content I put my heart and soul into writing out for my muses is important to me, and is not for others to use with their work. 
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bughead-fic-request · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I would like to thank @leaalda for making these amazing banners.
This is an effort to spread the word about all fan fiction writers in our little fandom. If you would like to be featured or nominate a writer, please contact me. Please reblog this post if you can and check out some of @believe-that-you-can-my-friend work!
1. First things first, if someone wanted to read your stories where can they find them.
My tumblr account is believe-that-you-can-my-friend and anyone can find my masterlist by clicking on the menu button (the three parallel lines at the top of my sidebar) and then choosing “My Bughead Stories”. You can also find me on AO3.
2. Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m Vera, I’m from Greece and I’m currently on the 23rd decade of my life. I’m a Classical Studies graduate and I’m considering doing a Master’s too. I’m a major foodie, a fashion and style enthusiast, an avid dancer and an old school rock lover. A quite sarcastic human being trying to make it in this world with the attitude of your average clown-friend.
3. What do you never leave home without?
Probably my phone, as true to our 21st century standards. Plus, my headphones and my sunglasses.
4. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
I’m a night owl for sure. I hate early mornings and I love sleep but I also can never go to bed before 2 or 3 am.
5. If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?
I would want to live in the Pokémon world or the Harry Potter universe but during the Marauders era. Witty and utterly smitten James Potter, rebel with a cause Sirius Black, the First Wizarding War, this is a true fantasy right there that I’ll never ever outgrow.
6. Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
There are a lot of Greek people that you guys, obviously, won’t know. Not many international celebrities in my resume, I’m afraid. But I briefly chatted and took a picture with Jim Chapman from YouTube while I was visiting London two years ago.
7. What are some of your favorite movies/TV?
I enjoy a lot of different movie genres but I guess an old Hollywood one, some good old Hitchcock or anything drama are my typical choices most times. Out of the top of my head, definitely Gone with The Wind, Casablanca, Pulp Fiction, The Breakfast Club and such. As for TV shows, Lost is always first in my heart. Current favorites would be Sense8, Stranger Things, Westworld, Riverdale.
8. What are some of your favorite bands/musicians?
That’s a question that would take me pages to answer. Long story short, I’m a cultural chaos regarding music. I listen to almost everything, my Spotify has a tone of personal playlists and my vinyl collection is reaching a terrifying extend. My favorite genre is definitely classic rock but I also really love alternative rock, indie rock, and rock ‘n’ roll. On an average day, I’m usually blasting something along the lines of The 1975, then Pink Floyd, then Frank Sinatra, then Tchaikovsky, then Kanye West, then The Killers and so on and it’s a miracle that I still manage to stay a somewhat sane person.  
9. Favorite Books?
Anything Jane Austen, Bronte Sisters or Dostoyevsky can get me going. But for the level of angst and devotion and truly wicked love my favorite one is Wuthering Heights.  
10. Favorite Food?
Chicken curry with rice. I also really love shrimps.
11. Biggest pet peeve?
Probably people that chew very loudly. Or ignorant and uneducated people, not in the academic sense of the word, but ill-mannered and rude.
12. What did you want to be when you were little? What do you want to be now?
For many years I wanted to be an architect. This plan though sunk because my sketching skills are equivalent of a two year old. So, I ended up studying the Classics (basically the study of the Greco-Roman world, particularly of its languages and literature, but also including philosophy, history, and archaeology.) This field and area of studies is something I very much enjoy and value but I don’t really see it as my lifetime job. What fascinates me and makes me passionate about is Journalism so I’m thinking about extending my studies in the journalistic field as well. And then of course there is writing; the ultimate dream.
13. What are your biggest fears? Do you have any strange fears?
I’m scared of wasps, only because I’m allergic to a lot of things and, seriously, I don’t wanna push my luck. Another one would be my odd phobia of getting nauseous and being sick. For some weird reason I associate vomiting with death. Other strange fears, no, nothing comes to mind. As for more fundamental ones, it’s the fear of ending up alone; loneliness is something that scares me deeply. Also, disappointing my inner perfectionist by being average or not good enough at any aspect of my life.
14. When you are on your deathbed what would be the one you’d regret not doing?
Live more. I have a very composed and rational mentality, I always think first and then act and generally I’m more of an observer than a doer. I regret, for example, not being a crazier teenager or a more reckless college student or generally a little bit more “loose”. Hopefully, my introverted self will stop watching stoically life passing her by and take more chances by the time I reach that final moment, haha.  
Okay… let’s talk about your writing!
15. Which is your favorite of the fics you've written for the Bughead fandom?
Where The Wild Roses Grow – Angst is the air I breathe, enough said.
16. Which was the hardest to write, in terms of plot?
Up until now I used to write only Bughead prompts and one-shots so, plot wise, I can’t think of any of them causing me too much headache. I could say Fruit Punch Lips & Leather Jacket Dreams, only because of the length of the chapters and the hurricane of ideas I had in my mind. Right now I’m trying my hand at my first multi-chaptered fic for the Bughead fandom and I can definitely say that it is proving to be quite the task in terms of planning and prioritizing.
17. How do you come up with the ideas for you fic(s)? Do you people watch? Listen to music? Get inspired by TV/movies?
For me, it’s mostly TV and movies. I always make parallels between plotlines and couples so a lot of ideas do come from stuff that I have seen on the big screen or during a marathon of an old show. But they also come from everyday life, I mean I could be discussing something with my best friend or doing groceries or driving and something along the way would strike me and demand from me to write it on paper.
18. Idea that you always wanted to write but could never make work?
I really really wanted (and still want, to be honest) to write a Dancing With The Stars Bughead fic. I know it’s crazy and totally random but the idea had stuck in my head while I was watching some dancing videos on YouTube and instantly I had everything planned; the roles, the plot, the dancing sessions, the choreographies, the drama, everything. I gave up on the idea merely because it’s quite difficult to portray such show on paper and I was afraid that the scenes in my head would turn out totally different if I attempted to write them, so I’ll treasure this story in my heart and think fondly about it whenever I listen to a song I had picked for a Bughead dance-off. But you never know; maybe my muse will be more confident about helping me give life to this idea in the future.
19. Least favorite plot point/chapter/moment you’ve written?
I wouldn’t say it’s my least favorite but I don’t feel very confident about Heliophilia, the second chapter of Fruit Punch Lips & Leather Jacket Dreams. There are a lot of things that I like in the chapter obviously, but I find the beginning a tad cheesy and then at the part with Betty’s and Jughead’s date I believe that I just ramble on and on with no purpose whatsoever. I was very inspiration-deprived while working on that chapter so, to me at least, it feels like not my best work.
20. Favorite plot point/chapter/moment you’ve written?
Jughead raised as a Serpent in my latest fic. I like the dynamic the gang element gives to his character and I really wanted to explore it in my own little universe. It just adds another layer to his personality and diverse characters are always the most fun to work with. Also, #GirlNextDoor was very fun to write. Being in Jughead’s shoes as an accomplished writer and envisioning future Bughead in their own adult apartment had me overwhelmed with lovely feelings.
21. Favorite character to write?
Jughead, for sure. Maybe because I relate more to his quite nature or maybe it’s the fact that I appreciate the writer in him and his old soul, which are again qualities that I have too as a person. He has so much potential as a character, so many layers to peel off. Yeah, Jughead Jones is a delight for me to write.
22. Favorite line or lines of dialogue that you've written?
I don’t think I have something specific in mind. If I go back and read any of my stories, I always find something that I feel pretty confident about, either that’s a sentence or a whole paragraph. I guess that’s why it takes me so long to update; I always check and double-check and reread and erase and add until I feel positive that what I’m putting out is something I’m quite satisfied to present to all of you. That and the fact that me, a Victor Hugo wannabe, doesn’t know the usage and the importance of a full stop!
23. Best comment/review you’ve ever received?
Every single one. Literally. The fact that somebody takes the time to write even a single “great work” means the world. Yes, the long, commentary-like reviews are always an extra delight; every author would agree on that, because, we love receiving feedback that shows the emotion and the reaction our words brought to each reader. It’s very direct and on-point. But even just a thumb’s up or an incoherent array of vowels can literally make my day!
24. How do you handle bad reviews or comments?
I’m one of the fortunate ones that never got any bad reviews or hate comments. I hope it stays that way because, on a good day, my confidence as a writer (and as a person in general) is beneath zero! But constructive criticism is always welcomed and wanted.
25. If you could change anything in any of your stories, what would it be?
The occasional typos! They drive me nuts, I hate them and I hate myself for them. Also, I’d like to remind myself to put a damn full stop every once in a while, not only a plethora of commas in insanely long sentences!
26. What is your favorite story you’ve ever written? Any fandom?
I was very into Spaleb (Spencer and Caleb from Pretty Little Liars) for as much as it lasted and, amongst a few other stories, I’ve written an one-shot titled The First Cup of Coffee about the four times Spencer gets the first cup of coffee in the morning and a fifth that she realizes she wants Caleb to have that privilege. Basically, it’s five snapshots of their life together and the growth of their relationship through the years and I really enjoyed writing it and generally envisioning a future about that couple. I also had a great time writing about Klaus and Caroline from The Vampire Diaries. But none of my previous fanfiction experiences amounts to the utter excitement and joy writing for Bughead fills me with.
27. What are you reading right now? Both fan fiction and general fiction?
Fanfiction wise, I need a lot of catching up to do. I have so many fics that I either want to continue or start reading and so little time but I’m getting there. It’s personal at this point! As for general fiction, I’m reading Uncle Vanya by Chekhov and some various poetry.
28. Do you have an advice for writers that want to get into this fandom but might be scared?
Just write. Open a plain document and write. Write whatever you have in that brilliant head of yours, write what you would read if you were about to search between genres and plotlines. Don’t think about note numbers or people’s reaction; just write what your heart desires and your muse urges you too. If you enjoy what you write then, trust me, everyone is going to enjoy it too. Don’t doubt yourself and don’t try to change your style or adjust to any norms you might consider as successful. Writing is personal, a kind of identity, and it’s unique and mesmerizing so proudly present your own identity to the world. Also, be sure to support your fellow writers. We are all a team here, a group of people that enjoy the same passion, and love and recognition is always a must. So applaud your fellow Buggies and applaud yourself for everything that you put out in this fandom, either that is a 40k fic or just a fifty-word paragraph. What you write matters and it might change somebody’s day. So share it and never second-guess yourself.
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